2020: BABYLON BEE (288)


God To Ignore Quarantine And Continue Being Everywhere

Lysol Introduces Shoulder-Mounted Turret That Automatically Blast Anyone Who Coughs Within Six Feet Of You

Burger King Sends Email Informing Customers Staff Will Now Be Required To Wash Their Hands

Bernie Trying To Decide Which House To Quarantine Himself In

Spring Breakers Arrange Scattered Corpses To Spell Out YOLO

Dems Worried Stimulus Bill Would Stimulate Economy

Trump Unveils Much Simpler Stimulus Plan: GIANT MONEY CANNON!

PR Disaster: President Xi Forgets To Remove ‘Made In China’ Tags From Coronavirus

Study: COVID-19 Impacts Men, Women More Than All Other Genders Combined

China: ‘We’ve Completely Cured Coronavirus And Everything Is Fine Here And No One Is Allowed In To Check’

Quarantined Journalist Really Starting To Annoy Family By Calling Them Racists All Day

Toilet Paper Crisis Solved As Government Prints Trillions Of Fresh, Soft Dollar Bills

Biden’s New Podcast Available Exclusively On Vinyl


Teachers Urge Government To Reopen Schools Before Students Learn To Think For Themselves

AOC Is A Strong, Intelligent Woman, Snopes Is An Excellent Fact-Checker, And Joel Osteen Is A Biblically Faithful Preacher

Man Glad To Know Job That Fed His Family, Paid His Rent Is ‘Non-Essential’

Everyone Jumps Off Bridge After New Government Order Telling Everyone To Jump Off Bridge

In Another Hilarious Gaffe, Biden Shouts ‘Help Me! I Don’t Want To Do This Anymore!’

Frightened Neighbors Call Police On Charismatic Family Worshiping At Home

Tragic: Bill Gates Had A Cure For Coronavirus But It Was Erased By A Windows Virus

Bernie Sanders Struggling To Stay Six Feet Away From American’s Wallets

Study: 92% Of Christians Get All Of Their Theology From Bumper Stickers

Biden Cuts Hole In Mask So He Can Still Sniff People’s Hair

SAT To Be Replaced With DNA Test To Determine How Oppressed You Are

Local Man Pursuing Long-Distance Relationship With Girl Across The Street

Modern-Day Hanukkah: Roll Of Toilet Paper Miraculously Lasts Eight Days

NYT’s In-Depth Investigation Of The Allegations Against Biden Reveals He’s A Democrat

Obama: ‘Biden Has Touched Us All’

Trump Announces He Has Hidden 5 Golden Tickets Among Stimulus Checks

Uh-Oh: Wuhan Lab Changes Sign to ‘0 Days Since Accidentally Releasing A Virus’

Congress Votes To Use One Ring Of Power To Solve Current Crisis

Dems Rush To Defend Kavanaugh After He Puts On Joe Biden Mask

Mysterious Masked Man Fights Off Masked Men To Save Masked Man

De Blasio Announces System For Reporting Social Distancing Violations: Knowledgeable Actors Reporting Edict Noncompliance (KAREN)

U.S. Reports Largest One-Day Increase In Cases Of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Alarming Report Suggests Americans Can’t Go Much Longer Without Jobs And Haircuts Before Becoming Hippies

Nation Totally In Favor Of Ocasio-Cortez Permanently Boycotting Her Job

Gang Of Masked Bandits Steals Another $500 Billion From Your Grandchildren

Trump Says To Drink Lots Of Water, Media Reports He Told Everyone To Drown Themselves

CDC Advises Politicians Keep At Least 6 Feet Apart When Pointing Fingers At Each Other

Inspiring: Celebrities Spell Out “We’re All In This Together” With Their Yachts

Judge Dismisses Sexual Assault Allegations Against Biden On Grounds That He Is Not A Republican

California Prisons Release Thousands Of Felons To Make Room For Skaters, Surfers, People Who Go Outside


Frantic Parents Locate Lost Ben Shapiro At Temple Owning Libs With Facts And Logic

Newly Mustachioed Bill De Blasio Unveils Special Red Armbands For Police Enforcing Lockdown

Governor Unveils Innovative 37-Step Plan To Reopen State Over The Next 10 Years

Flowers Continuing To Bloom Beautifully In Complete Defiance Of Government Lockdown

North Korea Releases Photo Of Kim Jong Un But It’s Clearly Jackie Chan Being Held Hostage In A Fat Suit

Tragedy: Pastor Just Preached Best Sermon Of His Life And Forgot To Hit Record

Doctor Arrested For Prescribing Fresh Air, Sunshine

Winning: Trump Signs Executive Order Preventing Release Of New Twilight Books

Weird: Guy Injected With Bill Gates’ New Vaccine Suddenly Thinks Internet Explorer Is The Greatest

Huge Setback For Female Dictators As Kim Jong Un Fails To Die

Kindhearted Children Let Mom Sleep In Until 7 On Mother’s Day

Ministry Of Magic Appoints Governor Whitmer Head Of Hogwarts

White House Security Concerns Raised As Eyes In Old Obama Portrait Clearly Seen Moving

Hillary Clinton Suggests The Americans Vote For President By Email

Democratic States Deploy Greta Thunberg Drones To Lecture People Who Go Outside

Remider: Adolf Hitler Also Wanted To Go Outside And Do Things

David Crowder Consumed By Own Beard During Quarantine

Democrats Promise To Chew Up Cash, Tenderly Regurgitate It Into Mouths Of Voters

U.S. Government Opens Hundreds Of Convenient Cash 4 Freedom Locations

‘TRUMP SMASH!’ Roars Giant Green President After Taking One Too Many Doses Of Hydroxychloroquine

Press Horrified As Trump Begins Taking Shirt Off To Prove He’s Not Obese

Stacey Abrams Says She Will Step Down As Governor If Asked To Run For VP

Biden: ‘If You Don’t Let Me Sniff Your Hair, You Ain’t A Woman’

Ancestry.com Revokes Genealogies Of African Americans Who Don’t Support Biden

Baptists Pledge To Use Only Non-Alcoholic Hand Sanitizer

To Save Time, The Babylon Bee Will Now Just Republish Everything Biden Says Verbatim

China Issues Stay-At-Home Order To Hong Kong To Prevent Spread Of Democracy

TIME Names Karen Person Of The Year

Twitter Hires French Immigrant Hilareaux L’Clintoneux To Fact-Check Trump’s Tweets

Rioters Decline To Sign Colin Kaepernick

CNN Draws Largest Crowd In Years


Thousands Of Church Greeters Laid Off

Powerful: Protesters Spell Out ‘Love’ With Burning Homes And Businesses

Nike Releases Commemorative Shoe To Honor Looters

Nation’s Racists Repent After Reading Statement On Equality From Hidden Valley Ranch

In Show Of Solidarity, COVID-19 Vows Not To Infect Anyone Protesting Inequality

Celebrities Show Solidarity With Protesters By Burning Their Own Homes To The Grounds

Association Of Nihilists Releases Statement Supporting Black Lives Matter While Maintaining Nothing Really Matters In The End

Trump Claims He’s Developed Faith The Size Of A Peach Pit – Enough To Destroy The Entire Planet

J.K. Rowling Releases Controversial New Book “Harry Potter And The Basic Biology Class”

Hipster Tim Tebow Reminds Everyone He Was Kneeling Before It Was Cool

Dems Reach Out To Blacks With Solemn Performance Of The Cha-Cha Slide

Seattle Protesters Abolish Police, Replace With Squads Of Armed Individuals Tasked With Enforcing Set Of Agreed-Upon Rules

Bibles Pulled From Shelves For Outdated Idea That All Humans Are of One Race And Made In The Image Of God

Trump Enacts Tariffs, Travel Ban On CHAZ

Trump Establishes Manlier CHAD Camp Next To CHAZ Camp

Democrats Clarify That Black Lives Will Only Matter Until November

SCOTUS Hopes No One Realizes They Lost Their Only Copy Of The Constitution

Cracker Jack Changes Name To More Politically Correct Caucasian Jack

Report: The Squirrels Are Up To Something

‘I Told You So,’ Whispers Ghostly Image Of George Orwell Hovering Over Nation

Cancel Culture: Despite Humanity’s Problematic Past, Jesus Still Offering To Cancel Sins Of The World

Washington Post Calls On Patriots To Change Offensive Name

Navy SEAL’s To Be Replaced With Social Workers

Progessive Christian Can’t Wait To Get To Heaven So He Can Lecture God On Privilege

Cities Protecting Statues By Disguising Them As Karl Marx

Trump Defies Liberals By Chugging Entire Bottle Of Aunt Jemima Syrup

Dixie Chicks Change Name To ‘Three Persons Of Non-Specific Gender And Regional Background’

New, Less Problematic History Books Will Only Include What Happened In The Current Year

Protesters Near Sodom And Gomorrah Tear Down Lot’s Wife

Crest Introduces New More Socially Conscious Tooth Blackening Paste


Democrats Prepare To Celebrate Dependence Day

Trump Generously Offers To Give Biden 30-Minute Head Start On All Debate Responses

FBI Hires Top-Rated Italian Bodyguard Hiluigi Clintonelli To Protect Ghislaine Maxwell

Redskins Change Name To ‘Lizard People’ To Better Represent Population Of Washington, D.C.

Americans Excited To Celebrate Their Liberty While Confined To Their Homes By The Government

Kanye West Seizes Opportunity To Be Most Rational, Coherent Presidential Candidate

Disney+ Displays Warning That ‘Hamilton’ May Contain Positive Depictions Of Founding Fathers

Church Hangs ‘Black Lives Matter’ Banner To Prevent Spread Of Coronavirus

Kanye Selects Joel Osteen As Running Mate

Equality For The Elderly: Grandpa Simpson Will Now Be Voiced By Joe Biden

Elizabeth Warren Declares Herself Warlord Of Eastern Oklahoma Autonomous Zone

Bible Experts Determine Goliath Died Of COVID-19

Report: Chinese Spies Using TikTok To Steal All America’s Top-Secret Dance Moves

Gavin Newsom Put On Timeout For Playing With Economy’s On/Off Switch Again

Trump Demotes Doctor Fauci To Dentist

Business Owner Charged With Hate Crime For Painting Over BLM Graffiti On His Storefront

Trump Replaces Washington Monument With Giant Can Of Goya Beans

Complete Moron Doesn’t Realize Social Justice Activists Changed The Definition Of Every Word Last Week

Nick Cannon Quits ‘Masked Singer’: ‘I Need To See A Person’s Skin Before I Pass Judgement’

Kanye Promise Free Chick-Fil-A For Every American If Elected

Chick-Fil-A Changes Name To Gender-Neutral ‘They-Fil-A’

Progressive Parents Disappointed In How White Their Children Are

Exclusive Interview: Trump Opens Up To The Babylon Bee On The Challenges Of Being The Smartest, Most Popular President Ever

New Stimulus Will Just Be Postcards With Positive Affirmations

‘FREEEEDOOOOM!!!’ Cries Kilt-Wearing John MacArthur Defying Government Order To Close Church

Governor Cuomo Orders Restaurants To Put Pineapple On Their Pizza

Sports Fans To Continue 24-Year-Long Boycott Of WNBA

Governor Newsom Enraged After Hearing Churches Singing Down In Whoville

Trump Now Wearing 178 Masks To Show He Is Most Patriotic American Of All Time

Jesus Still Planning To Assemble Great Multitude Of Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation Despite Ban On Large Gatherings

Man Returning To Church Proud That He Still Remembers All The Words To ‘Good Good Father’


Gracious Trump Suggest Delaying Election Until Dems Find A Candidate Who Can Form Coherent Sentences

‘Down With Fascism!’ Cries Protester Burning Bibles

Biden Campaign Says He Is So Close To A VP Pick He Can Smell Her

Biden Says He Can’t Wait To Find Out Who He Picked For VP

Social Distancing Laws Force Nation’s Crazed Axe Murderers To Switch To Long-Range Sniping

Trump Rescues Disastrous Interview By Pinning Reporter For A Three Count

‘I Don’t Need A Cognitive Test!’ Biden Screams At A Pigeon

10 Irrefutable Atheist Arguments That Will Explode Your Feeble Christian Brain

Woke Christian Asks Jesus To Return All The Shame He Took Away

Sorry Excuse For A Man Asks For Help At Home Depot

Biden Campaign Warns That For Debate Biden Will Need A Mask That Completely Conceals His Face And He Might Sound Different

Party Of The Poor And Oppressed Nominates Old, Rich, White Man And Cop

Report: Kamala Harris Already Vetting VP Picks

Christian Who Never Went To Church Before Pandemic Outraged Now That Government Says He Can’t

SAT Now Features 5 Answer Bubbles: A, B, C, D, And ‘My Truth’

Study Finds Most Americans Trust Dr Pepper Over Dr. Fauci

Concerns Raised As President Xi Seen Wearing Biden-Harris 2020 Shirt

Gavin Newsom Sneaks Into Grace Community Church At Night To Steal All The Hymnals

Democrat Mailer Promoting Mail-In Voting Gets Lost In Mail

Chris Hansen Makes Surprise Guest Appearance During Bill Clinton’s DNC Speech

Get A Load Of This Ignorant Moron Who Doesn’t Follow Politics And Is Also Really Happy With His Life

Biden Exceeds All Expectations By Speaking Coherently For Over 20 Minutes

Hollywood Elites Rush To Normalize Pedophilia Before They’re All Outed By Ghislaine Maxwell

Mailman Chased By Rabid Trump

Did Democrats Sacrifice Several Goats To Satan At The DNC? Fact Check: FALSE. They Actually Sacrificed Just One Goat.

Trump Tells RNC Attendees To Look Under Their Seats For A Free MyPillow And Can Of Goya Beans

NASCAR Ratings Skyrocket After Addition Of Mario Kart Power-Ups

CNN Hires This Is Fine Dog To Report On Riots

Biden: ‘If You Thought The Republican Convention Was Good, Just Wait ‘Til We Have Our Convention!’

Leftists Fight Fascism By Marching Through Streets Forcing Everyone To Perform Their Special Salute

What Your Pastor’s Hairstyle Says About His Theology


Large Turnout At Memorial For Hans Gruber Who Was Thrown From A Building By A Police Officer

Democrats Propose Mail-In Debates

Cutting Out The Middleman: Dems Will Just Have Trump Debate Biden’s Teleprompter Directly

‘Scram! It’s A Setup!’ Screams Pelosi Running Out Of Salon To Getaway Car

Anonymous White House Source Claims Trump Punched A Baby

Wife Claims $450 Salon Treatment Was A Setup

Pelosi Confused By Strange Word ‘Laws’ These Peasants Keep Using

Confused At Sight Of People Eating Food, Communists Scream At Restaurants

Protests Erupts As Police Shoot Man Who Was Just One Gun Away From Being Unarmed

Awesome: Netflix Will Now Just Pump Septic Waste Straight Into Your Living Room

Responding To Backlash, Netflix Clarifies Its Content Is ‘Mostly Pedophilia-Free’

Oh No! The President Visited San Francisco And Now No One Can Find Him!

‘California Is The Progressive Utopia Of The Future!’ Says Gavin Newsome Who Is Currently On Fire

Church Tech Guy Holds Up Protest Sign Whenever Congregations Turns Around To Glare At Him For Mistake

Democrats Reveal They Have Planted Dynamite All Around Nation And Will Blow It Up If Biden Isn’t Elected

Trump Gets Totally Stoned In Lively 7-Hour Interview With Joe Rogan

Media Criticizes Trump For Ignoring Social Distancing Guidelines While Saving Baby From Oncoming Train

D’oh! Last Guy Left In California Gets Stuck Paying The $140 Billion Tax Bill

Biden Forgets To Put On Clothes

Nation’s Old Fogies Recall The Good Old Days When A Next-Gen Game System Meant A Noticeable Difference In Graphics

Genius Trump Nominates Joe Biden To Supreme Court Forcing Dems To Accuse Him Of Sexual Assault

Wife Completely Fine With The Patriarchy As Long As It Mows The Lawn Every Weekend

Homeschooling Parents Sit 25-Year-Old Down To Have ‘The Talk’

In Lieu Of New Justice, Trump Announces He Will Simply Grant Clarence Thomas Two Votes

Biden: ‘It’s Ridiculous To Say I Use A Teleprompter And Your PC Ran Into A Problem And Needs To Restart’

Joel Osteen Invites Hunter Biden To Give Sermon On Living Your Best Life Now

Chevrolet Releases California-Compliant Horse And Buggy

Democrats Prepare To Give Republicans Free Ad Footage Of Them Attacking Successful, Religious Mother Of 7

CNN Reports Amy Coney Barrett Attended Bizarre Ceremony Where She Ate Flesh, Drank Blood Of Jewish Guy

CNN Pre-Debate Poll Shows Biden Clearly Won Debate


Chris Wallace Excuses Himself In Middle Of Debate To Jump Into Volcano

‘No Chris Wallace To Save You Now!’ Trump Ambushes Biden In Alleyway To Debate Him

Party That Wants To Run Your Healthcare Roots For Political Opponent To Die

Trump Preemptively Pens Dying Wish Canceling Out RBG’s Dying Wish

Liberals Desperately Pray For Trump’s Healing After Realizing Mike Pence Next In Line For Presidency

Monster Releases Exciting New Energy Drink Infused With Trump Antibodies

Media Criticizes Trump For Downplaying Virus Threat By Not Dying

Biden Even More Determined To Not Get COVID After Finding Out He Could Lose Sense Of Smell

Joe Biden Congratulates Michelle Obama On Debate Performance

Kamala Harris Bravely Defies Mansplaining ‘Do Not Eat’ Warning On Silica Gel Packet

Debate Commission Invites Respected Centrist Nancy Pelosi To Moderate Next Debate

Man Slowly Eats Bag Of Cheetos All Day So He Won’t Have To Wear A Mask

Democrats Hiss In Terror As ACB Pulls Out Crucifix

Horrifying New Haunted House Just Full Of Regular People Not Wearing Masks

L.A. Lakers Hold Victory Parade In Beijing

Big Tech Fights Election Interference By Interfering In Election

Church Bassist Replaced With Cardboard Cutout

Undefeated. Trump Now 2 – 0 Against Moderators

Trump Shares Babylon Bee Article, Thousands Accept Jesus Into Their Hearts

Biden Offers Anyone Who Votes For Him A Seat On The Supreme Court

Unhappy With Binary Choice Between God And Satan, People Demand Third-Party Candidate

Hollywood Actor Outed As Conservative After Being A Decent Human Being

Subaru Introduces Camera That Automatically Records Driver Melting Down About Trump And Uploads Video To TikTok

Democrats Propose Stopping Coyotes By Distracting Them With Decoy Roadrunners

Narrow-Minded, Single-Issue Israelite Won’t Shut Up About Opposing Baal Worship

Democrats Ask ACB To Recuse Herself From Any Cases Involving The Constitution

50 Cent Appeals To New Trump Supporter Fanbase With Country Album

With Moon Water Announcement, Trump Proposes Space Navy

Two Birds With One Stone: Man Protests Racial Injustice, Completes Christmas Shopping In One Trip

Girl Scouts Introduce ‘Peaceful Protest’ Badge For Girls Who Throw Their First Molotov Cocktail

Chelsea Handler Patrols Polling Places To Make Sure No Black People Are Voting For Trump


Democrats Hand Out Extra Ballots To Trick-Or-Treaters

Classic Prankster: ACB Frightens Republican Colleagues By Dressing Up As Nancy Pelosi For Halloween

SAT Now Just A Single Page Requiring You To Draw Devil Horns On A Picture Of Trump

CNN Promises Not To Call The Race Unless Biden Is Ahead

Miracle: Ballot Counter Turns 5 Biden Votes Into 5,000

Study Finds Babylon Bee More Accurate Than 100% Of Pollsters

Hillary Clinton: ‘Trump Must Stop Fueling Dangerous Conspiracy Theories About Our Elections Being Unfair’

Biden Sniffs Victory

BNN 100% Accurate Election Winner Special

Oops: Tragedy Strikes As Kamala Throws Biden A Surprise Victory Party

Pennsylvania Invites World-Renowned Elections Auditor Hillaniti Clintraja To Count the Votes

New Bible Features Removable Romans 13 For When You Don’t Like The President

Cuomo Develops Vaccine That Makes People Immune To Trump’s Vaccine

Progress: Biden Administration To Apply ‘Black Lives Matter’ Decals To All Attack Drones

Dockers Unveils New Line Of Sandals For Dads With Built-In Tube Socks

Media Confused By Completely Peaceful Protest

Trump Unveils Even Bigger White House Next To Current White House

Youth Group Kids Leaving The Faith At Alarming Rates In Spite Of Unlimited Pizza And Mountain Dew

Trump Leads Voyage Of Pilgrims To Greenland To Establish Even Better America

New AR-15 Glows Blue When Libs Are Near

Newsom Announces Curfew So He Won’t Have To Wait In Long Line At Fancy Restaurants

Philly Bans All Indoor Gatherings Unless You’re Still Counting Biden Votes

Church Recruits Flash The Sloth To Handle Worship Slides

Walmart Thanks Government For Completely Obliterating Their Small Business Competition

Just Hours After Being Placed In Cumo’s Possession, Emmy Statue Dies Of COVID

Mysterious Orange-Haired Vigilante Smuggles Thousands Of Beer Kegs Into Prohibition-Era Pennsylvania

IKEA Releases 100-Foot-Long Table For 2020 Gatherings

In Thanksgiving Address, Biden Quotes From Gospel Of Trunalimunuprzure

In Dangerous Decision, SCOTUS Rules First Amendment Can Stay

Damaging Photo Surfaces Of Mike Pence Peeking During Prayer


In National Survey Of Favorite Foods, Lukewarm Bowl Of Porridge Wins 80 Million Votes

CNN Reports Iran Has Developed Peaceful Nuclear Power Plant In More Efficient Shape Of A Rocket

Smeagol Sets Pronouns To Ourses/Theirses

Selfless Democrats Go To Fancy Restaurants, Parties To Show Public What Not To Do

138,000 Kids Suddenly Added To Santa’s Nice List In Middle Of Night

‘I Just Love This Sushi!’ Says Girl Eating Rolled-Up Vegetables And Rice

California To Require All Rockets To Run On Wind Power By 2030

Help At Last: House Relief Bill Will Provide Free ‘Going Out Of Business’ Signs To Small Business Owners

Texas Governor Announces Cowboy Hat Mandate

Teachers Union Opposes Vaccine As It Might Force Teachers To Teach Again

Trump Files Lawsuit Against Everyone Who Voted For Biden

Dave Ramsey Dresses Up As Mall Santa, Tells Kids ‘You Can’t Afford That!’

Local Family Enraged They Can’t Attend Their Once-A-Year Church Service This Christmas

United Airlines Kicks 2-Year-Old Off Flight For Refusing To Say ‘Black Lives Matter’

Man Chokes In Restaurant, Dr. Jill Biden Springs Into Action To Deliver Educational Lecture

Seattle Announces Reverse Purge Where One Night A Year Laws Will Be Enforced

‘We Must Follow The Science!’ Screams Actor Who Believes Xenu Dumped Frozen Aliens Into Volcanoes And Exploded Them With Bombs 75,000,000 Years Ago

Trump Confirms There Will Be No Presidential Pardon For Rian Johnson

In Blow To Biden Transition, Trump Reveals He Has Obtained The Darksaber

Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Criticized As Anti-Science For Removing Mask

Congress Finally Reaches Stimulus Agreement: Every American Will Receive A Coupon For $5 Off At Applebee’s

Archaeologists Unearth Mary’s Frankincense And Myrrh Household Diffuser

To Celebrate COVID Relief, McDonald’s Introduces The $600 McStimulus Burger

Clever American Disguises Self As Transgender Middle Easterner In Hopes Of Receiving More COVID Aid

Twitter Fact-Checks God’s Claim That Adam And Eve Will Surely Die If They Eat The Forbidden Fruit

Trump Campaign Demands Stimulus Of 8 Million Votes

New Calvinist Video Game Just 40 Hours Of Non-Interactive Cutscenes

Man Has A Few Days Left To Be A Disgusting Slob Before Completely Turning His Life Around On January 1st

Gun Store Overwhelmed By People Returning $600 Guns For $2000 Guns

Miracle: Government Feeds Five People With Just 2.3 Trillion Loaves And Fishes

The Babylon Bee’s Predictions For 2021

News Source: Babylon Bee

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