2017: REUTERS (156)


New Republican-led Congress lays groundwork for Trump era

U.S. obtained evidence after election that Russia leaked emails: officials

Iraq war veteran accused of killing five at Ft. Lauderdale airport

Chinese state tabloid warns Trump, end one China policy and China will take revenge

UK PM says Trump dossier author has not worked for Britain for years

Trump adviser had five calls with Russian envoy on day of sanctions: sources

Trump aides deny summit with Putin planned

Trump’s offer to Russia: an end to sanctions for nuclear arms cut – London Times

One habit Trump says he will keep as president: tweeting

Trump to name ex-Georgia Governor Perdue as agriculture secretary

In Trump We Trust: Inauguration prompts celebration in Russia

Trump, in Oval Office, signs first order on Obamacare

UK PM May promises frank talk with Trump after women protest

Trump may not enforce individual health insurance mandate: aide

Court appeal argues California emissions trading plan akin to ‘illegal tax’

Trump administration tells EPA to cut climate page from website: sources

In Trump era, Democrats and Republicans switch sides on states’ rights

U.S.-Mexico crisis deepens as Trump aide floats border tax idea

U.S. lawyers for Iraquis sue to block Trump immigration order

Chaos, anger as Trump order halts some Muslim immigrants

Five dead in Quebec City mosque shooting: mosque president


U.S. military probing more possible civilian deaths in Yemen raid

Trump administration imposes fresh Iran-related sanctions

Kremlin says it wants apology from Fox News over Putin comments

Melania wins ‘substantial’ settlement from blogger over prostitution claims

Defections by Sears, Kmart cap week of controversy for Trump brands

U.S. detains Mexican immigrant in Seattle covered by Obama program

Eight people flee U.S. border patrol to seek asylum in Canada

U.S. inquiries into Russian election hacking include three FBI probes

France’s Le Pen cancels meet with Lebanon grand mufti over headscarf

U.S. judge blocks Texas plan to cut Planned Parenthood Medicaid funds

White House may boost recreational marijuana enforcement: spokesman

Kuwait could pay up to $60,000 for party at Trump Hotel in Washington

Trump says ‘revved up economy’ will pay for budget proposals: Fox


Trump aides’ bid to plug leaks creates unease among some civil servants

Trump says Obama wiretapped him during campaign; gives no evidence

Why Trump might suspect Obama bugged Trump Tower

Strong U.S. Job growth, rising wages set stage for Fed rate hike

Trump’s revised travel ban dealt first court setback

Senator Graham threatens subpoena on Trump wiretapping claim

Tillerson says State Department spending ‘simply not sustainable’

Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings

Republican green groups seek to temper Trump on climate change

Tillerson plans to skip NATO meeting, visit Russia in April – sources

Assailant shot, policeman stabbed and several injured in UK parliament incident

U.S. House vote looms; Trump struggles to win Obamacare repeal

Republicans scramble for health bill votes after Trump ultimatum

Angry over U.S. healthcare fail, Trump voters spare him blame

Police union warns Trump ‘sanctuary city’ cuts could risk safety

Seattle sues Trump administration over threat to ‘sanctuary’ cities


ADVISORY: Story on Kushner visiting Iraq withdrawn

North Korea fires ballistic missile as Trump, Xi prepare to meet

Escalating U.S. role in Syria, Trump orders strikes on Assad airbase

Chinese state media cheer Xi-Trump meeting, say confrontation not inevitable

Bombings at Egyptian Coptic churches kill 36, injure more than 100

North Korean ships head home after China orders coal returned

UK’s Daily Mail to pay Melania Trump damages over modeling claims

Vice President Pence heads to Seoul as North Korea tensions flare

North Korea displays submarine-based missiles for first time at military parade

North Korea warns of ‘super-mighty preemptive strike’ as U.S. plans next move

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

French intelligence says Assad forces carried out sarin attack

Trump says ‘major, major’ conflict with North Korea possible, but seeks diplomacy

U.S. says time to act on North Korea, China says not up to Beijing alone

South Korea says U.S. reaffirms it will pay THAAD costs; joint drills wrap up


U.S. issues travel alert for Europe, citing threat of terrorist attacks

Russian election hacking ‘wildly successful’ in creating discord: former U.S. lawmaker

U.S. job growth rebounds sharply, unemployment rate hits 4.4 percent

France’s Macron campaign emails appear to be leaked online

France fights to keep Macron email hack from distorting election

Jakarta’s Christian governor jailed for blasphemy against Islam

North Korea fires missile days after new South Korea leader pledges dialogue

France’s Macron picks PM from the right, blowing apart old boundaries

Russia’s response to Trump leak reports: don’t read U.S. newspapers

Embroiled in controversies, Trump seeks boost on foreign trip

Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

White House looking at ethics rule to weaken special investigation: sources

North Korea’s Unit 180, the cyber warfare cell that worries the West

Manchester suicide attack lays bare limits of security measures

May to confront Trump as UK police stop sharing attack information with U.S.

Gunmen kill 26 in attack on Christians in Egypt

Trump son-in-law had undisclosed contacts with Russian envoy – sources

As Trump grapples with crisis, communications aide steps down


Dispute erupts over House panel subpoenas for CIA, FBI

Trump misunderstood MIT climate research, university officials say

Trump’s continued search for new FBI chief seen as chaotic: sources

London attackers kill seven, PM May says ‘enough is enough’

Despite Trump vow to end catch and release, he is still freeing thousands of migrants

Watergate ‘pales’ compared with Trump-Russia: former U.S. intelligence head

North Korea fires suspected land-to-ship missiles as South Korea delays THAAD

Qatar vows no surrender in Gulf crisis as U.S., Kuwait seek solution

Britain denies that Trump state visit delayed

U.S. soldiers wounded in apparent shooting at Afghan base: official

U.S. investigators in Russia probe look at role of Flynn partner

No definite arrangements in place for Putin-Trump meeting: Kremlin

Helicopter attacks Venezuela court, Maduro denounces coup bid


North Korea says fist intercontinental ballistic missile test successful

G20 communique exposes divide with U.S. on climate policy

Trump Jr., Kushner met with Russian lawyer: New York Times

Syrian Observatory says it has ‘confirmed information’ that Islamic State chief is dead

Trump says he was unaware of son’s meeting with Russian lawyer

Presidents Bush and Clinton: Be humble in victory, responsible with power

Australia-U.S. refugee swap again in doubt as officials exit Nauru

Russian lawyer who met Trump Jr. says ready to testify to Congress

One in eight people who voted for Trump having second thoughts: Poll

Moscow lawyer who met Trump Jr had Russian spy agency as client

U.S. investigators seek to turn Manafort in Russia probe: sources

Unrest bubbles among Trump’s key foreign policy aides: sources

U.S. energy secretary duped into fake interview with Russian comedians

VP Pence, in the Baltics, voices support for mutual defense in NATO


North Korea can hit most of United States: U.S. officials

Former Justice Department official joins Mueller team

Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Russian lawyer, Trump Jr. meeting – sources

Russia’s Kislyak: talks with Trump’s ex-security aide ‘absolutely transparent’

Trump eyes top policy aide for communications director role: official

Australia sends navy ships, divers after aircraft crash, three U.S. Marines missing

Chinese paper says China should stay neutral if North Korea attacks first

Trump threatens Venezuela with unspecified ‘military option’

Undeterred, U.S. cities ramp up removal of Confederate statues

After Syria fall-out, Hamas ties with Iran restored: Hamas chief

Trump attacking freedom of the press: U.N. rights boss


North Korea sentences South Korean reporters to death over review of book about country

Trump to scrap protection for ‘Dreamers’, give Congress six months to fix

A majority of adults disagree with Trump on firing athletes who kneel during anthem: Poll

Senator says Russian internet trolls stoked NFL debate

Beyond the daily drama and Twitter battles, Trump begins to alter American life


EPA to propose repealing Obama’s climate regulation – document

Trump’s popularity is slipping in rural America: poll

NFL not seeking mandate for players to stand during anthem

NFL policy on anthem kneeling unchanged, despite Trump rebuke

Senators push bill requiring warrant for U.S. data under spy law

U.S. House panel says agreement reached over Fusion GPS bank records

China considers three-year jail terms for disrespecting national anthem, flag


Awaiting Trump’s coal comeback, miners reject retraining

Rupert Murdoch twice discussed CNN with AT&T CEO – sources

Philippines’ Duterte sings love songs for Trump: ‘You are the light’


21st Century Fox in $90 million settlement tied to sexual harassment scandal

Jeff Sessions orders review of gun background check system

Special Report: ‘Treacherous shenanigans’ – The inside story of Mugabe’s downfall

White House’s Mulvaney tells CFPB staff to ‘disregard’ Leandra English: memo


Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts: source

Respect ‘status quo’ of Jerusalem, says Pope in response to Trump move

U.S. asks Israel to restrain response to Jerusalem move – document

U.S. House Democratic women seek probe of Trump misconduct accusations

Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith to replace Franken: report

Erdogan says Turkey seeking to annul Trump decision on Jerusalem at U.N.

Trump allies say Mueller unlawfully obtained thousands of emails

Trump in strategy document to cite China, Russia as competitors

Kremlin dismisses Trump’s ‘imperialist’ security strategy

House to vote again on tax bill: Trump on verge of win

In Silicon Valley, much-feared tax bill pays dividends for workers

North Korea says new U.N. sanctions an act of war

Mideast needs two-state solution, Pope says in Christmas message

North Korea likely to pursue talks, South says in rosy New Year forecast

Iran warns protesters who pose major challenge to country’s leadership

News Source: Reuters

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