The MOTA: Part 2

We’re all living in a false narrative.  There’s one major problem.  

No one can tell you what the narrative is. 

It’s a game.

It is the game.

I didn’t know what to do.  Some of my world view had crumbled in front of my very eyes. I still had no direction.  My roommate just decided to up and leave and I couldn’t afford the apartment on my own.  This world is too expensive for a person on their own with no marketable skills.  I moved in with my parents with a rent arrangement. 

Beaten, broken, emasculated and feeling pretty low. I began to assess my situation.  I basically make minimum wage with no real marketable skills.  I’m not a people person and get frustrated easily.  Not in the greatest of health and to top it all off I might be a crazy person. I can type pretty well and I loved movies and video in particular.  I GOT IT! I was going to make YouTube videos about a game I was playing and show people neat new things in the game they had never seen and I would monetize it. So I played games for a month and didn’t stress out about my situation.  There’s even five videos that I posted.  

In the back ground my brain was working on something bigger.  I had questions.

Finally, real questions.  

Why are they lying?  

When did they start? 

Who is telling the truth? 

Is anyone telling the truth? 

Does everyone have an agenda? 

Why am I being called a racist every day? 

Who is calling me the racist?  

While contemplating these questions and more I ran across a couple different things.  One was an article titled ‘80% of people never make it past the headline’ and of course I read the article, because it basically dares you not to.  Made me chuckle at its simplicity.  The second, I was looking up articles using a website that shows articles based on a snapshot in time.  You can pick any date at time after a certain date and it will show you a selection of articles from different sources. 

While playing the game and watching videos from others I realized that I did not play the game the same way others did.  I found some loopholes and organized them in a different way.  The process of putting the things in proper order relaxed me in a way.  I started to ask myself how I could use these things. I wanted to look at the big picture. The supposed reality of what is.

Finally, on September 23, 2019, at around 0015, while I was driving home from work it happened. I was just coming up to Daybreak Park and I was shown the Ministry of Truth Archive.  When I say shown, it was as if the clouds parted and I was given instructions for how it would be formatted, what it would be called, along with a myriad of other tiny details.  Initially, I thought I would just cover the Trump years to the present day and see where that took me.  The concept at that instant was exceedingly simple.  Take a snapshot of every day during the Trump presidency and organize it by network chronologically with just one headline a day.  Once you could separate it by network you could see what sides they typically take and the agendas that they are pushing.  This format, I surmised, would show me, without extra clutter, what the major storylines are, where their bias’ lay, and compress things enough that when an event would have a follow up it would be simpler to remember.  

I got to work right away.  I had a bunch of notebooks. I picked a bunch of news sources and started transcribing headlines directly from the websites.  I started to backfill 2015-2019 for about 5-10 hours a day for the next six months.  It was a laborious process.  I thought I would be lucky to find enough to make something the size of a decent book.  I thought it would go much faster. It was a lot more work than I had imagined.  I was teaching myself modern history.

During this process I started having conversations with whoever or whatever it was.  Maybe it’s just my brain doing very complicated reasoning or maybe it’s another telepathing force.  I’m willing to entertain the idea of it being God.  Honestly, I’m not even sure it’s a detail worth getting hung up on. I do think that this entire project is something that was gifted to me by an outside force and it doesn’t even feel real that I am the custodian of this powerful piece of work.

How powerful you ask?

This Death Star of information isn’t even operational yet.

(To be continued)

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