2015: POLITICO (325)


Jeb Bush fundraising apparatus ready for takeoff

Boehner takes revenge

Internal CNN memo: ‘We are not at this time showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons’

Nebraska court clears obstacle for Keystone Pipeline

Mitt Romney says he’s considering a 2016 run

Running or not, Harry Reid ramps up fundraising

Barack Obama’s French kiss-off

The selling of Mitt 3.0

Millions of copies of Charlie Hebdo sell out within minutes

Mitt Romney backlash intensifies

Obama to Senate Dems: ‘I’m going to play offense’

RNC’s Priebus looks at 2016 as ‘do or die’

Mitt Romney’s 2016 pitch: I’m a foreign policy prophet

Just another Obama speech

Rep. Steve King decries ‘deportable’ in Michelle Obama’s balcony

US Senate votes that climate changes is real but Republicans stop short of attributing that to human activity

Rape controversies return to haunt GOP

GOP may abolish Supreme Court filibusters

Sarah Palin ‘seriously interested’ in 2016 bid

White House: Release of hostage names not ‘constructive’

Michelle Obama’s uncovered head draws Saudi Twitter critique

Big GOP field unfazed  by Hillary Clinton

President Obama: Mitt Romney cares about poverty? ‘That’s great… Let’s do something about it.”


Mitch McConnell’s way

How Rand Paul bombed at Koch brothers gathering

A Bibi boycott?

The Return of Evil — The late hero of the movie “American Sniper”

House, Senate on DHS impasse: ‘After you’

Joe Biden skipping Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech

RNC launching ‘Hillary’s hiding’ campaign

NBC News: Brian Williams suspended for 6 months without pay

The war on Jeb Bush

Rep. Blake Farenthold denies many of former press aide’s accusations

Early state polls show wide-open GOP primary

President Rand Paul? Wall Street on high alert

Inside Jeb Bush’s ‘shock and awe’ launch

Rudy Giuliani: President Obama doesn’t love America

Bill O’Reilly: Mother Jones report ‘garbage’

Walker feeling the heat

Homeland Security fight goes into crunch time

Bill O’Reilly threatens N.Y. Times reporter

Hillary’s State Department Ok’d Bill’s big-money speeches

Jay Carney to Amazon

Eric Holder’s parting shot: It’s too hard to bring civil rights cases

John Boehner scrambles for Plan B


John Boehner allies fret coup attempt

Barbara Mikulski won’t seek reelection in 2016

State Department walks back claim on Clinton Foundation review

Ben Carson says being gay is a choice, citing prison example

Hillary Clinton breaks silence on email controversy

Clinton private email violated ‘clear-cut’ State Dept. rules

Team Clinton Will Beat the Press? Again

What I Saw at Selma: King’s genius was that he knew when to thwart the law — and when to obey it.

Poll: Fox News most trusted network

GOP dissenters: Iran letter could backfire

Aaron Schock: I ‘certainly hope’ I didn’t break the law

Taxpayer tab for Clinton Inc.: $16 million

Obama ’embarrassed’ for GOP senators who signed Iran letter

Iran-letter backlash spreads to early states

Marco Rubio’s house of horrors

Hillary’s Email Defense Is Laughable

Mickey Kaus quits Daily Caller after Tucker Carlson pulls critical Fox News column

As ratings plunge, MSNBC faces shakeup

Obamas may be buying ‘Magnum, P.I.’ home in Hawaii

Feds argue they had no duty under FOIA to search Hillary Clinton’s emails

Why this scandal won’t hurt Hillary

James Baker blasts Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel’s lobbying on Iran makes no difference, Democrats say

What We Get Wrong About Yemen

2016 brawl breaks out on Senate floor

Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton wiped her server clean

America’s Hinge Moment

White House to Netanyahu: Your move

Journalists sue Ferguson police for alleged battery, false arrest


Indiana law backs GOP hopefuls into a corner

Ted Cruz raises $4 million in first 8 days

The Iran Deal’s Fatal Flaw

Insiders view Paul as strong early state contender

Rand Paul’s first tech test

Rand Paul Has a Daddy Issue

Rand Paul clashes with Savannah Guthrie over changing views

Moroccan cash flows to Clinton Foundation

Lindsey Graham’s strategy: Take down Rand Paul

Bloomberg falls for fake Nancy Reagan report

Clinton campaign memo: No drama this time

Why Maro Rubio couldn’t say no

The GOP’s plan to turn Hillary into Mitt Romney in a pantsuit

Darrell Issa asked Hillary Clinton about her personal email use in 2012

Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street backers: We get it

Rubio-backed insurance market covers 80 people

Clinton’s Real Opponent: Barack Obama

Rand Paul slams GOP foreign policy hawks

Rand Paul soliciting dirt on Clinton Foundation donations

Hillary Clinton on GOP field: They only want to talk about me

President Obama to shun saying ‘genocide’ on 100th anniversary of Armenian massacres

Hillary Clinton struggles to contain media barrage on foreign cash

Bill Shuster muscled through transportation bill pushed by lobbyist girlfriend

President Obama’s Top 10 jokes

Foes of Iran deal take aim in Senate

White House awakes to ‘national crisis’

Hillary Clinton’s forgotten death penalty shift

Cruz accuses Obama of inflaming racial tensions


Baltimore riots hurt O’Malley’s already slim chances

When Black Writers Were Public Enemy No 1

Extreme secrecy eroding support for Obama’s trade pact

Clinton Foundation donor lashes out at ‘political assassination process’

It’s time to change the Iowa Straw Poll

Insiders say Bush shouldn’t ignore Iowa

Trade bill fate in doubt as debate kicks off

The Real Story of Benghazi

Was Jeb dropped on head as a child?

George Stephanopoulos discloses $50,000 contribution to Clinton Foundation

Rove declines to endorse Jeb Bush

Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

Police union accuses White House of politicizing cop safety

Iran’s supreme leader: Foreigners can’t interview our scientists

Jeb Bush’s new Iraq strategy: Blame Obama

Warren was paid up to $90,000 as witness in 2000 trade case

‘Fast track’ trade fight moves to House

Republicans grope for Obamacare replacement

Chris Christie attacks Rand Paul for ‘siding with’ Edward Snowden

Clinton Foundation paid Blumenthal $10k per month while he advised on Libya

The fake Clinton scandals are back

New ‘robocall’ rules could leave Americans in the dark

How Bernie Sanders’ ‘radical’ ideas entered the municipal mainstream


Paul walks back charge that some ‘secretly’ hoping for terrorist attack

Secret effort to sell Hillary Clinton to rich liberals

Marco Rubio sells his house of horrors

Limbaugh to GOP: Don’t accept Caitlyn Jenner

Perry: Government isn’t your savior

2016 field descends on Iowa for Joni Ernst Shindig

The man to beat in Iowa: Scott Walker

Scandals only make the Clintons stronger

One voter shows up at Santorum event in Iowa

GOP aiming for Friday trade vote, but snag remains

How not to become Brian Williams

Obama rushes to Capitol to save trade deal

Newly disclosed hack got ‘crown jewels’

Clinton launches in Obama’s shadow

In crowded field,  Bush runs as the grown-up candidate

Some of Hillary Clinton’s Libya emails said to be withheld from Benghazi Committee

Blumenthal says he didn’t write Libya intel he sent Clinton

Scott Walker’s latest target: College professors

Operation Replace Jeb Bush

Obama: I’m not giving up on guns

Jason Chaffetz strips Meadows of subcommittee chairmanship

AP photo shows a gun pointed at Ted Cruz’s head

Putin’s plot to get Texas to secede

Fox dumps Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is the REO Speedwagon of Politics

Trump bump terrifies GOP

Hillary Clinton slams GOP as ‘party of the past’

Jeb Bush has a new problem: John Roberts

Supreme Court’s ruling comes too late for coal


New Hillary Clinton emails show expansive role of Sidney Blumenthal

Soros helps pro-Clinton Super PACs to $20 million haul

AFL-CIO leader tries to quell pro-Sanders revolt

Hillary Clinton: ‘I take a back seat to no one’ on liberal record

Biden celebrates U.S. victory in Women’s World Cup

The socialist surge

Hillary confronts the enemy

Barack Obama puts odds of Iran deal at ‘less than 50-50’

N.Y. Times keeps Cruz off bestseller list

The Mayor vs. the Mogul

Donald Trump storms Phoenix

Amazon: ‘No evidence’ of bulk sales for Ted Cruz book

N.Y. Times stands by Ted Cruz decision

Donald Trump: I don’t know why I’m meeting Ted Cruz

Jeb Bush girds for debate smackdown with Donald Trump

Small donor myth debunked

Huffington Post’s politics team won’t cover Trump’s campaign

TRUMP: NO APOLOGY! — ‘TRUMP IS TOAST … Boom to bust’: Luntz sees onslaught by veterans if no apology – HILLARY on Trump and GOP field: ‘can be hard to tell the difference’

John Kasich’s anger management

John Kasich throws a Hail Mary

Trump: I gave out Lindsey Graham’s phone number ‘for fun’

New York Times alters Clinton email story

Red-state Democrats fret about leftward shift

Hillary Clinton denies sending classified info from private server

Marco Rubio, absentee senator

Jon Stewart’s secret White House visits

The Kochs freeze out Donald Trump

Judge explodes over Hillary email delays

Jeb crams, Donald scrams


Why Jeb Bush played nice with Hillary Clinton in Florida

Congress balks at lifeline for Puerto Rico

Defund Planned Parenthood? Not so easy

Sen. Chuck Schumer enlists famous cousin Amy to pitch guns bill

The Fox News ‘Nerve Factor’

How Jeb and the GOP Got Trumped

Donald Trump: Megyn Kelly ‘behaved very nasty to me’

Don’t disrespect our president, black lawmakers tell Netanyahu

Sources: Roger Stone quit, wasn’t fired by Donald Trump in campaign shakeup

Can Bernie Sanders Win the Love of a Party He Scorns?

Ted Cruz: ‘Foolish’ for GOP to criticize Trump

Black Lives Matter protestors try to disrupt Hillary Clinton event

Hillary Clinton email probe turns to Huma

Joe Biden said to be considering one-term presidency

Trump Force One lands at the Iowa State Fair

Carson suggests Obama is ‘anti-Semitic’ with Iran deal

Hillary Clinton is rooting for Jeb Bush

Hillary Clinton gets testy when pressed on email

Donald Trump upstages, attacks Jeb Bush in New Hampshire

Judge says Hillary Clinton’s private emails violated policy

Ellen Page Confronts Ted Cruz on Gay Rights at Iowa State Fair

Kentucky GOP greenlights joint Senate, presidential run for Rand Paul

Debut edition! MOULTON holds out for Biden — WARREN mum on second term — TOM BRADY’s new ad

Barack Obama calls opponents of Iran deal ‘the crazies’

As stock market drops, so do Hillary’s chances

White House pushes for Iran filibuster

Trump explains why he’s hitting Jeb harder than other rivals

Top Jeb fundraisers leave campaign amid troubling signs

Donald Trump: ‘This is a movement’

Steve Schmidt: Donald Trump ’emasculating’ Jeb Bush


Obama prevails on Iran deal

Trump will sign GOP loyalty pledge

Trump fumbles Hewitt question on terror leaders

Hillary Clinton’s proxies ramp up attacks against Sanders

Paid sick leave: Obama to issue order

Boehner’s future as speaker in doubt

CNN moves prime-time GOP debate to 8 p.m.

Bernie Sanders overtakes Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Trump on Fiorina’s face: I made those comments as an entertainer

Jimmy Fallon takes it easy on Donald Trump

Now-classified Clinton emails sitting on Google servers

Wall Street’s latest panic: Trump could win

GOP rivals hope more subdued debate setting throws Trump

It’s Time to Declare War on Donald Trump

New data shows Trump fever breaking

Conservatives balk at GOP pitch to avert shutdown

Ben Carson: America’s president can’t be Muslim

Carson will not apologize for Muslim remark

How Scott Walker became an asterisk

Walker’s campaign manager unloads

Trump momentum shows signs of stalling

Speaker John Boehner retiring from Congress at the end of October

Clinton Foundation snubbed by the pope, Elton John, Janet Yellen

Jeb Bush: Early polls ‘really don’t matter’

Poll: 69 percent oppose shutdown over Planned Parenthood

Cruz sternly rebuked by GOP

Paul on Cruz: He’s pretty much done for in the Senate


Clinton’s email woes deepen as classified messages pile up

Rubio campaign boots Bush-backing tracker from Iowa event

Jeb Bush on gun violence: ‘Stuff happens’

Chaffetz enters speaker’s race, pans McCarthy

Bernie Sanders bashes trade agreement as ‘disastrous’

Clinton ad highlights McCarthy statement on Benghazi

‘Draft Biden’ to air emotional ad urging ‘Joe, run’

Dick Cheney to endorse Kevin McCarthy

The Republican Plague on Government

Biden may ditch ‘Draft Biden’ super PAC

CNN expects ‘significantly smaller’ ratings for Dem debate

Hillary donors worry: ‘All the energy is with Bernie’

Clinton crushes it

Hastert would serve prison time under federal deal

Clinton campaign blasts Benghazi panel for announcing Abedin testimony

Marco Rubio’s wake-up call

Cruz: Trump’s campaign helping mine

Poll: Post-debate, smaller bump for Clinton among Dems

George W. Bush unleashes on Ted Cruz

Congress Can Still Make a Difference on Iran

How Clinton boxed out Biden

5 takeaways from Clinton’s marathon Benghazi testimony

GOP is like ‘Grumpycat,’ Obama says

Carson: I’m not super low energy, just soft-spoken

Trump: My dad gave me a ‘small loan’ of a million dollars

Conservatives already trashing new budget deal

Campaigns erupt over greenrooms at third GOP debate

Webster encouraging House Republicans to not vote for him for speaker

GOP campaigns plot revolt against RNC

Bush team bracing for cash crunch


Ryan: ‘I was not elected dictator of the House’

Florida poll shows Trump in front, with Bush’s help

GOP debate talks in disarray as consensus collapses

How Democrats Could Win the House. Really.

Sanders, in tonal shift, backs investigation of Clinton emails

Ben Carson admits fabrication West Point scholarship

Source: Key Clinton emails did not contain highly classified secrets

New Rubio credit-card data show less spending

Sanders: Endorsements prove Clinton ‘candidate of the establishment’

FBI steps up interviews in Clinton email probe

Bob Dole endorses Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush is 2016’s John Kerry

The Pundits Have It All Wrong, Ted Cruz Is a Real Threat For the Nomination

Sanders fights CBS move to change debate format after Paris

Obama rejects calls for change in anti-ISIL strategy

Why Al Gore won’t endorse Hillary Clinton

Democrats will vote no on Syria refugee bill

Clinton offers her plan for defeating Islamic State

How Ted Cruz is locking up the evangelical vote

Molenbeek broke my heart

Edwards beats Vitter in Louisiana governor’s race

Christie on Trump’s claims about New Jersey after 9/11: ‘I don’t recall’

Putin: Turkey’s downing of Russian warplane is ‘a stab in our back’

Getting the Politics of Fear Right

New York Times slams Trump’s mocking of reporter as ‘outrageous’

As Cruz gains, GOP senators rally for Rubio


Cruz: ‘Overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats’

Ben Carson tumbles in national poll

Democrats to GOP: Prayers are not enough

Democratic insiders: Trump is easy prey for Clinton

Jeb Bush is convincing donors the polls are wrong

Lynch cautious on ISIL link to California attacks

Obama misspoke about San Bernardino suspect’s visa

Working Families Party endorses Sanders ‘overwhelmingly’

Republicans fear Trump could jeopardize control of Congress

White supremacist groups see Trump bump

Ben Carson blasts RNC, threatens to leave Republican Party

Trump takes on Cruz, but lightly

Who’s in Tuesday’s debate? CNN doesn’t say

GOP contenders prep for loud, ugly holiday season

Ryan: Budget package a true compromise

Bush v. Trump: Behind the Vegas rumble

After public letter, no written directive from Christie on Syrian refugees

Sanders gets the fight he wanted

14 key moments from the democratic debate

Lindsey Graham drops out of presidential race

Trump’s attacks on Clinton get very, very personal

Washington Post removes cartoon depicting Ted Cruz’s daughters as monkeys

Huckabee says he’ll drop out if he doesn’t place in the top three in Iowa

Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump is very smart’ for manipulating the media

The GOP’s New Hampshire nightmare

Trump ties with Pope Francis in U.S. poll for second most-admired man in the world

Trump expands his attacks on the Clintons

Establishment rivals rip into Rubio

How the Koch network rivals the GOP

News Source: Politico

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