2020: MOTHER JONES (353)


On the Anniversary of Oscar Grant’s Death, We Can Now Finally Say Goodbye to a Decade of Police Violence

Emails Reveal “Clear Direction From POTUS” on Ukraine scandal

With a War Against Iran Brewing, Don’t Listen to the Hawks Who Lied Us Into Iraq

A Democratic Senator Has Introduced a Resolution to Prevent War with Iran

Donald Trump Just Sent Congress the Worst Push Notification Ever

John Bolton Says He’s Willing to Testify at Impeachment Trial

Iran Says It Has Launched Missiles at US Bases in Iraq

For Black Americans, It’s Not a Housing Crisis.  It’s a Chronic Condition.

Democrats Missed Their Chance to Prevent Trump from Attacking Iran

Stabbings, Fires, Flooded Cells: Mississippi’s Prison System Is Falling Apart

White House Official Calls Matt Gaetz’s Effort to Limit War Powers “Super Uncool”

Thousands of Iranians Have Bravely Protested the Government’s Role in Ukrainian Plane Crash

Memo by Secret Memo, the University of Texas Kept Segregation Alive Into the 1960’s

Can a Woman Be Elected President?  Of-Fucking-Course She Can

A New Figure in the Ukraine Scandal Worked for a mysterious Chinese Trump Donor

Billionaire Oil Magnate Funded Travel by Lev Parnas

Private Documents Reveal What Wall Street Really Thinks About Elizabeth Warren

House Democrats Present Their Argument for Removing President Trump

Ahead of Richmond Rally, Apple and Google Are Letting Nazis Use This App to Coordinate

Virginia’s Massive Pro-Gun Rally Draws Big Crowds, Big Weapons, and Alex Jones in a Big Armed Vehicle

With Trump’s Impeachment, American Democracy Is On Trial

GOP Senators Representing a Minority of Americans Are Preventing a Fair Impeachment Trial

An Impeachment Smoking Gun: The Damning Letter Trump Can’t Cover Up

The Main Trump Super-PAC Is Covering Up Its Own Role in the Impeachment Scandal

Trump’s Legal Team Opened Their Impeachment Defense With Blizzard of Lies

New Emails Reveal that the Trump Administration Manipulated Wildfire Science to Promote Logging

Pick Which GOP Explanation for Why Bolton Shouldn’t Testify Is the Craziest

Trump Praises Pompeo for Cursing Out Female Reporter ‘You Did a Good Job on Her’

Pete Buttigieg Is Really Leaning Into the Obama Thing

Is Bernie Sanders the Next George McGovern – or the Next Donald Trump?

With Trump’s Impeachment Trial, Republicans Have Convicted Themselves


After the Boos, Bernie Sanders Takes a Softer Approach

In Iowa, Amy Klobuchar Faces a Vice Presidential Problem

How Pete Buttigieg Found Support In Iowa’s Formerly Anti-LGBT Communities

Caucus Reporting Errors Send Democrats Back to the Paper Trail 

Senate Acquits Donald Trump

How Trump Wrecked  America’s Immigration Courts

New Hampshire Voters to Pundits: We Don’t Need Your Stinkin’ Lanes

In New Hampshire, Biden Supporters Are Looking for a Reason to Vote for Him

Joe Biden’s Biggest Selling Point Is Coming Back to Bite Him

Trump’s Budget Is a $292 Billion Attack on Poor Americans

How Acronym Pitched Itself to Potential Investor: “We Don’t Do Hyperbole.  We Call BS.”


Let’s Tear Down the Ivory Tower of News

Trump Unleashed: The Trump Presidency Enters Its Most Dangerous Phase

Ukrainian President Asked Trump to “Please, Please Stop Saying That Ukraine Is a Corrupt Country”

We Talked to the Man Behind That Nigerian Pete Buttigieg Fan Account.  It’s Not Lis Smith.

How Do You Get From the Trailer Park to a White House Job?  Give Money to Trump’s Spiritual Advisor

Workers at This Powerful Health Care Behemoth Are Underpaid, Overworked, and Trying to Unionize

Mike Blomberg Is Way Richer Than People Realize

How Trump’s Ratfucker Finally Screwed Himself

Bloomberg Agrees to let Three Women Out of Their Nondisclosure Agreements

Bernie Sanders Wins the Nevada Caucuses

The Sanders Campaign Makes Its Case to South Carolina’s Black Voters

“It’s Like the Sky is Blue Again”: Weinstein’s Accusers React to His Rape Conviction

Pete Buttigieg Casts a Line for Black Voters in South Carolina.  He Catches Suburban White Women

American Conservatives Have Fallin in Love with the Right Wing Son of Brazil’s President

Mark Halperin Says Murderers Are Treated More Fairly Than Canceled People

Joe Biden’s Last Stand

Biden Wins South Carolina


LA’s First Black District Attorney Is Battling for Reelection.  Black Activists Want Her Out.

Former Trump Adviser Explored Business Opportunities With Son of Libyan Warlord

Bernie Sanders’ Revolution Sputtered on Super Tuesday.  His Supporters Think They Know Why

What Warren Taught Us

How a Russian Billionaire With a Criminal Past Became a Major Investor in Lyft

How McDonald’s Convinced Us That Civil Rights Was About Black-Owned Businesses

Trump’s CDC Director Has a History of Controversial Opinions on Controlling Viruses

Stock Markets Plunge Across the World as Coronavirus Sparks Oil Price War

Elizabeth Warren Just Told Private Prisons to Release Their Coronavirus Plans

I Went to CPAC, and All I Got Was Exposure to the Coronavirus

The Biggest Lie in Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Address

How the Gop’s War on Government Paved the Way for Trumps Deadly Incompetence

Donald Trump Says He Has Been Tested for Coronavirus

Devin Nunes Just Went on Fox News and Told Viewers, “It’s a Great Time to Go Out”

Results or a Revolution? Biden and Sanders Debate the Coronavirus

In Private Facebook Groups, Doctors Share Their Worst Fears.  We Talked to One of Them

What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Pandemic

How Do You Know If You’re Living Through the Death of an Empire?

We Know Your Intentions Are Good But Gift Cards Alone Can’t Save Restaurants From This Crisis

Trump Downplayed the Coronavirus for Weeks as US Intelligence Warned of Growing Danger

NYC Mayor Hammers Trump’s Coronavirus Response: “People Will Die Who Could Have Lived Otherwise”

Virtual Memorials and No Hugs: The Funeral Industry Prepares for Coronavirus

Amid Coronavirus’ Spread an Evangelical University Welcomes Students Back to Campus

From Brooklyn to West Virginia, Inside the Scramble to Prepare Hospitals for COVID-19

The Surprising Pro-Trumpers Who Took the Coronavirus Crisis Seriously

I Had to Get My Father’s Affairs in Order.  You Do, Too.

What Happens When a 5-Year-Old ICE Detention Is Considered a Coronavirus Risk

Coronavirus Could Cause Health Premiums to Skyrocket, New Study Finds

Getting Old Has Often Meant Loneliness.  It’s About to Get Worse.

Death Projections Can Make Us Feel Helpless.  One Expert Explains a Better Way to Get People to Act.


How Donald Trump Plans on Spinning 200,000 Coronavirus Deaths as a Win

Learning From Home Is Hard Enough.  Try Doing It where Wifi Is Illegal

“The Officers Were Taking Our Toilet Paper”: One Woman’s Life In Prison Right Now

Voters Are Finally Starting to Notice the Trump Administration’s Botched Response to the Pandemic

Devin Nunes Went on Fox News and Compared Homeless People to “Zombie Apocalypse”

We Put Too Many People Behind Bars.  This Pandemic Shows Why That’s Not Necessary

Elizabeth Warren Has a Plan to Protect Your Right to Vote From the Coronavirus

Will Trump and His Enablers Ever Face Accountability for the Coronavirus Massacre?

Inside Brad Parscale’s 2020 Plan: Reelect Donald Trump, Make Money.  Maybe Not in That Order.

Nurses Were Promised $10K a Week to Serve in NY Hospitals.  They Say It Was a “Classic Bait and Switch.”

Delta Tells Sick Flight Attendants: ‘Do Not Post’ on Social Media or Notify Fellow Crew

Oakland Has Closed a Bunch of Streets to Cars.  Other Cities Should Follow Its Lead.

I Tried to Get an Abortion in a Blue State During the Pandemic. It Was Complicated

Adam Schiff: House Dems Investigating How Trump Handled Coronavirus Intelligence

Inside One Family’s Desperate, Hopeful Facebook-Fueled Search for Plasma

“You Don’t Say No to Joe!”: What Biden’s Role in the Last Economic Crisis Says About How He’d Handle This One

COVID-19 Has Infected and Killed Black People At Alarming Rates.  This Date Proves It.

It Started Out As a Blog for Doctors.  Now It’s a Time Capsule of the Coronavirus Era

At Least 20 People Have COVID-19 at One ICE Jail.  These Inside Say Many More Are Sick.

Speak Loudly and Carry A Big Schtick: Trump’s Most Outrageous Ambassadors

Here We Go: Trump Has Started Accusing The Dems of Stealing the 2020 Election

The Women Asked ICE for Soap.  They Got Pepper-Sprayed Instead.

How Doctors Make the Agonizing Decision of Which Coronavirus Patients to Save

“You’re Just Screwed”: Why Black-Owned Businesses Are Struggling to Get Coronavirus Relief Funds

Coronavirus Is Not Just a Health Crisis – It’s an Environmental Justice Crisis

The Latest Injection of Trump Tweets Won’t Cure His Embarrassment

The Dangers of Covering Your Face While Black

“Nothing But Death”: Inside The Nursing Home Where NYC’s Most Vulnerable Struggle to Survive Covid-19

How One Ex-Googler Managed to Buy Millions of PPE From China for US Hospitals

Trump’s 100 Days of Deadly Coronavirus Denial


We Need COVID-19 Treatments ASAP – But a Perverse Incentive Could Slow Pharma Breakthroughs

“The Workers Are Being Sacrificed”: As Cases Mounted, Meatpacker JBS Kept People on Crowded Factory Floors

Bush Calls for Political Unity to Fight Coronavirus.  Naturally, Trump Complained About Impeachment

Warren Tops New Poll for Biden’s VP 

Navajo Nation Is Behind Only New York and New Jersey in Rates of COVID-19 Infection.  What Happened?

“The Black Hills Are Not For Sale”

Trump Is Trying to Sell His Way Out of a Recession.  Joe Biden Probably Wishes He’d Done More of That During the Last One

There’s Never Been a More Urgent Moment to Build Black Americans’ Trust in the Medical System

Trump Says There’s Plenty of PPE.  So Why Did This Union for Nurses Have to Find Its Own?

White People Are Demanding Their Lives Back In States Where Black People Are Losing Theirs

For Some “Facebook Empathy Moms,” Joe Biden Is Just Another Compromise

Save Yesterday’s Restaurant Industry – Or “Let It Die?”

He Was One of New York’s Most Famous Prisoners.  Now He’s One of Its Oldest – and Most Vulnerable

“We’re In Deep Shit”: Whistleblower Rick Bright Details Failure to Act on Mask Shortages

They Died of COVID-19 in the US.  Now It’s Harder Than Ever to Be Buried Back Home in Mexico

Trump Fires Yet Another Inspector General

As US Death Toll Nears 90,000, Trump Says We’re “Doing Really Well”

The Pandemic Has Made At Least One Thing Clear: It’s Time to Get on the Biden Train, America.

Donald Trump’s Campaign Sent Out a Very Bad Tweet. It Says a Lot About Donald Trump.

Jared Kushner Had One Job: Solve America’s Supply Crisis. He Helped Private Companies Instead.

Will DIY Coronavirus Test Kits Close the Testing Gap?

The Discredited Science Behind the Rise of Single-Sex Public Schools

Jeff Sessions Would Like Alabama to Think Trump Can’t Push Him Around.  He Just Proved That’s Wrong.

A Dollar General Analyst Complained About Store Workers Getting Screwed. He Got Fired.

How a “Bunch of Badass Queer Anarchists” Are Teaming Up With Locals to Block a Pipeline Through Appalachia

The New Russell Simmons Documentary Grapples With the Price Black Women Pay When They Accuse Their Own

Rudy Giuliani Is Looking for $10 Million to Finance a Ukraine-Biden Film

Trump Warns Minneapolis Protesters: “When the Looting Starts, the Shooting Starts”

Newly Released Transcripts Show Michael Flynn Betrayed the United States

De Blasio Just Commended NYPD for “Tremendous Restraint” After Police Van Plows Through Crowd


The Reliably Racist Cherry-Picking of the Word “Riot”

Police Trapped Dozens of Protesters. This Man Opened His Home And Saved Them From Arrest

Ding Ding! The Most Racist Congressman in America Just Got Beat.

They’re Doctors. They’re Also Effective – and Dangerous – Anti-Abortion Activist.

Minneapolis’ Police Union Chief Won’t Talk to Reporters. Maybe He Should Admit He’s Married to One.

Romney Claps Back at Trump’s Callousness Toward the Protests

Trump Pulls Out National Guard After Thousands Protest in Washington, DC

Tear Gas Is Way More Dangerous Than Police Let On – Especially During the Coronavirus Pandemic

How the Coronavirus Handed the GOP New Ways to Squash the Vote

Donald Trump’s Corruption Is Killing Americans

I Spent 3 Months Locked Down in DC.  Then I Went to a Mall in Utah.

Arizona’s Emergency Responders Face a Roaring Wildfire Amid a Worsening Pandemic

They Built a Utopian Sanctuary in a Minneapolis Hotel. Then They Got Evicted.

Atlanta Police Chief Resigns After Cops Kill a Black Man at a Drive-Through

Supreme Court Says Gay and Transgender Workers Are Pretected by Civil Rights Law

“Don’t Give Up”: A Woman’s Fight to Save Her Brother From a COVID-Plagued ICE Jail

The Cruise Industry Is Donald Trump Personified

Supreme Court Blocks Trump’s Attempt to End DACA – for Now

Trump Has a Half Billion in Loans Coming Due. They May Be His Biggest Conflict of Interest Yet.

The Trump Administration Paid Millions for Test Tubes – and Got Unusable Mini Soda Bottles

Half of the Country Is Seeing New Coronavirus Spikes. So Naturally, Trump Is Returning to Denialism.

A Florida Cop Killed Tony McDade. Now He’s Hiding Behind a Law Meant to Protect Victims.

Thought COVID Wreaked Havoc on the Primaries? Just Wait Until November

Slavery Existed in Illinois, but Schools Don’t Always Teach That History

There’s Another Confederate Monument in the US Capitol: Jefferson Davis’ Old Desk

White People Own 98 Percent of Rural Land. Young Black Farmers Want to Reclaim Their Share.

Here’s Why Many Utah Dems Registered as Republicans to Vote in Tuesday’s Primary

The US Government Has Always Undercounted Native Americans. But COVID-19 Could Make the 2020 Census a Disaster.


The Racism of “Ole Miss” Is Hiding in Plain Sight

The Reality TV Racism Reckoning Is Finally Here. “Vanderpump Rules” Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg.

How Real Conspiracies Inspired False Rumors About Flooding Black Communities With Fireworks

Could Paying Farmers to Store Carbon Help the Climate and Save Farms?

Donald Trump Listens to His Gut. And It’s the Gut of a Racist

Mary Trump and Me: The Source Who Got Away

Michael Cohen Was Sent Back to Prison After Refusing to Sign a Gag Agreement

Donald Trump Frees Roger Stone… and Pardons Himself

Mueller Breaks His Silence: Roger Stone “Lied Repeatedly”

The Big Boy President Wore a Big Boy Mask And Now the Election is Over, Aides Say

Trump Says He’ll Revoke Schools’ Tax Exemption for “Indoctrination.” He Can’t Do That, Can He?

Jeff Sessions Ends His Political Career in a Blaze of Racism

The Former Head of the CDC Has an Audacious Idea for Handling the Pandemic

Defend History. Tear Down the Confederate Statues.

John Lewis’ Legacy Is the Right to Vote. And It’s Under Attack.

The Border Patrol May Be Coming to Your Town

Teaching People How to Spot Bad Science Is a Public Health Tool

Your Coronavirus Antibodies May Not Last for Long. Here’s What That Means

A Century Ago, One Lawmaker Went After the Most Powerful Cops in Texas. Then They Went After Him

States Are Begging for Coronavirus Relief. Trump Sent Federal Police Instead.

He Defended Anti-Gay And Anti-Muslim Causes. Now He’s an Immigration Judge

The “Plandemic” Conspiracy Theorist Is Coming to a TV Near You

The Election Is in 100 Days, If It Were Held Today, Trump Would Lose

How Labor Secretary Scalia Played Chicken With Meatpacking Workers’ Lives

An Embattled President. A Mass Movement. A Military Used Against Citizens. We’ve Been Here Before

How Our “Balkanized” Health Care System Made the Pandemic Far Worse

Whose Streets?


Could Trump Have Another Reason for Banning TikTok?

How Larry King Got Duped Into Starring in Chinese Propaganda

The Republican Party Is Racist and Soulless. Just Ask This Veteran GOP Strategist. 

The Self-Destruction of Donald J. Trump

Public Servants Are Risking Everything to Expose Government Corruption. Donald Trump Is Making Their Lives Hell

Help, I’m Stuck in a Trump Time Loop. And So Are You

One Journalist Is Chronicling Sam Quentin’s Huge Covid-19 Outbreak – While Locked Inside

Hawaii Imprisons Native Islanders at Astonishing Rates. This Election Could Start to Change That

The White House Tries to Spin Trump’s Very Legal and Very Cool Executive Orders

Local Sheriffs Are Driving Trump’s Deportation Agenda — and Terrifying Immigrant Communities

The White House – Kodak Controversy Has a New Angle: A Billionaire’s Huge Stock Gift to a Synagogue

Trump’s Campaign Can’t Figure Out How to Attack Kamala Harris 

The Infuriating History of Why Police Unions Have So Much Power

COVID Killed the Atlanta Drug Trade – for a Time. This Photographer Captured the Lull.

Trump Rewrites Standards on Showerheads After Worrying About How They’ve Affected his Hair

House Just Called for the Postmaster General to Testify at an “Urgent Hearing’ Later This Month

Donald Trump, Kanye West and a Weird Western Bird Are All Somehow Involved in a Major Conservation Battle

Trump: More Americans Have Died Under My Watch Than Michelle Obama Gives Me Credit For

‘The Post Office Has Always Been Political’

Steve Bannon Charged With Fraud and Money Laundering for Pocketing Border Wall Funds

Biden’s Pitch to Voters: What America Needs Now Is Empathy

Protesters Arrested in Tennessee Could Now Lose Their Right to Vote

In a Secret Recording, Trump’s Sister Says “Donald Is Cruel” and Has No Principles

She’s Taking the Virus Seriously. Her Neighbors Think It’s a Hoax.

North Korean Propaganda Is More Subtle Than Kimberly Guilfoyle’s Dark, Dark Speech

The Biblical Flood That Will Drown California

New Hot-Mic Video: What Trump Told His Lawyer When He Didn’t Know a Camera Was Rolling

Thousands March on Washington to Demand an End to Police Brutality and Racism

A Portrait of a “Last Responder”: The Funeral Director Serving Louisiana’s Virus-Stricken Communities

Former Intel Officials Thought Mueller Was Investigating Trump’s Personal and Financial Ties to Russia. He Wasn’t

The Subdued Brilliance of Chadwick Boseman


There Are No Black Victims In Donald Trump’s America

Ed Markey Beats Joe Kennedy to Keep His Senate Seat

Donald Trump and His Allies Are Trying to Rewrite the History of Charlottesville

Trump: Soldiers Who Die in Battle Are “Losers”

Curtis Flowers’ Murder Charges Are Finally Dropped. It Only Took 6 Trials and 24 Years

The Relative Abundance of Bumblebees In North America Is Estimated To Have Crashed by 97 Percent

Report: Louis DeJoy Used Bonuses to Reimburse Employees for Donations to GOP Campaigns

Nobody Would Have Guessed That Newark Would Be a Model for Fighting COVID-19. But It Is.

Why Is the DOJ Intervening in E. Jean Carroll’s Suit Against Trump: A Former US Attorney Explains

Coronavirus and Russia: Trump and the GOP’s Double Betrayal

19 Are Dead As Tens of Thousands Face Evacuation Amid Raging West Coast Fires

Bloomberg Is Finally Ready to Open His Wallet for Biden

New Research Shows Disproportionate Rate of Coronavirus Deaths in Polluted Areas

A Simple Plan to Deal with COVID-19: Free Flu Shots for All

Biden Volunteers Are Encountering a Shocking Number of Voters Pushing an Unhinged Smear

“Everyone Is Tired of Always Staying Silent”: Inside a Worker Rebellion in the Central Valley

The New Republican Talking Point on Replacing RBG Before the Election is Nonsense

Lisa Murkowski Is the Second Republican to Say the Senate Should Wait to Replace RBG

GreatSchools Wanted to Disrupt Online School Ratings. But did It Make Neighborhood Segregation Worse?

Confronting 200,000 Deaths: Mother Jones Readers Share Who and What They’ve Lost

Trump Is Trashing the Constitution to Stay in Power

Latinx Activists Are Closer Than Ever to Flipping Arizona – If Democrats Don’t Take Them for Granted

How Susan Collins’ Appeal To Maine’s Senior Grew Old

Both Parties Used to Love the Carbon Tax. So Why Are They Giving up on It?

Trump Picks Amy Coney Barrett to Replace Ginsburg on the Supreme Court

Why Donald Trump’s Tax Returns Matter

QAnon Is Attracting Cops

At The Debate, Biden and Trump Showed America Who They Really Are. That’s a Win for Biden.


A Real Estate Firm Co-Owned by Jared Kushner Is Looking to Profit From the Pandemic

With COVID Hitting the West Wing, What Happens When the President Is a Liar?

WH Physician’s Briefing Leaves Serious Questions About When Trump Tested Positive for COVID-19

It’s Sunday and We Still Know Basically Nothing About the Lead Up to Trump’s Diagnosis

29 Ways Trump and the GOP Are Making It Harder to Vote

The Secret to Beating Trump Lies With You and Your Friends

Meet the YouTube Star Who’s Pushing a Generation of Florida Cuban Voters to Trump

Superspreader in Chief: The Ultimate Timeline of Trump’s Coronavirus Denial

I Called Everyone in Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book

Listen to Sen. Cory Gardner’s Unbelievable Climate Conspiracy Theory

Trump Wants a Repeat of Bush V. Gore. Amy Coney Barrett Might Make It Happen

Did Amy Coney Barrett Lie to Congress in 2017 or Is She Just Clueless?

A Scholar of American Doom Doesn’t See How Capitalism Can Fix The Crisis

Why Coroners Often Blame Police Killing on a Made-Up Medical Condition

Amy Coney Barrett Has Spent Her Entire Life in a Conservative Bubble. That’s a Problem.

How Black Oaklander Finally Expelled the School Police

The Next COVID-19 Surge Is Here

Caroll Fife Is in the House Now She Wants to Burn it Down

“It’s Going to Be Hell”: How Pennsylvania Is on Track for Election Chaos

“We Shall Overcome”: Raphael Warnock’s (Not-So-Long-Shot) Bid to Be Georgia’s First Black Senator

How Will We Know if a COVID-19 Vaccine Is Safe? Because Scientists Will Tell Us.

Amy Coney Barrett Is the Least Experienced Supreme Court Nominee in 30 Years

If Trump Loves Hypersonic Missiles So Much, He Really should Learn to Pronounce Their Name

Several People in Vice President Mike Pence’s World Now Have Covid-19

Asylum Is Dead. The Myth of American Decency Died With It.

Can a Democracy on the Brink of Authoritarianism Recover?

The Pandemic Got Joe Biden to think Bigger. Meet the Economists Who Got Him There

Is There Room for Black Conservatives in the GOP When the President Is Racist?

Why a Second Trump Term Would Be Even Worse for Immigrants

Business Around the Country Are Boarding Up Ahead of Election Season


Democrats Made Voting Easier. Texas Smashed Turnout Records. These Things Are Related.

Anxious? Furious? Hopeful? So Are We.

Biden Got It Right: The 2020 Race Is About the Soul of the Nation

The Election’s Troubling Message: Even If Trump Loses, America’s Political Civil War Isn’t Over

The Trump Campaign Is Openly Trying to Steal the Election

Biden Seizes Lead in Pennsylvania and Georgia

Bye, Trump

We Just Saw the Beginning of the Biden-Harris Era, and It Couldn’t Be More Different

Garbage In, Trash Out

Biden’s COVID Response Should Center on People, Not Just “Bugs and Drugs”

Trump Became President Because of Racism. The Next Trump Could Too.

Meet the One-Woman Newsroom That Live-Tweeted Georgia’s Biggest Election Story

Trump’s Favorite Veterans Charity Has Been Very Good for Its CEO. What Now?

The Million MAGA March Hashtag Has Been Taken Over by Images of Pancakes

Donald Trump Wants You to Know That He Definitely Did Not Just Concede the Election

This Guy Is Unhappy With His Health Care Plan, So He Wants SCOTUS to Destroy Obamacare

Donald Trump’s Reign Is Ending as It Began: With a Conspiracy Theory

Indigenous Democrats Helped Flip Arizona, No Thanks to Party Leaders

Joel Salatin’s Unsustainable Myth

Science Has Learned So Much About COVID – and the Trump Administration

Big Cash Is Continuing to Flood Into the Georgia Runoffs that will Determine Senate Control

In Public, Trump Still Claims He Won. In Private, Aides Say He’s Planning for Life After Presidency

Will Trump’s Accusers Finally Get Their Day In Court?

Defund-Police Organizers to Biden: “We’re Not Going Away”

How Twitter’s Disappearing Fleets Could Be a Disinformation Disaster

Two School Districts Had Different Mask Policies. Only One Had a Teacher on a Ventilator

Here Are the Various Ways Donald Trump Could Be Prosecuted

How Democrats Lost a Once-in-a-Decade Chance to Remake the Political Map


While Kelly Loeffler opposed New COVID Aid, Her Husband’s Firm Sought to Profit Off the Pandemic

A More Extreme Gun Rights Movement Is Emerging in the NRA’s Wake

Pro-Trump Lawyers Say GOP Governor in Georgia Is a Chinese Agent and Blame George Soros

The Freakout About COVID Vaccines to Prisoners Has Already Begun

Congress Is About to Bar Unidentified Federal Agents From Policing Protests

New CDC Data Confirms the Pandemic’s Outsize Impact on People of Color

Runoff Elections in Georgia Are Disasters for Democrats. Here’s Why This Time Is Different.

Will Biden Pick a USDA Secretary Who Sees Our Food Crises Clearly?

What’s the Matter With Cultural Politics?

How Kelly Loffler’s Firm Facilitated an Enron-Like Scandal

The Supreme Court Just Threw Out Texas’ Absurd Election Lawsuit

Donald Trump Just Lost Another One of His Election Challenges in Federal Court

Watch the First COVID-19 Vaccine Shipments Leave the Warehouse

The Legal Assault on Democracy Is Clearly Unethical. But the Lawyers Will Probably Get Away With It.

What Biden Can Do to Boost the Economy Without Any Help From Congress

A Top Trump Fundraiser Asked the FBI for Help. Big Mistake.

A Black Professor’s Colleague Called the Cops on Him. What the School Did Next Made It Much Worse.

Undocumented People Have Been on the COVID Front Line for Months. Will They Be Scared Off the Vaccine?

Trump Considering Sidney Powell As Special Counsel

“He’s Just Done With COVID” –the Washington Post Unpacks Trump’s Catastrophic Pandemic Response

5 Tips for How to Actually Change an Anti-Masker’s Mind, According to Experts

A Powerful Lobbying Group Pushes to Keep Restaurants Open. But For Whom?

Trump’s Very Swampy Pardon of a Ben Carson Crony

After an “Extremely Preventable” Death of a Temporary Worker, Experts Worry About FedEx’s Safety Practices

What Would Happen If We Really Went to War Against Christmas?

How Republicans Are Keeping the Worst Boxing Day Traditions Alive

Trump Won’t Sign the COVID Relief Bill. Those Suffering Can’t Wait.

At Least One Thing Was Great About 2020: These Photobooks

Kelly Loeffler’s Conflict of Interest Is Even Worse Than Reported

“Misleading” and “Propaganda”: Advocates Slam DOJ’s New “Myths and Facts” Immigration Report

The Heroes and Monsters of 2020

News Source: Mother Jones

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