2020: POLITICO (366)


Why Pete Buttigieg enrages the young left

Dems rocket into 2020 with huge donor windfall

How Trump decided to kill Iran’s Soleimani

Warren ends wine cave offensive 

Border stops for people of Iranian descent spark outrage

Iran overshadows impeachment as Trump leaves Congress staggering

Iran retaliates with missile attacks on U.S. troop locations in Iraq

After ripping up Obama’s Iran playbook, Trump quickly pieces it back together

Elizabeth Warren’s surprising closing argument

Bloomberg and Steyer’s spending binges start to pay off

Bernie campaign slams Warren as candidate of the elite

Booker drops out of presidential race

Republicans face reckoning on impeachment witnesses

What we learned about the Democratic field from Tuesday’s debate

Sanders-Warren dispute jolts Bernie’s base into action

Parnas and Ukraine aid bombshells jolt impeachment trial

Trump finally gets his TV-ready lawyers – thanks to impeachment

Trump team attacks House impeachment effort in first formal response

Bloomberg’s massive ad campaign hikes TV prices for other candidates

Here are the five senate factions that will decide Trump’s fate

McConnell makes strategic retreat to keep firm grip on Trump trial

Trump disrupts Republican trial strategy

Trump’s trial may hinge on Lamar Alexander

Trump finds nearly unwavering loyalty from Republicans after Dem case

Senate Republicans eye quick Trump acquittal after witness vote

‘They let him get away with murder’: Dems tormented over how to stop Bernie

Mitt makes his move

Trio of Dem senators considering vote to acquit Trump

Senate and John Roberts face possibility of epic tie on witnesses

Republicans set to shut down Democrats’ witness demands


Why four key Republicans split – and the witness vote tanked

Rivals warn Sanders campaign plans to game Iowa results

Iowa might have just witnessed the start of a Democratic Party takeover

‘It’s a total meltdown’: Confusion seizes Iowa as officials struggle to report results

The strangest State of the Union ever

Trump gets bittersweet vindication with a surprise twist from an old foe

‘White male privilege’: Top N.H. women fume over Buttigieg’s Iowa speech

The incredible expanding presidential field

Takeaways from a raucous night in Manchester

Iowa Democrats: Pete Buttigieg edges Bernie Sanders for delegates

Klobuchar roars into contention on eve of primary

Sanders ekes one out, but the revolution has yet to arrive

Reeling Biden campaign scrambles to soothe nervous supporters

Warren on the ropes

DOJ drops probe into former FBI Deputy Director McCabe

Deep cracks emerge in Biden’s firewall

‘A complete disaster’: Fears grow over potential Nevada caucus malfunction

The candidate of scripted TV ads is about to go live

I covered Blago’s trial from start to finish.  Trump’s commutation isn’t crazy

Thank you, Mike Bloomberg, for rescuing the debate

Bloomberg quietly plotting brokered convention strategy

That time Mike Bloomberg installed an AC unit in his SUV

Sanders eviscerates conventional wisdom about why he can’t win

Sanders send Democratic establishment into panic mode

Why Senate Dems aren’t freaking out about Bernie

Democrats needed a good debate, but got a bad one

Coronavirus gets a Trumpian response

Coming to a podcast near you: Hillary Clinton

Sanders in command as Super Tuesday nears


The resurrection of Joe Biden

Inside the sudden end of Pete Buttigieg’s campaign

How to watch Super Tuesday like a pro

Four reasons why Biden shocked Sanders

Elizabeth Warren drops out

Trump and Pence: the coronavirus co-presidency

How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S.

Health officials shift tone on coronavirus, says elderly and sick at risk

In crisis, Trump team sees a chance to achieve long-sought goals

How to watch Mini-Tuesday like a pro

Michigan Romp Shows Biden Could Rebuild Democrats ‘Blue Wall’ vs. Trump

Pelosi and Mnuchin race to clinch a deal on coronavirus aid package

Congress isn’t ready for coronavirus

White House adds U.K., Ireland to travel ban, hints at airline aid

Terminal crush: Air passengers caught in Trump’s travel ban

Senate scrambles on coronavirus package as U.S. begins to shut down

Emergency stimulus to soar above $1 trillion

Senate to pass coronavirus package as Treasury proposes emergency checks

Trump wanted to bury Biden after the primary, Now he can’t

Coronavirus will change the world permanently. Here’s How

Trump has scoreboard obsession.  It hasn’t worked with coronavirus

Bipartisan talks falter on massive economic rescue package

Coronavirus upends the battle for the House

Trump works to rewrite narrative on coronavirus response

DHS wound down pandemic models before coronavirus struck

Trump is an authoritarian weakman

House passes $2 trillion coronavirus package – but not without last-minute drama

‘There is no surge plan’: Despite warnings, Congress failed to fully fund pandemics bill

Inside the White House during ’15 Days to Slow the Spread’

AOC breaks with Bernie on how to lead the left

‘A Darwinian approach to federalism’: States confront new reality under Trump


Trump’s Breakdown

How the bailout could create another AIG scandal

‘Lack of leadership’: Esper’s pandemic response draws fire as crisis deepens

Virus hot spots in the South poised for disproportionate suffering

Trump administration tells states to step up as governors plead for aid

Marco Rubio finds his next act

Trump removes independent watchdog for coronavirus fund, upending oversight panel

Bernie Sanders suspends his presidential campaign

How the CDC director became the MAGA whisperer on coronavirus

Trump sought a national revival by Easter.  Now he has a new Easter message

5 increasingly hardball versions of the next stimulus

‘Let’s hope to heck that it works’: Pandemic pressure mounts on Congress

States still baffled over how to get coronavirus supplies from Trump

Democrats tread carefully with Trump amid coronavirus ‘hunger games’

‘It Really Is the Perfect Storm’: Coronavirus Comes for Rural America

Progressive movement wary of Warren for VP

Phone tag and snubs: Bitter leadership feuds undermine pandemic relief

Trump’s Wild West approach to virus cure-alls is a gamechanger for drugmakers

TikTok, to-go drinks and linguini: #FireFauci brings out Fauci fanatics

A watchdog out of Trump’s grasp unleashes wave of coronavirus audits

Tracking the virus may require 300,000 workers, We’re nowhere close

‘The map is bigger now’: Coronavirus rewires 2020 election

States that helped Trump win see biggest job losses

Trump’s poor poll numbers trigger GOP alarms over November

Trump grapples with a surprise threat: Too much Trump

USDA let millions of pounds of food rot while food-bank demand soared

Backlash grows as pandemic relief stumbles

Trump faces the risk of a coronavirus cliff

Trump’s next coronavirus pivot: Celebrate America’s grand reopening

Justin Amash Wants to Destroy the System that Created Trump


Wearing a mask is for smug liberals.  Refusing to is for reckless Republicans.

Trump plots economic pivot at Camp David

Democrats leave Doug Jones hanging as Senate map takes shape

‘Not the World’s Number One’: Chinese Social Media Piles On the U.S.

The liberal-moderate rift among Democrats has blown open in California

What Happened When a Trump-Friendly Rural County Shut Down Over Coronavirus

Republicans praise Trump’s pandemic response with Senate majority at risk

Experts Knew a Pandemic Was Coming.  Here’s What They’re Worried About Next.

The only Republican Senate candidate willing to call out Donald Trump

Meadows learns to navigate Kushner’s sprawling White House influence

The Forgotten Law That Could Compel Mnuchin to Hand Over Trump’s Tax Returns

Trump deems farmworkers ‘essential’ but doesn’t make safety rules mandatory

Colleagues paint a mixed picture of ousted vaccine chief

Ousted vaccine chief: ‘Our window of opportunity is closing’

A metrics-obsessed White House struggles to define success on coronavirus

Trump team searches for a strategy to aid voters of color ahead of November

Getting it right: States struggle with contact tracing push

Swing-state Republicans warn Trump’s reelection is on shaky ground

Politics could dictate who gets a coronavirus vaccine

Across the country, local officials defy state leaders on reopening

Reopening reality check: Georgia’s jobs aren’t flooding back

The Bitter, Not-So-Secret Fight Among Florida Republicans to be President in 2024

Trump ordered states to open churches.  Can he do that?

Lavish Parties, Greedy Pols and Panic Rooms: How the ‘Apple of Pot’ collapsed

Trump sees a ‘rigged election’ ahead. Democrats see a constitutional crisis in the making

Can NASA and Elon Musk lift off?

Mike Pompeo’s CIA advisory board rankled agency veterans

Famed Democratic pollster: Warren as VP would lead to Biden victory

Trump threatens to unleash gunfire on Minnesota protesters

Trump warns protesters after White House partially locked down by Floyd demonstration

The most volatile swing state of all


Trauma and gaffes crash Biden’s VP selection process

‘Outraged’: Trump faces condemnation for clearing protesters, threatening military force

Rod Rosenstein blames FBI for FISA errors, defends Mueller

Police groups break with Biden

Trump casts job data as cure-all for a deeply divided America

Democrats discover a new team player: Bernie Sanders

How Kamala Harris seized the moment on race and police reform

2 long shots rise in Biden VP search

‘We ought to set aside this talk’: Pence’s take on systemic racism meets a new test

‘Blood in the water’: Dems get unexpected opening against Trump in Iowa

Quarantine fatigue; Governors reject new lockdowns as virus case spike

The City that Really Did Abolish the Police

Insurgent threatens to derail McGrath-McConnell showdown in Kentucky

Trump loses 2 pivotal allies in his anti-kneeling crusade: NASCAR and the NFL

Supreme Court finds federal law bars LBGT discrimination in workplace

Members of Congress took small-business loans – and the full extent is unknown

Trump has a point about the polls

Supreme Court rejects Trump effort to end DACA

How One Woman Saved Biden and Took On the Ghosts of the Confederacy

‘The damage is done’: Judge denies Trump administration request to block Bolton book

Trump allies see a mounting threat: Biden’s rising evangelical support

Inside Trump’s Oklahoma debacle

The Biden whisperer in the Senate

Senate Democrats block Republican police reform plan

Trump promised to pay for Covid care, But patients with long-term symptoms see huge bills

‘There’s no discipline to his strategy’: Trump is undermining his own campaign

The Lincoln Project is trolling Trump. But can it sway voters?

A new dilemma for Trump’s team: Preventing super-spreader churches

A Sun Belt time bomb threatens Trump’s reelection

McGrath wins Kentucky Senate primary


Why the Descendants of Confederate Generals Are Happy to See Their Names Go

The Anti-Trump Movement Will Outlast Trump

Rent cliff in July looms with eviction moratoriums set to expire

Whose Lincoln Memorial Is It?

‘How the hell are we going to do this?’ The panic of reopening schools

Western fire season could raise stakes in battle against Covid-19

What the Lincoln Project Ad Makers Get About Voters (and What Dems Don’t)

Merkel looks east as ties fray between Germany and U.S.

Supreme Court set to decide who can see Trump’s tax returns, financial records

Trump spins political victory out of Supreme Court defeat

Trump commutes prison sentence of longtime adviser Roger Stone

How the Supreme Court Just Restored Congress’ Oversight Power

California teachers fight back against pressure to reopen schools

Sessions crashes into Tuberville, Trump in Alabama runoff

A dangerous new chapter of the outbreak; Every state for itself

Inspector general: Medicare chief broke rules on her publicity contracts

Biden cuts deep into Trump’s 2020 cash advantage

John Lewis, civil rights icon and longtime congressman dies

Congress and CBC lose another giant at critical moment

Belated Ginsburg cancer disclosure renews focus on SCOTUS transparency

‘The clock is ticking’: White House under pressure to reopen Civil Rights-era cold cases

Staring down defeat, Trump attempts a coronavirus reset

‘It’s a mess’: Congress prepares to lurch over unemployment aid cliff

How Trump went from a massive convention bash to no party at all

40 million Americans face student loan cliff

Newsom economic task force has a star-studded cast. Why can’t it solve the reopening?

Republicans and Democrats want Mueller to testify again.  They may regret it

‘It’s a tough hand’: Brutal year gets even worse for McConnell

‘He just needs to win 60 percent of the next 100 days’

Mnuchin and Meadows struggle to make a deal

From Bloody Sunday to Black Lives Matter, the role of the Black church is shifting


Vaccine project contradicton raises transparency questions

‘Castro sympathizer’: Florida GOP moves to sink Bass over Cuba

The pandemic is eating away at the illicit marijuana market

Britain pushes on with U.S. trade talks despite presidential election

Kobach and Clay go down: Takeaways from a big primary night

Newsom searches for messaging rhythm as coronavirus fatigue sets in

Covid talks going nowhere as deadline nears

How politics, personalities and price tags derailed Covid relief talks

The Man Determined to Deliver Trump’s Alaskan Oil Promise

With latest executive orders, Trump gets approval from his golf club crowd

Blame game in high gear as Covid relief talks stall

How Kamala Harris outflanked her skeptics to become Biden’s VP pick

Trump makes fear-based appeal to women as Biden picks Harris

What Harris Got from Biden During Her Job Interview

Meet The Politician Who Lives on TikTok

Pelosi weighs bringing House back early to address Postal Service crisis

Pelosi calls back House over Postal Service upheaval

Michelle repudiates Barack’s core tenet of politics in urgent plea to boot Trump

Jill Biden outshines Bill Clinton, and more takeaways

It’s Kamala’s Party now

Biden just made it a lot harder for Republicans to tag him ‘Slow Joe’

Trump pressures head of consumer agency to bend on social media crackdown

An Apprentice producer and a TV-obsessed president: Inside the GOP’s convention scramble

The Grand Old Meltdown

What we learned from Night 1 of the Trump Show

Political stunts, missed opportunities, and compassionate conservatism

GOP attacks Biden’s faith even as Pence shows his: Takeaways from RNC Night 3

What Trump couldn’t bring himself to say: Takeaways from RNC night 4

March on Washington highlights generational divide on police reform

Dems outraged as Trump administration scales back election security briefings

I Was A U.S. Diplomat. Customs and Border Protection Only Cared That I Was Black


The clash over Kenosha: Biden flips scripts on Trump as campaign heats up

The Latina Progressive Who Faced Down Texas Republicans

‘Can you imagine if we’re waiting on Pennsylvania?’: State Dems scramble to avoid voting fiasco

How Legal Weed Destroyed a Counterculture Icon

The MAGA movement hits the streets – and Trump latches on

Trump prepares a new fall offensive: Branding Kamala Harris

Why Biden could still lose the suburbs to Trump

Blowout for Biden or Narrow win for Trump?

The battleground: These states will determine the 2020 election

Trump fires off new counterattack against Bob Woodward

The Children of 9/11 Are About to Vote

‘A huge risk’: Trump’s allies can’t sway him on mail-in voting

The Gun-Toting, Millennial Restaurant Owner Trying to Ride the Covid Backlash to Congress

‘This is f—ing crazy’: Florida Latino swamped by wild conspiracy theories

‘They made a really big mistake’: Biden confronts a regret of the Obama voters

Trump spent years trying to win over Indian Americans. Then Biden picked Harris

This Is What Trump’s Suburbia Really Looks Like

CDC reverses course on testing for asymptomatic people who had Covid-19 contact

Ginsburg’s death just blew up the 2020 campaign

Murkowski opposes moving forward with Supreme Court nomination

Biden takes huge cash lead over Trump while outspending him 2-1

Romney backs vote on Supreme Court nominee, clearing way for Trump

Trump falls into the trap he set for Biden

Republicans break with Trump over peaceful transition of power

Here’s How the Pandemic Finally Ends

‘It’s like every red flag’: Trump-ordered HHS ad blitz raises alarms

Senate Dems ready tactics to muck up Supreme Court confirmation

Campus life sans Covid; A few colleges write the playbook for pandemic success

The 10 biggest whoppers you can expect to hear at the first debate

‘I heard it differently’: Trump allies play defense on hate group remarks


Pelosi signals no coronavirus deal likely with White House

Confusion, concern infiltrate White House after Trump’s positive test

White House raises new questions about Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis

Trump required oxygen treatments but could be discharged as early as Monday

MAGA country brings the rally to a stricket president

‘Out of his mouth will come these wild Trumpisms’: Harris preps to take on Pence

Susan Collins lets loose with her career on the line

Health officials scrambling to produce Trump’s ‘last-minute’ drug cards by Election Day

Trump campaign ready to unleash thousands of poll watchers on Election Day

Trump’s Covid recovery puts MAGA on steroids

Inside Democrats’ Campaign against Amy Coney Barrett

Senators settle old grudges as Barrett confirmation hearing starts

Barrett avoids Democrats’ questions on Obamacare, abortion

Barrett suggests Obamacare might survive Trump challenge

‘The Sleeping Giant Is Finally Awake’

How One Police Chief Kept Her City from Blowing Up This Summer

Trump starts to articulate a painful reality; He could lose in 2020

Lindsey Graham runs for his life

Trump launches a frenzied effort to save his brand

2 More Funny Feelings About 2020

Trump’s cash woes mount as Biden laps him

Hunter Biden, Rudy Giuliani and the ‘hard drive from hell’

A Day-By-Day Guide to What Could Happen If This Election Goes Bad

Scarred Democrats begin accepting a possible Biden win

They’re Afraid. They’re Buying Guns. But They’re Not Voting for Trump.

Pelosi holds firm grip on power as Dems dream of a sweep

As Trump warns of economic disaster, Wall Street grows giddy about Biden

MAGA scrambles to repair the Hunter Biden narrative

45 Self-Evident Truths About Donald Trump

Trump and Biden teams prep for once-outlandish election standoffs

Trump and Biden blanket the Midwest on final weekend


Trump barnstorms as polls show Biden with the edge

This Place Has Picked Every President Since 1952. Is Its Streak About to End?

21 battlegrounds that will seal Trump’s fate

Trump’s path to victory narrows

Joe Biden on cusp of clinching victory

Biden on the verge of victory after taking lead in Pennsylvania

Biden Wins

Trump’s refusal to concede amps up pressure on GOP

AOC wants to cancel those who worked for Trump. Good luck with that, they say.

‘We’re not some demonic cult’: Democrats fume over faulty messaging

How Biden swung the religious vote

Where Trump’s recount fundraising dollars are really going

‘Never bet against me’: Trump and his allies dig in despite election defeat

Trump’s media favorites battle for the Trump trophy

Trump’s student loan cliff threatens chaos for Biden

Ossoff, Warnock start Georgia runoffs behind the eight ball

Trump blocks Biden’s incoming staff in unprecedented ways

Biden builds team for Senate confirmation battles

‘State-sanctioned segregation’: California’s school closure debate boils over

Republican Senate signals it will confirm Biden Cabinet

Trump tries to drum out GOP election officials who won’t play his game.

Trump threatens to wreak havoc on GOP from beyond the White House

Biden to spotlight CDC officials shunned by Trump

Joe Biden’s Team of Careerists

Trump Officials hold first ‘Operation Warp Speed’ briefing for Biden

Food industry braces for new coronavirus wave

How One of the Reddest States Became the Nation’s Hottest Weed Market

Trump’s 2016 transition defined his presidency. Biden’s might, too.

‘Time For My Flag to Go Up’: How Anti-Trumpers Are Reclaiming the American Flag

Trump administration leaves states to grapple with how to distribute scarce vaccines


How Trump’s Hill allies could take one last shot to overturn the election

Trump to restart foreign deals, breaking a post-presidency norm

Koreans Believed America was Exceptional. Then Covid Happened

The Rancher Trying to Solve the West’s Water Crisis

Vaccine opponents rebrand as rollout of Covid-19 shots looms

Biden selects Becerra to lead Health and Human Services

Hawley urges Trump to veto Covid bill absent stimulus checks

U.S. could face months of vaccine shortages amid global competition

Trump’s drug-card plan smacks into another roadblock

FTC suffering a cash crunch as it prepares to battle Facebook

Supreme Court rejects Texas-led effort to overturn Biden’s victory

Iowa autopsy report: DNC meddling led to caucus debacle

Bipartisan group to offer 2-part coronavirus relief package

Biden racks up votes as Electoral College meets to formalize 2020 results

Pete Buttigieg chose as Biden’s Transportation secretary

‘We want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ strategy, emails reveal

How Georgia is driving Congress toward a stimulus deal

‘This is ridiculous’: Congress avoids shutdown but deadlocks on stimulus

Stimulus talks stall as GOP digs in over Fed

When Elvis Helped to Conquer Polio

‘Why bother?’: Biden, Trump advisers see little value in White House meeting

Fed enters Biden era with clipped wings and a warning from Republicans

Trump pardons Paul Manafort, Rogers Stone, Charles Kushner

Congress scrambles to avert shutdown after Trump’s stimulus demands

Biden allies push back on sweeping plan to promote fair housing

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Legal Giant – and a Nurturing Aunt

Member of Congress to Trump: Sign stimulus bill

Meet the GOP freshmen taking on the ‘Squad’

From ‘contentious to business as usual,’ transition cooperation covers full spectrum

Black, Latino city workers faced disproportionate death toll in chaos of NYC pandemic

Hawley faces heat from Senate Republicans over Electoral College plans

News Source: Politico

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