2022: THE ECONOMIST (283)


Just how big in media does Apple want to be?

A jury finds Elizabeth Holmes guilty of fraud

How long can the global housing boom last?

The insurrection, one year on

How to talk to Mr Putin

The EU’s green rules will do too little to tackle climate change

How health care is turning into a consumer product

Russia’s menacing of Ukraine is unlikely to induce NATO to retreat

Will households’  excess savings keep the American economy afloat?

Russia and The West meet for a crucial week of diplomacy

Boris Johnson has always been unfit to be prime minister

As violent crime leaps, liberal cities rethink cutting police budgets

Chaguan: America and China are one military accident away from disaster

The race to power the DeFi ecosystem is on

As war looms larger, what are Russia’s military options in Ukraine?

A $3bn bet on finding the fountain of youth

The parable of Boris Johnson

Momentum is building for war in Ukraine

What America’s largest technology firms are investing in

In America, Omicron is spreading westward

How is Omicron affecting the global economic recovery?

The reasons behind the current stockmarket turmoil

A war in Ukraine could have global consequences

Markets have fallen because the era of free money is coming to an end

What are Vladimir Putin’s military intentions in Ukraine?

What China thinks of possible war in Ukraine

Why Florida is lurching to the right


Sue Gray delivers a first report on those Downing Street parties

Will Emmanuel Macron win a second term?

Interest rates may have to rise sharply to fight inflation

Workers have the most to lose from wage-price spiral

Whether he invades Ukraine or backs down, Putin has harmed Russia


Western diplomats court India over Ukraine but fail to find love

America’s gas frackers limber up to save Europe

Retreating Russian troops leave behind harrowing evidence of atrocities

How, if at all, might Russia be punished for its war crimes in Ukraine?

Is investing in Twitter a meme too far for Elon Musk?

Why Macron matters

Finland is hurtling towards NATO membership

France looks likely to re-elect Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron will battle Marine Le Pen for the French presidency

What will it cost to build Ukraine?

Why so much of the world won’t stand up to Russia

What China gets wrong

Xi Jinping’s bold plan for China’s next phase of innovation

Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukraine is defined by self-organisation

Giving Ukraine heavy weapons does not mean NATO is at war with Russia

China’s two-front fight to quash the virus and revive its economy

After getting inflation so wrong, can the Fed now get it right?

Why the Federal Reserve has made a historic mistake on inflation

Interests, not values, underpin Asia’s ambivalence about Russia

Turkey is making a big diplomatic and corporate push into Africa

Chinese political interference has Western spooks worried

Emmanuel Macron wins a second term as France’s president

America is now thinking of “winning” the war in Ukraine

1843 magazine – Locked down in Shanghai, I’ve caught a glimpse of our techno-dystopian future

How rotten is Russia’s army?

Elon Musk wants to re-engineer the “public square”


How the war in Ukraine is changing Europe’s demography

Because of Ukraine, America’s arsenal of democracy is depleting

The consequences of ending Americans’ right to abortion

Putin is failing in Ukraine but succeeding at oppressing Russia

How to save the Supreme Court from itself

America’s Supreme Court faces a crisis of legitimacy

How to solve Britain’s dirty-money problem

Bill Gates explains “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic”

Ukraine spoils Valdimir Putin’s May 9th parade

Even outside America, inflation is starting to look entrenched

The Indian economy is being rewired. The opportunity is immense

China’s extraordinary export boom comes to an end

Whole-genome sequencing of newborn babies presents ethical quandaries

The war in Ukraine is spurring transatlantic co-operation in tech

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is running out of steam, again

The Putin show

The coming food catastrophe

A world grain shortage puts tens of millions at risk

Foreign investors are fleeing China

Why Turkey is blocking bids by Sweden and Finland to join NATO

The recipe for the outperformance of Swiss businesses

Why America should make it harder to buy guns

How Xi Jinping is damaging China’s economy

China is trying to protect its economy from Western pressure

Rumours emerge of disharmony within China’s leadership

How war has changed Ukraine’s second city

Corporate espionage is entering a new era


Why oil prices are spiking again

A new nuclear era

A recession in America by 2024 looks likely

Europe’s economy grapples with an acute energy shock

The pandemic has accelerated a global decline in the rule of law

The January 6th committee is about to reveal its findings

Low economic growth is a slow-burning crisis for Britain

Huge “foundation models” are turbo-charging AI progress

At French elections, Macron’s majority is on the line

Europe must arm Ukraine faster, urges its defence minister

How supply-chain turmoil is remaking the car industry

America’s inflation headache gets worse

Does the tank have a future?

The tricky restructuring of global supply chains

The EU should declare Ukraine a candidate for membership

The modern cannons that may make the difference in Ukraine

Latin America’s vicious circle is a warning to the West

Inflation expectations are rising – and will be hard to bring down

Why is inflation relatively low in some places?

Alphabet is spending billions to become a force in health care

How to fix the world’s energy emergency

Breaking: The Supreme Court erases the constitutional right to an abortion

The Supreme Court erases the constitutional right to abortion

America’s abortion providers face a fight for survival

Why inflation looks likely to stay above the pre-pandemic norm

NATO holds its most important summit in generations

Donald Trump’s shameful role in the storming of the Capitol

How to win Ukraine’s long war


As interest rates climb and the economy cools, can companies pay their debts?

Ukraine prepares a counter-offensive to retake Kherson province

Alexei Navalny’s jailers are tightening the screws

In preparation for power, America’s new right builds new institutions

Boris Johnson should go immediately

Abe Shinzo, the champion of Japan

Sri Lanka’s president resigns in the face of massive protests

After a turbocharged boom, are chipmakers in for a supersized bust?

Europe is preparing for Russian gas to be cut off this winter

With or without Elon Musk, Twitter is overdue a shake-up

How higher interest rates will squeeze government budgets

The Democrats need to wake up and stop pandering to their extremes

Europe’s winter of discontent

The Catholic Church should scrap the requirement for priestly celibacy

America may be growing weary of the long war in Ukraine

How American banks are responding to rising interest rates

A new subvariant is the latest challenge to China’s zero-covid policy

ESG should be boiled down to one simple measure: emissions

After agreeing to let Ukraine export grain, Russia rockets its port

Emerging-market crises have become harder to resolve

Why it is too early to say the world economy is in recession

State-run oil giants will make or break the energy transition

The Conservative Party is ridiculing part of its electorate

The silver linings of a recession

Vladimir Putin is in thrall to a distinctive brand of Russian fascism

Apple already sold everyone an iPhone. Now what?


The first grain ship leaves Odessa under a UN-brokered deal

The death of al-Qaeda’s leader may not halt a jihadist resurgence

Global inequality is rising again

Nancy Pelosi has left Taiwan. The real crisis may be just beginning

China sends missiles flying over Taiwan

America’s jobs boom rolls on, fuelling fears of sustained inflation

The insurrection failed. What now for America’s far right?

What would push the West and Russia to nuclear war?

America’s climate-plus spending bill is flawed but essential

Lexington: The raid on Mar-a-Lago could shake America’s foundations

How to prevent a war between America and China over Taiwan

Thanks to Vladimir Putin, Germany has woken up

How the crisis over Taiwan will change US-China relations

Germany is facing dramatic change in many dimensions all at once

Could the EV boom run out of juice before it really gets going?

Republicans are falling out of love with America Inc

Liz Cheney is vanquished by Donald Trump

Will Donald Trump run again?

Donald Trump’s hold on the Republican Party is unquestionable

Armies are re-learning how to fight in cities

Ways to make aviation fuel green

“Game of Thrones” v “Lord of the Rings”: a tale of old v new Hollywood

Against expectations, global food prices have tumbled

Why the Russian economy keeps beating expectations

Are sanctions on Russia working?

Science has made a new genetic revolution possible

Dictators and utopians are fond of fiddling with constitutions

NASA’s newest rocket is a colossal waste of money

Ukraine starts a push to recapture Kherson, a crucial Russian-occupied city

Vast corporate profits are delaying an American recession


American states are now Petri dishes of polarisation

American policy is splitting, state by state, into two blocs

Lexington: Joe Biden goes all in against “MAGA Republicans” 

What kind of prime minister will Liz Truss be?

Europe scrambles to protect citizens from sky-high energy prices

The future of crypto is at stake in Ethereum’s switch

Win or lose, Jair Bolsonaro poses a threat to Brazilian democracy

Another Country – How Britain has changed since Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953

Succession – What Will Charles do now?

Ukraine seizes the initiative in the east

Is Russia on the run?

Despite rosier figures, America still has an inflation problem

Joe Biden’s industrial policy is big, bold and fraught with difficulty

Vladimir Putin’s war is failing. The West should help it fail faster

A stunning counter-offensive by Ukraine’s armed forces

Want to know what’s inside a star? Listen closely

Why the monarchy matters

Can Europe decarbonise its heavy industry?

Vladimir Putin’s situation looks ever more desperate

Vladimir Putin vows to send more invaders. The West should arm Ukraine faster

Why Wall Street is snapping up family homes

Britain’s chancellor offers up a reckless budget, fiscally and politically

Russia is trying to win over the global south

A crushing victory for Italy’s nationalist right

Financial markets enter a dangerous new phase

Heavily indebted companies are in big trouble

Markets are reeling from higher rates. The world economy is next

How to make sense of Xi Jinping, China’s enigmatic ruler


Vladimir Putin illegally annexes four Ukrainian oblasts

Could the war in Ukraine go nuclear?

America’s economy is too strong for its own good

As Ukraine smashes through more Russian lines, Russians wonder whom to blame

Financial markets are in trouble. Where will the cracks appear?

How worried should you be about Elon Musk’s superpowers?

A new macroeconomic era is emerging. What will it look like?

Ukraine braces for retaliation after blowing up the bridge from Crimea to Russia

The war in Ukraine has battered the reputation of Russian spies

Russia launches a wave of missiles across Ukraine

For Western democracies, the price of avoiding a clash with China is rising

Liz Truss has made Britain a riskier bet for bond investors

An obsession with control is making China weaker but more dangerous

Liz Truss has lost her chancellor, signature tax cut and authority

Booming cocaine production suggests war on drugs has failed

How much trouble is Mark Zuckerberg in?

How to detect an imminent Russian nuclear attack

Ukraine’s economy seems to be growing again

Welcome to Britaly

A global house-price slump is coming

Housing markets face a brutal squeeze

What do so many Conservatives see in Boris Johnson?

Xi Jinping leaves no doubt who is in charge of China

Vladimir Putin is dragging the world back to a bloodier time

Russia braces for a battle over Kherson

The risks of Bidenomics go beyond inflation

Why the Republicans’ anti-democracy turn has become normalised

Putin suspends a deal to allow grain exports from Ukraine

Lula will be Brazil’s next president. Now for the hard part


What went wrong with Snap, Netflix and Uber?

Xi Jinping promises financial stability. He is not delivering it

American society is so focused on race that it is blind to class

The world is missing its lofty climate targets. Time for some realism

A peace deal highlights the pointlessness of Ethiopia’s war

What to watch ahead of the midterms

What’s at stake in the midterm elections

Why a Republican ripple is likelier than a red wave in the midterms

Midterm results – The Democrats have done better than expected

After the midterms, America and its democracy look stronger

Russia claims to have completed its withdrawal from Kherson

Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto exchange files for bankruptcy

On what terms could the war in Ukraine stop?

The world’s population has reached 8bn. Don’t panic

The race to reinvent the car industry

Of course Donald Trump is running again

Is this the end of crypto?

The failure of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried will leave deep scars

Why Indonesia matters

An alarming tug-o’-war over a Ukrainian nuclear plant

Disney brings back a star of the past. But its real problem is the script

Xi Jinping’s big bang for Chinese stockmarkets

Europe faces an enduring crisis of energy and geopolitics

The costs and consequences of Europe’s energy crisis are growing

While Iran’s turmoil persists, jitters spread through the region

Unrest breaks out across China, as frustration at lockdowns grow

Ending China’s zero-covid policy could unleash chaos

What is the war in Ukraine teaching Western armies?


Xi Jinping’s zero-covid policy has turned a health crisis into a political one

Sexual problems can wreck lives. Yet remedies are often simple

What 1989 can teach us about the recent protests in China

Is a white-collar recession looming?

What’s at stake in Georgia’s run-off election

Artificial intelligence is permeating business at last

Investing in an era of higher interest rates and scarcer capital

Rising interest rates and inflation have upended investing

China is dismantling its zero-covid machine

Manchester lacks the power to change its fortunes

East Asia’s big beasts are getting on badly

Can the French nuclear industry avoid meltdown?

How Chinese people are dealing with the spread of covid-19

A looming Russian offensive

China’s covid wave could kill as many as 1.5m people

The strange case of Britain’s demise

The French exception

2022’s unlikely economic winners

Our country of the year for 2022 can only be Ukraine

What 2022 meant for the world

Five financial trends that 2022 killed

Making sense of Vladimir Putin’s war

How America defies expectations

How tech’s defiance of economic gravity came to an abrupt end

The new geopolitical epoch

What if things in Britain go right next year?

Covid-19 is tearing through China

In 2022 Russia kept the economic show on the road

Pope Benedict XVI was an iron fist in a white glove

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