2021: THE INTERCEPT (349)


How Israel Attacks Drove Warnock Into The Arms Of A Centrist Pro-Israel Group

Citing The Pandemic, CBP Has Expelled Newborn U.S. Citizens With Their Migrant Mothers

How The Pandemic Exposed The Failures Of Capital Punishment

Trump May Face Prosecution – But Not For His War Crimes

Could Trump Still Try To Attack Iran?

Trump Unleashes Mob To Storm Capitol And Disrupt Functioning Of U.S. Government

Facebook And Twitter Finally Do Slightly More Than Literally Nothing About Trump

After Pelosi Threatens Impeachment Unless Trump Resigns, Biden Says He Supports “What The Congress Decides”

America Is Not Exceptional. Its History Of Violence Cannot Be Denied.

A Mob Attacked The Capitol For Trump. Now What?

Freedom Caucus Chair Andy Biggs Helped Plan January 6 Event, Lead Organizer Says

In Wake Of Capitol Riot, GOP Legislatures “Rebrand” Old Anti-BLM Protest Laws

How A Flurry Of Suspicious Phone Calls Set Investigators On Rick Snyder’s Trail

The DOJ’s Promised Probe Into Capitol Riot Raises Alarm About Prosecutorial Overreach

Watchdog Report On “Zero Tolerance” Leads To Calls For Prosecutions, Reparations

Oil Industry Reconsiders Donations To Election Deniers – But Has Its Own Big Lie

Illinois Will End Cash Bail – And Limit Use Of High-Tech Incarceration

Big Tech Critics Alarmed At Direction Of Biden Antitrust Personnel

A City Under Occupation

What’s Next For The Militias?

The Meaning Of The Mittens: Five Possibilites

A Massachusetts Democrat Pushed His Party On Its Alex Morse Handling. Getting Called A “Faggot” Wasn’t Even The Worst Response.

Forget Biden’s Bust Of Cesar Chavez: Hints Point Strike Is The Bold Labor Action The Country Needs

Money And Politics Could Doom The Florida Panther – And The Endangered Species Act

Texas Encourages Court To Endorse Risky, Medically Unnecessary Abortion Procedure

A Tech Investor Is Raising Funds To Investigate San Francisco Prosecutor’s Decarceral Approach

Rebekah Mercer Raised Specter Of “Armed Conflict” In 2019 Book

The Half-Baked Smear Campaign Against Robert Malley – And Biden’s Iran Policy

Millions of Leaked Police Files Detail Suffocating Surveillance of China’s Uyghur Minority

How the LAPD And Palantir Use Data To Justify Racist Policing

Robinhood Is A Perfect Example Of Fintech’s Insidious Power


Biden Takes First Step Toward Restoring Reproductive Health Program Crippled By Trump

Inside The Brutal Power Struggle At Homeland Security

Chicago Teachers Might Strike. A Group Of Parents, Backed By A Right-Wing Law Firm, Stands To Sue.

“Anatomy Of Impunity”: Former DHS Supervisors Say Border Killing Cover-Up Was Part Of A Pattern

Dem Senator Warns: If The Party Wants To Lose Georgia, Break The Promise Made In The Runoff

After Trump’s Execution Spree, Lingering Trauma And A Push For Abolition

How Iran Tried To Recurit Spies Against The U.S. In Iraq

How The Trump Era Encouraged Publicly Funded Discrimination In Adoption And Foster Care

Texas And The Racist Machinery Of Death

Amazon Hired Koch-Backed Anti-Union Consultant To Fight Alabama Warehouse Organizing

Adam Schiff’s Tough-On-Crime Background Complicates His Push To Be California AG

South African Archbishop Denounces Coronavirus Vaccine Apartheid

Let’s Be Honest About What Trump Wanted On January 6

The “For The People Act” Would Make U.S. A Democracy

In Biden’s Nomination Of Marty Walsh, Aaron Swartz Prosecutor Gets Her Final Comeuppance

LAPD Sought Ring Home Security Video Related To Black Lives Matter Protests

After Pork Giant Was Exposed For Cruel Killings, The FBI Pursued Its Critics

How Oracle Sells Repression In China

“Dying Of Cold”: ICE Detainees Freezing In Southern Prisons

Thirsty, Cold, and Scooping Feces With Their Hands: Crisis In Reaity Winner’s Texas Prison

Son Of Wall Street Mogul Running For Wisconsin Senate Seat Was Pleasantly Surprised Milwaukee Is A Normal City

FBI Seized Congressional Cellphone Records Related To Capitol Attack

Fossil Fuel Executives Gloat About Profits, PR From Texas Winter Storm Crisis

Police Want Larry Krasner Gone, So They’re Backing His Opponent

Democrats Pressure Biden On U.S. Backing For Saudi War In Yemen

Erik Prince And The Failed Plot To Arm A CIA Asset-Turned-Warlord In Libya

India Targets Climate Activists With The Help Of Big Tech

A Syrian Asylum-seeker’s Case Reframes Migrant Abuses As Enforced Disappearances


Massachusettes’ Progressive Lawmakers Push Congress To Abolish Qualified Immunity

Trump Administration Referred A Record Number Of Leaks For Criminal Investigation

Why Did Police Never Solve The Murder Of A Prominent Portland Anti-Fascist?

Socialist Legislators Want To Impeach Cuomo For Abuses Of Power

Why The Government’s Plan To Help Out Renters Is Falling Flat

A Pro-Israel Lawyer Is Weaponizing Public Records Law Against Palestinian Activists

The Military’s Failure To Reckon With White Supremacy In Its Ranks

Most Small Business Owners Still Haven’t Had Their PPP Loans Forgiven

Jim Crow Rises: Desperate Georgia Republicans Scurry To Pass Voting Restrictions Law

Inside The Oil Industry’s Fight To Roll Back Tribal Sovereignty After Supreme Court Decision

Facebook Told Black Applicant With Ph.D. She Needed To Show She Was A “Culture Fit”

Primaries Matter: Why This Time Is Different For Andrew Cuomo

In “Cherry,” The Bank Robber Is The Vicim. What About The Teller He Held Up?

Private Companies Maneuvering To Cash In On Biden’s Child Migrant Detention

Cuomo’s “Women’s Equality Party” Might Just Be The Most Cynical Political Move Of His Career

White Supremacists, Conspiracy Theorists Are Targeting Cell Towers, Police Warn

Trump EPA Invited Companies To Revise Pollution Records Of A Potent Carcinogen

Medicare For All Just Got A Massive Boost

Will The Biden Administration Shine Light On Shadowy Special Ops Programs?

Ohio Democrat Mulling Senate Run Defended Anti-Abortion Laws As States Health Director

Some Younger Amazon Workers In Bessemer, New To Unions, Are Still Undecided

The Paraquat Poisoning Problem

Andrew Cuomo’s Infamous OpSec Avoids Paper Trails. Will It Be Enough?

The Border Patrol Is Dropping Migrant Families In Arizona Desert Towns With Little Capacity To Receive Them

Oscars Face Stark Choice Over War Move “Quo Vadis, Aida?”

An All-White Jury Sent Rayford Burke To Death Row. Will North Carolina’s Efforts To Make Amends Be Enough?

Catching COVID-19 At A COVID-19 Vaccine Production Facility

Big Chunks Of Corporate Tax Cuts End Up In Executives’ Pockets

Trump’s EPA Helped Erase Records Of Almost 270,000 Pounds Of Carcinogenic Pollution


Right-Wing State Legislators Make Unprecedented Attack on Trans Kids

Soldier Says She Was Sexually Assaulted By 22 Troops At Oklahoma Base

From Coyotes To Coffin Ships: Joe Bide And The Border

Chauvin Defense Witness Faces Lawsuit Of His Own Over Death Of Black Teenager In Police Custody

Cops Crowdfunded Their K-9’s Hospital Bills – The Quietly Admitted They Had Shot Him

The Democratic Party’s Consultant Factory 

New York’s Historic Relief Fund For “Excluded Workers” May Leave Some Behind

Republicans Are Poised To Gerrymander Their Way Back To The Majority

Inside The Winning Firght For Reparations In Athiens, Georgia

A Billionaire-Funded Website With Ties To The Far Right Is Trying To “Cancel” University Professors

The Long Shadow Of Virginia’s Death Penalty

Biden Looks To Exent Trump’s Bolstered Mandatory Minimum Drug Sentencing

The Journalist And The Whistleblower

Indoor Dust Contains PFAS And Other Toxic Chemicals

House And Senate Democrats Plan Bill To Add Four Justices To Supreme Court

Oklahoma Lawmaker Calls Abortion Worse Than Slavery

Local Cops Said Pipeline Company Had Influence Over Government Appointment

As Biden Continues Trump’s War On Asylum, Danger Mounts In The Deadly Sonoran Desert

Elizabeth Warren Suggests U.S. Explore Conditional Aid To Israel

Derek Chauvin Found Guilty Of Murdering George Floyd

Derek Chauvin’s Conviction Was A Relief – But Courts Caonnot Deliver Racial Justice

U.S. Marshals Used Drones To Spy On Black Lives Matter Protests In Washington, D.C.

Pharmaceutical Industry Dispatches Army Of Lobbyists To Block Generic Covid-19 Vaccines

Sex Work Prosecution Changes In New York Are A Welcome Step – But Not Enough

Some Right-Wing Troops Find Themselves Targed By Their Own War Machine

Contributions To Swing Disctrict Democrats By AOC Add Obstacle For Challengers

“Why Are You Shooting Me?” The Family Of Anthony Alvarez Is Waiting For Answers

Empire Politician

Court Rules That EPA’s Delay “Exposed A Generation Of American Children” To Brain-Damaging Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

Italy’s Anti-Mafia Directorate And The “Dirty Campaign” To Criminalize Migration


An ICE Informant, MS-13, and The Long Campaign To Deport Walter Cruz-Zavala

New Documenatary “Exterminate All The Brutes” Was 500 Years Of Genocide In The Making

Your Car Is Spying On Your, And A CBP Contract Shows The Risks

Claims By Scott Stringer Accuser Unravel As Progressives Flee New York Mayoral Candidate

Chinese State Media Claims Lockdowns Have Had “Positive Effect” On Mental Health

Inspector General Rebukes EPA For Failing To Protect Communities From Carcinogenic Air Pollution

The Business Class Has Been Fearmongering About Worker Shortages For Centuries

Nina Turner Opponent Shontel Brown Is Low-Key Pleading For Super PAC Support

Weeks Without A Shower: Neglect Defines Covid-19 Containment In California Jails

Andrew Yang Can’t Explain When Asked Why He Supports Israel Bombing Gaza

Liz Cheney’s Stand Had Nothing To Do With Principle. Ask Her Sister.

Meet The Riot Squad: Right-Wing Reporters Whose Viral Videos Are Used To Smear BLM

Facebook’s Secret Rules Abut The Word “Zionist” Impede Criticisms of Israel

Settlement Push In East Jerusalem Neighborhood Shows Israeli “Apartheid”

The Idea That Deficit Spending Is A Burden On Our Children Is The Dumbest Propaganda

Pentagon Plans To Monitor Social Media Of Military Personnel For Extremist Content

Israel Destroyed Offices Of More Than 20 Palestinian Meida Outlets In Gaza

Pro Act Holdout Mark Kelly Served On Gig And Restaurant Company Boards

Canadian Journalists Fear Retaliation For Criticizing Coverage Of Israeli Attacks On Gaza

Voice Of America Is Accused Of Ignoring Government Atrocities In Ethiopia

Israel Attacks On Gaza Left Strained Health Care System In Tatters

Voice Of America Is Accused Of Ignoring Government Atrocities In Ethiopia

AP, In Leaked Memos, Doing Damage Control With Staff: “You Will Have A Voice”

Oracle Boasted That Its Software Was Used Against U.S. Protesters. Then It Took The Tech To China.

Understanding the History of Black Rebellion

With Thousands Left Homeless, Gaza Reconstructions Faces Familiar Obstacles: Israeli Siege

Microwave Weapon Concerns Spread To Department Of Homeland Security

A Police Killing In St. Louis Remains Shrouded In Darkness

One Man’s No-Fly List Nightmare

How A Payday Lender Partnered With A Native Tribe to Bypass Lending Laws And Get Rich Quick


Daniel Ellsberg Explains Why Now Was The Right Time To Release Top-Secret File On Nuclear Weapons

Ambushed By The Cops: When Police Deliberately Trap Peaceful Protesters

Pentagon Undercounts Civilian Casualties In New Report, Experts Say

Georgia Board Of Education Votes To Censor American History

Firefighters Denied Coverage By Veterans Affairs After Exposure To PFAS Firefighting Foam

Rhode Island Coalition Pushes Most Equitable Legal Cannabis Regulations Yet

Biden’s Border Agenda Collides With The Realities Of Mexico’s Violence

Low-Flying DHS Helicopter Showers Anti-Pipeline Protests With Debris

Expanding Biolab Complex In Berkeley Has Residents Worried

Cori Bush Demands FBI Data On Her Protest Activity

Political System Unites To Condemn Ilhan Omar For Telling The Truth

ICE Locks Down Facility As Women Protest Handling Of Possible Tuberculosis Case

As Salvadoran Leaders Tout A Safer Country, More People Are Going Missing

Tools For Repression In Myanmar Expose Gap Between EU Tech Investment And Regulation

Meet NATO, The Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying To Run The World

Leaked Audio Of Sen. Joe Manchin Call With Billionaire Donors Provides Rare Glimpse Of Dealmaking On Filibuster And January 6 Commission

Bolivian Ex-Minister Of Defense Plotted A Second Coup Using U.S. Mercenaries

Hacked Emails Give Unfiltered View Into The D.C. Police Gang Database

I Visited A Chinese Lab At The Center Of A Biosafety Scandal. What I Learned Helps Explain The Polarized Debate Over COVID-19’s Origins

Recent Covid-19 Spike In Immigration Detention Was A Problem Of ICE’s Own Making

A U.S.-Mexico Pledge To End Disappearances Fails To Grapple With The Complicity Of The State

U.S. Military Training Document Says Socialists Represent “Terrorist” Ideology

Mitch McConnell Lays Down Radical Marker On Voting Rights: “This Is Not A Federal Issue”

No, The Biden Agenda Isn’t Dead Yet

Hospitals Already Had A Nurse Staffing Crisis. Then Covid-19 Came Along.

Judge Threatens NYPD Lawyers With Sanctions For Foot-Dragging In George Floyd Protest Case

How Trump Ally Michael Flynn Nurtured – And Profited From – The QAnon Conspiracy Theory

Minnesota Sheriff Barricades Pipeline Resistance Camp’s Driveway

Miami Building Collapse Shows Tragic Costs Of Neoliberal Deregulation 

How Pesticide Companies Corrupted The EPA And Poisoned America


Secret Internal Report Slammed Warden For Freezing Jail Conditions – Then He Was Promoted Anyway

Wall Street’s Candidate Loses Manhattan District Attorney Primary

Orange County Prosecutors Operate “Vast, Secretive” Genetic Surveillance Program

At 245, America Is Old Enough To Be Honest About Its Founding

The Rise And Fall Of The Ultimate Doomsday Prepper

Pentagon undercounts And Ignores Military Sexual Assault In Africa

Indigenous Water Protectors Face Off With An Oil Company And Police Over A Minnesota Pipeline

New York Regulations Allow Cops Stripped Of Training Credentials To Be Rehired

Before He Was UVA Police Chief, Timothy Longo Helmed DNA Dragnet That Targeted Black Men

Home, But Not Free: NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner Adjusts To Her Release From Prison

Banks Are Reversing Course On PPP Loans To Small Business Owners

Military Removes Training Document Conflating Socialist With Terrorists

Closed-Door Progressive Caucus Antitrust Meeting Turns Fiery Amid Industry Influence Allegations

An American ISIS Fighter Describes The Caliphate’s Final Days – And His Own

At Least Seven Colombians In Haiti Assassination Received U.S. Training

The Controversial Prosecutor At The Heart Of The Julian Assange Case

What Amazon And Facebook Get Wrong About FTC Chair Lina Khan

As Transphobes Rally Again At Los Angeles SPA, Police Attack Counterprotesters 

U.S. Military Bought Cameras In Violation Of America’s Own China Sanctions

Wiped Phones And The Battle For Evidence In Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s Prosecution

Eight Months Later, A Vigilante Shooting Over A Trump Sign Divides Topeka

Stuck In The Smoke As Billionaires Blast Off

Facing Years In Prison For Drone Leak, Daniel Hale Makes His Case Against U.S. Assassination Program

A Photogrpaher Watched Syria’s Chidren While Their Government Bombed Them

Colombian Mercenaries And The Assassination Of Haitian President Joavenel Moise

To Counter “Critical Race Theory” Attacks, Advocacy Groups Dodge The Term

House’s Resolve To Curb Surveillance State Faces Biggest Test Since Trump Presidency

CIA Drove Spike In Media Leak Investigation Requests Under Trump

Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale Is A Truth-Teller In A Time Of Systemic Deceit And Lethal Secrecy

His Conviction Was Overturned Amid Evidence Of Innocence. The Supreme Court Could Throw It All Out.


“A Government That Has Killed People For Less”: Pro-Saudi Social Media Swarms Leave Critics In Fear

the Case For A New Trial

Despite Promises For Global Climate Justice, Biden Falls Short In Helping Reduce Poorer Countries’ Emissions

The Problem Isn’t Just Cuomo, It’s The System That Made Him

Major Tea Party Group Was Backed By Salsa Billionaire And Other Wealthy Donors, Hacked Documents Reveal

In Senate Bid Launch, Conor Lamb Appears To Misremember His Own Record

Minnesota Law Enforcement Agency Blocks Release Of Public Records About Surveilling Pipeline Opponents

Advocates Challenge Mysterious Justice Department Statement That Undercuts Forensic Science Reform

DEA And ICE Award Mexican Police Commander Whose Unit Is Accused Of Grisly Massacre

Steven Holden Is the Latest New York Democrat To Try Flipping A Coveted House Seat. Is He Up To The Task?

As The Taliban Seize Cities, Desperate Afghans Are Trapped In An American-Made Fiasco

As Purdue Pharma Sought Controversial Bankruptcy Settlement, It Spent Over $1.2 Million On Lobbying

Laura Ingraham Confronts The Core Problem For Capitalists

The Fall Of Kabul

$10,000 Invested In Defense Stocks When Afghanistan War Began Now Worth Almost $100,000

Surrender Or Withdrawal: The Afghanistan Contradiction

Josh Gottheimer’s Rebellion Was In Trouble From The Start

Cable News Military Experts Are On The Defense Industry Dole

Congressman Seeking To Relaunch Afghan War Made Millions In Defense Contracting

Anand Gopal and Richard Ojeda On Afghanistan

Banks Are Opting Out Of PPP Loan Forgiveness

Banks Are Opting Out Of The Government’s PPP Loan Forgiveness Process

The EPA’s Rationale For Banning Chlorpyrifos May Make It Harder To Eliminate Other Brain–Harming Pesticides

Little-Known Federal Software Can Trigger Revocation Of Citizenship

Chinese Police Kept Buying Cellebrite Phone Crackers After Cellebrite Said It Ended Sales

Supreme Court Ended Eviction Moratorium, But Pandemic Showed Road Map For Fighting Back

Capitol Police Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbit Insists He Did Warn Her Before Opening Fire

Post-9/11 Stings Targeted People Who Posed No Threat. They Remain In Prison.

The Georgia Prison Guard Shortage Is Killing Incarcerated People

U.S. Drone Strike In Kabul Killed A Family – And Began A New Chapter Of The War


The Supreme Court Will Not Save Us From The Decimaiton of Abortion Rights

I Reported On The War In Afghanistan. Was I Complicit In The Harem America Caused?

Joe Manchin’s Dirty Empire

Line 3 And A Week Of Climate Catastrophe

Jair Bolsonalro’s Pro-Coup Rally: September 7 Is Shaping Up To Be Brazil’s January 6

Companies Lobbying Against Infrastructure Tax Increases Have Avoided Paying Billions In Taxes

Heather Bresch, Joe Manchin’s Daughter, Played Direct Part In Epipen Price Inflation Scandal

General Failure: How The U.S. Military Lied About The 9/11 Wars

The Forever Wars Are Coming Home

NIH Documents Provide New Evidence U.S. Funded Gain-Of-Function Research In Wuhan

9/11 And The Saudi Connection

An FBI Informant’s unlikely Role In Upcoming Supreme Court Case On Surveillance Of Muslims

Unusual Progressive-Centrist Alliance Wins Universal Child Care Subsidy

Ten Months After Senate Election Loss, Sara Gideon Still Has $10 Million In Unused Campaign Funds

Whip Count: The Democrats Who Support The Progressive Reconciliation Strategy

At Rikers Island, Inmates Locked In Showers Without Food And Defecating In Bags

Oil Company Official Overseeing Crackdown On Pipeline Resistance Cut Teeth At Amazon And Exxon

New Evidence Of Corruption At EPA Chemicals Division

Public Pensions Are Financing Refresco’s Anti-Union Campaign In New Jersey

Four Months Ago, Biden Said Haiti Wasn’t Safe. Now He’s Deporting Thousands There.

The U.S. Military Often Kills Civilians – And Rarely Offers Compensation

Senate Parliamentarian Played Highly Political Role Against Filibuster Reform In 2013

Leaked Grant Proposal Details High-Risk Coronavirus Research

Nina Turner On Her Loss And Future

Termination Of Scientists Sparks Concerns About Possible China-Related Probe

Kyrsten Sinema Used The Winery Where She Interned To Fundraise With Private Equity

Nina Turner Files 2022 Campaign Papers But Demurs On Decision To Run

Israeli Diplomat Pressured UNC To Remove Teacher Who Criticized Israel

U.S. Sanctions Blamed As Venezuela Laments Frozen Order For Medicine

EPA Officials Exposed Whistleblowers Three Minutes After Receiving Confidential Complaint


U.S. Border Authorities Failed To Prepare For Influx Of Haitian Migrants Despite Weeks Of Warnings

How Rep. Josh Gottheimer Got Outmatched By The Congressional Progressive Caucus

NCIS Case Files Reveal Undisclosed U.S. Military Sex Crimes In Okinawa

How Much is $3.5 Trillion, Really?

How The U.S. Derailed An Effort To Prosecute Its Crimes In Afghanistan

The U.S. Is Organizing A $5 Million Gun Sale To Mexican Forces Accused Of Murder And Kidnapping

Sen. Bob Menendez’s Opposition To Drug Pricing Reform May Imperil The Democratic Agenda

Rep. Josh Gottheimer Hires Republican Ron DeSantis Staffer To Craft His Legislative Agenda

Steven Mnuchin Stepped In To Prevent Ivanka Trump World Bank Appointment

Ohio State Board Of Education Member Defends White Supremacy

Revealed: Facebook’s Secret Blacklist Of “Dangerous Individuals And Organizations”

The Former Democratic Senators Now Lobbying Against Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

EPA Plans To Clean Up Troubled Chemical And Pesticide Programs

Conservative Dark-Money Groups Push Deceptive Ads Against Biden’s Agenda

Lies Are Being Told About Sally Rooney Because She Refuses To Ignore Israeli Apartheid

The John Deere Strike Shows The Tight Labor Market Is Ready To Pop

Biden’s Pick To Lead CBP Supports Two Of Trump’s Most Controversial Border Initiatives

Defense Attorneys In Trial For Ahmaud Arbery’s Murder Quiz Jury Pool On Racism

Ecohealth Alliance Conducted Risky Experiments On MERS Virus In China

Palestinian Rights Groups That Document Israeli Abuses Labeled “Terrorists” By Israel

As Sen. Joe Manchin’s Star Rose In West Virginia, The FBI And IRS Probed His Closest Allies

Parents Reported To Child Services For Keeping Unvaccinated Kids Home

Banks Lobby Against Biden Proposal To Crack Down On Ultrawealthy “Tax Cheats”

Making A Killing: The Business Of War Profiteering

Julian Assange’s Health Is Central To Upcoming Ruling On Extradition To The U.S. 

Congress Outmatched By Oil Executives At What Was Meant To Be A Defining Hearing

FBI Investigation Of Failed Mercenary Plot Delves Into Role Of Erik Prince

Atlanta’s Mental Health Problem – And Ours


EPA Withheld Reports Of Substantial Risk Posed by 1,240 Chemicals

Texas Admits Its Abortion Law Scheme Puts All Rights Up For Grabs

NIH Officials Worked With EcoHealth Alliance To Evade Restrictions On Coronavirus Experiments

The U.S. Treasury Is Buying Private App Data To Target And Investigate People

We’ve All Pretended About Taiwan For 72 Years. It May Not Work Any Longer.

In Honduras Land Battles, Paramilitaries Infiltrate Local Groups – Then Kill Their Leaders

After Afghanistan Disaster, The Pentagon Is On Track To Get Even More Money

North Carolina Appeals Courts Have Never Found That Prosecutors Discriminated Against Black Jurors. Two Cases Could Change That.

A Right-Wing Brawler Asked A Court To Protect Him From An Antifascist’s Tweets

Inflation Is Good For You

Conor Lamb’s Bank Lobbyist Dad Shells For His Son’s Senate Campaign

How Hospitals Became Vaults That Hid Evidence Of Covid-19’s Toll

Despite A Botched Execution And Concerns Over Innocence, Oklahoma Prepares To Execute Julius Jones

It’s Not Just White People: Democrats Are Losing Normal Voters Of All Races

Rittenhouse Jury Has To Decide If The Men Who Tried To Stop Him Were Heroes Or Villains

The U.S.-Led Bombings That Ended The ISIS “Caliphate” Killed Scores Of Civilians

Centrist Democrats Honor Promise As House Approves Build Back Better Act

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Acquittal Sets A Dangerous Precedent. But That’s Not What Was On Trial.

From Bush To Obama, And Trump To Biden, U.S. Militarism Is The Great Unifier

Facebook Grants Government Of Afghanistan Limited Posting Rights

Nashville DA’s Office Seeks To Vacate Claude Garrett’s 29-Year-Old Murder Conviction

Kevin Strickland Comes Home After 43 Years Behind Bars For A Crime He Didn’t Commit

An Animal Rights Activist Saved A Sick Baby Goat From A Farm – And Faces Years In Prison

Pfizer Is Lobbying To Thwart Whistleblowers From Exposing Corporate Fraud

Texas Troopers Opened Fire From A Helicopter In 2012. Families Are Still Fighting To Hold Them Accountable


Investigators Debunk Far-Right Claim That Dayton Mass Shooting Was Linked To Antifa

Biden To Pentagon: Keep The War Machine Running

After Michigan Shooting, Democrats Weigh Competing Approaches To School Safety

Stanley McChrystal Accidentally Reveals the Dishonesty Of U.S. Generals

The Paycheck Paradox: What’s Missing When We Talk About The Economy

These Chemicals Disrupt The Sexual Development Of Children – And They’re Everywhere

Two Companies Fight To Corner The Police Body Camera Market

Empire After Trump: Joe Biden And The National Security State

Now In Power, Key Anti-War Democrats Soften On Saudi War In Yemen

Supreme Court Ruling On Texas Abortion Law Opens Door To Copycat Schemes Everywhere

Portland Journalists Sue Andy Ngo For Using Their Videos On Twitter Without Permission

U.S. Sanctions Could Starve Millions Of Afghans. Will Congress Act?

Vaccine Makers Funneled Undisclosed Campaign Cash To Democrats And Republicans In 2020

The Mysterious Case Of Joe Biden And The Future Of Drone Wars

Josh Jotteheimer’s World Claims In Rutgers Speech Are Falling Apart

Two Former CIA Directors Call On Biden To Threaten Iran Militarily

A Reformist Black Police Chief Faces An Uprising Of The Old Guard

Joe Manchin Is Faking His Fears Of Inflation

Grape Pickers Crash Lavish Sonoma Winery Banquet Demanding Better Wildfire Protections

EPA Official Prevented Staff From Warning Public About Widely Used Carcinogen

Son Of The South

“When I Saw Him I  Knew It Was Real”: Devonia Inman Is Free After 23 Years Behind Bars

The U.S. Military Is A Machine Of Impunity

Inside Mexico’s Historic Lawsuit Targeting U.S. Gun Companies

How The Pursuit Of Unknown Viruses Risks Triggering The Next Pandemic

U.N. Power Broker Jeffrey Sachs Took Millions From The UAE To Research “Well-Being”

“Innocence Isn’t Enough”: Arizona Urges The Supreme Court To Send Barry Jones Back To Death Row

She Helped Expose Secret UAE-Run Prisons In Yemen – And Paid A Steep Price

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