1918: NEW YORK TIMES (365)


M’Adoo Sweeps Railroads Clear To Relieve Coal Famine In East; Shortage Pinches Shivering City

Open Tunnels Of Pennsylvania R.R. For Coal Trains

Bolsheviki Balk At Teuton Terms; Negotiations Said To Be Broken Off; Red Guard Sent To Reinforce Front

Bolsheviki Talk Of Resuming War Unless Germans Quit Russian Soil, But Admit Whole Army Is In Chaos

Germany Refuses To Quit Territory Or Shift Peace Parley To Stockholm; Allies Will Restate Their War Aims

Lloyd George Restates Britain’s War Aims; With France To Death For Alsace-Lorraine; Does Not Insist On German Democratization

Germans Suspend Peace Parley; Russians Now Reported Preparing To Resume Military Operations

German Socialists Back Russians; Denounce Policy Of Chancellor; Wilson Congratulates Lloyd George

President Specifies Terms As Basis For World Peace; Asks Justice For Alsace-Lorraine, Applauds Russia, Tells Germany She May Be An Equal But Not A Master

British Labor For Wilson Program Which Heartens Allied Capitals; Troops Urge Trotzky To Be Firm

House For Sufferage, 274 to 136, Exact Two-Thirds Vote Required, With Clark’s Ballot In Reserve

Teutons Drop General Peace Terms; Russians To Make Definite Reply; Ukraine Adopts Independent Role

Russians Agree To Continue Parleys And Armistice Is Extended A Month; Ukraine Recognized As Independent

Ample Coal For City’s Needs Awaits Fuel Administrators On Jersey Shore; Railroads Reopening Western Lines

Big Shakeup In Berlin Predicted; Military Dictatorship Is Talked Of; Peace Parley Breaks Up In Angry Clash

May Halt Some Industries 10 Days To Let Crippled Railroads Catch Up; Small Roads Left Out Of Control

Shut-Down of Industries For Five Days; Begins Friday; Nine Idle Mondays Follow; Washington Order Startles The Country

Senate Opposes Shut-Down, But Garfield Signs Order; Declares Our Allies’ And Army’s Needs Require Action; Country Protests Strongly But Will Accept Decision

Wilson Declares That The Shut-Down Was Necessary; Order Widely Obeyed, But Many Exemptions Are Made; Demand In Congress For New Deal In Conduct Of War

Garfield Reports Traffic Gaining; 450,000 Tons Of Ship Coal En Route; City Prepares For Workless Monday

Only Food And Drug Stores Open Today; Ships Getting Coal, Garfield Reports; Cold Wave Hampers Railroad Clearing

President, Attacking Chamberlain, Indorses Baker; Opposes Changes In War Conduct; Bitter Senate Debate; First Workless Monday Leaves New York In Bad Plight

Senate Ready For War Cabinet Fight; Chamberlains Will Answer Wilson; Roosevelt In Capital To Join Fray

War Cabinet Debate Begins Today; Senators On Both Sides Will Speak; House Republicans For Munitions Bill

Chamberlain Repeats His Charges, Insists War Department Has Failed; Declares Wilson Is Misinformed

Hertling Rejects Wilson Peace Aims; Proposes Revision Of Allies Terms; Czernin Wants Exchanges Started

Make Peace With Russia Or You Must Go; Scheidemann Tells Military Party; No Ending War With America Unbeaten

Kuehlmann Now Assails Bolsheviki; Reichstag Members Rebuke Ministers; Austria’s Need Of Peace Seems Real

Secretary Baker Declares America Is Doing Her Part; 500,000 Men In France Soon; 1,000,000 More Are Ready; Admits Errors; Ready To Co-Operate And Correct Them

Widespread Strikes On In Germany; Socialist Leaders To Be Arrested; Bolshevist Majority For ‘Holy War’

Hindenburg Warns Strikers In Berlin, Who Issue Ultimatum To Government; 500,000 Now Out; Papers Suppressed


German Army Intervenes In Strike; Resumption Of Hamburg Work Ordered; 1,000,000 Out; Appeal To Reichstag

Army Threat To Crush Berlin Strike; Warns Troops Will Fire On Crowds; Police And Rioters Clash; One Killed

German Strike Spreads Despite Army; Government Arrests Socialist Leaders But Treats With A Strike Committee

Allied Council Rejects Foe’s Offer; Will Push War With Utmost Vigor; Berlin Threatens Death To Strikers

Open New Fight On Added Power Of War Council

Krylenko Seized By Polish Army, Berlin Reports

Tuscania, Carrying 2,179 U.S. Troops, Sunk; 1,912 Survivors Landed At Irish Ports; Washington Fears 260 Men Are Lost

101 Lost On Tuscania; 73 Americans; Troops Kept Cool, But Boats Upset; 44 Soldiers’ Bodies Washed Ashore

Tuscania’s Death List Now Put At 166; 126 Soldiers’ Bodies Are Recovered; 23 More Of Our Men Reported Missing

Torpedo Proof Transport Ready To Defy U-Boats

1,832 Survivors Of The Tuscania On Official List

German Army Alone Blocks Peace, Says Wilson; He Welcomes Czernin’s Views As More Conciliatory; No Turning Back For US Until A New Order Prevails

Lloyd George Sees No Real Peace In Speeches Of Teuton Leaders; Full Text Of Premier’s Speech

British Pacifists Defeated 159 To 28 On Amendment Offered In Commons; Herbert Samuel Joins George Critics

Germans Assert Distrust Of Wilson; See No Change In The Allies’ Aims; Reichstag To Debate Peace Next Week

Russia Cuts Loose From Entente; Teutons Plan To Take Petrograd; Czernin Sees War’s End Approaching

Germans Mass To Attack Bolsheviki, Who Seize Teutons As Hostages; Big Warsaw strike; Poles May Rise

Ship Carpenters’ Strike Is Called Off After Rebuke Comes From President; “Will You Co-Operate Or Obstruct?”

Two German Armies Invade Russia; Northern Troops March On Dvinsk; Advance In Volhynia To Aid Ukraine

Russians Agree To Berlin Peace; $4,000,000,000 Indemnity In Terms; Germans Occupy Dvinsk And Lutsk

Bolsheviki Send Signed Surrender As Kaiser’s Armies Press Forward; War To Bring Peace, Says Kuelmann

Germans Sweep Toward Petrograd; Take 9,000 Russians And 1,353 Guns; Peace Demand Agitates Austria

Bolsheviki Call Russia To Arms For ‘Death Struggle’ With Invaders; Withdraw Army From Finland

Teutons Against Offer Peace To Russia But Only At Price Of More Territory; Reds Must Dismiss Army, Disarm Navy

Red Cross Liner Florizel Ashore Near Cape Race; 147 Probably Lost; Storm Blocks Attempts At Rescue

Hertling Hails Wilson’s ‘Principles’ As Peace Step, But Allies Must Join; Wants Conference On Belgium; As Russia Yields, Japan May Move Army Into Siberia

Washington And London Reject Hertling’s Peace Suggestions; Full Text Of Chancellor’s Speech

No Peace Basis Yet, Says Balfour; Germans Refuse To Halt Advance; Japan Sounds Allies On Siberia


Russian Attacks Force Germans To Beat Retreat

Americans Win First Pitched Battle, Repulse Strong Attack On Our Front; Many Germans Slain, 3 Taken Prisoner

Allies Await Japan’s Guarantees On Siberia; Wilson Not Committed; German Armies “Libertate” Kiev

Peace Signed, German Advance Ends; Russia Forced By New Terms To Cede Lands Taken From Turkey In 3 Wars

Japanese To Occupy Vladivostok; Russians May Resist Incursion; Councils Split Over Peace Treaty

Democrats Sweep Every District, Making Congress Safely Democratic; 90.8% Of Registered Women Vote

Japan’s Cabinet Is Now Considering President’s Views On Intervention; Washington Expects No Hasty Action

German Advance Halted 68 Miles From Petrograd

Germany Boasts An Open Rout To India; Lord Robert Cecil Urges Japanese Aid; Supported By Entente Diplomats Here

Two Movements In Russia To Oust Reds; Lvoff Heads One In East, Japan May Aid; Southern Russia Plans For A Republic

Baker In France For Conference With Pershing

Wilson Pledes Our Aid To Russia; Expresses Sympathy, And Hopes She May Be Freed Of German Power

Japan In Parley With Siberians; Tokio Sees Crisis

German Troops Now Occupy Odessa; Lloyd George Says League Of Nations Must Wait Until The Entente Wins

Americans Seize German Trenches By Quick Advance Of Luneville; Hold Them Against Counterattacks

Moscow Congress Ratifies Peace; Had Received President’s Message; Washington Spurs War Efforts

Japan Seeks Chance To Aid Russia; Tokio Plans Safe And Sane Policy; Wilson Will Speak Soon On Issue

Japan’s Premier Says Intervention Has Not Yet Been Decided Upon; Talk Of War As Moscow Congress Ends

Conference Of Entente Premiers Denounces Germany’s Peace Treaties; War Till The Policy Of Plunder Ends

Believe Allies And Not Germans Will Begin Drive

Wilson Orders Dutch Ships Seized; Declares Further Parley Is Useless, As Holland Cannot Exert Free Will

Germans Open Drive Against British On 50-Mile Front; Massed Forces Gain Ground After Terrific Shelling, But Haig Reports That They Won Little At Heavy Cost

Germans Claim 16,000 Prisoners And 200 Guns In Big Drive; Haig Reports Foe Gaining At Some Points But At Heavy Cost; 500,000 Germans Opened Attack; More Divisions Thrown In

Germans Smash British Front, Drive In Four Miles; Claim 25,000 Prisoners; Held At Some Points, Says Haig; Gun Said To Be 74 1/2 Miles Away Lands Shells In Paris

Germans Push On In South, Checked On Northern Front; Peronne Taken, But Gigantic Battle Rages At Bapaume; Berlin Reports Americans Engaged; Tells Of Shelling Paris

Bapaume Falls Under Assault Of Fresh German Troops; Haig Admits Retirement And Heavy Loss Of Material; French, Too, Fall Back, Inflicting Heavy Loss On The Foe

Germans Drive On In South; Take Roye And Menace Albert; Haig Reformes His Lines And Holds North Of The Somme; Tells Of American Aid; French Make Stand Above Noyon

British, Reinforced, Beat Germans Back; Berlin Admits Progress Is Now Slow; Lloyd George Calls For America’s Aid

British Repulse All-Day Attacks At Arras; French Retake Ground On German Flank; Foch Likely To Command Allied Armies

Germans Slowing Up, Make Little Gain; Foch Now Commands The Allied Armies; Long-Range Shell Kills 75 In Paris Church

Germans Gain Slowly In Drive On Amiens; Are Repulsed Near Arras With Heavy Loss; American Troops Cheer Prospect Of Battle


French And British Push Germans Back; Prisoners Taken And Villages Regained; American Army Starts For Battle Front

Germans Massing Troops Near Albert For Renewed Drive; Beaten Back In Local Attacks By French And British; New Plan Increases American Forces At The Front

1,500,000 More Americans In New Call, Making 3,000,000 In All; 40 Wrecked German Divisions Taken Out Of The Battle: Count Czernin Makes Another Reply To The President

‘We May Regard The Future With Tranquility,’ Says Foch; Germans Launch Heavy Gas Attack At American Troops; Washington Sees New Peace Drive In Czernin Speech

Second Great Drive For Amiens Begun; Gains Slight, Allied Fronts Holding Well; Americans In New Sector Near Verdun

Allies Check German Movement On Amiens; ‘They Are Completely Stopped,’ Says Foch; Yesterday’s Attack Against British Only

‘Force, Force To The Utmost,’ Says Wilson, Is Our Answer To Germany’s Challenge; No Peace That Gives Her Free Hand In East

Germans Push On South Of The Oise; Claim Two Towns And 1,400 Prisoners; British Gain In North, Check Attacks

New German Shell Storm Bursts On Haig’s Lines And Seems Like Prelude To Another Heavy Attack; Foe Reaches The Ailette, Pressing French Back

Angry Protests Roused By Lloyd George, As He Announces Conscription For Ireland; Germans Strike Heavy Blow In The North

Haig’s Lines Fall Back North And South Of Armentieres; Germans Push Across The Lys, Report 6,000 Prisoners; First American Troops Arrived On The British Front

Emperor Charles, In Peace Offer To France, Upheld “Just Claims On Alsace-Lorraine”; Haig Yields Little In Day Of Hard Fighting

Haig Tells Army Retirement Must Now Stop; French Coming To Aid; Germans Push On; Commons Pass Irish Conscription Clause

British Check Foe, Regain Some Ground; French Also Counterattack In The South; Haig Rouses England; Foch’s Blow Is Near

Battle In North Goes On Fiercely; British Lines Hold; Americans Repulse Sunday Morning Attack, Killing 64; U.S. Naval Collier Cyclops Missing; May Be Raider Victim

Germans Drive In Bailleul After Taking Neuve Eglise; Fresh British Divisions Arrive And Stiffen The Line; Foch Now Takes Full Command Of The Allied Armies

Germans Take Most Of Messines Ridge After Sweeping Haig Out Of Bailleul; Nothing Vital Lost, Says Lloyd George

Haig Regains Ground But Loses It Again; Makes Strategic Withdrawal Near Ypres; Some French Troops Are Now With Him

Big French Army Arrives; Germans Halted; British Hold Off Foe All Along The Line; Thrust By Petain Gains Near Hangard

German Advance Is Stopped By Appalling Slaughter; Exhausted By Their Efforts, But Bring Up More Guns; Italian Army Joins Allies, Will Soon Be In Battle

Big German Attack Repulsed By Americans; Village Retaken, Many Of Foe Are Slain; British Strengthen Lines In The North

French And Americans Regain Their Lost Trenches; British Improve Their Positions On The Lys Front; Ready With The French To Meet New Drive On Mt. Kemmel

Americans Lost 200 to 300, Germans 300 To 400 At Seicheprey; Our Troops’ Brave Resistance Balked Enemy’s Plan; Lull On Main Front As Germans Prepare For New Drive

British Naval Raids Bottles Up U-Boat Base; Fierce Battle On The Mole At Zeebrugge; Germans Bring 40 Fresh Divisions To West

Battle Renewed, Germans Gain A Little; Americans Help French Defend Hangard; Hague-Berlin Envoys Reported Leaving

British Recover Villers-Bretonneux, Capture 600; Foe Again Holds Hangard, Reports 2,000 Prisoners; German Assaults Force Back Allies Near Kemmel

Germans Hold Kemmel, Push On To St. Eloi; Haig Admits Retirement; Ypres In Danger; French Regain Ground In Hangard Region

Russians Revolt, Name Czarevitch Ruler; Allies Holding Fast On Kemmel Front; Germans Halt, Awaiting Reinforcements

Fierce Struggles For Towns South Of Ypres; Germans Report British Retiring In North; Foch Content, Holds Back Counterblow

Von Arnim’s Army Disastrously Defeated In All-Day Assault On A 15-Mile Front; Mowed Down In Masses, No Ground Gained


Thirteen Of Von Arnim’s Divisions Smashed; More Losses In Monday’s Night Fighting; Franco-British Forces Advance Their Lines

Americans Win First Fight On Amiens Front; Repel Foe With Large Losses On Both Sides; Von Arnim Reorganizing His Broken Forces

French Advance Their Lines During Lull In The Battle; President Asks Power To Raise Our Army To Any Size; Germany Roused By Denial Of Vote, Austria By Starvation

French And British Push Forward In Amiens Sector; Cecil Warns Of Peril In Coming German Peace Drive; Baker Plans To Have 3,000,000 Men At The Front Next Year

Heavy German Bombardment Of British South Of Ypres; Austrian Ruler Adjourns Parliament, Attacks In Italy; Liberty Loan Oversubscribed, Perhaps By Billion Or More

Allies Push Back The Germans In Kemmel Region, Gaining Ground On Half-Mile Front Near Dranoutre; American Guns Block Foe’s Attack Near St. Mihiel

Australians Win Dominating Heights On The Somme; Huge Forces Of Germans Massing From Arras South; Enemy Pours 15,000 Gas Shells Into American Positions

Fall Of British Cabinet Threatened By Maurice’s Charges Of Misstatements About Nation’s Military Forces; Violent Shelling On Ypres Front; British Win In Raid

German Thrust North Of Kemmel Makes Slight Gain; Over 500,000 Of Our Troops In France, Baker States; Commons Expected To Back Premier Against Maurice

Commons Upholds Lloyd George, 293 To 106; He Condemns Gen. Maurice In Fiery Speech; Germans Lose New Gains Above Kemmel

British Sink Cruiser In The Channel At Ostend, Partly Blocking Another German U-Boat Base; Haig Restores Albert Line; German Guns Busy On Lys

French Check A New German Thrust East Of Amiens; American Troops Cheered On Parade In London; Berlin Rushes Troops East To Meet Ukraine Menace

Allies Won’t Use American Army Until It Is Complete; Meantime Await In Confidence Fore’s Imminent Attack; German Guns Are Pounding The Lines At Many Points

Germans Handicapped In Effort To Begin New Drive; Artillery Continues Active But Infantry Holds Off; Baker Denies Our Troops Are To Be Kept From Battle

British Drive Germans From Captured Position; Renewal Of Big Offensive Believed To Be Near; Wilson Opposes Wide Inquiry Into Conduct Of War

Senate War Inquiry Modified At Demand Of President; Wilson Names C.E. Hughes To Sift Aircraft Charges; Hard Fighting North Of Kemmel, French Keep Hill 44

Balfour Says Door Is Open To Any Serious Peace Offer; Delay In Germans’ Attack Proof Of Their Heavy Losses; Germans To Use New Flying Tank; 14 U-Boats Sunk In April

French Command Expects Immediate German Blow; American Troops Join British On Lines In The North; Government Discovers German Plotting In Ireland

All Peace Pleas Insincere, Wilson Tells Red Cross; Allied Armies Await German Shock With Confidence; Ireland Is Now Quiet With 500 Sinn Fein Leaders In Jail

Australians Take Veille-Sur-Ancre In Night Attack, Capture 360 Men; Irish Plot Evidence Found Here

Lufbery Killed In Battle With German ‘Flying Tank’ Whose Armor Deflected The Bullets Of Six Assailants; French And British Gain Ground And Take Prisoners

M’Adoo Removes The Presidents Of All Railroads; Friction The Cause; To Employ Some At Lower Salaries; British Gain Ground And Beat Off Counterattack

2,078,223 Now In American Army; Million Trained Waiting To Sail; German Drive Is Expected In June

Shaken German Army Still Delays; Demoralized By Allied Air Raids, Dissension At Home, And Lack Of Men

Transport Moldavia Sunk; 56 Americans Lost; Many Saved By Convoy; Others Killed In Sleep; Germany Racing Against Wilson, Says Lloyd George

Germans Almost Wiped Out In The Air; Gunfire Timid And Easily Broken Up; Believed To Be Scheming For Peace

German Guns Pound British Lines, But Allies Wait In Confidence; Our First Airplanes Now In Use

Germans Get Chemin Des Dames In New Drive; Blow On 40-Mile Front Reaches The Aisne; Pay Dearly There: Repulsed In Flanders

Germans Gain 10 Miles, Take 15,000 Prisoners, Cross Two River; Attack Slowing Down; Victorious Assault In Force By Americans

Germans Take Soissons, Menace Rheims; Allied Centre Forced Back Four Miles; 25,000 Prisoners Captured In Three Days

Germans Held On Flanks, Drive On Centre, Gaining 4 Miles More Toward The Marne; Claim 35,000 Prisoners And Much War Booty


Germans Reach Marne In 8-Mile Drive; Outrun Artillery, Are Held On The Flanks; Hint Of A New Force Ahead To Stop Them

German Armies Turn West Toward Paris, Gain Six Miles, Do Not Cross The Marne; Fighting Rages Fiercely Near Soissons

German Gains Less, And Fiercely Contested, As Allied Reserves Meet Westward Drive; Assaults Nearly Everywhere Broken

Two U-Boats Sink 9 Ships Off This Coast; Raid Began May 25, Heaviest Last Sunday; Carolina Missing; Hot Pursuit By Navy

Destroyer Stops Attack On French Ship; Naval Forces Spread Net For Raiders; Carolina, Sunk By U-Boat, Has 31 Missing

Two More Ships Sunk In Our Waters; Frenchman’s Gallant Fight With U-Boat; German Drive Stopped, Americans Aiding

Our Marines Attack, Gain Mile At Veuilly, Resume Drive At Night, Foe Losing Heavily; Raiding U-Boat Torpedoes A British Ship

Our Gallant Marines Drive On 2 1/2 Miles; Storm Two Towns, Capture 300 Prisoners; Raider Sinks Another Neutral Ship Here

Americans Resume Attack Near Torcy; Hold Bouresches Against Fresh Assault; Our Infantry Share Credit With Marines

Germans Begin New Drive West Of Noyon, Gain 2 1/2 Miles In Centre Of 20-Mile Front; U-Boat Sinks Steamer Off Maryland Coast

German Gain 2 1/2 Miles, Loss Of Men Appalling; Battle Described As Fiercest Of The War; 700,000 Americans Have Gone To France

French Hit Counter Blow And Capture 1,000; Germans Gain On East, Reaching The Oise; Our Men Take Belleau Wood, 300 Captives

French Again Gain On Left, Hold Centre; German Forces Cross The Matz River; Advance East Of Oise And On Aisne Flank

French Hurle Germans Back Across Matz; Check New Drive Toward Compiegne Forest; Americans Repulse Attack, Take Prisoners

Germans Again Beaten To A Standstill; Oise Offensive Ends In A Costly Reverse; French Counterblows Turn The Scale

Austria Opens Drive On All Italian Front; British Break Into German Line In North; 1,000,000 Americans to Be In France By July

Austrians Cross The Piave At Two Points; Claim 16,000 Prisoners, But Allies Get 3,000; Americans Defeat The Germans With Gas

Austrian Offensive Meets Sharp Check; Beaten Back In Mountains With Heavy Loss; Vienna Claims Gain On The Lower Piave

Austria Using 1,000,000 Men At High Cost; Mountain Passes Choked With Her Dead; Seeks Now To Smash Through Piave Line

Italians Have Foe Penned On The Piave; Attacking Unceasingly, Have Taken 9,000; 40,000 Germans Fail In Drive At Rheims

Austrians Backed Against Flooded Piave; Americans Drive Ahead Again At Cantigny; Irish Home Rule And Conscription Put Aside

Fierce Austrian Attacks Fail At The Piave; Vienna Cabinet To Resign In Food Crisis; More All-American Units For Battleline

Italian Premier Declares Battle Is Won; Germany Cannot Send Food To Austria; Our Army Abroad 5 Month Ahead Of Time

Austrians Flee In Disorder Across Piave From Montello To Sea, Chased By Italians; Bolsheviki Yield Russia’s Riches To Berlin

Italians Take Thousands Of Prisoners, Kill Fleeing Austrians In Great Number, As Defeated Army Crosses The Piave

Kuehlmann Wants Allied Peace Offer; Italians Begin Offensive In Mountains; Cavalry Chasing Foe Near Mouth Of Piave

Americans Storm Ridge, Kill 700, Take 350; Italians Extend Gains On Lower Piave; Wilson Plans To Aid Russia Without Army

Hindenburg Plans Final Great Offensive For August; Pershing Picks An American Regiment To Go To Italy; Kaiser Furious At Kuehlman, Who May Be Ousted

Germans Beaten On Two Fronts, Lose 1,400; French Gain On Aisne, British Near The Lys; Moscow Reported Taken, New Czar Named

French Smash Attacks On Aisne Line And Holds Gains; U-Boats Cannot Win And Raids Here Confess It, Says Sims; Germany Now Prepares For Intervention In Russia


Italians And Allies Take Mountain, Capture 800; French Break Into Marne Salient On A Two-Mile Front; Germans Mass For Attack On Our Belleau Wood Lines

Italians Take 2 More Asiago Peaks, Have 2,000 Prisoners; First American Army Corps In The Field, Ready For Foe; U-Boat Sinks Another British Hospital Ship, 234 Missing

Americans Gain A Mile, Take 500 Prisoners, And Kill Many Germans On Marne Front; Wilson Reveals 1,019,115 Have Gone To France

American Guns Hurl Back Counterattacks At Vaux; Fourth German Offensive Is Near, Allies Are Ready; Italians Advance On Lower Pive; French Gain Again

Wilson Declares Against A Half-Way Peace; Australians And Americans Capture 1,500; Take Hamel; French Get 1,000 Prisoners

Crying ‘Lusitania!’ Our Men Victoriously Rush On Hamel; U.S. Transport Covington Sunk; Six Of The Crew Lost; Lloyd George Offers Peace To Germany On Wilson’s Terms

Ex-Mayor Mitchel Killed By Fall From An Airplane; Wilson Considers Plan Of Intervention In Russia; Germans, Losing Steadily On Defensive, Must Soon Attack

Russians Of The Murman Coast Go Over To The Allies; Germany’s Loss In Striking Power Revealed At Hamel, Where Tanks Overran At With The Disease-Shaken Foe

Germans Poised For Double Blow At Allies; French Gain South Of Asine, Capture 347; Moscow Rising Is Crushed With Heavy Loss

Allied Troops Ready To Help Russia; Kaiser Lets Von Kuehlmann Resign; Germans Admit Our Men Fight Well

New Government Set Up In Siberia; Allies Seeking Czech Co-Operation; Austrians Swept Back In Albania

Russians Claim Defeat Of Chechs; Austrians Beaten Flee In Albania; Our Men Supplied With Mustard Gas

Hertling Says Way Is Open To A Serious Peace Offer; Has Army Chief’s Assent; Russian Treaty Must Stand; Allies Link Up 200-Mile Front In Albania And Macedonia

Three American Army Corps Organized In France; Hertling Says Germany Holds Belgium As Pawn; Allies Reported Eager To Send Aid To Russia

French Push Onward In Albania; Break Austrian Line, Gain 5 Miles; British Force Landed In Russia

Americans Drive Germans Back Over Marne; Take 1,000 Prisoners And Check Big Drive; German Attack On A 60-Mile Front Fails

Battle Goes On Fiercely In Marne Valley; Americans And French Retake Villages; Germans Gain A Little Each Side Of Rheims

German Drive Is Checked East Of Rheims; Gains A Little To West And Along Marne; American Troops Hold Their Ground East

Allies Push Germans Back On 28-Mile Front; Take 20 Towns From Soissons To The Marne; Americans Capture 4,000 Prisoners, 50 Guns

Allied Drive Nets 17,000 Prisoners, 360 Guns; French And Americans gain Below Soissons; Cruiser San Diego Sunk Near Fire Island

All Germans Pushed Back Over The Marne; Allies Gain Three Miles South Of Soissons; Now Hold 20,000 Prisoners And 400 Guns

Allies In Chateau-Thierry, Drive Foe North; Enemy’s Lines Crumbling, Main Road Lost; U-Boat Sinks Barges Off Cape Cod Coast

Allies Forge Ahead, Battle Grows Furious, As Enemy Brings Up Big Guns And Best Men In Effort To Make A Stand On The Vesle

Allies Drive Toward Fere From Two Sides; Germans Battle Fiercely To Escape Trap; French Gain Near Montedidier; Capture 1,500

French And Americans Sweep Foe To North, Gaining Two Miles Above Chateau-Thierry; British Push In On Enemy’s Left Flank

Allies bend Foe’s Salient On Both Side; Americans Gain 2 1/2 Miles, Take Two Towns; French Push To Within Three Miles Of Fere

Allies Guns Pound German Supply Lines; Infantry Less Active; 1,800 Prisoners Taken; High Order Stopped Crown Princes’ Retreat

Germans In Full Retreat From The Marne; Seek Safety As Allied Guns Pound Salient; Foch’s Men Now Only Two Miles From Here

Allies Cross The Ourcq And Enter Fere; Reache Ville-En-Tardenois On Right Flank; Tanks And Calvary Chase The Hurrying Foe

Allies Push On, Foe Resisting Desperately; French Smash Salient East Of Oulchy; Americans Beat Off Attack, Go Past Fere

Allies Again Drive Forward Near Fere; Prussian Guards Pushed Back Two Miles; Outwitted And Outfought By Americans


Marne Battle Suddenly Turns To Heavy Gun Duels After Americans Repulse New Drive At Seringes; Assassin’s Bomb Kills Von Eichhorn And His Aid At Kiev

Enemy Retreats After New Allied Drive; Many Prisoners Taken, Total Now 33,400; Foe Fights On At Own Cost — Lloyd George

Allies Push On, French Again In Soissons; Gain 3 To 5 Miles On Whole Marne Salient; Enemy Speeds His Retreat, Burning Towns

German Retreat On Whole Front To Vesle; French Advance On Asine Menaces New Line; Americans Press Foe Hard, Enter Fismes

American Troops Take Fismes By Assault; Allies Cross The Vesle At Several Points; Move Up East And West To Flank The Foe

American Troops Landed At Archangel; Crowded Hospital Ship Torpedoed; 123 Die; Foe Stands At Vesle, Withdraws In North

Germans Attack Vainly Along The Vesle To Drive Back Advance Allied Forces; Americans’ Big Guns Up And Shelling Foe

Allies Cross Vesle In Force, Seize Highway; British Troops Smash Into Lys Salient; Lloyd George Reviews War; Speech In Full

Haig Breaks Foes’ Line On 25-Mile Front; Gains 7 Miles, Takes 10,000 Men, 100 Guns; German Man Power Visibly On The Wane

Allies Gain Five Miles More Below Somme; 17,000 Prisoners, 200 To 300 Guns Taken; Germans Abandon More Of Lys Salient

Somme Salient Smashed, Montdidier Taken; Hutier’s Army Flees After Foch’s New Blow; 400 Guns, More Than 24,000 Men Captured

German Reserves Vainly Try To Halt Allies; British Troops In Chaulnes; French Push On; Captures Now 36,000 Prisoners And 500 Guns

French Troops Drive Close To Lassigny; German Resistance Stiffens Along Line; U-Boat Attacks Coast With Mustard Gas

French Push Ahead, Dominate Oise Valley; Allies Harass Roye, Now Under Crossfire; U-Boat Sinks Freighter Off Fire Island

Germans Fall Back On Five-Mile Front North Of Albert; British Push Forward Toward Bray And North Of Roye; French Capture Ribecourt, Pound Foe Hard At Lassigny

British Take Two Towns Above Roye, French Gaine On Oise; Our Troops Reach Vladivostok, British In Caucasus; ‘Send 4,000,000 To France And Win The War,’ Says March

French And Canadians Advance On Eight-Mile Front, Wiping Out Salient Before Roye, Now Only 2 Miles Away; British From India In South Russia, Cossacks Winning

Foch Wins Plateau West Of Soissons, Pushes Close To Roye And Lassigny; Americans Take A Lorraine Village

British Advance Again In Lys Salient, Capturing A Village And 400 Prisoners; Americans Make Progress In Lorraine

French Again Advance, On A 15-Mile Front; British Strike On The Lys, Enter Merville; Can Win War In 1919, Say Our Army Chiefs

French Take 8,000 Prisoners And 10 Towns; Driving Ahead 2 1/2 Miles On 15-Mile Front; Foe In New Lys Retreat Pressed By Haig

Haig Smashes German Line Above Albert, Taking 7 Towns And Sweeping Over Railway; French Win Lassigny, Press In On Noyon

French Chase Foe 7 Miles, Cross Ailette; British Take Albert, Have 5,000 Prisoners; Profiteering And Waste Found In Aircraft

Allied Armies Advancing On A 50-Mile Front; British Take 9 Towns, Close In On Bapaume; French Cross Oise, Now Menace Vesle Line

Haig Captures Bray And Ten Other Towns, And Pushes Eastward On His Whole Front; Has 16,000 Prisoners And Uncounted Guns

Haig Sweeps On Against Increasing Foe; Nears Hindenburg Line, Enters Bapaume; Whole Advance Now Hangs On His Success

Haig’s Troops Push Beyond Hindenburg Line, Capturing Several Towns East Of Arras; French Encircling Roye, Take 600 Prisoners

Germans Forced Back On A 57-Mile Front; Haig’s Men 4 Miles Past Hindenburg Line; French Take Roye; Our Men Fight On Vesle

French Take Chaulnes, Reach The Somme; Foe Hastens Retreat; Forty Towns Freed; Americans In Bitter Fight On The Vesle

French Advance Goes On, Noyon Captured; British Take Bapaume, Close In On Peronne; Americans Drive Enemy Out Of Juvigny

French Take Dominating Hill Near Noyon; British In Hot Fight On Hindenburg Line; Held At Bullecourt, Gain Further North


British On Mt. St. Quentin; Capture 1,500; Germans Retreat Further On The Lys; Americans And French Gain Ground

Lenine Reported Dead; Was Shot By A Girl; Haig Takes Peronne And 2,000 Prisoners; President Asks The Nation’s Utmost Effort

British Smash Queant Line For 6 Miles; Capture Thousands In 4-Mile Advance; French And Americans Make Progress

British Army Drives On Toward Cambrai; Captures 14 Villages And 10,000 Prisoners; Germans Are Now Reported Quitting Lens

Germans Retreat On 20-Mile Vesle Line; British Advance Now Crosses Nord Canal; England Seizes Bolshevist Ambassador

French Win 30 Towns In Ailette Advance; Our Men Drive Germans Across The Aisne; Berlin Is Declared In A State Of Siege

Germans Driven Back On 90-Mile Front; French Push On 6 Miles And British Seven; Americans Make Further Gains On Aisne

Allies Gain Toward La Fere And St. Quentin; Supplies Abandoned By Retreating Foe Show Upset Of Plans For Holding The Lines

British Take Towns On St. Quentin Front; French Nearer La Fere And St. Gobain; 21-Inch Guns Face Hindenburg Stronghold

Germans Stiffen Defense On Old Lines; Employing Fresh Divisions And New Guns; Allies Still Pushing Toward St. Quentin

French Drive Pushes Close To St. Quentin; Grip Tightened On La Fere Approaches; British Straighten Line Before Cambrai

British Make Gains Toward St. Quentin; Our Guns Aid Advances On The Aisne; American Troops Landed At Archangel

Pershing Leads Army In First Big Drive; Pinches St. Mihiel Salient, City Captured; Gain Of Five Miles, 8,000 Prisoners Taken

Americans Wipe Out St. Mihiel Salient, Taking 13,300 Prisoners And Many Guns; Hertling Calls For Peace, No Conquests

Peace Is Now Proposed By Austria-Hungary; Americans Repulse Attacks And Push On; Capture 20,000 Prisoners And Huge Booty

Austria Appeals For a General Peace, Germany Follows With Offer To Belgium; Americans Advance On A 33-Mile Front

Wilson Flatly Rejects Austria’s Proposal Balfour Calls It Insincere And Valueless; Our Patrols Active; Balkan Drive Begun

American Guns Pound Enemy On New Line; Our Infantry Is Gaining On The Moselle; Germans Are Massing Heavily In The Rear

Haig And Petain Pierce Hindenburg Line; Take 10 Towns, 6,000 Men In 22-Mile Drive; Serbs And French Drive Bulgars 10 Miles

Allied Pincers Closing On St. Quentin; Haig Now Has 10,000 Prisoners And 60 Guns; Foe Is Slaughtered In Counterattacks

Haig, Pushing Foe Back, Regains Moeuvres; Germans Intrench To Stop Our Advance; Bulgars Flee; Turks Routed In Palestine

Wilson Condemns Rule Of Terror In Russia; Calls On All Nations To Join In Protest; Haig Again Breaks Into Hindenburg Line

British Wipe Out An Entire Turkish Army; Capture 18,000 In 60-Mile Drive In Palestine; Haig Strikes German Line At Four Points

Bulgars Are Swept Back On 90-Mile Front; Turks Lose 2 Palestine Armies, 40,000 Men; French Win Oise Front, North Of La Fere

Allies Tighten Their Grip On St. Quentin; Capture 1,300 Prisoners And Four Towns; Bulgars Lose Prilep, Turks Haifa And Acre

Bulgar Forces Now Split Into Fragments; Turks Taken In Palestine Exceed 40,000; British Within Two Miles Of St. Quentin

Americans Crush 20-Mile German Line, Gain 7 Miles, Take 12 Towns, 5,000 Prisoners, And Still Press Forward With The French

President Says War Must Achieve A Peace Based On Equal Justice For All Peoples; All Allies Strike, Get 24,000 Prisoners; Bulgars Seek Peace As Fortress Falls

Allies Strike The Enemy On Every Front; Belgians Join In Drive, Capture 4,000; British Nearer Cambrai; Our Men Push On; Germans Try To Stop Bulgaria’s Surrender

Haig Stikes On Wide Front, Our Men Aiding; Belgians Take Six Towns, 5,500 Prisoners; French Grip Chemin Line, Menace La Fere; American Guns Pound Foe’s Last Defenses


Bulgaria Quits The War, Turkey May Follow; Haig’s Men In Cambrai, Belgians Push On; Our Men Gain Ground In Hard Fighting

French In St. Quentin; Whole Line Advanced; War’s Fiercest Fighting On Cambrai Front; Whole German Cabinet Out; Riots In Berlin

Germans Begin Wide Retreat, Quit Lille; British Cut German Line Below Cambrai; Americans Gain As Enemy’s Front Weakens

Durazzo, Austrian Naval Base, Destroyed; All Of Enemy’s Ships Sunk By Allied Fleet; Haig Makes 8-Mile Breach, Captures 5,000; Foe Flees On 20-Mile Front In Lens Area

Americans Break The Kriemhilde Line; Haig Nears Lille, Deepens St. Quentin Gap; Austria Asks Holland To Move For Peace

Austria Appeals To Wilson For Peace, “Based” On The Conditions He Has Named; Wide German Retreat; Evacuating Lille; Americans Drive Forward Near The Meuse

Germany Also Sends An Appeal For Peace; Allied Capitals And Peoples Cold To It; French Break 28-Mile Front In Champagne; Americans In One Of War’s Hottest Battles

Expect Wilson To Reject Teuton Offers; Now Conferring With Allies On Reply; British Are Again Driving Toward Lille; French Gain On Aisne, Our Men In Argonne

President Puts Vital Questions To Germany, Asking If His Terms Are Fully Accepted, And If Chancellor Speaks For The People; No Armistice While She Is On Invaded Soil

Haig Takes Cambrai, Smashes 20-Mile Front, Advances 9 Miles, Routs 30 German Divisions, And Hotly Pursues The Disordered Enemy; Americans Breakthrough Kriemhilde Line

Germany Reply To Wilson Reported Drafted; Haig Takes Le Cateau, Pursues Fleeing Foe; U-Boats Sink 3 Steamers, 900 Lives Lost

Germans Retreat On Douai And Laon Fronts And Are Evacuating The Chemin Des Dames; Transport Sunk; 372 Americans Missing

Germany Says She Accepts Wilson’s Terms, Is Ready To Evacuate To Gain An Armistice, And Government Speaks For Her People; Reply Rouses No Enthusiasm In Washington

Look For Rejection Of The German Offer; Allied Capitals Oppose Armistice Plan; French Troops Capture Laon and La Fere

No Peace, Says Wilson, Till Kaiserism Ends, No Armistice While Germany’s Crimes Go On, No Truce To Mar Our Military Supremacy; A Separate Reply To Be Made To Austria

Allies Sweep On In Belgium, Close On Lille; Americans Widen Gap In Kriemhilde Line; Allied Capitals Indorse Wilson’s Note

Vast German Retreat Begun In Belgium; Americans Take The Town Of Grand Pre; Reform Of Government Begins In Berlin; And Rumors Of Early Yielding Fly About

Lille Taken Unharmed, British Also In Douai; Belgian Sweep Reaches Ostend And Bruges; Hungary Proclaims Herself Independent; German Reply To Wilson May Come Today

Belgian Coast Is Won And Allies Push On; Americans Advance, French Take 15 Towns; Military Leaders Delay Reply To Wilson; Czechs Seize Prague, Their Flag On Castle

Set The Slavs Free, Wilson Tells Austria; Berlin Note To Uphold Submarine Warfare; Allied Armies Reach The Dutch Frontier; Nation Oversubscribes The Liberty Loan

Forecasts Of Berlin Note Not Acceptable; Washington Will Consider Only Surrender; Allies Drive At Ghent, Cross Selle River

Germany’s Reply Again Seeks An Armistice, Boasts ‘Popular’ Rule, Restricts U-Boats, But Is Everywhere Condemned As Futile; Allies Push Forward On A 90-Mile Front

Haig Pushes Forward On A 25-Mile Front, Crosses Scheldt; French Move On Ghent; Wilson Consults Allies On Germany’s Note

Wilson Has But One Word — Surrender! For Military And Autocratic Germany; Sends Her Appeals To Allies, But Warns That Truce Must Leave Her Powerless

Allies Hail Wilson’s Last Word To Berlin; Austria Reported Near Full Surrender; Americans Deal Two Blows On The Meuse; British Go Forward, Take 7,000 Prisoners

German Cabinet Defers Reply To Wilson Till Armistice Conditions Are Laid Down; Italians Attack; Americans Again Gain; Wilson Asks For A Democratic Congress

Consider Note To Wilson, Kaiser Presiding; Germany Bankrupt; Her Allies Quitting; Three French Armies Gain; Haig Drives On; Enemy Has Lost 70,000 Men On Our Front

Germany Replies That Her People Now Rule And She Awaits Proposals For Armistice; Austria Also Replying; Ludendorff Quits; Allied Leaders To Meet; Big Gains In Battle

Austria ‘Accepts’ All Of Wilson’s Conditions, Asks For Immediate And Separate Peace; London And Paris Say Germany Is Isolated; Italians And British Take 9,000 Austrians

Peace Terms And Truce May Come Together; Will ‘Break Germany’s Sword Irretrievably’; Crumbling Austria Asks Wilson To Hurry, And Begs All Her Foes To Heed Her Plea

Allies Near Decision On Armistice Terms, Giving Definition To Wilson’s Points; New German Note Seeks To Hasten Action; 33,000 Austrians, Many Guns, Taken In Italy


Republic Is Proclaimed In Vienna, As Peace Mission Enters Italy; Turkey Makes Full Surrender

Armistice Terms Given To Austrian Army; Turkey Surrenders Forts And Warships; American Army In New Drive Captures 3,000; 85 Are Killed In B.R.T. Rush-Hour Wreck

Our Men Break Enemy Front In Argonne; Now In Hot Pursuit Of Two German Armies; Austrian Defeat Is Becoming Colossal; Armistice Terms Soon Ready For Germany

Austria Signs Armistice, Quits War Today; Germany Stands Alone, Kaiser Loath To Go; Italians Recapture Trieste And Trent; American Rush Menaces German Retreat

Allies Fix Terms That Germany Must Take; Austria Has Made A Complete Surrender; Her Army Broken, 300,000 Men Captured; Haig Captures 10,000; Our Men Near Sedan

Congress Won By The Republicans; Whitman Is Leading Smith By 1,500; Germany Told To Apply To Foch

Germans Seeking Truce Reach Allied Lines; Sedan Fired As Americans Drive Foe Back; Senate Republican By 2 Or 4, House By 33; Smith Elected Governor By About 10,000

German Delegates On The Way To Meet Foch; Firing Stops On One Front To Let Them Pass; German Navy Rebels; Our Men Take Sedan; False Peace Report Rouses All America

Empire Crumbling, Kaiser Refuses To Quit, And Prince Max Resigns As Chancellor; Bavaria Ousts Dynasty, Demands Republic; Armistice Envoys Delay Action On Terms

Kaiser And Crown Prince Abdicate; Nation To Choose New Government; Max Is Regent; Armistice Delayed; Revolt Spreads On Land And Sea

Armistice Signed, End Of The War! Berlin Seized By Revolutionists; New Chancellor Begs For Order; Ousted Kaiser Flees To Holland

Wilson Proclaims Germany’s Fate; Disarmed, Driven Beyond Rhine; Solf Begs Aid For German People; Navy Rebellious Over The Terms

Many Important Changes In The Armistice; To Avert Famine, Solf Again Begs For Haste; Emperor Of Austria Finally Abdicates; German Crown Prince Now Reported Dead

Lloyd George Against Vengeance Peace; Wilson Promises Food For German People; Red Faction Demands Arrest Of Von Tirpitz

Allies Framing Peace Congress; Germany Faces Growing Disorder; Our Troops Move Into Metz Area

Germans Told Their Appeals Must Go To Allies; Efforts Being Made To Hurry Peace Conference; American Troops Prepare To Move Into Germany

Americans Start March Of Allied Armies Into Germany; Peace Conference Is Not Likely To Open Until January; United States And The Allies Seize The Ocean Cables

Armies Of Occupation Move All Along Front; Germany Plans General Election In January; Luxemburg Would Oust Duchess, Join France

President Going To Europe For Peace Preliminaries; American Troops Enter Belgium, Occupy Briey Area; Solf, In New Appeal, Wants The Truce Terms Mollified

Wilson Plans Long Stay At Peace Conference; American Army Carries Relief To 200 Towns; Germans Want Peace And Work; Famine Not Feared

May Be Two Peace Treaties, One For Essentials, Another Made At Leisure, Covering Details; Americans Cross The Frontier Into Germany

Germans Surrender High Seas Fleet And 19 More U-Boats; Berlin Is Calm Under Reds’ Rule But Fears Army’s Return; Many Kings And Presidents To Be In Paris With Wilson; Americans In Luxemburg; Old Cunarder Campania Sunk

McAdoo Resigns As Head Of Treasury And Railroads; Owners Move To Get Back Railroads And Wire Systems; Gen. Pershing Proclaims To Luxemburg Her Liberation

Our Casualties In The War, 236,117; Deaths, 53,169; Minority Socialists Menace German Reconstruction; New Massacres Begun By Reds In Starving Petrograd

Form New German Republics; Outbreak In Berlin; Peace Protocol Likely To Be Signed By March; Advance Units Of Our Army Enter Prussia

President Is Still Resolved To Go To Europe; How His Peace Program Was Impressed On Allies; Soviet Asserts Control Of German Government

Discussing The Presidence, Vice President Marshall Says He Would Take It Only On Order Of A Competent Court, During The Absence Of Mr. Wilson, Who Sails Next Week

Wilson To Head Envoys At First, Baker To Go Later; Law Of 1790 Is Cited Against Wilson’s Departure; All Germany Demands A National Convention

Vice President May Act For President In His Absence; Allies To Ask Surrender Of The Plotting Ex-Kaiser; Generals Aid Extremists’ Efforts In Germany

President Announce He Will Head Peace Delegation; Lansing, House, White and Gen. Bliss The Other Members; Germany Must Pay, Kaiser Be Tried, Says Lloyd George; League Of Nations Plan Includes International Fleet


Wilson Will Address Congress Monday And Sail Tuesday; Senators May Send Observation Committee To Paris; Kaiser Abdicated 3 Days Ago; Blames His Ministers For War

President Tells Congress Today Of His Peace Trip; American Troops Advance 12 Miles Into Prussia; Clean Sweep In The Berlin Foreign Office Likely

President Says It Is His First Duty To Go To Europe To Do His Part In Realizing Ideals Our Men Fought For; Not To Sail Till Tomorrow; Leaves Railroad Issue Open

President Leaves Washington, Sails For Europe Today; Coming Here On Special Train With His Peace Party; Senate Debates Questions Arising Out Of His Absence

President Is At Sea On Voyage To Peace Conference; Whole Harbor With Wild Acclaim Speeds Him On His Way; Allies Agree Germany Must Pay To Her Full Limit

George And Geddes Doom Those Who Started War; End Draft In Europe, Keep Up Navy, Says Churchill; President Wants No More Armed Domination

German Propaganda Plots Revealed In Washington; Britain To Demand Indemnity Of Forty Billions; Peace Conference Meets First Week In January; President Interested In Churchill’s Declarations

Ebert Puts Off Soldiers’ Demand That He Head German Republic; London Expects No Peace Divisions

Fighting In Berlin, Fear Allied Occupation; Alarmed Germans In Coblenz And Cologne Call Americans And British To Keep Order

Wilson Not To Sit At Peace Table; Wants Conference Sessions Open; New Report Of Outbreak In Berlin

Berlin Plot Traced To Junkers; Vast Loot Found In Brussels Banks; President’s Ship Passes Azores

Allies’ War Bill $120,000,000,000, Says Lloyd George; Wilson Plans An Important Speech To Our Army; Troops Called To Guard Berlin, Coup Is Feared

Wilson To Urge League Of Nations As Integral Part Of Peace Treaties; Berlin Discord Grows; Solf Ousted

President Wilson Welcomed At Brest, Starts For Paris; Wants The Seas Restricted Only By United Control; Favors Careful Inquiry Before Fixing Indemnities

Paris Gives Wilson Welcome Of Unexampled Warmth; He Declares For Exemplary Punishment Of War-Makers; Sees Enduring Peace Only In A League Of Nations

Wilson Confers With Clemenceau; Lays Wreath On Lafayette’s Tomb; President’s Ideals Winning France

Wilson Is Not Pressing A Fixed Program; Now Sounding The Ideas Of Allied Leaders; Might Accept An Informal World League

Spirit Of Co-Operation Is Now Strong At Paris; President Confers On Speeding The Army Home; Question Of Aiding Russia Is Under Discussion

Wilson To Prolong Stay Abroad; Sees Work Ahead Till February; Clemenceau For League Of Nations

Wilson Confers With King Of Italy; Has Long Talk With Clemenceau; London, Reassured, Plans Welcome

Italy Persists In Her Full Demands; French Fail In Efforts To Move Her; Wilson Sees Orlando And Sonnino

Wilson Urges World League As Peace Guarantee; Our Envoys Fear Effect Of Opposition At Home; Lodge Would Defer Five Of The President’s Points

Wilson Visits 1,200 Of Our Wounded And Pays Tribute To Their Service; Gaining Ground With The Allies

America To Handle Food Problem In First Co-Operation For Peace; President Is Busy In Conferences

Wilson Says He Finds Europe For A Just Peace And Close Co-Operation In Making It Secure; Starts To Spend Christmas With Our Troops

Wilson Promises Troops A Just Peace As He Voices America’s Pride In Them; Holds A Review, Takes Dinner In Camp

London Gives Wilson Surpassing Popular Welcome; Battles Begin In Berlin As Reds Start New Revolt; New York Acclaims Great War Fleet Reaching Home

Wilson At King George’s Banquet Says He And Allied Leaders Agree; Has Satisfactory Conferences

Lloyd George Declares Agreement With Wilson; President Favors An Overwhelming League, To Be The Trustees Of The World’s Peace

France Reserves Right To Fix Frontier; For Peace League And Full Publicity; Italians Also Back World Union Idea

Wilson For World League Or None; France To Back British Sea Policy; Clemenceau Says Wilson Approves

News Source: New York Times

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