2021: NOT THE BEE (365)


This browser extension lets you view the race and pronoun data of companies as you browse the web. Because everything is racist.

Pelosi just proposed banning gendered terms like “father, mother, son, daughter” in the House. Aaaand she has “mother” and “grandmother” in her Twitter bio.

WATCH: Canadian police stormed “an illegal gathering of six people” on New Year’s Eve after a neighbor snitched on the homeowners

UC San Diego now has vending machines full of COVID test kits.

Three Grammy contenders in the children’s music category decline nomination because all of the nominees were white and it’s even stupider than you think.

The Squad’s All Here to Mainstream Radicalism: Squad Members Rejoice as Democrats Take Senate, Begin Listing their Demands

Our hopes for post-presidential Fortnite streams are in jeopardy! Twitch just blocked Trump’s account.

Twitter Just Banned Trump Permanently

Rioters tracked feces throughout the Capitol and also urinated in several places

Instagram just pulled one of our posts for “violence and incitement” … It was a screenshot of Twitter’s trending topics. The irony is beautiful.

Whoa, check out this ominous message on the official Department of State website

Quebec couple gets creative trying to evade curfew and ends up making headlines instead.

President Trump just released a call for peace. Now allow me to demonstrate how Leftists will reinterpret it as a racist call for violence.

Elementary school goes full Marxist, requires kids to rank their “power and privilege,” assess their racial and sexual identities

AOC flashes white supremacy sign during Instagram session!

How the mighty have fallen. Fox News ratings are lower than CNN and MSNBC for the first time since 2000.

A 12-Foot Wall Is Going Up Around The Capitol To Protect Joe Biden And That’s Weird Because I’ve Been Repeatedly Told By Dems Like Joe Biden That Walls Are Immoral

This is a real WaPo article and I can’t stop simultaneously laughing and hurling. Come with me on a journey into madness.

The party of seatbelts and bike helmets wants to make it illegal to own a bulletproof vest.

What’s this I see? A RACIST flag at Biden’s inauguration!

Important Tiger King update: Joe Exotic says he didn’t get a pardon from Trump because he is “too innocent and too GAY”

Here’s a Republican congressman saying he wants a $1,400 stimulus that only goes to people who get the Covid vaccine

China just flew 8 bombers, 4 fighters, and a submarine hunter into Taiwan’s airspace

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos believes mail-in voting has “serious and systemic flaws.” Not for you, for him, as he attempts to delay unionization vote.

Massachussetts professor: “The term ‘Nazi’ is ‘not strong enough’ to describe Trump supporters.” And no, she wasn’t making a Bee Forum headlines submission.

Guess who already set the record for most executive orders issued in his first week as president?

Hoo boy! Watch this mad dad go completely ballistic on his school board and call them “a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children” for refusing to open schools

65% of nursing homes said they won’t be able to stay in business for more than a year due to ‘Rona costs

Feel the uNiTy! Nancy Pelosi says Congress needs to step up security to protect members from their GOP colleagues with guns.

Watch: Anna Navarro Says GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Meeting With Trump At Mar-a-Lago Is “White Slavery”

Los Angeles bans televisions in restaurants because that’s something they can do apparently.


Fauci’s latest 180 on masks: There’s no data that indicates that [double masking] is going to make a difference.” 

Elon Musk is planting brain chips in monkeys and wants them to play freaking “Mind Pong”

Rut-row… Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psaki engaged in a little flagrant homophobia on Twitter last year!

Amazon stole $62 MILLION in tips from delivery drivers and the fed is telling them to give it back

Time Magazine says the quiet parts out loud: There really was a vast conspiracy of powerful elites working behind the scenes to “change laws” and “control the flow of information: in order to defeat Trump.

Maskless man refused service at Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles … so naturally he just pulls out a gun and holds the place up for some chicken

Straight Outta Exodus: A Flood hit an Indonesian dye factory and turned a nearby village blood red

A YouTuber tried to go viral by doing a “prank robbery” … and got himself shot and killed instead

I would eat one of these RIGHT THIS SECOND. McDonald’s Malaysia has a spicy chicken sandwich with APPLE SLICES on it.

Meet the Volcano Snail, the mollusk with a shell made of ACTUAL IRON.

A Philly school is forcing kids to celebrate “black communism” and other nonsense. Still think “indoctrinations” is too strong a word?

Solly Baby was canceled over accusations that they created a racially insensitive… BABY CARRIER???

Would you believe me if I told you this was now a pledge in the United States Navy?

Oregon encouraging teachers to take course called “Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction” in which teachers are encouraged to “Come up with at least two answers” that might solve a math problem.

This guy thought Tessica Brown’s Gorilla Glue story was a hoax, so he created a “Gorilla Glue challenge” and ended up in the ER after gluing a Solo cup to his face

What is going on? Armed troops will continue to surround nation’s capital until Fall, POTENTIALLY INCLUDING ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY.

Rush Limbaugh has died and I want to cry.

Watch: These California School Board Members Were Caught Bashing Parents Who Want Schools To Reopen In What They THOUGHT Was a Closed Meeting

Check out this extensive list of genders NYU accepts and decide if you’re a Maverick Demiboi or a Novigender Two-Spirit

“You have not seen my wrath”: Gov. Cuomo threatens to “destroy” NY Dem assemblyman if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut about the nursing home deaths cover-up

Look at this absolutely enormous crowd of … 2 people … welcoming VP Kamala back home to California

Ho. LEE CRAP. Some dude set a new “highest blood alcohol content while driving” record with .778!

Here’s a look at a few more examples of media hypocrisy as “kids in cages” become “shelters” under the loving embrace of Joe Biden

A new bill in California would fine stores $1,000 for having separate girls and boys sections, because apparently CA has solved all their real problems already.

Watch: This delightful Aussie seems to enjoy removing snakes from attics just a little too much

Microsoft, Intel, and Adobe are teaming up to destroy online privacy by tracking every single piece of digital content you create

Here’s a dude rapping outside CPAC about storming the Capitol Building while Roger Stone old-man-dances next to him all in front of a Trump Rambo truck because why not

Lefties are so desperate to out conservatives as Nazis that they’re desperately looking for anything to prove their delusions. Get a load of this latest madness.


Bachelor alum that called for Chris Harrison’s firing now under fire for racist tweets

Nice optics! Gov. Cuomo has hired Harvey Weinstein’s attorney to defend him against perv allegations

10 of the top 11 books on Amazon today are by Dr. Seuss

It continues … Universal Orlando says they’re now “evaluating” their Dr. Seuss themed play area

Remember how Trump kept delivering record-black unemployment even as he was called a racist? And Biden fashioned himself as the one who would save black people from Trump? Welllll…

T-Mobile is forcing employees to complete a “White Privilege Checklist.” Let’s go through this pile of nonsense together.

Here’s Washington Post coming through with some North-Korea-state-media-level Biden worship

That NYT columnist who came for Pepe Le Pew went after Speedy Gonzales, too … and failed epically as Latinos came out in force to defend “The Fastest Mouse in all Mexico”

When you search Google Images for “white men” it gives you a bunch of photos of black dudes, females, and a few white guys … But why?

A woke professor is ranking law schools by their “Total Whiteness.” Let me explain to you how that works and what it means.

Candace Owens goes for the jugular, says if you believe Meghan Markle’s racism claims “then I’m a Nigerian prince and give me your credit card details”

Think you got an A on your UPenn nursing final? Think again. You forgot to ask your imaginary patient their preferred pronoun and announce yours as well, so now you’re getting a B.

A pic of Gov. Cuomo walking around his mansion with a blankie and beer hit the internet and the memes are glorious

NBC says you should wear a mask while showering at the gym

“Do you know who doesn’t care that there’s a stereotype of a Chinese man in a Dr. Seuss Book? China.”

Biden’s been trying to contact North Korea for a month, but Lil’ Kimmy won’t respond

Sports Illustrated featured a transgender black Asian person for its swimsuit edition and the media can barely contain its excitement

Nick Cannon says he doesn’t need forgiveness for racist comments because he’s on a journey that “goes beyond apologizing”

They’re laughing at us. Putin challenged Biden to a live-streamed discussion “with no delays,” because he knows Biden isn’t all there. White House replies that Biden is “quite busy.”

Jordan Peterson invited Elon Musk onto his podcast and it looks like its happening

Here’s a thread about how “tree/treeself” are pronouns you MUST use… just in case you’re still on the fence about wokism.

Look at this malicious, unsubstantiated shot the New York Times took at the Babylon Bee. How is this not defamation?

The New York Times updated their Babylon Bee smear aaaand it’s still hot garbage

Is anyone surprised to learn that Biden “consults ” with Obama “about a range of issues?”

Researchers tricked Tesla vehicles into going 85 in a 35 using a little black tape.

Oh look! Here’s Barack Obama in 2005 VIGOROUSLY defending the filibuster … which he now demonizes as “a relic of the Jim Crow era”

Twitter says calling the Syrian Muslim CO shooter a “white Christian terrorist” does not violate its policies on misinformation or hate

Planned Parenthood took $83 MILLION meant for small business relief, senators say. Here’s what’s being done about it.

Watch Trump troll Biden in a wedding he crashed over the weekend: “Do you miss me yet?”

Watch: Former Dem senator calls Gina Corano a “Nazi” who “hangs with white supremacists”

The people that control the US nukes got their Twitter hacked and the reason is hilarious


Jill Biden absolutely biffed speaking Spanish yesterday

Check out these celebs endorsing a virtue-signaling sticker that businesses can put on their windows to indicate they follow leftist orders

Peleogeneticists are instructed to be careful that science doesn’t end up “controlling the narrative,” as another scientific discipline falls to the woke warriors.

Watch British police stop a Good Friday service and call it “unlawful”

Hunter Biden says he has “no recollection” of meeting the D.C. stripper who gave birth to his child

A Soviet version of LOTR has been discovered and it will amaze you

This prominent BLM activist straight up threatened on camera that “all h*ll will break loose,” “buildings will burn” if Derek Chauvin is acquitted

Lobsters unite! Jordan Peterson is trolling Marvel for making him a supervillain and it’s GLORIOUS.

Oh Look Biden’s Creating A Commission To Study Expanding The Supreme Court

Please enjoy this 2009 clip of John Kerry warning that “state-of-the-art science” predicts our 1st “ice-free Arctic summer” should’ve been here 7 years ago

Nearly 40% of Marines are refusing the vaccine

Antifa set fire to (another) federal building in Portland. Remember tho, they’re just an “idea!”

Need more proof that wokism is a cult? How about this shirtless white dude in swim goggles snotting up as he screeches “black lives matter” into the sky over and over?

In today’s episode of “Everything is Racist,” get ready to add CHEESE to the list

Get ready: Dems are introducing legislation to pack the Supreme Court with 4 new justices

Remember how Elon Musk wanted monkeys to play “Mind Pong”? The dream has now become reality, but the memes are even better

Breonna Taylor’s mom just called BLM a “fraud” in an epic takedown of race hustlers looking to get rich off grief

Watch this clip of Maxine Waters talking about the Derek Chauvin trial. How is this not inciting violence? How is it not jury intimidation?

A Utah reporter ran a hit piece on a man who donated $10 to Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense fund and got rightfully body checked for his nonsense

Watch this mom spray aerosol cleaner in her kids’ faces to “protect” them at the grocery store while you weep for the death of sanity

This fiery thread on the Left’s destruction of language is a nuclear truth bomb

Washington state is now allowing providers to refuse vaccinations to white people

Sure, he lost the ball, his nachos, his shoe, and his dignity, but his all-or-nothing spirit is what really matters

This lady got hit with a felony for never returning a VHS tape she rented 21 years ago

Rob Gronkowski caught a football that was dropped from 640 feet out of a helicopter and set a world record because of course he did

Oscar ratings absolutely TANKED — down 50% year over year

Police departments across the nation are experiencing a staffing crisis and I can’t POSSIBLY imagine why.

Watch: Fully Vaccinated Joy Reid Brags About How She Still Wears Two Masks While Jogging Outside

Here are the best Biden soundbites from last night’s speech

Check out this ISIS-style death threat video Antifa made for Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler


Watch this quick thinking ninja fight off three attackers by spraying them with gas

Just an FYI: A 21-ton Chinese rocket kinda sorta accidentally went into orbit and it’s going to come down… nobody knows where. Carry on.

The Kentucky Derby had more viewers than any woke award show and most other sports games. Can you guess why?

Unbelievable: Watch this racist woke teacher degrade a cop by repeatedly calling him a murderer and insulting his ethnicity

These crazy videos of a volcano jetting lava 900 feet in the air happened just outside Iceland’s capital city

New report says China produces more emissions than the U.S. and all other developed countries COMBINED

Ron DeSantis is giving $1,000 bonuses to all Florida police offers to show them appreciation

Whoopsie daisy! Pelosi tweets out pic of wrong black ballplayer while trying to honor Willie Mays

We now apparently have some new terms for overweight people…

People are so desperate to be conspiracy theorists that they thought Elon Musk was flashing neo-Nazi signs on SNL

Wokies are super salty that Tim Tebow is reportedly back in the NFL and Colin Kaepernick still isn’t

The Mayor of London just commissioned a new art campaign for the city and literally this is the result

Remember how Biden said he wouldn’t build a single foot of the border wall? Yeah, about that…

Ohio is offering vaccinated citizens the chance to win a million dollars! But it’s actually a very cruel and coercive trick.

A NY state lawmaker shared a reimagined map of Israel. You know, without all the Jews.

Rachael Maddow said she has to “rewire” herself to not see maskless people as “a threat” based on the CDC’s new guidance

France has formally kicked gender-neutral language to the curb, saying it’s a “danger” to their nation

Even Greta is dunking on the claims made by climate tzar John Kerry

Biden finally clears way for completion of new gas pipeline. In Russia.

Check out the new PBS feature for your kids: “The Hips On the Drag Queen Go Swish Swish Swish”

Nancy Pelosi is fining GOP members for not wearing masks. Meanwhile, here’s a video of her and other Top Dems hanging out last night.

A female army gunner in Canada reportedly fed her artillery unit weed-laced cupcakes during a live-fire exercise

BAHAHA: Don Lemon said only Dems are “operating in reality” and then claimed he’s not a political person, just a “journalist” who “lives in reality.”

After losing to transgender athletes “time after time,” female track star says woke policies have taught her that her “body isn’t good enough” and that she’s “unlikely to succeed” because she is a woman.”

Gavin Newsom has been barred form indiscriminately shutting down churches and ordered to pay $1.35 million in legal fees

Korean NFL football coach says he was told that he’s “not the right kind of minority” during an interview for a coaching job

Atlanta Mayoral Candidate Who Voted to Defund Police Carjacked for His Mercedes in Broad Daylight

Inflation surges to highest level in decades as Biden unveils ginormous $6 TRILLION budget

Dude … Joe Biden went off script and AGAIN made incredibly inappropriate comments to a little girl

Men, this woke lady wants you to know you’re “fatfphobic” if you refuse to go out with her

New poll shows Americans aren’t willing to spend even a FEW BUCKS on climate action, let alone the TRILLIONS demanded by the Green New Deal


Former AG Barr nuked the “militant and extreme secular-progressive climate in our state-run educational system” as the greatest threat to religious liberty in American today”

WaPo stealth-edited a 15-month-old article calling the Wuhan lab leak a “debunked conspiracy theory” because whoever controls the past controls the future

Lawyered-up Babylon Bee accuses New York Times of defamation, demands retraction

Oh look: The nation’s jobs report fell massively short of expectations for the second month in a row!

America, meet the person who is supremely concerned about your mental health

LOL AOC Media Clowns Matt Walsh – The media tried to spin the $100k raised by Matt Wash for AOC’s grandma into a nefarious conservative “attack”

According to the Lincoln Project, Antifa members are just like the soldiers who fought the Nazis on D-Day

Whiteness is a “parasitic condition” that has no “permanent cure,” according to a new paper in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association

Biden has changed “mothers” to “birthing people” in the wording of his new $6 trillion budget proposal

Up to HALF of all pandemic unemployment funds may have been stolen by criminals, as much as $400 BILLION

Former FBI Assistant Director says in order to confront domestic terrorism we have to go after “command and control elements” including “people sitting in Congress right now.” Let’s discuss

Please enjoy this video of Joe Biden wandering around at the G7 summit in England before he was rescued by his wife

BLM cofounder Patrice Cullors has a cool new fence to protect her $1.4 million home

Video: India has sinkholes that swallow cars whole

A reporter asked Biden if he still thinks Putin is a “killer” and he laughed and then awkwardly stood in complete silence for an eternity

Nickelodeon’s ratings have CRASHED HARD since they started pushing every woke idea on the planet

The Fed just “considerably raised its expectations for inflation this year”

Whiny Feminist Alert: “Mansplainers at work” are set to make a comeback. Oh no!

Olympic runner blames positive steroid test on street burrito

Disney is holding a “Pride Celebration Spectacular” for your kids, complete with Kermit the Frog and that drag queen who’s appeared on Nickelodeon

China wants the infamous Wuhan lab to be awarded a Nobel Prize in medicine

I thought this trailer for “Karen” was an SNL skit the first time I saw it. It’s actually a real movie about a white woman terrorizing her black neighbors and it’s the craziest thing ever.

Atlanta IKEA celebrates Juneteenth by serving watermelon and fried chicken and it does not go well for them

People had some serious thoughts about Biden telling the American people they could never overthrow the government because he’s got nukes

NIH deleted data from early Wuhan COVID samples because a Chinese scientist asked them to. 

Over 5,000 pigeons just vanished in what people are calling “one of the very worst ever” days in pigeon racing and I have serious questions

Bill de Blasio got WRECKED for flipping out about George Floyd statue being desecrated when he’s been soft on vandalism for years

Nike says it is “of China and for China” in case you were wondering about their company ideals

NFL says “FOOTBALL IS GAY” in new ad. I didn’t say it, they did.

The NSA said they’re not spying on Tucker Carlson and I’m sure it’s true because you should always trust a powerful surveillance agency


The FBI is investigating 87 people who are connected to an illegal coupon ring

Judge orders Ghislaine Maxwell documents unsealed that detail the relationship between her, Jeffrey Epstein, and the Clinton family

32 people shot in Chicago on Thursday ALONE, including 3 small children. Where are the protests?

Here’s the media fawning over Joe Biden’s ice cream again

LAPD attempted to detonate a bunch of illegal fireworks inside a “specialized armored truck designed for controlled detonations” and it did not go well. 

Biden’s 4th of July speech on White House YouTube channel gets embarrassingly low numbers of views, also gets downvoted into oblivion

San Fran gay choir literally sings “we’re coming for your children” in new music video

Check out this NYT article praising the “pornography literacy classes” taught to elementary kids by a “sex-positive educator”

Get ready to meet critical cuisine theory as exotic WaPo tells us how to talk about food

Absolutely INSANE bodycam footage from shootout in Toledo — over 80 rounds fired, 12 people shot

The USA basketball team somehow just lost to NIGERIA in an Olympic exhibition game

Is this state department official actually trying to tell us the protests in Cuba are not about their communist dictatorship but are actually about COVID?

Mel Gibson was caught on camera saluting Trump at UFC 264 and libs are super duper triggered

Environmental racism strikes again as George Floyd mural is destroyed by lightning

Woke Joint Chiefs Chairman General Milley is even more of a hysterical partisan hack than originally thought, according to a forthcoming book.

Reuters wasn’t concerned with Covid during mass BLM protest … Weird how they’re now warning about it now during anti-communism protests

“Defund the Police” advocate Rep. Cori Bush has spent $70K on private security in past 3 months

Videos: Gunshots erupted right outside Nationals Park during the game yesterday, chaos ensued, and the game was canceled

Nikole Hannah-Jones says communist Cuba has “the least inequality” and has ended “codified racism”

Now Biden and Pelosi staff members test positive for COVID after meeting the infected Dems who fled Texas to avoid doing their jobs

Remember The Plot To Kidnap MI Gov. Whitmer That The FBI Foiled? Yeah, The FBI Apparently Helped Hatch It. There’s Some Seriously Shady Stuff Going On.

Here are the highlights from Biden’s CNN town hall last night where he totally didn’t ramble and lose his train of thought a billion times

The most popular president in history had abysmal ratings for his fancy televised town hall

Two California Prisoners Caught Attempting to Steal $1.4 Million of Covid-19 Unemployment Money

The ghouls in our mainstream media really dunked on a dead guy for not getting vaccinated

EXCUSEZ-MOI: France is in an uproar over vaccine passports!

Aaaand the CDC is now reversing its policy and telling vaccinated people to wear a mask indoors

Florida Dem posts utterly CRINGE tweet ahead of governor race against DeSantis, gets shredded in the replies

King of Clowns Don Lemon says unvaxxed people should be banned from going to buy food

Today’s Cover Of The New York Post Asks The Questions We Should All Be Asking

The Dystopian Commonwealth of Australia is sending police to knock on people’s doors to make sure they have no visitors, requiring vax passports to enter stores, and deploying the army to patrol the streets


We are now releasing Covid-positive illegal immigrants into the U.S., and please tell me more about how I need to mask up, social distance and get vaccinated

The details leaked for the MASSIVE $1 trillion “infrastructure” bill and hoo boy is it a doozy

Rapper DaBaby is being PUMMELED by the woke mob for ridiculing gay sex acts. Get your popcorn ready because this is quite a story.

NYC is now requiring vax papers. Can the conspiracy theorists stop being right, please?

CNN’s Stelter really just compared Trump supporters to members of the Jonestown mass-murder-suicide cult

Top national security officials say Emperor Xi has enough personal info on Americans to compile a “dossier” for every one of us

Let this former CIA officer explain why forcing people to take the vaccine is such a horrible idea

Joe Rogan absolutely UNLOADS on vaccine passports in this epic rant about freedom and the awesomeness of America

Watch: Italians burn their vaccine passports in protest

Papers, Please! Video Out Of France Shows Police Checking Everyone’s Vaccine Passports In Public And It’s Dystopian As Heck!

These archaeologists claim they’ve found the actual Trojan Horse

Has the Rona turned ALL our childhood action heroes into supervillains?

Philadelphia city employees now required to DOUBLE-mask if not vaccinated

Biden said in March that the migrant surge at the border was merely “seasonal.” Ted Cruz has an update for him.

Are you really surprised at how Biden is handling Afghanistan?

CNN reporter: “They’re just changing ‘Death to America’ but they seem friendly at the same time”

Job opportunity: UN looking for someone to advance ‘gender equality’ on Afghanistan city controlled by the Taliban

Watch: The Boston Dynamics robots can now do parkour in case you were wondering how humans will be hunted in the future

Asked about Taliban chaos at Kabul airport, Biden said “No one’s being killed right now” then he literally knocked on wood

Washington teacher says we should deny healthcare to the unvaxxed: “Let them die,” “If we’re lucky we can cut out 30% of the population that votes the wrong way”

Elon Musk is making a Tesla robot to eliminate “repetitive and boring tasks” and I’m not sure whether to clap or prepare for war with the machines

A clip from Trump’s rally is going viral and we’re not supposed to show it because it’s Trump but maybe here it is and yea it contains a cuss word and also perhaps he’s absolutely right

The Pfizer vax finally got full FDA approval and our Surgeon General is hoping this will increase “vaccine requirements” across the land

Former director of both the CIA and NSA, and a four-star general, thinks it’s a “good idea” to “send the MAGA wearing unvaxxed to Afghanistan.”

Weekly neighborhood kickball game is “a beautiful event on the safest street in Colorado Springs,” and that is why it must be destroyed.

The woke are now coming after Notre Dame’s “Fighting Irish” nickname and their Leprechaun mascot and I can’t believe this isn’t The Babylon Bee

The death toll for the suicide bombings in Kabul has now risen to almost 200, including 13 American troops

New video: this news clip from Australia is unbelievably dystopian

Naval Intelligence members were sternly told they can not “disrespect” glorious leader Biden over Afghanistan … even if they are retired

Pew Research poll shows 65% of Dems think censorship of “misinformation” is good even if it suppresses personal rights (and the pursuit of truth)

Fauci says mandating children get the Covid vaccine in order to attend school “is a good idea”


Forbes just memory-holed an article it published by a child trauma expert warning of the alleged risks of school mask mandates

The Biden admin is starting to get serious about border security … in Tajikistan

New video:The Left’s Very Revealing Freakout Over the New Texas Abortion Law

This Seems Important: Two Top Vaccine Regulators Resigned From The FDA Because Of The Political Pressure From Biden To Approve Covid Vaccine Boosters

A mysterious gnarly looking aircraft first spotted in California last year appears to have resurfaced in the Philippines this week

This is apparently a video of the streets of Philadelphia but I swear it looks like a scene from The Walking Dead

Stop here for a moment and read this actual headline invoking Satan as the “last, best hope” for abortion and ponder what side of history you want to be on

Man charged with murder he allegedly commited weeks after being freed by bail fund that Kamala Harris promoted

Biden admin economic advisor notes that food inflation isn’t really all that bad if you exclude “beef, poultry, and pork” … I’m thinking there was probably a better way to phrase that.

Biden’s screed against the unvaxxed was so bad even CNN’s Jake Tapper said he took it too far and now the toLeRaNcE mob is really mad at Jake Tapper

Report: The Biden admin said it droned an ISIS terrorist driving a car full of explosives but it was actually just an aid worker

America’s Doctor: Watch as Fauci can’t explain why people with natural COVID immunity should still get vaccinated

Joe Biden is “our greatest national security threat” right now according to this guy … but he’s just the former Director of National Intelligence, so what does he know?

Woman of the people: The cost of AOC’s Met Gala shoes could have fed an American family for a month

Grammy-nominated singer writes song about Biden called “Blood On My Hands,” gets blocked from promoting it on Facebook like 5 seconds later

Red states are having big success with this one COVID treatment and now the Biden administration is going to start rationing it

Moderna releases research saying tiny chance of COVID-19 breakthrough case means everyone should get another Moderna shot and this is my shocked face

New data from extremely distant space debris is offering possible evidence of the hypothesized “Planet Nine” at the edge of the Solar System

Jordan Peterson: “How is this not worse than the virus?”

Comrade AOC launches “Tax the Rich” merch collection after Met Gala appearance

New image of Justin Trudeau wearing blackface emerges as he wins re-election in Canada

You must not “do your own research,” they say. It’s just too dangerous.

NEW emails show Hunter Biden wanted a $2 million retainer while his dad was VP to help unfreeze Libyan funds … oh, and he said he had “access to the highest level” of Chinese government

Canadian province now requiring churches to have 90% of congregation vaxxed when gathering for worship

The White House Edited The Transcript, But There’s Tape – Watch Footage Of Biden Trashing The American Press In Front Of India’s Prime Minister

The vice president of the United States actually just compared border patrol agents to slave drivers. She really did this.

Unbelievable: Aussie police with rifles strangle and tackle maskless citizens in an attempt to prove why Covid tyranny is totally for their own good

Jen Psaki Says That It’s “Unfair And Absurd” For Companies To Raise Prices When Their Taxes Go Up And Maybe This White House Needs To Retake Economics 101

Here is Stephen Colbert’s cringely creepy vaccine musical and also it’s clear to me now that we’re living in a simulation

The Lockdowns Will Never End! LA Considers INSANE Vaccine Passport Requirements That Would Be Among The Most Strict In The US


Wizards star Bradley Beal schools journalists on Covid, asks why vaxxed people are still getting sick and being required to quarantine

Western Washington University has created segregated housing for black students and can someone please explain to me how this is considered “progress”

Oh: “White male KKK member” leaving racist notes in neighborhood mailboxes threatening to kill people and burn down homes turns out to be black woman

China just flew another 77 warplanes into Taiwan’s defense zone and I wonder why this has been happening a lot since January

Playboy has a new strategy to make money by putting a gay guy on this month’s cover

For your fabricated outrage of the day, may I present the claim that the GOP is depicting “ropes” around black delegates to evoke “brutality against Black men”

A hospital is refusing to do a woman’s kidney transplant surgery because she did not have the COVID vaccine

Google goes full Inquisition, says any content that questions “consensus” on “climate change” will be barred from making money

Joe Biden falsely suggested that vaccinated people cannot spread COVID-19 but for some reason he’s not being censored on social media for it

As many as 400 Seattle police officers could be facing termination over the city’s vaccine mandate

DC’s new Superman will be super gay and super into climate change

Loudoun County father who became the face of “domestic extremism” says his daughter was raped in a bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt and the school covered it up

North Korea released this video of some of their elite soldiers trying to show the world how tough they are and dude it’s hilarious

Joe Rogan absolutely savaged CNN’s Sanjay Gupta over his network’s lies

Climate protesters just tried to take over a federal building in Washington, which is “insurrections” under the new rules … right??

NASA launched a new spacecraft that will spend the next 12 years exploring ancient asteroids near Jupiter

Please enjoy these clips of Biden yelling incomprehensibly and mispronouncing simple words yesterday

Here’s Joe Biden violating D.C.’s mask mandate at a restaurant over the weekend

U.S. officials say they have “NO IDEA” how China pulled off recent test of nuclear-capable hypersonic missile that circled the entire globe 

Left-handed? You are now just as oppressed as black people, gays, and hamsters

Kamala Harris yelling “Surprise!” at her own surprise birthday party is the most Kamala Harris thing ever

Alec Baldwin shoots and kills cinematographer Halyna Hutchins with prop gun on set of new Western film

Why is Kamala Harris doing this weird flappy thing with her arms?

ROFL: Barack Obama Accuses Conservatives Of “Made Up Culture Wars” While Campaigning In The Virginia Gubernatorial Race

Twitter suspended a sitting congressman for calling transgender HHS official Rachel Levine – who is a biological male – a “man”

Dave Chappelle responds to trans activists: “I said what I said … I am not bending to anybody’s demands”

Woman charged with arson claims that her neighbors threw unlit Molotov cocktails into her yard before she lit them and threw them back over the fence

Watch: Florida school board has parent removed for simply quoting the graphic sex material they are teaching kids

“Fewer cops. More trash.” New York City is about to feel the full effects of its highly unpopular vaccine mandate

LOL! Apparently the Pope told Joe Biden that he’s a “good Catholic” and should “keep receiving communion”

Trump got caught doing the chop at the Braves game last night and now there’s no question in my mind that he’s a white supremacist


Biden met maskless with Pope Francis even though he’d met with Covid-positive Jen Psaki the week before

Terry McAuliffe closed out his campaign by saying he wants to reduce the number of white teachers “to make everyone feel comfortable”

China is urging families to start stocking up on food and other essentials so that’s a little concerning

Biden doubles down on vax mandates, officially gives businesses until Jan 4 to comply or else

Microsoft is now so woke that they’re saying hello by listing their ethnicities and hairstyles during video conferences and I swear this is real

America is already short 80,000 truck drivers (!!!) and the industry is warning that Biden’s vaccine mandate will only make it worse

You Know Those Cargo Ships And Trains Waiting To Be Unloaded In California? Yeah, Now Homeless People Are Breaking In And Stealing Things From The Stopped Trains

Video From China Shows Kids Lined Up With QR Codes Hung Around Their Necks To Help Stop The Spread Of Covid. How Long Before We See This In America?

The prosecution’s star witness against Kyle Rittenhouse admitted he got shot after pulling a gun. Here’s a roundup of the media’s insane spin on that testimony.

U.S. Inflation Just Surged to Its Highest Level in 30 Years and This Is Very Bad

President Biden: “Did You Ever Think You’d Be Paying This Much for a Gallon of Gas?”

China just made President Xi equal to Mao Zedong and you don’t understand how big of a deal this is

The supply chain crisis is getting so bad that dry cleaners are running out of wire hangers and restaurants are having to wait more than half a year for deep-fryers

This guy spent 4 years and tens of thousands turning an old Cadillac El Dorado into a 5-ton functional replica of the Ghostbusters Ecto-1 and give him credit it’s pretty sweet

Fun Fact: Were you to confiscate the entire net worth of every billionaire in the United States, you could fund the federal government for about 8 months…

Reese’s is releasing a 9-inch peanut butter cup pie that weighs over 3 pounds so you can bring it to Thanksgiving and gross everyone out

The definition of “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19 is changing to three shots and gee I wonder if they’ll stop there?

The Rittenhouse judge just banned MSNBC from the courtroom because a producer followed the jury bus

Austria is entering a nationwide lockdown and will soon make the vaccine mandatory for everyone and has deployed vax police patrols and this is real life now

Jordan Peterson tells Canada to “man up” after the chief of the Canadian Medical Association posts a photo of her kid wearing a helmet at home in Covid isolation

“Numerous” dead bodies are stuck on cargo ships because countries are too afraid of Covid to let them come ashore

The suspect in the Waukesha attack has rap video where he sings about kidnapping and murder in front of the car he used to run down people, but don’t let this distract you from America’s real problem of white supremacy

Australia Admits Using Army to Put People With Covid Into “Quarantine Camps” And I’m Losing Count Of All The Conspiracy Theories Becoming True

The Wikipedia page titled “Mass Killings Under Communist Regimes” is being considered for deletion

There’s a new ad about “daddy” kissing Santa Claus

A Very Biden Christmas: Record numbers of Americans say they have no plans to do any Christmas shopping this year

The World Health Organization skipped over the Greek letter “Xi” when naming the new COVID variant and gee I wonder why??

De Blasio Admits Cuomo Covered Up Nursing Home Deaths in NY

WHOA: The Taliban had secretly infiltrated “every organization and department” inside Afghanistan’s government and universities YEARS before Kabul

Biden is letting federal agencies wait until after Christmas to fire unvaxxed employees because he’s such a swell guy


If tyrants thought Americans were mad about tea prices, wait until the coffee lovers get wind of this

Justice Thomas asks where abortions is found in the Constitution: “What specifically is the right here that we’re talking about?”

What?? The CIA was aware of multiple staffers who committed sex crimes against kids and only one was ever charged with a crime

AOC’s bizarre screed on Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault allegations shows the Left’s complete and total willingness to put ideology ahead of evidence

Watch: Priest Yells “POPE YOU ARE A HERETIC!” at Pope Francis

Bomb Squad Called To UK Hospital After Man Gets WWII Mortar Stuck In His Rectum

This college swimmer used to compete as a man but now identifies as a woman and is absolutely shattering women’s swimming records

Stores in Germany now have signs saying “Unvaccinated Not Welcome” and I really think people need to brush up on their history a bit

Nothing to see in this video except a bunch of kindergarteners being forced to eat lunch outside on buckets in 40 degree weather

TIME names Simone Biles “Athlete of the Year” and I thought that was the chick who walked away from the Olympics

Bob Dole Trolls Democrats One Last Time In Farewell Letter At Funeral, Said He’s Looking Forward To Voting In Chicago After Death

China is building a hypersonic plane that will be able to fly at 12,000 mph and take people anywhere on Earth within one hour.

During Joe Biden’s Summit For Democracy The White House Cut Taiwan’s Feed Because They Showed A Map With Taiwan And China In Different Colors

Wholesale prices are now up an insane 9.6% over last year

See the unbelievable imagery of our galaxy’s supermassive black hole region captured in never-before-seen detail by the planet’s most powerful telescopes

Good news! U.S.-based Christian missionary group FINALLY freed 2 months after being abducted by gang in Haiti

Some puppies in India killed a local infant monkey and the monkeys have taken revenge by massacring hundreds of dogs by dropping them off buildings

Nicholas Sandmann has settled his $275M defamation lawsuit against NBC, the third $200M+ lawsuit settlement he’s had in the past year

You know how crypto eliminates having to deal with banks and other intermediaries, not to mention avoids the prying eyes of the state? Yeah, the new infrastructure law kind of gets rid of all that freedomy stuff.

Orwellian messaging from Biden’s Covid Response Coordinator: “For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death — for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.

The Jonas brother did a cringe vaccine video with Biden and it got turned into a glorious meme

Elon Musk: “Wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful … arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization”

Communist Dystopia: Famous Chinese Monument To Victims Of The Tiananmen Massacre Removed In Dead Of Night

Oh Man: Biden’s Economic Approval Ratings Are So Bad He’s Doing Worse Than Jimmy Carter!

Biden was taking calls live and a guy ended with “Merry Christmas, and let’s go Brandon.” Biden replied, “Let’s go Brandon, I agree!”

Sixth Grader Classmate From Choking And Elderly Woman From House Fire IN THE SAME DAY

Researchers found a fossil of the “the biggest bug that ever lived”: A millipede “AS BIG AS A CAR”

After promising to “shut down the virus” in 202, Biden just said “there is no federal solution” before heading to his vacation home

Watch: Hospitals are begging nurses to return after canning them for being unvaxxed

Read along in gape-jawed wonder as a university professor explains how it makes perfect sense for you to pay off the student loans his wife took out to get her doctorate

Democrats are facing potential annihilation in midterms and suddenly, out of the blue, the Biden admin is worried about insane COVID regulators having a “major negative impact” on the U.S.

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