2020: THE ATLANTIC (358)


The Problem With a Host Country Failing to Protect Its Embassies

One Way the New Little Women Film Is Radical

Iran Loses Its Indispensable Man

Qassem Soleimani Haunted the Arab World

World War III Is an Irresistible Meme

A Chaotic Golden Globes for a Chaotic Moment

America’s Self-Sabotage in the Middle East

What History Says Will Happen Next In Iran

Americans Aren’t Rallying to Trump

What Is Even Going On Out There?

Trump Broke It. Now He Owns It.

The Moral Hazard of Dealing With China

Cory Booker Runs Out of Time

The Questions Sex-Ed Students Always Ask

The Vote That Bernie Sanders Keeps Talking About

Silicon Valley Abandons the Culture That Made It the Envy of the World

Every Place Is the Same Now

Andrew Yang’s Campaign Is Not a Joke

The Kremlin Inches Closer to the Biden Plot

Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘Letter From Birmingham Jail’

The Fight to Decolonize the Museum

The Solemn Absurdity of Trump’s Impeachment Trial

Who Plays by the Rules?

Donald Trump Has One Problem

A Historic Quarantine

Hillary Clinton: Beware Mark Zuckerberg

The Kobe I Knew Became a Champion for Others

Bernie Can’t Win

The Best Advice Kobe Bryant Ever Gave Me

The Biggest Loser Is Back. And It’s Toxic as Ever.

There Is No Christian Case for Trump


Lamar Alexander Just Gave Democrats What They Wanted

The Christian Withdrawl Experiment

How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class

Chaos at the Caucuses

The State of the Union as Spectacle

Are We Ready for Trump 20?

The Billion-Dollar Disinformation Campaign to Reelect the President

Everybody Versus Pete

Trump Points His Finger, and a Life Is Ruined

Parasite Won So Much More Than the Best Picture Oscar

The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake

The Night Socialism Went Mainstream

John Kelly Finally Lets Loose on Trump

Why Is John Kelly Speaking Out Now?

The New Valentine’s Day Is Coming for All Your Relationships

It’s Bernie Versus Mike Now

The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake

John Bolton Hints at How Much More He Still Has to Tell

Why the Restoration Hardware Catalog Won’t Die

Bloomberg’s Beating

The Oil Industry Is Quietly Winning Local Climate Fights

Meat Trimmings Are a Health Food Now

Bernie Sanders’s Biggest Win Yet

The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake

The Weinstein Verdict Shows Why Rape Convictions Are So Rare

The Loudest Debate Yet

The Chart That Reveals Your Kid’s Adult Height

The Opioid Epidemic Might Be Much Worse Than We Thought

How to Think About the Plummeting Stock Market


Joe Biden’s First-Ever Primary Win Is a Big One

The President Is Winning His War on American Institutions

Trump’s Playbook Is Terribly Ill-Suited to a Pandemic

Bernie Sanders Gets a Rude Awakening

America Punished Elizabeth Warren for Her Competence

The Strangest Evidence Yet That America Is Botching Coronavirus Testing

What If the Court Saw Other Rights as Generously as Gun Rights?

What Could Happen if the Coronavirus Closed Schools for Days, Weeks, or Even Months

The Stock Market Is Tanking.  Do Nothing.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic

The Hand-Sanitizer Hawkers Aren’t Sorry

Trump Doesn’t Grasp What Americans Are Going Through

How Trump Designed His White House to Fail

Why Did It Take So Long for Trump to Get Tested for the Coronavirus?

The Coronavirus Is Calling America’s Bluff

The U.K.’s Coronavirus ‘Herd Immunity’ Debacle

The Coming Bailout Is a Moral Failure

NIH Director: ‘We’re on an Exponential Curve’

The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism

Why the Coronavirus Has Been So Successful

Celebrities Have Never Been Less Entertaining

Why You Can’t Stop Streaming Seinfeld, Or Frasier, Or Bones

The People In Charge See an Opportunity

Trump Is Inciting a Coronavirus Culture War to Save Himself

This Is Just the Beginning

Amazon Is Struggling to Pay Workers in Quarantine

Diary of a Covid-19 Patient

The Curve Is Not Flat Enough

How Not to Tank Your Relationship in Quarantine

The Social-Distancing Culture War Has Begun

What Will Happen When Red States Need Help?


Everyone Thinks They’re Right About Masks

Don’t Believe the COVID-19 Models

Creeping Authoritarianism Has Finally Prevailed

Even Now, Criminal Defendants Have Rights

Documentary: What Doctors Are Afraid Of

What the Racial Data Shows

The Technology That Could Free America From Quarantine

The Coronavirus Has Not Halted Trump’s Power Grab

The Two States Where Trump’s COVID-19 Response Could Backfire in 2020

The Pandemic Will Cleave America in Two

Quibi Is a Vast Wasteland

The City That Has Flattened the Coronavirus Curve

Generation C Has Nowhere to Turn

The Anxious Child and the Crisis of Modern Parenting

How the Coronavirus Will Create a New Working Class

No, The Internet Is Not Good Again

The Supermarket After the Pandemic

22 Movies About the End of the World to Watch Now

Orthodox Jewish Women Are Facing An Impossible Choice Right Now

We Are Living in a Failed State

Gavin Newsom’s Nation-State 

Would You Sacrifice Your Privacy to Get Out of Quarantine?

Two Errors Our Minds Make When Trying to Grasp the Pandemic

Trump’s Plan To Save His Presidency

Trump’s 5 O’Clock Follies

It’s George Wallace’s World Now

The Pandemic Will Change American Retail Forever

No Testing, No Treatment, No Herd Immunity, No Easy Way Out

Why the Coronavirus Is So Confusing

To Safely Reopen, Make the Workweek Shorter.  Then Keep It Shorter.


Should You Get an Antibody Test?

The End of the Imperial Presidency

The Rest of the World Is Laughing at Trump

The Small-business Die-Off Is Here

I Have Cancer and I’m Just Trying to Stay Alive

What’s Behind South Korea’s COVID-19 Exceptionalism?

Trump Turned the Death Count Into a Story About Himself

You’ll Probably Never Know If You Had the Coronavirus in January

The Melancholia Postulate

The SNL Season Finale Doesn’t Sugarcoat Pandemic Anxiety

RIP Democracy

I Got Fired Over Zoom

Don’t Blame Econ 101 for the Plight of Essential Workers

The Pro-Trump Conspiracy That’s Becoming a Religion

It Really Could Be Warren

The Paranoid Style in American Entertainment

The Conspiracy Theorists Are Winning

We Can Prevent a Great Depression: It’ll Take $10 Trillion

Singles and Couples Are More Divided Than Ever

America’s Patchwork Pandemic Is Fraying Even Further

‘How Could the CDC Make That Mistake?’

The Misfortune of Graduating in 2020

The Pandemic Forced Me Into a Multigenerational Home

We Don’t Even Have a COVID-19 Vaccine, and Yet The Conspiracies Are Here

Pandemic Dining; Temperature Checks, Time Limits, And Dividers

Social Distancing Is Not Enough

American Spaceflight Is Now in Elon Musk’s Hands

American’s Aren’t Getting The Advice They Need

Trump Is the Looter

An Urgent Time for a Year Off Campus

Trump Is Terrified Of Protest


The American Nightmare

History Will Judge the Complicit

A Nation Without Law, Order, or Justice

Racism Won’t Be Solved by Yet Another Blue-Ribbon Report

Democratic Politics Has Stopped Working

Why It Matters That So Many People Are Donating to Bail Funds

The Enormous Scale of This Movement

America Is Giving Up on the Pandemic

Minneapolis Had This Coming

Why Minneapolis Was the Breaking Point

Four Years Embedded With the Alt-Right

What Big Tech Wants Out of the Pandemic

India’s Comfort Food Tells the Story of It’s Pandemic

The Looming Bank Collapse

It Didn’t Have to Be Like This

The Pandemic Shows Us the Genius of Supermarkets

30 Years Ago, Romania Deprived Thousands of Babies of Human Contact

Black Joy – Not Corporate Acknowledgement – Is the Heart of Juneteenth

Trump’s 3-Point Plan to Win in 2020

What a Negative Coronavirus Test Really Means

A Common Snake Oil Reemerges for the Coronavirus

The Second Great Depression

The Decline of the American World

The Temptation of Kayleigh McEnany

The Sun-Belt Spikes Could Be a Disaster for Trump

What Americans Don’t Know About Joe Biden

A Devastating New Stage of the Pandemic

The Three Weeks That Changes Everything

The Second Battle of Charlottesville


Hong Kong Is a Colony Once More

Do Americans Understand How Badly They’re Doing?

The NFL Can’t Fight Racism When Owners Support Trump

The Boogaloo Tipping Point

How Revolutions Happen

Scolding Beachgoers Isn’t Helping

The U.S. Is Repeating It’s Deadliest Pandemic Mistake

Donald Trump’s Lost Cause

Who Wants To Be Seen With Trump Anymore?

COVID-19 Cases Are Rising, So Why Are Deaths Flatlining?

Trump’s Most Brazen Reprieve Yet

China’s Xinjiang Policy: Less About Births, More About Control

The Cost of the Evangelical Betrayal

A New Understanding of Herd Immunity

America Should Prepare for a Double Pandemic

A Second Coronavirus Death Surge Is Coming

How Trump Closed Down the Schools

The State Where Protests Have Already Forced Major Police Reform

John Lewis Was an American Founder

How Long Does COVID-19 Immunity Last?

Nothing Can Justify the Attack on Portland

America’s Inescapable Offices

America’s Cities Are Staggeringly Unequal

A Vaccine Reality Check

Pompeo’s Surreal Speech on China

A Vaccine Reality Check

Don’t Count Trump Out

When Conservative Justices Revolt

China Is What Orwell Feared

Trump Can’t Postpone the Election — But He’s Trying to Destroy Its Legitimacy

Hygiene Theater Is a Huge Waste Of Time


Beware Facts Man

When a Family Separation Becomes Permanent

How the Pandemic Defeated America

The Coronavirus Is Never Going Away

Is This the Beginning of the End of American Racism?

The Workforce Is About to Change Dramatically

College-Educated Professionals Are Capitalism’s Useful Idiots

Cancel College

America’s Authoritarian Governor

The ‘Blue Shift’ Will Decide the Election

The Facts Just Aren’t Getting Through

Kamala Harris and The Veep in the age of Veep

The Good Son

The Plan That Could Give Us Our Lives Back

How the Pandemic Has Changed Us Already

American Passports Are Useless Now

The Plan That Could Give Us Our Lives Back

No, COVID-19 Is Not a Metaphor

Long-Haulers Are Redefining COVID-19 

Barack Obama Is Scared

The Democratic Convention’s Big Blind Spot

Teachers Know Schools Aren’t Safe to Reopen

Can the Religious Left Flip the Bible Belt?

Why Every City Feels the Same Now

The McCloskeys’ Unsubtle Message to White America

‘I Moved on Her Very Heavily’: Part 1

NBA Players Needed to Do This

A Carnival of Disinformation

The Profound Heroism of Chadwick Boseman

The Problem With Police — Shooting Videos

America Is Running Low on a Crucial Resource for COVID-19 Vaccines: This Country is facing a monkey shortage.


Academics Are Really, Really Worried About Their Freedom

‘I Moved on Her Very Heavily’: Part 2

How to Stop a Police Pullback

Trump Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Paris Is About to Change

The Emotionally Challenging Next Phase of the Pandemic

What Young, Healthy People Have to Fear From COVID-19

For the First Time, America May Have an Anti-Racist Majority

The Last Best Hope for America

The Flawed Genius of the Constitution

Donald Trump Is Waiting For You in First Class

Trump Made a Bad Bargain With Woodward

America’s Families Get Red-Pilled on Homeschooling / The Homeschool Evangelists / The Pandemic Has Parents Fleeing From Schools – Maybe Forever

Alexander Vidman: Trump is Putin’s ‘Useful Idiot’

The Media Learned Nothing From 2016

Do You Speak Fox?

How the Government Lost Its Mind

The U.S. Is on the Path to Destruction

Senate Republicans’ Last Chance to Stand Up to Trump

An Experiment in Wisconsin Changes Voters’ Minds About Trump

The Inside Story of the Mueller Probe’s Mistakes

The Debates Could Seal Biden’s Fate

The Election That Could Break America

And Then Donald Trump Walked Into the RV

The True Victors of Trump’s Supreme Court Nomination

The Relentlessness of Black Grief

Trump Just Lost Control of the Game

Trump Secretly Hates His Christian Supporters

Why Can’t He Just Say It?


A Pro-Trump Militant Group Has Recruited Thousands of Police, Soldiers, and Veterans

What Did You Expect?

The Trump Administration Needs to Consider the 25th Amendment

Suddenly, Amy Coney Barrett Might Not Have The Votes

The Virus Is Coming From Inside the White House

Il Donald

Kamala Harris’s Ambition Trap

Kamala Harris Claims Her Power

Trump Is Squandering the Best Hope for Coronavirus Testing

Why Trump’s Rapid Testing Plan Worries Scientists

Schools Aren’t Super Spreaders

How Conservatives Really Feel About Amy Coney Barrett

The Irony at the Heart of the Amy Coney Barrett Fight

Last Exit From Autocracy

Earth’s New Gilded Era

The Final Season Of The Trump Show

The Mad, Mad World Of Niche Sports Among Ivy League-Obsessed Parents

Evangelicals Made a Bad Bargain With Trump

Why People Who Hate Trump Stick With Him

The World Order That Donald Trump Revealed

Revenge of the Wine Moms

Pack the Court, Save the Vote

Trump Doesn’t Care

Higher Education Should Lead the Efforts to Reverse Structured Racism

What the Rush to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett Is Really About

The Difference Between Feeling Safe and Being Safe

The Amy Coney Barrett Hail-Mary Touchdown

America Is About To Choose How Bad the Pandemic Will Get

Why Many White Men Love Trump’s Coronavirus Response

How Trump Could Shock the World Again

Let the Incarcerated Vote


How to tell If the Election will Get Violent

How Trump Could Attempt a Coup

The Nightmare Is Here

A Cold War Between Rad and Blue America

Trump Won’t Accept Defeat – Ever.

America Won

What to Expect Next from Donald Trump

Mr. Trump, Tear Down This Wall

The Deafening Silence of Republican Leaders

A Battle Between the Two Souls of America

I’m Not Yet Ready to Abandon the Possibility of America

‘No One Is Listening to Us’

It’s Time to Hunker Down

There Is No Trumpism Without Trump

Why Obama Fears for Our Democracy

Cancel Thanksgiving

The Last Children of Down Syndrome

Trump Has Abdicated in the Face of Disaster

Don’t Eat Inside a Restaurant

Hospitals Know What’s Coming

In 1864, Like in 2020, America Just Got Lucky

Right-Wing Social Media Finalizes Its Divorce From Reality

Here Comes the COVID-19 Baby Bust

The Logic of Pandemic Restrictions Is Falling Apart

Pandemic Data Are About to Go Sideways

Dry Ice Is Hotter Than Ever

The Next Decade Could Be Even Worse

Progressives Can’t Repeat the Mistakes of 2008

The Mastermind Behind Biden’s No-Drama Approach to Trump


Go Home Now

What Rudy Giuliani Is Really Up To

Iowa Is What Happens When Government Does Nothing

America Needs a COVID Reckoning

Iowa Is What Happens When Government Does Nothing

The Month the Pandemic Started to End

‘This Must Be Your First’

Why I Chose Lloyd Austin as Secretary of Defense

A Political Obituary For Donald Trump

Republicans Are Going Down a Dangerous Road

American Elites Still Don’t Understand How COVID-19 Works

A Political Obituary For Donald Trump

How Science Beat the Virus

The Most American Religion

Hang On for Three More Months

What the Vaccine’s Side Effects Feel Like

What Two Late-Night Shows Learned From Covering Trump

Trump Is Losing His Mind

The Mysterious Link Between COVID-19 and Sleep

Trump’s Pardons Make the Unimaginable Real

Charlie Brown’s Inside Job

The Astonishing Duality of BTS

The Eerieness of the 2020 Disco Revival

An Alternative to Police That Police Can Get Behind

Where Year Two of the Pandemic Will Take Us

The Unbearable Weakness of Trump’s Minions

The Mutated Virus Is a Ticking Time Bomb

News Source: The Atlantic

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