2021: HAARETZ (365)


Holocaust, Militarism and Machiavelli’s Advice: How Fear Took Over Israel

From FireEye to Israel: Cyber Emergency Response Chief Warns ‘Everyone’s a Target’

Netanyahu’s Cynical Courtship of Arab Voters Makes Perfect Political Sense

How Israel and Antisemitism Helped Shape Georgia’s High-stakes Senate Race

Israel to Go Into Full Lockdown on Friday, With Schools and Workplaces Shut

Trump’s Legacy: From Charlottesville to Coup Attempt, an Embrace of Far-right Violence

With the 25th Amendment, Trump Could Become a Martyr for the Christian Right

A Capitol Hill Coup in Israel? Don’t Rule It Out

Facebook and Twitter Didn’t Grow a Conscience. They Know Why They Really Blocked Trump

The Con-men League: How Netanyahu’s Bromance With Trump Could Come Back to Haunt Him

Palestinians Take Brunt of Settlers’ Anger Over Teen’s Death, With Dozens of Attacks in Weeks

The Fate of Adelson’s Political Empire Lies in the Hands of His Israeli Widow Miriam

Adelson’s Legacy: Israeli Democracy Can Easily Be Bought

Profiles in Cowardice: What Republicans in Congress Share With Likud Leaders in Israel

Peace Deals, Vaccinations and the Arab Vote: In First for Netanyahu, a Positive Campaign

How Israel Built a Nuclear Program Right Under the Americans’ Noses

Israel Reveals the Patients’ Data It Gives Pfizer in COVID Vaccine Deal

The Dumbest Question Ever Asked About Donald Trump

Israel Extend Nationwide Lockdown Through January 31

Biden Highlights Fight Against White Supremacy, Domestic Extremism in Inaugural Address

The Three Issues Netanyahu Can Use to Create an Early Crisis With Biden

New Year, New Netanyahu: PM Aims for the Political Center in Latest Rebranding

Settlers Take Their Anger Out on Palestinians – as Israel Troops Watch

Arab States Ending Qatar Blockade Is Really About Biden

Israel Shuts Its Airport as Health Ministry Eyes Extension of Nationwide Lockdown

Netanyahu Was Banking on Vaccines to Win Him the Election, but There’s a Few Things He Didn’t Account For

Israel’s Top General Is Confused. He’s Not Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser

Iran Nuke Deal Is Not Perfect, but Israeli Army Chief’s Take Is Far From Reality

Israel’s Center-left Has One Last Week to Come Together

Erdogan Winks at Israel and Expects a Door to the White House

Israeli Cabinet Extends COVID Lockdown Through Friday Morning: Airport to Remain Closed for One More Week


Netanyahu’s Partnership With the ultra-Orthodox Is Facing Its Greatest Challenge Yet

Netanyahu Seeks ‘Gradual’ Exit From Lockdown Next Week

He’s Finally in the Ring With Netanyahu. He’ll Get One Chance

Jewish Democrats Reject GOP Attempt to Compare Marjorie Taylor Green to Ilhan Omar on Antisemitism

ICC Approves Probe Into Possible War Crimes by Israel, Hamas in Palestinian Territories

What Does the ICC Ruling Mean for Israel, the IDF and the Palestinians?

Prosecuting Israeli Officials Could Take Years, but the ICC’s Chilling Effect Will Be Immediate

Netanyahu faces a Legal Battle, but It’s Not the Trial He’s Fighting

Israel to Gradually Reopen Schools in Areas With Low Infection, High Vaccination Rates

Hundreds of Thousands of Israelis Have Said No to the COVID-19 Vaccine: Why Are They Waiting?

Illegal Missile Sale to ‘Asian Country’ Could Harm Israel-U.S. Ties

On the Israeli Left, Tussling Twins Are Locked in a Death Match

Can Israel Force People to Get Vaccinated for COVID?

94 Percent Drop in Symptomatic COVID Cases Seen Among Vaccinated, Biggest Israeli Study Shows

Israel Approves Next Step in Lockdown Exit plan, Commerce to Partially Reopen Sunday

When Israel Sells Arms to Everybody, ‘Dr. Strangelove of Drones’ Feels Invincible

Israel’s Lessons and Warnings for the World, Two Months Into COVID Vaccine Drive

In Release of Woman Held in Syria, Israel Narrowly Misses Diplomatic Bungle

Iran Gains Nuke Know-how with Uranium Metal Production, Alarming Israel

Oil Spill Off Israel’s Coast Is Its Worst Maritime Pollution in Decades, and Cleanup ‘Could Take Years’

Fatah on Verge of Split Ahead of Palestinian Election That Might Still Be Nixed

Top Guns or Mavericks? Israel’s Fighter Pilots Have Taken Control of U.S. Military Aid Budget

Israelis Stranded Abroad Furious as Government Restricts Their Ability to Fly Home

Drop in Israel’s COVID Infection Rates Comes to a Halt, Raising Concerns of Renewed Outbreak

Netanyahu’s Plan to Send COVID-19 Vaccines Abroad Halted After Legal, Political Challenges

Saudi Crown Prince Approved, Likely Ordered Khashoggi Murder, U.S. Intel Report Shows

Hideyoshi was also surprised at how to increase exponentially

Netanyahu’s Hubristic Vaccine Diplomacy Abroad Could End Up Costing Him at Home


High Court Orders Recognition of non-Orthodox Conversions Performed in Israel for Citizenship

Cabinet Approves Lifting Ban on Flights for Israeli Citizens

Officials Taken Aback by Israeli Minister’s Claim Iranian ‘Terror’ Behind Major Oil Spill

Doctors Did Their Best. but Politicians Led Israel Straight Into a Lose-lose COVID Crisis

Bibi Challengers Determined to Prevent Another Stalemate After Israeli Election

What Does the ICC War Crimes Probe Mean for Israeli Officials?

In America’s First COVID Epicenter, How the Virus Helped Unite the Jewish Community

The Israeli Left’s Most Daunting Election Problem

From Diplomats to Students, Foreigners in Israel Get Vaccinated but Are Denied ‘Green Pass’

Gaza Expects Shipment of 40,000 UAE – funded Vaccine Doses

The U.S. Billionaires Secretly Funding the Right-wing Effort to Reshape Israel

Israel Shifted Focus From Iran. Trump Changed All That

Israel’s Reported Attacks on Iranian Tankers Expose It to Greater Risks

Three Waves, Two New Strains and 6,000 Dead: Israel’s Year of COVID-19

For the Druze in the Golan Heights, the Syrian Civil War Opened a New Door to Israel

Behind the Discovery: How a Dead Sea Scroll Was Found Three Times

What Each of Israel’s Election Night Scenarios Will Mean for Working Ties With Biden

Netanyahu’s Stump Speech Reveals Which Political Rival He Fears the Most

A Deep Dive Into Israeli-Iranian Naval War

Three Days to Election, Tens of Thousands Israelies Protest Against Netanyahu Throughout Israel

This Party Is Setting Up a Trap for Voters Tired of Netanyahu

Israel Election: On the Verge of an Illiberal Democracy

Four Possible Outcomes for Israel’s Unprecedented Fourth Election in Two Years

Explained: Most of the Votes Are Counted, So Why Don’t We Have a Winner?

How Netanyahu Lost, and Why He Might Still Win

Young Haredim Swept the Vile Kahanists Into the Knesset. It’s Great News for the Jews

In Israel, this Year’s Passover Seder Is Also a Farewell Party for COVID-19

How a Mossad Agent Helped a Brutal Dictator Hold on to Power

Anti-Netanyahu Bloc Wants to Replace the Prime Minister, but Struggles to Agree on a Candidate

Trump and Netanyahu’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ on Iran Yielded Minimal Results

Netanyahu, in First Public Statement Since Election Night, Calls on Right-wing Rivals to ‘Return Home’


Israel and the ICC: Denial Isn’t Just a River in Egypt

Netanyahu’s Loyal Soldiers Are Slowly Losing Faith in Their Leader

Jordan Denies Reports Former Crown Prince Detained for Plot Against King

Netanyahu’s Election Master Plan Proves Too Successful for Comfort

Netanyahu Has Most Nominations, Lapid Offers Bennett Premiership in Rotation Deal

Iranian Media Confirms Spy Ship Targeted by Limpet Mine in Red Sea

Netanyahu Cautions Against Iran Deal at Holocaust Rememberance Ceremony

Netanyahu’s Shameful Speech: When Holocaust Rememberance Day Becomes a Campaign Event

Iran’s Retaliation to Israel at Seal Has Been Largely Symbolic. That Could Change

Iran Is on Its Way to a New Nuclear Deal, but Who Will Sign It?

How J Street Could Become More Influential Than Ever in the Biden Era

Why 700,000 Doses of Pfizer’s Vaccine Meant for Israel Are Held Up

Remembering the First ‘non-Jewish’ Policeman Killed in the Line of Duty

Israel at 73: Alive, Kicking and Ailing

The Master Plan for Building in Jerusalem? Preserve a Jewish Majority

Israel-Iran Conflict: The Hand That Fanned the Flames Now Seeks to Quell Them

Israeli Settlements Could Be Headed for Self-destruction, and It Has Nothing to With the Occupation

Netanyahu Wakes Up Late to Find Israel Is Merely a Spectator on Iran Nuclear Talks

In Blow to Netanyahu, Rivals Secure Key Parliamentary Panel

For a Seat at Biden’s Iran Table, Israel May Need a New Prime Minister

With Two Weeks Left to From Government, Netanyahu Escalates Attack on Key Player Bennett

Hundreds of Jewish Supremacists March Toward Jerusalem’s Old City Chanting ‘Death to Arabs’`

As Iran Talks Gather Steam, Israel Prepares a Diplomatic Offensive

Gaza Flare-up: What Happens Next Depends on Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Is on the Brink of Explosion – and Israel Has No Leaders to Prevent It

Conditioning U.S. Military Aid May Never Happen, but the Debate Should Worry Israel

Top Court Freezes ‘Illegal’ Appointment of Netanyahu’s Pick for Justice Minister

Netanyahu U-turn on Justice Minister Exposes ‘Illusion of Functioning’ State, President Says

Abbas Postpones Palestinian Election, Citing Israel’s Refusal to Hold Vote in Jerusalem

Israel Turned a Blind Eye to the ultra-Orthodox Autonomy – Until Disaster Struck


Israel’s Mossad Chief Met With Biden Amid Attempts to Prevent Return to Iran Deal

Mount Meron Disaster Comes at Worst Time for Netanyahu

Mount Meron Disaster: Shock and Grief in Israeli City That Lost Six Residents

Netanyahu’s Out of Time. Here Are Five Scenarios Moving Forward

The End of the Netanyahu Era? No Quite Yet

A Day After Getting the Nod, Lapid Lays Out ‘Unity’ Vision as Netanyahu Allies Go on the Attack

Dozens of Palestinians Wounded in Clashes With Jerusalem Police as Tensions Boil Over

Over 90,000 Praying at Al-Aqsa as Israeli Police Prepare for Renewed Clashes

Only One Group Seems to Want a Third Intifada – and It Isn’t Palestinian

Jerusalem Flare-up Leads to Hamas Rockets: 20 reported Dead in Israeli Strikes in Gaza

Third Israeli Killed in Rocket Barrage at Tel Aviv Area After Gaza High-rise Collapses

Attempted  Lynching and Smashed Stores as Jewish-Arab Clashes Spread Across Israel

Israeli Army Says Rockets Fired From Lebanon Amid Gaza Flare-up, Clashes in Mixed Jewish-Arab Cities

Gaza Flare-up: U.S. Official Hady Amr Lands in Tel Aviv to Meet With Israeli, Palestinian Leaders

Israelin Army Deployed a Secret. Strategic Weapon Against Hamas – and Reaped Limited Benefits

With the U.S. Seemingly Indifferent, Egypt Is Israel’s Best Bet to End Gaza Flare-up

Gaza Flare-Up: Hamas Threatens Renewed Fire on Tel Aviv if Strikes on Residential Areas Continue

This Is Israel’s Most Failed and Pointless Gaza Operation Ever. It Must End Now

Biden Tells Netanyahu He Expects Immediate ‘Significant De-escalation’

Israel, Hamas Agree to Gaza Cease-fire After 11 Days of Intense Fighting

Netanyahu Should Have Thanked Biden for Paying the Check, but He Couldn’t Help Himself

When It Comes to Gaza, Biden and Sissi Show Israel That It’s Not the Boss

Israel Set to Lift Most COVID Restrictions Next Week

Naftali Bennett Needs Someone to Hold His Hand

Israeli Police Arrest Hundreds of Arabs in Crackdown Leaders Warn Could Reignite Tensions

These Young Jewish Staffers Are Bringing Their Disillusionment With Israel to Capitol Hill

UN Rights Council Votes for Probe Into ‘Crimes’ Committed in Israel-Gaza Fighting

A Week After Gaza Cease-fire, Israel Faces a Hamas Dilemma

Israel Election: Bennett Expected to Announce Coalition Deal With Lapid Within Days, Source Says

It’s Not a Done Deal Yet, but Israel Hasn’t Been This Close to Replacing Netanyahu in Years

Shen Bet Orders Security at Nearly Highest Level for Bennett, Shaked as Incitement Spikes


His Rule Slipping Away, Netanyahu Could Bring Capitol Hill Insurrections to Jerusalem

Islamist Leader Signs on to Bennett-Lapid Government

Bennett Says He Was Wrong About Islamist Leader: Abbas Is a Brave Leader

Once Mocked for saying He’d Be PM, Yair Lapid Is Now Closer Than Ever to His Goal

Shin Bet Head Warns: Online Incitement, Calls for Violence Could Lead to Physical Harm

Naftali Bennett, Next Israeli PM: The Man Behind the Slogans and Stereotypes

Coalition Deal Between Bennett and Lapid Gives Both Veto Power

‘I Felt Like I Was Going To Die’: Arab Detainees Accuse Israeli Police Of ‘Brutal’ Violence During Gaza War

Basking in the Spotlight on Israel, GOP Hopefuls Storm the Holy Land

Life in Gaza Was Hell. They Managed to Escape. These Are Their Stories

Israel’s Political Makeover Is Here, but Netanyahu Is Not Letting Go Yet

Bennett-Lapid Government Set to Assume Power. But When Is Netanyahu Moving Out?

Bennett Sworn in Ending Netanyahu’s 12 Years in Power

Israel Deploys Iron Dome Batteries as Hamas Warns Against Tuesday’s Right-wing Jerusalem March

Seventeen Palestinian Protesters arrested as Thousands Attend Jerusalem Right-wing March

Jewish-Arab Riots and Iran’s Nuke: Bennett’s Biggest Challenges

Netanyahu Ordered Illegal Shredding of Docs at His Office Before Bennett Took Over, Sources Say

A Severe Iran Warning Landed on Bennett’s Desk

Prime Minister’s Office to Investigate Whether Netanyahu Illegally Shredded Documents Before Bennett Took Office

Bennett Warns Hamas: Gaza Will Have to Get Used to a Different Israeli Approach

Israeli Government, Biden Admin Split in Reactions to Iran’s Election

PM Bennett: Israel Facing ‘New Coronavirus Outbreak’

Israel Delays Tourists’ Entry in Effort to Contain COVID Delta Strain; Health Experts Call for Indoor Mask-wearing

New Type of Prehistoric Human Discovered in Israel: Homo Nesher Ramla

Despite a COVID Comeback and Relentless Opposition, Bennett Seems to Run New Gov’t Smoothly

Polish Prime Minister to Lapid: ‘Poland Won’t Pay a Single Zloty, Euro or Dollar for German Crimes’

How Netanyahu Plans to Spend His time Until the Next Election

No Bibi? No Problem: Trump Allies Celebrate Israel’s New Breakthrough With Gulf States

Explained: Israel’s ‘Compromise’ Evacuation of an Illegal Outpost – What the Settlers Achieved

Why Israel’s New Government Is Finally Standing Up to Poland’s Holocaust Revisionism


What’s Driving Israeli Islamist Leader Mansour Abbas?

Israel’s Outgoing President Sought to Unite the People, but Upset Many – A Wrap for Rivlin

Iraq Is Trying to Escape the Iranian Cage, and Tehran Isn’t Happy

Rivlin Was the Best President Israel Could Expect in Such Fraught Times

Israel Can’t Influence Iran Nuke Deal. Here’s What It Can Do

Will Defeat of Citizenship Law Bring Thousands of Palestinians to Israel, and What Can Bennett Do?

Why New President Herzog Could Be Key to Israel’s Political Stability

Israel’s Bennett Secretly Met Jordan’s King Abdullah, in First After Years of Strained Ties

Bennett Wrestles With the Dark Side, but (For Now) It’s Going Well

The Economic Crises on Israel’s Borders Are Cause for Concern

The Middle East Is Burning. Can States Stop the Region From Turning Into Scorched Earth?

Bennett Slams Netanyahu on Iran: Never Has Anyone Talked So Much and Done So Little

Israel’s Ties With Jordan Suffered Under Netanyahu. Bennett Has a Chance to Fix Them

Israeli Restrictions Are Preventing Gaza’ Water System From Being Repaired

The Iran Conundrum: What Should Israel Do if There’s No Nuclear Deal?

Iran’s Drone Revolution Takes Off

Iran Hails Nuke Deal’s Benefits, Signalling New Accord Is Nigh

NSO’s Pegasus: The Israeli Cyber Weapon Oppressive Regimes Used Against 180 Journalists

Jordan’s King to Meet Biden as Kingdom Looks to Move on From Trump Nightmare

To Eat More or Less Ben & Jerry’s? Israelis Conflicted Over Response to Settlement Boycott

Two Princesses Fled the Ruler of Dubai. Then They Were Tagged as Potential NSO Spyware Targets

Israel Reports COVID Vaccine Effectiveness Against infection Down to 40%; Data Might Be Skewed

Bennett’s Team Starts Off With a Nice Reform, but There’s a Leadership Gap

As Lebanon Crumbles, So Could Israel’s Deterrence

America Is Losing Its ‘Leader of the Free World’ Mantle. That’s Bad News for Israel

U.S. Raises Travel Health Notice for Israel as Serious COVID Cases Double in a Week

Why Israel’s Kashrut Reform Is a Big Deal – and Who Stands to Benefit

Israel Is Ignoring the Trumpiest Elephant in the Room – and It’s a Dangerously Flawed Approach

In a World First, Bennett Announces Third COVID Jab Campaign for Israelis Over 60

Israeli, U.S. Sources Blame Iran for Deadly Ship Attack

The Political Compromise That Saved Tunisia Is Now Tearing It Apart


Israel’s Success at the Olympics Reflects a Battle for the Country’s Identity

False Rumors About Mahmoud Abbas’ Health Reveal Disturbing Truth

Four Ships Off UAE Report Loss of Control: U.K. Sources Suspect Hijacking of Vessel by Iranian Forces

Experts Explain: Why Lockdowns Are Back in Israel, Even When Almost Everyone’s Vaccinated

‘Vaccines Work, No Doubt About It’: Israel’s Top COVID Expert Answers Your Questions

Hezbollah Is Testing Bennett, but Is Playing With Fire

Iran’s Raisi Wants to Navigate the Nuclear Minefield With an Ideological Compass

After Ohio Primary, Democrats Prepare for More Israel-related Battles

The Israeli Graphs That Prove COVID Vaccines Are Working

Israel Predicts Half of New COVID Cases Will Be in Children by the Time School Year Begins

To Stave Off Opposition to Settlement Expansion, Bennett Gives Rare Approval for 800 Palestinian Homes

Not Just NSO: Israel and Morocco Cybersecurity Ties Grow Closer

Abraham Accords a Year On: Israel’s Biggest Challenges Remain

In Protest Over Polish Restitution Law, Lapid Recalls Israel’s Top Diplomat to Warsaw

A Year After Their Signing, Here’s How the Abraham Accords Changed the Middle East

Ahead of First Meeting, Biden and Bennett Try to Dismantle a Jerusalem Landmine

Poland’s New Law ‘Slams the Door’ on Holocaust Survivors’ Hopes for Restitution

Israel’s COVID Delta Wave Seemed to Skip the ultra-Othodoz. Then Their Schools Reopened

Israel to Expand COVID Booster Shots to Anyone Over 40

When Bennestt Meet Biden, a Good Tone Is All Israel Needs

41 Wounded in Clashes on Israel-Gaza Border; 13-year-old in Critical Condition

U.S. Prepares for COVID Booster Shots: What It Can Learn From Israel

Number of Unvaccinated Israelis Getting Their First Shot Triples

Israeli Military Orders ‘More Aggressive’ Response to Planned Gaza Border Protest

Kabul and Ethiopia Airlifts: the Similarities and Differences, 30 Years Apart

Dozens of Civilians, at Least 4 U.S. Troops Killed in Kabul Airport Attack

Alongside Bennett, Biden Says There Are ‘Other Measures’ if Iran Nuke Talks Fail

Bennett-Biden Meeting Made a Good First Impression, and That’s All It Was Meant For

After D.C. Honeymoon, Bennett Lands Back to COVID and Gaza

Why Gantz and Abbas Are the Perfect Pair for Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue

After Officer’s Death at Gaza Border, Public Rage Is Directed at the Israeli Army – and Bennett


Politics, Terrorism and Cyberattacks: The Challenges Facing Israel’s New Shin Bet Chief

In the Name of ‘Family Values,’ an Israeli Coalition Is Trying to Derail Gay Rights and Gender Equality

While Vacationing in Hawaii, Netanyahu and His Cronies Incited Against Bennett

Iran Ready for Nuclear Talks, but Not Under Western ‘Pressure,’ Says Raisi

Israel’s New Government Wants to ‘Shrink’ the Occupation. Meet the Man Behind the Idea

These Are the Palestinian Jailbreakers That Have Put Israel on Red Alert

Israel Maintains Its Edge, but Will Be Challenged by Iran, Hezbollah in Coming Year

This Year Has Made It Clear: Ironclad American Support for Israel Is No Longer Assured

‘After 9/11, the Israeilis Gave the U.S. Three Tips to Win the War on Terror. We Ignored Them All’

Two of Six Palestinian Fugitives Who Escaped Israeli Prison Captured in North

An Israeli Perspective on 9/11 Anniversary

After First Visit to post-Netanyahu Israel, Democratic Senators Leave Optimistic

Bennett Praises Egypt’s Role After Sissi Meeting, Hails Start of ‘Deep Relationship’

Larry Ellison Offers Netanyahu Lucrative Oracle Post

In Jerusalem’s Holiest Site, These Modern Pilgrims Are Playing With Fire

Hebrew Israelite Community Ordered to Leave Israel, but They Plan to Stay and Fight

Bennett Ends His First 90 Days With Few Mistakes – and an Assist From Egypt

FDA Panel’s Decision on COVID Booster Shot Poses Challenge for Israel

Israel Captured the Palestinian Fugitives Without Collateral Damage. This May Quell West Bank Violence

Heroic Myth of the Palestinian Escapees Could Underpin an Israel-Hamas Deal

Biden Says U.S. Will Return to Nuclear Deal ‘If Iran Does the Same’

Israeli Officials: Not Worried Over Iron Dome Funds, ‘We’ll Get It in Weeks’

U.S. House Overwhelmingly backs $1b in Iron Dome Funding; Eight Dems Vote Against

At UN, Abbas Gives Israel One-year Ultimatum

Palestinian President has Made His UN Threats Before, but One Thing Is Different This Time

Israel Reaches Record Number of COVID Patients on Life-saving ECMO Machines

Bennett Ignored the Palestinian Issue at the UN – and It Will Come Back to Bite Him

‘Mass Inoculation’ Over Next Days Will End Israel’s COVID Wave, Senior Official Says

Settler Attack on Plestinians in Hebron Hills Serves Israeli Policy

All COVID Passes in Israel Are About to Be Declared Invalid. Here’s How to Get a New One


Israel’s Prime Minister Now Pretends the Palestinians Don’t Exist. It’s a Brilliant Move

If the Israeli Sniper Could See the Devastation He Caused, He Wouldn’t Shoot Again

With New COVID Policy, Israel Redefines What It Means to Be Vaccinated

Bennett: Mossad Agents Went on Courageous Mission to Get Info on Missing Navigator Ron Arad

AIPAC Compares Rand Paul to ‘The Squad,’ Slams Him Over Iron Dome Vote

Both of These Politicians Opposed Iron Dome Funding. Only One Was Called Antisemitic

30 Million COVID Tests: Israel’s Plan to Spare Kids Quarantine and Keep Schools Open

The Greatest Danger Facing Bennett’s Coalition May Be the Coalition Itself

As Palestinians Detainees Go on Hunger Strike, Their Families Blame Israel, Palestinian Authority

While Bennett Smiled With Merkel, Kurz Made Netanyahu Look Bad

A.Q. Khan: A Real-life Bond Villain Who Changed the Middle East Forever

Top Candidate for Jewish Agency Chief Quits After Admitting He Ignored Anonymous Complaints

Alongside Israel’s Lapid, Blinken Says ‘Time Running Short’ on Iran Nuclear Diplomacy

Iran’s Regime Will Likely Survive Sanctions, but Its People Might Not

Netanyahu Is Dragging the Opposition Into an All-out War, and His Party Colleagues Are Fed Up

Syria: Israel Assassinates Ex-lawmaker Who Served 12 Years in Israeli Jail

Israeli Left Struggles With #Metoo Moment Following Shimon Peres Accusations

Cyberattack Sets Major Israeli Hospital Back Decades

22 Palestinians Arrested After Hundreds Clash With Israel Police at Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate

For Palestinians, Jerusalem Clashes Began With a Jewish Birthday

Iran, Sputnik V on the Agenda as Bennett Meets Putin Friday

U.S. Seeks Clarification After Israel Labels Six Palestinian NGOs as Terror Groups

U.S. Lawmakers Slam Israel’s Labelling of Palestinian NGOs as Terror Groups

Israel Advances 1,300 Homes in West Bank Settlements in First Since Biden Sworn in

Children’s Vaccinations ‘Soon,’ Says Top Israeli Health Official

Israel’s Dilemma on Children’s COVID Vaccines: How Much to Pressure Parents?

These Refuseniks Say They’re Still Being Denied Aliyah – This Time by Israel

Progressive Democrats Push Resolution Against Israel’s NGO Terror Designations

Netanyahu Knows Bennett’s Government Won’t Collapse, but That Won’t Stop Him

Israel Passed on Iran Drone Intel to U.S. Before They Imposed New Sanction

Netanyahu’s Political Future Could Be Decided This Week, and He Knows It


Israeli ‘Revolution’ on Climate Change? Fact-checking Bennett’s UN Summit Speech

World Leaders Pledge to Cut Methane, but Israeli Official Says Not Considering Policy Change

At U.S. Request, Israel Is Using Sudan Ties to Curb Military Coup

The U.S. Blacklisting Could Spell the End of NSO as We Know It

From Virginia to the Knesset, Bad News for Trump and Netanyahu

With the Budget Approved, These Are the Challenges Awaiting Israel’s Governing Coalition

Israel Secretly Brought in Dozens of Ethiopians From War-torn Tigray, Then Discovered Most Weren’t Jewish

From Recognizing Palestine to Warming Ties With Israel: An Interview With Sweden’s Outgoing Prime Minister

‘So Easy’: How Unvaccinated Tourists Can Skirt Israel’s Entry Rules

Israeli Expert Panel Greenlights COVID Vaccine for Children Ages 5-11, Paving Way for National Campaign

Palestinians Say Israeli NSO Spyware Found on Three Senior Officials’ Phones

Turkey Extends Detention of Israeli Couple Who Photographed Palace Until Trial

China, Arab Countries Demanded Softer Glasgow Climate Pledges. Nobody Challenged Them

He Was Supposed to Replace Netanyahu This Week. He’s Lucky It Won’t Happen

Iran Is Using Nuclear Talks to ‘Buy Time’, Israel’s Lapid Tells Biden’s Envoy in Jerusalem

What’s Really Behind the New Mossad Chief’s Tech Revolution

What Israel Must Do Before Detained Israeli Couple Becomes Turkey’s Hostages

Israel Believes Couple’s Release Signals Warmer Turkey Relations

Settler Attacks on Palestinian Spike, Reflecting Israel’s Systemic Failure

Iran’s Big Power Play: Bolstering Ties With Israel’s Partner

‘Israel Should Be Able to Act Alone Against Iran, Like We Did Twice in the Past’: Haaretz’s National Security Conference

Vaccines, Violence and the Far-right: A Visit to Germany’s COVID Infection Capital

Experts: Vaccine Immunity Waning, Signs Israel Facing Fifth COVID Wave

Jerusalem Oks New Jewish Neighborhood in Area Earmarked for Palestinians

‘Most People Don’t Even Know You Can Go There’: Israeli Tourists Conquer Palestine’s Only Cable Car

Tension at the Core: Bennett Goes Head-to-head With U.S. Over Iran

Israeli Soldiers Killed Their Son. Then They Discovered the Messages He Got From a Shin Bet Officer

Second Confirmed Case of COVID Omicron Patient Found in Israel

Israel’s President Just Launched His 2028 Campaign to Be Prime Minister

Ultra-Orthodox Aliyah to Israel Is Breaking Records. Here’s Why


Israelis’ Car Torched in Ramallah; Palestinian Security Forces Take Passengers to Safety

Israeli Minister Gets Security Detail After Jewish Extremists Issue Ruling Calling for His Murder

Israeli NSO Spyware Found on Phones of U.S. State Department Officials

Bennett ‘Fully Backs’ Jerusalem Officers Who Shot Palestinian Stabber While He Was on the Ground

What AIPAC Is Telling Congress on Biden’s Iran Negotiations

From a Fake Sheikh to Human Trafficking: The Fall of Israel’s Most Extravagant Soccer Club Owner

Inside the Ultra-Orthodox Parties’ War on the Government’s Religious Reforms

Israel’s New Method of ‘Supervising’ Cyber Arms Exports

Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in ’48 – and What Israeli Leaders Knew in Real Time

The ultra-Orthodox Parties Don’t Want a Truce With Bennett, They Want an Intifada

Israel’s Health Ministry to Push for New Restrictions as 20 New Omicron Cases Discovered

Bennett Celebrates Historic Visit, and it’s Not the Worst Part of Netanyahu’s Day

In New Balkans Crisis, Both Sides Seek Legitimacy and Aid From Israel

How an Impeached President, Indicted PM and Power-hungry Prince Changed the Mideast Forever

Is 2021 America in Any Position to Pontificate to Other Countries on Democracy?

Israeli Killed in West Bank Shooting Attack, Authorities Search for Suspects

Bennett’s Playing Minesweeper With His Cabinet, but He’d Rather Deal With COVID

America’s Marketing of Democracy to the Middle East Has Failed

Bennett: ‘Omicron Is Here, the Fifth Wave Has Begun’

Cacophony in an Israeli Government Can Be Beautiful. Just Ask Ariel Sharon

Who’s on Israel’s ‘Exceptions Committee’ Determining Exits to ‘Red’ Countries

Islamist Lawmaker Mansour Abbas Draws Fire for Acknowledging Israel as ‘Jewish State’

So You Don’t Like the Two-state Solution? Meet the One-state Model

The Uganda Files: How Israel Arms Brutal Dictators Who Recruit Child Soldiers

The Breathtaking Blogger Costing Egypt’s Sisi Millions

COVID Outbreak: Omicron to Soon Render Israel’s Travel Restrictions Useless, Experts Say

From Gaza to Ohio, the Stories That Defined U.S.-Israels Ties in 2021

Government Warns of COVID Catastrophe – and Israelis Are Out Partying

Netanyahu Cabinet Secretary Admits to Shredding Docs Before Bennett Took Office

Israeli and U.S. Officials Say Visa Waiver Deal Still Far From Happening

Putin Is Trying to Erase the Past, With the Help of an Israeli Historian

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