2018: NEW YORK TIMES (364)


Democrats in High-Tax States Plot to Blunt Impact of New Tax Law

The Trump Effect: Business, Anticipating Less Regulation, Loosens Purse Strings

The Republicans’s Fake Investigations

Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud

Everyone in Trumpworld Knows He’s an Idiot

Trump Defends His Mental Capacity, Calling Himself a ‘Genius’

Why 2017 Was the Best Year in Human History

Trump Administration Rules That Nearly 200,000 Salvadorans Must Leave, Officials Say

The Decline of Anti-Trumpism

I’m Proud We Published the Trump-Russia Dossier

Surveillance and Privacy Debate Reaches Pivotal Moment in Congress

Time to Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Porn Star Was Reportedly Paid to Stay Quiet About Trump

Chinese Police Dynamite Christian Megachurch

Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List

As Shutdown Talk Rises, Trump’s Immigration Words Pose Risks for Both Parties

Citing ‘Inexcusable’ Treatment, Advisers Quit National Parks Panel

Trump Upsets Republican Strategy to Avoid Shutdown

The Chaos President vs. His Iron-Fisted Chief of Staff

How Trump and Schumer Came Close to a Deal Over Cheeseburgers

After Vowing to Fix Washington, Trump Is Mired in a Familiar Crisis

A President Not Sure of What He Wants Complicates the Shutdown Impasse

Sessions Is Interviewed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

More than 160 women say Larry Nassar sexually abused them. Here are his accusers in their own words.

F.B.I. Texts and Dueling Memos Escalate Fight Over Russia Inquiry

Hillary Clinton Chose to Shield a Top Adviser Accused of Harassment in 2008

Billionaire Saudi Prince, Alwaleed bin Talal, Is Freed From Detention

The Necessity of Stephen Miller

An Article of Impeachment Against Donald J. Trump

Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Team Up to Disrupt Health Care

The Real Aim of the Secret Memo Is the Mueller Investigation


Mueller Zeros In on Story Put Together About Trump Tower Meeting

The Republican Plot Against the F.B.I.

How Trump’s Allies Fanned an Ember of Controversy Into Flames of Outrage

Kashyap Patel, Main Author of Secret Memo, Is No Stranger to Quarrels

MeToo Has Done What the Law Could Not

Trump’s Lawyers Want Him to Refuse an Interview in Russia Inquiry

Democratic Group Targets All-G.O.P. States to Attack Gerrymandering

Trump’s Worst Watcher

Unwelcome Attention for John Kelly, the Man Enlisted to Bring Calm

American Spies Paid $100,000 to Russian Who Wanted to Sell Material on Trump

‘No Fire, No Fury?’ Trump Is on Board With a Jeanine Pirro Book to Rebut Michael Wolff

Abuse Case Exposes Fissures in a White House in Turmoil

A Whirlwind Envelops the White House, and the Revolving Door Spins

Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Says He Paid Stormy Daniels Out of His Own Pocket

After Sandy Hook, More Than 430 People Have Been Shot in 273 School Shootings

Flashes of Rage. Family Loss. Nikolas Cruz’s Lifetime of Troubles

Inside a 3-Year Russian Campaign to Influence U.S. Voters

‘An Endless War’: Why 4 U.S. Soldiers Died in a Remote African Desert

Whatever Trump Is Hiding Is Hurting All of Us Now

Respect First, Then Gun Control

Billy Graham, 99, Dies; Pastor Filled Stadiums and Counseled Presidents

Black History Month Menu at N.Y.U.: Kool-Aid, Watermelon and Controversy

Armed Sheriff’s Deputy ‘Never Went In’ During Florida Shooting

Tipster’s Warning to F.B.I. on Florida Shooting Suspect: ‘I Know He’s Going to Explode’

5 Takeaways From the Release of the Democratic Memo

How Long Can John Kelly Hang On?

Melania Trump Parts Ways With Adviser Amid Backlash Over Inaugural Contract

Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump


Kushner’s Business Got Loans from Companies After White House Meetings

Justice Dept. Report Is Expected to Criticize Andrew McCabe Over Media Disclosures

Why Italy’s Insular Election Is More Important Than It Looks

Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class

Escort Says Audio Recording Prove Russian Meddling in U.S. Election

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Pleads Guilty to Theft and Agrees to Resign

Gary Cohn to Resign as Trump’s Top Economic Adviser

Trump Spoke to Witnesses About Matters They Discussed With Special Counsel

Trump Is Said to Accept North Korea’s Invitation to Discuss Its Nuclear Program

Planning Begins for Kim Jong-un Meeting Some Trump Aides Believe Will Never Happen

Trump talks With Clinton Impeachment Lawyer About Aiding in Mueller Response

Saudis Said to Use Coercion and Abuse to Seize Billions

New C.I.A. Deputy Director, Gina Haspel, Had Leading Role in Torture

Conor Lamb Roared. Republicans Should Quake.

Trump Administration Sanctions Russians for Election Meddling and Cyberattacks

Britain Hints at Tougher Blow Against Russia: Stripping Tycoons’ Assets

Andrew McCabe, a Target of Trump’s F.B.I. Scorn, Is Fired Over Candor Questions

Data Firm Tied to Trump Campaign Talked Business With Russians

Sons of Rich Black Families Fare No Better Than Sons of Working-Class Whites

Facebook Security Chief Said to Leave After Clashes Over Disinformation

Suspect in Austin Bombings Blew Himself Up, Police Say

John Dowd Resigns as Trump’s Lead Lawyer in Special Counsel Inquiry

Bolton Was Early Beneficiary of Cambridge Analytica’s Facebook Data

After Another Week of Chaos, Trump Repairs to Palm Beach. No One Knows What Comes Next.

Trump Won’t Hire 2 Lawyers Whose Appointments Were Announced Days Ago

Trump Orders Expulsion of 60 Russians Over Poison Attack in Britain

How to Be a Jew in the Age of Trump?

Kim Jong-un Met Xi Jinping in Secret Beijing Visit, China Says

Privatizing the V.A. Will Hurt Veterans

Noor Salman Is Acquitted in Pulse Nightclub Shooting

Russian Accused of Hacking U.S. Technology Firms Is Extradited


The Kushners Saw Redemption in the White House. It Was a Mirage.

Sinclair Made Dozens of Local News Anchors Recite the Same Script

To Trump, It’s the ‘Amazon Washington Post.’ To Its Editor, That’s Baloney.

Woman Accused of Shooting 3 at YouTube Had Complained About Company

India Is Close to Buying a Russian Missile System, Despite U.S. Sanctions

Job Changes for E.P.A. Officials Who Questioned Scott Pruitt

Dozens Suffocate in Syria as Government Is Accused of Chemical Attack

Rick Scott Enters Senate Race, and Florida Is Again Poised for a Bruising Campaign

Rod Rosenstein Personally Approved F.B.I. Raid on Trump Lawyer, Officials Say

Speaker Paul Ryan Will Not Seek Re-Election in November

Investigators Focus on Another Trump Ally: The National Enquirer

Trump calls Comey ‘Untruthful Slime Ball’ as Book Details Released

U.S., Britain and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack

Prominent Lawyer in Fight for Gay Rights Dies After Setting Himself on Fire in Prospect Park

Comey, in Interview, Calls Trump ‘Morally Unfit’ and ‘Stain’ on All Around Him

Trump Scraps New Sanctions Against Russia, Overruling Advisers

Barbara Bush, Wife of 41st President and Mother of 43rd, Dies at 92

Ex-Playboy Model, Let Out of Tabloid Contract, Can Freely Discuss Alleged Trump Affair

6 Takeaways From the James Comey Memos

Allison Mack of ‘Smallville’ Is Charged With Sex Trafficking

Barbara Bush: Fake Pearls, Real Heart

Hillary Clinton Avoids Direct Reference to Comey Memos in Speech

Toronto Van Driver Kills at Least 10 People in ‘Pure Carnage’

Republicans Lost Support in Every Special Election Since Trump Became President

We Are Republican Teachers Striking in Arizona. It’s Time to Raise Taxes

Lawyer Who Was Said to Have Dirt on Clinton Had Closer Ties to Kremlin Than She Let On

Trump Calls on Montana Democrat to Resign in Fight Over Failed V.A. Nomination

Kim Says He’ll Give Up Weapons if U.S. Promises Not to Invade

Happy Birthday, Karl Marx, You Were Right!


Israel Says Secret File Details Iran’s Nuclear Subterfuge

Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation

Army Green Berets Secretly Help Saudis Combat Threat From Yemen Rebels

Trump Orders Pentagon to Consider Reducing U.S. Forces in South Korea

2 F.B.I. Officials, Once Key Advisers to Comey, Leave the Bureau

John McCain Battles Donald Trump With His Dying Breaths

‘Smoke and Mirrors’: Emails Detail Pruitt’s Drive for Secrecy at the E.P.A.

Trump Tells Macron the U.S. Will Withdraw From Iran Nuclear Deal

3 Americans Are Released from North Korea, Trump Says

Five Top ISIS Officials Captured in U.S.-Iraqi Sting

Homeland Security Secretary Was Close to Resigning After Trump Berated Her

White House Refuses to Apologize for Aide’s Joke About McCain

Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think

Israeli Troops Kill Dozens of Palestinian Protesters as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem

A Grotesque Spectacle in Jerusalem

Tantalizing Testimony From a Top Trump Aide Sets Off a Search for Proof

Trump Calls Some Unauthorized Immigrants ‘Animals’ in Rant

Trump Administration to Tie Health Facilities’ Funding to Abortion Restrictions

F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims

Young People Keep Marching After Parkland, This Time to Register to Vote

Trump Grappling With Risks of Proceeding With North Korea Meeting

Chances of China Trade Win Undercut by Trump Team Infighting

Stacey Abrams Wins Georgia Democratic Primary for Governor, Making History

Trump Pulls Out of June Summit Meeting With North Korea

Trump Says North Korea Summit May Be Rescheduled

Democrats Go All-Out to Avoid Disaster in California House Races

Trump Falsely Says Times Made Up Source in Report on Korea Summit Meeting

Ivanka Trump Wins China Trademarks, Then Her Father Vows to Save ZTE

New Study Estimates Hurricane Maria Death Toll in Puerto Rico Could Exceed 4,000

Trump Asked Sessions to Retain Control of Russia Inquiry After His Recusals

F.B.I. Official Wrote Secret Memo Fearing Trump Got a Cover Story for Comey Firing


Stormy Daniels’s Lawyer Sought Help From Democrats in Fight With Trump

A Courtside View of Scott Pruitt’s Cozy Ties With a Billionaire Coal Baron

Trump’s Lawyers, in Confidential Memo, Argue to Head off a Historic Subpoena

Supreme Court Sides With Baker Who Turned Away Gay Couple

Iran Moves to Lift Its Nuclear Enrichment Capacity

Gavin Newsom Wins Spot in California Election for Governor

Democrats Childishly Resist Trump’s North Korea Efforts

Anthony Bourdain, Travel Host and Author, Is Dead at 61

Trump Attends G-7 with Defiance, Proposing to Re-admit Russia

Trump Economic Adviser Ties G-7 Pullout to North Korea Meeting

Escalating Clash With Canada, Trump Is Isolated Before North Korea Meeting

Trump and Kim Have Just Walked Us Back From the Brink of War

World Cup 2026 Is Awarded to United States, Canada and Mexico

N.Y. Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation Over Self-Dealing

Trump Calls Justice Dept. Report ‘Total Disaster’ for Fired F.B.I. Director

Separated at the Border From Their Parents: In Six Weeks, 1,995 Children

A Financier’s Profit-Minded Mission to Open a Channel Between Kushner and North Korea

Trump and the Baby Snatchers

New Charges in Huge C.I.A. Breach Known as Vault 7

Protesters Confronted Kirstjen Nielsen at Mexican Restaurant: ‘Shame!’

Horrific Details on Syria Chemical Attacks Left Out, for Now, From U.N. Report

Behind Trump’s Plan to Overhaul the Government: Scaling Back the Safety Net

Why Are Parents Bringing Their Children on Treacherous Treks to the U.S. Border?

Trump Leaves His Mark on a Presidential Keepsake

One Building, One Bomb: How Assad Gassed His Own People

We Have a Crisis of Democracy, Not Manners

Who Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? A 28-Year-Old Democratic Giant Slayer

With Kennedy Gone, Justice Must Be Won at the Ballot Box

Annapolis Shooting Suspect Had Long-Running Dispute With Newspaper

A Better Reason to Delay Kennedy’s Replacement


As Trump Consolidates Power, Democrats Confront a Rebellion in Their Ranks

In Denmark, Harsh New Laws for Immigrant ‘Ghettos’

Merkel, to Survive, Agrees to Border Camps for Migrants

In a Fox-Inspired Tweetstorm, Trump Offers a Medley of Falsehoods and Misstatements

Senators Collins and Murkowski, It’s Time to Leave the G.O.P.

Pruitt’s Resignation Is Just the Beginning

North Korea Calls U.S. Attitude During Talks With Pompeo ‘Regrettable’

U.S. Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution Stuns World Health Officials

Boris Johnson, U.K. Foreign Secretary, Resigns Over Brexit Discord

A Liberal’s Case for Brett Kavanaugh

Judge Kavanaugh’s Former Clerks: Diverse, and Deployed to Vouch for Him

As President Trump Bashes NATO, Republicans Are Largely Silent

Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and the Rise of Radical Incompetence

‘Warning Lights Are Blinking Red,’ Top Intelligence Officer Says of Russian Attacks

Trump, Having a Bawl in Europe

Trump, Treasonous Traitor

Trump Sheds All Notions of How a President Should Conduct Himself Abroad

Google Fined $5.1 Billion by E.U. in Android Antitrust Ruling

From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

Trump Is Being Manipulated by Putin. What Should We Do?

Israel Cements Right-Wing Agenda in a Furious Week of Lawmaking

Justice Dept. Releases Secret Carter Page Surveillance Documents at Center of Partisan Clash

Trump Threatens Iran on Twitter, Warning Rouhani of Dire ‘Consequences’

Democrats Are Moving Left. Don’t Panic

Spotting CNN on a TV Aboard Air Force One, Trump Rages Against Reality

How Trump Won Re-Election in 2020

G.D.P. Grew at 4.1% Rate in U.S. in Latest Quarter. Here’s What That Means.

Russian Hackers Appear to Shift Focus to U.S. Power Grid

Mike Pence, Holy Terror

How Trump Lost Re-election in 2020

How Trump Allies Shifted Their Defense as Evidence of Contacts With Russians Grew


Mueller Passes 3 Cases Focused on Illicit Foreign Lobbying to Prosecutors in New York

Trump Pushes for Interview With Mueller Against Lawyers’ Advice

CNN’s Jim Acosta Challenges Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Then Makes a Quick Exit

Paul Manafort Was Deep in Debt. He Saw an Opportunity in Trump.

White Nationalists Love Corey Stewart. He Keeps Them Close.

In Ohio Election, Republicans Test a Midterms Rescue Plan: Polarization

A Top Syrian Scientist Is Killed, and Fingers Point at Israel

Ohio Special Election Too Close to Call, as Republican Holds Slim Lead

Republicans Gird for House Battle as Ohio and Kansas Races Remain Close

Trump Used Racial Slur During ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ Ex-Aide Says

Containers of Hurricane Donations Found Rotting in Puerto Rico Parking Lot

At ‘Unite the Right’ Rally, White Nationalists to Gather in Front of White House

Peter Strzok, F.B.I. Agent Who Criticized Trump in Texts, Is Fired

Trump Appears to Admit White House Aides Signed Nondisclosure Agreements

New Estimates Show Overdose Deaths Surpassed 72,000, a New High, in 2017

John Brennan: President Trump’s Claims of No Collusion Are Hogwash

Omarosa Manigault Newman Releases Tape of Lara Trump’s $15,000-a-Month Job Offer

Embracing Conspiracy Theory, Trump Escalates Attack on Bruce Ohr

McGahn, White House Counsel, Has Cooperated Extensively in Mueller Inquiry

Trump Lawyers’ Sudden Realization: They Don’t Know What Don McGahn Told Mueller’s Team

New Russian Hacking Targeted Republican Groups, Microsoft Says

Saudi Arabia Seeks the Death Penalty for Female Activist

Attempted Hacking of Voter Database Was a False Alarm, Democratic Party Says

Manhattan D.A. Eyes Criminal Charges Against Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg, Top Trump Organization Official, Was Granted Immunity for Testimony

John McCain, War Hero, Senator, Presidential Contender, Dies at 81

As a Nation Mourns McCain, Trump Is Conspicuously Absent

The End of Impunity — What Democrats can do with subpoena power.

White House Counsel Donald McGahn Will Leave This Fall, Trump Announces on Twitter

National Enquirer Had Decades of Trump Dirt. He Wanted to Buy It All.

Ronan Farrow’s Ex-Producer Says NBC Impeded Weinstein Reporting


McCain and a Requiem for the American Century

Washington Mourned John McCain. President Trump Went Golfing.

A Coveted Lawyer’s Juggling Act May Be Good, and Bad, for Trump

Who Is Brett Kavanaugh? — Contrary to what supporters say, he’s no originalist.

In ‘Fear,’ Bob Woodward Pulls Back the Curtain on President Trump’s ‘Crazytown’

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration

‘I Don’t Talk’ That Way, Trump Says. Except When He Does.

Science Does Not Support Claims That Contraceptives Are ‘Abortion-Inducing’

China Is Detaining Muslims in Vast Numbers. The Goal: ‘Transformation.’

The Urgent Question of Trump and Money Laundering

The Real Lesson of Sept. 11

In Texas, Ted Cruz Has ‘A Dogfight on His Hands,’ Some Republicans Admit

Trump Rejects Puerto Rico Death Toll, Falsely Accusing Democrats of Inflating Numbers

Democratic Insurgents Topple 6 New York Senate Incumbents

How a Ukrainian Hairdresser Became a Front for Paul Manafort

Conservatism After Christianity

Kavanaugh’s Nomination in Turmoil as Accuser Says He Assaulted Her Decades Ago

How to Get the Kavanaugh Hearings Right

North Korea’s New Promises on Weapons Stop Short of Denuclearization

Debunking 5 Viral Rumors About Christine Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh’s Accuser

The Case for Impeaching Kavanaugh

This I Believe About Blasey v. Kavanaugh

Sick to Your Stomach? #MeToo

Kavanaugh to Give Senate Calendars From 1982 to Back Up Denial

Kavanaugh’s Yearbook Page Is ‘Horrible, Hurtful’ to a Woman It Named

In Yale’s Culture of Privilege and Alcohol, Her World Converged With Kavanaugh’s

This Revolution, Too, Will Eat Its Children

Why Brett Kavanaugh Wasn’t Believable

A Bitter Nominee, Questions of Neutrality, and a Damaged Supreme Court

Details of F.B.I’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range


Chad Ludington’s Statement on Kavanaugh’s Drinking and Senate Testimony

Kavanaugh Was Questioned by Police After Bar Fight in 1985

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

For Once, I’m Grateful for Trump

A Complete National Disgrace

Read Susan Collins’s Speech Declaring Support for Brett Kavanaugh

Turkey Believes Prominent Saudi Critic Was Killed in Saudi Consulate in Istanbul

MeToo Is a ‘Movement Toward Victimization,’ G.O.P. Senate Candidate Says

Nikki Haley Resigned as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

Turkish Officials Say Khashoggi Was Killed on Order of Saudi Leadership

Khashoggi’s Disappearance Puts Kushner’s Bet on Saudi Crown Prince at Risk

From Wall Street to K Street, Companies Guage the Risks of Doing Business With Saudi Arabia

Kushner Likely Paid No Federal Income Taxes for Years, Documents Show

My Fiance Jamal Khashoggi Was a Lonely Patriot

Trump Speaks With Saudi King About Missing Journalist

Trump Campaign Doubles Spending Rate as the 2020 Race Draws Nearer

Audio Contains Gruesome Details of Khashoggi Killing, Turkish Official Says

U.S. Spy Agencies Are Increasingly Convinced of Saudi Prince’s Ties to Journalist’s Disappearance

A President Who Believed He Is Entitled To His Own Facts

Trump, Breaking With U.S. Intelligence, Appears to Accept Saudi Explanation of Journalist’s Death

Step Away From the Orb

Jamal Khashoggi Double Sent to Create False Trail in Istanbul, Saudi Official Says

At George Soros’s Home in N.Y. Suburb, Explosive Device Is Found in Mailbox

Explosive Device Found in Mail Sent to HIllary Clinton and Obama

Bomb Sent to Robert De Niro, Latest in Wave of Explosives Sent to Trump Critics

Two More Bombs Found, Addressed to Cory Booker and CNN

Living in a Van Plastered With Hate, Bombing Suspect Was Filled With Right-Wing Rage

A Massacre in the Heart of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood

For Trump, Dutiful Words of Grief, Then Off to the Next Fight

Trump Wants to End Birthright Citizenship With Executive Order

In Campaign’s Homestretch, Trump Tosses Out Ideas to See What Sticks


Trump, Terror, and the ‘No Guardrails’ Presidency

Ilana Glazer Event at Synagogue Is Canceled After Anti-Semetic Graffiti Is Found

Why Aren’t Democrats Walking Away With the Midterms?

Consulting Firms Keep a Lucrative Saudi Alliance, Shaping Crown Prince’s Vision

Fox News’s Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro Embrace Trump at His Last Election Rally

Democrats Capture Control of House; G.O.P. Holds Senate

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized With 3 Broken Ribs

Sessions, in Last-Minute Act, Sharply Limits Use of Consent Decrees to Curb Police Abuses

Matthew Whitaker: An Attack Dog With Ambition Beyond Protecting Trump

Trump’s Nationalism Rebuked at World War I Commemoration

Uncounted Ballots, Overvoted Ballots: Why Is the Governor Claiming Fraud in Florida’s Election?

‘Tell Your Boss’: Recording Is Seen to Link Saudi Crown Prince More Strongly to Khashoggi Killing

Conservative Lawyers Say Trump Has Undermined the Rule of Law

In Florida Recount, Sloppy Signatures May Disqualify Thousands of Votes

Julian Assange Is Secretly Charged in U.S., Prosecutors Mistakenly Reveal

C.I.A. Concludes That Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Khashoggi Killed

A Democratic Rout in Orange County: Cisneros’s Win Makes It Four

Book Offers Firsthand Account of Venomous Den Inside the White House

Amazon Is Coming. Can New York’s Transit System Handle It?

Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

Trump is Crude. But He’s Right About Saudi Arabia.

Saudis Want a U.S. Nuclear Deal. Can They Be Trusted Not to Build a Bomb?

U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy

Do You Have a Moral Duty to Leave Facebook?

G.M. to Stop Production at 5 Plants in U.S. and Canada

Manafort Breached Plea Deal by Repeatedly Lying, Mueller Says

Manafort’s Lawyer Said to Brief Trump Attorneys on What He Told Mueller

Michael Cohen to Plead Guilty to Charge in Mueller Investigation

How a Lawyer, a Felon and a Russian General Chased a Moscow Trump Tower Deal


George Bush, 41st President, Dies at 94

Under Trump, the Swamp Is Draining

Can You Like the Person You Love to Hate?

Why Michael Cohen, Trump’s Fixer, Confessed to It All

Michael Flynn Was a Key Cooperator and Should Serve Little Prison Time, Mueller Says

Elizabeth Warren Stands by DNA Test. But Around Her, Worries Abound.

Trump Will Nominate William P. Barr as Attorney General

Is This the Beginning of the End for Trump?

Prosecutors’ Narrative Is Clear: Trump Defrauded Voters. But What Does It Mean?

Nick Ayers, Aide to Pence, Declines Offer to Be Trump’s Chief of Staff

After Ayers Turns Down Chief of Staff Job, Trump Is Left Without a Plan B

Playing by His Own Rules, Trump Flips the Shutdown Script

Chris Hayes’ Work Diary: ‘My Life Is an Unceasing Festival of Impatience’

Cohen Says ‘Of Course’ Trump Knew Hush Payments to Women Were Wrong

Ukraine Asserts Major Russian Military Buildup on Eastern Border

Who Killed The Weekly Standard?

Russian 2016 Influence Operation Targeted African-Americans

White House Signals Retreat on Shutdown threat

Trump Considering Full Withdrawal of U.S. Troops From Syria

Vladimir Putin Welcomes U.S. Withdrawal From Syria

Jim Mattis, Defense Secretary, Resigns in Rebuke of Trump’s Worldview

Dear Anonymous Inside the Trump Administration

Tsunami Strikes Indonesia Without Warning, Killing Over 220

Stock Market Rout Has Trump Fixated on Fed Chair Powell

Time for G.O.P. to Threaten to Fire Trump

Did a Queens Podiatrist Help Donald Trump Avoid Vietnam?

End of Government Shutdown May Depend on the Definition of ‘Wall’

Trump Iraq Visit Is Called a Political Rally

A Week Into Government Shutdown, Ire Turns to Fear for Federal Workers

More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change

Elizabeth Warren Announces She Is Running for President

News Source: New York Times

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