2016: POLITICO (348)


Obama set to unveil curbs on gun sellers

Insiders give their top predictions for 2016

GOP contenders cry foul over Obama’s gun measures

Trump and Cruz send shivers down GOP spine

Cruz camp mocks Rubio’s ‘high-heeled booties’

The Nation He Built: A review of Barack Obama’s domestic policy legacy — and the changes he made while nobody was paying attention

Priebus ‘100 percent’ confident he can rally Republican Party behind Cruz or Trump

Fox poll: Sanders soars in New Hampshire

Struggling GOP contenders relish moment to ignore Trump

Obama, GOP Congress near end of long, ugly relationship

Kim Davis to attend State of the Union, but won’t say with whom

Republicans warn Bush team against harming Rubio

Obama’s final State of the Union address draws record-low TV audience

RNC member urges party to rally against Trump

Cruz plotting new attacks on Trump

The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter

Why Clinton brought up Flint’s water crisis

Cruz aide; ‘Deeply disappointed’ if Palin endorsed Trump

Watchdog: Clinton’s server had classified material beyond ‘top secret’

The Battle for the Soul of the Right

National Review aims to take down Trump

Chuck Grassley Introduces Donald Trump at Iowa rally

I Get Sanders’ Appeal, But He’s Not a Credible President

Trump: Ted Cruz ‘looks like a jerk’

Republicans point fingers: Who let Trump get this far?

Sanders challenges Clinton to 3 new debates

Donald Trump Is Shocking, Vulgar and Right

Hillary Clinton confronts her 43 percent problem

Clinton: I didn’t generate any ‘top secret’ emails


George Soros donates $8 million to boost Hillary

How Iowa went wrong for Hillary Clinton

Trump accuses Cruz of ‘fraud,’ Calls for new Iowa election

Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein: Sanders candidacy a ‘dangerous moment’

Clinton and Sanders just had the election’s most explosive exchange to date

Bush loyalists concede the end may be in sight

Bush campaign manager warns aides to watch for ‘dirty tricks’ from Rubio camp

What Clinton said in her paid speeches

Clinton allies grapple with crushing loss

Bush: Trump would be worse than Obama

Trump calls Cruz a liar

GOP mega-donors frozen in frustration

McConnell throws down the gauntlet: No Scalia replacement under Obama

Sanders supporters revolt against superdelegates

Scalia’s death could doom McDonnell and hurt Menendez

Apple CEO Tim Cook fires back at FBI in terror case

White House rips Schumer’s ‘credibility’ on national security

Bush machine running on fumes

Bush staff float resumes with Florida consultants

Inside Jeb Bush’s $150 Million Failure

Iran elections test U.S. gamble on nuke deal

GOP wakes up to Trump nightmare

Trump shatters the Republican Party

RNC sees leverage over Trump

8 times Chris Christie suggested Donald Trump shouldn’t be president

Sanders on South Carolina results: ‘Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose’

Joe Scarborough: Trump’s KKK ignorance ‘disqualifying’ 


Ted Cruz’s Judgement Day

The day the Republican Party ruptured

Romney rips Trump as a ‘phony’ and a ‘fraud’

GOP crackup has Democrats in stitches

Bernie’s bounce-back weekend

Cruz crushes Trump in Kansas

How Donald Trump scrambles the general election map

Is Trump peaking? We’ll find out today

Will Blue-Collar Dems Run to Trump? Fuhgeddaboudit!

Trump would pursue criminal indictment of Clinton

Insiders: Rubio wins debate too late to matter

Trump: ‘There used to be consequences’ for protesting

Cruz reaffirms pledge to support GOP nominee, even if Trump

What’s Wrong With Hillary?

Clinton: ‘We didn’t lose a single person’ in Libya

Boehner Backs Paul Ryan for president

Democrats sound alarm against Trump

Obama to pick first female four-star commander

Sheriff Arpaio to police Trump’s Arizona rally

Is Cruz already too late to stop Trump?

In Cuba, Obama Will Legitimize the Corrupt and Ignore the Oppressed

Belgian police catch Brussels bomb suspect Najim Laachraoui

Shadow campaign to deny Trump his delegates begins

Tea party groups threatens to primary Moran over Supreme Court comments

Meet South Carolina’s anti-Trump double agents

Sanders romps in Washington, Alaska, Hawaii

Conservatives to pounce if GOP relents on Supreme Court

Trump brings GOP civil war to Paul Ryan’s backyard

GOP panelists eager to scrap rule that helps Trump

Kasich defends eating pizza with fork: It was ‘scalding hot, OK?’


Delegates ready to flee Trump at contested convention

How Trump Has Proved the Founders Right

Top Republicans talking up Paul Ryan as nominee

Trump is in trouble in Wisconsin

Hillary Clinton has had enough of Bernie Sanders

Sanders: Clinton’s not qualified to be president

Obama: Abandon all hope if GOP doesn’t change

Obama relents in fight over Fast and Furious documents

Boston Globe to publish fake front page on Trump presidency

Past cases suggest Hillary won’t be indicted

Clinton camp: Sanders wants to rig system with superdelegates

White House demands Maryland super PAC pull Senate Ad

Apple hires NFL, Biden veteran for key policy role

My Night at the Playboy Mansion With Donald Trump

Bernie Sanders secures five minutes with Pope Francis

Trump massacred in delegate fights once more

Why Trump may be costing Democrats millions for their convention

Giuliani explains why he won’t endorse Trump

How Bernie lost New York

Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want

Delegates face death threats from Trump supporters

The desperate scramble for Bernie’s secret weapon

Rosario Dawson cites Monica Lewinsky at Sanders rally

Trump rolls out a new nickname for Kasich

Trump: Americans will thank me when Lena Dunham flees to Canada

Clinton’s refusal to quit in 2008 haunts her in 2016

Boehner: Cruz is ‘Lucifer in the flesh’

Insiders: Clinton would crush Trump in November


Obama roasts the media, RNC and, of course, Trump at annual dinner

Why Rubio hasn’t endorsed Cruz

Trump accuses Cruz’s father of helping JFK’s assassin

Trump again links Rafael Cruz to JFK’s killer

Scarborough: I won’t vote for Trump if he doesn’t change

How Ryan decided to ditch Trump

Obama previews his Trump attack plan

Donald Trump breaks the GOP

‘I think he could come apart’

Obama to be first sitting U.S. president to visit Hiroshima

‘You Can Try to Lock Us Out, But We’re Not Going Away’

Biden wanted Warren as his VP

Trump accuses Bezos of using the Washington Post to avoid taxes

Ben Sasse under fire

Bill Clinton: ‘I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state’

Supreme Court asks for Obamacare birth control compromise

Donald Trump Is Not Expanding the GOP

Sanders sticks it to the Democratic Party

Donald Trump accuses Bill Clinton of rape

Democratic insiders: Convention could be ‘a rough ride’

Carlson: Glenn Beck ‘acted like he was auditioning to be Mark Zuckerberg’s manservant’ at Facebook meeting

Just What Were Donald Trump’s Ties to the Mob?

Supreme Court finds jury tainted by race in murder case

Sen. Barrasso to chair GOP platform committee at convention

State Dept. watchdog: Clinton violated email rules

Trump, Sanders seemingly agree to debate

Sanders angers Democrats with Trump debate ploy

Donald Trump backs out of debate with Bernie Sanders

Judge acknowledges Donald Trump’s attacks, unseals files in Trump U suit

Ben Carson: America is a cruise ship that’s about to go over Niagara Falls

Shady accounting underpins Trump’s wealth


Clinton camp vows to hit ‘con man’ Trump

Reid unloads: McConnell ‘cuddled up’ with Trump

Economy added only 38,000 jobs in May

Obamas, Clintons and Trump pay tribute to Muhammad Ali

Warren: ‘I don’t believe in superdelegates’

In Ramadan message, Obama takes swipe at Trump

Trump train derails on Capitol Hill

Clinton launches ‘Republicans Against Trump’ campaign

Trump support shrinking on Capitol Hill

4-in-10 GOP insiders want to derail Trump at the convention

Tulsi Gabbard launches petition to end Democratic Party superdelegate process

Trump attacks Obama: ‘He’s got something else in mind’

Trump’s terror response has Republicans fretting anew

Hill Republicans despondent over Trump

Kasich blames media for Trump

Trump’s poll ratings in a historic hole

Clinton email lawsuit zeroes in on Kennedy, Koh

Would Donald Trump really drop out for $150 million?

Trump clarifies stance on guns after NRA criticism

Clinton seeks rock-star convention lineup

Amy Schumer rips Senate ‘cowardice’ on gun votes

Kaine rises to top of Clinton’s veep list

Trump hails Brexit: ‘They took back their country’

Delegate survey: Dump Trump lacks the votes

How David Cameron blew it

Supreme Court overturns Bob McDonnell’s corruption convictions

Final Benghazi report details administration failures

Anxiety mounts over GOP convention’s security

Democrats groan after Bill Clinton meets Loretta Lynch


Trump: I was asked to speak on all 3 convention nights

Trump: I’ll reveal ‘totally filled’ convention speaking spots next week

Trump tweets depicting Clinton, cash and the Star of David

Tim Kaine’s abortion predicament

FBI recommends no charges against Clinton in email probe

Obama to keep 8,400 troops in Afghanistan next year

State: Some classified markings in Clinton emails were ‘human error’

Clinton: ‘I mourn for the officers shot’

Dallas police chief: Suspect ‘had other plans’

Rick Perry: Trump’s Mexico wall will be a ‘digital wall’

GOP operatives dread Trump convention

Swing-state stunner: Trump has edge in key states

GOP convention speaker list: Gingrich and Christie, but no Pence

Trump picks Pence as his running mate

Obama rejects attempted military coup in Turkey

Never Trump plots last stand at Cleveland convention

Ted Cruz contemplates the unthinkable

Trump dials into Fox to bash Kasich during convention action

Corey Lewandowsky, mischief maker

Trump’s remarks on NATO set off freakout

Trump: I wouldn’t accept Cruz endorsement

Trump campaign hits ‘Corrupt Kaine’ right out of the gate

Top DNC staffer apologizes for email on Sanders’ religion

Inside the scramble to oust Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Texas delegation breakfast descends into screaming match

Clinton friend McAuliffe says Clinton will flip on TPP, then walks it back

DNC insiders detail months of escalation dysfunction

Be afraid: The Clinton-Trump general election begins

Seven Minutes That Shook the Convention

Assange won’t implicate Russia in DNC email leak


McCain slams Trump over Khan fight

Eric Trump: Ivanka wouldn’t allow herself to be subjected to sexual harassment

Huelskamp loses GOP primary after ideological battle

Trump admits he didn’t see nonexistent Iran money video

Rubio: No abortions for Zika-infected women

Anti-Trump Republican Evan McMullin to launch independent bid for presidency

Giuliani slams GOP national security officials against Trump

Democrats: Trump costing GOP in key House districts

Trump: Obama ‘is the founder of ISIS’

Trump team, RNC to meet at pivotal moment

Trump’s run at blue Connecticut

Trump blames ‘disgusting’ media: ‘I would be beating Hillary by 20’

Manafort blasts NYT, denies he accepted Ukraine cash payments

Walker accuses Clinton of ‘inflaming the situation’ in Milwaukee

Trump: I don’t trust U.S. intelligence information

Is Putin playing Trump like he did Berlusconi?

State Dept. confirms $400 million Iran payment conditioned on hostage release

Louisiana governor warns against Trump ‘photo-op’

Has Trump caused you pain? He regrets it.

Hope for Trump: GOP winning registration race in key states

Hillary Clinton’s historic free pass on the airwaves

Hillary Clinton’s run-out-the-clock strategy

Ethicists scoff at Clinton Foundation transition plan

Clinton: ‘I am sure’ that there are no damaging emails

Libertarian candidate Johnson focuses on battleground states in ad blitz

Trump might already be out of time

Meet the man siphoning money from Donald Trump

George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system

Mexico rages against Trump visit


Bill Clinton aides used tax dollars to subsidize foundation, private email support

Clinton’s advisers tell her to prep for a landslide

Someone using Tor breached email account on Clinton server

Kaine defends Clinton on classified emails

Giuliani: Clinton acted ‘with criminal intent’

Has Trump hit his ceiling?

GOP: Trump won’t cost us Congress

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: ‘What is Aleppo?’

Hill Republicans: Clinton investigations won’t stop if she wins

Why Clinton isn’t sweating ‘deplorables’

Press rips Clinton campaign’s handling of health incident

Pence tries to douse David Duke fire

Powell in leaked email: ‘I didn’t tell Hillary to have a private server at home’

Huckabee: Clinton health ‘cover-up’ like Nixon

Trump on Obama’s citizenship: ‘We have to keep the suspense going, OK?’

Kasich camp bashes Priebus, warns of national GOP ‘wipeout’

George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

Corey Lewandowski to be paid by Trump campaign through 2016

Trump’s campaign paid his businesses $8.2 million

Sen. Mike Lee shoots down Trump Supreme Court trial balloon

Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

Conway calls Trump ‘the Babe Ruth of debating’

Trump campaign worried he won’t be treated fairly post-debate

Giuliani: I’d skip next debates if I were Trump

Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton to Israel for Shimon Peres’ funeral

Comey on Clinton email probe: ‘Don’t call us weasels’

U.N. news agency scrubs tweet calling on Americans abroad to ‘end Trump’


Clinton gives her take on Sanders supporters in leaked fundraising recording

With Cuban exile leaders mum, Clinton launches Miami radio attack ad over Trump’s embargo-breaking

Biden bashes Trump over PTSD comments

Obama DOJ drops charges against alleged broker of Libyan weapons

Pence debate advice to Trump: Be yourself

Trump blows off debate tune-up

Ryan ‘sickened’ by Trump, joint appearance scrapped

How McCain finally decided he couldn’t stomach Trump anymore

Sources: Ryan discussed revoking Trump endorsement

Poll: Hillary Clinton won the second debate

Obama mocks Republicans for standing by Trump

Democratic governor: Obamacare ‘no longer affordable’ for many

Clinton answers written questions under penalty of perjury in email lawsuit

Clinton’s team unleashes Watergate attack against Trump

Poll: Clinton leads Trump by just 4 points despite lewd comments

Poll: 41 percent of voters say election could be ‘stolen’ from Trump

Trump’s Wisconsin strategy: Burn it all down

Rubio warns GOP to stay silent on WikiLeaks hack

Republicans despondent that Trump threw away final debate

Trump national political director ‘steps back’ from campaign

Early voting shows upsurge of women

Obama endorses all the way down ballot

Trump’s Window is closing

Florida spirals away from Trump

Top Democrats steamed that party letting Rubio skate

Cruz: GOP may block Supreme Court nominees indefinitely

Clinton eyes Biden for secretary of state

Five Takeaways from Comey’s October Surprise

Poll: Comey’s bombshell changes few votes


Weak early voter turnout among African-Americans hurts Clinton in Florida

Obama calls black vote ‘not as solid as it needs to be’

Poll: ‘Shy Trump’ voters are a mirage

Democratic insiders: Clinton’s ground game will sink Trump

Hillary Clinton sent Chelsea info now deemed classified

Trump rushed off stage by Secret Service at Reno rally

How the Harry Reid Machine May Have Killed Trump’s Chances

Record-breaking early voting fuels Democratic optimism

At Trump’s victory party, hints of vengeance to come

Trump poised to erase Obama policies

Clinton aides blame loss on everything but themselves

Bernie’s empire strikes back

Clinton blames Comey letters for defeat

Trump says he’s ‘fine’ with legalization of same-sex marriage

Obama: Trump and Brexit part of a global wave of anxiety

Bill Weld says he wasn’t a spoiler

Hoekstra: I’d take CIA director job if offered

Trump taps Sessions for attorney general, Pompeo for CIA

Inside Chris Christies’ fall from grace

Schumer lays out where Democrats can work with Trump

Poll: Trump’s popularity soars after the election

Democratic presidential electors revolt against Trump

Clinton’s lead in the popular vote surpasses 2 million

Citing ‘reported hacks,’ Jill Stein says she’ll file for recounts in three states

Trump inspires scramble on spying powers

Obama’s agencies push flurry of ‘midnight’ actions

GOP Rep. Collins: Romney is ‘a self-serving egomaniac’

Trump calls for jailing, revoking citizenship of flag-burners

Trump considering Goldman Sachs president for top post


GOP may delay Obamacare replacement for years

Campaign operatives blast Jeff Zucker over CNN coverage at Harvard event

Sarah Palin: Trump’s Carrier deal is ‘crony capitalism’

Incoming national security adviser’s son spreads fake news about D.C. pizza shop

Trump: Cancel Boeing’s Air Force One contract

Trump says he’s consulted Obama on cabinet picks

Reid predicts death of filibuster

Obama orders ‘full review’ of election-related hacking

Schumer demands congressional inquiry on Russian meddling

Trump vs. Congress on Russian hacking

Bolton: Russian hacks could actually have been by Obama administration

RNC keeps close tabs on Electoral College vote

Lessig: 20 Trump electors could flip

Source: Twitter cut out of Trump tech meeting over failed emoji deal

Trump renews complaints of Russian hacking reports

Top spy office: Intel agencies will not brief Electoral College members on alleged Russian interference

Electors under siege

Voters show little support for Electoral College revolt

NYT: U.S. should end ‘antiquated mechanism’ of Electoral College

Trump posse browbeats Hill Republicans

Trump picks Kellyanne Conway to serve as counselor to the president

Trump’s driver’s license casts doubt on height claims

Trump’s unpopularity threatens to hobble his presidency

Jason Miller backs out of Trump White House job

Trump pick backs out of White House job after affair allegations

Trump adviser on lack of star power at inauguration: ‘This is not Woodstock’

Experts: Ryan’s livestream crackdown may be unconstitutional

What’s really bugging Trump about Obama

Giuliani: Obama trying to create problems for Trump with 11th-hour foreign policy moves

Trump tweets Happy New Year to his ‘many enemies’ who ‘lost so badly’

News Source: Politico

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