2020: DAILY CALLER (363)


NYT Claims ‘2019 The Darkest Yet For Journalists’ Under The Trump Administration

Nudist Resort Burns Down In Major Fire During ‘Nude Year’s Eve’ Party

Sen Graham: The Price Of Killing Americans ‘Has Just Gone Up Drastically’

ICE Catches Illegal Alien Allegedly Behind Deadly Hit-And-Run And Released By Local Authorities

Trump Warns Iran Against Revenge Attack, Says 52 Iranian Sites Would Be Hit ‘Very Fast And Very Hard’

Iran Ends Nuclear Deal Commitment, Will No Longer Limit Uranium Enrichment

First Amendment Challenge To Mandatory Membership, Bar Fees Reaches Supreme Court

US Bases In Iraq Attacked By Missiles From Iran

Sen. Mike Lee Walks Out Of Classified White House Briefing Riled Up, And He Didn’t Hesitate To Say Why

House Passes War Powers Resolution Limiting Trump’s Military Action Against Iran

Iranian Military Apologizes For Shooting Down Ukraine-Bound Flight, Cites ‘Human Error’: Report

In Wake of Soleimani Hit, One NYT Reporter Amplified Iranian Propaganda

Trump Retweets Fake Photo Of Nancy Pelosi In Hijab In Front Of Iranian Flag

Russians Hacked Burisma: Report

As Mammoth Obamacare Fight Looms, Democrats Ignore Supreme Court In Presidential Debate

Kamala Harris, Advocacy Groups Push To Suspend Judicial Confirmations During Impeachment Trial

Why Patriots Tight End Benjamin Watson Champions Life

‘I Want Trump Out!’: Migrants Plan To Cross US Border Once Trump Leaves Office

Trump Asks Supreme Court To Allow Plan Restricting Green Cards For Benefit-Dependent Immigrants

NBC Reporter Deletes False Tweet Claiming Gun Rights Event Is ‘White Supremacist Rally’

Here Are The Members Of Congress On Trump’s Impeachment Team

Joe diGenova Reacts To First Day Of Trump Impeachment Trial

Cyber Expert Behind A Report On Saudi Arabia’s Alleged Bezos Hack Was Paid $4 Million To Verify Steele Dossier

DHS Started Preparing Against Iran Threats Months Ago, Acting Secretary Says

Mike Pence’s Daughter, Charlotte Pence Explains Why Being Pro-Life Is Pro-Women

‘Blood Drained From Adam Schiff’s Face’: John Barrasso Says Schiff’s ‘Parody’ Came Back To Haunt Him

‘Vicious Lie’: ADL CEO Demands Rashida Tlaib Apologize For Spreading ‘Blood Libel’

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Says Bolton Leak ‘Doesn’t Make A Difference To Impeachment’

Biden Snaps at Voter: ‘Go Vote For Someone Else’

‘I’m Cutting You Off’: Whoopi Goldberg Mocks And Interrupts Alan Dershowitz, Then Accuses Him Of Disrespect

Here’s How Twitter Helped Smear The Covington Catholic Kids


Senate Votes No On Additional Witnesses In Impeachment Trial

Release Of Iowa Poll Cancelled After Buttigieg Campaign Voices Concerns

‘We Used To Be Great Friends’: Jill Biden Turns On Lindsey Graham Over ‘Hurtful’ Comments

‘What an F-ing Disaster’: NBC Hot Mic Moment Appears To Catch Panelist Trashing Iowa Caucuses

‘Rough Night’: Parkland Father Fred Guttenberg Explains Outburst That Got Him Escorted From SOTU

‘I Don’t Need Any Lessons From Anybody’: Pelosi Snaps When Asked Why She Tore Up Speech

Video Surfaces Of Harvey Weinstein Cracking Sex Joke, Thanking Bloomberg For Helping Movie Company

Candidates Gang Up On Bernie Sanders, Medicare-For-All Ahead Of New Hampshire Primary

Ocasio-Cortez’s White Boyfriend Explains How To Combat Racism As A White Person

BARR: The Government’s Continued Persecution Of Roger Stone

‘Fallen Heroes’ – Trump and Pence Did Something A President And Vice President Haven’t Done Since 2009

Military Officer With Guts Of Steel Flies Narco Jet Off Short Runway.  This Video Will Have You Clutching Your Seat

Here’s What The Lead Roger Stone Juror Said During Jury Selection

Congressional Candidate Uses .308 Cal Rifle To Show What She Thinks Of Red Flag Laws

Roger Stone Requests A New Trial, Citing Revelations About Anti-Trump Juror

CNN Anchor Tells Nancy Pelosi that Trump Was Acquitted – She Interrupts, Claims He Wasn’t

Barr: Bloomberg’s Craven Apology Reveals Deep Character Flaw

South Dakota Governor Calls Bloomberg’s Comments On Farmers ‘Pompous Ignorance’

‘Two Most Popular People In The Country’ – Harry Reid Predicts Barack And Michelle Obama Will Save Democrats From Destruction In 2020

Jenna Bush Hager Reveals Chat She Had With Dad About Alcohol That Changed How She Views Drinking

Legendary Boxer Drops The Mic When Asked About Racism In The Sport.  Everyone Needs To Hear His Message Of Unity

‘I’m Hoping For Track To Just Become Fair Again’: Teenager At Center Of Transgender Lawsuit Is Fighting Back.  Here’s What She Had To Say

Bernie Breezes To Victory Over Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg In Nevada Caucuses 

Packed Stadium In India Dances Along To ‘Macho Man’ Live On CNN While Waiting For Trump’s Rally To Begin

Bloomberg Advisor On Sanders: He Said ‘Toddlers Should Run Around Naked And Touch Each Others’ Genitals’

‘The Truth Suffers’: ABC News Reporter Appears To Expose Network’s Bias Against Trump In New Project Veritas Video

Harvey Weinstein Donated So Much To Hillary Clinton, It Would Even Make Bill Blush

Video Shows Drag Queen Suggestively Crawling Up To A Child As Adults Cheer And Celebrate

US Signs Peace Deal With Taliban, Will Withdraw All Troops If Taliban Keeps Commitments


Pete Buttigieg Ends Presidential Bid After Poor South Carolina Showing

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Hosts Annual Trailblazer Events Honoring Black Conservatives

Biden Campaign Official Rejects James Comeys’ Endorsement

‘A Great Lesson For Politicians’ – Ben Carson Delivers A True Zinger During Coronavirus Press Conference

Twitter Updates Policies, Will Now Ban Users From Mocking Boomers, Millenials And People With Coronavirus

Pence, Netanyahu, Hundreds Of Members Of Congress Went To Conference Attended By 2 People Who Tested Positive For Coronavirus

Hillary Clinton Regrets Apologizing For Email Scandal

Firm Linked To Hunter Biden And Burisma Lobbied For Ukrainian Group Accused Of Smearing Anti-Corruption Organization

Rep. Andy Biggs On Why FISA Courts Need To Be Abolished

Biden’s Speeches Are Getting Shorter And His Opponents Say They Know Why

Female Golf Star Calls Out The Critics Of Her ‘Cleavage.’ Do You Agree With Her?

Pelosi Allegedly Tried To Strong Arm Trump Into Including Abortion Funding In Coronavirus Stimulus Plan

Trump Announces He Will ‘Most Likely’ Be Tested For Coronavirus

Trump Tests Negative For Coronavirus

CDC Recommends No Gatherings Of Over 50 People As Coronavirus Fears Mount

‘At Least You’re Not Politicizing It, Juan’: Gutfeld Snaps On Juan Williams Over Trump’s Handling Of Coronavirus

MSNBC Analyst Suggests Using Coronavirus To Prosecute Trump For Murder – Gets An Assist From Democratic Candidate

‘I’m Dealing With A Fu**ing Global Crisis.’ Bernie Sanders Explodes At CNN Reporter

‘I Don’t Have Time To Listen To Bullsh*t’: Former FEMA Chief Storms Off During Live MSNBC Hit

‘Bulls***’: CNN Anchor Snaps Over Trump Press Conference

DNC Continues Defending The Steele Dossier

Senate Fails To Pass Cloture Vote On Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

‘Is This What We’ve Come To?’: Susan Collins Unloads On Senate Democrats For Blocking Coronavirus Deal

Senate and White House Reach Bipartisan Deal On Nearly $2 Trillion Emergency Relief Package

Senate Finally Passes $2 Trillion Coronavirus Emergency Relief Package

Greg Gutfeld: Only In Media Could ‘An Idiot’ Like Joe Scarborough Make A Living

Tucker Carlson Insists Biden ‘Will Not Be The Democratic Nominee’ Here’s Who He Predicts Will Assume the Mantle

Senior WHO Official Cuts Off Interview When Reporter Implies Taiwan Isn’t Part Of China

Trump Extends Social Distancing Guidelines To April 30 – Hopes That By June 1 ‘We’ll Be Well On Our Way To Recovery’

Tucker Carlson Tells Government To ‘Stop Lying To Us’ During Coronavirus Crisis


‘This Is Evil’: MyPillow’s Mike Lindell Punches Back At Jim Acosta, Other Media Critics Of White House Appearance

‘What, Are You Working For CNN?’ Trump Takes Issue With Question From Fox News’ John Roberts

Florida Director Of Emergency Management To Tucker: 3M Is Allowing Sales Of Masks To Foreign Countries Over Americans

CNN’s Acosta Interrupts Dr Birx As She Discusses The WHO’s Handling Of Coronavirus Pandemic

WHO Faces Mounting Backlash For Aiding China’s Coronavirus Cover Up

Trump Pushes Lupus – Coronavirus Study, But The Evidence Is Mixed

Tucker Carlson Questions Data Behind Prolonged Shutdown: ‘It’s Time To Start Caring About The Entire Population’

Here’s How This Pro-Beijing Outlet Made It Into The White House Coronavirus Press Briefing

Intel Official Dumps Bombshell On ABC About November Coronavirus Warnings

Tucker Blasts WHO Head, Calls For End To US Funding

Messy Internal Conflict Between Publisher And Sports Illustrated Journalist Allegedly Making $350K Spills Out Into Full Public View

Judge Grants Restraining Order After KY Mayor Promised To Record License Plates Of Easter Church Goers

He Defended The Gender Binary, And Left Academia For Good Months Later

WHO Official Says She Suspected Human-To-Human COVID-19 Transmission ‘Right From The Start’ – But The WHO Echoed Misleading Chinese Claims To the Contrary For Weeks

Hunter Biden Still Listed As Board Member Of Chinese Company He Pledged To Resign From In October, Business Records Show

WHO Chief Said In February Coronavirus Could Be ‘Controlled Easily’ And Praised Xi Jinping’s ‘Personal Leadership’

Sen. Lindsey Graham Releases Declassified FBI Informant Transcripts, Carter Page FISA Records

FBI Official Withheld Negative Information About Christopher Steele Because Of Agreement With Brits

NY Nurses Shares Story Of Coronavirus Patent Whose Family Watched Him Die Over Facetime

FBI Informant Bragged About Links To Russian Spies In Secret Recordings Of Trump Aide

Trump Says He Will Sign Executive Order Suspending All Immigration to United States

America’s Most Prestigious Schools Sit Atop $140 Billion, And They’re About To Get Millions More In Coronavirus Aid

Former ICE Chief Says He’s Setting The Record Straight On Border Security

Dossier Author Testified His Emails Were ‘Wiped,’ He No Longer Has Documents Related To Primary Source

DOJ, FBI Officials: Director Christopher Wray Did Not Withhold Brady Material In Mike Flynn Case

Senate Democrats Refuse To Acknowledge Sexual Assault Accusations Against Joe Biden

Crenshaw: The County Must Get ‘Back To Some Sense Of Normalcy’

DNC Chair Tom Perez Said Candidates Who Committed Sexual Misconduct ‘Should Step Aside.’ Now Joe Biden Is Facing A Sexual Assault Accusation

How Exactly Is The Trump Administration Addressing Food Shortage Concerns During Coronavirus?

US Intelligence Community Confirms It’s Examining Whether Coronavirus Accidentally Leaked From Wuhan Lab


Secret FBI Source Provided Information On Michael Flynn Visit To UK

Biden Asks Secretary Of The Senate To Locate Any Tara Reade Complaint After Incorrectly Stating National Archives Would Have It

Here’s What The Intelligence Community Thinks Happened At Wuhan Lab

White House Will Release ‘Conclusive’ Evidence Coronavirus Originated In Wuhan Lab

New Model Predicts COVID-19 Daily Deaths Will Nearly Double, Cases To Soon Hit 200,000 Per Day.  Nate Silver Is Not Convinced

Federal Judge Rules New York Must Hold June Democratic Primary Election

After Reviewing The Transcripts, George Papadopoulos Says He’s Now Positive He Knows Who The FBI Informant In His Case Was

‘You Don’t Get A Free Pass’: Experts Reject Time’s Up’s Excuse For Refusing To Back Biden Accuser

‘They Did It To Me First’ – Rod Blagojevich Knew Exactly What The FBI Did To Flynn

Comey Told Congress He Didn’t Know If Michael Flynn Lied To FBI: Transcript

NBC News Admits It Aired Deceptively Edited Clip Of Barr On ‘Meet The Press’ With Chuck Todd

Report: Grenell Wants To Unmask The Obama Officials Who Unmasked Michael Flynn

Judge In Michael Flynn Case Isn’t Tossing Changes Just Yet

China Pressured WHO Against Declaring Coronavirus Global Health Emergency

Here Is Everything You Need To Know About ‘Unmasking’ And Michael Flynn

State Department Inspector General Is Fired, Was Investigated For Mishandling Sensitive Information

John Brennan Says He Is Willing To Meet With Prosecutor Investigating Origins Of Russia Probe

White House Says Checks For Illegal Aliens A No-Go For Stimulus Negotiations

How The FBI Used ‘News Hooks’ To Advance The Trump-Russia Probe

A Classified Leak Against Michael Flynn Didn’t Come From An ‘Unmasking’ Request, Analysis Suggests

FBI Offered To Pay Christopher Steel ‘Significantly’ To Dig Up Dirt On Flynn

Patel: Who’s To Blame: Trump Or China?

New York Sent More Than 4,500 Coronavirus Patients Into Nursing Homes After Cuomo Order: AP

Silicon Valley Giants Are Allowing Staff To Work Remote Permanently.  Will Their Workers Flood Into Red States?

95-Year-Old World War II Veteran Explains How He Found Faith Through The Horror

Report: Fired Florida Data Manager Received Multiple Warnings Prior To Her Ouster

Trump Urges House Republicans To Vote Against Spy Tools Used To Snoop On His Campaign

Andrew Cuomo Tried To Defend His Handling Of Nursing Homes – But There’s One Big Problem

Minneapolis 3rd Police Precinct On Fire After Officers Evacuate Building Amid George Floyd Riots

Rioters Descend on Cities Across America To Exact Vengeance Over George Floyd’s Death

Videos Of Protests Nationwide Show Images Of Chaos, Mass Violence


Here Are The Craziest Videos From Sunday Night’s Riots And Protesters

Cop Gunned Down, Rammed In Overnight Riots

Protesters Call For De Blasio To Resign, Justin Fairfax Breaks Curfew During Eighth Night Of Unrest

Here’s A List OF Media And Politicians Who Downplayed Violence And Looting

15 People Died In The Protests And Riots Following George Floyd’s Death.  Here’s Who They Are

Tucker Blasts Health Care Professionals Who Signed Letter Exempting George Floyd Protests From Coronavirus Restrictions

Are States Going To Prosecute Their Rioters? It Depends

Minneapolis City Council Pledges To ‘Dismantle’ Police Department

Chinese Propaganda Outlet Has Paid US Newspapers $19 Million For Advertising, Printing

State Dept Goes To War With Fired IG – Accuses Him Of Breaking Chain Of Command To Protect Himself From Past Investigation

Primary Steele Dossier Source Remains Elusive Six Months After Scathing Watchdog Report

Mueller Witness Said Manafort Might Have Given Russian Oligarch’s Money To Pro-McCain Group

We Have Correspondents On The Ground In Seattle’s No Cop Zone.  Here’s What It Looks Like

Weekend at CHAZ: A Commune Block Party Punctuated With Brief Power Struggles, Infighting

American Flag-Bearing Demonstrators Cause Uproar Within CHAZ

Seattle Resident Sounds Off On Left-Wing Radicalization Since Trump Took Office

Trump Administration Sues John Bolton To Delay Publication Of White House Tell-All

‘Completely Crazy’: Lighthizer Denies Bolton’s Claim That Trump  Asked China For Election Help

National Arm Of Black Lives Matter Spent Millions On Travel And Consultants, Financial Statements Show

Trump Sets Sights On Criminalizing Advertiser Boycotts

Trump Isn’t Planning On Sending National Guard To Seattle’s CHAZ

Before And After Photos: Here’s What Seattle’s ‘CHAZ’ Has Done To The City

Whoopi Goldberg Is Ready To See More Faces On Mount Rushmore

Appeals Court Orders Judge To Dismiss Michael Flynn Case

Wray Has ‘Serious Concerns’ About Comey FBI’s Investigation Of Michael Flynn

FBI Refuses To Disclose Records On Source Who Undermined Steele Dossier

‘Standards Were Not Met’ BuzzFeed Just Fired This Reporter. Here’s Why

A Beating Near CHAZ: Here’s What Happened When A Group Of Proud Boys Attacked A Lone Man

Nearly Half Of All COVID-Related Deaths In The US Are Directly Tied To Nursing Homes

New York City Protesters Rip De Blasio In March Organized By Democratic Socialists Of America


‘NYPD Suck My D***!’ Night Of Protest Rocks Demoralized New York City Police

Here’s How The 2020 Primaries Have Played Out For Republicans

FBI Knew Of Allegations Against Ghislaine Maxwell As Early As 1996, Accuser Says

‘Shared By You, Not By Me’ It’s A Good Time To Revisit Frederick Douglass’s Famous Independence Day Speech

‘America Was Never Great!’: Black Lives Matter Totally Shuts Down Nation’s Capital On Independence Day

Federal Judge Orders Shutdown Of Dakota Access Pipeline, Citing Need For Environmental Review

16 Children Have Been Shot, Some Killed, In Cities Across The US As Violence Spikes

Top US General Says Intelligence For Alleged Russian Bounties On American Soldiers Is “Very Worrisome”

Trump Cannot Block The Release Of His Financial Records To Prosecutors, Supreme Court Rules

Millions In Coronavirus Relief Loans Went To Chinese Real Estate Company At Center Of FBI Bribery Probe

Trump Calls For Dossier Author Christopher Steele To Be ‘Thrown In Jail’

‘A Dead Man’ A Journalists Escape From Socialist Venezuela

Cuomo’s Report On Nursing Home Policy Relied On Consulting Firm That Dramatically Overestimated Pandemic Surge

Man Arrested After Shooting Two Washington Police Officers, Killing One

Police Union Officials Say They Wouldn’t Want Their Own Sons In Law Enforcement

Georgia Governor Issues Order Banning All Local Mask Mandates

All These American Companies Weighed In On George Floyd’s Death. They Have Nothing To Say About China’s Hong Kong Takeover

How The Left’s Inverted Politics Are Destroying The Movement From The Inside Out

The Death Of Common Sense? The 2020 Mask Debate: Here Are The Extreme Reactions To Mask Requirements

Man With American Flag Kneels In Front Of Angry Portland Rioters, Urges Them To Stop Destruction

Missouri AG Wants To Dismiss Charges Against St. Louis Couple Who Brandished Guns On Their Own Property During Protests

Congress, White House Unlikely To Deliver Phase 4 Stimulus Before Recess, Sources Say

Trump, Ben Carson Are ‘Tearing Down’ An Obama-Era Housing Rule Accused Of Funneling Money Into Wealthy Areas

‘Please Don’t Shoot Me!’ – ‘Pigs Go Home!’ – Thousands Gather In Portland For Another Night Of Protests

‘Quit Your Job’ – Hours-long Battle In Downtown Portland Ensues As Rioters Refuse To Back Down On Day 58

Reporters Recount Night Of Chaos On Location In Portland

‘Let The Motherf**ker Burn’ Officers Make Quick Work Dispersing Portlands ‘Unlawful Assembly,’ Multiple People Detained

‘Shame On You!’ Nadler Gets Fiery, Scolds Barr During Hearing

‘Unwarranted Invasion’ NYPD Refuses To Release 1996 Complaint Against Maxwell

‘No Way’ – Top Republicans Kill Trump’s Hopes For A Delayed 2020 Election

‘It’s Not Correct’ – WaPo Report On Trump Abandoning Liability Shield Is Strategic ‘Misdirection’ From Democrats, White House Says


‘I Have That Authority’ Trump On TikTok: ‘We’re Banning Them From The United States’

‘Implement Meaningful Reforms’ Where Does Joe Biden Actually Stand On Defunding The Police

‘Hire Americans First’ Trump Signs Another Executive Order Restricting H1B Visa Opportunities

‘Hate Teaching’ Karen Bass Denies Links To Nation Of Islam Despite Photos And Event Appearances, But Doesn’t Disavow Radical Group

‘Object Of Ridicule’ Former Atlanta Officer Charged In Fatal Shooting Sues Mayor And Police Chief, Reportedly Alleging Unlawful Termination

‘Funneled Millions Into Their Own Pockets’ New York Attorney General Announces Lawsuit Seeking To Dissolve The NRA, Alleging Years Of Financial Misconduct

‘Bring The Best And Brightest’ False Claims And Objections From Senators Stall Immigration Bill On Green Card Backlog

Not A Target: Report: Ex-CIA Chief Brennan Has Been Told He Is Not Target Of Durham Probe

‘Somebody Needs To Go To Jail’ Lindsey Graham: Memo Shows FBI Lied To Senate About Dossier Source

‘Accident Waiting To Happen’ Airport Security Is Finding Loaded Guns In Triple The Number Of Passenger Carry-Ons Compared To Pre-Pandemic Rates

‘We Will Not Prosecute’ Investigation: Left-Wing Prosecutors, Many Backed By Soros Cash, Implement Soft-On-Crime Policies Across America

Uneven Competition: Kamala Harris Co-Sponsored Bill That Would Force Schools To Let Male Athletes Compete In Girl’s Sports

‘Abolish The United States Of America’ We Investigated This Radical Portland Group. Here’s What We Found

FB-LIE: Ex-FBI Lawyer To Plead Guilty In Durham Probe To Altering Email About Carter Page

A Democrat Seeking To Unseat Pence Who Accused Him Of Racism On MSNBC Isn’t Even A Candidate, FEC Records Show

‘Big Problem’ These Vulnerable Senators Risk Looting Their Seats, Costing The GOP The Majority 

Creator Of Website That Doxxes ‘Cop Callers’ Served Prison Time For Sending Death Threat

Here’s A List Of Corporations Funding The ‘Defund The Police’ Movement 

Biden Condemns Former Women’s Co-Chair Linda Sarsour After She Appears At DNC

Steve Bannon And Brian Kolfage Indicated For Allegedly Defrauding Crowd-funded Border Wall Donors

‘Give People Light’ Without Saying Trump’s Name Even Once, Biden Draws From Obama’s 2004 Keynote for DNC Acceptance Speech

The US Now Has More National Debt Than The GDP Is Worth

‘A Clear Double Standard’ FBI Agents Rushed For A FISA To Investigate Foreign Government Targeting Hillary Clinton

‘Fake News!’: Trump Calls Out CNN, MSNBC And Fox News In A Single Tweet

‘Go F*ck Up The Government’ ‘You Can’t Burn Down Your Local Businesses! – Armed Residents Try To Keep Rioters From Destroying Wisconsin

Screams about the ‘radical left’ aren’t’ having the effect Republicans expected

‘Land Of Heroes’ All The Highlights You Need From RNC Night 3, Plus What To Expect From Thursday

‘Were Those Gunshots?’ We Witnessed The Kenosha Shootings. Here’s What Really Happened

University Of Virginia Researcher Charged After Trying To Board Flight To China While Allegedly In Possession Of Stolen Research

Amy Klobuchar Condemns Harassment Of RNC Attendees, But Blames It On Trump

Deja Vu: 10 Killed, 50 Shot In Chicago This Weekend


More Than Trump, Hillary Combined In August 2016: Biden’s Latest Fundraising Numbers Are Set To Shatter 1-Month, All-Time Record

We Got Our Hands On Trump’s Internal Issue Polling, And It Explains Why Biden Is Out Of The Basement

Chinese Embassies PR Firm Received Coronavirus Relief Loan

‘Burn It All Down’ 31 Times The Media Pushed Narratives Downplaying Riots And Looting After George Floyd’s Death

‘Peaceful Protesters’ Here’s How Democrats And The Media Have Responded To the Months Of Civil Unrest Following George Floyd’s Death

‘Waits And Watches’ Police Suggest Reinoehl Tracked Trump Supporter Before Fatal Shooting

‘Will Not Be Funded!’ Trump Says He Will Stop Funding Schools That Teach New York Times’ 1619 Project

‘Violence No Matter Who It Is’ Joe Biden condemns Antifa

‘Patrolling The Hallways’ This Tech CEO Is Funding The ‘Defund The Police’ Movement. Here’s How He’s Protecting His Company’s Headquarters

‘Has To Be Aware Of This’ Prominent Disney Stakeholder Calls Company’s Silence On China ‘Wildly Offensive,’ Demands Answers

‘Last Person To Speak To My Father’ Son Of 9/11 Victim Describes The Day That Changed His Life 19 Years Ago

‘Laser-Focused’ Biden’s Got An Unprecedented Poll Numbers Almost No One’s Talking About, And It Isn’t Good News

‘Surprised And Shocked’ Here’s How Lou Holtz Reacted When Trump Told Him He’d Receive The Medal Of Freedom

‘Still Ignoring It’ Here’s How Liberal Policies Are Fueling Catastrophic Wildfires

‘Blue Lives Don’t Matter Here!’ These Protests And Riots Were Sparked By Deaths Of Armed Suspects

‘How Can This Be?’ The Multicultural Male Coalition That Could Give Trump Four More Years

‘Chip In Now’ Bail Fund Promoted By Kamala Harris Helped Man Accused Of Sexually Penetrating A Child

Four Simple Steps – PATEL: Biden Could Win Big And Unite The Country; The Scary Part Is He’s Chosen Not To Do It

‘What Else Can You Say?’ Watch The Moment Trump Found Out RGB Died

‘Dangerous And Shortsighted’ Democrats Threaten To Pack SCOTUS If Republicans Replace Ginsburg

‘Assumed Identities’ Here’s A List Of White Liberals Caught Pretending To Be Black

‘Massive Political Education’ Public Schools Across Country Promote Black Lives Matter, Organize Protests

‘Escalating Violent Conduct’ Bail Fund Promoted By Kamala Harris Helped Free Serial Domestic Abusers

‘Everyone Just Scattered’ Two Louisville Police Officers Shot During Riot

‘Stunning And Damning Revelation’ FBI Investigated Steele Dossier Source As A Possible Russian Spy Years Before Trump Probe

‘The Future Of The Supreme Court’ Here’s Why The Supreme Court Pick Could Be Donald Trump’s November Surprise

‘Catholic Extremist’ These Are The Attacks SCOTUS Nominees Amy Coney Barrett Has Already Faced From Democrats

‘Burn Congress Down’ Here Are The People With Large Platforms Who’ve Warned Of Violence If The GOP Replaces Ruth Bader Ginsburg

‘This Will Be Uncomfortable’ Police Used A Legally Dubious Tactic In Louisville, And I Found Myself Caught In The Middle Of It. Here’s What Happened…

Consumed In Chaos: ‘Sh*t Show’: Fox News’ Chris Wallace Completely Loses Control Of Trump, Biden In First Debate


‘Could Be Critical’ How These 3 Unlikely Demographics Could Put Trump Back In The White House

‘We Will Get Through This’ President Trump, Melania Tests Positive For COVID-19

‘Low Risk Of Exposure’ Cleveland officials Link 11 Positive COVID-19 Tests To Debate

‘Unacceptable’ I Spent A Night In Jail With A Group Of People Who Hate What I Do. Here’s How It All Played Out

‘Surprise Visit’ Trump Takes Motorcade Out Around Walter Reed, Greets Supporters

‘Partisan Divide’ Polls Reveal How Voters In Battleground States Plan To Cast Their Ballots

‘No Redactions!’ Trump Says He Has Authorized ‘Total’ Declassification Of Documents Related to ‘Russia Hoax’

Bored Of The Flies: 90 Minutes Of Dodging Questions Punctuated By A Surprise Fly-By Guest – Recapping The Vice Presidential Debate

‘Intended To Bring About Its Success’ Hunter Biden’s Longtime Business Partner Will Face Sentencing In Fraud Case Following Appeals Court Reversal

‘Alternate Plans’ Commission Officially Cancels Second Presidential Debate Between Trump And Biden

‘Happy To Report’ White House Physician Clears Trump To End Isolation, Says He’s ‘No Longer A Transmission Risk’

‘The Truth Matters’ White House Comms Director Caught Red Handed In Flagrant Lie

‘Unexplained Illness’ Johnson & Johnson Pauses Vaccine Trial After ‘Unexplained Illness’ Strikes Participant

Criminal Charges Unlikely – Report: DOJ Closes ‘Unmasking’ Investigation

‘Voluntary Restrictions’ Here’s Where Sweden Stands After Refusing To Require Strict Coronavirus Lockdowns

Overwhelming Level Of Power – Patel: Big Tech’s Election Interference Has Gone Too Far

‘No Cases Linked To The Rally’ No Definitive Evidence Shows Trump Rallies Are ‘Superspreaders’ Of Covid-19, Health Data Shows

‘He Makes It Hard’ Trump’s Self-Inflicted Wounds Make For An Unlikely Reelection, Experts Say

‘Treated As Abandoned’ Hunter Biden Isn’t Denying He Gave His Laptop To a Delaware Repair Shop

‘Lack Of Discipline, A Lack Of Leadership’ NY Dem Congressional Candidate Running As A Sterling Former Army Officer Was Actually Relieved Of Duty

‘Unauthorized Purchases’ Trump Administration Sends ‘Rare’ Warning To Two Major Labor Unions

‘Make Them Famous’ Lincoln Project Helped Iranian Disinformation Effort Go Viral

Last Dance: Trump Chases Biden On Email Allegations In Final Presidential Debate

Biden Holds Steady: Joe Biden’s Lead In The Polls Remains Mostly Unchanged After Alleged Hunter Biden Emails Released

‘Prove You Can Advance Middle East Peace’ Two Major News Outlets Endorse Trump For Reelection

‘Cases And Controversies’ Amy Coney Barrett Could Be The Deciding Vote In These Important Cases

Bobu Blows Whistle: Hunter’s Ex-Business Partner Tony Bobulinski: ‘Joe Biden And The Biden Family Are Compromised’ 

The Swing Vote? Here’s How Latino And Hispanic Voters Could Determine The 2020 Election

Erosion Of Trust – PATEL: It’s Easy To Predict the Loser In Tuesday’s Election

‘Even The Most Ill-Informed’ Giuliani Gave Us The Hard Drive – He Sat Down For Another 1-On-1 Interview That Raised Even More Questions Than Before


‘Pretty Fierce Litigation’ Hundreds Of Election Lawsuits Have Been Filed. Here Are The Issues That Could Affect The Outcome

‘Absolutely Unsustainable’ Joe Biden’s Plans Would Increase Spending By $11 Trillion Over 10 Years, Report

‘Should Have Immediately Cut Ties’ 26-Year-Old Paid Thousands To Bail 500 Activists Out Of Jail, But The Money May Have Actually Come From Third-Richest Man In World

Reelection Must-Win: President Trump Projected To Take Florida

‘Not Going To Be Finished In A Few Hours’ Why Did Georgia, Pennsylvania Centers Pause Vote Counting

Dramatic Shift: The Birth Of The Coalition Of Normal People May Be Upon Us

‘Complicity In The Future’ Ocasio-Cortez Suggest ‘Trump Sycophants’ Should Be Held Accountable ‘In The Future’

All Eyes On Georgia: Schumer Says Democrats Will ‘Change America’ If They Win Georgia Senate Races

Joe’s Agenda: Here Are The Potential Executive Actions Biden Could Take On Day One In The White House

‘Security, Transparency’ Here’s How Mail-In Ballots Are Counted And Verified To Prevent Fraud

House Divided: Joe Biden May Have Won The Presidency – But Here’s What He Lost

‘What A Whirlwind’ Did Third Parties Play Spoiler In The Election? Here Are The States And Races Most Affected

‘Resilience’ Cybersecurity Agency Calls 2020 Election ‘Most Secure In American History’

‘Fighters’ President Trump Reportedly Puts Rudy Giuliani In Charge Of His Remaining Election Lawsuits

‘Everyone Ran’ Counter-Protesters Burn Trump Flags, Attack Trump Supporters At ‘Million MAGA March’

‘An Opportunity’ – Atlantic Council, A Prominent DC-Based Think Tank, Wooed Russian Bankers, Emails Show

Under Pressure – Report: Georgia Secretary Of State Says Fellow Republicans Have Pressured Him To Exclude Legal Ballots In Recount

Unanimous Vote: Wayne County Board Of Canvassers Votes To Certify Results Of Election, Breaking Earlier Deadlock

‘Not One Word’ Megyn Kelly Doesn’t Regret Her Feud With Trump

‘She Never Sent Any Evidence’ Tucker Carlson Rails Against Sidney Powell For Failing to Provide Evidence Backing Up ‘Bombshell’ Voter Fraud Claim

‘Complete Confidence In Our Elections’ Georgia Gov. Kemp Certifies Election, Cementing Biden Victory

‘Without Merit’ Judge Dismisses Campaign’s Pennsylvania Lawsuit, Slams ‘Strained’ Reasoning

‘On Her Own’ Trump Legal Team Distances Itself From Sidney Powell

‘Do What Needs To Be Done’ Trump Directs His Administration To Begin The Transition Process With Biden

‘Created Turbulence And Turmoil’ Biden’s National Security Adviser Trashed Trump’s Israel Policy In Interview With Chinese Propaganda Outlet

‘I Want A Correct Tally Of Deaths’ Fox News’ Janice Dean Is Continuing to Fight After Cuomo’s Disastrous Nursing Home Mandate

‘Certainly I Will’ Trump Says He’ll Vacate White House If Biden Wins Electoral College Vote

‘Full Pardon’ The Biggest Disclosures in Michael Flynn’s Case

‘With Prejudice’ Pennsylvania Supreme Court Throws Out Rep. Mike Kelly’s Pro-Trump Election Lawsuit

‘Wreak Havoc’ Coca-Cola, Nike Push Back On Legislation That Would Crack Down On Forced Labor In China


‘Going Undercover’ Carter Page Says FBI Agent Used Fake Name During Interviews

‘Secret Lobbying Scheme’ DOJ Investigating White House ‘Bribery-For-Pardon’ Scheme

‘Clear And Simple’ Chinese Cotton Products Made By Forced Slave Labor Will Not Be Allowed To Enter The US

‘Not To Be Carelessly Trampled’ Supreme Court Sends A Message Churches Can’t Be Treated Like ‘Second Class’ Citizens, Legal Experts Say

‘Determining Factor’ Here’s How Democrats Think They’re Going to Win The Georgia Runoff

‘Totally Inappropriate’ Two Biden Cabinet Picks Were Reprimanded For Roles In Clinton-Era ‘Pardongate’ Scandal

9-0: Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Republican-Led Bid To Overturn Pennsylvania Election Results

Hunted Biden: Hunter Biden Says He’s Being Investigated For Possible Tax Crimes

‘No Financial Support’ Media Organization Turn Blind Eye To Infighting Among Black Lives Matter Groups

7-2: Amy Coney Barrett Joins Supreme Court Majority In Rejecting Texas-Led Suit To Overturn Election Results

America’s Core Circle Of Power’ Communist Party Insider: China Couldn’t Use Wall Street To Fix Trump, But It Can With Biden

‘Our Kids Are Incredibly Safe’ Some School Districts Are Finding ‘Every Excuse We Can To Stay Open’ For Children

‘Defamatory Falsehoods’ Trump Administration Official Files $50 Million Lawsuit Against CNN For ‘Retaliation And Discrimination’

3 Justices Dissent: Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Colorado Church, Bars State From Restricting Worship

‘Maybe We’re Not Going To See A Big Bump’ After Weeks Of Holier Than Thou Howling, The Thanksgiving Surge’ Is A No Show

‘We’re Ready To Vote Now’ Here’s The Latest Intel On The Georgia Senate Races

‘We Are Taking A Knee’ Pentagon Chief Drops The Axe On Biden Transition Briefings: Report

‘Well-Developed Conspiracy’ Peter Strzok’s Declassified Messages Give Insider View Of FBI’s Trump Campaign Probe

‘Absolutely No Sign’ After Weeks Of Holier Than Thou Howling, The ‘Thanksgiving Surge’ Is A No Show

‘Nothing To Worry About’ Joe Biden Takes Coronavirus Vaccine On Camera Then Immediately Says Trump ‘Deserves Some Credit’

Last Minute Appointments: President Trump To Appoint Hope Hicks To New Role

‘Gift To China’  Trump Vetoes National Defense Authorization Act At The Eleventh Hour

Tavern Cuomo’d: NYC’s Oldest Restaurant Survived The American Revolution And A Bombing. Its Owner Says Cuomo’s COVID Restrictions Could Be Its Downfall

Merry Christmas – The War On Christmas: Coronavirus Edition

‘Acts Of Heroism’ Here Are The Officers Hailed As Heroes For Running Into Nashville Blast Site Prior To Explosion

‘Devastating Consequences’ Unemployment Benefits Lapse For Millions Of Americans As Trump Holds Out On Stimulus Bill

Last Ditch Effort: Rep. Louie Gohmert, Group Of Republicans Sue VP Mike Pence In Attempt To Overturn Presidential Election

‘I Am Grateful To President Trump’ US Attorney Who Announced Voter Fraud Investigation Resigns

‘It’s Just A Scam’ Rupblican Congressman Calls Out Trump Campaign’s Fundraising ‘Grift’

‘I’ve Cast A Lot Of Big Votes’ – Report: Mitch McConnell Calls Jan. 6 Vote ‘Most Consequential I Have Ever Cast’ In Call With GOP Senators

News Source: Daily Caller

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