1919: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


British Purpose Is Ours, Says Wilson; Back In Paris; Off To Rome Tonight; Clemenceau’s Speech Stirs Comment

President Is On His Way To Italy; Expecting Large Results From Visit; Rome In Gala Attire For His Coming

Italians Flock Down From The Hills, Shout ‘Vivas’ As Wilson Train Passes; Prince Greets President At Border

Must Organize Friendship Of World, President Tells Acclaiming Romans; Again Condemns The Balance Of Power

Wilson Confers With Pope, Leaves Rome For Genoa; Accepts Popular Acclaim As Approval Of His Ideas; Calls For Millions To Check Starvation In Europe

Wilson Journeying North In Italy; Honored By Romans In Ancient Rite; London Wants Peace Parleys Hurried

Theodore Roosevelt Dies Suddenly At Oyster Bay Home; Nation Shocked, Pays Tribute To Former President; Our Flag On All Seas And In All Lands At Half Mast

Hundreds Shot Dead In Berlin Streets; Big Guns Used To Check Revolutionists; Peace League Discussion Begun At Paris

Berlin Revolt Held At Bay As Ebert Masses Troops; Allies May Allow Food Imports To End Red Peril; British For A Strong Business-Like Peace League

Berlin Government Reported To Have Checked Revolt After Three Days Of Savage Battling In The Streets; Lloyd George Kept In London; Allies Pick Relief Board

Berlin Revolutionists Driven Back; Hundreds More Fall In The Fighting; City’s Food Supply Is Now Endangered

Allied Chiefs Meet In Paris Today; Plan Full Conference On Monday; Rebels Beaten in Berlin Battles

300 Spartacides Killed Or Wounded As Vorwaerts Building Is Won; Supreme Allied Council Meets

War Council Amends Armistice; Peace Talk Waits; House Votes Fund For Wilson To Fight Bolshevism; Big Guns Smash Police Fortress Of Berlin Rebels

Seek Haste In Peace Preliminaries; President And Lloyd George Confer; War Council Resumes Work Today

Adopt Secrecy For Peace Conclave, Americans And British Opposing It; New Truce Terms Cause Uneasiness

Conference Heeds Press Protest; Will Reopen Publicity Case Today; Moderates Quit Italian Cabinet

Press Wins Limited Admission To Peace Congress; Rhine Must Be The Barrier Of The Allies, Says Foch; Liebknecht Slain In Flight; Rosa Luxemburg Lynched

Allied Unity Marks Opening Of The Peace Congress; Clemenceau Made Chairman; Poincare Praises America; League Of Nations To Be First Business Considered

Peace League Plan Assuming Form; Supreme Council To Take Up Russia; Show Ex-Kaiser Ordered Atrocities

Wilson Says World Must Stand With France Against Conquest; Council Studies Russian Problem

Council To Decide On Russia Today; Compromise Inquiry Plan Expected; Won’t Receive Any Party Spokesman

Allies Ask All Russian Factions To Conference With Powers Feb. 15; Reds Meet Defeat In North Russia

Sazonoff, Rejecting Wilson Plan, Says He ‘Will Not Sit With Assassins’; Other Leaders Said To Back Him

Allies Asked To Permit Enlistment Of Volunteer Army To Save Russia; Council Halts Territory Seizures

League Of Nations Plan Is Adopted; Peace Conference Acts On Wilson Plea, Strongly Supported By Lloyd George

Peace Council Committees Named; Small Nations Are Not Satisfied; Army Of Occupation To Stay A Year

Big Powers Discuss German Colonies; Small Nations Abandon Their Protest And Name Peace Conference Delegates

Wilson Would Put German Colonies Under The New League Of Nations; Threat In Berlin To Resist Peace

Wilson’s Colonial Proposal Wins; International Control Assured; Poles And Czechs Told To End Strife

Plan For German Colonies Adopted Allied Army To Be Sent To Turkey; To Lift Blockade Except To Germany


Wilson Drafting Plan For Colonies; Senators Oppose Our Participation; Balkan Problem Up In Peace Council

League To Rule By Economic Pressure; Use Of Force By Nations Optional; Armaments Cut, Submarines Barred

Discuss League Constitution Today; Limit On Armaments Is Favored; Nations’ Maximum Claims Set Forth

Wilson Tells Cheering Deputies France Is Yet Frontier Of Freedom; Committee Gets Full League Plan

Great And Small Powers Divided-On League Executive And Tribunal; Dominance Of Great Power Feared

League Of Nations With Reservations; Each Can Accept In Whole Or In Part; Two Articles Of Constitution Framed

League Commission Speeds Its Work; Third Of Constitution Draft Adopted; Conference To Be Held With Bolsheviki

Wilson In Charge Of Conference Work Where Big Issues Now Wait On League; Drops Belgian Trip To Complete Plan

World League To Have An Army; France Insists On It As Protection; Constitution Is Now Almost Finished

Wilson Pushing Economic Issue; Civilian-Council A Curb On Foch; Clemenceau For League With Force

Threat To Take The Peace Conference Out Of France Unless Press And Official Propaganda Are Stopped; Wilson Chosen To Invite The Nations To Join The League

Delays May Force Wilson To Sail Without League Plans; Lloyd George Defies Labor ‘Prussianism’ At Home; Elbert President Of Germany; Conscription Retained

Clearing Up League Snarl At Paris; New Armistice Terms To Cripple Foe; Lloyd George Defends League Idea

World League Draft Is Completed; Interallied Police Plan Beaten; Wilson To Sail For Home Saturday

Wilson Presents World League Plan To Conference; Provides For Arbitration And Reduced Armaments With ‘Armed Force In Background, Only As Last Resort’

Wilson Asks Congress To Delay Debate Till He Returns; Leaves Brest For Boston, Where He Will Make Address; Armistice With Germany Is Indefinitely Extended

Conflict Over The New Armistice; Germans Object, 3 Days Allowed; Senate May Debate League At Once

Germans Finally Sign Armistice, Giving Up Territory To Poland; Terms Oppressive, Says Erzberger

Germany Angry Over Truce Terms; Signed For Fear Of Allied Invasion; ‘I Know Only Peace And War’ —Foch

Anarchist Shoots Premier Clemenceau, Inflicting Deep Wound In Shoulder; Patient Is Doing Well, Pichon Says

Council Resumes Sessions Today, As Clemenceau Continues To Gain; Ask Wilson To Back War Cost Claims

Civil War Breaks Out In Munich, Premier Eisner Slain, Minister Auer Wounded, War Minister Reported Killed; Clemenceau Better; Bolshevist Centre Found In Paris

Soviet Republic Proclaimed In Bavarian Outbreak; State Of Siege In Munich; Reds Seek To Avenge Eisner; Communist Revolution Is Started In Budapest

President’s Ship Narrowly Misses Going Ashore In Fog; Anchors In Boston Harbor; Wilson Will Speak Today; Fourteen I.W.W. Arrested Here For Plot Against Him

Wilson Brings Home The World’s Message Of Confidence And Reliance On America; Asks, Shall We Disappoint That Hope?

No Extra Session Until Wilson Again Returns From Paris; Will Be At Capitol After Today To Confer With Members; Summons Governors And Mayors; Will Speak Here

President Expounds League Of Nations To Dinner Guests, Urges That President Draft Be Not Radically Amended; Sovereignty Diminished, He Says, For The World’s Good

Wilson And Taft Speak Here March 4; President Holds Levee At Capitol; Opposition Senators Unconverted


President Talks Of Retiring In 1921; Lodge Attacks Draft Of League; Dinner Reports Bring Out Denials

Filibuster On In Senate; Fate Of Bond Bill In Doubt; Knox Attacks League Draft, Proposes Court Of Nations; Wilson’s Plans Unchanged By Congress Threat Of Delay

Paris Talks Of Revising League Plan; Gregory Goes With Wilson As Adviser; President Approves New Jewish State

Lodge Proposes Resolution Against The League Draft After 37 Senators Sign Round Robin Opposing It; Filibuster Again Under Way, Holding Up Big Bills

Wilson Says He’ll Stay Till It’s Over And Bring Treaty Back; League And Peace Treaty Are Inextricably Interwoven; Calls His Critics Ignorant Of The Sentiment Of America

Wilson Sails With Defiance To Critics; Talk In Washington Of League Changes; Peace Treaty Comes Up In Paris Today

New York’s Own Come Home From War; 14,000 Of Gen. O’Ryan’s 27th Division Acclaimed Here By Welcoming Throngs

Allies Agree Germany Must Be Fed; France Wants Us To Assume Burden; Foch Would Abolish German Staff

New Allied Plan To Feed Germany Taking Pay In Gold And Securities; Aim To Check Bolshevism’s Spread

Germany Now Assured Of Food Relief; To Get 300,000-Ton Supply A Month; Plan To Give Her An Economic Chance

War Council Stiffens Terms To Berlin; German Army To Cut To 100,000 Volunteers; Rhine Forts To Fall, Curb On Munitions

Peace Draft Ahead Of League; Bill For Reparations Is 35 Billions; German Navy Cut To 15,000 Men

Neutrals Called To Discuss League; Germany, Disarmed, May Be Its Ward; Council Approves Aerial Peace Plans

President Lands, Speeds To Paris; Germany Forbidden War Aircraft; She Agrees To Give Up Ships For Food

Wilson In Paris, Opens Conferences; Aims To Hurry Along Peace Work; New Conflicts On Secret Treaties

Treaty Ready Soon, League Plan To Be In It, Says Wilson; “No Compromise, No Surrender,” Is His Attitude Now; Germans Accept Food Offer; 9 Ships Will Come To US

Pichon Sees Obstacles To Wilson Plan Of Full League Draft In First Treaty; Monroe Doctrine Again Discussed

League Plan With First Treaty, Ready March 29; Glass Cables Wilson For Money For Soldiers’ Kin; Prussian Deputies Cheer For Kaiser’s Recall

Wilson And Premiers In Conference In Effort To Speed Action On Treaty; All That Big Peace Problems Reviewed

Find Covenant Revision Difficult; League Commission To Attempt It; Clemenceau’s Resignation Denied

Wilson And Premiers Seek Agreement Over  Reparations And French Frontier; These Problems Overshadow League

Italians Vote To Quit Conference Unless Claim To Fiume Is Granted; Council Takes Up Poland’s Difficulties

Wilson Would Change League Draft To Guarantee Nations’ Sovereignty; Anxiety Over Delay On Peace Treaty

Hungary Turns To Bolshevist Rule; Defies Entente To Take Territory; Monroe Doctrine Up In Paris Today

Budapest Reds Hail Lenine As Chief; Czechs Reported Moving On Hungary; “Big Four” At Parish To Rush Treaty

One Peace Treaty With All Enemy Powers Now Proposed; League Amendments Adopted To Meet Objections Here; New York’s Greatest Welcome Given To 27th Division

Wilson For One Treaty, Reparation Limited To Damages; France Is For Sending A Large Army To Hungary; Czechs Seize A Hungarian Town With A Gun Plant

Covenant All Revised, Monroe Amendment Doubtful; Leaders Take Up Rhine Boundary, Near End Of Treaty; Italians Occupy Pressburg On Hungarian Border

Paris Debating War Or Peace With Bolsheviki; French Demand All Of Saar Valley As Reparation; Weighing Effect Of Monroe Amendment On Japan

Allies Order The Hungarian Reds To Quit And Hold An Election Under Their Control; Marshal Foch Gets Order To Act On Danzig

“Big Four” Deadlocked In Paris; French Blamed For Treaty Delay; Germans Unite To Hold Danzig


Paris Astir With Diverse Peace Rumors; One Says Big Four Had Very Plain Talk, Clearing The Way For Quick Results

Wilson Getting Leaders Together; Saar Area May Be French 5 Years; League Covenant Revision Ready

French Accept ‘Blank Check’ Reparation; Reduced Demands Criticised In Commons; Smuts Sent To Hungary To Settle Crisis

Boundary Disputes Block All Progress On Treaty; Covenant Draft Ready For Commission Tomorrow; Archangel Forces Are In Peril; British Send Aid

Severe Cold Confines President Wilson To Bed; Italy Balking, But Treaty May Be Ready Next Week; Bolshevism Grips Germans, Reds Deal With Lenine

Paris Expects Treaty Before May; Chief Problem Now The Adriatic; Bavarians Proclaim Soviet Rule

Wilson Summons His Ship, The George Washington; Peace Treaty Ready By Easter, Says Lloyd George; Expect Strike In Berlin; Overturn In Munich

Peace Conference At Crisis, Early Results Expected; Wilson’s Plans For Return Interpreted As Warning; Fiume May Go to Jugoslavs, Danzig’s Fate In Doubt

Wilson, Stating ‘American Finalities’ To Council, Hopes By Plain Talk To End The Peace Crisis; Italians Still Hint At Withdrawal From Paris

Reparations Terms Agreed Upon; Kaiser’s Life To Be Spared; Lloyd George Renews Pledges To 200 Complaining M.P.’s; New Alarms In Germany, Austria Asks For British Troops

New Article In League Draft Saves Monroe Doctrine; Allied Tribunal To Try Kaiser For Violation Of Treaties; Our Men Rebel In Russia; 370 M.P.’s Signed George Round Robin

Strong Speech By Wilson Won Monroe Amendment; Commission Completes Revised League Covenant; President Offers Plan To Feed Soviet Russia

Japanese Race Amendment Fails Of Adoptions; France Gets Saar Coal Fields In Perpetuity; Communists Seize Power In New Munich Revolt

Dresden Mob Kills War Minister; Big Four Hold Sunday Conference; Wilson To Issue Statement Today

Peace Treaty Near, Germans Come On April 25, Says Wilson; Indemnity Payment Set At Minimum Of $23,800,000,000; Reported Guarantee To France Against German Attack

Fiume Now Chief Peace Obstacle; Big Four Summon The Germans; Wilson May Stay To Sign Treaty

Lloyd George Says War Promises Have Been Kept; Won’t Recognize Lenine; Excoriates Northcliffe; Allies To Feed Russia If Reds End Hostilities

Call Secret Plenary Conference To Take Up League Next Week; Big Four Will Meet The Germans

Guarantees Given To France Against Invasion By Germany; Danzig Made International Port

Anglo-French Entente Tightened; France Insists We Also Be Her Ally; Bolshevist Fronts Are Collapsing

Wilson Withdraws From the Fiume Discussion; Other Leaders Try To Solve Adriatic Difficulty; Lenine’s First Army Surrenders To The Ukrainians

Council Of Four Is Deadlocked On Adriatic Question; Italians Stay Out Of Session, But Wilson Attends; Entente’s Secret Pledges To Japan Are Made Public

Italy Shows A Disposition To Abate Her Adriatic Claims; Japan’s Position In China Not To Be Dealt With Now; Lenine Tells His Hopes And Troubles In An Interview

Italy’s Delegation Quits Conference Today, After Wilson’s Refusal To Give Her Fiume; President’s Appeal Fails To Conciliate Her

Orlando Leaving Paris, Last Efforts Fail; Resents The President’s Public Appeal; Italy United In Support Of Her Ministers

Four-Power Rule May Solve Fiume Problem; Italian Crowds Denounce The President; First Parties Of Germans At Versailles

Orlando Enters Rome, Acclaimed As National Hero; May Submit Mandate Plan To The Italian Parliament; Two Premiers Initialed Wilson’s Fiume Statement

Full Text Of Revised Covenant Of The League Issued; Reservations Expected At The Plenary Session Today; Balfour Note To Italy Supported Wilson’s Stand

Plenary Conference Adopts Revised League Covenant; French And Japanese Offer, But Withdraw, Amendments; Allies To Try The Ex-Kaiser And Other War Offenders

Parliament Sustains Orlando, 382 To 40; May Sign Peace Treaty Without Italy; Lloyd George Sends Envoy To See Orlando


Hope Seen Of Italy Accepting Adriatic Compromise; Kiao-Chau Question Settled; Munich Soviet Overthrown; Discover Plot, Nation Wide, To Kill With Bombs In Mails

German Envoys Cannot Go Home Until Peace Treaty Is Signed; Formally Present Credentials

Munich Captured In Drive On Reds; Rumanian King To Enter Budapest; Allies Will Share German Fleet

Suspected Assassin Seized Near Clemenceau’s Door; Treaty Delayed By Doubt Of Germans’ Authority; Hope Is Renewed That Italy Will Agree To Sign

Council Asks Italians To Return; Belgium Now Threatens To Bolt And Revised Offer Is Made To Her

Treaty To Be Presented To The Germans Tomorrow; Italian Delegates Return To Paris On The Same Day; Germany Must Pay Belgium Full War Costs, $5,000,000,000

Foch Opposes Signing The Treaty, Which Goes To The Germans Today; Trial Of Kaiser Included In Draft

On Lusitania Day Allies Dictate A Peace That Destroys Germany’s Military Power, Exacts Reparation, Strips Her Of Conquests

Two Transocean Fliers Reach Halifax;  Flew From Rockaway Air Station In 9 Hours; The NC-4 Reports Trouble And Is Missing

Germans In Outburst Of Anger Against The Peace Treaty; Scheidmann Urges Calmness, Wants Oral Discussions; Allies Will Compel Austria To Surrender Whole Navy

NC-1 And NC-3 Fly From Halifax To Trepassey; Allies Insist On Peace Treaty As Drafted; Loan Overbid, Perhaps To $6,000,000,000

Germans Send More Notes; Six Go Home; Foch Is Returning To The Front Today; Kaiser Hears Of His Impending Trial

Two German Envoys Start For Berlin To Consult; Ebert Declares America Has Been Found Wanting; Wilson Firm On Fiume; Italians Are Losing Hope

Scheidemann Spurns Peace Terms As Radicals Come Out For Treaty Italian Settlement Seems Nearer

Blimp Flying Fast To St. John’s; NC-4 Makes Flight To Halifax; Sister Planes Wait At Trepassey

Blimp, Blown To Sea From St. John’s, Found By British Ship; NC-1 And NC-3 Fail To Start For Azores; NC-4 At Trepassey; Despite their Protests, Allies Expect Germans To Sign

All Three Seaplanes Nearing the Azores; NC-4 Was 800 Miles Out At 3:06 This Morning; Hartmann Appeals To Pope To Save Germany

NC-4 Flew To The Azores In Fifteen Hours; NC-1 Abandoned At Seak, IONA Saves Crew; NC-3, Astray In Fog, Sought By Destroyers

Hawker, In Biplane, Crossing The Ocean; Rival Plane Wrecked As it Tries To Rise; No Word From Towers And Missing NC-3; Trying to Save NC-1; NC-4 Still At Horta

Hawker And Grieve, Ocean Fliers, Missing; NC-4 Starts At 3 A.M. Today For Lisbon; Towers Tells How He Saved The NC-3

NC-4 At Ponta Delgada, Off For Lisbon At 6 A.M. Today; British Give Up Hope Of Finding Hawker And Grieve; Wilson Would Lift Beer Ban, Return Railroads Dec. 31

Germans Get Week More To Reply; Won’t Sign, Says Berlin Cabinet; Senate May Vote Soon On League

Allies Modify Reparation Terms; Changes In Sarre Settlement Also; Brockdorff Goes To Spa To Confer

Allies Tell Germany She Must Pay; Leaders Meet Brockdorff At Spa; Reds Begin Evacuation Of Moscow

Brockdorff Returns To Versailles; Allies Yielding Little In Treaty; Petrograd Afire As Fall Impends

Hawker And Grieve Rescued In Mid-Ocean; Had Flown More Than Half Way To Ireland; Forced Down By Clogged Pipe In Sight Of Aid

Hawker Tells Of His Flight And Rescue; Aloft 13 Hours, 2 1/2 Hours Seeking Help; Brockdorff Vows He Won’t Sign Treaty

NC-4 Wins First Ocean Flight For America; 9 3/4 Hours From Ponta Delgada To Lisbon; Hawker’s Plane Picked Up By American Ship

Germans Defiant In Their Reply, Will Pay but Make Counterclaims; Council Solves The Fiume Problem

Germans’ Counterproposals Are In, Allied Leaders Expect Signature, And Wilson Plans To Sail June 6

NC-4 Has Started Again For Plymouth; German Plans Afoot For Kaiser’s Return; Wilson Calls League A Mandate Of Our Dead


NC-4 Finishes New York-Plymouth Flight; Drives Straight Through Fog To Her Goal; She Made 3,925 Miles In 57 1-4 Flying Hours

Rhineland Republic Is Proclaimed; No Refusal To Sign In Foe’s Reply; Brockdorff Insists On Quitting

Midnight Bombs For Officials In 8 Cities; Bombers Die At Attorney General’s House; Two Victims At Judge Nott’s House Here; Bombs In Boston, Cleveland, Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Bomber’s Name Given To Police; Nation-Wide Search Results In 67 Arrests; Rioters Killed, Toledo Asks For Troops

Philadelphia Finds Trail Of Red Who Died In Washington Explosion; Flynn Begins Nation-Wide Search

European Reds May Have Set Bombs; French Wallet Found At Palmer’s Homes; Alleged Bombmaker Held In Pittsburgh

Centre Hunt For Bomb Game In New York; Man Slain At Palmer’s House Identified; Detroit Police Arrest Two Suspects

Our Delegates Wont Give Out Treaty; Senate Leak Inquiry To Begin At Once; German Reds Start New Outbreaks

The Treaty Of Peace With Germany; Its Terms As They Are Set Forth In A Copy Brought From Paris

Peace Treaty Made Public By Senate After Warm Debate; Vote 47 To 24; Bankers Summoned In Leak Inquiry

Knox Offers Senate Resolution For Peace Treaty Without League; Deadlock In Paris On Reply To Foe

Root Showed Treaty Text To Lodge; Davison Got It From Lamont In Paris; Reply Goes To Germans Tomorrow

Knox’s Resolution Is Reported; League Fight On In Senate Tuesday; Allies’ Reply Finally Agreed Upon

Big Five Redrafts Entire Treaty; Hopes To Get It To Germans Sunday; Fight On Knox Resolution Mapped

Alcock And Brown, In Their Vimy Airplane, Start Atlantic Flight In Heavy Wind; No Word From Them After Leaving St. John’s

Alcock And Brown Fly Across Atlantic; Make 1,980 Miles In 16 Hours, 12 Minutes; Sometimes Upside Down In Dense, Icy Fog

Allies Revised Treaty To Germans’ Brockdorff At Once Starts For Weimar; Reply Indicts Germany For Inhumanity

Germans Insist They Will Not Sign; Paris Inclined To Believe They Will; Versailles Mob Stones Delegates

German Envoys Tell The Cabinet To Reject Allied Peace Treaty; Clericals Move To Have It Signed

Swing To Treaty At Weimar; Want Popular Vote; Orlando Cabinet Voted Out By Italian Deputies; League Calls To Nations’ Conscience, Says Wilson

Peace Sentiment Overthrows The German Cabinet; Prompt Signing Of Treaty Now Regarded As Assured; Otherwise Allies Will  Take Berlin, Add To Indemnity

German Crews Sink Most Of Great Scapa Flow Fleet; Ships, With Seacocks Open, Go Down Under German Flag; Bauer Is Named Weimar To Head Peace Cabinet

Germans Vote, 237 To 138, To Sign Treaty; Make Reservations,  Which Paris Rejects, On War Responsibility And Kaiser’s Trial

Germany Accepts Terms Unconditionally; Protesting She Yields To ‘Superior Force’; Peace Treaty Likely To Be Signed By Friday

Peace Treaty Will Be Signed At Versailles Friday; Mueller Is Likely to Head The German Delegation; France Wants Reparation For The Scuttled Warships

Germany Trying To Find Envoys, Mueller Won’t Go; No Signing Before Monday, Paris Talks Of Ultimatum; Rioting And Plundering In Berlin, Mobs Fire On Troops

Berlin Names 2 Signers; Paris Says Crown Prince Has Fled; Said On Tuesday He Would Stay In Holland Three Months, And ‘I Will Take The Throne Only If The People Want Me’

Germans Reach Versailles, Treaty To Be Signed Today; Wilson Sails For Home Tomorrow To Fight For League; Opposes All Reservations And The Fall Resolution

Peace Signed, Ends The Great War; Germans Depart Still Protesting; Prohibition Till Troops Disband

Bethmann Offers To Stand Trial For Kaiser; Germany To Confiscate $20,000,000,000; Wilson Sails, London Hails Lloyd George


Nation Goes Dry Under Wartime Act; Some Will Sell Beer And Light Wines, But Palmer Refuses To Give Immunity

Giant Airship R-34 Starts For New York; Left Edinburgh At 1:48 This Morning; Going Well North Of Ireland At 5:30

R-34 Makes Progress Across Ocean, But Speed Drops; Keeps In Constant Communication With London; Commander Expects To Arrive Tomorrow Morning

R-34 Off Her Course Northeast Of Newfoundland; Here Saturday; Handley-Page Flies To New York Today; Allies To Try Ex-Kaiser In London As Treaty Breaker

R-34, Due Tonight, Passed By Handley-Page At 97-Mile Speed; Airplane May Stop Here, Or Go To Atlantic City; Dempsey Wins Ring Championship In Three Rounds

R-34, Fuel Nearly Gone, Asks Quick Help; Below Bay Of Fundy, Making For Montauk; Handley-Page Is Wrecked In Nova Scotia

R-34 Crosses Ocean, Lands Safely Here; Fuel All But Exhausted In 108-Hour Trip; Battled With Fog And Storms Four Days

Hole Torn In Side Of R-34 As She Strains At Ropes; Start Of Her Return Voyage Delayed Till Tomorrow; President Home Today With His Treaty Message Ready

President Home, Calls Peace A Just One; Glories In America’s New Place In World; Senate Votes Open Session To Hear Him

R-34 Makes A Midnight Start For Home; Flies To Times Building, Hovers Over it, And Thousands Watch Her Turn East At 1:10

Leagues Is The Hope Of The World, Wilson Tells Senate; We Cannot Turn Back, Rejecting Nations’ Confidence; Presents The Peace Treaty, Confers With Senators

Allies To Lift The Blockade Against Germany Today; Senate Committee Inclined To Ask Wilson To Confer; R-34 670 Miles West Of Fastnet; One Engine Disabled

R-34 Crosses Atlantic, Lands At Pulham At 7:02 A.M.; Republicans Won’t Amend Treaty; Favor Reservations; Two Vetoes By President; One Saves Daylight Saving

R-34 Ends Atlantic Round Trip In Pulham Hangar; First Air Mail From America Delivered To The King; 51 Senate Votes Claimed For Reservations To Treaty

Reservations Menace Treaty, Swanson Warns The Senate; Committee Demands Information

Senate Asks Wilson For Secret Treaty Reported Made By Japan With Germany; Shantung Called A Bribe Paid To Japan

Wilson Asks Republican Senators To See Him On Treaty One By One; Blockade Of Russia And Hungary

Wilson Sees First 3 Republicans, Whose Attitude Is Unchanged; Senate Calls For Shantung Data

Wilson Visits Hitchcock At Capitol; Calls For “Clarifying Councils;” Talk Of Concession On Reservations

Radicals Start Move To Amend Treaty Or Bring About Its Flat Rejection; Conservatives Seek Reservation Basis

Britain And France Would Agree To Reservations, Lodge Is Told; Bonds To Pay Austrian Reparations

4 Dead, 5 Dying, 70 Hurt In New Race Riots In Washington; Cavalry, Infantry And Police Unable to Stop Attacks; Wilson Asks For Reparation Official; Senators Balk

Negroes Again Riot In Washington, Killing White Man; Baker Puts 2,000 Troops On Guard After Seeing Wilson; Senators Vote “No” On Reparation Appointment

Taft Proposes Six Interpretations Of League To Win Republican Votes And Ratify Peace Treaty; Wilson Sees Four More Senators, Opposes Changes

Senators Say Wilson Violated French Treaty By Withholding It; League Critics Cold To Taft Plan

Wilson Takes Up 5 Reservations; Expects Soon To Settle Shantung; Paris Talks Of Yielding To Senate

Japan Moving To Return Shantung; Wilson, Writing To Lodge, Explains Delay In Sending Data Asked For

Expect Declaration On Shantung. From Tokio Or Wilson In 48 Hours; Hoover Pleads For The League

14 Are Killed And 76 Wounded In Chicago Rioting; 4,000 Troops Called Out To Quell Negro Outbreaks; Wilson In Capitol Conference Urges Speed On Treaty

Open Treaty Hearings Begin Tomorrow; Senate Committee Calls Barush First; Compact To Defend France Must Wait

6,000 Troops Called Out In Chicago To Check New Riots; Negroes Fire At Soldiers, Attack Passing Trains; Four More League Opponents See Wilson On Changes


Seven Republican Senators Prepare Four ‘Mild Reservations’ To Covenant; Will Urge Them As Basis Of Settlement

Wilson Asks Congress To Help Cut The Cost Of Living; House Gives Up Recess To Meet Railroad Wage Crisis; Shopmen Stroke On Big Railroads For Higher Pay

Brotherhoods Demand Government Ownership Of Roads And A Share In The Profits, Following Strike Threat; Fight To Cut Cost Of Living Keeps House In Session

Unions To Force Railway Issue Into National Election; Bombers Destroy Los Angeles Home Of Oscar Lawler; Ex-Prosecutor And Wife Severely Burned, He May Die

Labor Discussing Nationalization Of All Industry; Railroad Men Suggest It, Press Demands On Wilson; President Spurs Fight To Cut The High Cost Of Living

Wilson To Address Congress Soon On Cost Of Living; Big Brotherhood Fund To Push Federal Ownership Bill; B.R.T. Men Vote To Strike On All Lines this Morning

All Car Lines In Brooklyn Stop After A Day Of Disorder; Prosecution Of Packers Ordered In Living Cost Fight; Wilson Going To Congress For Drastic Food Laws

B.R.T. Again Shuts Down; Hylan Plea For Union Fails; Actors Strike, Sending 12 Broadway Audiences Home; Wilson Urges 80,000 Railway Shopmen To Return To Work

Wilson Asks Law To Punish Profiteers; Would Curb Storage, Publish Prices; B.R.T. Resumes Operating Night Trains

B.R.T. Strike Ends; Arbitration Accepted; Congress To Rush Anti-Profiteer Laws; Labor Will Take Plumb Plan To Wilson

Palmer Moves To Check Retailers By Wide ‘Fair Prices’ Campaign; Shopmen To Take Action Thursday

President Withholds Bliss Note, Discloses American Draft Of League; Japan Hid Secret Treaty, Says Lansing

Wilson Wants Use Of Secret Service In Profiteer Hunt; $500,000 For Inquiry; City To Get Fair Food Price List Today

Palmer Calls For $1,500,000 For Fight On Profiteers; Wants Law To Cover Clothing; His Agents Seize Food; Nineteen Big Cement Companies Ordered Prosecuted

Government Begins Food Seizures; Fair Sugar Price Set At 11 Cents; Farmers State Their Case To Wilson

Interboro Strike Tomorrow Unless Demands Are Met; Board Of Estimate Called To Confer On Fare Increase; Government Backs Big Ohio Fight On Food Hoarders

Subway, Elevated, And Street Cars Stop; Biggest Interboro Strike Begins At 4 A.M. Only Third Avenue System In Operation

Nixon Moves To End Elevated And Subway Tie-Up; Surface Cars And B.R.T. Lines Are Still Running; Mexican Bandits Hold American Aviators For Ransom

Interborough Strike Ended At Midnight; Men Get 25 Per Cent. More; No Fare Increase; Lansing Makes Strong Demand On Mexico

President Defends Treaty To Senators; For ‘Interpretative Reservations’ Only; Our Calvary Pursues Bandits In Mexico

Senate Republicans Unite To Insist On Flatly Amendatory Reservations; Attack Pittman’s Compromise Offer

American Troops Kill Four Bandits Run Down In Mexican Mountain Pass; Carranza Asks Withdrawal At Once

Vast Food Stores Found In City; To Prosecute All Who Won’t Sell; House Passes Punitive Food Bill

Senate Committee Votes, 9 To 8, To Amend The Treaty, Returning Shantung Direct To China, Not Japan; Mexican Troops Report Capture Of Eight Bandits

Our Troops On Their Way Out Of Mexico After Losing Bandit Trail In The Rail; Found A Large Carranza Force There

Wilson Calls A Halt On Railway Wage Increases; Tells Shopmen To Wait; Sees Drop In Prices Coming; President Confers At Capitol On Perils To Treaty

Shopmen Reject Wilson Offer; Likely To Vote For Strike; Senate Committee Votes 50 Amendments To Treaty; Hitchock Tells President All Changes Will Be Beaten

Hasten Final Report On Treaty; Fall And Nelson In Acrid Debate; President To Speak In Fifty Cities

President Orders Full Power Of The Government Used To Run Pacific Coast Trains Unless Strike Is Ended; Shopmen See Gompers; Favor Delay In Wage Demands

President Takes Up Strike Threat In Steel Industry; Conferences Have Eased The General Labor Situation; Senate Committee Adds 3 More Amendments To Treaty

Knox Speech Aids Treaty Chances; Senators Hear Pleas For Ireland; Gompers Sees Bolshevism Waning


President Calling A Conference To Put Wage Question Upon A New Footing, He Says In Labor Day Message; Senate Majority Assured To Kill All Treaty Amendments

Labor Men Urge Halt On Strikes To Give The President A Free Hand; Radicals In Check On Labor Day

Bill For Roads’ Return Bars Strikes Provides Rigid Federal Control; Labor Conference Plans Complete

Wilson Begins Tour For Treaty, Sees Victory In The Senate Fight; Republicans Fear Party Setback

Wilson Defends Treaty And League As Tour Begins; Challenges Senate Foes To Offer A Better Program; Senate Committee Adopts Four Treaty Reservations

Peace Partnership Or Armed Isolation Our Choice, Says Wilson In Two Aggressive Speeches In St. Louis; McCumber Proposes Six New Reservations To Treaty

Wilson Likens Treaty Obstructors To Bolsheviki; Says He Fights For Cause Greater Than The Senate; Republicans Claim Victory For Modified Reservations

Pershing Here Today To Receive Welcome Of A Grateful Nation; Baker And Marshall To Be At Pier

City And Nation Pay Tribute To Pershing; Warrior Overwhelmed By His Welcome; Pro-Germanism Reviving Here, Says Wilson

Boston Police Force Out On Strike; Mobs Smash Windows And Loot Stores; Steel Workers Confer On Strike Plan

Troops Use Machine Gun On Boston Mob; 5,000 Guarding City As Riots Continue; City Acclaims Parade Of Fighting First

Boston Now Faces General Strike To Aid Police; Four More Are Killed; Damage Estimated At $300,000; Wilson Says The Strike Is A Crime Against Civilization

Boston Police Vote To Return To Duty; Governor May Bar Them As Deserters; Will Confer With Union Heads Today

Boston Refuses To Take Back The Police Strikers; Chamberlain Riddles New Army Bill, Assails Baker; Wilson Gets Riotous Welcome In Seattle, Reviews Fleet

Report Steel Men Agree To Wilson Plan, Defer Strike; No General Tie-Up In Boston To Support Former Police; Will Uphold State’s Authority, Coolidge Tells Gompers

Proposal To Defer The Steel Strike, Vote On It At Pittsburgh Tomorrow; Boston Police Plan To Seek Court Aid

Steel Strike Outlook Threatening; Leaders Doubtful Of Deferring it, But Will Decide On Plans Today

Steel Workers Say Gary Must Yield Or Strike Is Certain; Chairman Of Steel Corporation Is Firm For Open Shop; Wilson Names 22 To Represent Public Labor Meeting

Steel Workers’ Unions Decide To Strike On Monday; Send Word To Wilson That It Is Their Only Hope; City Employees Here Meet To Form One Big Union

Speed Up Plans for Steel Strike; Companies Hope To Keep Mills Open; Hylan To Rid City Rolls Of Agitators

Steel Strike On Tomorrow; Owners Swear In Guards; Hope To Avert Disorder, Won’t Use Strikebreakers; City Union To Be Dropped If The Mayor So Desires

Steel Workers And State Police Clash Near Pittsburgh; Some Union Men Already Out; Engineers To Join Strike; Gary Rejected Wilson’s Advice To Confer, Says Leader

Thirteen Shot In Steel Strike Clashes, Most Districts Quiet; Organizers Report 279,100 Workers Out On First Day; Many Pittsburgh Mills Open; Western Fields Harder Hit

Steel Corporation Disputes Strikers’ Claims Of Gains; Hold Key Plants Open; More Independent Mills Closed; Rioting Spreads In Strike Area; Many Shot, 2 Dead

Steel Strike Is At Deadlock, More Men Out In The West; Sudden Loss Of Support For Amendments To The Treaty; Fiume Situation Now Threatens War With Jugoslavia

Fitzpatrick Offers To Arbitrate Strike, Gary Refuses; Leader Admits Only One-Fifth Of Workers Are Union Men; Some Steel Mills Reopen, Though Strikers Deny Losses

President Suffers Nervous Breakdown, Tour Canceled; Speeding Back To Washington For A Needed Rest; Steel Strike Weakens; British Railway Men Walk Out

President Slightly Better Last Night After A Day’s Rest; Bethlehem Ordered Out As Strike Wanes; Britain Tied Up; American Marines Retook City From Italian Invaders

Troops Sent To Omaha; Mob Fires Court House With Bombs; Attacks Negroes, Lynches One, Nearly Lynches Mayor; Steel Strike Test Today; British Crisis Well In Hand

Strikers Fail To Close A Single Bethlehem Mill; Prevent Break In Their Ranks At Other Steel Plants; 700 Federal Troops Quiet Omaha; Mayor Recovering


Steel Strikers Now Look To Washington For Aid; Hitchcock Challenges Senate Foes to Treaty Test Vote; General Wood Spreads Army Net For Omaha Lynchers

Open Shop Is The Great Issue Of The Strike, Says Gary; Five Workingmen Testify Against The Strike Leaders; Reds Beat Chicago White Sox 9 To 1; King Albert Is Here

Doctors In Consultation Call Wilson “A Very Sick Man”; Senate Kills 35 Fall Amendments; Test Vote, 30 To 58; Belgian Rulers Welcomed Here In Name Of The Nation

President Wilson Better, Sleeping Naturally Once More; Treaty Defenders Must Continue Fight Without His Aid; Call For British Citizen Guard In New Strike Crisis

President’s Improvement “Slight, But Not Decisive”; Senate Leaders Predict Final Treaty Vote By Nov. 1; Indiana Troops Are Ordered Out As Gary Strikers Riot

President Has A Restful Day After A Good Night’s Sleep; Close Fight Coming On Johnson Treaty Amendment; British Strike Settled By Compromise Amid Good Feeling

President Has A Good Day And Improvement Continues; Democrats Ready To Block Treaty If Changed Radically; Federal Troops Now Guard Gary, Martial Law Declared

Wilson Better, But Must Still Rest; Labor Conferees Adopt Group Vote; Lodge Defies Threat To Kill Treaty.

Moderates Urge Compromise Plan On Peace Treaty

Three Months’ Truce In All Strikes Proposed In Industrial Conference; Gompers Asks Steel Strike Arbitration

Port Strike Spreads Along The Coast; Ferryboats Are Tied Up At Midnight; Mediation Board to Hear Strikers

Wilson Must Stay In Bed; Question Of Disability Revived; Pier Strikers Refuse To Handle Transports Or Food; Maynard Gets To San Francisco; 2 Fliers Arrive Here

Wilson Has Restful Day, Doctors Won’t Discuss Rumors; France Declares War Ended, Holds Treaty Now In Force; Pier Men Vote Tonight On Ending Strike Tomorrow

Wilson’s Mind Is ‘Clear’ And He Can Act, But Grayson Says Cure Requires Time; Senators Discuss Disability, Won’t Act

Expose I.W.W. Plot To Seize Power; Terrorism Traced In Gary Arrests; Ferry Strike Ends; Piermen Yielding

Baker Pledges Unlimited Force To Curb All Lawless Elements; Scores Arrested In New Gary Raids

Beat Shantung Amendments, 55-35, With Aid Of 14 Republican Senators; Report British Capture Kronstadt

President Improves After A Setback; Dr. Young, Gland Specialist; Called In; Senate Kills Last Of Fall Amendments

Board Named To End Pier Strike; Shippers Postpone Plans To Fight; Nearly All Piermen Quit Yesterday

Federal Troops Brought Here By Sea For Duty In Longshoremen’s Strike; Hylan Opposes Their Use At This Time

Longshoremen Quit Peace Meeting, Ship Owners To Move Cargoes Today; All The Reds Backing Steel Strike

Longshoremen Split On Returning; O’Connor Is Mobbed At Hoboken; Government May Run Coal Mines

Labor Group Quits The Conference; Gompers Will Press Steel Strike; Railway Workers Make New Threat

Industrial Conference Goes To Pieces; Ultimatum To Pier Strikers Here; Hope Of Averting The Coal Strike

Miners Unmoved By President’s Plea; Gompers Summons All Union Chiefs; New Plan For Conciliatory Body

Wilson Calls Coal Strike Unlawful, Asks Miners To Halt; Will Summon Industrial Conference On A New Basis; Threat Of Labor Walkout If Congress Bans Strikes

Congressman Back Wilson In Stand On Coal Strike; Governors Declare Readiness To Aid Federal Powers; Lewis Says Miners’ Demands Are ‘Subject To Negotiation’

Government Has Plans Ready To Deal With Coal Strike; Lewis Predicts Tie-Up Unless Miners Gain Concessions; House Repasses Prohibition Bill Over Wilson’s Veto

Cabinet Agrees On Its Course If Coal Miners Strike; Men’s Leaders Now Talking Of Another Conference; Senate Repasses Prohibition Bill, Law Now In Effect

Miners Reject Wilson’s Plea, Say Strike Is Unavoidable; Palmer Announces Use Of Full Power To Protect Public; Federal Fuel Control To Be Revived And Prices Fixed

Government Likely To Ask Courts To Halt Coal Strike; Regulars Going To West Virginia, Roads To Seize Fuel; Wilson Approves Firm Measures To Meet Emergency


Coal Strike Begins But Injunction Halts Leaders; Palmer To Push Fight Through Labor Chiefs Protest; Federal Troops Concentrated; Mines To Be Kept Open

400,000 Union Coal Miners Quit Work; No Disorder; Palmer Orders Watch For Breaches Of Injunction; Ready To Curb Radicals And Protect Working Miners

Rail Engineers Assail Injunction, Urge A New Labor Conference; New Strike Threat In Pennsylvania

Coal Miners Talk Of Compromise; Washington Expects A Peace Move; Unions’ Ranks Break In Two States

Newburger, M’Cook, La Guardia, Curran Beat Tammany; Gov. Coolidge Re-Elected By 124,000 In Massachusetts; Kentucky Republican, New Jersey Democratic, Ohio Dry; Gompers And Lewis Now Anxious To End The Coal Strike

Won’t Drop Coal Strike Injunction; Operators To Sue Men For Damages; Election Aids Fight On Radicalism

Recall Of Strike Ordered Demanded; Coal Cut Off From Foreign Ships; Production Gains But West Is Short

Gompers Talks To Palmer About Ending Strike; Delay Of Coal Injunction Hearing Suggested; Raids On Radicals Here And In Other Cities

Court Orders Strike Call Revoked; Union Chiefs To Confer Tomorrow; Gompers May Appeal To President

Federation Opposes Injunction, Indorses Coal Strike, Appeals To Workers And Citizens To Come To Its Aid; Reds Meant To Seize Property Here And End The State

Miners’ Officials Undecided, Conservatism Gaining; Gompers Assails The Administration As Unjust; Palmer Warns Labor It Cannot Nullify The Law

Lewis Agrees To Parley After Recalling Strike Order; Miners And Operators To Confer In Washington Friday; Mines To Open Tomorrow, Workers Ready To Return

Northwest Roused Against Reds; I.W.W. Raided In 4 Cities, 127 Jailed; Radicals Plotted Centralia Attack

Senate Adopts Article X Reservation To Peace Treaty; Lodge Moves For Closure After Minority Plan Fails; I.W.W. Organs And More Reds Seized In The Northwest

Miners Told At Coal Conference A 30-Hour Week Is Impossible; Reds Keeping Some Men From Work

Senate Adopts 10 Reservations After Putting On Closure; Democrats Say They Will Reject Modified Treaty; 60,000 Reds Listed Here, Palmer Offers Drastic Bill

Wilson And Hitchcock Confer Today; Treaty Ratifications Vote Wednesday; Senate Changes Perturb The Allies

President Will Pocket Treaty If Passed As Modified; Might Accept It, Preamble Out And Article X. Changed; Senate Kills Last Two Of The Committee Reservations

Two More Treaty Reservations, Final Voting Stage Today; Middle-Ground Men Ask Democrats To Name Their Terms; New York Gives Warm Welcome To The Prince Of Wales

Senate Session Ends, Treaty Is Defeated; Three Votes Taken, 39 To 55, 41 To 50, 38 To 53; May Be Revived At The December Session

No Treaty Move By President; He Awaits Compromise; Hitchcock Urges Concessions But Opposition Is Firm; Without Compromise, Allies May Enforce Treaty Dec. 1

Lodge Declares For Political Fight On Peace Treaty In Coming Campaign; Hitchcock Urges An Early Compromise

Reaction On Tieup Of Peace Sets In; Business Interests Protest Delay; Berlin Mystified By Senate Action

Party Associates Opposed To Lodge On Making The Treaty A 1920 Issue; French Deputies Now Want Revision

Wilson Rejects Fiume Concessions; Italy Now Expects To Annex City; Nitti Appeals To American People

Red Bomb Laboratory Found Here; Hid In Secret Room In Russians’ House; Martens Again Defies Lusk Inquirers

Cabinet Offers Miners 14 Per Cent. Rise, They Refuse It; Coal Prices Were To Stand, Operators Were Willing; Mexico Refuses To Release Our Consular Agent Jenkins

Lansing Receives Mexico’s Refusal; Will Hold Consultations On Next Move; Our Note Expressed Surprise And Anger

Lansing Warns Mexico Through Envoy; Another American Slain In Oil Fields; Outbreak In Mexico City Now Denied

Garfield Warns Against War On Labor; Insists His Offer To The Miners Is Fair; Government Awaits Results At Mines


States To Take Steps To Produce Coal; Governors Want Rigid Regulations; Kansas City Yardmen End Strike

Lansing Again Asks Jenkins’s Release Release In A Firm Note To Mexican Government; Congress Will Back The Administration

Democratize Industry, Cut Taxes, Curb Reds, Wilson Tells Congress; Republicans For Declaring Peace

Washington Sets Time Limit For Carranza to Comply; 84 Chiefs Of Miners’ Union Cited To Court For Contempt; Rumania Must Reply In 6 Days: Berlin Rejects Protocol

Two Senators Named To Consult President On Mexico; Generals Called to Paris, Ultimatum Going To Germany; More Coal Strike Prosecutions; Heatless Cars Here

Mexicans Free Jenkins, But Tension Is Not Ended; Senators Find Wilson Fully Alert At Conference; Supreme Council Defers Its Ultimatum To Germany

President Makes Proposal To Coal Miners; Leaders Accept, Strike Likely To End; Frick Left $150,000,000; Final Note to Berlin

Noske Will Refuse To Sign Protocol, Defying Allies; Says ‘Let Them Come’; Austria Invites Occupation; 14% Rise And Inquiry Probably President’s Coal Offer

Garfield Puts Country-Wide Curb On Use Of Soft Coal; Restrictions To Last A While Even If Strike Ends Today; Allies Yield A Little To Berlin, Demand War Culprits

Miners Split On Power To End Strike, Delay Decision; Washington Confident Of Settlement On Wilson Terms; City’s Offices And Store Ordered To Close At 4 P.M.

Miners Accept Wilson Plan, Go Back To Work At Once; Operators Expect To Resume Coal Shipments Monday; Mexican Oil Seizures Menace Our Merchant Marine

Garfield Reported To Have Resigned; Hoover May Head Coal Commission; Radical Miners Balk At Settlement

Coal Ban Is Lifted In A Wide Area; Hines Begins Restoring Trains; 66 Per Cent. Of Miners Now At Work

Knox Blocked In Move To Ratify Treaty Without League; Lodge, Blaming Wilson, Rejects Democratic Proposals; Allies Reported To Be Seeking Reservation Agreement

Wilson Will Make No Offer On Treaty; Holds Senate Responsible For Its Fate; Sentiment For Compromise Is Growing

Wartime Prohibition Law Is Upheld; Court Is Silent On Enforcement Act; Liquor Men Here To Sue For Their Loss

Senators Start Canvass On The Treaty In An Attempt To Bring Conciliation; Underwood Urges Mild Reservations

Propose Round Table Parley On Treaty; Senators Now Predict A Compromise; Knox Proposals Are Sent To Committee

Big Packing Firms Agree With Palmer To Sell Holding In All Industries Except Meat And Most Dairy Products

Lord French Attacked From Ambush; Escapes Dublin Bombs And Bullets; Two Policemen Hit, One Assassin Killed

Underwood Moves For Treaty Accord; Blocked By Lodge, Who Asks For Time; Committee Adopts New Knox Proposal

249 Reds Sail, Exiled To Soviet Russia; Berkman Threatens To Come Back; Second Shipload May Leave This Week

Hitchcock Canvass Shows Treaty Gain; Underwood Sees Lodge On Compromise; Mild Group Kills Knox Plan’s Chances

Allies Will Hem In Russia And Aid All Who Fight Bolsheviki; Senate Nearer Treaty Agreement

Wilson Proclaims Return Of The Railroads March 1; Express Companies Also Revert To Owners Then; Rockefeller Gives $100,000,000 To Education And Science

Labor May Oppose Return Of Roads Unless Mollified

Daniels Hastily Reconvenes Board Of Naval Awards After Admiral Jones And Capt. Hasbrouck Refused Honors; Republican Mild Group Warns Senator Lodge On Treaty

More Naval Award Protests, Congress To Investigate; ‘Bitter-Enders’ Will Desert Lodge And Fight Treaty; Wood Alcohol Death Too, Now 64, Seller Sought Here

Attempt New Raid On Viceregal Lodge; Officer In Lord French’s Guard Killed In Beating Off An Attack In The Dark

Lodge To Consult Pomerene On Treaty; Mild Group Cool To King Compromise; Neutrals Won’t Join League Without Us

Treaty Will Go Into Force Jan. 6; Germans Agree To Sign Protocol; Senators Busy On Treaty Parleys

News Source: New York Times

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