2021: TEHRAN TIMES (296)


People inside U.S. may respod to assassination of Gen. Soleimani: Quds Force Chief

A commander with ubiquitous influence on the ground

100% sure about 20% enrichment

General Soleimani is being assassinated on social media every day over the past 365

Iran nuclear move aims to restore balance

U.S. committed suicide for fear of death

Prosecution of Fakhrizadeh assassins through Interpol is underway: prosecutor general

Leader prohibits import of American, British COVID-19 vaccines

Every single sanction an obstacle to reviving JCPOA

Social media double standards at play

Iran serious about its recent nuclear decisions

The Final say

The Pompeo ploy

Lethal democracy

Trumpism behind French face

Iran outlies plan to tackle possible U.S. return to JCOPA

No time left to waste

Israeli trap

Running out of patience

Not a friend; definitely

Dark side of the deal

Saudi aggressive policy backfired

Malign objective

Saudis betting on the wrong horse

A fake carrot to Iran

Is Russia mediating between Iran and U.S. on JCPOA?


Brothers in arms

American bottleneck

CSIS scenario for nuclear talks: A roadmap to failure

Motherhood and adherence to Islamic codes not in contrast with women’s progress

Macron’s gambit

Rising anxiety

Ayatollah Khamenei crafts Iran’s JCPOA strategy

Who needs to rejoin JCPOA?

Iran a successful model for the region: ex-Lebanese minister

Islamic Revolution a brilliant example of triumph over imperialism: American professor

Iranian position in Nagorno-Karabach conflict has been fair: Azeri expert

The engineer of a better intellectual world

Unplugging the cameras

Two peas in a pod

One year into the pandemic, Iran’s achievements

On JCPOA, U.S. actions should speak louder than words, Leader says

Can Russia and China restore balance to the JCPOA?

Iran’s UN envoy says JCPOA will be meaningless with sanctions in place

Iran, Russia working on strategic deal

Israeli dead end

Iran, South Korea close to unlocking frozen assets

Open the window of rapprochement cautiously

Biden shows U.S. true colors

Open Season

Things to do in Washington when the JCOPA is dead


A Saudi-American fiasco

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Sanctions

Israel sets trap for new Arab allies

Why is informal meeting so important for the West?

Futile rhetoric

Palace intrigue

A blessing in disguise

Angels of Sacred Defense

Iran: KRG’s friend of difficult days

Illogical presence

Russia can play a constructive role in bringing JCPOA back to life

High voter turnout expected in Iran presidential election

Man of the Year

American academic says U.S. can’t be an “ethical model”

Penn professor says human rights are marginal issues in U.S. policy making

Ayatollah Khamenei congratulates the nation on New Year

Ayatollah Khamenei calls on U.S. to lift all sanctions

China’s FM visits Tehran for talks with Iranian officials

Iran and China sign document for comprehensive cooperation

Zarif to Biden: Your admin following Trump’s footsteps


Iran’s inviolable JCPOA policy in words of Ayatollah Khamenei

Failure of decades of wickedness

Strategic partnership with China is a warning to Washington, Qalibaf says

Iran and China make history with strategic deal

Nuclear partners agree to continue expert talks

Israel throws a wrench into Iran nuclear talks

Inside JCPOA Friday talks

West, IAEA failed to provide nuclear technology to Iran, Rouhani

Who’s behind Natanz incident?

The usual culprits

Iran starts enriching uranium to 60% purity

60% enrichment is response to mischiefs against Iran, Rouhani says

Natanz sabotage reveals Iran’s strength

Iran can enrich uranium to 60% and beyond

Iran releases photo and name of Natanz saboteur

National Army Day marked

Iran says it always welcomes dialogue with Saudi Arabia

Definite policy

Iran has taken air superiority from U.S., says CENTCOM

On the verge of liberation

Iron dumb

Al-Quds uprising puts Israel in a bind

Iran among pioneers in COVID-19 vaccine development

Tough talks expected as nuclear negotiators gather in Vienna

Iran, Russia intensify consultations as nuclear talks kick off

Why Saudis and Israelis are anxious about JCPOA talks

IRGC and army are vigorously monitoring enemy’s movements in the Persian Gulf, says IRGC


Israeli traditional blackmail

Leader highlights Quds Force’s role in strengthening Iran foreign policy

The region was able to defend itself from U.S. Hybrid War: analyst

Saudi Arabia sets the stage for tactical outreach to Iran

Anti-Israel cartoonists have always been under attack from Israel and its allies: Shojaei-Tabatabai

Iran, reliable partner

Zarif calls on U.S. to end JCPOA lawlessness

Extending deal with IAEA possible, Iran says

Bibi’s big mistake: Fall of fake regime?

Leader condemns acts of aggression in Afghanistan, Palestine

Civil war breaks out in Israel

War on Gaza reveals Saudi-Emirati bromance with Israel

Can Austria be trusted in the nuclear talks?

Mahmoud Abbas plunges into the unknown as Israel represses Palestinians 

Hamas sends letter to Ayatollah Khamenei

Murphy’s law


Gone with the wind

Science at the service of resistance

Top nuclear negotiator briefs lawmakers on Vienna talks

Key issues remain unresolved, top nuclear negotiator says

Crabs in a bucket

Iran voices strong support for Palestine

Here we go again

Praising humanity, Canadian style!


Big brother is watching you

Bibi wraps up political life with hapless campaign of hype against Iran

Iran stronger than ever: Leader

Oman embarks on new Yemen diplomacy

The big loot

Candidates spar in second showdown

Fakhra vaccine begins second human trial

Mossad admits assassinating Fakhrizadeh, sabotage at Natanz

Putin denies Russia will provide Iran advanced satellite system

Mixed signals

To the high seas and beyond

Leader: Voting is solution to problems

Making history, again!

JCPOA talks continue as Raisi secures landslide victory

Saudis may see opportunity in Raisi win to mend ties with Iran


U.S. ‘temporary suspension’ ploy the next administration in Iran

U.S. muzzles Iranian media in violation of freedom of speech

National glory

Vienna talks reach key point as U.S., European allies move beyond JCPOA

Iran lays out rules for cooperation with IAEA

Canada report makes no sense: deputy FM

Post-election: Iran vs. U.S.


Ex-FM Mottaki says Saudi Arabia tricked U.S. Into Yemen war

Iran pulls the plug on IAEA cameras

Afghanistan is burning while Biden thinks of Fourth of July

First we take Tel Aviv…

What to expect from Iran-Saudi talks

U.S., E3 cry foul on JCPOA after killing it

Democrats renege on JCPOA

Iran facilitates Afghan peace talks

The West is accustomed to supporting terrorism

Report reveals Saudi crimes against Yemenis 

MBS angers MBZ

On Erdogan’s phone call with Israeli president

Washington intensifies intimidatory propaganda to cover up lack of options on JCPOA

Hariri puts Lebanon on the edge

Bennet follows in the footsteps of Netanyahu

Ayatollah Khamenei contextualizes resistance against the West

Iran hopes to start testing mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine by mid-Sept.

Leader reprimands inattention to water management in Khuzestan

Tokyo 2020: Iran beat Poland in five-set thriller

Ayatollah Raisi breaks the ice of Iran-Saudi relations

Jordan king makes unfounded claims against Iran

Unfulfilled expectations

Leader: Trust in the West does not work

Iran draws lessons from engagement with the West

Israeli ship attacked off the coast of Oman


Israel fails to fish in troubled waters

Part of the problem, out of the solution

Leader reflects on the outcome of Iran presidential election

False flag operation

A new day has come

U.S., UK launch campaign of bullying against Iran

Israel receives a slap in the face from Hezbollah

Heavy clashes in Afghanistan

Why didn’t Tehran publicize Israel’s unlawful targeting of Iranian ships?

Leader urges officials to do whatever necessary to contain new wave of Covid-19

Baghdad summit: What to expect?

Iran charts out new foreign policy course

Taliban take control of Kabul and presidential palace, Ashraf Ghani flees

President Raisi: Iran will make efforts to stabilize Afghanistan

China is a larger economic player than the U.S.: Fabrizio Verde

Parliamentary block thanks Leader for naming Sunni as Iran’s Navy chief

Afghanistan: What to Expect

With Iranian Fuel Surprise, Nasrallah Offered Lebanon the Third way

Iran elaborates on its Afghanistan policy

Iran articulates nuclear positions ahead of Vienna talks

Majlis votes for 18 proposed ministers, rejects education minister nominee

Another atomic bomb hits Japan, this time with a different atom

Leader: Diplomacy should not be tied to nuclear issue

Iran embarks on a new regional policy

Oh Joey! What Have You Done?!

Iran says U.S. just brought ‘death and destruction’ to Afghanistan


Iran and the reconciliation drive in the region

Group on Iran Policy

Syria, Lebanon boost ties in blow to U.S.

American politician implicitly confirms Tehran Times report

Iran draws red lines on Afghanistan

Iraqi Kurdistan’s inaction over Kurdish militants angers Iran

Iran warns against resolution at IAEA Board meeting

U.S. pushes for resumption of Vienna talks as Iran urges patience

Lebanon breaks yearlong deadlock

Iran, Iraq boosts ties amid regional reconciliation push

Baghdad talks pave the way for Iranian-Saudi rapprochement

COVID-19 toll declining thanks to mass vaccination

Nothing left to lose

With SCO membership, Iran rolls out new orientation

Athletes refusing to face Zionist regime’s representatives must be backed: Leader

Israeli showoff for friends backfires

Iran vows to give crushing response to any Israeli aggression

Iran FM, UNHCR discuss humanitarian situation in Afghanistan

Angry Americans, Hysterical Reactions

Canberra subsidizing Washington’s failing ambitions: Australian professor

Iran warns of third-parties malign influence over Tehran-Baku ties

Arbaeen, a manifestation of eternal bonds

Decoding IAEA silence over clear violation of NPT in AUKUS pact

The terrorist plans to run for president

Trust Issues


Dragging Israel into Persian Gulf will lead to tension and more insecurity, Iran warns Bahrain

Beneficiaries of disturbing a brotherhood; or How FDD makes way for rupture?

Leader says security cannot be bought

Big tech controls freedom of speech

Millions of Iraqis heading to the polls early

Eslami: Major difference between Safeguards cameras and those of JCPOA

Why Azerbaijan needs to distance itself from Israel

FM Abdollahian holds cordial conversations with Iranian expatriates in Canada, U.S. 

Iran, Pakistan agree to expand security ties, help establish peace in Afghanistan

Israel U-turn on JCPOA reveals its propaganda tactics

What’s behind shootings in Beirut

Iran, Pakistan to hold joint naval drill

Iran unveils new negotiation strategy

Iran embarks on military diplomacy

Nasrallah exposes trap set by Israel

What’s the main obstacle to resuming Vienna talks

Iran official discusses Syria with Turkish, Russian diplomats

Zero chance for EU to make a break with NATO: EU MP

Sudan coup sparks concerns over israel’s interference

Taliban must assure neighbors there won’t be threat from Afghanistan: Iran FM

Tehran meeting: A roadmap for prosperous Afghanistan 

Iran and the West gear up for diplomatic showdown


Why is Saudi Arabia escalating tensions with Lebanon?

Saudi plot to overthrow Lebanese government thickens

Progressive hypocrisy: Brookings worked with Riyadh during Khashoggi murder

Bidens words aren’t enough on JCPOA

On the verge of victory in Maarib

France takes on role of bad cop

3+3 format on Karabakh: The best way forward

Fruitful negotiations have their own requirements

Iran steps up Afghan diplomacy

Arab allies of Israel should learn a lesson from Ethiopia

Iran-Syria ties under spotlight amid UAE diplomatic outreach

A new sheriff in town

Iran-Turkey close cooperation is mutually beneficial

MBZ in Ankara: deciphering Emirati mentality

Iran, Russia eye comprehensive cooperation

Over 100m doses of COVID-19 vaccine injected

UAE-Israel Ties under the Spotlight amid Emirati Outreach to Iran

Three senior officials underline the need to solve economic woes

Grossi faces a litmus test in Tehran

Insecurity shadow over Vienna talks: Place of Iran talks changed amid protest fears

Dying from inside

Western blackmail will get nowhere

Israeli bluff

U.S. faces a diminishing range of choices in Vienna

U.S. launches blame game as Vienna talks resume

Iran’s balanced position debunked Western narrative of Vienna talks


Media hype casts doubt on the West’s seriousness about Vienna talks

European apathy toward Iranian proposals reveals much about Vienna talks

Iran, P4-1 negotiators wrap up Vienna talks

Macron Tour Reveals European Double Standards on Iran

Iran, UAE begin with the easiest

Who’s seeking maximalist demands in Vienna?

Ill-advised Action of U.S. Casts Skepticism Over Vienna Talks

Iran holds firm as West ratchets up media warfare

E3 throws a wrench into Vienna talks

Vienna talks inch forward despite European malpractice

U.S. hostile maneuvering impinges on Vienna talks

Just one wrong move!

E3 twists the truth about Vienna talks

Troika Gears Up for Its Best Known Blame Game as Talks Go On

Agreement in Vienna at hand only if the West shows the will

Hostile act against Iran would strengthen its position

Inclusive government in Afghanistan key to sustainable security

Saudi-led coalition siege on Yemen took another life…

Why U.S. creates a sense of urgency on Vienna talks

IRGC simultaneously fires 16 precision-guided missiles at mock target

A new chapter has opened in Iran-Azerbaijan relations

Artificial deadlines hamper progress at Vienna talks

Iran sets the stage for a deal in Vienna

A Saudi ‘tragic note for Yemenis’ on Christmas

Setting deadlines won’t work

Time is up for United States in Iraq

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