2015: NEW YORK POST (132)


Bratton warns NYPD not to turn backs on mayor at cop’s funeral

How Sharpton gets paid to not cry ‘racism’ at corporations

Two cops shot by armed robber sparking massive manhunt

NYPD cops told no vacations until work slowdown ends

US officials nowhere to be seen at Paris unity rally

NYC may yank terrorism report to appease mosque ‘spying’ critics

ISIS executes 13 teens for watching soccer

A fantasy for tweens: Obama’s State of the Union Address

Endlessly slapped by ObamaCare

Russians charged with plotting to recruit NYC co-eds as spies

Sheldon Silver to resign as Assembly speaker

A grim warning cry on soaring US debt


5 dead after Metro-North train collides with SUV

Saddam Hussein’s hanging noose up for auction

We shouldn’t believe Williams’ lie was an innocent mistake

60 Minutes’ Bob Simon killed in car crash

Bill Clinton’s libido threatens to derail Hillary — again

Let’s see her e-mails

Millennials ditching their TV sets at a record rate

Obama refuses to acknowledge ‘Muslim terrorists’ at summit

NYPD’s idea of reform included breath mints and baby oil

Eric Garner’s daughter on Al Sharpton: ‘He’s all about the money’


Bibi’s grand slam: Boxing in Obama on Iran’s nukes

City, teacher’s union must face tenure lawsuit: judge

9/11 rubble haunted by female ghost: Book

Netanyahu gambles his career and scores breathtaking victory

Israel: Beware of Obama

Ted Cruz’s challenge: The other guys have done things

Heartless visitors snap selfies at East Village blast site


It’s time to go, John: The never-ending Iran talks

‘I’m about to be raped’: Ex-staffer suing CBS for sex harassment

Facts matter: Left sticks to ‘narratives,’ evidence be damned

The Rand Paul test: Clues to future of GOP

A killing on camera

Cabby facing fine for ordering women to stop kissing

Oh Hill no! Clinton’s stale presidential plan wrong for nation

Hillary Clinton faces scandal amid expectant presidential run

Jewish newspaper switching to tabloid format after 118 years

De Blasio sets sights on presidential draft candidacy vs. Hillary

Why Arabs distrust Obama

Hillary actually warned us about Clinton Foundation scandals


NYPD cop critically injured after being shot in the head

Shot NYPD cop dies

Obama’s lonely ‘Arab Summit’

How the ‘ick factor’ could doom Hillary — and her party

Hillary’s private spy and their shady foreign policy

Letterman’s departure is 15 years too late

No pay, No Play! Poor kids banned from school carnival

George Pataki to announce presidential bid Thursday

The latest Clinton shoe: Bill’s shell corporation

Tourists tricked into paying $200 for free Staten Island Ferry ride


FDA to spread Bloomberg’s trans-fat ban nationwide

NY Democrats push Bloomberg to run for president

Employee probed as possible accomplice in jailbreak

From ObamaCare to ISIS: The president’s fictions of the day

A new inside account of Obama’s Israel ire

Cuomo created ‘total cluster f–k’ in escaped-killers hunt

Why Marco Rubio scares all other presidential candidates

‘Clinton Cash’ author demolishes Hillary’s self-defense

Pro wrestling diva Nicole Bass busted for stealing groceries

Why liberal racists are attacking Bobby Jindal

Ex-CNN anchor survives wild motel shootout


Weenies burn flag to protest cops, get attacked by bikers, need cops to save their asses

Think Greece can’t happen here? You’re wrong

It’s time for Joe Biden to jump into the 2016 race

‘End-of-life counseling’: Death panels are back

Minivan likely carrying paintball guns, not assault rifles, cops say

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database

Woman leaps to death off rooftop bar, patrons keep drinking

Anthony Weiner got a job fixing PR messes — seriously

Car Company blames Bob Simon for his limo-crash death

Jon Stewart’s secret Obama meetings reveal he’s a partisan hack

The movie Hillary Clinton should be very, very worried about


Crime wave grips Central Park

Why Schumer will side with Obama on Iran deal

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’

Here’s the proof a NYC high school diploma is worthless

Lawsuit could reveal secret Saudi connection to 9/11

My proposal for a better Iran deal

Bloomberg to lay off about 100 editorial employees

Why America is done with Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump’s appeal — an Obama for the right

Reporter’s everyday comments deemed racist by on-air killer


Another week of embarrassing shoes dropping for Hillary

Spitting on the Constitution to pass the Iran deal

America is being bullied into sympathizing with 9/11 attackers

America will pay the price for Obama’s Iran deal ‘victory’

How Ahmed’s clock became a false, convenient tale of racism

Hillary’s latest excuse: ‘There is no evidence’

‘Call off your f–king dogs!’ Hillary rages to Obama

Team Obama’s so-called Syria policy hits a new low

Donald Trump Is Not Going Anywhere


Putin wants to humiliate Obama with airstrikes in Syria

Oregon gunman singled out Christians during rampage

How 7 years of Obama brought the world from Kumbaya to chaos

Syria is Obama’s Watergate

Hillary’s ‘Hail Mary’ hope to get past the e-mail mess

Clinton’s camp says she ‘could have a serious meltdown’

Dan Rather’s Big Lie hits the big screen

Guns ‘n’ Moses: Why more Jews are packing heat

Stoner high school student says he hacked the CIA

Donald Trump is doing America a service

Subordinate seduced me — then got me fired: executive

Obama fuels the flames of the anti-cop movement

Police union calls for Tarantino boycott after anti-cop rally

FBI warns of anarchist plot to ambush cops on Halloween

The Commerce Department’s GDP numbers don’t make any sense


Tarantino rallies against cops, but his own cousin nearly died in the line of duty

The meaning of Ben Carson’s stunning rise

Black Lives Matter’s numbers are bogus

Hillary Clinton’s bought-and-paid-for betrayal on charter schools

How Obama is bankrolling a non-stop protest against invented outrage

Syrian community leader: ISIS is already in America

900 ‘homegrown’ ISIS cases being investigated in US: FBI

ObamaCare’s imploding even without repeal

Austrian jihadi bride beaten to death after trying to escape ISIS: friend

Watch cop-hating Quentin Tarantino lie about being a tough guy in jail


Now even Obama has to admit San Bernardino was terrorism

Priest paid his male ‘sex master’ from collection plate: lawsuit

They’re ‘so nice,’ until they get religion and want to kill us

Plumber’s old truck spotted in ISIS video

Chris Christie just made the GOP race a lot more interesting

Congress’s $12 billion giveaway to health insurers

Hillary Clinton’s dream debate is one nobody watches

Students at Lena Dunham’s college offended by lack of fried chicken

Baking and yoga: The excuses that get killer thugs out of Gitmo

Hillary Clinton’s latest lie about videos and terrorists

Berghdal: Taliban asked me if Obama is gay

Elites and media really hate Donald Trump’s voters

Cleric denies ties to San Bernardino Killers as phone records surface

Olive Garden is charging $400 a person for NYE dinner

From NYC to Harvard: the war on Asian Success

Source: New York Post

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