2020: THE ECONOMIST (351)


Jair Bolsonaro’s contentious first year in office

Iraq and Iran react to the killing of Qassem Suleimani

Iraq and Iran raise the stakes after the killing of Qassem Suleimani

How will Iran retaliate for the killing of Qassem Suleimani?

Big protests in Paris are Emmanuel Macron’s severest test yet

Canada accuses Iran of downing a plane in Tehran, killing 176

Why was Australia’s government so ill-prepared for the brushfires?

In a Blow to China, Taiwan’s president coasts to a second term

Many Han Chinese don’t mind the gulag for their Uighur neighbours

Globally, roads are deadlier than HIV or murder

Iranian clerics risk being overwhelmed by a crisis they created

How Vladimir Putin is preparing to rule forever

The West’s biggest economic policy mistake

America’s aggressive use of sanctions endangers the dollar’s reign

Back pain is a massive problem which is badly treated

Can the World Economic Forum keep its mojo?

Donald Trump’s impeachment trial exposes rival views of political power

Conflict resolution relies increasingly on diplomatic back channels

The world is better prepared than ever to stop the Wuhan coronavirus

Narenda Modi stokes divisions in the world’s biggest democracy

Investors at home and abroad are piling into American government debt

It has never been easier to launch a new brand

America’s anything goes presidency

John Bolton’s claims jolt Donald Trump’s impeachment trial

Trapped in Iran: my summer as a guest of the Revolutionary Guards

China’s coronavirus semi-quarantine will hurt the global economy

Will the Wuhan virus become a pandemic?

Britain’s regulatory-divergence dilemma


A weaker post-Brexit Britain looks to America

Boris Johnson sets course for the hardest possible Brexit

The bungling of the Iowa caucuses may harm the Democrats’ nominee

Pete Buttigieg claims a first-class ticket out of Iowa

The race to produce a vaccine for the latest coronavirus

What it takes to be a CEO in the 2020s

Li Wenliang’s death is a new crisis for China’s rulers

The weak health-care system complicates China’s coronavirus battle

Annegret Krap-Karrenbauer’s resignation upends German politics

Donald Trump loosens America’s restrictions on landmines

Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg emerge as the Democrats’ favourites

With a new chancellor, Boris Johnson consolidates his power

Irish unification is becoming likelier

Technology is poised to upend America’s property market

People leave molecular wakes that may give away their secrets

America urges Europe to join forces against China

Japan’s GDP shrinks dramatically after a tax rise and a typhoon

The EU wants to set the rules for the world of technology

Mike Bloomberg makes a wobbly campaign debut

Why Morgan Stanley wants to buy E*Trade

American and the Taliban agree to wind down their long war

Why Julian Assange’s extradition case will get political

Is Bernie Sanders unstoppable?

The Iranian regime risks exacerbating the outbreak of covid-19

As its covid-19 epidemic slows, China tries to get back to work

Bernie Sanders, nominee

Will an attack on Turkish troops in Syria change the course of the war?


A big win in South Carolina rekindles Joe Biden’s presidential hopes

Millions of Chinese, cooped up and anxious, turn to online doctors

America’s central bank acts to offset the impact of covid-19

Joe Biden redux

The right medicine for the world economy

What the world has learned about facing covid-19

How African democrats can fight back

For the first time, Lebanon defaults on its debts

How market panic can feed back to the world economy

A constitutional ploy may keep Vladimir Putin in power until 2036

In Michigan, Joe Biden deals a lethal blow to Bernie Sanders

The politics of pandemics

Understanding SARS-CoV-2 and the drugs that might lessen its power

Should other countries copy Italy’s nationwide lockdown?

the impact of covid-19 on airlines

The Federal Reserve acts again, as market turmoil continues

Governments are still struggling to get ahead of the coronavirus

How covid-19 is interrupting children’s education

Joe Biden builds an insurmountable lead

In Europe, and around the world, governments are getting tougher

Governments are spending big to protect the world economy

Why America’s financial plumbing has seized up

Armies are mobilizing against the coronavirus

The coronavirus crisis thrusts corporate HR chiefs into the spotlight

Congress puts aside its habitual dysfunction and responds to covid-19

The state in the time of covid-19

Countries are using apps and Data networks to keep tabs on the pandemic

Rich countries try radical economic policies to counter covid-19

New York is fast becoming the world’s next coronavirus hotspot

South Korea keeps covid-19 at bay without a total lockdown


The coronavirus may sink the cruise-ship business

How high will unemployment in America go?

Covid-19 presents stark choices between life, death and the economy

The hard choices covid policymakers face

Technology startups are headed for a fall

Some American states are curbing travel to fight the coronavirus

Boris Johnson is admitted to intensive care with covid-19

Boris Johnson is in intensive care with covid-19

The crisis will change the world of commerce

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed fissures within religions

Should the public wear masks to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2?

The changes covid-19 is forcing on to business

Might the pandemic be a lifeline for the rich world’s homeless?

A historic OPEC+ deal to curb oil output faces many obstacles

How to reopen factories after covid-19

App-based contact tracing may help end coronavirus lockdowns

Is China winning?

The economic crisis will expose a decade’s worth of corporate fraud

Can the world find a good covid-19 vaccine quickly enough?

Why countries can’t meet the demand for gear against covid-19

Prisons worldwide risk becoming incubators of covid-19

Covid-19 is spreading to America’s South with unnerving speed

How to build and deploy coronavirus testing at unprecedented scale

After the disease, the debt

Autocrats see opportunity in disaster

The world’s car-giants need to move fast and break things

For people with dementia, the coronavirus pandemic is a nightmare

Closing schools for covid-19 does lifelong harm and widens inequality

Why voting online is not the way to hold an election in a pandemic

The hunt for the origins of covid-19


Life after lockdowns

Which emerging markets are in most financial peril?

the 90% economy that lockdowns will leave behind

In many ways, stockmarkets have been extraordinary in 2020

Two potential therapies for covid-19 have some effect

For microfinance lenders, covid-19 is an existential threat

Scientific research on the coronavirus is being released in a torrent

The market v the real market

The world’s food system has so far weathered the challenge of covid-19

How pandemics have inspired art, music and literature

America and Britain play cold-war games with Russia in the Arctic

Health workers become unexpected targets during covid-19

Can sport survive the covid-19 pandemic without spectators?

The pandemic has spawned a new way to study medical records

The European Union is having a bad crisis

Has covid-19 killed globalisation?

The pandemic is creating fresh opportunities for organised crime

America and China take their rivalry to the World Health Organization

America’s far right is energised by covid-19 lockdowns

Russia’s covid-19 outbreak could be far worse than the Kremlin admits

The risk of severe covid-19 is not uniform

The covid and climate crises are connected

China paints a target on Hong Kong, but abandons one for growth

The world urgently needs to expand its use of carbon prices

As covid-19 spreads Indonesia’s president has an unhappy Eid

Cummings, not going: Boris Johnson’s top aide refuses to quit

Will wet markets be hung out to dry after the pandemic?

India and China Square up on their Himalayan border

How the world’s most powerful country is handling covid-19

China’s national-security bill for Hong Kong is an attempt to terrify

Flying people to the Space Station is SpaceX’s biggest deal yet


Protests sparked by George Floyd’s death are still raging

History is repeated in protests at the death of George Floyd

The violence in American cities reflects the fury of polarisation

The grim racial inequalities behind America’s protests

Police violence, race and protest in America

The pandemic is still gathering pace in most of the world

How SARS-COV-2 causes disease and death in covid-19

America’s top brass break with Donald Trump

How George Floyd’s death reverberates around the world

NATO sets its sights on China

Following George Floyd’s death, New York opens police records

The power of protest and the legacy of George Floyd

Great cities after the pandemic

How big beef and soya firms can stop deforestation

Covid-19 forces courts to hold proceedings online

America’s Supreme Court protects gay and trans workers against discrimination

India and China have their first deadly clashes in 45 years

North Korea blows up detente with the South

The pandemic has shows that Amazon is essential – but vulnerable

Britain has the wrong government for the covid crisis

Green investing has shortcomings 

Donald Trump finds sanctuary in Tulsa

Covid-19 has let to a pandemic of plastic pollution

Donald Trump bans visas even for high-skilled foreign workers

Has America’s Department of Justice been politicised?

Politicians ignore far-out risks: they need to up their game

Will Donald Trump resume nuclear testing?

African-American businesses need more than “buy black” campaigns

Nissan’s newish boss wants to re-engineer the troubled carmaker


Hong Kong braces itself for repression by China’s Communist Party

China’s draconian security law for Hong Kong buries one country, two systems

Why Joe Biden’s instinctive caution makes real change possible

Covid-19 is here to stay. People will have to adapt

Oxford University is leading in the vaccine race.

A musician’s murder sparks mayhem in Ethiopia

America’s huge stimulus is having surprising effects on the poor

Cutting American police budgets might have perverse effects

This year’s AIDS conference has brought snippets of good news

The new ideology of race

A better way to contain Iran’s nuclear program

TikTok and the Sino-American tech split

Jihaddists in the Sahel threaten west Africa’s costal states

A ban on Huawei further worsens Britain’s relations with China

How objectivity in journalism became a matter of opinion

China v America

The risks of keeping schools closed far outweigh the benefits

Donald Trump is hoping for a covid-19 treatment by November

Lockdowns could have Long-term effects on children’s health

Trial of a vaccine and new drug raise hope of beating covid-19

Is there life on Mars?

America’s backwards coronavirus strategy

Governments must beware the lure of free money

TikTok’s Chinese parent is scrambling to hang on to its hit app

The pandemic shows the urgency of reforming care for the elderly

Donald Trump cancels his Florida celebration

Saudi Arabia has put strict limits on this years haj

Alphabet, Amazon, Apple and Facebook face an antitrust grilling

Would a Biden administration be softer than Trump on China?

Google has outgrown its corporate culture


As covid-19 recedes, let migrants move again

Amid a brutal contraction, corporate Germany assesses the damage

For those affected by dementia, the pandemic has been especially grim

Narendra Modi cements a victory for Hindu nationalism at Ayodhya

Beirut after the blast: the crunch of glass, acrid smoke and stairs slick with blood

Covid-19 will be painful for universities, but also bring change

As more gay people come out, tolerance will spread

A new AI language model generates poetry and prose

A Russian satellite weapon shows the danger of hazy rules in space

Jimmy Lai’s arrest in Hong Kong is the latest blow to free speech

Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as his running-mate 

Donald Trump’s executive orders do little for hard-hit Americans

Xi Jinping is reinvesting state capitalism. Don’t underestimate it

Trump administration wants a US-China commercial split

Boris Johnson needs to focus on boosting Britain’s economy

America musters the world’s biggest naval exercise

War heroes no longer dominate American politics as they once did

Ang San Suu Kyi has brought Myanmar peace talks, but no peace

What next for Mali?

How viruses shape the world

Viruses have big impacts on ecology and evolution as well as human health

A row between Turkey and Greece over gas is raising tension in the eastern Mediterranean

China is killing academic freedoms in Hong Kong

The Republican Party in Congress could become even more male

Robots that can walk are now striding to market 

Why California is experiencing its worst fires on record

Russians and Blarusians are tired of backwards-looking autocrats

How to reduce the mental trauma of covid-19

In twenty years, exchanges from clubby firm to firms to huge conglomerates

China’s war games raise fears for Taiwan’s security


The Supreme Court may tip the 2020 elections

Covid-19 is spurring the digitisation of government

Donald Trump tries out law-and-order talk on suburban voters

Abe Shinzo’s legacy is more impressive than his muted exit suggests

How to forecast armies’ will to fight

Why is Wall Street expanding in China?

Younger Americans feel their voting weight

Britain suggests it may overturn parts of the EU withdrawal agreement

India and China exchanged their first border gunfire in 45 years

Britain threatens to flout international law

Is the office finished?

Who owns what?

The world needs a better World Health Organisation

The Taliban and the Afghan government talk peace at last

Scientists find possible signs of life in the clouds of Venus

Britain’s armed forces act ready for a revolution

Who are the TikTok saga’s biggest winners

Is it the end of the oil age?

A battle for the Supreme Court looms after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The bruised city of Wuhan has become a showcase for China

The UN renews its vows in a 75th-birthday general non-assembly

America wants more ships and fewer sailors to compete with China’s Navy

Donald Trump narrows his Supreme Court search to five women

Why the Democrats are our narrow favourites to win the Senate

Why governments get covid-19 wrong

The knife fight over Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement

What quantum computers reveal about innovation

Donald Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

American presidential debates rarely change election outcomes

A dismal presidential debate will leave voters unimpressed


Why, despite the coronavirus pandemic, house prices continue to rise

Bidenomics: the good the bad and the unknown

How will Donald Trump’s covid-19 infection affect the election?

China is demolishing villages and forcing people into bigger ones

Donald Trump’s illness may shorten the odds of his losing the election

Will the economic and psychological costs of covid-19 increase suicides? 

Covid-19 complicates Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nomination

Google, antitrust and how to best regulate big tech

The pandemic has caused the world’s economies to diverge

AntGroup and fintech come of age

Why “America First” makes wars in other places more likely

The race for the White House is a little closer than it looks

Across the world central governments face local covid-19 revolts

A subsidies scrap between Boeing and Airbus is over (maybe)

Thailand’s king seeks to bring back absolute monarchy

The persecutions of the Uyghurs is a crime against humanity

The pandemic has eroded democracy and respect for human rights

Jacinda Ardern’s quiet competence triumphs in New Zealand 

Democrats could win big in Georgia

The scandal-hit market for passports and long-term visas is booming

Soon enough, Wall Street will have to take millennial investors seriously

Should covid be left to spread among the young and healthy?

Donald Trump and Joe Biden press their mute buttons

Why Donald Trump seems to be in trouble in the Midwest this time around

Amy Coney Barrett is set to transform America’s Supreme Court

Latino men are a bright spot in Donald Trump’s faltering campaign

The pandemic may be leading to fewer babies in rich countries

Why it has to be Biden

President Trump has had real achievements and a baleful effect


How covid-19 hinders the fight against malaria

Joe Biden really is in pole position

Biden or Trump? Americans may have to wait days to know who won

Donald Trump does better than predicted, but Joe Biden has a slight edge

Joe Biden’s recovery in the Midwest brings him closer to victory

What the 2020 results say about America’s future

Joe Biden is set to capture the White House

After Joe Biden’s victory, will Donald Trump wreck the transition?

Joe Biden and the new art of world leadership

Pfizer’s and BioNTech’s vaccine is the start of the end of the pandemic

Most Republican’s don’t dare to cross Donald Trump

What the Biden administration would do differently on covid-19

The promise of the new covid-19 vaccine is immense

America’s allies should share the burden with Joe Biden

Fighter aircraft will soon get AI pilots

Ethiopia’s civil war is spreading outside its borders

Ten trends to watch in the coming year

As America pulls out of Afghanistan the Taliban fight on

The China strategy America needs 

Accepting a disappointing election result is a key part of democracy 

A lack of data on race hampers effort to tackle inequalities

Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the election’s results are failing

Joe Biden will embrace allies – and enlist them to take on China

Janet Yellen will lead Joe Biden’s Treasury. What does she stand for?

The pandemic has prompted questions about high-stakes exams

Democracy contains the seeds of its own recovery

The father of Iran’s nuclear programme is assassinated 

Narenda Modi threatens to turn India into a one-party state

A gagging bill could shield French police from charges of brutality


Deep Mind is answering one of biology’s biggest challenges

In Ethiopia, Tigray’s ousted rulers flee to the mountains

The down of digital medicine

Time to make coal history

America’s economic recovery no longer looks so strong

Covid-19 spurs national plans to give citizens digital identities

The pandemic could give way to an era of rapid productivity growth

Companies have raised more capital in 2020 than ever before

After the pandemic, will inflation return?

Disney plans to match Netflix in its spending on streaming

What a grand chemistry experiment reveals about Brexit

Paris-anniversary climate pledges bring progress but fall short

Hackers have vaulted into the heart of America’s government

The year when everything changed

America and Europe clamp down on big tech

Covid-19 threatens girls’ gigantic global gains

Covid-19 has posed new challenges to the world’s waste-pickers

A new coronavirus variant may derail pandemic-control efforts

How covid-19 and Brexit combined to isolate Britain

Israel’s government collapses, triggering yet another election

Though muffled, China’s #MeToo movement still has support

Britain and the European Union agree on the hardest Brexit

Being a girl is special, difficult and better than it used to be

Brazil faces hard spending choices in 2021

The Post-Brexit trade agreement leaves many questions unanswered

Britain needs a post-Brexit foreign policy

Britain has lost the EU. Can it find a role?

How Brexit happened

News Source: The Economist

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