2021: MOTHER JONES (347)


There’s No Such Thing as “Trump Country”

Trump Called the Georgia Secretary of State and Demanded that He Find More Nonexistent Votes

Trump Tried Calling 18 Times Before Georgia’s Secretary of State Finally Picked Up

The Whigs Blew Up Over Slavery. Will the GOP Blow Up Over Loyalty to Trump?

Donald Trump Is Now a Terrorist Leader

What Criminal Charges May Await the Capitol Mob — and the Politicians Who Incited It

House Democrats Take a Step Necessary for a Swift Impeachment

How Lawmakers Failed Jacob Blake

Here Are the Companies That Will Stop Donating to Republicans Who Voted Against Certifying Election

Giuliani Allies Were Part of “Russia-Linked Foreign Influence Network,” US Government Says

The Pro-Trump Riot Renews Concerns About Extremism in the MIlitary

Trump’s Second Impeachment Shows How the GOP Remains Stuck in Trumpism

It’s Always About Stopping the Steal

A List of the Lawmakers Who Joined Pro-Trump Crowds on the Day of the Capitol Riot

A Disproportionate Share of COVID-19 Vaccines Are Going to White People

The Problem With Keto

It All Began With Russia: Donald Trump’s 4 Great Betrayals of the Nation

Joe Biden’s Inaugural Address Was a Plea for “Unity.” But Healing the Nation’s “Soul” Won’t Be Easy.

The Apprentice

The Insurrection Was Put Down. The GOP Plan for Minority Rule Marches On.

Trump Lied More Than 30,000 Times During His Presidency. No Wonder We’re Exhausted.

The Senate Has Used the Filibuster to Block Civil Rights Bills for Decades. There’s Another Reason for Dems to Ditch It.

Roger Stone Did Something Wrong

There Is No GOP Civil War. The Party Has Already Chosen Trumpism.

The Memo You’re Not Supposed to See: 11 Ways to Hide Money Offshore

“The Price of Blood”: Marjorie Taylor Greene Endorsed Political Violence in a Video Just Before Election Day

Republicans’ Miserly Stimulus Plan Is More Band-Aid Than Economic Treatment


How Trump Unleashed a Domestic Terrorism Movement – and How to Defeat It

How a Legacy of Organizing Among Domestic Workers Helped Turn Georgia Blue

Marjorie Taylor Greene Was a Moderator of a Facebook Group Featuring Death Threats and Racist Memes

Marjorie Taylor Greene Fights Back – By Lying About AOC

How a Three-Word Phrase Sabotaged Black Voting Rights

Gripping Photos: Anti-Coup Protesters Are Defying Myanmar’s Military in the Streets

More Than a Dozen Accused Capitol Rioters Say Trump Incited Them

Liveblog: Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial Begins With Damning Video of Insurrection

At Trump Impeachment II, The Republican Party Is Also on Trial

How the Fossil Fuel Industry Convinced Americans to Love Gas Stoves

This “Superhero Pirate” Radio Host Is Gavin Newsom’s Strangest – and Most Dangerous – Threat

Senate Republicans Acquit Trump …and Indict the GOP

Oath Keepers Who Guarded Roger Stone Stormed the Capitol

Trump’s Legal Problems Are Just Starting

Why Won’t Joe Biden Let Ethanol Die Already?

America Is Ignoring the Coronavirus Variants at Its Own Peril

Mr. Biden, Tear Down This Wall!

We’re Doing Disaster Planning All Wrong

Biden Declares Major Disaster In Texas

Texas Democrats Use Their Organizing Power for Disaster Relief

No Truth, No Justice

Hey Siri – Why Don’t You Understand More People Like Me?

The (Almost) Unbelievable Tortures of Steven Tendo

Republicans Are Taking Their Voter Suppression Efforts to New Extremes

“Please Don’t Kill Me,” Angelo Quinto Pleaded. The Cops Kneeled on His Neck for 4 Minutes.

Watch This Number Closely to See How Seriously Biden Will Tackle Climate Pollution

A GOP Senator Warns Republicans Will Keep Losing if They Idolize Trump


Republicans Are Trying to Kill What’s Left of the Voting Rights Act

Texas and Mississippi Governors’ Lifting of Mask Mandates Is a Gift to the Coronavirus

The House Is Poised to Pass a Major Voting Rights Bill – and Create a Helluva Battle in the Senate

Without Official Vaccine Guidance, Pregnant People Are Left to Do Their Own Research

The USA Needs a Reckoning. Does “Truth and Reconciliation” Actually Work?

Joe Biden Is Already Starting His Victory Lap

Georgia Republicans Pass the Most Restrictive Voting Laws Since Jim Crow

Manhattan Prosecutor Expands Trump Investigation to Include Mysterious Chicago Loan

House Passes $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Package

The War on Trans Kids Is Coming for Dr. Izzy Lowell

Are Life Sentences a Merciful Alternative to the Death Penalty?

Breonna Taylor Was Slain One Year Ago Today. The Tragic Police Raids Continue.

Democrats Are Pushing to Make the Stimulus Package’s Historic Anti-Poverty Measures Permanent

The Senate Confirms Deb Halland to Be the First Native American Cabinet Secretary in US History

Putin Did It Again: New Intelligence Report Says Moscow Helped Trump in 2020

Joe Biden’s Economic Recovery Has a Narrative. Now It Needs a Legacy.

Why Black Parents Aren’t Joining the Push to Reopen Schools

The Grassroots Activists Who Protected San Francisco’s Most Vulnerable – and the City – From COVID

“Mommy, How Come I Only See You on the Phone?”: The Unending Tragedy of Foster Care During a Pandemic

Biden Calls on Senate to Immediately Pass Gun Reform Laws in Wake of Mass Shootings

Democrats Have a “Once-in-a-Century Moment” to Protect Voting Rights

San Francisco Janitors Are on Strike for COVID Safety – and the Fight Doesn’t End There

Stop the COVID Shaming!

Michigan Republican Party Chair Calls State Leaders “Witches”

Watch: Sen. Lindsay Graham Admits Parts of Georgia’s Voter Restrictions Are Ludicrous

President Biden’s Trustbusters Aren’t Just Experts on Tech. They Know About Big Ag.

Inside the Community Patrols in San Francisco’s Chinatown

In Brazil, We Thought We Had Been Through the Worst. Somehow the Worst Is Yet to Come.


The Myth of the Supernegro Comes to Derek Chauvin’s Defense

Can America’s Problems Be Fixed By a President Who Loves Jon Meacham?

As Corporate America Comes Out for Voting Rights, Where’s Next?

Pope Francis Criticizes “Scandalous” Military Spending During Pandemic

“Taxpayer Dollars”: The Origins of Austerity’s Racist Catchphrase

This Former Trump Official Was Just Banned From Federal Office for Violating the Hatch Act

JPMorgan Secretly Emailed the Trump Administration About Bailing Out the Oil Industry

Trump Put a Right-Wing Radio Host in Charge of a National Park. Emails Show the Chaos That Ensued.

Alabama Vote Is the Latest in a Long String of Labor Defeats in the South

Tucker Carlson Defends the Racist “White Replacement Theory”

Don’t Look Now, But Over a Third of People in the US Have Gotten a Coronavirus Shot

Democrats’ Next Plan to Get Biden’s Agenda Over the Finish Line: Fire the Scorekeeper

An Infamous International Operator Signed On to Lobby for Myanmar’s Junta. What Is He Really Up To?

“Dearest Beyonce”: Myanmar Activists Beg American Brands to Help Them End the Military Coup

No Hoax: New Report Says Trump’s 2016 Campaign Shared Info With Russian Intelligence

Planes, Traines, and Working Women: Biden’s the First President to Take Women’s Economic Plight Seriously.

Goes After Roger Stone, Again. This Time for $2 Million in Unpaid Taxes.

Republicans, Saying the Quiet Part Loud, Discuss Plans for “Anglo-Saxon” Traditions Caucus

How a Feud Between Two Tea Party Leaders Lay the Groundwork for the Capitol Insurrection

Derek Chauvin Found Guilty of Murdering George Floyd

“One Guilty Verdict Doesn’t Satisfy That Appetite for Actual Change”

After a Century of Dispossession, Black Farmers Are Fighting to Get Back to the Land

The Power of the Myths Many White People Believe About Policing – and America

He Defended Chauvin and Wouldn’t Call Floyd’s Death a Homicide. Now His Record Is Under Investigation

Kevin McCarthy Is Still Whitewashing What Happened on January 6th

In Sworn Testimony in Inauguration Scandal Case, Donald Trump Jr. Made Apparently False Statements

The Organizer of a Series of Trump Boat Rallies Shouted “White Power” While Celebrating at the First

Robinhood Promises Free Trades. Did Alex Kearns Pay With His Life?

Florida Republicans Just Passed a Georgia-Style Voter Suppression Bill


Newsmax Issues Retraction and Apology for 2020 Election Coverage

I Thought My Family in India Was Safe. Now, I’m Terrified.

Why Body Cameras Can Still Fail to Hold Police Accountable

America’s New Climate Normal: Sweltering

Facebook Oversight Board Is “an Elaborate Public Relations Stunt”

“I Longed For That Hug”: A Mother Reunites With Her Sons 4 Years After Being Separated at the Border

I Hate Seeing Myself on Zoom. Turns Out, I’m Not Alone.

Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene Combine Forces at a Rally in Florida

Facebook Oversight Board Co-Chair Rips Trump and Facebook

Researchers Say They’ve Uncovered a Massive Facebook Bot Farm From the 2020 Election

Before Elise Stefanik Became a Trump Cult Leader, She Said He Was Misogynistic and Soft on Putin

From Radical Activists to Senate Obstructionist: The Metamorphosis of Kyrsten Sinema

Leaked Video: Dark Money Group Brags About Writing GOP Voter Suppression Bills Across the Country

Congressional Democrats Are All Vaccinated. Their Republican Colleagues, Not So Much.

The Progressive Backlash to Biden’s Foreign Policy Has Only Just Begun

Is Georgia About to Hand Its Universities to a Climate-Denying MAGA Stalwart?

You Don’t Need to Freak Out About Labor Shortages

Why Progressive Activist Are Terrified of Andrew Yang

Love, God, and Surveillance in a Little Fortress of LGBTQ Oppression

You Just Paid Your Taxes. Here’s How the Superrich Avoid Them.

CNN Fires Rick Santorum Over Claim That White Settlers Found “Nothing” in America

Biden Will Extend Temporary Protected Status for Haiti, Offering Relief for Some 150,000 People

A New Report Just Blew Up One of the Trump Administration’s Favorite Lines About Family Separation

Limiting Qualified Immunity for Cops Was A Bipartisan Issue After George Floyd’s Murder. What Happened?

The Obscure Public Health Law Trump Wielded Against Migrants Is Still Ruining Lives

Schools Spent Millions on High-Tech Air Purifiers. But Are They Actually Making Things Worse?

Eleanor Holmes Norton’s Long, Lonely Fight to Gain DC Voting Rights

As Texas Enters Another Hot Summer, Lawmakers Kill Effort to Cool Sweltering Prisons

Stop the Inflation Moral Panic


Here’s How Deb Haaland Wants to Address the Crisis of Violence Against Indigenous Women

Jim Crow Killed Voting Rights for Generations. Now the GOP Is Repeating History.

The Indiana County Known for Its Historic HIV Outbreak Just Voted to Shut Down Its Needle Exchange

One Family’s Escape From Trump’s Border Hell: A 130-Week Diary

Emails Show Mark Meadows Pushed the DOJ to Investigate Election Fraud Conspiracy Theories

Joe Manchin May Have Just Made Democrats’ Democracy Reform Efforts Impossible

The Supreme Court Just Made It Much Harder for Certain Immigrants to Get Green Cards

New York’s Immigrant Bicycle Couriers Are Banding Together to Demand Change

Should Facebook Be Held Liable if Its Advertising Algorithm Discriminates?

How the George Floyd Uprising Was Framed for White Eyes

Putin Shares Blame for 400,000 American Deaths. Should Biden Shake His Hand?

Biden Administration Shutters Trump Pet Project Linking Immigrants and Crime

Biden and G7 Announce Progress on Climate Change with One Major Failure

Cops Tased and Tackled Black Teenagers Just Because They Were Holding Vapes

“People Don’t Realize How Being Undocumented Runs Deep”: These Six New Dreamers Share Their Stories

Europe to Crack Down on the Plastics Befouling Its Beaches

Critical Race Theory Panic Is Everywhere – Just in Time for Juneteenth

Nothing Proves The End of Bipartisan Like Gun Control

A Bundy-Linked Group Is Rallying Farmers in Drought-Stricken Oregon. Things Are Getting Weird.

How Merrick Garland Acts Like Donald Trump’s Lawyer

The Escape From the Billionaire Meme Mogul

Behind the Video of Cops Brutalizing Kids for Vaping Is a History of Exclusion, Force, and Profit

Facebook Doesn’t Want to Talk About Fake Users Created by the Pentagon

Michigan Republicans Confirm the Obvious: Trump Lost Fair and Square

Derek Chauvin Sentenced to 22.5 Years in Prison

The Most Crucial Part of the New Georgia Lawsuit Is Proving GOP Intentionally Targeted Black Voters

A Parade of Trump Loyalists Are Having Second Thoughts

Documents Show Ivanka Trump Didn’t Testify Accurately in Inauguration Scandal Case

Members of Congress Are Spending More Than Ever on Security

Old People in Prison Were Left to Die From COVID. It Didn’t Have to Be That Way.


Supreme Court Gives Green Light to GOP Voter 

Stop Blaming Crime Rates on Defunding the Police

New, Weird Details Just Emerged About an Armed Militia Standoff in Massachusetts

Antivaxxers Want You To Believe Vaccines Don’t Work Against the Delta Variant. They’re Wrong.

What the Pandemic Has Given Us: The Good, the Bad, and the Stupid

Trump Sues Facebook, Google, and Twitter: Is It All About the Grift?

Is Trans Telehelath the Future – or Just a Cash Grab?

The Olympics’ Dumb Rules Could Keep Black Women Off the Podium

Charlottesville Finally Removes Its Robert E. Lee Statue

Fauci Calls CPAC Cheering of Low Vaccination Numbers “Horrifying”

Here’s How Biden’s New Executive Order Could Shake Up Big Ag

Biden Pushes for Voting Protections, But Not for Ending the Filibuster That Blocks Them

Allen Weisselberg Escapes Questioning in Inauguration Scandal Case – for Now

The Moral Panic Over Critical Race Theory Is Coming for a North Carolina Teacher of the Year

For Minimum Wage Workers, Rent Is Now Unaffordable in Every County in America

Biden Vows to Appeal Judge’s Ruling Suspending DACA

The Pandemic Is Roaring Back Where Vaccination Rates Are Low

The USDA Wants to Make Farms Climate-Friendly. Will It Work?

Jeff Bezos Thanks Amazon Workers and Customer for Making Him So Rich He Can Go to Space

House Progressives Get Antsy Over Senate’s Lead Role in Infrastructure Debates

Hollywood Loves Rape-Revenge Plots. But What Story Are They Really Telling?

Mississippi Urges Supreme Court to Overturn Roe v. Wade

A conservative Radio Host Mocked the Vaccine. Now He’s Hospitalized With COVID.

Republicans Can’t Hide From a Bipartisan January 6 Investigation

Armed Standoffs With the Government, “Uber Militias,” and Ammon Bundy’s Run to Be Idaho’s Next Governor

How Flint Closed the Gap Between Black and White Suffering Under COVID

The Obscene Hypocrisy of Republicans Blaming Everyone But Themselves: The COVID Edition

GOP Could Retake the House in 2022 Just by Gerrymandering Four Southern States

Trump to DOJ: “Just Say that the Election Was Corrupt” and “Leave the Rest to Me”

Evictions Are Coming. Democrats “Failed to Meet This Moment,” Say Democrats.


COVID Is Spiking in Florida and Mississippi. Their GOP Governors Are Waging War Against Masks.

Will This Court Case End the Mining Industry’s 150-Year Dominance of the West?

A Top Georgia High School Has Everything – Except COVID Precautions

In the End, Cuomo Goes Full Trump

Hundreds of Thousands Are Expected at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Starting Today–Last Year’s COVID Spread Be Damned

In the End, Cuomo Goes Full Trump

Louisiana Has Among the Highest Daily COVID Infections in the World

The Logic of Corporate Accounting Took Over Our Language, and we Hardly Noticed

The Senat Finally Passed an Infrastructure Bill. Here Comes the Hard Part.

Rufus the Dog Is Counting on Your Generosity. But So Is a Fundraising Firm With a Checkered Past.

Democrats Are Running Out of Time to Protect Voting Rights

Restorative Justice Won’t Work Without This Crucial Piece

Biden Administration Promises to Help School Districts That Defy DeSantis’ Mask Mandate Ban

America’s First Peoples Have Things to Teach Us About Taming Wildfires

The Afghanistan Debacle: How Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden Bamboozled the American Public

Internal Government Watchdog Slams Afghanistan War Effort as Inept and Reckless

Unchecked Climate Change Will Make Life Hellish for Outdoor Workers

“Defund the Police” Was a Rallying Cry in 2020. Minneapolis Is About to Vote on What That Means.

America’s Anti-Vaxxers Are Getting More Dangerous

CDC Director Dings Hannity for “False” Vaccine Claim

Donald Trump Encouraged People at His Rally to Get Vaccinated. They Booed Him.

The Science of How Wildfires Got So Hellish

They Beat the Odds to Win the US Visa Lottery. But Crippling Delays May Keep Them in Afghanistan.

Erik Prince Is Charging $6,500 a Person to Evacuate Afghanistan on His Chartered Planes

Armed Picnics and Snipers at Family Dollar: Life in a Town With a Government-Approved Militia

I Taught English to Afghan Soldiers. Now I’m Part of the “Digital Dunkirk” Trying to Get Them Out.

Hurricane Ida Is About to Hit Louisiana, and Our Climate Change Future Is Here

COVID and Ida Are a Brutal One-Two Punch for Hospitals in the Storm’s Path

Why Facebook Won’t Stop Pushing Propaganda

Does Banning the Taliban From Social Media Actually Help Afghans?


There’s No Proof Sunscreen Prevents Cancer in Black People. Why Do Doctors Keep Pushing It?

The Texas Abortion Ban Is Just the Beginning

The QAnon Shaman Just Pleaded Guilty

The Full Scale of Ida’s Shocking Wrath Is Beginning to Emerge

Facebook’s AI Seems to Have a Racism Problem

Be Your Own Boss: More Co-op Businesses Are Returning Workers’ Power

We’re Spending Peanuts on a Problem More Deadly Than Malaria

The Fight Over the “Ground Zero Mosque” Was a Grim Preview of the Trump Era

Biden Criticizes GOP Governors for Being “So Cavalier” About COVID-19

It’s Not Too Late to Learn the Lessons We Didn’t Learn From 9/11

What’s on the Line in the California Recall?

Stories of Asshole Bosses – and the Workers Who Fought Back

The California Recall Effort Has Officially Failed

Vaccine Protests Prove the Only Personal Liberties Cops Care About Are Their Own

The High Human Cost of America’s Sugar Habit

White Trump Diehards Celebrate the Capitol Rioters, Anti-Vaxxers Are Gathering Around The Globe

FDA Panel Decision on COVID Boosters “Not the End of the Story,” Fauci Says

A Wildly Popular App for Churches Is Now an Anti-Vax Hotbed

Texas Republicans Just Passed a Slew of Extreme Laws. Now They’ll Gerrymander to Stay in Power.

In California’s Water Wars, Nuts Are Edging Out People

The Afghanistan War Is Over. But the Defense Budget Is Still About to Go Up.

Inside the Private Facebook Groups Where Anti-Vaxxers Plot to Get Religious Exemptions

Joe Biden Is Down to Tax the Richest of the Rich. Congress? Not So Much.

How a Mysterious Russian Businessman Got His Picture Taken With Donald Trump

Here’s the Truth About Brett Kavanaugh’s Finances

Gen. Milley Defends China Calls, Says He Was “Not Qualified” to Determine Trump’s Mental Health

Montana Tribe Finalizes Historic $1.9 Billion Settlement

They Went to Bible College to Deepen Their Faith. Then They Were Assaulted – and Blamed for It.


What if the Progressive Revolt… Isn’t a Revolt at All?

Trump Extremists Brought Numerous Guns on January 6, Evidence Shows

This Week a Facebook Whistleblower Will Reveal Herself. The Company Is Trying to Discredit Her Claims.

Texas Republicans Are Pulling Out All the Stops to Dilute the Voting Power of People of Color

What Happens When Local Election Administrators Believe Trump’s Big Lie?

The Democracy Crisis: Could This Be Joe Biden’s Big Mistake?

Trade More. Think Less. How Robinhood’s Design Gets Inside Your Brain.

Biden’s Women-Focused Economic Agenda Is Getting Destroyed by Joe Manchin

The Texas Abortion Ban Was Just Reinstated. What Happens Next?

We Don’t Talk Nearly Enough About How Kids of Color Are Disproportionately Suffering During the Pandemic

The Kids the Pandemic Left Behind

Is Sucking Carbon Out of the Air the Solution to Our Climate Crisis?

The Crime-Tracking App Citizen Sent Staff to the Capitol Riot for Clicks – And That’s Just the Start

Who Keeps Us Safe?

What does it Mean to Call Someone a “Male Chauvinist Pig”?

Big GOP Donors Poured Money Into Kyrsten Sinema’s Campaign in September

American Missionaries and Their Families Have Been Kidnapped in Haiti

Yes, Colin Powell Was Fully Vaccinated. He Was Also Seriously Immunocompromised.

To Save the Corn Belt, Plant Trees

Scoop: Manchin Tells Associates He’s Considering Leaving the Democratic Party and Has an Exit Plan

Steve Bannon Doesn’t Want to Testify. We Already Know What He Did.

The Centerpiece of Biden’s Climate Agenda Is All But Dead. So Now What?

Rachel Levine Is a Trailblazer. Her Transphobic Attackers Are Certainly Not.

Is Kyrsten Sinema Ready to Listen to Elizabeth Warren?

Pelosi Says Democrats Are “Pretty Much There” on Spending Bill Deal

Joe Manchin’s Blatant Conflict of Interest Might Have a Silver Lining

The Owners of the Democrats’ Big Data Firm Have a Side Gig: Working to Elect Far-Right Republicans

Biden Is Taking Forever to Get His Ambassadors Confirmed. You Can Thank Ted Cruz for That.

He Was a Board Member of the Oath Keepers. Now, He’s Holding State-Approved Trainings for Law Enforcement in Texas.

The More We Learn About John Eastman’s Involvement in Trump’s Coup, the Worse it Gets

Noisy NYC Anti-Vaccine Protests Are Hiding a Simple Fact


The SCOTUS Arguments on Texas’ Abortion Ban Mostly Ignored the People Who Need Help Right Now

Republicans Are Already Claiming the Virginia Election Has Been Rigged

Republicans Once Supported the Voting Rights Act. Today, They Voted Against its Restoration.

Were the Ultra-Conservative “Mama Bears” Younkin’s Secret Weapon?

Who Goes Crypto?

Progressives Helped Biden Pass His Infrastructure Bill. But They Gave Up Their Leverage.

One Year Ago, Biden Won. Republicans Still Won’t Accept It.

In the Middle of Infrastructure Talks, Joe Manchin Has Pursued a Book Deal

Trump Inauguration Corruptions Case Involving Ivanka and Don Jr. Moves Ahead

Democrats Are Still Trying to Figure Out How to Talk About Taiwan – and China

The Furriest, Cleverest, and Hands-Down Cutest Way to Fight Climate Change

Suddenly the Far Right Wants to Fix the DC Jail. It Just Took Locking Up Some White Insurrectionists.

Kaiser Permanente Workers Just Scored One of Striketober’s Biggest Victories

Coming to a City Near You: Students for Life’s Bus Tour Featuring Live Ultrasounds

President Joe Biden Just Signed the Infrastructure Bill Into Law

The UN Climate Summit Is Over – and Nobody’s Happy

New Revelations Emerge on How Donald Trump Killed 400,000 (or More) Americans

What Fear Is Always the Best Defense

Kyle Rittenhouse Didn’t Break the Law. That’s Terrifying.

Kyle Rittenhouse Goes to Washington?

Kyle Rittenhouse Was a Minor. Prosecuting Him as One May Have Been Better.

Richard Spencer and Other White Nationalists Found Liable for the Deadly Charlottesville Rally

All 3 Defendents Were Just Found Guilty of Murdering Ahmaud Arbery

Are You Part Of The “Exhausted Majority”?

The Pope Welcomed Biden. So Why are US Catholic Bishops Waging a Holy War?

The QAnon Cult Leader in Dallas Has an Allegedly Violent Past

MAGA Congressman Falsely Claims Omicron Variant Is Part of Plot to Rig 2022 Election

Nurdles: The Worst Toxic Waste You’ve Probably Never Heard Of


Justice Sotomayor Expertly Exposed the Bullshit of Mississippi’s Attack on Abortion Rights

CIA Report Shows Trump Abandoned His Duty as Commander in Chief

Parents of Michigan School Shooting Suspect Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter

New Evidence Suggests Trump DOJ Official Conspired With White House to Overturn 2020 Election

Days After the Michigan School Shooting, a GOP Lawmaker Posted a Gun-Filled Family Photo

How Is the US Actually Doing on Tracking Variants Like Omicron? We Asked Some Experts.

Trump Continues to Glorify the January 6 Insurrection

Who Poured $1 Billion Into Trump’s Media Empire? We Might Never Know.

Pro-Bernie Nevada Dems and DNC In Voter Data Feud

Rare December Tornado Cluster Rips Across the Midwest and South, Killing Scores of People

Texas Can Sue Abortion Providers? Californians Will Sue Gun Makers, Governor Says.

“It’s Not Over and They Have to Fix What They Did”: An Afghan Refugee Demands The US Not Forget Her Family

I Compared the New January 6 Texts to Mark Meadow’s Book. It’s Damning.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Tried to Overturn the Election. Now He’s Going After Roe.

A Cuban Doctor Fled Havana in Search of Asylum. He Ended Up Stranded in Istanbul Instead.

Will Democrats Let the Senate Parliamentarian Stand in the Way of Immigration Reform?

They Survived the Wildfires. Then Came the PTSD.

Joe Manchin Officially Torpedoes Build Back Better

Mike Lindell Is Donating MyPillows to Kentucky Tornado Victims

How Minnesota’s Foster Care System Reminds Native Moms of a Racist Legacy

“They Just Came and Started Breaking Houses”

Monsters of 2021: The Completely Useless and Undemocratic US Senate

Monster of 2021: The Myanmar Army That Murdered Civilians And Threatened My Friends

Heroes of 2021: Sad Girls and Their Sad Music

An Animal Hoarder’s Son Dropped 500 Parakeets in 7 Cages at a Michigan Shelter

Monsters of 2021: Cars, Which Are Killing Us and the Planet

A Look Back at 2021 in Photos,, If You Can Bear It

The Fight to Remember the Black Rebellion at Igbo Landing

2021: Farewell to a Stupid Year

Hero of 2021: Chris James, the Canadian Comedian Triggering Right-Wing Talk Radio Hosts

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