Explosive Emails Add To Pile of Evidence That Trump Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

Pelosi Stops Short Of Threatening Impeachment Delay While Bashing McConnell

Trump Admin Tells Congress That Iran Retaliation Could Come ‘Within Weeks’

Trump Declares His Tweets To Be Official Notice To Congress On Attacks Against Iran

Senate GOP In No Hurry To Hear From Bolton For Impeachment Trial

McConnell Has The Votes To Approve Starting Trial Without Witnesses

‘Insulting’: GOP Senator Calls Trump Admin’s Iran Briefing ‘Worst’ He’s Seen

House Passes War Powers Resolution Curtailing Trump’s Iran Authority

The Many, Many Hats Of Jared Kushner

Report Pokes More Holes In Dubious Claim Soleimani Was Plotting ‘Imminent’ Attack

Trump Sends Cryptic Messages To Iran In Unhinged Early Morning Tweet Screed

Senate GOP Wary Of Voting To Dismiss Impeachment Case Early In Trial

The Candidates’ Best And Worst Moments Of The Iowa Debate

The Biggest Reveals From the Blockbuster Lev Parnas Interview

Parnas Alleges Explosive New Scandal Involving Ukrainian Mobster

Pompeo Finally Promises To Look Into Possible Yovanovitch Surveillance

National Archives Agency Apologizes For Blurring Anti-Trump Signs In Protest Photo

Trump Has Been Following McConnell’s Lead On Impeachment… But Will It Last?

House Dems Say Trump Made ‘Chilling Assertion’ In Senate Summons Response

How The House Made An Impeachment Procedures Debate Also About the Substance

After Banning Evidence, GOP Senators Complain: Dems Talk Too Much!

Senate GOP Is Coming Around To The Idea That What Trump Did Was Okay

Concluding Opening Argument, Schiff Says Trump Is A Threat To The Republic

Democrats Hammer Need For Witnesses After Trump Lawyers Begin Defense

Bolton Book Removal Seems To Sway Some GOP Senators On Witnesses

Trump Legal Team: Even If True, Bolton Claims Are Not Impeachable

GOP Reportedly Does Not Have The Votes To Block Witnesses

Team Trump Trips Over GOP Questions About Facts of the Ukraine Gambit

Alexander’s ‘No’ Almost Guarantees Witness-less Senate Trial


Senate GOP Votes To Short-Circuit Impeachment Trial

Ernst Warns That GOP Could Impeach Biden Over Ukraine If He Wins Election

Trump Flubs Which State Kansas City Chiefs Are In

Massive Vote Tallying Issues Bog Down Iowa Caucuses

Pelosi Rips Up Her Copy Of Trump’s Speech

New Evidence Shows Pressure Campaign Started Earlier With Prior Ukraine Prez

6 Times Trump Went Off The Deep End In His Post-Acquittal Victory Lap

The Playbook: How Each Candidate Approached The New Hampshire Debate

Buttigieg Hits Back At Biden Ad Mocking Mayoral Experience: ‘Speaks More’ To His Standing

4 Key Takeaways From Dems’ Dizzying Pre-NH Primary TV Appearances

Senate GOPers Are Totally Fine With Trump’s ‘Friday Night Massacre’

The Also-Rans: Biden And Warren Battle It Out For 4th And 5th Place In NH

Judge Shuts Down Newly Revealed Stone Demand For Retrial

A Tweet Too Far For Barr

Roger Stone Wants New Trial Amid Presidential Meddling Scandal

Pompeo Had An Undisclosed Meeting With Russian Diplomat At Munich Conference

Here’s How 2020 Dems Spent Their Sunday Piling On Bloomberg

SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Dredge The Swamp

How the Candidates Fared In A Bruising Nevada Debate

DOJ Attorney Walks Back Bill Barr’s Walk Back Of Stone Sentencing Memo

WaPo: US Officials Tell Sanders Russia Is Boosting His Campaign

The Frontrunner: Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses

Biden Ekes Out Second Place Finish In Nevada To Stay In The Hunt

This Provision In Trump’s Infamous NDAs Could Come Back To Haunt Him

Frontrunner Sanders Fields Incoming Fire In Last Debate Before Super Tuesday

Trump Willing To Bend To Congress On Funding Coronavirus Fight

Whistleblower Claims Retaliation After Alleging Reckless Coronavirus Response

Trump Scores Major Win In Fight Over House Subpoena of Don McGahn


Pence Says Claim That Dems Are Politicizing Coronavirus Is ‘Justified’

What Will Pete Do?

What We’re Watching For When The Tuesday Results Roll In

Big Night For Biden Scores Him Narrow Delegate Lead

Warren Not Ready To Endorse After Ending Her 2020 Bid

Why A Judge’s Rebuke of Barr’s Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable

Trump Calls Washington Governor A ‘Snake’ During CDC Visit

Surgeon Gen On Admin’s Coronavirus Rhetoric: ‘Messaging Is Hard’

HHS Chief Says No One Is Minimizing COVID-19

Fox Host Claims Coronavirus Is ‘Another Attempt To Impeach’ Trump In Unhinged Rant

Fauci On Coronavirus Outlook: ‘Things Will Get Worse’

The Bizarre List Of Errors In Trump’s Coronavirus Speech

Donny Come Lately

Trump Says He’s Been Tested For COVID-19

Two ER Doctors Test Positive For COVID-19

SCOTUS Postpones Hearings 

Mnuchin Floats Sending Checks to Americans ‘Immediately’

What Washington Told The Trump Admin About How Bad Its COVID-19 Crisis Is

Trump Presser Goes Off The Rails With Repeated Attacks On Media

Fauci Predicts Americans Will Be Stuck At Home For A Long Time

An Unexpected COVID-19 Hotspot Emerges In The Colorado Rockies

Romney Expresses Sens’ Concerns After Paul Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Fauci Opens Up On Battle Against Trump’s COVID-19 Nonsense

Here Are The Pundits And Pols Willing To Trade COVID-19 Deaths For Economic Gains

Trump Cheers Romney Testing Negative For Coronavirus

Med Schools Plan Early Graduations To Rush Students To COVID Frontlines

Trump Yells For Companies To Produce Ventilators While Dithering On Specifics

Trump Wants His Signature On Direct Payment Checks From COVID-19 Package

Birx Urges All Metro Areas To Prepare For New York-Like Coronavirus Outbreak

Trump Moves COVID-19 Goalposts To Staggering New Figure

NYC First Responders Get Much-Needed Backup From Federal Government


Inside Louisiana’s Desperate Search For Ventilators

Echoing Trump, GA House Speaker Says The Quiet Part Out Loud On Voting

MSNBC Host Calls Out Rubio On Media-Bashing Tweet

In Late Night Retribution, Trump Boots IG Who Alerted Congress To Whistleblower Complaint

Fauci: ‘False Statement’ To Say COVID-19 Outbreak Is Under Control

Acting Navy Secretary Rails Against Captain He Fired For Being ‘Too Stupid’

Trump’s War On IGs

Fox News Hosts Are Eager To Claim COVID-19 Victory

Trump Admin’s Petty War Against CNN Takes A New Turn

Ammon Bundy And His Outlaw COVID Crew Are Hosting An Easter Potluck

World Health Org. Investigating Cases Of Cured COVID-19 Patients Testing Positive Again

WHO Special Envoy: Covid-19 Will ‘Stalk Human Race’ For A Long Time

Uh Oh, The White House Just Gave Dr. Fauci A Vote Of Confidence

Republicans Dismiss Trump’s Claim Of ‘Total’ Authority To Reopen The Economy

Trump Gets Shredded For Sticking His Name On Taxpayer-Funded Relief Checks

PA Republicans Attempt To Reopen Businesses Over Governors’ Order

Trump Fires Off Calls To ‘LIBERATE’ States Amid Stay-At-Home Protests

Trump Hotels Aren’t Housing Healthcare Workers Amid Pandemic

Pence Deflects When Pressed On Trump’s ‘LIBERATE’ Tweets

VA GOP Goes Full Trump, Says COVID-19 Rules Are ‘Not About Your Health’

MD Governor Befuddled By Trump’s Anger Over Guv’s Wife Obtaining Test Kits

WI GOPers Sue Top Health Officials For Extending Stay-At-Home Order

After Guv’s Warning, Official Calls To Rescind Motion Defying Stay-At-Home Order

Trump Defenders Scramble To Explain POTUS’ COVID Quackery

White House Adviser Got ‘Special Deal’ Haircut to Look Good On Fox News

The Many Potential Consequences Of A Delayed Census During Coronavirus

Kelli Ward Urges ‘Reopen’ Protesters To Masquerade As Health Care Workers

Merrick Garland Successfully Trolls DOJ On Presidential Powers

Jared Kushner: We’re Doing Amazing With This Pandemic!

Fox Host Shuts Down Her Colleague’s Complaints About Stay At Home Orders


Trying To Email Chloroquine Advocate, Corsy Accidentally Tips Off Ex-Mueller Prosecutor

WH Won’t Allow Fauci To Testify In Front Of House

Inside The County With The Highest Rate Of COVID Cases On The West Coast

COVID Deaths Projected To Increase To 3,000 Per Day By June 1

Justice Compares WI COVID Shutdown Order To Internment Of Japanese-Americans

Trump’s DOJ Finds An ‘Ironic’ Hook FOR Pandemic Anti-Lockdown Crusade

Military Bans COVID Survivors From Enlisting

COVID Cases At Reopened Tyson Meat Plant Double To More Than 1,000

Ivanka Trump’s Personal Assistant Tests Positive For COVID-19

Fauci And Other Top Health Officials Will Quarantine After COVID Exposure

Trump Demands FCC Censor NBC And Chuck Todd After Host Criticizes Barr

SCOTUS Homes In On Whether House Has ‘Limitless’ Power To Subpoena Prez’ Private Docs

What We Now Know About Curious New Developments In The Flynn Case

Whistleblower Pours Cold Water On Hope For A Quick COVID Vaccine

COVID Is Spreading Deeper Into Areas With High Trump Support

Two Coasts. One Virus.

‘COVID Toes’ Emerge As New Rare Sign Of Virus Infections

Barr Chucks Some Anti-Mueller Red Meat But Distances Himself From ‘Obamagate’

Sherrod Brown Presses Mnuchin: How Many Workers Should Die For The Stock Market?

How Texas Has Taken Its Fight Against Pandemic Absentee Voting To The Next Level

Candidate Tries To Distance Herself From QAnon After Proclaiming She ‘Stands With Q’

Calls Grow To Release Transcript Of Flynn’s Contacts With Russian Ambassador

Sessions Finally Fires Back At Trump: ‘You’re Damn Fortunate’ I Did My Job

Birx Punts To CDC Guidelines When Pressed On Trump’s Demand To Reopen Churches

Protesters Hang Beshear In Effigy Outside Governor’s Mansion

White Woman Who Called Cops On Black Man In Viral Video, Says Her ‘Entire Life Is Being Destroyed’

Grassley Says White House ‘Failed’ To Give Good Reason For IG Firings

‘Beyond The Fkn Pale’

The Bloody History Behind The Quote Trump Used To Threaten MN Protesters

Detroit Teenager Killed By Shots Into Protest Crowd, Police Say

Pelosi Says Taking Trump’s ‘Bait’ Is ‘Just A Gift To Him’ As Protests Escalate


NYPD Sergeants Union Doxxes De Blasio’s Daughter After Her Arrest

‘They Turned Holy Ground Into A Battleground’

Trump Insisted He Fled To WH Bunker Just To ‘Inspect’ It For ‘Tiny Little Short Period Of Time’

Graham Rips Mattis: ‘It Is So Fashionable’ To Blame Trump

Tiny Town In Washington Gets Ramboed Up, Traps Family Over False Antifa Scare

Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chair Privately Reached Out To Dem Leadership This Week

Trump Now Agrees To Withdraw National Guard From DC After Spat With Mayor

Pretty Much No One Thinks It’s A Good Idea For Trump To Give A Speech On Racism And Unity

Seattle Man Who Shot A Protester After Driving Into Crowd Claims Self Defense

Bad News For Flynn

For Obvious Reasons, Twitter Reminds Trump ‘S.S.’ Is Bad Shorthand For Secret Service

Appeals Court Appears Skeptical Of Flynn’s Request That It Intervene Now

Perkins Says She’s ‘Happy’ To Have Another Candidate Who Reads QAnon Posts

Tim Scott: Ending Qualified Immunity In Police Reform Bill Would Be ‘Poison Pill’ For GOPers

Conservatives Flip After Gorsuch, Roberts Help Deliver Huge LGBTQ Win

Police Make Arrests After Motorcycle Gangs Descend On Protesters In Ohio

Flynn Rages At Ex-Judge Appointed To Oppose Dismissal Of His Case

Trump Explodes Over Supreme Court Rulings: ‘Shotgun Blasts’ To GOPers

‘The Horse Seems To Be Out Of The Barn’

Judge Rejects DOJ’s Emergency Request To Halt Bolton Book Release

WH Official: Trump Was Just Joking About Stifling COVID Testing!

Trump Says His Niece Is ‘Not Allowed’ To Publish Her Unflattering Book About Him

Feds About To Bail On Supporting COVID Testing Sites In Texas And Other States

Roger Stone’s Prosecutor Testified On Politicization At DOJ

Cuomo Rips DeSantis On COVID-19 Spike: ‘You Played Politics With This Virus And You Lost’

Trump Downplays COVID-19 Devastation As An ‘Artificial Problem’

Barr Joins Trump Effort To Will Antifa Into Existence With New Task Force

Tim Scott: Trump Retweet Of Supporter Chanting ‘White Power’ Is ‘Indefensible’

Trump Now Claiming Intel Community Did Not Find Russia-Taliban Reports To Be Credible

These Optimistic COVID-19 ‘Reopening’ Takes Didn’t Age Well


The ‘QAnon Caucus’?

‘Nothing Is Normal Here’

Mary Trump Says Family Settlement Agreement Based On ‘Fraudulent’ Valuations

Trump Makes Appeal To Whites In Rant Against ‘Far-Left Fascism’ At Mount Rushmore

Trump Buries Head In Sand, Again Blames… Tests For Showing Rise In COVID Cases

Texas Mayors Hit Back At Trump’s Claim That 99% Of COVID-19 Cases Are ‘Harmless’

Stone Shares a ‘300’ Meme To Again Attack Judge, Prove His Loyalty

Trump’s Bogus Claim About Our ‘Lowest Mortality Rate’ Is Part Of A Pattern

As COVID Surges Again Experts Forecast Hundreds Of Thousands More US Deaths

Flynn Judge Asks DC Circuit To Rehear Demand That He Dismiss Flynn’s Case

Coverup Complete!

Trump Campaign Mocked For Citing Weather As Reason to Cancel NH Rally

Local Officials Aren’t Itching To Reopen Schools Even After Trump’s Threat To Do So

RNC Spokesperson Deletes Bizarre Tweet Attacking Biden Family Photo

Mary Trump Calls President Trump’s Leadership ‘Dangerous’

Fauci Says WH Effort To Discredit Him Is ‘Major Mistake’ That ‘Ultimately Hurts’ Trump

SCOTUS Allows FL Ex-Felon Voter Restrictions Struck Down By Judge To Be Reinstated

Civil Rights Icon And Longtime Congressman John Lewis Dies At 80

Trump Admin Seeking To Block Funding For Testing, Contact Tracing And CDC

5 Takeaways From Trump’s Lengthy Off-the-Rails Interview On Fox News

What We Know About Federal Goon Squad Descending On Portland – and Maybe Your City

Trump Goes All In On Rigging The System To Advance White Rural Political Power

The Top Wildly Misleading Criticisms Of Dr. Fauci, Debunked

Trump Dumps Jacksonville As RNC Host: ‘We’ll Have A Very Nice Something’

The Wired-Up Political Consultant Who Brought Down Ohio’s Speaker

Oregon AG Warns Of Portland’s Cautionary Tale: ‘It Could Be Happening In Your City Next’

Cotton’s Office Denies He Believes Slavery Was A ‘Necessary Evil’ After Backlash Over Remark

READ: Trump Files New Complaint In Bid To Delay NY Criminal Probe

‘Nobody Likes Me’: Trump Laments That He’s Less Popular Than Fauci And Birx

Trump Has Back-Up Plan For Rigging Census To Screw Over Immigrant-Rich States

Trump Doubles Down On Bogus Argument For Delaying The Elections


Trump Admins Sidelines CDC To Give Pentagon ‘Unprecedented’ Role In Vaccine Distribution

GOP Convention Bars Journalists For The First Time Ever

‘Extraordinarily Widespread’

HHS’ Last Minute Order To Hospitals On COVID Data Created Weeks Of Chaos

FDA Advisory Committee Member Worries Admin Might Rush Vaccine For Political Ends

Pompeo Brushes Off IG Resignation In Speedy Presser: ‘This Happens’

History Is Waving A Big Red Flag As Negotiators Hit Stalemate

DNI Warns For the First Time That Russia Wants To Damage Biden In The 2020 Election

Trump Signs Flurry Of Executive Orders With Lowered Weekly Unemployment Benefit

4 Ways Pelosi And Schumer Swiftly Ripped Into Trumps’ Flurry of Executive Actions

Trump To Vance: I Would Prefer A Civil, Not Criminal Subpoena


Behind The New Brouhaha Over USPS And The Cost Of Mailing Ballots

Five Points On Scott Atlas, Trump’s Favorite New COVID Source

USPS Watchdog Probing Changes At Postal Service, Postmaster’s Ethics

Newsweek Editors Finally Apologize Under Pressure For Racist Birther Op-Ed About Kamala Harris

Dems Signal Willingness To Cut Recess Short To Fight Trump’s Crusade Against Mail-In Voting

‘It Is What It Is’: Michelle Obama Borrows Line From Trump To Hammer Him

Sea To Shining Sea: A Roll Call Road Trip

A Tribute To The Power Of Democratic Women

An ‘Ally Of The Light’ Makes His Case

How Prepared Is Your State For the Pandemic Election?

Trump Baselessly Accuses ‘Deep State’ Of Delaying Trials For COVID Vaccine

Trump Admin And Camp Continue Distancing Themselves From Bannon’s Border Wall Scheme

Apocalypse Now

The Gov’t Belongs To Us!

Shock And Yawn

Trump Tries To Paint Biden As China’s Choice In Conspiratorial RNC Speech

This Is What It Looks Like: Trump Leverages Fight Against COVID For His Reelection

Kanye West Wisconsin Ballot Lawsuit Linked To Firm Of Former RNC Chief Counsel

GOPers Punt To Blaming Local Officials As Trump Praises Supporters In Portland Clash


Trump & Co. Gleefully Twist Stat To Artificially Lessen COVID Death Count

Trump Gives Conflicting Reason For Hospital Visit As His Meltdown Over Stroke-Gate Continues

WH Defends Trump’s Call For Supporters To Try To Vote Twice. NC Says Not So Fast.

Of Course He Did It

Trump Still Won’t Condemn Navalny’s Poisoning

VA Secretary Swats Down Report On Trump Calling Fallen Soldiers ‘Losers’

WH Interviewing Potential Esper Replacements In Case Trump Boots Pentagon Chief

When You Can’t Trust The CDC: Red And Blue States Alike Flee Trump COVID Response

AS COVID Surged Across U.S., Trump Admitted To ‘Playing It Down’

Judge Rejects Trump Admin Plea That It Can’t Possibly Explain Its Census Decision By Next Week

‘I Love This Guy’: Trump Eager To talk To Woodward For Validation Among Washington Elite

CO Sec Of State Says USPS Is Sending Misinfo To Voters

Woodward: Trump ‘Did Not Understand’ Public As He Downplayed COVID-19 Threat

Here Are The High Profile Figures Joining Biden’s Election Protection Team

DOJ Opens Criminal Investigation Into John Bolton’s Book

‘Just A Firehose Of Lying’: Trump’s Town Hall Widely Roasted As A Train Wreck

Trump Ramps Up His Election Delegitimization Crusade

Trump Admin Reverses Politicized Testing Guidance After Interference Exposed

Trump Suggests He Will Move On Supreme Court Nomination ‘Without Delay’

Murkowski Becomes Second GOPer To Oppose SCOTUS Vote Before Nov.

CDC Abruptly Yanks Long-Awaited Guidance That COVID Spreads Via Air

What Happens When John Roberts Can’t Be The Swing Vote Who Moderates The Court?

Ron John Expends Remaining Dignity On Rehash Of Bogus, tired Biden Allegations

WH Vows Trump Will Accept Election Results… Under One Condition

Report: Pentagon Brass Privately Discussing What To Do If Trump Invokes Insurrection Act

How The Right Branded A Mock Election Exercise As A Dry Run For A Lefty Coup

Tom Cotton Predicts There Will Be A Peaceful Transfer Of Power… In 2025

NBC: Everything Trump’s COVID Adviser Says Is False, Proclaims CDC Director

Flynn’s Lawyer Reveals That She Personally Updated Trump About Flynn’s Case

Trump Entered Fugue State In Debate Whenever COVID Came Up


Trump Baffled That His Racist Screeds Aren’t Scaring Suburban Women Into Backing Him

House Opens Probe Of ‘Dangerous’ HHS Rapid Test Deployment After TPM Report

WH Doctor Shifts Story On Trump’s COVID Diagnosis During Evasive Briefing

Doctors Say Trump Could Return To WH On Monday, But Leave Many Questions Unanswered

Trump Camp Knocks Biden For NOT Having Covid

To Military Brass Quarantine As Trumpworld COVID Outbreak Spreads

WH Doc Quotes Trump Singing A Happy Tune On His COVID Recovery

Feds Thwart Alleged Militia Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor

Trump Wants To Do COVID Stimulus Again! No He Doesn’t. Yes He Does!

Trump Has Yet To Publicly Confirm A Negative COVID Test

Trump Campaigns Off Of Vague WH Doctor Memo To Absurdly Claim Immunity

Republicans Quote RBG To Justify Ramming Through Barrett’s Confirmation

Barrett Hearings Day 2: Graham Uses Hearing To Sneak In Some Campaigning

Senators Get Second Bit At The Apple During Day 2 Of Barrett Questioning

Trump Once Again Lashes Out At Michigan Governor In Wake Of Thwarted Plot Against Her

Here’s Where Trump Got His Latest Dumb Anti-Mask Talking Point

Ross Commits To Protocols That Make It Harder For Trump To Monkey With Census

SCOTUS Set To Weigh Trump Census Power Before Inauguration

Report: Birx Confronted Pence About Atlas And Pushed For His Removal From COVID Task Force

5 Points On PA Voting Rights Win That’s Stoking Long Term Fears About SCOTUS And Elections

‘Bold Strategy’: Trump Telling PA Rallygoers He Didn’t Really Want To Be There Raises Eyebrows

CBS Fires Back At Trump After He Whines About ’60 Minutes’ Interview

‘How Are You Still Doing This?’: Pundits Roasted For Praising Trump As Newly Tamed

GOP Pollster Laments His Profession Is ‘Finished’ If They’re Wrong About 2020

Trumpworld Boosts Pences’ ‘Essential Worker’ Excuse Amid Aides Contracting COVID

‘Racist Garbage’: Kushner Roasted After Jaw-Dropping Advice For Black People

Trump’s Justices Have Finally Spelled Out Their Hardcore Approaches To Election Disputes

5 Points Of What To Make Of The Insane Early Voting Numbers We’re Seeing

Trump Rushes McSally At AZ Rally: ‘They Don’t Want To Hear This, Martha’

How A Last-Minute Appeals Court Order Has Injected Mass Voter Chaos Into A Swing State

A Nation On Edge


A Tense Two Days Left

Federal Judge Rejects GOP Attack On 125,000+ Drive-Thru Ballots In Houston

Trump Camp Taunts Biden As He Visits Late Son’s Grave On Election Day

Trump Is Already Tweeting New Bogus Claims Of Voter Fraud

Trump Camp Grasps At Straws As Path To Victory Keeps Shrinking

Biden Jumps Ahead In Georgia And Pennsylvania

You’re Fired

The Dead-Enders

Prepare For An Awakening Of The Austerity Alarmists

O’care Defenders Get Signal From Kavanaugh That There’s Fifth Vote To Save The Law

With Sullivan Holding In Alaska, All Dem Senate Hopes Hang On Georgia

Trump Suddenly Decides Race Projections Are Legit After AP Calls Alaska For Him

Trump Campaign Bails On Its Arizona ‘SharpieGate’-Lite Lawsuit

Giuliani Time: Trump Taps Rudy To Lead Legal Challenges That Are Going Nowhere

‘Like Passing A Baton’

Trump Camp Melts Down Over Reports Noting it’s Scaled-Back PA Lawsuit

Rudy Leaps Into Trump Camp’s Off-The-Rails PA Lawsuit Ahead Of Hearing

Cast Not The First Stone

New Delays In Final Stage Of Census Could Foil Trump’s Plan to Rig It

Trump Camp Outraged Georgia Recount Counted The Votes

Blacburn Spox Says GOPer Didn’t Mean To Call Biden President-Elect

Just Days Away…

Trump Lawyer Tries To Toss Out His Own Vote In Wisconsin Recount

Rubio Receives Swift Dunking For Poor Attempt At Painting Biden As An Elitist

GA Secretary Of State: My Family Voted Trump And Was “Thrown Under The Bus”

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Hold Me Closer, Tiny Table

Delusional Trump Will Waste ‘125%’ Of His Energy Into Already Low Energy Lawsuits

The Zaniest Pro-Trump Conspiracists Are Making Life Hard For The GOP In GA


NYT: Giuliani Discussed ‘Preemptive Pardon’ With Trump

Trump Doubles Down On Attacks That Have Inspired Death Threats Against GOP Officials In GA

A Sketchy Trump Appointee At Census Is Involved In Wacky GA Election Lawsuit

Trump Pentagon Nominee Boosted Calls For Martial Law This Week

Trump Shamelessly Attempts To Pressure Georgia Gov To Overturn Election Results

Trump Officials Refuse To Say Biden Won. But WH Press Sec Appears To Have Done So.

Why Georgia Official’s Stacey Abrams-Trump Comparison Is Bogus

How A Lawyer For Eastern European Oligarchs Fueled The Fever Dream Of Election Reversal

Trump DOJ Has Been Investigating Hunter Biden Since 2018

Jerry Falwell Drops Lawsuit Against Liberty University

SCOTUS Shoots Down TX Election Reversal Gambit

‘A Big Disappointment’: Trump Is Still Flirting With The Idea Of Firing Barr

GOPers Won’t Tell Trump to Halt Fizzled Lawsuits Even On Eve Of Electors Sealing Biden’s Win

It’s Good To Be The King’s Lawyer: Giuliani Details ‘Celebrity’ COVID Treatment

Grim Reaper Joins The Living

Ex-Cop Allegedly Held AC Repairman At Gunpoint, Convinced He Was Voter Fraud Kingpin

What Has Happened To The Promised Doses Of The COVID Vaccine?

Unsolved Mystery: Experts Baffled By The Big Shortfall In COVID Vaccine Doses

OWS General Sorry For ‘Miscommunication’ Around Vaccine Dose Shortfall

Biden Health Aide Pours Cold Water On Trump Admin’s Rosy COVID Vaccine Timeline

Dems Brace For GOP Ploy To Pin Under-Planned Vaccine Rollout On Biden

What Biden Can Do With The Vaccine Rollout Mess Trump Is Dropping Into His Lap

Jail Break!

Twenty Years, Twenty Tales

Trump Fiddles As Unemployment Benefits Are About To Expire For Millions

Unemployment Benefits Run Dry For Millions As Trump Turns On COVID Deal

Operation Warps Speed Set To Miss Initials COVID Vaccine Distribution Goals

Trump: Vaccine Distribution Is The Sates’ Problem, Not Mine!

Trump Admin Releases Final 2020 Vaccine Distribution Total

Graham Urges McConnell To Hold Stand-Alone Vote On $2K Relief Checks In New Congress

News Source: Talking Points Memo

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