The Champions of the 401(k) Lament the Revolution They Started

Finale — Parting thoughts on journalism, authority and the Trump era

Trump Attacks of U.S. Intelligence on Russia Unnerve Lawmakers

Billionaire George Soros Lost Nearly $1 Billion in Weeks After Trump Election

Trump Open to Shift on Russia Sanctions, ‘One China’ Policy

More Democratic Legislators Plan on Sitting Out Trump’s Swearing-In

CIA Director John Brennan Rejects Donald Trump’s Criticism

U.S. Eyes Michael Flynn’s Links to Russia

Health Secretary Nominee Tom Price Proposed Bill Benefiting His Puerto Rico Investments

North Korean Defector Says Kim Jong Un Can’t Last

Trump’s Little Mexican War

Trump’s First Week: Governing Without a Script

Trump Visa Ban Also Applies to Citizens With Dual Nationality, State Department Says


Donald Trump Plans to Undo Dodd-Frank Law, Fiduciary Rule

Trump’s First Weeks Leave Washington — and the White House Staff — Panting

Few Recall Gorsuch’s Volunteer Work at Harvard

Conservative Republicans Double Down on Push to Repeal Obamacare

Internal Nordstrom Data Show Sales Decline for Ivanka Trump Brand

Mike Flynn’s Position Grows Tenuous in White House

Disney Severs Ties With YouTube Star PewDiePie After Anti-Semitic Posts

Mike Flynn Is First Casualty of Turmoil in Trump Administration

Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump

Jared Kushner Delivers Critique of CNN to Time Warner Executive

Trump and Candidates for National Security Adviser Spar Over Staffing

Justin Amash Emerges as Leading Critic of Fellow Republican Donald Trump

Stop Chuck Todd Before He Tweets Again

John McCain Makes Secret Trip to Syria in Midst of U.S. Assessment

Kim Jong Nam Killed With U.N.-Banned VX Nerve Agent, Malaysia Says

Donald Trump Rejects Intelligence Report on Travel Ban

GOP’s New Plan to Repeal Obamacare: Dare Fellow Republicans to Block Effort

PwC Partner at Oscars Tweeted Backstage Minutes Before Best Picture Mix-Up


Investigators Probed Jeff Sessions’ Contacts With Russian Officials

Jeff Sessions Used Political Funds for Republican Convention Expenses

The Mob at Middlebury

Trump Faces Furor Over Unsubstantiated Claim Obama Wiretapped Him

The Health Bill You’ve Waited For

Rapport Between Donald Trump, Barack Obama Crumbles

Anthony Scaramucci Loses White House Communications Post

Preet Bharara’s Probes Likely to Continue After His Exit

Trump Gave CIA Power to Launch Drone Strikes

GOP Senators Say House Health Bill Won’t Pass Without Changes

Three Criteria for Health Reform

Mike Flynn Didn’t Report 2014 Interaction With Russian-British National

Bidding Process for U.S. Border-Wall Construction Begins

New York Attorney General Steps Up Scrutiny of White House

Saudi Arabia’s Oil Supremacy Falters

A President’s Credibility

Death Rates Rise for Wide Swath of White Adults, Study Finds

Did Obama Abuse Raw Intelligence?

The ObamaCare Republicans

With GOP Plan Dead, Trump Eyes Other Ways to Reshape Health Care

The Tax Reform Damage

Britain Sets Historic Brexit Process in Motion

Trump Administration Signals It Would Seek Mostly Modest Changes to Nafta

Mike Flynn Offers to Testify in Exchange for Immunity


What Devin Nunes Knows

Jonathan Haidt on the Cultural Roots of Campus Rage

A Lawsuit Accuses Yale of Censoring Even Inoffensive Ideas

Susan Rice Unmasked

House Intel Panel Wants Susan Rice to Testify in Russia Probe

Chicago Mayor Touts New Requirements to Graduate: Proof of a Plan

Donald Trump Considering Major Shake-up of Senior White House Team

Democrats’ Conditions for Tax Overhaul Make Bipartisan Deal Unlikely

Trump Says Dollar ‘Getting Too Strong,’ Won’t Label China a Currency Manipulator

Elizabeth Warren Describes Why She Didn’t Run for White House in New Book

North Korea Parades New Long-Range ‘Frankenmissile’

H-1B Visa Applications Drop

Fox Is Preparing to Cut Ties With Bill O’Reilly

Border Lawmakers Balk at Donald Trump’s Wall Request

Disapproval of President Donald Trump Grows in Latest Poll

Trump Willing to Hold Off on Border-Wall Funding

Pentagon Opens Probe Into Michael Flynn’s Foreign Payments

Trump Says Nafta Partners Persuaded Him to Keep U.S. in Trade Pact

National Security Chief Tells South Korea U.S. Will Pay for Defense System


Apples’s Cash Hoard Set to Top $250 Billion

GOP’s Health-Bill Woes Show New Power of Party’s Centrist Wing

Little-Noted Provision of GOP Health Bill Could Alter Employer Plans

Scope of Federal Probe into Fox News Broadens

How to Raise an American Adult

Moon Jae-in Poised to Win South Korean Presidency, Exit Polls Show

Before James Comey’s Dismissal, a Growing Frustration at White House

As the FBI Reels, Candidates Emerge to Run Agency

Why James Comey Had to Go

Former Trump Adviser Paul Manafort’s Bank Records Sought in Probe

Former Employees of Donald Trump Say They Saw Him Tape Conversations

Rosenstein’s Compelling Case Against Comey

Trump Shared Intelligence Secrets With Russians in Oval Office Meeting

Russian State-Run Bank Financed Deal Involving Trump Hotel Partner

Israeli Source Seen as Key to Countering Islamic State Threat

Fired FBI Director James Comey to Testify in Public

Moody’s Cuts Its China Rating for the First Time Since 1989

Trump Pushing Big White House Changes as Russia Crisis Grows

GOP’s Proposed Tax Changes Are No Match for Status Quo

The Fourth Circuit Joins the ‘Resistance’

The Campus Mob Came for Me — and You, Professor, Could Be Next


Samantha Power Unmasked

Republican Senator Says Deal on Health Care Unlikely This Year

GOP Leaders to Present Senate Republicans With Proposals to Shape Health-Care Bill

Trump Taps Former Assistant Attorney General as New FBI Chief

RNC to Lead Trump’s Offensive Against Comey

James Comey’s Passion Play

J.P. Morgan Removes NBC News Ads Over Megyn Kelly Interview with Alex Jones

Mueller Probe Examining Whether Donald Trump Obstructed Justice

Rage Is All the Rage, and It’s Dangerous

Here’s How Pence Could Pay for a Personal Lawyer in Special Counsel Russia Probe

Jared Kushner to Travel to Middle East in Effort to Advance U.S. Peace Efforts

Senate GOP Plans Health-Care Vote Next Week

The Senate’s Health-Care Advance

Facebook Is Going Hollywood, Seeking Scripted TV Programming

Google Slapped with $2.7 Billion EU Fine Over Search Results

ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now

GOP Operative Sought Clinton Emails From Hackers, Implied a Connection to Flynn


GOP Activist Who Sought Clinton Emails Cited Trump Campaign Officials

The North Korea Missile Crisis

How Many Jobs Does ObamaCare Kill?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller Taps Broad Range of Talent for Russia Probe

Group Alleges Tom Price Improperly Spent Campaign Funds During Confirmation Fight

The G-20: Another Vacuous Meet-and-Greet

Russian Officials Overheard Discussing Trump Associates Before Campaign Began

Russian Lawyer Who Trump Jr. Met Says She Was in Contact With Top Russian Prosecutor

South Carolina May Prove a Microcosm of U.S. Election Hacking Efforts

Republicans Aren’t Team Players

GOP Senate Leader Mitch-McConnell Abandons Health-Care Bill

The ObamaCare Republicans

Lack of Progress at U.S.-China Talks Raises Stakes for Trump

Special Counsel Investigating Possible Money Laundering by Paul Manafort

Sean Spicer Faced Myriad Obstacles During Dramatic White House Rise and Fall

Jared Kushner Details Russia Meetings, Denies Collusion

Can Republicans Govern? — Some Senators want to talk forever about health care.

Trump Eyes Tax-Code Overhaul, With Emphasis on Middle-Class Break

Senate ‘Skinny’ Repeal Vote Was All About John McCain

Trump Names Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as New Chief of Staff

Donald Trump Deepens GOP Divide


U.S. Attorney Subpoenas Kushner Cos. Over Investment-For-Visa Program

Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Kelly’s Rules for Trump’s West Wing: Stop Bickering, Get in Early, Make an Appointment

Regulators’ Penalties Against Wall Street Are Down Sharply in 2017

The Man Who Wrote Those Password Rules Has a New Tip: N3v$r M1^d!

McMaster and the Commander

Trump’s IRS Swamp

How to Resolve the North Korea Crisis

The Poison of Identity Politics

Apple Readies $1 Billion War Chest for Hollywood Programming

Facebook Shut Down Employee Chat Room Over Harassing Messages

ACLU Will No Longer Defend Hate Groups Protesting With Firearms

The ‘Resistance’ Goes Lower

U.S., Canada and Mexico Wrap Up Nafta First Round

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Is Learning to Walk Again

U.S. Navy to Relieve Admiral of Command After Collisions

White House Sets Rules for Military Transgender Ban

Trump Divorces the GOP Congress

Special Counsel Examines Possible Role Flynn Played in Seeking Clinton Emails From Hackers

House Speaker Paul Ryan Criticizes Donald Trump’s Pardon for Joe Arpaio

Ask Not for Whom The Doorbell Tolls. They Won’t Answer It.

Trump’s Reassuring Hurricane Response

Identity Politics Are Tearing America Apart


Trump Drafted Letter on Why He Wanted Comey Out

U.S.-Backed Syrian Forces Retake Old City of Raqqa

Congress Faces a Tense Agenda, With Little Margin for Error

Political Divisions in U.S. Are Widening, Long-Lasting, Poll Shows

Hundreds of EPA Workers Leave in Recent Days

Uber Faces FBI Probe Over Program Targeting Rival Lyft

Some Trump Lawyers Wanted Kushner Out

Mnuchin: Some Services Companies Won’t Get ‘Pass-Through’ Rate Under Tax Plan

Weiner’s Lawyers Argue Teenager in Sexting Case Targeted Him

Facebook Gave Special Counsel Robert Mueller More Details on Russian Ad Buys Than Congress

Trump Administration Won’t Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal

Interior Report Recommends Cuts or Changes to Seven National Land Monuments

Toys ‘R’ Us, Once a Category Killer, Is Forced Into Bankruptcy

Special Counsel’s Office Interviewed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

Republicans Get One Last Chance on ObamaCare Reform

Trump Administration Finalizes New Restrictions to Replace Travel Ban

Trump Gets Blunt at the United Nations

The Politicization of Everything

Second-Class Puerto Rico

The GOP Loses Again — and Moore

Officials Expressed Concerns White House Counsel Would Quit Over Donald Trump-Jared Kushner Meetings


America Will Return to the Moon — and Go Beyond

Facebook Cut Russia Out of April Report on Election Influence

U.S. Confronts China Over Suspected Cyberattack as Fugitive Guo Wengui Appears in Washington

Trump to Sign Order Easing Health Plan Rules, Official Says

The Truth About Trump and Corker

North Korea Suspected of Hacking U.S.-South Korean War Plans

Weinstein Co. Exploring Sale or Shutdown

The ‘Resistance’ vs. George Washington

McCain Joins Push for Disclosure About Political Ads on Social Media

The Fusion Collusion

How the GOP Tax Bill Could Squeeze Your 401(k)

House Panel to Interview Trump Campaign Digital Director Brad Parscale

Sony’s Pet Project, a New Robot Dog, to Be Unleashed Soon

The FBI’s Political Meddling

Trump-Linked Company Reached out to WikiLeaks on Hacked Emails

The Coming Russia Bombshells

First Charges Filed in Russia Probe Led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller

Trump’s Approval Rating Falls to Lowest Level Since Taking Office

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Charged in Russia Probe

The Manafort Indictment


Disclosure of Papadopoulos’s Email Hunt Sheds Light on Quest for Clinton ‘Dirt’

Republicans Stick With Big Corporate Tax Cuts in House Bill

In Brooklyn, Neighbors Cast Cool Eye Over Manafort’s Townhouse

Saudi Princes, Former Ministers Arrested in Apparent Power Consolidation

Russian Twitter Support for Trump Began Right After He Started Campaign

U.S. Allies Fear Trump Will Pull a Nixon in China

The Anti-Trump Wave

Mueller Probes Flynn’s Role in Alleged Plan to Deliver Cleric to Turkey

Snag in Media Merger Stirs Tensions Over Trump-CNN Feud

Polish Nationalist Youth March Draws Thousands in Capital

The ABA Jumps the Shark

NFL Accuses Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones of Damaging the League

Special Counsel Mueller Issued Subpoena for Russia-Related Documents From Trump Campaign Officials

Harvard Faces DOJ Probe Over Affirmative-Action Policies

Special Counsel Mueller Probes Jared Kushner’s Contacts With Foreign Leaders

Mueller Probe Looks at Mike Flynn’s Work on Documentary Targeting Exiled Turkish Cleric

Trump Brings Foreign Policy Back to Earth

Senate Tax Revamp Gains Traction

The Rubio-Schumer Amendment


Sen. Bob Corker Says Tax Bill Will Probably Pass

Trump Finds Loopholes in Chief of Staff’s New Regime

Muller’s Credibility Problem

Team Trump to Slash Budget, Staff at Financial-Data Office

Donald Trump Jr. Refuses to Discuss Father-Son Talk With Investigators

Obstruction of Congress

The Taxman Cometh: Senate Bill’s Marginal Rates Could Top 100% for Some

Is CNN Protecting Adam Schiff?

Alabama Sends a Message

The FBI’s Trump ‘Insurance’

GOP Increases Child Tax Credit in Bid to Satisfy Rubio, Lee

Deutsche Bank Was Asked for Information on Transactions Potentially Linked to Michael Flynn

Voters Increasingly Favor Democrats for Congress, New Poll Shows

Sen. Collins Is Still Reviewing the Tax Bill

What We Know About the Trump Campaign’s Collusion With Russia

Republican Tax Bill Has Grown More Unpopular, Poll Shows

Trump Deputy Chief of Staff to Step Down

Prosecutors Examine Loan Made to Kushner Cos. Before Election

Regulators Propose Rollbacks to Offshore Drilling Safety Measures

Retailers Feel Shoppers’ Christmas Cheer

Many Comments Critical of ‘Fiduciary’ Rule Are Fake

How Ivanka Trump Is a Walking Billboard for Her Namesake Fashion Business

The Modern Campaign-Finance Loophole: Governors Associations

Five Things to Know About the Iranian Protests

News Source: Wall Street Journal

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