2016: BUZZFEED NEWS (115)


You Need To Understand Mormonism If You Want To Understand The Oregon Standoff

John McCain: “I Don’t Know” If Cruz is Eligible For Presidency With Canadian Birth

This Is What Really Happened The Night Women Were Sexually Assaulted In Front Of Police

The White House Just Joined Snapchat

Ted Cruz Says Trump “Embodies New York Values”

Lawyer Says He Filed Cruz Eligibility Lawsuit Because “Nobody Else Did”

Former RNC Chair: Trump Will Be The Republican Nominee

So, Uh, Here’s The Full Text Of Sarah Palin’s Bizarre Trump Speech

National Review Disinvited From GOP Debate After Publishing Anti-Trump issue

Trump Campaign Manager: Trump Will Debate Cruz Once Judge Rules Him Eligible To Run


Clinton Sends Brooklyn HQ Staff To New Hampshire

Twitter To Introduce Algorithmic Timeline As Soon As Next Week

Under Attack, Marco Rubio Malfunctions — And Repeats The Same Line Four Times

A Woman Called Ted Cruz A “Pussy” And Then Donald Trump Repeated It Onstage

Cruz Campaign Removes Ad Featuring Softcore Porn Star

Opening Shot in Rubio’s “Morning Again In America” Ad Appears To Be Canada

Trump Isn’t Into Anal, Melania Never Poops, And Other Things He Told Howard Stern

In 2002, Donald Trump Said He Supported Invading Iraq

Pro-Cruz Robocall Slams Trump Over Exchange With Lesbian Reporter

The Only Strategy For Hillary Clinton Is To Scorch The Earth


Establishment Republicans Are Furious With John Kasich

U.S. Supreme Court Reverses Alabama High Court, Upholding Lesbians’ Georgia Adoption

Congresswoman Unveils Plans To Prosecute Severe Online Threats Against Women

Holder: Senate Plan To Block Supreme Court Nominee Is “Height Of Arrogance”

People Are Freaking Out Over This Girl’s Sad Picture Of Her Grandpa

Belgian Authorities Overwhelmed By Terror Investigations

Donald Trump Viciously Mocked Rosie O’Donnell’s Depression During Their Public Feud

Clinton Releases First Ad Targeting Donald Trump


Top Conservative Writer Is A Group Effort, Sources Say

Trump Ally Roger Stone Says He’s Planning ‘Days of Rage” At the Convention

Supreme Court Says States May Continue To Use Total Population in Deciding Districts

Ben Carson: I’d Be Never Trump Too If Election Stakes Weren’t So High

Ted Cruz Says He Won’t Ban Dildos If He Becomes President

Prince Once Wrote a Donald Trump Song and It Is Spectacular

Ted Cruz Criticizes Fox News After Sean Hannity Dustup


Rand Paul On Trump: “I’ve Always Said I’ll Endorse The Nominee”

Trump: ‘I Don’t Regret McCain Comments, My Poll Numbers Went Up’

Sanders Campaign Considers Party Reform Fight

The Full Text Of Trump’s First Address To A Major Hispanic Group Is Really Something

Inside A White Nationalist Conference Energized By Trump’s Rise

Trump’s California Drought Plan: “We’re Going To Start Opening Up The Water”

Campaign Chairman: Clinton Knows Email Setup Was A “Mistake”


“Idiocracy” Writer Says Donald Trump Made The Movie A Reality Faster Than He Ever Imagined

We Spoke To The Family In This Trump Tweet And They’re Not Happy

BuzzFeed Terminates Ad Deal With Republican Party Over Trump

The RNC Approached Two Hispanic Operatives Who Weren’t Interested Because of Trump

Ed Rendell: Warren Is Not Ready To Be Commander-In-Chief, Shouldn’t Be VP

Clinton Looks To Add Young Voters To Her Coalition Against Trump

Thanks To Apple’s Influence, You’re Not Getting A Rifle Emoji

Former Trump Adviser: Corey Lewandowski Was Fired Over Judge Curiel Attack

GOP Senator Mike Lee Goes Off On Radio Host Who Asks Why He Hasn’t Endorsed Trump


This Map Shows Why a Pro-EU Party Might Flop At The Next General Election

Black Lives Matter Leaders Condemn Police Shootings in Dallas

Anti-Trump Delegates Are Making A Plan To Pick Their Own Vice Presidential Nominee

Univision Poll: Clinton Has Larger Lead Over Trump With Latinos Than Obama’s 2012 Win

Mike Pence Criticized Bush 41 In An Editorial For Signing Civil Rights Act Of 1991

Here Are The Victims Of the Baton Rouge Attack

Melania Trump Copied Part of Her Speech From Michelle Obama

Twitter Just Permanently Suspended Conservative Writer Milo Yiannopoulos

Cruz Campaign Manager: Christie “Turned Over His Political Testicles Long Ago”

Spokesperson For Pro-Sanders Walkout Group Compares Protest To March On Washington

Trump Seeks More Foreign Guest Workers For His Companies

Mitt Romney Thinks Donald Trump Could Win The Election


Trump: My Position On Keeping Terrorists Out Is What Bothered Khizr Khan

The Trump Hispanic Engagement Effort Is Sputtering

Hackers Say It Would Be “Too Easy” To Hack The U.S. Elections

Anti-Trump Republican Launching Independent Presidential Bid

In 2007 Radio Hit, Trump Said He Wanted Friend Hillary To Be the Democratic Nominee

After Mexican “Rapists” Comment, Ivanka Trump Wrote An Unused Clarification

How Trump and Pence Are Doing Their Rallies Is “Totally Unprecedented”

Trump in 2008 Interview: “I Support Hillary, I Think She’s Fantastic”

Latina Former Bush Treasurer Endorses Clinton, Blasts Trump

Trump Campaign Manager On Manafort: “He Was Asked” To Resign

In Reversal, Trump Indicates To Hispanic Leaders Openness To Legalization For Immigrants

Why Europe Can’t Find The Jihadis In Its Midst

In North Carolina, Republicans Try To Fend Off Political ‘Tsunami’


GOP Senator: Trump May Not Be The Right Messenger For The Party

Republicans Privately Panic At “Terrifying” Prospect of Trump Win

Colin Powell Calls Trump A “National Disgrace” In Personal Emails

Trump Said In 2015 and 2016 He Didn’t Know If Obama Birth Certificate Was Real

Clinton: People Have Thrown “Hateful Nonsense” At The Obamas

Trump Says Police Know Who Terrorists Are. Don’t Do Anything Out of Fear Of Profiling

Gennifer Flowers Agrees To Join Trump At Presidential Debate

The White House Asked Congress To Keep Quiet On Russian Hacking

Newt Gingrich: Alicia Machado Is “The New Benghazi Lie”


Donald Trump Appeared In A 2000 Playboy Softcore Porn

Paul Ryan, So Handsome, So Sad

Prominent Evangelicals Still Backing Trump After Lewd Video

“Shame On You!”: Trump Supporters Clash With Republican Leaders

Trump Goes Full Breitbart

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

A Fifth Teen Beauty Queen Says Trump Visited Dressing Room

Trump Jr. Suggested Women Who Can’t Take Harassment “Don’t Belong In The Workforce”

CNN’s President Says It Was A Mistake To Air So Many Trump Rallies And “Let Them Run”

Russian Hackers Faked Gmail Password Form To Invade DNC Email System

OUR CEO: I Heard Ivanka Trump Talk About “Mulatto Cocks”

Former Republican Party Chairman Says He Won’t Vote For Trump

Salma Hayek: I Denied Trump a Date, So He Planted A National Enquirer Story About My Height

A First: Clinton Attacks A Down-Ballot Republican

Here’s What I Learned About Julian Assange While Working Alongside Him

After Bollywood Event, Trump Tries To Speak Hindi In A New Ad

The Clinton-Weiner email conspiracy


Secretary Of Education Ben Carson? Here’s A List Of Potential Trump Cabinet Picks

Renegade Facebook Employees Form Task Force To Battle Fake News

Viral Fake Election News Outperformed Real News On Facebook In Final Months Of The US Election

Ivanka Trump, Expected To Run Father’s Business, Also Met With Japanese Prime Minister

College Trump Supporters: “We’re The New Counterculture”

Why Trump Really Won Wisconsin and Pennsylvania

More Than A Dozen Pelosi Supporters Consider Turning On Her


Where Does Trump Get His News?

Here Are 9 Things Trump’s National Security Adviser Pick Actually Thinks About Islam

Trump Must Give Up Hotel Before Inauguration, Agency Tells Lawmakers

The Anti-Trump Electoral College Effort Is Only The Beginning

People Are Arguing about Whether Republicans Just Compared Trump to Jesus

Planned Parenthood, Gloria Steinem, And Harry Belafonte Join Women’s March On Washington Leadership

News Source: BuzzFeed News

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