2020: THE HILL (362)


The 7 big Supreme Court cases to watch in 2020

McConnell digs in on impeachment: ‘Non-starter’ for Pelosi to influence trial

Trump enters uncharted territory with Iran

Congress to clash over Trump’s war powers

Bolton willing to testify in Senate impeachment trial if subpoenaed

Schumer vows to force votes on impeachment witnesses

Trumps says Iran ‘appears to be standing down’ in address to nation

Pelosi says she’ll send articles of impeachment to Senate ‘soon’

Pelosi set to send impeachment articles to the Senate next week

Democrats conflicted over how to limit Trump’s war powers

Congress struggles on rules for cyber warfare with Iran

Trump says it doesn’t matter if Soleimani posed an imminent threat

House to vote Wednesday on sending articles of impeachment to Senate

Pelosi names impeachment managers

New allegations, watchdog report complicate GOP position on impeachment trial

Trump to add Dershowitz, Ken Starr to impeachment defense team

Sanders-Warren battle could reshape Democratic primary

House Democrats may call new impeachment witnesses if Senate doesn’t

Trump scrambles to defend pre-existing conditions record amid ObamaCare lawsuit

McConnell: Impeachment trial rules have enough support to pass

Senate Republicans muscle through rules for Trump trial

Democrats sharpen case on second day of arguments

GOP-Biden feud looms over impeachment trial

Trump legal team begins impeachment defense

Trump defense team signals focus on Schiff

Bolton upends Trump impeachment trial

Senate Republicans to meet Tuesday afternoon on witness questions

Senators query impeachment managers, Trump defense

McConnell, Romney vie for influence over Trump’s trial

Three ways the end of the impeachment trial could play out


Roberts emerges unscathed from bitter impeachment trial

Trump threatens to overshadow Democrats in Iowa

On The Trail: Anxious, exited Iowa Democrats face decision day

Iowa meltdown threatens future of state’s caucuses

End of impeachment trial to leave deep scars in Senate

Trump holds White House ‘celebration’ for impeachment acquittal

Plan to probe Bidens sparks GOP divisions

Democrats to plow ahead with Trump probes post-acquittal

Trump steps up pitch to black voters

Trump unveils $4.8 trillion budget that backtracks on deal with Congress

Democrats set for NH thriller

GOP senators say Trump shouldn’t weigh in on pending sentences

Bloomberg builds momentum on Capitol Hill with new endorsements

DOJ won’t charge former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

Democratic rivals sharpen attacks as Bloomberg rises

Democrats fear rule of law crumbling under Trump

Candidates in Obama’s orbit fail to capitalize on personal ties

Judge refuses to delay Stone Sentencing

Trump tweets test Attorney General Barr

Robert Stone sentenced to over three years in prison

Chaos deepens among Democrats after Bloomberg’s misfire

Russian interference reports rock Capitol Hill

The Democratic Establishment Is Broken

Congress set for clash over surveillance reforms

Democratic rivals have seven days to stop Sanders

Winners and losers from the South Carolina debate

Pence taps career health official to coordinate White House coronavirus response

White House chief of staff claims press covering coronavirus to take Trump down

US, Taliban sign deal to withdraw troops from Afghanistan


Buttigieg dropping out of presidential race

Biden surges higher with Klobuchar, Buttigieg endorsements

Biden wins Texas, capping off major Super Tuesday victories

Biden surge calms Democratic jitters

Women ask ‘if not now when?’ after Warren exits presidential race

Coronavirus outbreak threatens record stretch of job growth

Rand Paul looms as wild card in surveillance fight

US walks tightrope as coronavirus hits adversaries

Trump pitches tax cut to ease panic

Biden takes command of Democratic race

Trump restricts travel from Europe to fight spread of coronavirus

GOP views next few weeks as critical for Trump

House passes bill to help prop up economy from coronavirus

Pandemic derails resilient US economy

CDC recommends no events of more than 50 people for next eight weeks

Trump says coronavirus crisis could go through July or August

Cash assistance for Americans gains steam as coronavirus roils economy

Trump signs coronavirus aid package with paid sick leave, free testing

McConnell introduces third coronavirus relief proposal

Could Trump declare national coronavirus shutdown? Momentum is rising

Democrats grapple with virus response

Senate Democrats block mammoth coronavirus stimulus package

Senate on cusp of coronavirus stimulus deal after agreements in key areas

Last-minute complaints threaten $2T Senate coronavirus emergency aid

More questions and answers about the coronavirus checks

Trump signs $2T coronavirus relief package

Coronavirus response reveals deep fractures in global partnerships

Trump shifts, says distancing to go to April 30

Democrats eye major infrastructure component in next coronavirus package

White House projects grim death toll from coronavirus


Trump resists pressure to declare nationwide stay-at-home order

Trump expected to recommend certain Americans wear masks to limit virus spread

Social distancing works, but resistance prompts worries of growing crisis

Trump warns ‘there will be a lot of death’ in the coming week

Feds send ventilators to coronavirus hot spots around country

Supreme Court blocks Wisconsin from extending absentee voting

Trump replaces Pentagon IG, removing him from coronavirus relief oversight panel

Mnuchin, Schumer in talks to strike short-term relief deal

Trump officials lay groundwork for May reopening

Trump calls decision on reopening US the biggest of his life

Federal officials fired by Trump face tough road in court

Coronavirus response could be key factor in tight governors’ races

Trump uses coronavirus briefing to fire back at critics

On The Trail: Governors rebuke Trump for claiming ‘total’ authority

Trump threatens to adjourn both chambers of Congress

Trump guidelines on reopening economy to let governors make final decision

Governors complain testing is weak spot in Trump plan

Why contact tracers are key to unlocking economy

Trump: Some governors have gone too far on coronavirus restrictions

Trump blames testing criticism on politics

Senate passes $484B coronavirus relief package

Trump:: I ‘disagree strongly’ with Georgia governors’ decision to start reopening economy

House passes $484B coronavirus relief package

Coronavirus spreads to Trump country

Bully pulpit may be backfiring for Trump

Meadows puts his fingerprints on Trump White House

Race for coronavirus vaccine faces early challenges

House reverses, but Senate to return despite COVID threat

White House risks backlash with coronavirus optimism

The surprising popularity of the Great Lockdown


GOP divided over state aid during coronavirus pandemic

Battle erupts in California over when to open

Obstacles mount for deal on next coronavirus bill

Pelosi slams White House for blocking coronavirus task force members from testifying: ‘They might be afraid of the truth’

Trump ready to turn page on COVID-19, despite crisis-level cases

Evidence mounts that outside is safer when it comes to COVID-19

Justice moves to drop case against Flynn

Positive coronavirus cases shake White House

Coronavirus testing numbers improving but still lag

Pompeo is Trump attack dog on China, COVID-19

Trump says US has ‘prevailed’ on testing

Eight surprises in House Democrats’ $3T coronavirus relief bill

Washington, DC, Struggles to stamp out COVID-19

Trump says testing may be ‘frankly overrated’

Trump touts accelerated push on coronavirus vaccines

GOP seeks to go on offense using Flynn against Biden

Five unanswered questions on COVID-19 and the 2020 election

Senate Republicans demand answers from Trump on IG firing

Trump cites ‘Obamagate’ in urging GOP to get ‘tough’ on Democrats

GOP senators: More relief needed now

Trump says US won’t close over second COVID-19 wave

The interview: Fauci on why a vaccine by end of year is ‘aspirational’

Trump escalates fight against mail-in voting

Trump agenda rolls on amid pandemic

Biden set to make risky economic argument against Trump

GOP governors jockey to elbow out North Carolina as convention host

US tops 100,000 coronavirus deaths with no end in sight

Trump signs order targeting social media firms’ legal protections

Minneapolis officer charged with murder

Trump calls Floyd death ‘grave tragedy,’ decries violent protests in Florida speech

City leaders, Democratic lawmakers urge Trump to tamp down rhetoric as protests rage across US


Trump mobilized military in DC to quell protests as tear gas fired into crowds

Cities brace for another night of possible unrest

Obama calls for police reforms, doesn’t address Trump

Murkowski, Mattis criticism ratchets up pressure on GOP over Trump

Shocking job numbers raise hopes for quicker recovery

Protesters take to streets amid rising scrutiny of police tactics

Democrats seek to tap into fury over George Floyd

Trump: There won’t be any defunding of police

Trump’s tweet on protester sparks GOP backlash

Senate at logjam over changing ‘qualified immunity’ for police

Black lawmakers unveil bill to remove Confederate statues from Capitol

Trump officials to roll back LGBTQ protections

Wins by young progressives start reshaping establishment

Ethics controversy rattles Hickenlooper’s Senate bid

Gorsuch draws surprise anger with LBGT decision

Trump administration sues Bolton over memoir

Bolton expose makes Trump figure of mockery

Supreme Court surprises rattle disappointed right

White House dismissal of COVID-19 concerns draws criticism

Barr says Trump fired Manhattan US Attorney Berman

All eyes on Roberts ahead of Supreme Court’s abortion ruling

Trump signs executive order suspending certain work visas through 2020

Fauci gives Congress COVID-19 warning

Texas, Florida, Arizona see new highs in coronavirus cases

Florida, Texas, Arizona face hurdles in getting outbreaks under control

White House seeks to reassure amid COVID-19 spikes

White House goes through dizzying change in staff

Progressives zero in on another House chairman in primary

Trump faces bipartisan calls for answers on Russian-offered bounties

GOP-Trump fractures on masks open up


Trump’s focus scattered amid multiple crises

Texas governor issues mandatory face mask policy

Biden seeks to supplant Trump in Georgia

The five biggest cases awaiting Supreme Court decisions

Trump second-term plans remain a mystery to GOP

Trump downplaying sparks new criticism of COVID-19 response

Trump administration moves to formally withdraw US from WHO

Supreme Court expands religious rights with trio of rulings

Five takeaways from Supreme Court’s rulings on Trump tax returns

Trump commutes Rogers Stone’s sentence

Trump wears mask during visit to Walter Reed

Teachers face off against Trump on school reopenings

Sessions fights for political life in Alabama runoff

Trump administration rescinds foreign students rule

Public’s disconnect from COVID-19 reality worries experts

Republicans scale back convention in Jacksonville due to coronavirus concerns

Senate GOP set to ramp up Obama-era probes

Civil rights legend Rep. John Lewis dies

Trump downplays virus, disputes bad polls in testy interview with Fox’s Wallace

Trump to resume COVID-19 briefings

McConnell previews GOP coronavirus relief bill

Trump shifts stance amid coronavirus woes

Mnuching says GOP has ‘fundamental’ deal on $1T coronavirus relief package

Trump, facing trouble in Florida, goes all in

Convention cancellation adds to Trump’s troubles

100 Days: Democrats see clear path to Senate majority

Trump’s national security adviser tests positive for coronavirus

GOP’s relief package hits wall in talks with Schumer, Pelosi

Oregon governor says some federal officers are leaving Portland

Trump raises idea of delaying election

Meadows, Pelosi trade criticism on stalled stimulus talks


Trump struggles to stay on script, frustrating GOP again

On The Trail: The first signs of a post-Trump GOP

Trump criticizes Birx over Pelosi, COVID-19 remarks: ‘Pathetic’

Unemployment debate sparks GOP divisions

Biden won’t travel to Milwaukee to accept nomination

New York attorney general sues to dissolve the NRA

Economy adds 1.8 million jobs; unemployment at 10.2 percent

Biden edges closer to VP pick; Here’s who’s up and who’s down

On The Trial: Pence’s knives come out

Trump, Biden tactical battle intensifies

The Memo: Five ways Trump could come back

Trump grabs ‘third rail’ of politics with payroll tax pause

Trump hurls insults at Harris, Ocasio-Cortez and other women

Markets rise as economy struggles; ‘It does not make sense’

Michelle Obama to go to bat for Biden

Eyes turn to Ocasio-Cortez as she seeks to boost Biden

Democrats plan Saturday vote to prop up Postal Service

Senate report describes closer ties between 2016 Trump campaign, Russia

Clinton gets her I-told-you-so moment

Bannon, three others charged with defrauding donors of ‘We Build The Wall’ campaign

Tensions flare as senators grill postmaster general 

How six key swing states handle voting by mail

The Memo: Trump bets it all on the base

Republicans officially renominate Trump for president

Filibuster fight looms if Democrats retake Senate

Biden’s lack of a travel plan worries some Democrats

CDC director walks back change in coronavirus testing guidelines

Five takeaways on GOP’s norm-breaking convention

Susan Collins faces battle of lifetime in Maine

Battle over COVID-19 school openings goes to the courts

Kennedy-Markey run takes nasty turn in Massachusetts


Wisconsin takes center stage in Biden-Trump fight

‘Get off Twitter’: Biden berates Trump over coronavirus, school reopenings

Biden in Kenosha; Trump has ‘legitimized a dark side of human nature’

Trump rips media for soft treatment of Biden: Questions ‘meant for a child’

‘Markeyverse’ of online fans helps take down a Kennedy

Trump campaign works to set narrative ahead of pivotal debates with Biden

Discord over state and local funds plagues coronavirus talks

Senate GOP unveils slimmed-down coronavirus relief bill 

Trump privately called coronavirus ‘deadly’ while comparing it to flu publicly; Woodward book

Senate Democrats block GOP relief bill

Fauci disagrees with Trump that US rounding ‘final turn’ on pandemic

COVID-19 complicates California’s record-setting wildfire season

Battle over timing complicates Democratic shutdown strategy

Trump pulls into must-win Arizona trailing in polls

Trump hosts Israel, UAE, Bahrain for historic signing

Trump spikes political football with return of Big Ten season

Trump’s sharp words put CDC director on hot seat

CDC reverses guidance on COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic people

Court battle explodes across tense election landscape

McConnell locks down key GOP votes in Supreme Court fight

Tumultuous court battle upends fight for Senate

GOP will ask Supreme Court to limit mail voting in Pennsylvania in first post-RBG test

Grand jury charges no officers in Breonna Taylor death

Anxious Democrats amp up pressure for vote on COVID-19 aid

Trump plans to pick Coney Barrett to replace Ginsburg on court

Supreme Court fight pushes Senate toward brink

Trump, Biden have one debate goal: Don’t lose

Trump tax reveal roils presidential race

Biden releases 2019 tax returns hours before first presidential debate

Trump says Proud Boys should ‘stand down’ after backlash to debate comments


McEnany defends Trump comments on white supremacy at combative briefing

Trump positive test roils White House, presidential campaign

White House doctor says Trump coronavirus symptoms improving while sidestepping questions

Trump leaves hospital room to wave at supporters outside from motorcade 

Trump says he’s leaving Walter Reed Monday evening

Trump orders aides to halt talks on COVID-19 relief

Trump gambles with new stimulus strategy

Trump, Biden campaigns clash over debate timing, formats

Trump proposes $1.8T coronavirus relief package

US coronavirus numbers rise, raising worries about winter

Pentagon puts on show of force as questions circle on COVID-19 outbreak

Trump faces unusual barrier to COVID-19 aid: GOP allies

Bident hints at opposition to court packing as pressure builds

Senators dial down rhetoric at Barrett hearing after 2018 Kavanaugh brawl

Dueling town halls represent high stakes for Trump

Republicans increasingly seek distance from Trump

Changing suburbs threaten GOP hold on Texas

Whatever happened to Deborah Birx?

Trump’s scorched earth style overshadows campaign’s message in final weeks

Senate to vote Monday to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court

White House pushing for stimulus deal within next 48 hours

Trump posts full ’60 Minutes’ interview showing him walking out

Trump looms over Ernst’s tough reelection fight in Iowa

Gaffes put spotlight on Meadows at tough time for Trump

Obama rips Trump’s pandemic response: ‘He’s jealous of COVID’s media coverage’

New voters surge to the polls

Winter COVID-19 wave poses threat to nation’s hospitals

Trump to hold 14 rallies in final three days of campaign

Obama boosts Biden in must-win Michigan


Polarized campaign leaves little room for third-party hopefuls

Polls show Biden with edge over Trump in key states

Voters line up at polls as country braces for result

Centrist Democrats talk leadership changes after negative election results

Pennsylvania official says ‘overwhelming majority’ of vote to be counted Thursday

Biden overtakes Trump in Pennsylvania vote count

Biden defeats Trump to win presidency

Washington braces for unpredictable post-election period

Most Republicans avoid challenging Trump on election

Key conservative justices express openness to preserving ObamaCare’s protections

Biden plays it cool as Trump refuses to concede

Trump retreats from public eye in post-election fight

GOP senators say Warren nomination would divide Republicans

Republicans seek to batter Warnock ahead of Georgia runoff

GOP shows limited appetite for pursuing Biden probe’s

Bickering Democrats return with divisions

Trump order Pentagon to pull 2,500 troops from Afghanistan and Iraq

GOP breaks with Trump firing of cyber chief: Adds to ‘confusion and chaos’ 

Trump, attorneys step up efforts to reverse elections outcome

Georgian to certify election results, making Biden win official

More GOP governors embrace mask mandates, but holdouts remain

Women set to take key roles in Biden administration

Trump tells GSA that Biden transition can begin

Biden vows shift from Trump with national security team

Biden calls for nation to unite in COVID-19 fight in Thanksgiving address

Cuomo blames new conservative majority for High Court’s COVID-19 decision

GOP mulls its future after Trump

Groups seek to get Black vote out for Democrats in Georgia runoffs

The five biggest challenges facing President-elect Biden

Biden budget pick sparks battle with GOP Senate


Barr says DOJ hasn’t uncovered widespread voter fraud in 2020 election

White House warns COVID-19 cases at dire levels, says patient care could be compromised

COVID-19 relief picks up steam as McConnell, Pelosi holds talks

Pelosi bullish on COVID-19 relief: ‘We cannot leave without it’

Senate GOP brushes off long-shot attempt to fight Biden win

Power struggle sparks tensions among Senate Democrats

Senate gears up for battle over Barr’s new special counsel

Support grows for stimulus checks, but they may wait

Momentum stalls for COVID-19 relief bill

100 House Republicans sign brief backing Texas lawsuit challenging election results

Senate passes defense bill, setting up Trump veto fight

Biden appointments give Newsom chance to reshape California politics

Biden leans on Obama-era talent for top posts

Five things to watch as the Electoral College votes

McConnell congratulates Biden on White House win

Congress close to coronavirus deal that includes stimulus checks

Senate GOP looks to stopgap as relief talks drag on

Government faces shutdown as year-end deal remains elusive

Health officials, social media scramble to fight vaccine misinformation

Congress rushes to clinch coronavirus deal as shutdown looms

Barr: No need for special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, election fraud

Congress passes $2.3T coronavirus relief, government funding deal

Republicans waiting to see what Trump does on relief package

Trump’s final weeks create chaos for Congress

Anger at Congress, Trump mounts among governors

Democrats set to clash in special House elections

Why 2020 really was the worst year ever

Push for $2,000 stimulus checks hit Senate buzzsaw

Hawley to challenge Electoral College results in Senate

Trump budget director pushes back on Biden team’s claims of obstruction

Georgia GOP candidate to quarantine days before runoff election

News Source: The Hill

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