2020: THE DAILY BEAST (353)


Trump: Iran’s ‘Standing Down.’ I’m Gonna Hurt It Some More.

Was This Ex-Fox News Anchor Benched for Accusing Trump?

Royals Threaten to Cut Off Harry and Meghan’s Income

Bloomberg Spent $200M and Doesn’t Have a Single Delegate

If Trump Wins in 2020, Get Ready for President Don Jr.

These Trump Inaugural Donors Are Now Funding the Competition

James Murdoch Slams News Corp Over Climate-Change Denial

ABC Tried To Get Huntsman to Cover for Toxic ‘View’ Culture

The Craziest 24 Hours Yet as America Heads Down the Tubes

Trump Just Hired Jeffrey Epstein’s Lawyers

Lev Parnas Dishes on Kushner, Maduro, and Soros

Inside the Chaotic Scramble to Justify the Soleimani Killing

Ken Starr Is America’s Most Poisonous Creep

GOP Senators May Save Trump, but Trump’s Already F*cked Them

Saudi Prince Taunted Bezos for Affari Before Enquirer Expose

Bernie Once Compared Vermont Workers to Black ‘Slaves’

Rudy Pal Taped Trump Trying To Fire Ukraine Amb: Lawyer

King Trump Wants Heads on Pikes. GOP can’t wait to oblige

Trump’s Got Some Big Election Concerns. Ukraine’s Not One.

Trump’s Team’s Impeachment Game Plan: Trigger the Libs

Top Ukraine Official: I Trusted Bolton More Than Anyone

Plane Evacuating Americans over coronavirus lands in California

Alan Dershowitz Wants to Save Trump by Ending America

Impeachment Proves There’s No Republican Left to Believe In


‘Real National Security Consequences’ if Trump’s Acquitted

Trump Ranted About ‘Fat’ Meghan, ‘B*tch’ Katy Tur & More

Man Who Bankrolled Brexit Boasted of WikiLeaks Backchannel

Mayor Pete Leads Iowa Delegate Race with 62% Reporting

Today, Trump Is Acquitted. Tomorrow, He Starts New Crimes

Fox Internal Docs: Hannity Regulars Spread ‘Disinformation’

Trump Fires Gordon Sondland, Ousts Alexander Vindman

Joe Biden Is Running Out Of Gas

Meet the Trumpy Bigot Embraced by the Florida GOP

The FBI Makes a Bizzare Claim About Pro-Choice Terrorism

Prosecutors Quit After DOJ Tries to Chop Stone’s Sentence

Trump DGAF About Roger Stone or Justice.  Here’s the Proof.

Trump’s NY Shakedown Shows He’ll Never Get Out of the Gutter

Federal Judge Blasted DOJ for Leaving McCabe in ‘Limbo’

The Women Fighting to Expose Taekwondo Legends as Predators

Dems Come Up with a System That Could Hand Victory to Trump

Slain Therapist Asked Court to Protect Her from Ex-Boyfriend

Trump Pardons Crooks to Feel Like a King

Bill Barr Is Not Quitting – He’s Gaslighting America Big-Time

Russia Is Helping Elect Trump Again, Intel Office Says

How Klobuchar’s Signature Bill Became a Disaster for Dems

Bernie Sanders Runs Away With Nevada Caucuses

Bloomberg Killed the Best Chance at Justice for 9/11

Bernie Staffer Mocked Warren’s Looks, Pete’s Sexuality

Warren Decides to Murder Bloomberg, 6 Days After Killing Him

Harvey Weinstein Is in for a Rude Awakening at Rikers

Trump Meets Deep State Play Actors Amid Coronavirus Mayhem

Trump Identifies the Real Coronavirus Victim: His Presidency

Joe Biden Wins Decisively In South Carolina


Mayor Pete’s Exit Is ‘the Right Thing to Do for Our Country’

U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Spike Again as Officials Slam CDC

MSNBC Boss Went to D.C. to Beg Chris Matthews to Quit

The Reason Bernie’s Campaign Stumbled – and May Never Recover

Coronavirus Is Turning Seattle into a Ghost Town

Christopher Steele Whacks Mueller and ‘Bad Faith’ Trump DOJ

Donald Didn’t Know the Flu Killed – It Killed His Grandfather

Biden’s Leftist Critics’ Trump-y Play: Paint Joe as Senile

CPAC Attendees want to Know Who Mystery COVID-19 Patient Is

Meet the Insane People Still Planning Cruise Ship Vacations

Trump Seethes at Working with Pelosi on Coronavirus Response

‘Total Chaos’: Trump Coronavirus Speech Baffles His Admin

‘It Could Easily Kill Them’: Terrified Doctors on Coronavirus

Mar-a-Lago Became a Petri Dish – Filled With Trump Confidants

Trump’s Failing in a Crisis.  It’s Biden’s Moment to Step In.

Trump Bows to Reality

US Soldier in Virus Quarantine: ‘Prisoners Get Better Care’

You Cheered as He F*cked Up.  No Take Backs, Trumpists.

The Virus Is Killing Italy’s Doctors.  The U.S. Could Be Next

Wakeup Call: What Senators Heard Before Selling Their Stocks

Why Is Trump as Scary as the Virus? Because He Can’t Change

Trump’s Using ‘Chinese Virus’ to Pull a Fast One on Dems

Trump Is in a Frenzy Over the Economy – Not So Much the Virus

Trump to New York: You’ve Been Mean to Me, Drop Dead

CNN & MSNBC Staff Push Back on Airing Trump’s Corona ‘Lies’

Don’t Worry, America, Jared Will Save You From Covid-19

The Unseen Hero Died Trying to Protect NYPD From COVID-19

Trump’s Coronavirus Disinformation Campaign Isn’t Working

Trump: I’m Doing a Great Job, and 100,000 of You Will Die

Trump Stops Saying ‘Wuhan Virus’ After Xi Strokes His Ego


Trump Is ‘Eroding Truth’ & Acosta Plays Into His Hands: Karl

Trump Literally Laughed at Media Coverage of His ‘New Tone’

Trump Blames N.Y. Coronavirus Crisis on Impeachment ‘Hoax’

Guardsmen Sent to Virus Front Line but Denied Military Care

Here’s How to Make Trump Pay for His Deadly Lost Months

Trump Eyes Accused ‘Quack’ Dr. Oz for Coronavirus Advice

Bodies Pile Up and Trumpworld’s Sick Show Rolls On

Trump’s Coronavirus Response Grows Insular and Paranoid

Bernie’s Gone, and Trump Is Screwed.  Here’s How Biden Wins

Trump Taps Once-Exiled Aide to Execute His Next Purge

Meet the B.S. Artist Behind Trump’s Miracle Drug

Pastor Vows ‘Satan and Virus’ Won’t Stop Huge Easter Service

Trump Spends Easter Asking Pals What They Think of Fauci

Trump Uses Virus Briefing to Play Batsh*t Campaign Ad

Barr Pressed Aussies on Mueller as DOJ Helped Their Hostages

Trumpists Urging People to Leave Their Homes to Own the Libs

Army Gives GOP $569 Million to ‘Build the Wall’

Trump Leads Pro-Plague States of America to COVID Civil War

‘Very Scary’: Officials Dumbfounded by Packed FL Beaches

The Next Coronavirus Nightmare Is What Happens After the ICU

Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force Increasingly Ignores Trump

Trump Favorite Gets $7M to Build 800 Feet of Border Wall

Las Vegas Goes Nuts Over Mayor’s ‘Control Group’ Suggestion

Idiot Alchemist Donald Trump Says Sun & Bleach Will Save You

Trump, In His Own Twisted Way, Finally Owns Up to a Mistake

Georgia Guv Risks Lives to Reopen – Just Not His Family’s

Fox News Cuts Ties With Diamond & Silk

Trump’s Too Stupid to Do Better. His Senators Have No Alibi

Abrams’ Vast Network Could Be Used Against Her as Biden Veep


Joni Ernst Hid the Names of her Campaign Staff

Unmasked Protesters Storm Calif. Beach After Newsom Closure

Why Lady Gaga’s Ex-Model Seized a Luxury Hotel Suite in L.A.

Fake News Kingpin Is Back to Cash In On 2020’s Hellscape

Texans Brace for COVID-19 ‘Explosion’ Days After Reopening

Texas Gov. Admits Dangers of Reopening State on Private Call

Team Trump Has Data Showing May Restart Could Be a Disaster

QAnon Nuts Euphoric Over Latest Turn in Flynn’s Legal Case

Biden Campaign Is Secretly Building a Republican Group

Pompeo’s Unproven COVID Claims Have Officials Freaked Out

Trump Sabotages His Own ‘Mission Accomplished’ Moment

‘Lightning Fast’ Coronavirus Test Hyped by Trump Is Slow AF

America’s Going to Sh*t. Trump Says Look At This Squirrel.

Wisconsin Judges Protected Themselves While Risking Lives

The CBS Journo Driving Dems – and Some of Her Colleagues – Crazy

Dennis Prager Licks Dirty Forks To Show COVID Who’s Boss

Busted: Report on ‘Wuhan Lab’ Origins of Virus Is Bogus

FDA: This Drug Could Kill You. Trump: I’m Taking It!

Jane Roe’s Last Confession: Anti-Abortion Stand “All an Act”

WH Data Crunchers: Southern Counties About to Get Hit Hard

‘Salt Kills Things’: The Scene at Trump’s Ford Factory Tour

She Beat COVID With Trump Drug.  Now She’s Got Heart Trouble

Six Decades of Devotion Ended With a Double Diagnosis

What Trump’s Black Male Supports Say They See In Him

Shaun King Raises Money – and Questions About Where It Goes

Minneapolis Erupts in Protest After Death in Police Custody

‘I Can’t Breath’ Is the New American Anthem

Minneapolis Police Station Set Ablaze During Night of Rage

‘Looting, Fire, Whatever It Takes’: Chaos Surges Across USA

Scenes of ‘Urban Warfare’ Erupt from Miami to Seattle


Trump’s ‘ANTIFA’ Threat Is Total BS – And Totally Dangerous

Trump Aides Wanted Him to Meet the Moment – Instead He Dug In

Pentagon Retreats From Trump’s Call to ‘Dominate’ Protests

Barr Takes Reins of Crackdowns as Military Tries to Back Away

New York Cops Beat Protesters for Crime of Being There

Team Trump Thrilled That Terrible Poll Numbers Aren’t Worse

Eleventh Day of George Floyd Protests Is the Biggest Yet

Bill Barr’s Bogus Case for Jamming Clinton and Freeing Flynn

Trump Camp Buys Ads on D.C. Cable to Ease the Boss’ Anxiety

Leaked Call: Trump Task Force Warns of New COVID Spike

HISTORY! – Congress Poised to Get First QAnon Believer

Kelly Loeffler’s Fundraising Committee Is Utterly Tone Deaf

NYT Publisher Laments ‘Loss of a Talent’ Like James Bennet

Atlanta Chief Quits, Fiery Protest Erupt After New Shooting

Revealed: The Family Member Who Turned On Trump

Trump Touted COVID-Economy as His Top Aide Dumped Stocks

Trump Is So Mad About Niece’s Tell-All He Might Sue

Cops’ Most Deranged Lies And Bizarre Claims About Protests

Trump ‘Couldn’t Give a Sh*t’ About China’s Uighur Camps

Barr Sacks U.S. Attorney – Who Says He’s Not Leaving

Trump’s Campaign Revival Speech Turns Into Story About Ramp

Trump’s COVID Testing ‘Joke’ Has His Health Officials Livid

Trump’s Rally Was a ‘Disaster,’ but not Even His Biggest One

Palm Beach ‘Patriots’ Ready to Die to Breath Mask-Free

Trump Brother Was in ICU Just Before Suing over Tell-All

Texas Judge Enforces His Own Mask Order – at Lowe’s

The Texas Grim Reaper’s Fight Against Masks and Health Care

Virus Hot Spots That Gloated Have Been Forced to Shut-Again

CNN’s Van Jones Secretly Helped Craft Trump’s Police Reform

Trumps F*cked. That Means America Is Too Until November


Soldier Bounties Are a Russian Nesting Doll of Trump’s Sins

This Deep Red State Admits: We’re in Deep COVID Trouble

Inside the Secret Sale of Ghislaine’s Swanky N.H. Hideout

America Is Done With Trump, and Stupid Cruel Tough Guys Acts

Moscow Has a Field Day With Trump’s Show at Mt. Russia-More

Trump Advisers Wonder: ‘Is the Statue Sh*t Going to Work?’

Mary Trump: Donald Leered at Me, His Sis Says He’s a ‘Clown’

Arizona Is Awash in COVID-19 and Testing Is a ‘Sh*tshow’

Supremes: NY Can Get Trump’s Tax Returns, but Not House Dems

Trump’s No Billionaire. He’s a Bullsh*t Artist.

The Big Winner in Trump’s Commutation of Stone Is… Trump

The Constitutional Amendment to Save Us From the Next Trump

Harris Was in Biden Circle of Trust. Then Came Debate Night.

Gov: Florida Has a COVID-19 ‘Blip.’ Nurses: It’s Far Worse. 

‘Entourage’ Star Kevin Connolly Accused of Sexual Assault

Team Trump Plots Ways to Make Him Feel Good About Himself

Fox Staff Erupts: Bosses ‘Created a White Supremacist Cell’

Trump’s Election Hail Mary: Bring Back Bob Mueller

I Was an Army COVID Planner. Trust Me: Texas Is F*cked.

Trump Admin Plots Crackdown by Feds in Cities Nationwide

Ohio House Speaker Arrested in $60 Million Bribery Scheme

Trio Killed 3 Pals on Fishing Trip – Then Ate McDonald’s: Cops

No Show! Trump Cancels Jacksonville GOP Convention

The Shocking Secret Past Of One Of QAnon’s Most Toxic Stars

3 Hurt in Shootings as Rival Militias Converge on Louisville

Inside the Right-Wing Sports Site Pushing COVID Trutherism

Trumpists Explode Over GOP’s Thirsty-For-Cash Texts 

Team Trump’s Mounting Fear: His Base Will Abandon Him

N.C. Deluge Shows Why Trump’s Terrified of Mail-In Voting

Trump Goes Into Hyperdrive to Delegitimize The Election

James Murdoch Quits News Corp Board Over Editorial Issues


An American Surrogate Had His Baby. Then Coronavirus Hit. 

Why Is The Right So Obsessed With Hydroxychloroquine?

Alleged ‘Sick Hoax’ COVID Death Roils Arizona State

Doomsday Mom Called Hubby From Jail as FBI Search His Home

Paid NYPD Informant Drove Protester to Attack

We Untangled the Shady Effort to Elect a Florida Republican

‘I’m Not Scared’: She Faces Life Over a Red Paint Protest

Trump Just Makes Negotiations Worse Republicans Say

Trump Can Win If He Gets Out Of His F*cking Way

Is Loefllyer a ‘Corporate Liberal’ or ‘Atilla the Hun’?

Conservative News Site’s Secret: It’s Run by Trump Super PAC

Team Trump Isn’t Hiding Its Support for QAnon Kooks Anymore

Donald Trump’s Woman Problem Just Got a Whole Lot Worse

Trump Still Seethes Over Kamala’s Call To ‘Lock Him Up’

QAnon Pushes Pedo-Ring Plots. Now They’re Stealing Kids.

QAnon Incided Her to Kidnap Her Son and then Helped Her Hide

Epstein Victim: He Showed Me Off to Trump When I Was 14

TV Networks Worry About Airing Two Hours Of Trump Convention

How a Fake CIA Spy Fooled Everyone and Swindled Millions

How Fox Helped Boost Bannon’s ‘We Build the Wall’ Fiasco

‘We Build the Wall’ Victim: Enjoy the ‘Cavity Searches’

The Real Winner of ‘We Build the Wall’ Ended Up with $1.7B

Revealed: Jared’s Private Channel with Putin’s Money Man

Enraged Protesters Pack Wisconsin City Before Curfew

This Isn’t a Convention — It’s a Republican Funeral Pyre

Teen ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Fan Charged With Murder in Kenosha

Teen Vigilante Shot Unarmed Man Who Threw Plastic Bag: Docs

Trump Aides: He Was ‘Triggered’ by Talk of White Supremacy

Trump’s Army of Allies and TV Sycophants Is Crumbling

Jeffrey Epstein’s Right-Hand Mystery Men

Trump Defends Kenosha Vigilante: ‘Interesting Situation’


White House to Colleges: Don’t Send COVID-Infected Kids Home

Fox’s ‘Hard News’ Shows Won’t Book Trump’s New COVID Adviser

New Video Shows Black Man Suffocated in Police Custody

Trump Visits Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, Pisses Off His Widow

I Got ‘Trained’ By a CIA Officer and QAnon Movie Star

She Was Tricked by Russian Trolls and It Derailed Her Life

The Left Secretly Preps for Violence After Election Day

Did Sturgis Really Infect 250,000 People?

Trump Was ‘Ecstatic’ About Talking to Woodward

Kushner Wanted Trump to Campaign More During COVID: Woodward

This Senator Says Perfectly Timed Stock Trades Are Innocent

Ore. Sheriff’s Officer Suspended for Spreading Antifa Rumors

Inside Kanye’s Operations to Ratf*ck Biden in Iowa

Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs to Be Deposed in Seth Rich Case

Steve Bannon Is Behind Bogus Study That China Created COVID

Russian Media Wants U.S. Civil War: ‘The Worse, the Better’

Biden’s Crew Will Go on Fox, ‘Even If Questions Are Insane’

There’ll Be Hell to Pay as GOP Races to Replace RBG

GOP Laughs at Dems’ Threats as Supreme Court Battle Begins

Trump Game Plan For SCOTUS Fight: Own Some Libs, Then Win

Dems Balk at Using Their Biggest Weapon in SCOTUS Fight

Revealed: Clinton’s Intimate Secret Dinner With Ghislaine

‘Violence Is Inevitable’: Cops Shot Amid Louisville Protests

‘Don’t Give a F*ck’: Protesters Meet Militia in Louisville

Meet the Kids Whose Parents Won’t Let Them Get COVID Tests

Just-Nominated Amy Coney Barrett: I’ll Be Scalia 2.0

How Team Trump Keeps Twisting The Real Election Threat

‘Zero Progress’ The Fall COVID-19 Surge Is Already Here

Trump’s Feral Debate Made Allies Want to Call Animal Control


Trump Tries to Step Out of the Proud Boys Mess He Created

Trump Says He He and First Lady Tested Positive for COVID-19

Trump COVID Task Force Is Running on Fumes

The President’s Doctor Has Lost All Credibility

Infected Trump Ignores CDC Advice to Take Joyride

Trump’s Next Project: Turn COVID Diagnosis Into a Triumph

Health officials: White House Is Still Ignoring COVID Rules

Trumpland Delighted That Pence Didn’t Hulk Out Like the Boss

‘Wolverine Watchmen’ Accused in MI Plot Spooked Neighbors

Team Trump Admits Its ‘Russiagate’ Head Fake Has Been a Flop

Trump Marks COVID Comeback with Limp Balcony Speech

Inside Disney’s Ugly COVID Reopening Battle in California

Leaked Documents Show Fox News Hustling to Prove Voter Fraud

Pro-Trump Group Shops Dirt on the Lincoln Project

Trump Knew for Days That Rudy’s Hit on Hunter Was Coming

The Biden and Trump Shows? It’s Mr. Rogers v.s. Crazy Uncle!

Bolton Warned His Staff: Stay Away From Russia-Friendly Rudy

Rudy: ’50/50′ Chance Russian Spy Helped Me Did Dirt On Biden

Trump’s Taking Down Names as Republicans Begin Jumping Ship

Even Parts of Trump World Are Like: Rudy, WTF Are You Doing?

Ex-Fox News Anchor Accused of ‘Revenge Porn’ Tactics

How Giuliani Got Caught Red-Handed With Borat’s Daughter

Trump Needs a Big Break. His Fox News Brain Got in the Way.

Trump’s Election Fear-Mongering Backfires in Nevada

FBI Sits on Report Detailing White-Supremacist Terror Threat

U.S. Embassy Staffer Drugged & Molested Women on Video: Feds

COVID Task Force Livid Over WH ‘We Ended Pandemic’ Report

Trump’s COVID Advisers: He’s Now Pushing Herd Immunity

Biden’s COVID Plan for America: Place Your Trust In Me

Trump’s Inner Circle Braces for Disaster


Cops Pepper-Spray Voters as They March to Polls in NC

Trump Gets Ready to Manufacture an Election Crisis

Republicans: Trump Will Be Our Leader, Even if He Loses

2020 Election Is Painfully on Brand – an Undecided Clusterf*ck

Trump Orders Advisers to ‘Go Down Fighting’

Local GOP Pushes Trump Voters to Cast Ballots After Election

Trump Will Have His Own ‘Deep State’ – And His Own #Resistance

Fox Tries to Tell Trump Through the TV: The Party’s Over

Infamous Hoaxter Behind Trumworld’s New Voter Fraud Claim

Team Trump Sh*ts on Barr’s Bogus Voter Fraud Crusade

Trump WH Is Still Vetting for Job Openings For a Second Term

Trump’s Top Natsec Adviser: Don’t Even Mention Biden’s Name

The Shady Ex-Cop Behind Trump’s Voter Fraud Farce

How Trump’s Voter Fraud War Room Became a ‘Room From Hell’

Will a Church Get Away with Making Teen Listen to Her Rape?

The Sex Assault Suit Against Ed Henry Just Took a Wild Turn

GA Secretary of State: ‘We Can’t Play Nice in the Sandbox’

Giuliani Rants About Mickey and Voter Fraud in Court

MAGA Truthers Make Desperate Last Stand at Miami Church

How Long-Dead Hugo Chavez Got Blamed for Trump Election Loss

Trump’s Campaign Thinks Rudy Is Batsh*t Mad

Inside the Neo-Nazi Cabal Tied to Marines and a Porn Star

Trump Campaign Disavows Its Own Election-Conspiracy Lawyer

Roger Stone-Tied Org Goes Cannibal on the Georgia GOP

Trumpworld Running Away From Rudy’s Wild Recount Push

Trump Begins to Fear Life Without Presidential Power

Trump’s Thanksgiving Dinner Is Sour Grapes

Trump Weighs Staging a 2024 Event During Biden Inauguration

Wacked-Out Ex-Overstock CEO: I Have an ‘Army’ to Save Trump

Take a Look at What Trump Was Doing as Thousands Died


OMB Pick Mean-Tweeted GOP Lawmakers, Until She Needed Votes

NY Republicans Host Sarah Palin at Gala – in a Damn Pandmeic

Pence Backs Away From the Trump Election ‘Fraud’ Train Wreck

Trump Announced a Vaccine Summit, Forgot to Tell Key Figures

The GOPs QAnon Faction Is Waging War On Republicans

School Triggers Backlash With ‘Superspreader’ Football Photo

‘Stop the Steal’ MAGA Fanatics Reach Their Death Cult Finale

Trump’s Newest Lawyer Is a Kamala Birther

Trump Just Broke Through the Last Level of Neo-Fascism

Feds OK Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine in Massive Breakthrough

MAGA World Implodes After Supreme Court Disaster

She Was Ousted in Racism Uproar — Then Got $400K and New Title

Doomed MAGA Faithful Are Now Pivoting to Apocalypse Prep

Rogue Florida Guv’s Next Pandemic Fiasco: Vaccine Rollout

These Rogue Sheriffs Won’t Even Give Their Prisoners Masks

Election Gone, Trump Starts Asking About ‘Apprentice’ Sequel

Frontline MDs Revolt Over ‘Absurd’ Stanford Vaccine Rollout

Trump’s Insane Meeting With Sidney Powell Even Spooked Rudy

If You Thought 2020 Was Crazy, Get a Load of This Republican

Hundreds of Maskless Trumpkins Pack Indoor Mar-a-Lago Gala

Trumpworld Wants to Primary GOP Gov. Brian Kemp

Kushner Bails On Trump’s Mission to Destroy the Election

This Steaming Pile of Filthy Pardons Stinks Just Like Trump

Vehicle in Downtown Nashville Blared a Warning – Then Exploded

Cops Raid Nearby Home After Christmas Bombing in Nashville

Trump Is Burning All the Bridges on His Way Out

Nantucket Got Pummeled by COVID. Then the Warring Started.

Congressman-Elect Luke Letlow Dead of COVID at 41

Maskless Mob Storms Gourmet Grocery in City Awash in Death

MAGA Retirement Enclave Is Ground Zero in FL Vaccine Mayhem

News Source: The Daily Beast

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