2018: POLITICO (344)


No-name congressmen, mayors and wannabes gun for Trump in 2020

Trump suggests Huma Abedin be jailed after State Department email release

Washington’s growing obsession: The 25th Amendment

Trump Got Wolffed

Durbin warns of shutdown over Trump’s immigration demands

Trump: ‘Now I have to put up with a Fake Book’

Two injured in fire at Trump Tower in New York

Republicans: Budget deal prospects are dimming

Judge blocks Trump wind-down of Dreamers program

Trump undercuts White House stance hours before critical surveillance vote

Obama: Presidents need to watch their behavior

Anti-birth control official who led Title X departs HHS

White House scrambles after false missile warning in Hawaii

How Does Obama’s Foreign Policy Look a Year Into Trump?

The Democrat Trumpworld fears most

Bad news for GOP: Mueller probe could collide with midterms

DACA-shutdown talks still stalled after Kelly hits the Hill

Shutdown threat tanks West Wing morale

Inside the frantic 24 hours that led to a shutdown

Welcome to Trump’s whatever shutdown

Democrats balk at McConnell’s shutdown offer

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ‘a Mulligan’ on Life, Stormy Daniels

Trump to Schumer: ‘If there is no wall, there is no DACA’

Bernie Sanders summons team to discuss 2020

An affair with Trump? Nikki Haley on ‘disgusting’ rumors and her rise to a top foreign policy role

Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

Can Joe Kennedy Beat the State of the Union Curse?

Mark Warner: ‘We’ve Had New Information That Raises More Questions’

Ryan urges Republicans to take caution with FBI memo

I’m a Republican. Why Is My Party Gaslighting America?


Trump’s Saturday Night Massacre Is Happening Right Before Our Eyes

Trump rips into Kasich at RNC dinner

Even If You Take the Nunes Memo Seriously, It Makes No Sense

How Twitter Bots and Trump Fans Made #ReleaseTheMemo Go Viral

Massive Pentagon agency lost track of hundreds of millions of dollars

Schiff warns White House against political redactions from Dem memo

Trump allies urge compromise with Mueller

In new statement, Kelly says he was ‘shocked’ by Porter allegations and condemns abuse

Kelly knew before abuse reports that Porter would be denied security clearance

White House lurches into crisis mode, again

Rob Porter Is a National Security Scandal, Too

Rob Porter’s ex-wife says she ‘was floored’ by Trump’s response

Kelly increasingly isolated as Porter scandal rages on

Lawmakers question Trump’s security procedures after Porter resignation

Inside the Senate’s ugly immigration breakdown

Worries about Trump’s legitimacy resurface with Russia indictment

Trump attacks everyone but Russia

Confessions of a Russiagate Skeptic

Mueller charges attorney with making false statements about Rick Gates communications

Billy Graham, influential evangelist and friend to U.S. presidents, dies at 99

Facing jeers and boos, Rubio shifts on guns during tense forum

Despite Trump prediction, NRA says it won’t back raising age limit on assault-style guns

‘This is not normal’: Glitches mar new tax law

Trump urges national unity, investigation of ‘the other side’ amid Russia probe

Kelly and Kushner stuck at an impasse after Trump’s punt on clearance

How Republicans Can Win the Midterms

Kushner loses access to top-secret intelligence


Who would want to be White House communications director, and who is in the running?

Trump ignored ‘bright line’ on discussing Russia with Hicks

Week 41: Mueller’s Digging Picks Up Speed

Trump pokes fun — and makes North Korea news — at Gridiron

Donald Trump’s bubble presidency

Trump touts ‘possible progress’ in talks between North and South Korea

Trump blames past presidents as far back George H.W. Bush for economic woes

Kamala Harris keeps ’em guessing

Elizabeth Warren goes after Kushner Companies loans

Search for Hicks replacement turns into West Wing food fight

Warren worries Kim would ‘take advantage’ of Trump in talks

Schwarzenegger to Sue Big Oil for ‘First Degree Murder’

Trump body man Johnny McEntee leaving White House for campaign

BuzzFeed maneuver could free Stormy Daniels to speak on Trump

Rep. Louise Slaughter dies

Russia expels 23 British diplomats

Gowdy to Trump: ‘When you are innocent… act like it’

Democrats fume over Parscale’s limited answers on Russia digital meddling

Shutdown countdown: Four days, as snow threatens the D.C. region

House leaders’ biggest 2018 fear: The lazy Republican

U.S. busts ‘massive’ Iranian hacking scheme

Trump aides are ‘at their wits’ end

Trump expels 60 Russian intelligence officers

Census to add controversial question on citizenship status

Republicans to push balanced-budget amendment

Ben Shapiro to take his podcast to radio

Russian ambassador says ‘atmosphere in Washington is poison’


China to slap tariffs on 128 U.S. goods

Trump wants to Promote Sinclair? Let Him.

Trump Is Right. It Is the Amazon Washington Post.

Rex Tillerson’s $12 million army of consultants

Lobbyist married to Pruitt’s ex-landlord speaks out as EPA administrator’s trouble deepen

Lobbyist couple had to change the locks on Pruitt

Scott running for Senate in epic showdown with Nelson

Top Trump economic adviser looking for the exits

Ryan rocks Republicans with retirement

Trump’s push to redo $1.3T spending bill he signed sparks GOP revolt

Trump lashes out at Comey as ‘untruthful slime ball’

Trump: ‘Mission Accomplished’ on Syria

‘Spare me’: Tillis draws GOP fire with pro-Mueller push

Hannity’s ethics under fire

Corker: Trump ‘perfectly fine’ with scrapping Iran deal absent a fix

Cohen drops libel suits against BuzzFeed, Fusion GPS

Michael Flynn tests ‘comeback tour’

What Melania Trump Can Learn From Barbara Bush

‘We’ve never seen a campaign start this early, ever’

‘She’s a lucky duck’: GOP implodes again for McCaskill

Trump’s false claims to Comey about Moscow stay could aid Mueller

How the Trump Show Gets Old

Trump: Tester has a ‘big price to pay’ over VA nominee’s withdrawl

Grassley says he wants to release transcripts tied to 2016 Trump Tower meeting

Oppo researcher leaves the White House

Wolf routine stuns White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Pelosi’s giant first quarter


Blankenship slams ‘Cocaine Mitch’ in anti-McConnell ad

The real reason Mueller hasn’t called Ivanka Trump

Trump’s fixers revolt

Trump’s loyal outsiders elbow Kelly out

Trump’s Lawyer Went to the Worst Law School in America

Giuliani: Trump doesn’t have to comply with potential Mueller subpoena

Trump’s GOP ‘warriors’ lead charge against Mueller

Trump grows frustrated with Giuliani as Stormy Daniels drama rages on

Trump ‘unleashes general rage’ in scrapping Iran deal

Trump thanks Kim Jong Un as he welcomes home detainees from North Korea

What State is telling embassies about Jerusalem

Week 51: Avenatti Strips Cohen to His Bare Essentials

Donald Trump’s Mommy Issues

Dozens killed during protests against US Embassy move to Jerusalem

Senate GOP chides Trump over McCain treatment

Top takeaways from a wild primary night

Republicans in the middle of an immigration nightmare

Trump to target Planned Parenthood with new abortion curbs

Melania Trump returns to the White House after hospital treatment

Blankenship to wage third-party bid after losing primary

‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security

Trump says he’s ‘not really sure’ he believes voting in 2018 is as important as it was in 2016

Trump calls off historic meeting with Kim Jong Un

White House advance team still planning to head to Singapore for North Korea summit logistics

Giuliani slams Mueller probe as ‘illegitimate’

Senators to Trump: It’s do-or-die time on DACA

Ross goes from Trump ‘killer’ to ‘past his prime’

‘Murdered’ Russian journalist turns up alive

Trump bends the truth as he tries to beat back Russia probe


‘He Pretty Much Gave In to Whatever They Asked For’

Trump allies gang up on Gowdy

Giuliani: Trump’s team ‘leaning toward’ recommending he not talk with Mueller

Cohn kept the jobs numbers for Trump

Melania Trump emerges at White House after weeks long absence

Ryan backs Gowdy on FBI’s use of informant to contact Trump associates

Gillum failed to disclose more than $400K in mortgage debts

Trump calls celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain’s death ‘very sad’

Trump’s surprise G-7 pitch: ‘We should at least consider no tariffs’

Romney looks to lead GOP’s establishment wing

Inside Obama’s secret meetings with 2020 contenders

Trump strikes a deal with North Korea… What the president said in Singapore

Poll shows Mueller’s public image at all-time low

Supreme Court strikes down law banning political clothing at polls

Trump: I want ‘my people’ to ‘sit up at attention’ like in North Korea

Donald dreams of dictators

Bannon: ‘I couldn’t be prouder’ of Trump

Shell-shocked Democrats regroup in Wisconsin

Ex-CIA engineer charged with massive leak to WikiLeaks

Three fudges and a funeral for eurozone reform

Big day in the House, as Trump’s sway is put up for a test on immigration

Obama to meet with Kenyan and South African leaders

Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America

In Nevada, Trump goes after ‘Wacky Jacky’

Supreme Court won’t hear North Carolina partisan redistricting case for now

Republican tax law hits churches

GOP plans to steamroll Dems on Supreme Court pick

Obama: ‘You are right to be concerned’

‘Nobody in the bullpen’: White House approaches North Korea talks without envoy


Mexican populist Lopez Obrador triumphs in presidential race

How Amy Coney Barrett vaulted onto Trump’s Supreme Court shortlist

‘I would have done something’: Jordan rebuts claims he knew of abuse

Sources: EPA blocks warnings on cancer-causing chemical

New EPA chief in 2016: Trump’s a ‘bully’

Boris Johnson resigns, escalating London conflict over Brexit

How a private meeting with Kennedy helped Trump get to ‘yes’ on Kavanaugh

‘They Will Die in Tallinn’: Estonia Girds for War With Russia

FBI agent Strzok slams chaotic hearing as ‘victory notch in Putin’s belt’

Trump tries to defuse bomb he threw at U.K.’s Theresa May

House conservatives prep push to impeach Rosenstein

Rand Paul on Russian election meddling: ‘We all do it’

FCC sends Sinclair mega-deal to likely doom

Putin tussles with Chris Wallace in Fox interview

Trump’s migrant fiasco diverts millions from health programs

House Republicans defeat attempt to subpoena Trump interpreter

Trump threatens tariffs on all $500 billion worth of Chinese imports

FBI seizes records from Trump lawyer Michael Cohen

Justice Department releases Carter Page surveillance documents

Trump: ‘I gave up nothing’ during Putin meeting

Trump to announce trade aid for farmers

Pelosi’s second-quarter cash haul, and CLP’s big 18 days in August

Putin invites Trump to Moscow for a second meeting

Trump policy shop filters facts to fit his message

Trump tariffs assailed at Koch network gathering

‘Eye-popping’ payouts for CEOs follow Trump’s tax cuts

U.S., Mexico near an autos deal in NAFTA


Poll: Biden leads Trump in early 2020 match-up

Trump mulls a pre-election shutdown with Rush, and a pre-election anti-Pelosi ad

Trump administration tells ACLU to find deported parents

Judge’s ruling invalidates FEC regulation allowing anonymous donations to ‘dark money’ groups

Democrats surging on eve of pivotal special election

Manafort prosecution’s frustration with judge leads to fiery clashes

Republicans’ dueling political pictures

Hope Hicks getting sucked back into Trump’s orbit

Mystery surrounds former sex-ring operator’s Mueller probe role

Rep. Chris Collins, fighting prosecution, seeks to end reelection bid

Trump fumes at the FBI, Justice Dept. and Sessions in series of tweets

Stephen Miller Is an Immigration Hypocrite. I Know Because I’m His Uncle.

Trump’s Purge of the FBI Is Complete

‘People are terrified’: Trump staffers live in fear of Omarosa’s next tape

‘If they take the House, he wins big’: Trump loyalists see upside in impeachment

12 former top intelligence officials criticize Trump for pulling security clearance

Jury ‘scared’ as it heads home without a verdict

Giuliani: ‘Truth isn’t truth’

Shots reported outside US Embassy in Turkey

Trump issues rollback of Obama’s biggest climate rule

Trump advises against Michael Cohen’s legal services

‘He’s Unraveling’:  Why Cohen’s Betrayal Terrifies Trump

Second Fox News reporter leaves amid objections to network

Trump on Weisselberg: ‘He Did Whatever Was Necessary’

John McCain, towering senator and GOP ‘maverick,’ dies

‘Sleeper’ case could torpedo Mueller report

Ducey aims to please Trump with McCain fill-in

McCain’s choice of Russian dissident as pallbearer is final dig at Putin, Trump

Trump bashes CNN, NBC media executives

Former Manafort associate is charged with failing to register as a foreign agent


‘Whoever wins South Carolina will be the Democratic nominee’

Trump allies fume at McCain memorial addresses, urge counterattack

Trump rolls back worker safety rules

Schumer, Democrats wrestled over staging mass Kavanaugh walkout

Kavanaugh stumbles when grilled on whether he discussed Mueller probe

Tightening job market delivers wage boost

Obama vs. Trump: The clash everyone’s waited for arrives

The growing GOP fears

Trump says he’ll ‘write the real book’ to counter Woodward’s

17 Years After 9/11, Nobody Cares About Terrorism Anymore

McConnell screws Dems ahead of election with October session

Trump’s FEMA chief under investigation over use of official cars

Michael Avenatti Is Winning the 2020 Democratic Primary

Manafort’s surrender shows Mueller probe’s overwhelming force

Bob Menendez’s political fight for survival

‘I do not know this woman’: Trump allies rally to Kavanaugh’s defense

McConnell works feverishly behind the scenes to save Kavanaugh

GOP pushing Kavanaugh nom back on track

Kavanaugh saga sets Washington rumor mill on fire

The case for Trump to shut down the government

Ed Whelan’s Troubles Might Be Just Beginning

Woman denies attending party where alleged Kavanaugh assault occurred

Kavanaugh confirmation in renewed peril after second assault claim

Kavanaugh’s wife tests standing by your man in the #MeToo era

Feinstein: Kavanaugh misled about grand jury secrecy in Vince Foster probe

Ex-boyfriend filed restraining order against third Kavanaugh accuser

Kavanaugh closer to Supreme Court with Flake support

Scenes from Jeff Flake’s Supreme Court rebellion

Cotton: Feinstein to be investigated over leaked letter from Ford


U.S. reaches trade deal with Canada and Mexico, providing Trump a crucial win

McConnell tweaks strategy for Kavanaugh confirmation

GOP senators use Kavanaugh to beat back 2020 primary challengers

What Happens if a Democratic House Votes to Impeach Kavanaugh?

GOP leaders all but guarantee Kavanaugh confirmation

Senate set to vote on Kavanaugh

Democrats Fear They’re the Wet Rag Party

McConnell: Senators were ‘literally under assault’ during Kavanaugh hearings

Conway: Blue wave forecasts coming from ‘same geniuses’ who predicted Clinton win

‘Sweep it under the rug’: Fears grow Trump won’t confront Saudis over journalists’s disappearance

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast

Trump praises Robert E. Lee during Ohio rally

Rubio: No ‘business as usual’ with Saudi Arabia

Will the House be decided on Election Day?

Pelosi gives a preview of the Democratic majority

Washington Post told lobbyist: Quit working for Saudis or stop writing for us

Theresa May told Irish PM Brexit backstop ‘can’t have time limit’

Haley breaks with Trump: ‘In America, our political opponents are not evil’

‘A great first step’: Trump praises Saudi statement on Khashoggi’s death

Corker says Saudi prince likely directed journalists’s murder

Trump distances himself from a potential GOP thumping

Turkish president claims Saudis planned for days to kill Khashoggi

Suspicious package sent to Clintons, Obamas, CNN

Mueller link seen in mystery grand jury appeal

Papadopoulos threatens to pull out of Mueller plea agreement

Trump Cabinet exodus likely after midterms

9 hours of ‘Executive Time’: Trump’s unstructured days define his presidency

Tom Steyer: ‘The president’s words matter dramatically’

Democrats are going to win the House


Poll: Majority blames both Trump and media for dividing country

Pelosi works to outwit her critics once again

Trump says Democrats could take House: ‘I can’t go everywhere’

At DeSantis rally, Perdue says Florida governor’s race ‘so cotton-pickin’ important’

‘Trump has hijacked the election’: House Republicans in panic mode

Trump Gambles He Can Shatter Political Norms — and Keep Winning

Mueller has powerful new House allies as he bears down on Trump

Trump delivers first Dem probe on a silver platter

Sessions’ job is hard to fill. Enter Chris Christie.

Sinema expands lead in Arizona Senate race

Macron takes implicit dig at Trump, denouncing ‘nationalism’

‘Incompetence’: Broward election chief likely to be forced from office by Scott, DeSantis

Welcome back … Trump wants to oust DHS Secretary Nielsen

Staff anger spills over at White House

Saudi prosecutor seeks death penalty in Khashoggi killing

Judge orders White House to return press credentials to CNN’s Acosta

Trump hails Saudis as ‘spectacular ally’ in wake of CIA Khashoggi reports

Republicans battle to defend Trump from threat of impeachment

Beto O’Rourke blows up the 2020 Democratic primary

Mississippi Senate race devolves into racial melee

Poll: Democratic voters back Pelosi as speaker by wide margin

Fiery West Wing meeting led to more power for military at U.S.-Mexico border

Warning signs mount for Trump reelection bid

Trump’s dire climate report hands ammunition to Democrats

Alabama GOP: Session not guaranteed to win back his old seat

‘We don’t want an Alabama’: Hyde-Smith has Republicans holding their breath

House Republicans unveil giant tax package

Trump threatens government shutdown over border wall funding

Pelosi shuts down critics in tense meeting

Senate Republicans unload on Flake


George H.W. Bush dies at 94

Trump assents to shutdown delay

Trump lays off McConnell as criminal justice reform stalls

Trump handles Bush’s death with abnormal normality

Mueller: Flynn gave ‘substantial assistance’ to probe, deserves little to no prison

Bush’s Funeral Wasn’t About Trump. But Of Course It Was.

Trump to nominate William Barr as attorney general

GOP power grabs pour gas on ‘resistance’ in key Midwest states

Comey: I’m ‘not friends’ with Mueller

From pinnacle to punchline: How Trump diminished the job of his chief of staff

Trump denies that he’s having trouble finding a chief of staff

What does it take to become Trump’s chief of staff? Jared and Ivanka’s approval

A ‘loud gong’: National Enquirer’s surprise deal could imperil Trump

Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl to resign, prompting new appointment to McCain seat

FBI releases part of Russia dossier summary used to brief Trump, Obama

Giuliani: ‘I can produce 20 witnesses’ to defend hush money payments

Pennsylvania meltdown triggers Republican alarms

Arizona governor to appoint Martha McSally to Senate

White House on the sidelines in spending fight

Trump defends surprise Syria withdrawal despite withering GOP criticism

‘I’m OK with a shutdown’: Inside the chaos of the House GOP’s last days

Merkley: Border wall ‘a 4th century strategy’

Shutdown day 3, and Mnuchin talks with bank CEOs about liquidity

‘Hunker down like a jackass’: Shutdown could drag on for weeks

Brown seeks Obama meeting as he considers presidential run

Trump tries to steer shutdown focus to financial impact for Democrats

Dems’ New Year’s resolution: Stiff Trump on the wall and reopen the government

Mueller appears to respond early in subpoena fight at Supreme Court

McAuliffe says Democrats shouldn’t ‘give an inch’

Bernie alumni seek meeting to address ‘sexual violence’ on ’16 campaign

News Source: Politico

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