Taco Bell is Giving Away Free Doritos Locos Tacos for a Month, Starting Tomorrow

Elizabeth Warren, Progressives Sink Obama Treasury Nominee Antonio Weiss

Key Obamacare Official Stepping Down

Supreme Court Will Take Up Gay Marriage

Obama to Propose Tax Hikes on Wealthy, Breaks for Middle Class

Loretta Lynch Says She Doesn’t Support Marijuana Legalization Or Obama’s Views on Pot

Obama Mocks Mitt Romney For Being ‘Suddenly Deeply Concerned About Poverty’


Obama Budget Extends Social Security Benefits To All Married Same-Sex Couples

Bill Clinton Apologizes To Mexico For War On Drugs

Judge Challenging Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore On Gay Marriage: ‘We’re On The Right Side of History’

Two House Bills Would End Federal Prohibition of Marijuana

VA Secretary Robert McDonald Falsely Claimed He Served in ‘Special Forces’

GOP Pollster Explains Why Republicans Need Record Minority Support To Win in 2016

O’Reilly Also Lied About Witnessing Nuns’ Execution in El Salvador, Report Claims

Scott Walker Says He Can Take On ISIS Because He Took On Labor Unions


Warren, Franken Join Growing List Of Democrats Skipping Netanyahu Speech

Ferguson Police Department May Fold Due To DOJ Probe

Univision Host Rodner Figueroa Fired Over Racist ‘Planet Of The Apes’ Comment Towards Michelle Obama

White House Issues Saturday Night Iran Deal Warning To Senate

Obama On Loretta Lynch: ‘You Don’t Hold Attorney General Nominees Hostage’

Obama Details His Disappointment With Netanyahu In First Post-Election Comments

Senate Democrat Trolls Tom Cotton So Hard

Trevor Noah To Replace Jon Stewart As The New ‘Daily Show’ Host


Arkansas Legislature Copies Indiana, Passes Controversial Religious Freedom Bill

Maine Gov. Paul LePage Ends Town Hall After Former Lawmaker Throws Vaseline At Him

Uninsured Rate Gets Lower And Lower, Thanks to Obamacare

Clinton Campaign Will Accept Donations From Lobbyists and PACs

John McCain Just Can’t Stop Laughing At Ted Cruz

Hillary Clinton Campaign Launches Grassroots Organizing Program In All 50 States

Democrats’ Frustration With Obama Boils Over As Trade Bills Advance

Jared Polis Trolls Steve King With Bill To Block Him From Legislating

Hillary Clinton Opposes Major Obama Trade Policy


The Clock Is Ticking And Republicans Still Have No Serious Obamacare Alternative

Here’s The Senator Who United Democrats To Block Obama’s Trade Agenda

Russ Feingold Running For Senate In 2016

Ben Carson, Vegetarian

New Grads Can’t Really Afford To Live Anywhere, Report finds

Beau Biden, Joe Biden’s Son, Dead At 46 From Brain Cancer


Fellow Congressman Was Told About Dennis Hastert Abuses, Source Says

Dennis Hastert Hid His Skeletons As He Helped Push GOP’s Anti-Gay Agenda

Cop Suspended After Video Emerges Of Brutal Arrests At Teen Pool Party

Republican Support for Automatic Voter Registration Is Way Lower Than It Used To Be

Is It Time for Fast Track Atheist Security Checks at Airports?

Elizabeth Warren Tells Us That She Can’t Even With Jamie Dimon’s Mansplaining

Democrats Rebel To Block Obama’s Trade Deals

Thousands Walk Hand In Hand Across Ravenel Bridge To Show Support For Mother Emanuel Church

KFC ‘Fried Rat’ Is In Fact Chicken, Lab Test Confirms

Supreme Court Rejects Obamacare Lawsuit, Preserving Insurance For Millions

Antonin Scalia Dissent In Marriage Equality Case Is Even More Unhinged Than You’d Think

Supreme Court Upholds Oklahoma’s Use Of Lethal Injection Drug

A Hard Day’s Work Deserves a Fair Day’s Pay


Thank You, Donald Trump!

George Takei Calls Justice Clarence Thomas A ‘Clown In Blackface’ Over Marriage Equality Dissent

Women Are Spending $1.4 Billion Less On Birth Control Due To Obamacare: Report

How A Teenage Girl Who Gave An ‘Intimidating Look’ Was Sentenced To Up To 5 Years In Prison

A Note About Our Coverage Of Donald Trump’s ‘Campaign’

Boy Scouts End Ban On Gay Adults


Mike Huckabee Won’t Rule Out Using Federal Troops To Stop Abortions

Disturbing Video Shows Kentucky Officer Handcuff Crying Third-Grader At School

Chuck Schumer Breaks With Obama, Will Oppose Iran Deal

With the FBI Investigating Clinton’s Emails, Bernie Sanders Should Be Considered the Democratic Frontrunner


Jeb Bush: The Pope Shouldn’t Discuss Climate Change Because ‘He’s Not A Scientist

Priestly Betrayal


Kevin McCarthy’s exit came after receiving personal threat over affair allegations

Sidelined by Democrats, Larry Lessig considers running against them

Trey Gowdy Says His 11-Hour Benghazi Hearing Didn’t Reveal Anything New


Ben Carson Says America Would Be Cuba If Not For Fox News

French Interior Minister Wants ‘Dissolution’ Of Some Mosques

Bad Obamacare News Is Real. That Doesn’t Mean Obamacare Is Dying.


Watch Jon Stewart and 9/11 First Responders Actually Change A GOP Senator’s Mind

A Note on Trump: We Are No Longer Entertained

Speaking with One Voice to Solve the Climate Crisis

Read The Latest Updates On The CNN GOP Debate

Bernie Sanders Says He’s Already Started Writing His Inaugural Address

Pussy Riot On Trump: We Laughed When Vladimir Putin Rose To Power, Too

News Source: Huffington Post

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