Trump Questions US Intelligence as Governing Challenges Loom

Obama calls for seamless transition for US military to Trump

Arnold Schwarzenegger Responds to Trump Taunts

EPA: 540 Tons of Metals Entered River in Colo. Mine Spill

Conway Suggests Streep Misused Globes Platform

GOP Anxiety Mounts Over Voiding Health Law Without Own Plan

Chao: Unleash Private Investors to Boost Transportation

Jeb Bush Says It’s Unlikely He Will Run For Office Again

Top Trump aide in frequent contact with Russia’s ambassador

Outgoing CIA Chief Rips Into Trump Over Tweets, Russia

George H.W. Bush Hospitalized for Shortness of Breath

$1.9 billion error adds to California deficit projection

Protesters Make Their Mark on Trump’s Inauguration

FACT CHECK: Trump starts on familiar note: with exaggeration

Trump Changes Course After Denouncing Protesters

Trump’s Pick for Health Secretary Faces New Senate Hearing

Trump to sign orders advancing Keystone, Dakota pipelines

Questions Swirl After Trump Admin Says Tax Will Pay for Wall

DC’s March for Life to Highlight Gains by Abortion Opponents

Trump Fires Justice Dept. Head Over Executive Order Defiance


Clinton will reflect on 2016 race in new book

Trump to Mexico: Take Care of ‘Bad Hombres’ or US Might

Conway Cites ‘Massacre’ That Didn’t Happen

Trump Lashes out at Federal Judge Over Ruling on Travel Ban

Under Fire, Conway Maintains Support Of The President

Venezuela Now Leads US Asylum Requests As Crisis Deepens

Trump, Trudeau to discuss women in workforce

Democrats demand independent Russia probe after Flynn quits

Trump denounces ‘Russian connection nonsense’

Chaffetz seeks charge of ex-Clinton aide in email inquiry

Mattis: No plan to seize Iraqi oil

Judge blocks Texas cutting Medicaid to Planned Parenthood

Trump administration lifts transgender bathroom guidance

DHS intel report disputes threat posed by travel ban nations

EU lawmakers, in unusual move, pull the plug on racist talk

Ryan sees Trump as ‘chairman,’ not details guy


Senator: Intel panel to look at alleged wiretap

Supreme Court scraps case on transgender bathroom rights

Former Trump aide Flynn says lobbying may have helped Turkey

Attorney general seeks resignations of 46 US attorneys

Democrats warn against funding border wall in catchall bill

Kansas Rep. Booed Defending GOP Health Plan

Trump Earned $153M and Paid $36.5M in Taxes in 2005

In Asia, Tillerson ponders US-N. Korea reboot

Former dairy farmer leads Trump-Russia investigation

Trump says Dems ‘made up’ allegations of Russia interference

Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government

Failure on health bill also hurts prospects for tax overhaul

Ivanka Trump to attend women’s economic summit in Berlin

Michael Flynn in talks with Congress, wary of prosecution


Federal Officials Defend Immigration Arrests in Courthouses

Russian government posts April Fools’ Day prank offering “election interference”

Border wall contractors brace for hostile site

California high schools replaces girls’ bathroom mirrors with signs of affirmation

Alabama Supreme Court Orders Impeachment Hearings for Gov. Robert Bentley

Search For Consensus on Taxes Veers Into Unexpected Corners

Donald Trump records call for GOP hopeful Ron Estes in House race in Kansas

Trump discusses North Korean ‘menace’ with Xi

Is Bannon in peril? Trump comments worry his populist base

China, Russia sends ships after U.S. aircraft carrier

Trump, GOP face referendum in Georgia; special election

Fresno suspect faces 4 murder charges

Trump Says Dreamers Should ‘Rest Easy’

Trump pushes wall funding in spending dispute with Democrats

American Airlines announces pay raises, and investors balk

Trump: North Korea ‘disrespected’ China with missile test

Trump: We can’t let NKorea build better missiles


Lawmakers agree on $1T plan government-wide funding bill

Mattis: U.S. reviewing Syria safe zones but has many questions

Obama Starts Defining His New Role In The Age Of Trump

Kansas’ Kobach Told to Disclose Voting Plan He Took to Trump

Trump to Comey: Better hope there are no ‘tapes’ of talks

Appeal in Boy’s Burp Arrest Case Relies on Gorsuch Dissent

European Country Might Halt US Intel-Sharing

Fallout over Comey memo, Trump’s intel disclosures persists

Melania Trump skips headscarf as she arrives in Saudi Arabia

Source says Flynn will invoke Fifth Amendment

Mulvaney defends plans to cut social programs

Merkel, Obama to attend podium discussion at Berlin event

Carter adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski dies at 89

Nighttime, early morning bombings in Baghdad kill 31

Franken: ‘Everything Points’ to Collusion Between Trump, Russia


Putin: Russian state has never been involved in hacking

Pentagon Chief Says NKorea’s Nuclear Pursuits a ‘Danger’

US reassures Australia of continued close ties

FACT CHECK: Trump misdirects blame for slow confirmations

Man with HIV charged with murder after girlfriend dies of AIDS

Climate decision could accelerate damage to Trump properties in Florida

Anti-Shariah rallies planned across US worry Muslim leaders

London police chief: Attack victims show city’s diversity

Trump Cheerleaders Turn on Special Counsel Mueller

Trump tells senators House health bill ‘mean’

7 US Navy sailors missing, 1 injured after warship collision

Trump tweets his frustration with Russia investigation

Trump’s tease of possible Comey tapes fits familiar pattern

Trump says he’s told ‘a straight story’ on Comey

Trump: Not ‘that far off’ from passing health overhaul

Trump rakes in $10 million at first re-election fundraiser

South Korean president returning to White House


Pentagon OKs 6-month delay in transgender enlistments

Trump vows to support and defend religious freedom in US

Trump criticises Kim Jong Un after latest missile launch

Timeline: Key moments between Trump and Putin

Trump says it’s ‘time to move forward’ with Russia

White House criticizes Russia sanctions stalled in House

Wray says Russia inquiry is not a witch hunt

Trump will take health care credit or cast blame

Kushner blames aide for faulty questionnaire

Sources: Trump speaks to advisers about firing Sessions

Trump bars transgender individuals from US armed forces

Hillary Clinton calling new book ‘What Happened’

Trump’s six-month stall sparks a White House shake-up


Kelly flexes muscle his first day on the job at White House

Kelly Wins Praise Across The Aisle, But Will Trump Change?

Trump set to embark on 1st vacation since inauguration

Flynn details tie to data firm, transition pay

North Korea announces plan to fire missiles toward Guam

Pyongyang challenge: Should US shoot Kim’s missiles down?

French leader urges calm in North Korea crisis

Chopper crash linked to white nationalist rally

Deadly rally accelerates removal of Confederate statues

Mattis says a decision is closer on strategy for Afghanistan

Police push protesters out of Dallas cemetery

Conway says Trump is serious on border wall

Hurricane Harvey: Houston residents urged to climb to their roofs

Black-clad anarchists swarm anti-hate rally in California

In a 1st, NKorea fires missile over Japan in aggressive test

Source: Grand jury hears from lobbyist in Trump Tower confab


Trump’s hiring, budget raises questions about US Harvey help

Smoke seen pouring from Russian consulate in San Francisco

Trump weighs pulling out of free trade deal with South Korea

Putin says Trump ‘not my bride and I’m not his groom’

After tough talk on immigration, Trump waffles

For Trump and Ryan, a tortured relationship grows more so

Trump makes nice with Dems, leaving his party confused

Unhappy moderate House Republicans complicate 2018 for GOP

Justices allow Trump administration ban on most refugees

Democrats say they have deal with Trump on young immigrants

Still no charity money from leftover Trump inaugural funds

Official: 4 US tourists attacked with acid in Marseille

Governments turn tables by suing public records requesters

Republican governors get into the ‘news’ business

Sen. Graham implores colleague to vote for GOP health bill

Federal government notifies 21 states of election hacking

US showing North Korea its military might

More reaction from Trump on NFL players

Zinke: One-third of Interior employees not loyal to Trump

Famous fake news writer found dead outside Phoenix

$5 trillion question for Trump tax plan: How to pay for it?

Trump to travel to 5 countries in Asia in November


In hurricane-hit Puerto Rico, a stunning silence

Attacks in Havana hit US spy network in Cuba

Gunman had ‘bump-stock’ device that could speed fire

Poll: Few approve of Trump’s Puerto Rico response

Clues few and elusive for motive of Las Vegas gunman

Trump, during photo shoot, talks of ‘calm before the storm’

Expressing empathy remains a challenge for Trump

Trump has a backdoor way to lift Obamacare regulations

Family held captive by Taliban-linked group released

Trumps said to disparage but not bolt from Iranian nuke deal

GOP Sen. Thad Cochran grappling with illness

Trump and the new politics of honoring war dead

Fox’s Wallace doesn’t like colleagues echoing press attacks

Pelosi says she must remain as leader so a woman is at table

Trump comments concern judge, loom over Bergdahl sentencing

Thousands of JFK assassination documents are released, through Trump orders some to be kept secret for now

Mattis says threat of nuclear attack by N.Korea accelerating

Trump fumes as Mueller probe enters new phase with charges


Russia hackers had targets worldwide, beyond US election

Female lawmakers allege harassment by colleagues in House

Inside story: How Russians hacked the Democrats’ emails

Trump calls Japan ‘treasured partner,’ ally

Paul recovering from 5 broken ribs

Voters in New Jersey and Virginia to pick new governors

Politician Who Joked About Women’s March Defeated

Trump cooperates with Chinese effort to control image

Moore threatens lawsuit over story that threatens campaign

Judge tells Menendez jury to keep deliberating

Indiana candidate’s DC-area home complicates Senate campaign

Moscow meeting in June 2017 under scrutiny in Trump probe

Church leaders who oppose Roy Moore hold rally

Trump aide blasts Democrat running against Moore

Conyers denies sexual harassment settlements

Trump calls father of freed UCLA player an ‘ungrateful fool’

Egypt says death toll in mosque attack up to 200

House to vote next week on required anti-harassment training

FBI didn’t tell US targets as Russian hackers hunted emails

Trump retweets videos purporting to show violence by Muslims


Tillerson says reports of his demise ‘laughable’

Cathay Pacific crew witnessed North Korea missile test

Woman says Rep. Conyers groped her while they were in church

Doctors identify brain abnormalities in Cuba attack patients

Interview: On North Korea, senator says China a problem

Ex-aide: Franks offered $5m to carry his child

Most Alabama GOP leaders say they are voting for Roy Moore

Jones says Moore hiding in Alabama Senate race

Subway bomb suspect faces federal charges

Prominent black supporter of Trump set to leave White House

White House: FBI records show ‘extreme bias’ against Trump

Trump slams investigators at ‘disgraceful’ FBI

Trump to unveil ‘America First’ national security strategy

Russian hackers targeted more than 200 journalists globally

Former US attorney’s, GOP officials come to Mueller’s defense

Trump supporters greet tax law with shrugs and measured hope

Russian officials bar Navalny from running for President

Trump predicts GOP and Dems will agree on health care plan

Israel minister plans Trump train station at Western Wall

Roy Moore files lawsuit to block Alabama Senate result

At least 12 dead in Bronx building fire, New York mayor says

News Source: Associated Press

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