2016: THE ATLANTIC (94)


The Certainty of More Shootings

OkCupid Adds a Feature for the Polyamorous

Why Amazon’s Data Centers Are Hidden in Spy Country

What If Bernie Sanders Is the Democrats’ Best Bet? Cont’d

The Religious Right’s Donald Trump Dilemma

Why Precisely Is Bernie Sanders Against Reparations?

Sarah Palin’s Circle of Victimhood

Milk, Bread, and Eggs: The Trinity of Winter-Storm Panic-Shopping

Why D.C. Hates Ted Cruz

Is Bernie Sanders Really Naive About Iran?

An Unprecedented Threat to Privacy

Why Is Jim Gilmore Even Running for President?


The Great Democratic Age Gap

A Debate Between a Hedgehog and a Fox

Democracy Won in New Hampshire

The Dawn of a New Era in Science

The Republicans’ Scalia Hysteria

An American Hijab at the Olympics

The Ceiling Buster

Barack Obama’s Heir


Bernie Sanders’s Big Money

The Obama Doctrine

How to Reverse Citizens United

After the ‘Nice’ Debate: Trump’s Shape-Shifting Power

The Hard Power of ‘Soft’ Voter-ID Laws

Will Partisanship Undermine the Judiciary?

When It Comes to Politics, Do Millennials Care About Anything?

Sanders’s Super Saturday Sweep

The 5 U.S. Counties Where Racial Diversity is Highest — and Lowest

A Narrow Escape for Public-Sector Unions

Obama on What Trump and Cruz Get Wrong About Islam


Bernie Sanders’s Successful Insurgency

The Misplaced Criticism of Clinton’s Crime Bill

Jokes About Erdogan Aren’t Funny in Germany

The Racist Roots of Virginia’s Felon Disenfranchisement

How Hillary Clinton Can Win the Right Way

How to Save the Republican Party


Donald Trump’s Economic Plans Would Destroy the U.S. Economy

The Arabs of Palestine


When Will the Internet Be Safe for Women?

Study Finds Median Wealth For Single Black Women at $5

This Is How a Revolution Ends

The Seven Broken Guardrails of Democracy


The Art of the Swindle

Donald Trump’s Most Politically Correct Speech (Aided by a TelePrompter)

The Arabs of Palestine

The War on Stupid People

How American Politics Went Insane

Why Britain Left

What Is on Justice Anthony Kennedy’s Mind?


A Single Photo From Baton Rouge That’s Hard to Forget

John Kasich’s Forlorn Hope

Sharia Does Not Mean What Newt Gingrich Thinks It Means

What’s Going On In Turkey?

Why Are Third-Graders Afraid of Donald Trump?

The Republican Party Nominates Trump

It’s Official: Hillary Clinton Is Running Against Vladimir Putin

All Hell Breaks Loose at the Democratic Convention

Bill Clinton’s Lapse Into Trumpism


How Black Lives Matter Activists Plan to Fix Schools

Republicans Are Not Attacking Democracy

Maybe Trumpism Doesn’t Work Without Trump

How Trump Remixed the Republican ‘Southern Strategy’

The Biden Doctrine

How the Political Revolution Failed Tim Canova


How Political Correctness Chills Speech on Campus

‘There’s Nothing Better Than a Scared, Rich Candidate’

Clinton Was Wrong to Generalize About Trump’s Supporters

Are Syrians the Only Muslims Indiana Fears?’

How Bernie Sanders Die-Hards Echo Clinton Conspiracy Theories

The Embarrassment of Jimmy Fallon

The Death of ‘He Said, She Said’ Journalism

When America Was More Welcoming for Refugees


Against Donald Trump

How Trump Could Become a ‘Political Black Hole’ for the GOP

Independents and Women Bail on Trump, Giving Clinton a Double-Digit Lead

Trump Goes to War

The Man at the Center of ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’

Trump Time Capsule #150: James Comey and the Destruction of Norms


How Trump Pushed Millennials Out of the Republican Party

How Trump Won

How the Rustbelt Paved Trump’s Road to Victory

The U.S. Media Is Completely Unprepared to Cover a Trump Presidency

Clinton’s Popular-Vote Lead Will Grow, and Grow, and Grow

Fixing America’s Nearsighted Press Corps

‘Hail Trump!’: White Nationalists Salute the President Elect


Trump Has Already Created Lots of Chaos’

Did Jeff Sessions Champion Desegregation?

Five Questions About Russia’s Election Hacking

My President Was Black

How Barack Obama Failed Black Americans

It’s Official: America Has Two Presidents at One Time

‘What the Russians Did Was Utterly Unprecedented’

News Source: The Atlantic

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