2022: HAARETZ (305)


Israel’s Omicron Strategy Makes Sense but Still Looks Like a Mess

Israeli Minister Warns of More Crises With Diaspora Jews Over COVID Entry Rules

Israel Fell Out of Love With Its Left-wing Parties – but Can They Ever Reunite?

Why January 5 Was an Inflection Point in U.S. History

‘The Doctor Told Me I’m a Junkie’: The Opioid Epidemic Hits Israel

Relaxed COVID Rules Go Into Effect as Israel Registers New Daily Record

Confounding Critics, Israel’s Yair Labid Marks Surprising Decade in Politics

Oil, Cyber and Weapons: Inside Israel’s Relationship With Kazakhstan

Clashes Erupt in Israel’s South Over Forestation Plan: Haaretz Reporter’s Car Set Ablaze

Clashes in Southern Israel Are a Ticking Time Bomb for Bennett Government

Everybody Asks, What Does Putin Want? We Think We Have an Answer

Netanyahu’s Plea-deal Dilemma: Does Get-out-of-jail Mean Ending His Political Career?

Israeli Physicians Group: Only Test, Quarantine Those With COVID Symptoms

Rushing to Ink Netanyahu Plea Deal, Can Anyone Stop Israel’s Attorney General

Israeli Military, Intel Agencies to Enlist High Schoolers for Weapon Development Program

Netanyahu Signing a Plea Deal Will Not Trigger a Political Earthquake

The NSO File: A Complete (Updating) List of Individuals Targeted With Pegasus Spyware

Israeli Gas Will Illuminate Lebanon’s Streets, but Iran Isn’t Leaving Them Anytime Soon

80 Years On: Why We Need to Keep Going Back to Wannsee

Latest NSO Scandal Isn’t Necessarily Bad for Israeli Spyware Maker

Israel, Jewish Groups Discuss Airlifting Ukraine’s Jews in Case Russia Invades

The Ukraine Crisis Could Redefine America’s Place on The World Stage Forever

A Palestinian Family Watched Over Their Mentally Ill Son. He Escaped and Hit a Soldier With His Car

Bennett Rejects Expert Advice: Israel Scraps COVID Quarantine for Kids

‘Netanyahu Threatened Me: I Am Going to Employ My Entire Machine, the Army Against You’

Settler Violence, Netanyahu’s Trial and COVID: Haaretz Interview With Prime Minister Bennett

‘We Will All Die. But Why Like That?’

Why Israelis Are Trading in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv for This Trendy City

Why Biden’s Team Suddenly Sounds Optimistic on Iran


Israel’s Hysterical Response to Amnesty’s ‘Apartheid’ Report

In Ukraine and Beyond, Putin Wants to Create a New European Order

Their Palestinian-American Father Was Left to Die by Israeli Soldiers. Now They Seek Justice

The Ukrainian Wall of Resistance to Russia Has Significant Cracks

Draft Nuke Deal Caps Iranian Enrichment, Sanctions to Be Lifted Only Later, Diplomats Say


Israeli Gov’t Faces Terror Wave, and the Political Price Is Soaring

Settlers With Firebombs Descend on a Palestinian Village at Night, Torching Cars

In Rare Rebuke, Israeli Envoy Blasts ‘Killing of Civilians’ as ‘War Crimes’ After Russian Forces Flee Kyiv Suburb

‘It Was So Fast’: Why Israel’s Latest COVID Wave Suddenly Dissipated

Bucha Massacre: City’s Member of Parliament Asks Israel to Join Sanctions

Israel’s Political Bombshell: Bennett Survival, Bibi Comeback, or Elections?

Two Killed in Tel Aviv Shooting Attack, Manhunt Underway

While Putin Commits War Crimes, Israel Is Still Walking on Eggshells

Israel Hopes Nuke Talks Collapse With Biden’s Refusal to Remove Iran’s Guards From Terror List

Israeli Boasting on Iran Isn’t Foreign Policy, It’s Just Bragging

For Jewish Converts Fleeing Ukraine, a Not-so-warm Welcome in Israel

Biden’s Iran Revolutionary Guards Paradox

Biden’s Latest Iran Challenge: Opposition From Democrats

‘Why Did He Shoot Her?’: Family of Palestinian Woman Accuses Israeli Troops of ‘Cold-blooded’ Killing

Dynamics, Not Numbers, Will Determine the Fate of Israel’s Government

How Erdogan Became the Middle East’s Favorite Human Rights Abuser

Jordan’s King Accuses Israel of ‘Illegal Provocative Measures’ on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount

Putin Backs Palestinians Over Al-Aqsa Escalation in Phone Call With President Abbas

Israel Doesn’t Want to Turn Jerusalem Tension Into War, but an Explosion May Still Be Imminent

Israel Police Block Route as Hundreds Begin Marching Towards Jerusalem’s Muslim Quarter

Biden Announces $800m More in Military Aid to Ukraine

Two Gaza Rockets Launched at Israel Explode Within the Strip

‘Who Will Come Next?’: Zelenskyy Says Russian Invasion of Ukraine Is Just the Beginning

‘People Are Afraid of Her’: On Election Day, French Israelis Are Split

Hamas Likely Behind the Rocket Fire From Lebanon to Israel. A Wide-scale Conflict Is Still Far Off

History and Energy: Understanding Germany’s Shameful Russia Policy

As Israel Remembers the Holocaust, Genocide Is Once Again Happening in Europe

‘No One on My Staff Gets Permission From AIPAC!’: Inside Bernie Sanders’ Presidential Run

1995 Makes a Comeback as Netanyahu Revs the Incitement Machine Back Up

Israel Captures Two Palestinians Suspected of Killing Settlement Security Guard


With Disclosure of Mossad Interrogation in Iran, Israel Kills Two Birds With One Stone

Corbyn’s Party No More: Before Critical Election, U.K. Labour Hosts Israeli Counterpart

‘My Brother Died in Others’ Wars’: Collateral Damage of Israel-Iran Shadow War

Russia Cited These Jewish Experts in Ukraine ‘Nazi’ Smear. Now They Respond

Bennett Says Putin Apologized Over FM Lavrov’s Nazi Comments

How the Israeli Army Perceives the Russian-Ukraine War, 70 Days In

Warming Turkey-Saudi Relations Force Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood to Shift Tactics

In Masafer Yatta, Palestinians Brace for a Second Expulsion

With a Wobbling Coalition, Bennett Meets Advisers to Talk Early Election

Killing of Palestinian Journalist Requires an International Probe – and Might Spark Escalation

When Foreign Media Outlets Become Israel’s Enemy

Netanyahu Promised Defectors, but Bennett’s Team Came Out on Top This Week

Commissioner Orders Probe Into Israel Police Conduct at Al Jazeera Journalist’s Funeral

Naftali Bennett Still Hasn’t Decided What Kind of Prime Minister He Wants to Be

Cash, Options, Perks or Stability? The 100 Best Companies to Work for in Israel

Israeli Intelligence: Gaza Target Bank ‘Very Problematic’

Biden’s Resolve, Putin’s Calamity: NATO Will Be Stronger With Finland and Sweden

Another Member Just Quit Israel’s Coalition. Is a Fifth Election in Three Years Inevitable?

In Putin’s War of Attrition on Ukraine, The Biggest Question Is Who Blinks First

‘Significant Progress’ in Talks to Bring Back Lawmaker Who Deserted Israeli Coalition, Gov’t Source Says

Iran Revolutionary Guards Colonel Assassinated in Tehran, Report Says

How One Trivial Israeli Ruling Could Ignite the Temple Mount – and Beyond

Coalition, Opposition Both Claim Knesset Victory, but Likud Fears Repercussions

These Small Red Sea Islands Could Help Normalize Israeli-Saudi Relations

Palestinian Authority: Shireen Abu Akleh Was ‘Deliberately’ Targeted, Bullet Won’t Be Handed Over to Israel

The U.S. Can Live Without an Iran Nuclear Deal. Can Israel?

Erdogan’s Ideology Seems Ironclad, but One Thing Can Bend It

Clashes Erupt in Jerusalem as Tens Of Thousands Join Flag March

Israel’s Flag March Didn’t Bring War, but Could Still Lead to Election

Nancy Pelosi, Years-long AIPAC Ally, Accepts J Street Endorsement


Israel Expected Many U.S. Jews to Make Aliyah This Year. It Was Wrong

Amid Death Threats, Jerusalem Pride March Draws Thousands, Including Israeili Lawmakers

The Clock Is Ticking on Explosive West Bank Legislation, but Bennett Keeps Hope Alive

Biden’s Israel, Saudi Arabia Visits Postponed to July

After Bombing Kyiv, Putin Says Russia Will Strike New Targets Over U.S. Aid for Ukraine

Before His Visit, Biden Should Make MBS Pay Upfront

Israel Keeps Barring Ukrainian Widows From Making Aliyah, Despite Court Ruling

Under Settler Pressure, Israel Extends Antiquities Authority’s Powers Into West Bank

What It Really Means to Be Queer and Palestinian in Israel and the West Bank

The Israeli Government Had a Good Year. One Lawmaker Plots a Move That Could Bring It Down

Israel Is Encouraging the West to Push Iran Into a Corner

Turkey Foiled Iranian Plot Against Israeli Targets

A Year In, This Is Why Israel’s Government Is Losing Popularity

Literary Giant A.B. Yehoshua Leaves Behind a Unique Political Heritage

Under the Israeli Commander’s Nose: Nablus Has Become Settlers’ Violent Playground

Bennett’s Government Is Imploding, and He Has Only Himself to Blame

While Israel Maneuvers a Political Crisis, the Ground Around It Is Shaking

Middle East Minefield Drives Away Dream of Regional Alliance

‘I’m a Granddaughter of a Woman With a Number on Her Arm, Why Israel Greets Me This Way?’

Bennett, Lapid Agree on Dissolving Knesset; Israel Heads for Fifth Election in Three Years

Israel Election: Arab Voters Will Decide if the Far-right Wins Power

Jewish Man Suspected of Involvement in Fatal Stabbing of Palestinian

Israelis Pitching Protest Tents in the Streets Should Learn From This Man’s Experience

U.S. Jewish Leaders Decry Supreme Court’s Nixing of Abortion Rights as ‘Moral Failure’

The Iranian Octopus’ Arms Are More Important Than Its Head

How the Bennett-Lapid Government Ruled Over the West Bank

Ukraine Threatens to Cancel Visa Waiver for Israelis Over Refugee Policy

After Seven Years in Captivity, Hamas Releases Video of Israeli Strapped to Ventilator

PM Bennett Announces He Will Not Run in Israel’s Next Election

How Israel’s PM Will Be Forced to Scrap Against a Different Netanyahu


It’s a Long, Long Road to Israel’s November Election. And It’s Going to Get Dirty

Why Young Australian Zionists Are Backing the pro-Palestinian Greens

Israeli Fire ‘Likely’ Responsible for Shireen Abu Akleh’s Death, but No Clear Conclusion, U.S. Says

Russia Threatens to Bar Jewish Agency Operations in the Country, Cites Law Violations

Milchan Begged Netanyahu for Help, Former Aide Testifies. Within Days, He Got a U.S. Visa

The Timing of Biden’s Mideast Visit Doesn’t Make Sense. So Why Is He Coming?

A Glimpse Into the Next Israel-Lebanon War, Courtesy of Hezbollah

The Middle East Isn’t Waiting for Biden

From Yad Vashem to East Jerusalem: What Biden Will Do in Israel This Week

What Biden’s Visit Will Create Between Saudi Arabia and Israel – and What It Won’t

U.S. Kills ISIS Leader in Syria, Pentagon Says

The New Mideast Strategic Alliance Worries Iran and Russia

Saudi Arabia’s Economic Dreams Rest on a Hug From Biden

Biden Meets With Saudi King Salman, Crown Prince MBS in Jeddah

Biden in Israel: An Important Unimportant Visit

Israel’s Center-right Merger Worsens the Left’s Dilemma

In Mideast Trip, Biden Uncoupled Israel From the Palestinians

The Israeli Left’s Beloved Leader Is Back. Now She Faces Her Biggest Challenge Yet

Israeli Forces Block West Bank Roads to Stop Settlers From Establishing New Outposts

Putin Goes to Tehran and Finds Barely a Consolation Prize

Israel Election: Leftist Legend Won’t Ruin Lapid’s Chance at Forming a Government

‘Gazans Laugh at Israel’s Disengagement. Israel Is Still a Major Factor in Their Lives’

Putin Sent a Message by Attacking Odesa. The World Should Listen

What Israel Can do Against Russia’s Jewish Agency Threat

Reason for Russia’s Unnecessary Diplomatic Crisis With Israel May Lie Thousands of Miles Away

Missing Intel, Unprepared Police Failed to Stop 2021 Violence, State Watchdog Finds

Mossad Chief Suspected ex-Bennett Aide Leaked Unusual Op

Gantz Is Expecting Lapid to Bow Out Gracefully Once Again

Hamas: Israeli Bombing During Gaza War Killed Captives’ Guard


Michigan’s Top Congresswoman Bemoans Israel ‘Proxy War’ in Democratic Primary

The One Clear Benefit of Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit

‘Systemic Failure’: The Prison Sexual Abuse Scandal Shaking Israel

Israel Police’s Version of Pegasus Spyware Revealed

Israel Launches New Gaza Operation, Killing ‘Several’ Islamic Jihad Militants

Islamic Jihad Sends Volley of Rockets Toward Central Israel, Sirens Sound in Tel Aviv

Gaza Rockets Intercepted Over Central Israel as Cease-fire Reportedly Set to Go Into Effect

What Happens in Gaza Stays in Gaza, the World Says

Gazans Are Tired of Pointless Wars and Destruction, and Hamas Listens to Them

Israeli University Holds Archaeological Dig in West Bank Area Claimed to Be Palestinian

Israel’s Labor May Be Dying, but Netanyahu’s Party Is Already Dead Inside

Likud’s Extremist Slate Could Be Netanyahu’s Pyrrhic Victory

Why Didn’t Hamas Join Islamic Jihad Against Israel? Ideology

The Biggest News of the Day in Israeli Politics Barely Made Headlines

Another General Just Joined Israeli Politics. Do Israelis Still Care?

These Fives Questions Could Decide Israel’s Upcoming Election

Iran Views the Nuclear File Through the Eyes of North Korea

‘We Wait for It All Year’: Welcome to Israel’s Haredi Vacation Season

Empty Words and Lots of Noise: Israel Has No ‘Iran Policy’

Iran’s Weapon for Sealing a Nuclear Deal: ‘Heroic Flexibility’

Two Palestinians Were Indicted for Attacking Israeli Policemen. This Video Made Israel Drop the Charges

Sensitive FBI, Interpol Info Leaked From Israeli Firm Cellbrite, Court Documents Show

After Spiritual Leader’s Death, a Major Test Awaits Israel’s Shas Party

How and Why Israelis Stopped Voting for the Left

Putin Planned a Quick Victory in Ukraine. He Got Blackened Tanks and a Long War

Yair Lapid’s Long, Hot Summer School

Russia Blocks Final Text of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty at UN

165 Days, 4 Rounds: The Iran Nuclear Draft Agreement

The Arab-Jewish Duo Building Homes in Arab Cities – and Why It’s a Big Deal

Judicial Panel Warns Netanyahu He May Be Found Responsible for Meron Stampede

Meet the Young Israelis About to Vote in Their Fifth Election Since Turning 18


Israel Election: Dispute Over ultra-Orthodox Education Could Spell Doom for Netanyahu

As Israel’s Labor Chief Digs In, Lapid Envisions an Election Alliance to His Left

Iraq’s Shi’ite Power Struggle Could Drag It Back Into Civil War

Why Israel’s Finance Minister Just Called Netanyahu ‘Scum of the Earth’

Israel Admits ‘Highly Probable’ Soldier Mistakenly Killed Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

U.S. Examining Allegations Against Israel’s Orthodox West Bank Battalion

Israel’s Labor Party Has Been Revived. Just Not by Its Current Leader

Palestinian With Rifle Detained in Tel Aviv; Police Say He Admits Plotting Terror Attack

Why Israel Secretly Decided to Erase the Green Line

European States Have ‘Serious Concerns’ Over Nuke Deal as Iran Demands Dropping IAEA Probe

How Ukraine Pushed Russia Back 50 Kilometers in Three Days

Israel Says Assad Manufactures Advanced Weapons for Iran in 10 Syrian Facilities

Why So Many Young Israelis Adore This Racist Politician

Shin Bet Mulls Lockdowns, Rescinding Work Permits for W. Bank Areas After Attacks

Last-minute Mergers, Jockeying as Parties Race to Submit Final Lists for Israel’s Election

Israel Election: Arab Party May Have Granted Netanyahu His Dream of a Knesset Majority

From Violence to Collapse: Palestinian Authority Faces Critical Weeks

Chile Community Leaders ‘Horrified’ by Treatment of Israeli Envoy

Nasrallah Reminds Lebanon Who Calls the Shots

As Israel Reins in Its Cyberarms Industry, an Ex-intel Officer Is Building a New Empire

Lapid Expected to Renew Calls for Two-state Solution in UN Speech

Panicking Over Military Call-up, Young Russian Men Scramble to Leave Country

Abbas at UN: Israel Is Not a Partner for Peace, It’s Working to Destroy Two-state Solution

When Lapid Talks About a Two-state Solution, He Isn’t Talking to Mahmoud Abbas

In Ukraine’s Jewish Pilgrimage City, Even Air Raid Sirens Are Part of the Show

‘I Don’t Intend to Die for Putin’s Fairy Tales’: Draft Fever Convulses Russia

With No Hope or Vision, Mahmoud Abbas Knows His UN Speech May Be His Last

Reports of Iranian Suicide Drones Targeting Ukraine’s Uman Don’t Deter Jewish Pilgrims

Israel Election: Arab Balad Party Nixed From Knesset Run

Netanyahu Loses a Lawmaker but Ups His Chances at Beating the Judiciary


Ukraine Takes Back Eastern Town, One Day After Russia’s Annexation

Kyiv Had a Thriving Jewish Community. Then Came Putin’s War

‘Putin Wanted to Use the Jews Against Ukraine. We Had to Do Something About It’

‘We’re in a Catastrophe’: Behind the Scenes, When Yom Kippur War Broke Out

Democrats Take on Saudi Arabia, UAE After OPEC+ Cuts Oil Production

Empty Synagogues and Missile Fragments From Babyn Yar: Revisiting Ukraine’s Jews

Three Dead as Explosion Destroys Key Russian Bridge to Crimea

Lebanon: Negotiations Are Over, U.S. to Send Final Maritime Proposal in Coming Hours

12-year-old Palestinian Dies After Being Hit by Israeli Army Fire in Jenin Last Month, Health Ministry Says

Israeli Soldier Killed in West Bank Shooting During Settler March

Settlers’ Marches Needlessly Toss a Match Into West Bank Powder Keg

Israel Braces for Jerusalem Riots to Spread, With All Eyes on Temple Mount

‘Siege on Shoafat’ Has United East Jerusalem in Protest

Arabs Finally Believe in a Plan to Tackle Inequality. Could Israeli Elections Torpedo It?

Wanted for War Crimes in Argentina, Hiding in Plain Sight in Israel

Israel Arming Ukraine Would ‘Destroy’ Relations With Russia, Ex-president Medvedev Warns

Ex-Jewish Agency Head Chides Israel for Being ‘Afraid of Putin,’ Failing to Arm Ukraine

Israel’s Ukraine Debacle: Alienating Both Sides and Disappointing Biden

Gantz Sends Insults, Not Warning Systems, to Ukraine

A Unity Government With Netanyahu? Gantz Won’t Fall for It This Time

Israeli Severely Wounded in East Jerusalem Stabbing; Assailant Shot

‘Time to Take a Side’: US Lawmakers Push Israel on Aid to Ukraine

Zelenskyy Warns Israel: Putin Will Help Iran Go Nuclear in Exchange for Drones

Dreaming of Influence, Fighting for Survival: An Arab Slate Faces Crucial Choice

Netanyahu Shifts to War Mode: Voter Phone Numbers Distributed Without Consent

Israel and Lebanon Officially Sign Maritime Border Deal

Don’t Expect Diaspora Jews to Disown a Far-right Israeli Government

Five Arab Citizens Explain Why, Despite Everything, They’ll Vote in Israel’s Election

Five Israeli Soldiers Wounded in Suspected West Bank Car-ramming Attack

Netanyahu Has Far-right Ben-Gvir Doing His Dirty Work


Netanyahu Caught Off-guard by His Own Ghoulish Creation

Israel Election: Netanyahu Set to Secure Majority, Shock Triumph for Far Right

Israel’s Police Chief Blamed Ben-Gvir for Gaza War. Now He Might Have to Report to Him

Netanyahu’s Election Win Dealt a Grievous Blow to Judaism

Israel Elections: The Left Threw Away Its Votes, Now the Knives Are Out

Religious Zionism Will Seek Portfolios With Most Control Over West Bank

Left for Dead: The Rise and Demise of Israel’s Ultimate Left-Wing Party

Israeli City to Grant Students Scholarships for Volunteering With Far-right Armed Militia

One More Loser in the U.S. Midterms: Netanyahu

‘Red Wave’? This Democratic Strategist Said All Along It Wasn’t Coming

Israel’s Far-right Leader Sets Sight on Top Defense Job – With an Explosive Agenda

Ben-Gvir Has One Hand on Police Portfolio, but Another MK Keeps Netanyahu Up at Night

Far-right Plan to Change Law of Return Could Make Millions Ineligible for Aliyah

What Do Iran’s Protesters Really Want?

FBI’s Shireen Abu Akleh Probe Is a Watershed Moment in U.S.-Israel Ties

Syria Strikes Drive Iran to Reopen Maritime Front Against Israel

In First, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Visits Terror Victim’s Family in West Bank Settlement

Israel Should Tell Nancy Pelosi Four Words: Thank You, Madame Speaker

Evidence From Incursion of Nablus Raises Questions About the Israeli Version of Events

World Cup Kickoff: Summing Up a Great Week for Middle East Dictators

World Cup 2022: Why Qatar Protests Are Justified – and Hypocritical

Sweden’s New FM Says 2014 Palestine Recognition Was ‘Premature and Unfortunate’

Jerusalem Bombings Test Netanyahu Even Before He Takes Office

Qatar Paid a Fortune for Pointless Prestige and Megalomaniac Ambition

Expanding Settlements and Legalizing Outposts: Israeli Far-right’s Plan for the West Bank

Erdogan’s Ready to Invade Syria – and There’s No One to Stop Him

Far-right Leader Ben-Gvir Will Bring Out the Worst of Israel’s Police

Israel’s Brand-new AF1 Is Mothballed in the Desert. Here’s the Solution

Witnesses Weren’t Questioned and Cases Were Closed: The Palestinian Villagers Seek Justice

Israel’s Far-right Coalition Presents Unprecedented Challenges to U.S. Jews


Religious Zionism Gets Finance, Aliyah and ‘National Missions’ Ministries in Deal With Likud

Netanyahu’s Lust for Power Revealed in All Its Sickening Glory

The West’s Hajj: How Qatar’s World Cup Altered the Perception of Arabs

Blinken: U.S. Will Engages With Israel Based on Policy, Not Individual Personalities

Netanyahu Turns a Blind Eye as His Far-right Partners Plot West Bank Revolution

Netanyahu’s Gift to the Far Right Could Turn Israel Into an International Pariah

Netanyahu Made a Major Concession to Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Parties. Here’s What It Means

Religious Zionism Crossed a Red Line. This Rabbi Regrets Not Doing Enough to Stop It

With Far-right Partners, Netanyahu Doesn’t Even Pretend He’s Boss

Laser vs. Rocket: Israel’s ‘Star Wars 2’ Is One Step Closer to Reality

The Senator Pushing Action on Abu Akleh Case Has a Message for Netanyahu’s Allies

IDF Soldiers Behind Twitter Accounts Harassing Journalists, Left-wing Activists

What’s Really Behind the Extreme ultra-Orthodox Demands

Two Women Have the Power to Stop Netanyahu Before It’s Too Late

Meet the Mind Behind the Israeli Far Right’s Victorious Election Campaign

Toadying to Israel’s Far Right, Netanyahu Fears the Wrath of His Own Lawmakers

As U.S. Ties Grow Distant, Saudi Arabia Warms Up to China

Turkey’s Erdogan Offers Netanyahu a Playbook for Political Repression

Furious Members of Netanyahu’s Party Wonder Where the Victory Parade Went

Hi-tech Leaders Warn Netanyahu’s Education Policies Will Make Israel a ‘Failed State’

Putin Vows to Win in Ukraine as Zelenskyy Heads to U.S. to Meet Biden

Why the Truth About Israel’s Haredi Pioneers Remains Hidden in Archives

Netanyahu Has Done It, and Israel Will Be Done For

Abdullah’s Throne Is Solid, but Does Nothing to Console Broke Jordanians

How Netanyahu’s New Government Aims to Change the Face of Israel

Israel’s Top Religious Nationalist Rabbi Is Dead. A Political Myth Died With Him

Netanyahu Vs Israel’s Supreme Court: The First Major Battle Is Imminent

‘Natural Right to the Land of Israel’: Netanyahu Lays Out West Bank Annexation Plans

Comeback Kid: How Netanyahu Took Back Power After 18 Months in Exile

Politics, War and Soccer: 10 Events That Shook Israel in 2022

Netanyahu Has a String of Bombs, and Arab Countries Fear the Explosion

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