2015: THE HILL (332)


Bush won’t attend Steve King summit

Jeb Bush donates $10k to fund for families of slain NYPD officers

Is Perry eying White House?

Boehner ally: GOP challenges to Speaker ‘unprofessional’

WHIP LIST: Boehner opposition grows

Boehner defectors booted from panel

Paris terrorist attack draws questions about Obama policies

House votes down Obama Care’s 30-hour workweek, 252-172

Steyer edges closer to Senate run

Paris terrorist attacks raise stakes for looming immigration fight

Health reform a plus for Dems, at last

White House: ‘It’s fair to say’ we were wrong on Paris unity rally

Senate to vote on whether climate change is happening

GOP frets over immigration 2016 backlash

GOP tactics on ObamaCare move away from full repeal

McConnell to House GOP: Don’t expect miracle on immigration

GOP pounces on Obama’s tax plan

MLK was ‘divisive’, DHS secretary recalls

Obama tries to steal GOP thunder

Hillary does best Putin imitation

Ben Carson pulls crowd to its feet

White House chief of staff: No let up in focus on middle class

Pelosi: I hope Romney is the GOP nominee

Republican leaders look for escape plan on immigration

Pelosi warns Netanyahu: Speech to Congress will hurt Iran talks

Obama to Dems: ‘Get informed, not by reading the Huffington Post’


Rand Paul slams Bush ‘hypocrisy’ on pot

CDC warns of ‘large outbreak’ of measles

Hillary: ‘The Science is clear’ on vaccines

GOP on immigration: ‘There is no plan B’

Hard to kill the ACA

Lawmakers to Obama: Arm Ukraine now

White House defends Prayer Breakfast remarks about the Crusades

Axelrod: Obama knew Prayer Breakfast remarks would provoke

Obama: I didn’t mislead voters on gay marriage

Albright: Bibi ‘interfering’ in US politics

Ginsburg wasn’t ‘100 percent sober’ during State of the Union

Obama intends to ‘run through the tape’

Boehner ‘certainly’ prepared to let DHS funding expire

Dems will splinter on trade deals

Holder calls for halt to US Executions

Jeb: ‘There were mistakes’ in Iraq

Obama to seek emergency order restarting immigration programs

Dems: This is why we lost in 2014

President Obama’s cyber pitch misses mark in Silicon Valley

GOP gets bad news on ObamaCare repeal plan

Right turns fire on McConnell

Republicans suspect the White House is hiding ObamaCare fallback plan

House will vote Friday to prevent Homeland Security shutdown

Chaos in House as lawmakers reject DHS bill; shutdown nears


GOP urges Obama to sign college savings bill

Is Supreme Court’s chief justices ready to take down ObamaCare?

Bibi boycott grows prior to speech

Lindsey Graham mocks Pelosi’s ‘surgeries,’ apologizes

House Oversight chairman: Clinton acting like Patraeus?

GOP giddy over Hillary’s problems

Cruz: Menendez probe politically motivated

Bill Clinton won’t weigh in on Hillary’s emails

Voters see Hillary and Jeb as old hat

Senators bring back online sales tax bill

GOP, Bibi hurt Israel, USA

A big mistake on Iran

Beck says NRA will investigate Norquist

Kerry: GOP Iran letter ‘absolutely calculated’ to interfere with talks

The Federal Housing Administration, the next housing crisis?

Why Hillary can win big

Fiscal hawks scuttle House Republican budget efforts

Lawmakers urge Obama to mend fences with Netanyahu

DOJ defends Clinton from email subpoena

Dems want to empower Boehner

Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

Democrats cheer: Run, Ted, run

Sen. Reid gives cold shoulder to Pelosi agreement on Medicare

Black business owners backing GOP estate tax repeal bid

The four faces of Cruz

Reid retirement shakes up 2016 battle for the Senate

RNC on Clinton: ‘Even Nixon didn’t destroy the tapes’

Elizabeth Warren plays Ted Cruz card with House Democrats

Anonymous to launch ‘electronic Holocaust’ against Israel


IRS chief to GOP: You can’t abolish us

Indiana pizzeria closes after threats

New York Times urges Menendez to resign

Clinton has inevitability, but Bush has the Electoral College

Warren calls Iran deal ‘our best promise in the region’

Paul seeks Republican revolutions

Obama’s advice to Walker: ‘Bone up on foreign policy’

Senate Dems waver on Iran bill

White House mocks Netanyahu on Twitter

Ben Carson: More emphasis needed on Christians’ rights

Bachmann: Obama’s foreign policy ‘virtually guarantees’ World War III

Obama says Clinton would be an ‘excellent president’

Romney: Clinton a ‘creature of Washington’

Rubio: I’m more experienced than Barack Obama was in 2008

Boehner rebels replaced on committee

Clinton’s statements on family history conflict with public records

House votes to repeal estate tax

Paul: Clinton needs one campaign plane just ‘for her baggage’

Iranian ship convoy moves toward Yemen, alarming US officials

Half of Americans have money worries

WH won’t call Armenian killings ‘genocide’

Obama trade fight engulfs Capitol

Republicans debate keeping ObamaCare subsidies until 2017

Clinton: ‘Deep-seated’ beliefs block abortion access

Obama jokes about his fourth-quarter ‘bucket list’ at WHCD

Historic ruling expected as SCOTUS takes up gay marriage

GOP’s open season on Clinton

Senators vote to block EPA’s use of ‘secret science’

Fiorina defends rocky tenure as HP CEO


Feds roll out $20M police body camera ‘pilot program’

Pennsylvania prepares backup plan from ObamaCare case

GOP rep introduces bill to gut EPA

Hillary to GOP: You get 1 shot on Benghazi

Republicans pass a budget, flexing power of majority

Top federal court rule against NSA’s phone records program

Walker hits bump in ’16 race

GOP slow-plays Benghazi investigation

Walker goes strong on foreign policy

Report: Obama lied about bin Laden raid

White House escalates Warren Feud

NOW president: Obama’s Warren critique sexist

House sends Iran review bill to Obama

Obamas’ worth millions, disclosure forms reveal

George W. Bush defends religious liberty

Washington’s new odd couple: McConnell and Obama

Rand Paul: Bill Clinton put ‘generation’ of black men in prison

Cotton blocks move to take up NSA reform bill

Bernie Sanders’ 2014 speaking gigs netted less than $2K

Josh Duggar quits Family Research Council amid child molestation claims

Obama, Twitter and racism

‘Don’t let the secular progressives drive God out,’ Carson tells GOP

GOP turns to Tea Party to win trade powers for Obama

Security lapses draw heat on Capitol Police

GOP senators call for over-the-counter birth control

Clinton Foundation paid Blumenthal $10,000 monthly salary

Trump stokes 2016 talk, schedules ‘major announcement’

House Dem: Left has ‘hijacked’ party message

Administration preps new gun regulations


McCain, Paul scuffle amid NSA debate

White House stands firm on Snowden prosecution

Obama confident in the TSA despite failure to detect explosives

Obama’s trust-me approach falls flat with Democrats

Marco Rubio’s moment

Clinton Labor secretary: Bill Clinton should stop paid speeches

GOP fears it will win ObamaCare court battle

Dems set budget trap for GOP

Top Senate Dem warns GOP: Deal now on spending limits or face shutdown

Walker open to teaming up with Rubio on 2016 ticket

House Deals humiliating blow to Obama in trade fight

Clinton formally launches White House bid, evoking FDR

Sanders: ‘The good side won’ on trade

Obama’s anti-police ideology

Issa escorted out of Benghazi deposition

Hillary Clinton crafts defense on tenure at State Department

House approves fast-track 218-208, sending bill to Senate

Obama thinks Confederate flag ‘belongs in a museum’

After ‘no’ vote on trade, Meadows loses subcommittee chair

GOP senator: I’d vote to take Confederate flag down

Punished GOP lawmaker stirs new talk of Boehner rebellion

Ky. gov candidate Bevin wants state to remove Jefferson Davis statue

Boehner doles out new punishment

Miss USA host quits, calls Trump a ‘clown’

Jindal: ‘Let’s just get rid of the court’

Sanders: I was ahead of the curve on gay rights

Supreme Court overturns landmark EPA air pollution rule


Budowsky: Obama could sink 2016 Dems

Sanders draws massive crowd in Wisconsin

Trump stands behind comments on Mexicans

ObamaCare win turns up heat on GOP presidential field

Jeb: Trump’s Mexico talk ‘extraordinarily ugly’

Puerto Rican debt crisis hits Congress

Trump: ‘Infectious disease is pouring across the border’

‘People should and do trust me,’ Says Hillary Clinton

Day of ‘technical’ glitches puts lawmakers on edge

Trump: RNC chairman ‘probably’ leaked call

Trump rides momentum to Arizona

McCain: ‘Circus’ around immigration debate hurting GOP

GOP strategists to Jeb: Treat Trump with kid gloves

Report: One-third of vets on pending medical care list already dead

C-Span to preempt first GOP debate

Univision poll: Trump in trouble with Hispanics

Wanna bet? Trump makes wager after MSNBC host calls him liar

Fiorina: Obama ‘pallid’ on Chattanooga shooting

Walker: ‘I don’t know’ if being gay is a choice

McCain: Trump owes an apology to POWs

Rick Perry compares Trump to cancer

Cruz threatens to tie Iran deal to highway bill

Trump threatens third-party run

Obama: Inaction on guns biggest frustration of my presidency

Hillary’s email troubles deepen

Trump launches offensive against Walker

Two weeks to go: Republicans scramble to make debate stage

Obama: I could win a third term

Sanders swipes at Clinton over Keystone

Clinton’s habit of dodging key issues draws Democrats’ fire

Trump: ‘World would unite if I were the leader’


Bush at Urban League: Obama was ‘speaking the truth’ after shooting

Trump builds his political machine

GOP field gets ready to rumble

Poll: Clinton’s favorability takes a major hit

FBI investigating security of Clinton’s emails

Election model predicts Dem will win

Clinton dismisses debate, rips GOP on voting rights

Is Trump a Clinton plant?

Protesters shut down Bernie Sanders rally

Trump: Listening to Fiorina causes headaches

Trump: ‘I am the most fabulous whiner’

Poll: Sanders surges ahead of Clinton in NH

Dems near Clinton panic mode

Bush: Dems in ‘disarray’ with possible Gore bid

Democrat to block Obama trade nominee

Trump gives kids helicopter rides at Iowa State Fair

Clinton embraces the left

Clinton pulls plug on testy presser over server questions

K Street betting on Hillary

Trump moves rally to 50,000 capacity stadium

Trump tells Alabama crowd he can’t wait for the election

Deez Nuts endorses Sanders in Dem primary

Left whispers to Warren: It’s not too late to run

White House won’t rule out Obama primary endorsement

Cruz hits Megyn Kelly on ‘liberal journalist’ question

Biden donors lying in wait

Carson: There’s a war on ‘what’s inside of women’

Sanders: DNC using debates to rig primary

Waserman Schultz blocked Iran resolution at DNC meeting: report

Anger builds at EPA over radioactive landfill


Trump pledges to reverse Obama’s mountain renaming

WH staffer indicted on assault charges resigns

Trump blasts Hugh Hewitt as ‘a third-rate radio announcer’

Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head

Clinton raised up to $500K in Puerto Rico visit

Bush tax plan takes swipe at Wall Street

Trump mocks Fiorina’s physical appearance: ‘Look at that face!’

Bachmann dismisses sexism charges against Trump

Fiorina fires back at Trump: ‘I’m proud of every wrinkle’

GOP senators would back Trump as Republican nominee

Advocates pressure House GOP to get moving on roads bill

Carson closes in on Trump in NH poll

Biden-Warren in 2016?

Go ‘nuclear’ to stop Obama’s Iran deal, urge 57 House Republicans in letter

White House rips Trump over birther reactions

Democrats: Sanders unelectable

Carson doubles down on no Muslims in the White House

A kid, a clock, and the death of ‘See something, say something’

Boehner coup talk puts House GOP on edge

Pope Francis exhorts Congress to act on refugees, immigration

Rubio: Establishment has tried to ‘undermine’ me

Trump on Boehner resignation: ‘It’s a good thing’

Cruz wins Values Voter Summit straw poll for third straight year

Jeb: We’re ‘going to miss’ Boehner

Let’s be honest about the dishonest attack on Planned Parenthood

Senate passes funding bill to avert government shutdown


Trump: If I win, I’ll send Syrian refugees back

Obama: Mass shootings are ‘something we should politicize’

Chaffetz prepares long-shot bid for House Speaker

Benghazi panel talking point proven false

In first national ad, Clinton hits GOP on Benghazi

How John Boehner could stay Speaker

Carson: I faced a gunman

Republican: ‘Very real’ chance GOP will need Dems to elect Speaker

Conservatives cool to Ryan as Speaker

Romney’s path to GOP nomination eludes Jeb

Dems pay high price for union support

10 immigration questions for the Democratic debate, Part I

I would have taken Clinton to task on emails, Bush says

Republican: Benghazi probe ‘designed to go after’ Hillary

Leaked docs detail expansive drone campaign

Biden would run ‘optimistic campaign’

Carson: Bush ‘certainly’ not responsible for 9/11

The problems with progressives

Dems join Trump’s 9/11 bashing of Jeb Bush

Three questions Benghazi Republicans should ask — and why they probably won’t

Trump mocks Jeb, Rubio on their home turf in Florida

Gun lobby pushes to loosen restrictions on silencers

Jeb: Brother’s response to 9/11 was ‘awe-inspiring’

Carson: I won’t raise the debt ceiling as president

Paul Ryan elected Speaker

Sanders promises to lead fight against Islamophobia

Black Lives Matter protesters interrupt Hillary rally


Cruz: CNBC debate moderators were ‘left-wing operatives’ 

GOP assigns staffer to handle debates, networks

Obama mocks GOP hopefuls for CNBC snit

Rubio touts success of minorities in GOP field

Latino group offers $5K for calling Trump a racist on ‘SNL’

Reid, Pelosi pushing for repeal of ObamaCare’s ‘Cadillac tax’

Larry David yells ‘Trump’s a racist’ during ‘SNL’ monologue

Dems search for fountain of youth

Clinton, allies set sights on newly surging Rubio

Trump leads in post-debate online polls

Charles Koch: We are doling out welfare for the wealthy

Obama: Paris massacre ‘an attack on all of humanity’

Trump: Paris attacks would have been ‘different’ if civilians were armed

Obama adviser: Refugee plan proceeding despite Paris attacks

Clinton ‘often confused’ says staffer in email

Obama: GOP refugee opponents ‘scared of widows and orphans’

Trump rises after Paris attacks

Ex-CIA director: Snowden should be ‘hanged’ for Paris

Dems push to end ban on gun violence research

Trump advocates waterboarding enemy combatants

Rubio budget win is dealing heavy blow to ObamaCare

Obama ‘deeply disturbed’ by McDonald shooting video

Smithsonian: Statue of Liberty was originally a Muslim woman

Elizabeth Warren makes her mark

Planned Parenthood official: ‘Hateful’ speech contributed to shootings

Hispanic Republican leaders shun Donald Trump


Aide reached out to NFL commish after Clinton head injury

Trump on terrorists: ‘You have to take out their families’

A coming GOP bloodbath

Trump: ‘My numbers go way up’ after tragedies

Christie: San Bernardino shows female Syrian refugees should be barred

After Obama speech, Trump asks: ‘Is that all there is?’

Ryan condemns Trump’s Muslim ban

HuffPost moves Trump to politics section after Muslim comments

Bush suggests Trump dealing to help Clinton win

Black lawmakers excoriate Scalia over ‘disgusting’ remarks

Trump to GOP: ‘I’m sorry I did this to you’

Trump expecting shots from Cruz

Ted Cruz isn’t just surging — he’s winning

State Department sued over refugee plan

Jeb: ‘This is a wide open race’

Funding deal hits backlash over increase in foreign worker visas

Trump calls ‘highly respected’ Putin’s comments a ‘great honor’

Dem rivalry takes nasty turn

Trump tops Google searches before Dem debate

Trump calls on GOP to boot low-polling candidates

In blockbuster poll, Sanders destroys Trump by 13 points

It’s a very Trump Christmas

Heavily redacted Benghazi emails released on Christmas Eve

Trump campaign: Hillary bullied women to hide Bill’s ‘sexist secrets’

Trump fires back, hitting Bill Clinton’s ‘penchant for sexism’

Colbert: Trump is playing my old character better than I could

Fiorina defends Trump: ‘Bill Clinton is fair game’

US snooping on Israel also caught talks with lawmakers: report

News Source: The Hill

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