GOP Rep. Just Found Out He Invited Kim Davis To The State Of The Union

Iran Releases 4 American Prisoners After Months of Top-Secret Negotiations

Massive Shakeup At Politico With Co-Founder Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen Set To Leave


Ted Cruz Is A ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ Board Of Election Finds

Marco Rubio Slams Obama’s Speech On Fighting Islamophobia

Hillary Clinton’s Problem Isn’t that She’s Not Progressive, It’s That She’s Cautious

Flying Pink Dildo Hits Politician In The Face During Presser

Gloria Steinem Says Young Women Only Support Bernie Because Boys Do

A Racist, Sexist Demagogue Just Won The New Hampshire Primary

Conservatives Quickly Refuse Any Obama Court Replacement After Antonin Scalia’s Death

Mitt Romney To Endorse Marco Rubio

GOP Congressman Circulates Letter Urging Rubio Or Cruz To Drop Out Of Presidential Race


GOP Senator: Even If Trump Meant It On The KKK, He’s Still A Better Choice Than A Democrat

Whole Foods Sells Peeled Oranges In Plastic Containers, World Revolts

Ted Cruz Crushes At Kansas Republican Caucus

Clinton And Sanders Show Republicans What A Real Debate Looks Like

At Secretive Meeting, Tech CEOs And Top Republicans Commiserate, Plot To Stop Trump

Trump Supporter Punches Protester In Face At North Carolina Rally

Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans Are Listening.

Donald Trump Got More Votes In Ohio Than Hillary Clinton

Former Iowa Officials Wonder What Happened To The Chuck Grassley They Knew

McConnell: GOP Senators Can Go Rogue If Trump Wins Nomination

A Contested Convention Won’t Fix The GOP


Top Black Staffers Leave The Republican National Committee

Charles Koch Is Privately Committed To Getting Paul Ryan Nominated In Cleveland: Source

Porn Site Bans North Carolina Users Due To State’s Anti-LGBT Laws

Here’s What Happened When A Group Of Scientists Went To Confront Their Congressional Tormentors

Panama, Trade Agreement Promises & The TPP

Is Ted Cruz ‘Lucifer In The Flesh’? We Asked A Satanist.

Hector Elizondo Says Joe Will Return For ‘Princess Diaries 3’


There Is A Hole In Bernie Sanders’ Strategy For Winning The Nomination

Why Hillary Clinton Is Uniquely Suited To Take On Donald Trump

Elizabeth Warren Is On An Anti-Trump Tweetstorm. The Clinton Campaign Has Noticed.

Bernie Sanders Opposes Death Penalty For Dylann Roof

Donald Trump’s Top Adviser: ‘This Is Not A Hard Race’

Rubio Personally Apologized To Trump For Implying He Had A Small Penis


Inside The Trump University ‘Playbook’

Trump Campaign: Female Judges Could Be Biased, Too


Paul Ryan: Donald Trump Does Not Have A ‘Blank Check’

Donald Trump’s Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million in May

The RNC Plans To Turn Bernie Backers Against Hillary Clinton’s VP Pick


The Supreme Court Throws Kryptonite At Democracy’s Supermen

Jennifer Aniston: For The Record

Ex-Staffer Alleges Trump Misused Funds, Set Up Fake Company

Mike Pence: Sarah Palin Without The Charisma

Tim Kaine Calls To Deregulate Banks As He Campaign’s To Be Clinton’s VP

Did The Trump Campaign Just Get Hit With The Monica Langley Curse?

Politico Admits ‘Mistake’ In Sending DNC An Article In Advance

Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won’t Leak Before Getting Briefed


Trump Boasts About Watching ‘Top Secret’ Iran Video Immediately After Becoming Eligible To Receive Classified Briefings

Trump’s Missing Money

Aetna CEO Threatened Obamacare Pullout If Feds Opposed Humana Merger

Donald Trump Jacked Up His Campaign’s Trump Tower Rent Once Somebody Else Was Paying It

Here’s How The AP Should Have Written Its Hillary Clinton Article

House Conservatives Plot Coup Against Speaker Paul Ryan


Matt Lauer Failed The Moderator Test

Donald Trump Wants Peter Thiel On The Supreme Court, Sources Say

People Are Justifiably Infuriated With How Jimmy Fallon Handled Trump

Police In North Carolina Fatally Shoot Man Witnesses Say Was Disabled, Unarmed

USA Today Columnist Urges Motorists To ‘Run Down’ Protesters On North Carolina Highway

Trump’s Debate Performance Was The Worst Ever


Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery

Mike Pence’s Team Boots Reporters After Audio Emerges Of Trump Saying He Can Grab Women ‘By The P***y’

Is Shep Smith The Future Of Fox News?

Trump’s Donors Paid For His Jetliner, His Hotels And Now, His Books

Trump Loyalists Planned Voter Intimidation Using Fake ID Badges, Fake Exit Polling — Until We Asked Them About It

Trump’s Campaign Might Not be Winning, But His Hotels Sure Are

Someone Was Actually Arrested For In-Person Voter Fraud.  She’s A Trump Supporter.


Uninsured Rate At All-Time Low

A Guy In A Trump Shirt Carried A Gun Outside Of A Virginia Polling Place. Authorities Say That’s Fine.

Nate Silver Is Unskewing Polls — All Of Them — In Trump’s Direction

Donald Trump Has Shattered Campaign Norms in Damaging, Potentially Lasting Ways

DNC Staffer Screams At Donna Brazile For Helping Elect Donald Trump

A White Nationalist Is The New White House Chief Strategist

Donald Trump’s Transition Team, Or Lack Thereof, Is Causing Real Panic

Key Republican Puts Dagger In Push To End Filibusters

Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He Might Become Trump’s Attorney General.

Donald Trump Meets With His Indian Business Partners Despite Blind Trust Promises

Clinton Camp Mastered The Science Of Politics But Forgot The Art, Staffers Say

Trump Praised His Turkish Business Partner In A Call With President Erdogan

Media Helps Boost Donald Trump’s False Claim That ‘Millions’ Voted Illegally

Dear Trump Supporter Who Sent Me Hate Mail For Being A ‘Stupid Jewish Faggot’


GOP Vows Obamacare Repeal To Start 2017. Dems Dare Them.

The RNC Is Hosting Its Christmas Party This Year At Donald Trump’s Hotel

Fired Trump Adviser Tells Moscow Audience How Great Exxon CEO Would Be For Russia

Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill?

The Subpoena That Rocked The Election Is Legal Garbage, Experts Say

Buffalo School Board Passes Resolution Telling Carl Paladino To Resign Within 24 Hours

News Source: Huffington Post

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