2020: TOWNHALL (222)


Red wave Coming? GOP Sweeps Election in Virginia Democratic Stronghold

Former Sanders Campaign Co-chair Slams Biden Over His Racist Comments About Blacks

ABC News’ Pierre Thomas Puts ‘Old, White, Males’ Running for Office on Notice

New York Times on Memorial Day: The U.S. Military Celebrates White Supremacy

In a Final Move, Grenell Blasts Democratic Senator for ‘Cherry Picking’ Politically Convenient Intelligence

Amid Fatal Nursing Home Fiasco, Cuomo to Meet Trump at the White House

Why Pelosi Just Pulled FISA Bill From the House Floor

Hennepin County Attorney: There Might Not Be a Criminal Charge Here

St. Paul Mayor Provides Greater Insight Into Who Is Taking Part In Riots

Pompeo: Trump Administration Is Moving Quickly to Protect Peaceful Protestors


Salem Media Files Lawsuit Against Illinois Governor for Barring Radio Host from COVID Press Briefings

Richmond Police Chief Chokes Up Explaining How Rioters Set Fire to Building With Child Inside

Did Rod Rosenstein Just Commit Perjury Today? Going by How the Obama DOJ Treated Michael Flynn – Yes.

The New York Times Succumbs to Pressure About the Tom Cotton Op-ed They Ran; Cotton Responds

Oof: Team Cotton Facts Checks NYT’s Embarrassing Quasi-Apology for Running Op/Ed

A Little More Than a Week Later and the WHO Is Changing Their Tune on Masks… Again

Hillary Slams ‘Systemic Racism’ But Conveniently Leaves Out Racist Comments She Made In The Past

What Minneapolis City Council President Wants to Do With Police Shocks Even CNN Anchor

How David Dorn’s Senseless Murder Could Have Been Avoided Entirely

Police Officer Writes Heartbreaking Op-Ed About Life in Woke America

Surprise, Surprise: The Charge to Defund Police Is Loaded with Hypocrisy

Confused? Biden Demands Senate Democrats Block Judicial Confirmations, Apparently Forgetting Reid Rule

Rolling Stone Editor’s Key Observation About the George Floyd Unrest Will Infuriate the Left

Sen. Tim Scott: These Are the 3 Police Reforms We Need

It’s Happened: Abraham Lincoln Statues Become Target of the Left-Wing Mob

Liberal Reporter: It’s the Left That Destroyed Legitimacy of Coronavirus Containment Measures

Kayleigh Responds to Jim Acosta’s Rally Concerns With Spot on NY Post Cover

Sorry Narrative-Obsessed Media – Florida’s Coronavirus Policies Are Still Working Well

Botched Headline on a Police Shooting in LA Is Why the ‘Enemy of the People’ Line Sticks with the Media

Shooting in Seattle’s ‘CHOP’ Zone Leaves One Dead, Another Injured

Symone Sanders: Trump and His Campaign Are Pushing a ‘Salacious Lie’ About Biden

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Shares Anecdote About Bolton in Her New Book. It Ain’t Pretty.

Unhinged Protestors Scream at Cops After Being Stopped from Pulling Down WH Park Statue

Obama’s Marching Order on Flynn Revealed in Peter Strzok’s Notes: ‘Have The Right People On’ It

RNC Handed Big Win in Florida Elections Lawsuit… By a Clinton-Appointed Judge

Tucker Carlson Was a Must-hear Warning For Trump About His Reelection Chances

Bill Maher’s Perfect Response to SJW’s Cancel Culture Movement

Pelosi: Americans Would Probably Wear Masks If…

A Lefty Mob Trespassed on Their Property, But a St. Louis Couple Knew What to Use to Deter Them

DNI Ratcliffe Reminds the Intelligence Community: Leaking Classified Information Is a Crime


Rep. Kinzinger Tells Jim Acosta to ‘Ask Steny Hoyer’ Why Dem’s Didn’t Come to Russia Bounty Briefing

Hugh Hewitt Unloads on Media: They’ve Lost Their Collective Minds

Because Racism: Charter School System to Remove ‘Work Hard. Be Nice.’ as Its Official Slogan

We Now Know What Happens When a Person Positive with the Coronavirus Refuses to Quarantine

Kaepernick Is Wanting the Rage Mob to Cancel the 4th of July

If Cher Could Turn Back Time, Maybe She Wouldn’t Post This Stupid Tweet

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Hurls a Question That Democrats Could Never Answer Honestly

NBC’s Eye-Rolling Newsroom Shakeup

Uh Oh: Sleepy Joe’s Caught Stealing Policy Agendas… Again

SCOTUS Cancels Part of Oklahoma, Decides It’s Still an Indian Reservation

The Case Against Michael Flynn Peddled by Anti-Trump DOJ officials Suffered *The* Kill Shot Today

Pelosi Suffers a Meltdown After Learning of Roger Stone Commutation

Grab the popcorn: USA Today’s Trump Campaign ‘Fact Check’ Imploded

Family of Slain One-Year-Old Shred Black Lives Matter

Watch Full Townhall Interview of President Trump

Leo Terrell Reveals What Caused Him to Leave the Democratic Party

Elizabeth Warren Says Her Dog Will Definitely Vote for Biden

Charles Barkley is Not Happy About Anti-White, Anti-Semitic Comments From Black Celebrities

Black Woman Destroys BLM Mural. Here’s What Her Motivation Was.

How Bad Are The Portland Riots? On-the-Ground Footage Provides an Insight

After Those Remarks, Dr. Fauci’s Judgement Balance Just Hit Zero

Battle of Portland: Mayhem Erupts as Leftist Rioters Clash with Federal agents

Joe Biden Just Said Something That’s Pretty Racist About Asians

Can We Talk About How One GOP Congressman Introduced a Resolution to Ban the Democratic Party

Justice Department Announces Charges Against Rioters at Portland Courthouse

Riot in Seattle: Police Injured, Multiple Fires

Former Chicago Bears Coach Has a Message for Kneeling Athletes

Judge Orders Police to Hand Over Private Information About Gun Owners

Uh Oh: More Than 100 Law Enforcement Agencies Refuse to Guard the DNC

Here’s What Happened When a Reporter Experimented with Mail-In Ballots

Charles Barkley Just Ticked Off the Left With This Very Mild Political Statement


Looks Like Gavin Newsom’s Property Taxes Are Late Again

Family of 68-Year-Old White woman Attacked on Subway Believes Crime Was Racially Motivated

Former CNN Producer: What the Silence Over Bill’s Alleged Visit to Epstein’s Pedophile Island Tells us About the Acela Media

One Democrat’s Hypocrisy Soars to New Heights… All Over National Parks

Seattle ‘Protestors’ Have New Demands and They’re Going to Court to Make It Happen

PBS Challenged Speaker Pelosi Over Coronavirus Relief… A Meltdown Ensued

What Caused AG Barr to Ask His FBI Detail to Make ‘A Quick U-Turn’ While Driving Through Virginia

Trump Wrecks Reporter Who Complains About Crowd Size at Press Conference

All the NYT Editors Who Could Have Caught This Mistake Must Have Resigned

Looks Like Biden Can’t Remember How Much He Loves Payroll Tax Cuts

Oh, Look: The MSM Is Glamorizing Antifa Rioters in Portland

Report: Harris Wasn’t Biden’s First Choice

Tucker Has the Ultimate Response to Politicians Marching Alongside BLM

President Trump Wouldn’t Dignify This HuffPo Reporter’s Question with a Response

The Trump Administration wants a US-China commercial Split

Harris’ Ridiculous Laughing Fit Over a Question About Her Previous Debate Answers

Maxine Waters: Congress Can Remove Trump Without Impeachment

You Can tell That Bernie Can’t Muster the MoJo to Give Biden a Full-Throated Progressive Endorsement

Sally Yates Bashes Trump’s Travel Ban As ‘Unlawful’ in DNC Speech. Did She Know Obama Picked the Countries?

Kamala Harris Forgets Disagreements with Biden in Her VP Acceptance Speech

Biden Makes Lofty Promises in His DNC Speech… President Trump Responds

Trump Set to Spark Another Liberal Media Meltdown with His Potential Plan to Prevent Voter Fraud

Durham Questioned Brennan for 8 Hours. Here’s What We Know

Riots Break Out In Kenosha, WI After It Appears Police Shoot Black Man in the Back

Here’s What Happened When a Kenosha Rioter Pulled a Gun on a Reporter

Here’s How a Conservative Reporter Rushed to Save a Wounded Man in Kenosha

Ric Grenell Destroys Biden’s Foreign Policy With One Line

Violent BLM Mob Attacks Ron Paul, Others Outside of the White House

Why That Letter Portland’s Mayor Sent to Trump Just Blew Up in His Face

Oops: It Looks Like the Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative

Gov. Evers Asks Trump Not to Visit Kenosha, What’s Left Of It


President Trump: Here’s What I Want My Supporters to Do When They Encounter Rioters

Pelosi’s Vain Reason for Violating the Very Coronavirus Rules She Championed

Salongate took Another Turn: Pelosi’s Stylist Just Chimed In

What the Hell Is Going on With the National Polling? Maybe This Twitter Thread Can Clear Things Up

Trump Slams Reporters for Treating Biden Like a Child

The Walls are Closing: Biden Asked China to Help Make Him President

The Feds Just Threw a Lifeline to California During Energy Crisis

That’s Problematic, Prof: Why a College Professor Just Canceled Herself. Hint: It Could Be a Race Hoax Thing

AP: Here’s the One Problem with Mail-In Ballots in Battleground States

PA: Paper: Here’s The County Where If Biden Doesn’t Do Well, ‘Victory Will Be Exceedingly Difficult’

Total Meltdown: Biden Aide Can’t Answer Fox News’ Bret Baier’s Questions In Disastrous Interview

Are There Durham Indictments Coming? Fox News Reporter’s DOJ Source Told Him to Set His Alarm Clock

Two Los Angeles Sheriff Deputies Shot Multiple Times in a ‘Straight Ambush’ Attack

Another Public School Distributed BLM Handout Comparing Law Enforcement to Slave Owners, the KKK

Detroit Police Chief Shreds Dem Senator for Suggesting Police Should Be Unarmed

Trump Reveals What’s Wrong with America’s Policing System – and Dems Won’t Like the Answer

Numbers Don’t Lie: Trump Answers a Lot More Questions From Reporters Than Biden

Biden’s Town Hall Event Shows Why CNN Isn’t Moderating the Debates

Libs Are Already Threatening to Do This Over Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee

Is Anyone Else Puzzled Over What Joe Biden Did the Day After Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Passing?

Well, We Know Where Sen. Lamar Alexander Stands On SCOTUS Vacancy

Hellfire: Lindsey Graham’s Update on SCOTUS Vacancy Should Send Democrats Into Another Meltdown

Murkowski Backtracks on RBG Vacancy, Killing Democratic Hopes Of Blocking Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee

Joe Manchin Certainly Irritated Progressives with His stance on the Filibuster and Packing the Courts

Graham Calls New Revelations ‘Most Stunning and Damning’ to Date

This Softball Question to Kamala Blew Up in Her Face

It Looks Like Biden Will Say Anything That’s on the Teleprompter

The One Fear Democrats Have About the Amy Coney Barrett Fight — And It’s Not a Hard One to Figure Out

Kamala Babbles When Asked About Packing the Supreme Court

Kamala Harris Attempts to Do Damage Control Following the First Presidential Debate


Wait… Is CIA Director Gina Haspel Blocking Declassification of Russian Collusion Documents

President Trump and First Lady Test Positive for Wuhan Coronavirus

L.A. Times Has a Horrific Take On Trump’s Battle With the Coronavirus

Trump Physician Shares More Positive News; Update: New Photos of Trump Working in Walter Reed

ICYMI: Here’s Why Three Astronauts Have Endorsed McSally and not Mark Kelly

Joe Biden: We’re Able to Stay in Our Bunkers During COVID Because Black Women Re-stock Grocery Shelves

‘Everytown’ Staffer Admits the Group Is Scheming Voters and Is Afraid the NRA Will Find Out

Black Lives Matter Is Taking Their Anti-American War into the Suburbs in Wisconsin

Uh Oh, Joe: Even PA Voters Know You’re Full of Crap When It Comes to Fracking

Here’s What Keith Olbermann Wants Done to Trump and His Supporters if Dems Win in November

Candace Owens Leads BLEXIT March to the White House, Trump Welcomes Crowd

Oops: WHO Now Says Lockdowns Are a Bad Idea That Should Be Avoided

Why CA Dems Suddenly Take Issue with Ballot Harvesting

Multiple States Had Record Breaking Numbers of Early In-Person Voters. Here’s Why That’s Important

Conservative Reporter Questions a Key Piece of the Hunter Biden Email Story And Twitter Responds

Uh Oh: Here’s Why The FBI Is Now Investigating Hunter Biden’s Emails

Biden Campaign Manager Confirms What We all Know About These 2020 Polls

New Poll Shows Biden’s Lead Narrowing After Damaging Revelations

Biden Surrogate Does a Tail Spin While Failing to Address Hunter Biden’s Emails

Election Integrity Is Being Called Into Question In All States Where All Elections Are Conducted By Mail

More Dirty Deeds? Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner Has Flipped Revealing a New Trove of Emails

Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner: It Was Joe Who Was Calling the Shots On a Lot Of These Business Deals

WSJ Columnist Pieces Together the Whole Corrupt China Scheme Hunter and Joe Biden Cooked Up

Kamala Crashes and Burns When Asked About Having the Most Liberal Senate Record

Suspicious Package Found Outside of the Capitol Ahead of ACB Confirmation Vote

Media Accuse ACB of Already making Her ‘First Mistake’ 

Biden Whistleblower: The Biden Family Is Compromised

Why a Lifelong Democrat from Battleground Michigan Just Endorsed Trump

Florida Democratic Organizer Issues a Warning That Should Worry The Biden Camp

Thread: Was This the Real 2020 Democratic Plan, which got Blown Up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death?


The ‘Welcome to Texas’ Greeting Biden’s Bus Tour Received But Wasn’t Anticipating

In New Batch of Polls are Correct, Trump Will Soar Past 300 Electoral Votes 

Hey, Dems, Time to Panic? Biden Camp Says Trump Is Within ONE State of Winning Re-Election

LIVE BLOG: Who Will Come Out on Top in Key Swing States?

USPS Whistleblower in Michigan Claims Higher-Ups Were Engaging in Voter Frauds

WATCH: USPS Worker Allegedly Offers Stacks of Ballots to Undercover Reporter

USPS Is Allegedly Retaliating Against a Whistleblower Who Spoke Out About Potential Voter Fraud

Sen. Cruz: The ‘Legal Process’ Is the Way to Get Answers to Voter Fraud Allegations

Sidney Powell Makes Explosive Voter Fraud Allegation: ‘They Had This All Planned’

Sen. Manchin Distances Himself Further From His Party: I Won’t Vote for These Items

New Gingrich Responds Perfectly When Pressed Over Claim that 2020 Election Was ‘Stolen’

Fox News: Tucker Carlson Exposes The ‘Entire constituency’ That Really Wants to Defund the Police

Arizona Republican Party Files Lawsuit to Enforce Hand Count By Precinct

Pollster: It’s Curious How Biden Underperformed HIllary Clinton In Every City… Except These Four.

BLM, Antifa Explode in Violence After Tens of Thousands of Trump Supporters March in D.C.

Was Election Software Rigged? Sidney Powell Lays Out the Trump Team’s Findings

‘Three Wrong Counts In Three Minutes’: Georgia Recount Auditor Says Things Aren’t Adding Up

Sidney Powell: Here’s What a Smartmatic Whistleblower Said About Voter Fraud

Wayne County Election Board Republicans Sign Affidavits Saying They Were Coerced Into Certifying the Election

New Study on Masks Shows That NO ONE Knows What They’re Talking about… NO ONE

Sidney Powell Claims That Dominion Is ‘Shredding Documents’

Sidney Powell: Some ‘May Need Witness Protection’ After our Expose

Sidney Powell’s Status With the Trump Campaign Has Changed

Trump: Has a Message For those Who Think GSA Decision Means He’s Conceding

State Legislators In Three Swing States Were Caught Off Guard By the Trump Camp’s Latest Announcement

Kentucky Coffee Shop Owner Loses License After Bucking Coronavirus Restrictions

Here’s the Part of Sidney Powell’s Lawsuit That Could Impact the Outcome of the Election

Did You Notice Anything Ironic About That Tweet From John Brennan on Iran?

NYC Pub Borrows a Page From Leftists in Lockdown Disputes 

Joe Biden Suffers Multiple Fractures to His Foot While Playing With His Dog


CA-25: Smith Concedes to Garcia, Leaving Katie Hill’s Former Seat Red

The Durham Probe Is Now a Special Counsel Investigation 

Even CNN Is Fed Up With Democrats Violating Their Own Coronavirus Guidelines

Georgia Governor Changes Tune After Trump Lawyers Present Troubling Video of Alleged Fraud

Doom and Gloom Biden Forecasts Dark Winter, Laments Jobs Report

America First: Trump Signs Executive Order Prioritizing COVID Vaccine for Americans

Durbin Admits: Democrats Weaponized Wuhan Coronavirus Relief

Democrat Lawmaker Under Investigation After Threatening Trump Supporters

Melinda Gates Is ‘Incredibly Disappointed’ That Americans Will Get the Vaccine First

SCOTUS Denies Texas Lawsuit Against Battleground States

Guess Which Biden Administration Position Cuomo Is Being Considered for

Reporter for The Hill Published a Major Lie About Kelly Loeffler and a Former KKK Leader

‘Full Speed Ahead’: Durham Expands Russian Collusion Hoax Investigation

Reminder: Media Thought Trump Was Crazy for Saying Vaccine Could Come in Less Than a Year

Hawley Warns: Democrats Shaming Millions of Trump Supporters Is ‘Not a Recipe for Success’

Guess Who Was a Guest Preacher at Raphael Warnock’s Church in 2014?

Andrew Yang Has a Really Scary Idea for Showing Proof of Coronavirus Vaccinations

Can Employers Require Workers to Get the Coronavirus Vaccine?

Latest: Trump Campaign Files First Petition with SCOTUS Over the Election

Here Is Some of the Unnecessary Garbage Thrown Into the Second COVID Relief Deal

Chris Christie… Don’t Do It

These Two Ossoff and Warnock Volunteers Likely Did More Harm Than Good for Their Candidates

Why an Editor’s Open Letter to Journalists Got Totally Wrecked in a Single Twitter Thread

Why Did the Mayor of Nashville Crack a Joke About Today’s ‘Intentional’ RV Bombing?; UPDATE: Body Found

Here’s What New York Democrat Party Boss Thinks of an AOC Primary Challenge Against Chuck Schumer

Prepare for ‘The Squad’ to Crumble

BUSTED: Want to Guess What Con Alec Baldwin’s Wife Has Been Pulling Off for Years?

Joe Biden Had Another Sad Gaffe Today

Alec Baldwin’s Wife: Leave Me Alone, I’m Spanish, Comprende?

As Pence Moves to Dismiss Election Lawsuit, The Number of House GOP Reps Objecting to 2020 Results Skyrockets

News source: Townhall

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