2015: THE ATLANTIC (131)


Mario Cuomo, a Thinker in Public

Democrats’ Narrow Path Back to Controlling the Senate

The Secrets of the Toxic Disco Clam

Europe Is Under Siege

Nigeria’s Horror in Paris’s Shadow

The Genius of Obama’s Two-Year College Proposal

Not Everyone’s Internal Clock Is Set for the 9-to-5

French Prime Minister: ‘I Refuse to Use This Term Islamophobia’

Obama Will Focus on Wealth Inequality — Not Just Income

The Debt-Free State of the Union

Will Democrats Spoil Obama’s Trade Initiatives?

Would a U.S. Strike Against Iran Actually Work?

Israeli Ambassador: Netanyahu Never Meant to Disrespect Obama

The Republican Congress Meets Reality


Stripping a Professor of Tenure Over a Blog Post

Exit Jon Stewart

What Did Obama Really Say About the Crusades?

What ISIS Really Wants

The Danger of Being Neighborly Without a Permit

Netanyahu Invites Arab Diplomats to His Big Speech — and Gets Rejected

Does Hillary Clinton Have Anything to Say?


Danger Ahead for Obama on Iran

The Mystery of the Netanyahu Disaster, and a Possible Explanation

The Gangsters of Ferguson

Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?

Welfare Makes America More Entrepreneurial

Rick Perry, American Caudillo

Harry Reid Goes Down Fighting

What to Worry About in an Iran Nuclear Deal

How Red States Learned to Love the Gas Tax


The Next Steps in the Battle Over Religious-Freedom Laws

Why Can’t the Left Unseat Rahm Emanuel?

The Abuse of Satire

Tom Cotton: Obama’s Iran Deal May Lead to Nuclear War

Nonviolence as Compliance

The Strange Charisma of John Kasich


Americans Need Jobs, Not Populism

Mystery Planes in the Skies Above Baltimore

What Republicans Can Learn From British Conservatives

Two Sisters, Two Views of Gay Marriage

American Religion: Complicated, Not Dead

The Execution of Clayton Lockett

The Final Posts of a Murdered Blogger

Why Iraq’s Military Has No Will to Fight

A Brief History of the Wristwatch


Why Has America Stopped Winning Wars?

The TSA Doesn’t Work — and Never Has

Why It Pays to Be a Jerk

McKinney, Texas, and the Racial History of American Swimming Pools

Is Obama Trying to Sway the Supreme Court?

The Try-Hard Generation

Why Americans Are Turning Against Free Trade

Hillary Clinton’s Fainthearted Populism

Take Down the Confederate Flag — Now

What This Cruel War Was Over

Republicans Should Reform Obamacare, Not Repeal It


Richard Nixon Was Not Misunderstood

China’s Unsettling Stock Market Collapse

Why Won’t Hillary Clinton Talk to Reporters?

When You Give a Tree an Email Address

‘There’s an Awakening in Our Country’: A Q&A With Jimmy Carter

The Single Most Important Question to Ask About the Iran Deal

Why It’s Hard for the GOP to Discredit Donald Trump

A World Without Work

Closing Europe’s Harbors

White Flight Never Ended


Prince Edward County’s Long Shadow of Segregation

The Freakishness of Christianity

Kerry Warns Congress About Risk of ‘Screwing’ the Ayatollah

Whose Party Is It, Anyway?

“The Republican Party Created Donald Trump”

The Coddling of the American Mind

A Better Deal With Iran Is Possible

How Literature Inspires Empathy

The Unlikely Reanimation of H.P. Lovecraft

A Trump-Inspired Hate Crime in Boston

Maybe This Time Really Is Different — Historical context is a great asset.

Can the Republican Party Survive Trump?

Should Jeb Bush Go After Trump?


Mt. McKinley Owes Its name to an Epic Act of Trolling

Why Do Evangelicals Support Donald Trump?

The Coddling of the American Mind

Are Super PACs Hurting Their Candidates More Than Helping?

Making One of the Most Brutal Jobs a Little Less Brutal

The Intersection of Faith and Politics

Why Non-Voters Matter

Who Won the Second Republican Presidential Debate?

Race Is Always the Issue

First Wave at Omaha Beach

The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration

How GOP Radicals Made the Speakership Unappealing

Pope Francis Met With Kim Davis: What Does It Mean?


The Breakdown of the Black Family

Black Americans Would Have Been Better Off Renting Than Buying

Amateurs in the Oval Office

‘We Need an Energy Miracle’

So Long Bobby Jindal?

The Paranoid, Supremacist Roots of the Stabbing Intifada

Americans Are More Afraid of Robots Than Death

Where Is Ben Carson’s Money Going?


Where Can Queer Muslims Go to Pray?

The Republicans Debate Their Debates

How Bathroom Fears Conquered Transgender Rights in Houston

What Happened in Kunduz?

How Ben Carson and Marco Rubio Outfoxed the Media

A Six-Figure Settlement on Campus Free Speech

When Minorities Demand Equal Respect

ISIS Is Not Waging a War Against Western Civilization

The Empathy Gap Between Paris and Beirut

The Silicon Valley Suicides

The Illiberal Demands of the Amherst Uprising

The Accounting Rules That Bankrupt Cities

Brown University’s $100 Million Inclusivity Plan

The Chicago Protests Aren’t Just About Laquan McDonald

Video Is Never Enough

The Racist Legacy of Woodrown Wilson


Prayer Shaming After a Mass Shooting in San Bernardino

Chris Christie: ‘Iran is a Greater Threat Than ISIS’

What the Hell Just Happened on MSNBC and CNN?

How Obama Thinks About Terrorism

Is Affirmative Action Finished?

‘Freedom of Speech Includes the Freedom to Hate’

The Environmental Toll of a Netflix Binge

The New Preschool Is Crushing Kids

What Is America Fighting For?

A Food Fight at Oberlin College

Why America Is Moving Left

Christmas’s War on America

Yes, Virginia, There Is a NORAD

Disappearing Presidential Candidates

The Consequences of California’s Top-Two Primary

News Source: The Atlantic

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