2020: SLATE (357)


The Decade in My Face

In 2020, Skip Your Resolutions – Embrace a Vice

Should Rich People Be Allowed in the Democratic Party?

Can the President Just Kill Anyone He Wants Now?

On the Red Carpet, Stars Got Playful With Bows, Color, and Prints

Trump Is Lurching Toward War With a Very Unqualified Team

Iran Launches Missile Attack in Retaliation for Soleimani Strike

Fake News Might Have Just Stopped a War

A Jarring Return to Reality

Meet the 37-Year-Old Mayor of South Bend, Indiana

The GOP’s Forever War on Democrats

A Woman Accused Three New York Mets of Raping Her in 1991

The Night the Media Realized Bernie Could Win

How Will the Senate Get Away With Its Sham Trial Now?

Real-Life Two Popes Drama

Meet Trump’s Deplorable Defense Team

Trump Is a Remorseless Advocate of Crimes Against Humanity

What Happened When I Started Ballet at Age 62

From Richmond to the Senate Chambers, Minority Rule Rules

Republicans Are Bored With Their Impeachment Trial

A Deal to Trade Witnesses Won’t Help Remove Trump

How Worried Should You Be About Coronavirus?

The March for Life Was a March For Trump

The Grammys Felt Like a Party Thrown by Your Dad

If the Senate Won’t Use Its Subpoena Power, New York Can

Bernie Is the Opponent Trump Wants

Without Witnesses, the Senate Majority Sees No Need for Witnesses

Trump’s Defense Will Reshape the Office of the President


Every Government Branch Conspired to Rig the Impeachment Trial

I Wanted to Defend American Dirt.  Then I Read It

The Most and Least Impressive Super Bowl Commercials

It’s Time to End Computerized Elections

How Pete Won

Bernie’s Supporters Should Be Thanking Mayor Pete

Trump Is Flaunting His Impunity

What Took Brad Pitt So Long to Have This Much Fun?

When a Nearly All-White 2020 Field Discusses Racism

Trump’s Friday Night Massacre Was Only the Beginning

“Bernie or Bust” Voters Have a Point

When a “Liberal Lion” Is Also Your Harasser

What Kind of Woman Defends Harvey Weinstein?

Bill Barr’s Corruption of the DOJ Is Complete

Unraveling the Bizarre Pete Buttigieg Twitter Conspiracy

I Watched 185 Mike Bloomberg Ads

The Senseless Danger of the Military’s New Nuclear Warhead

How Kaitlin Bennett Became a Bona Fide Conservative Media Star

The Stop-Bernie Campaign Can’t Figure Out Which Way To Go

The King Lear Era of Donald Trump’s Presidency

Sanders Won the Union Scorecard That Mattered

The King Lear Era of Donald Trump’s Presidency

The Weinstein Verdict Is Both a Victory and a Disappointment

What Twitter’s Sharpest Are Saying About the Democratic Debate

Why Didn’t the Weinstein Jury Believe Annabella Sciorra?

The Bible That Oozed Oil

I Had to Cancel My Once-in-a-Lifetime $24,000 cruise

Tom Steyer Gave South Carolina One Last, Bizarre Show


Biden Did What He Had to Do

The U.S.-Taliban Agreement Is Not a Peace Deal

Democrats Fall in Line

Three Reasons Why Bernie Should Worry

A Warning From a Scientist Who Saw the Coronavirus Coming

Why Trump-Friendly Christian Leaders Feel Totally Fine About This

The Right’s New Strategy to Fight Abortion

A Good Pandemic Story to Soothe Your Coronavirus Anxieties

Why the Financial Markets Are Melting Into Goo

Joe Biden Buries Bernie Sanders in Michigan

Don’t Panic About the Coronavirus. Act.

We’re Not Going Back to the Way Life Was Before

The Masculine Bluster of Trump’s Coronavirus Hand-Shaking Tour

America Is a Sham

Joe Biden needs AOC

Scenes From a Restaurant That Just Fired Its Entire Staff

Is This American Resilience?

How to Grocery Shop Safely During a Pandemic

A Message From Italy: It’s Going to Get Worse. Much Worse.

This Isn’t Trump’s Katrina.  It’s His Stupid, Slow-Motion 9/11.

The Real Reason Trump Started Calling the Virus “Chinese”

Once Again, Florida Waited Too Long

Republicans Seem to Think They Can Decide Who Dies

The Anger at Liberty University

A Day in America Without Child Care

How I’m Spending the Time

My Husband Had the Virus

My Family Owns a Grocery Store.  The Supply Chain Is an Issue.

How Trump Is Already Exploiting the Pandemic

We’re All on the Cruise Ship Now


Is the South Ready for the Coronavirus?

Mexico’s President Has Gone Totally Off the Rails

A Comprehensive Guide to Masks

Who Do We Expect to Sacrifice?

“It Was Gone Overnight”  One Restaurant’s struggle to weather the pandemic

The Signs of the Coronavirus

The Demise of the Constitution’s Most Fundamental Right

Never Forget Wisconsin

We’re Now Living the American Carnage Trump Promised to End

No, You Did Not Get COVID-19 in the Fall

How Are Biden and Trump Faring in the Swing States?

Biden’s Electability Only Works if There Is an Election

This Is the End of American Leadership

Trump’s Attack on the Post Office Is an Attack on the Election

The Coronavirus Shutdown Lawsuits Are Coming

In High School, I Fell for an Actress 25 Years My Senior.  She Changed My Life.

Trump Is Doing to America What He Did to Ukraine

What the People Behind “Reopen Businesses” Protests Really Think 

How Fast Can You Put These Gerrymandered States Back Together?

The Problems With Being a Hero Is You Stop Being a Human

Trump’s Plan to Halt Immigration Is a Test Run for Climate Change

Mitch McConnell Is Hitting the Brakes

What Happens if Oil Doesn’t Recover?

What Would Happen to You if You Inject Disinfectants

You Can Give Up on Your Social Life Right Now

How Fast Can You Put South Carolina Back Together?

The States Are Toast

Enough With the Witnesses Who Saw Nothing

I Just Came Home to Sweden.  I’m Appalled by the COVID Policy Here.

Chris Dodd, Really?


This Funny, Mordant Letter from the 1918 Pandemic Says It All

What We Know About Whom COVID-19 Kills

Why Does the 1918 Flu Pandemic’s Cultural Memory Feel So Faint?

Warren VP Nomination Gains Plausibility, With One Very Big Catch

Was Donald Trump Good at Baseball?

The Supreme Court Can Only See Certain People’s Suffering

Why a Toilet Flush Is John Roberts’ Worst Nightmare Come True

I Think I Know Which Supreme Court Justice Flushed the Toilet

Little Richard Changed Everything

In Her Interview with Megyn Kelly, Tara Reade Clarifies Her Story

SCOTUS Is About to Decide Whether to Put Trump Above the Law

Just Keep Walking, Please

Even the People Ranting About “Obamagate” Don’t Know What It Is

Trump Is Smearing Fauci

How I Talk To People Before They Die

The Stream of Death and Bread in a Pandemic

Going to the Movies. Getting a Haircut. Hugging Your Parents.

“It Feels Stupid Dangerous”

I Have a “Quarantine Bubble” With People Outside My House

The President Still Has No Clothes

Judge Pens Random, Partisan Rant Against Michigan’s Shutdown

How to Make the Most of Your Quarantined Summer

The Anti-Abortion Movement’s Response to Jane Roe’s “Confession”

The Pandemic Disaster Is the Price of American Arrogance

Planting Trees Won’t Stop Climate Change

Why the U.K. Is in an Uproar Over a Top Adviser’s Road Trip

SCOTUS Broke Police Accountability. Now It Has The Chance To Fix It.

The Difference Between the George Floyd and Anti-Lockdown Protests

The First Use of “When the Looting Starts, the Shooting Starts”

America Gasps for Air

The Police Don’t Change


The Best Trump Can Do Now Is to Do Nothing

Trump Cannot Deescalate

Trump’s Monday Actions Only Brought Out More Protesters

A Week in America on Right-Wing Radio

How Much Should We Worry About a Protest-Fueled COVID-19 Spike?

The History Behind Long Island’s Anti-Black Lives Matter Protests

Why the NFL Is Suddenly Standing Up for Black Lives

What the George Floyd Protests Have Already Changed

What the Video From Buffalo Has Revealed to White America

The David Duke Movement Wasn’t a Historical Oddity

The Generals Are Turning On Trump

Why So Many Drivers Are Ramming Into Protesters

Trump Is Abusing the Military 

The Problem With Trump’s West Point Speech

The Supreme Court Just Tanked Trump’s Anti-Trans Agenda

The Toll of Being Black at Liberty University

Why Are COVID-19 Cases Rising in Florida?

Melania Trump Has Outplayed Her Husband

“The Karens Are Giving Us a Hard Time Now”

Trump Is Losing His Grip on White America

How To Stop Presidents From Corrupting U.S. Attorneys

The Supreme Court May Be Getting Tired of Bill Barr

Police Reform Stall Out in the Senate

How Cops Are Talking About the Protests and George Floyd

John Bolton’s Original Sin 

There Is a Way to Reopen School This Fall

Why Soros Is the Right’s Favorite Boogey Man

Pride Should Always Look the Way It Does This Year

Chief Justice Roberts Knows Exactly What He’s Doing

Every Version of the Russian Bounties Story Is Inexcusable


The Medical Argument for Reopening Schools

SCOTUS Needs to Overturn a Monumental Decision on Racism

Patriotism Does Not Belong to Authoritarians

New York’s Problems Are America’s Problems Now

We Need to Reopen Schools.  Here’s What It Would Take

SCOTUS Declined an Invitation to Blow Up the 2020 Election

Why Do Things Keep Blowing Up in Iran?

How Stone Mountain Became a Monument to White Supremacy

The Political Genius of John Roberts

Bail Out the Bars

What Happens When “the Discourse” Eclipses Reality

Illiberalism Isn’t to Blame for the Death of Good-Faith Debate

Mary Trump Shows How Donald Trump Gets Away With It

Ban Airlines From Booking Middle Seats

How Neil Gorsuch Became the Supreme Court’s Most Unpredictable Justice

“I Don’t Ever Talk About It Because I’m So Worried”

OK, Fine, Maybe Texas Is in Play

How a Christian Camp Ended Up With 82 Cases of the Coronavirus

Do Not Call John Lewis a “Hero” if You Stood in His Way

To Reopen School, “You Cannot Leave Your House Until September”

The Other Women in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Harvard Law Class

Trump Endorses a New Three-Fifths Clause

Republicans Will Come to Regret Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Crusade

Why Trump Chose Portland

Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Problem

The Heartless Venality Driving America’s Pandemic Policy

Can “Black Lives Matter” Do What “Me Too” Couldn’t?

The GOP Has Written a Pro-Virus Relief Bill

Trump Is Now Openly Defying the Supreme Court

The Economy Shrank at a Record Pace This Spring

So Is It Going to Be Kamala, or What?


The Wonky Idea That Could Save the Economy

The Coronavirus Is Airborne. Keep Saying It.

Liberty Poured Millions Into Sports. Now Black Athletes Are Leaving.

How Trump Could Steal the Election

Don’t Blame the Public for Public Health Failures

The Decision to Bomb Hiroshima Wasn’t a Decision at All

The Greatest Upsets of 2020 So Far

Why That Jerry Falwell Jr. Yacht Photo Was the Final Straw

John Roberts’ Stealth Attack on Abortion Rights Just Paid Off

How Trump Killed Tens of Thousands of Americans

What Will It Take to Pass More COVID Relief Now?

We Have Never Seen a Nominee Like Kamala Harris Before

My Mixed Emotions About Kamala’s Indian American Identity

It’s Truly Ridiculous That House Democrats Are On Vacation Now

The White Supremacist “Scholar” Pursing the Latest Birther Lie

Why America Was Built to Fall Apart

What to Watch for at the Bizarro Democratic National Convention

Michelle Obama’s Rebuke of Trump Saved a Pretty Weird Night

DNC’s Roll Call Made Me Feel More Patriotic Than I Have in Years

Trump’s Fight to Hide His Tax Returns Has Failed. He Can Blame John Roberts

Joe Biden Nailed It Down

A Scandal-by-Scandal Breakdown of How Bad It Really Is

“No More Parties at ND”

What We’re Looking Forward to Seeing at the Republican Convention

It Was Opposite Night at the GOP Convention

Trump Plays President in Prime Time

Republicans Are Gaslighting America. Will It Work?

The Problem With the New Trump Sales Pitch Is Trump

Seven Takeaways From Two Weeks of Conventions

The Racial Contempt of the Republican National Convention

The Best Way to Vote in Every State


The Horror of Trump’s support for Kyle Rittenhouse

Why Trump’s “Law and Order” Gambit Isn’t Working

Just How Much Legal Trouble Is Trump In?

It’s Time for the Generals to Go on the Record About Trump

Mitch McConnell May Have Accidentally Saved Obamacare

Jessica Krug Played Pretend With Real Trauma

A Russia Disinformation Operation Tried to Recruit Me

How Maine Turned on Susan Collins

When You’re the President, They Let You Do It

The Terrifying, Liberating Lesson of the Coronavirus Lockdown

What Do We Do When the Sky Is Orange?

There Are Two Oregons, and They’re Both On Fire

The Hidden Reasons So Many Black Americans Are Dying From COVID

Trump Comes Off Even Worse in Woodward’s Rage Than You’ve Heard

The Phrase That Explains Why The Pandemic Has Been So Devastating

The Voting Block Most Likely to Make Trump a One-Term President

Is Biden Blowing It With Latino Voters?

There Is No More Election Day

Why Are Democrats Defending McConnell’s Bogus Principle?

What Ginsburg Would Want America to Do Now

It’s Not Hypocrisy

Conservatives Are the SCOTUS Vacancy’s Victims on Fox News

I’m More Worried About American Democracy Than I’ve Ever Been

Trump Can’t Use the Court to Cheat in Overtime if He Loses in Regulation

Was the Identity of Q Really Just Revealed?

The Swing States You Should Worry About Most Right Now

The Contempt of “Notorious ACB”

Amy Coney Barrett’s Qualifications Don’t Matter

What Will the Candidates Try to Accomplish at Tonight’s Debate?

The Most Important Thing Biden Did During the Debate


The Narrative Around Amy Coney Barrett Is a Trap

Electoral Chaos Might Ensue if a Candidate Is Forced Out of the Race

The GOP Is Prioritizing Minority Rule Over Human Life

The 25th Amendment Needs an Update

The Store That Called the Cops on George Floyd

The Moment That Should Have Changed Everything in 2016

Rosenstein Embodies Trump Administration Culpability

Mark Meadows’ Pandemic-Denying Family Wedding Pushed Me Over the Edge

A Fun(?) Electoral College Tie Scenario Has Emerged

Amy Coney Barrett Is As Cynical As Trump

Susan Collins Goes On the Attack

Why Amy Coney Barrett’s Use of “Sexual Preference” Is So Alarming

The Heartlessness of Amy Coney Barrett’s Originalism

Make Mitch McConnell Kill the Stimulus Bill

No Pressure, Pennsylvania, but the World’s Fate Is on You

Cory Booker called Amy Coney Barrett’s Bluff on Racism

The World’s Fate Rests on One Swing State

“We’re Calling It For…”

What’s Really Going on With Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive?

Trump Has Lost One of His Top Polling Advantages

Federal Judges Claim It’s Unconstitutional for States to Protect Voting Rights

“Some of My Kids Are Slipping Through the Cracks”

SCOTUS Is Poised to End Anti-Discrimination Law as We Know It

The Supreme Court Wants to Decide Who Votes and Who Wins

Was Joe Biden the Right Man for the Job After All?

Moving to Canada Won’t Save You From Trump

How Worried Should We Be About Post-Election Violence?

Rush Limbaugh’s Fight to the Death


What Was Behind the Attack on N.C. Election Marchers

What Women See in Trump

“Lotta Liberal Losers Moved Here”

A Warning Sign for Democrats

What’s Trump’s Endgame if the Race Is Called for Biden?

It’s the Suburbs That Are Finishing Trump Off

Donald Trump Is a Historically Big Loser

What Happens if Trump Won’t Concede

How Hard Will Senate Republicans Fight for Trump?

Trump Is Making a Serious Attempt to Hold on to Power

Democrats Have a Much Bigger Problem Than the Senate

Trump Really Is Vulnerable to Federal Prosecution

No, Mitch McConnell Can’t Veto Joe Biden’s Cabinet

Whatever Trump Is Doing, It Isn’t a “Coup”

How Joe Biden Can Outmaneuver Mitch McConnell

Of Course We Should Scorn Trump’s Sleazy Election Lawyers

A Photographer on the Most Disturbing Thing He Saw at Trump Rallies

The People Who Lie to Family and Friends About Whom They Voted For

Graham’s Alleged Actions in Georgia Are Felony Election Fraud

Obama’s Memoir Is a Chance to Finally See Our Sanest President

The Pandemic Is About to Explode as Part of the “War On Christmas”

Americans’ Contempt for One Another Has Become a Bonfire

It’s Time to Consider Sanctions for Trump’s Legal Team

Trump Had Less of an Impact on the World Than You Might Think

“Stop the Steal” Republicans Are the New Radicals

It’s Time to Recognize Paul Blart: Mall Cop as a Thanksgiving Movie

Meet the Sean Hannity of Newsmax

“This Keeps Me Up at Night”

How Biden Could Set His Administration Apart

Biden’s Plans for the Middle East Just Got a Lot More Complicated


How One SCOTUS Decision Could Paralyze Biden’s Administration

Mitch McConnell’s Relief Offer Is Worse Than Doing Nothing

The Show Is Over. The Horror Is Still Here.

The Best Albums of 2020

The GOP Is the Party of Civil War

“Somehow, I’ve Become the Threat”

The Giuliani of the ’90s Would Be Appalled at What He’s Become

The Supreme Court Is Over It

The Real Threat of Trump’s Latest Plea to the Supreme Court

Who Won the Presidency, America?

Everything You Want to Know About the Vaccine

Facebook Kowtowed to Conservatives and Got Nothing in Return

How Michael Jordan’s Comeback Became a Post-9/11 Spectacle

We Thought Buying This Stuff Would Make 2020 Better

“It’s Desecration, Not Vandalism”

Pete Buttiegieg Doesn’t Deserve His Post, but He Could Be Great in It

How Oddsmakers Made a Killing off Gullible Trump Supporters

The Debate Tearing One of America’s Most Elite Suburbs Apart

The Most Promising and Worrisome Members of Biden’s Climate Cabinet

How My Mom’s Friends Comforted Me After We Lost Her

The COVID-19 Relief Bill Makes One Big, Risky Bet

The Americans Over 80 Who Still Influence Everything

Trump’s Coup Attempt Could Cost Republicans the Senate

A Superhero Movie for People Tired of Superhero Movies

The Dumbest Moments of the Trump Presidency That You Forgot About

The Most Influential Americans Over 80

Republicans Propping Up Fossil Fuels Is Borderline Socialist

How QAnon May Have Discouraged Postelection Violence

Columbus’ Policing Problem Goes Deeper Than the Shooting of Andre Hill

If You Hate New Year’s You’re Doing It Wrong

News Source: Slate

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