2020: FOX NEWS (364)


Iran backed militiamen withdraw from embassy siege as more American troops deployed

That Didn’t Age Well: Read their comments: Key Democrats out to impeach Trump haunted by their own Clinton-era words

‘Their Turn Is Over’: McConnell delivers stinging rebuke of Pelosi’s impeachment ‘fantasy,’ says speaker won’t shape trial

US only had ‘one shot’ to take out Soleimani, drone expert says: ‘He’s priority number one’

Iraq’s Parliament votes to expel US troops after drone attack that killed Iranian general

Bolton Makes His Move: Ex-NatSec boss throws impeachment curveball, opens door to testifying in Senate trial

House Intel Republicans investigating inspector general’s handling of whistleblower complaint

Trump: Iran paid for missiles used to target US soldiers with money released by Obama

Jet crash that killed 176 caused by errant Iranian missile amid attack on US military: Pentagon

Pelosi says House will move to transmit impeachment articles for Trump trial next week

Trump rages against Dems for ‘defending the life’ of ‘father of the roadside bomb’ Soleimani

Pelosi insists clinging to impeachment articles worked, says McConnell ‘cover-up’ exposed

Queen Elizabeth issues statement after royal family summit to discuss future plans of Harry, Meghan

Gloves come off in clash between far-left 2020 rivals, causing progressives to panic

Pelosi says impeachment will stand ‘forever,’ names Schiff, Nadler as House managers for senate trial

Federal watchdog issues report finding Trump admin broke law by withholding Ukraine aid

President Trump lets fly colorful language while feeding college football champs

ICE lists ‘fugitive’ illegal immigrants freed by New York City’s sanctuary policies

Sen. Graham scraps push for pre-trial dismissal, warns Dems against calling impeachment witnesses

Gun rights advocates swarm Virginia’s Capitol for Second Amendment rally

McConnell calls for ‘fairness,’ Schumer blasts ‘cover-up’ as Trump trial starts

Trump blasts Schiff, Nadler as he departs Davos, heads home amid impeachment storm

Dem impeachment managers’ strong-arm tactics backfire as key moderate takes offense

Trump declares ‘every life brings love,’ blasts ‘radical’ Dems in historic appearance at DC march

Trump’s legal team launches first day of defense, says he ‘did absolutely nothing wrong’

Ex-ICE Chief Homan rips AOC after her ‘idiotic’ attack on agency, calls to ‘tip off’ illegal immigrants

Dershowitz Confronts Dems: Trump defense team member says House chose ‘most dangerous possible criteria’ for impeachment

Two-State Solution: Trump, Bibi roll out bold new Mideast peace plan, but will Palestinians get on board?

Schiff won’t like this prediction of bipartisan impeachment vote from rep on Trump’s defense team

7,000 passengers and crew trapped aboard luxury liner after passenger shows coronavirus symptoms

Trump faithful fired up by impeachment, vow trial will ‘backfire’ on Democrats in 2020 election


Ted Cruz appears to mock famous Pelosi move during historic Senate impeachment trial recess

Trump, in exclusive sit-down with Hannity, calls Sanders a ‘communist,’ predicts Pelosi’s fall

Pranksters roll into Iowa to troll 2020 Dems with outrageous questions, awkward moments

Buttigieg, Sanders lead the pack as Hawkeye State Dems release delayed initial caucus results

Trump acquitted by Senate on both impeachment articles in historic decision; Romney splits vote

Trump ‘celebrates’ acquittal after impeachment trial, but media go on the attack

‘Ostracized’ Utah senator faces scorn from GOP after voting to remove Trump from office

Pompeo warns of communist party infiltration in America’s infrastructure: ‘It’s happening in your state’

Budget aims to slash $4.4T in spending, including foreign aid, with cash for wall

Trump mocks ‘mumbling’ Pelosi, compares illegal immigration to snakebite at primary-eve NH rally

Biden PAC sounds alarm over ‘doomsday scenario’ for Dems; NH polls set to close

Powerful union slams Sanders, says his supporters lashed out over ‘Medicare-for-all’ 

WH responds after AG says Trump should ‘stop’ tweeting on DOJ cases, defends handling of Stone

One Time media darling Avenatti faces years in prison after conviction in Nike shakedown scheme

Biden had this to say when pressed on Obama-era record of putting kids in ‘cages’

President tells drivers to ‘start your engines’, takes lap in ‘Beast’; race later postponed due to rain

Ryan Newman hospitalized in fiery wreck at Daytona 500 as Denny Hamlin wins 3rd race

Blago’s family reacts after Trump commutes prison sentence; ex-NYPD boss Kerik, others pardoned

Rivals slam Bloomberg before debate debut, dig up Trump praise in frantic bid to halt momentum

‘Colorado Rockin’: Trump swipes at debating Dems, Oscar movies in freewheeling rally

Trump invokes ‘Miracle on Ice’, predicts Nevada caucus issues for ‘crazy’ Dems at Sin City rally

WE project Bernie Sanders to win Silver State as Results continue to be reported

Briefer may have overstated Russian efforts aimed at helping Trump win election, official says 

The punishment facing Harvey Weinstein after ex-Hollywood honcho convicted in sex-assault trial

Dem debate opens old wounds as Sanders, Bloomberg face intense fire before primary

Trump says coronavirus vaccine coming along ‘rapidly,’ Pence ‘in charge’ of prevention efforts

5 Milwaukee shooting victims identified; suspected gunman was 17-year electrician at brewery: police

Calif. health officials confirm second case believed to be ‘community spread’ as outbreak goes global

Ex-VP gives victory speech in South Carolina primary after make-or-break primary win


Trump bashes Dems over Buttigieg exit, says this is the party’s goal

Former VP stuns with gun-control offer to O’Rourke, corrals endorsements ahead of Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday leaves ex-VP in airtight contest for delegates with Sanders

Trump joins chorus blasting Schumer over Supreme Court comment, calls for ‘serious’ action

Bush-appointed judge blast Barr over Mueller report, DOJ ordered to turn over unredacted copy

Meadows Moves In: Trump makes key ally his WH chief of staff, shifts Mulvaney to overseas post

GOP lawmaker rips ‘radical Far-Left’ after ‘vile’ note found on car while shopping

Coronavirus, OPEC price war contribute to Dow futures plunging over 1,000 points

Trump Not Tested: WH says president at low risk for virus, new pick for chief of staff sidelined

Biden’s Surge Continues: Here’s who turned out for Joe in ‘Super Tuesday 2.0’ key states

Extraordinary Measures: Trump bans travel from Europe to slow virus spread, clarifies restrictions

Labs around the world focus on producing vaccines for coronavirus, how close are we?

House OKs relief bill to combat outbreak, after urging from Trump, in 363-40 vote

Troops Test Positive: Defense Department reveals count of personnel who’ve contracted coronavirus

Chad Pergram: Here’s how the House’s emergency coronavirus bill could sink in the Senate

Trump issues guidelines to slow virus spread in ’15 days,’ but warns crisis may last months

Pence vows ‘tens of thousands of tests’ in coming days, tries to calm uncertain workers

Federal, state governments take unprecedented steps in coronavirus fight ‘full speed ahead’

California Closed: Newsome projects more than half of the state will be infected with virus, issues stay-at-home order

Coronavirus testing products now being offered — though some warn of accuracy concerns

Dem Alternative? Amid outbreak, Cuomo’s profile rising over those of Biden, Sanders, some say

Chad Pergram: Democrats block coronavirus stimulus package, fate uncertain

Pence urges senate Dems to come together with Republicans and pass much-needed stimulus

Bernie threatens to stall massive coronavirus aid package in fight with GOP senators

Poll: Recession fears mount, but Trump approval ticks up

Trump defends trip to VA to see off Navy hospital ship, says he won’t be ‘jumping around in a huddle’

Trump considers quarantine on NY, NJ and Conn. as pandemic shows no signs of slowing down

Trump says coronavirus ‘peak in death rate’ likely in 2 weeks, extends social-distancing guidelines

Trump shows off new rapid coronavirus test kit in Rose Garden, as HHS announces milestone of tests

Trump says to prepare for ‘very painful 2 weeks’ as WH projects virus deaths under current policies


Trump says he can’t confirm Beijing government’s coronavirus numbers amid claims of underreporting

‘Here We Go Again’ Trump slams ‘partisan’ probes after Pelosi announce virus committee

CDC says Americans in virus hot spots should wear face cloth in public; Trump says guidance ‘voluntary’

Dark Week Ahead: Trump warns ‘there will be death’ as US virus cases top 300,000; deploys medical military personnel

Trump Gives Updates: President, coronavirus task force hold briefing after White House meeting

President ‘saddened’ over Boris Johnson’s virus condition, offers ‘help’ of ‘brilliant’ companies

Trump mulls freezing US funding to World Health Organization over response to coronavirus crisis

CDC announces some essential workers exposed to coronavirus can return to work

Questioning The Narrative: Ex-New York Times reporter and best-selling author challenges the dire coronavirus models

Trump announces second task force on reopening US as he weighs ‘biggest decision I’ve ever had to make’

Targeting Churches? Mississippi parishoners at ‘drive-in’ Easter services ordered to leave, threatened with $500 fines

Findings Erased? Country of coronavirus’ origin blocks research on outbreak, deleted posts show

Coronavirus Overreach? Stay-at-home orders stir protests nationwide amid fears of economic collapse

Trump cuts World Health Organization funding, says group put ‘political correctness’ before lives

Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China’s efforts to compete with US

Trump unveils guidelines for easing coronavirus restrictions. ‘The next front in our war’

Pence says states have enough COVID-19 tests to implement Phase 1 of reopening plan

‘Come Back To Washington’ Trump ramps up pressure on Pelosi over small business stalemate

President announces milestone in coronavirus tests, weighs in on protests against local overreach

2 states announce plans to restart economies, end stay-at-home orders

Trump: 60-day immigration suspension meant to ‘help put unemployed Americans first in line for jobs’

Trump pushes back at coverage of CDC boss’ warning on 2nd wave of coronavirus

Trump, White House officials suggest coronavirus is weakened by these environmental factors

This state knocks 200 off official death toll as questions mount about reporting process, accuracy

Liberal network CNN finally covers Larry King clip after development in Biden sexual assault claim

Biden Gets a Pass: Sunday hosts fail to ask Dem’s potential running mates about bombshell sex-assault claim

Crickets from Dem as campaign denies sex-assault allegation against presumptive WH nominee

How sex-assault allegation against Biden compares to evidence in Kavanaugh case

FBI mulled interviewing Flynn ‘to get him to lie,’ ‘get him fired,’ notes show

Calling Out China: Trump says he’s seen evidence virus emerged from Wuhan lab, makes this WHO comparison


Kim Jong Un makes first health appearance in 20 days after storm of health rumors

Dems push to move past sex-assault allegation, DNC responds to NYT call for probe: ‘Absurd suggestion’

Trump predicts America will have coronavirus vaccine by ‘the end of the year’

‘Produce all documents’: GOP reps make demands after bombshell revelations in Michael Flynn case

‘Crossing the Line’ States rebuked by feds, courts for coronavirus lockdown measures

Texas official vows to pay fine, go on house arrest to help jailed salon owner

Sold His Home, Lost His Career: Case against ex-Trump adviser Michael Flynn dropped after enormous cost to him and family

‘I Didn’t Know Anything’: Ex-Obama official told media ‘we know’ about Trump-Russia collusion — then backtracked in testimony

Obama slams White House coronavirus response, blames ‘selfish’, ‘tribal’ mindset

Cuomo Under Pressure: Governor makes big change to nursing home rules as coronavirus deaths spark outcry

Family’s Anguish: Ahmaud Arbery’s mother tells US that local officials would have ‘covered up’ murder

Some illegal immigrants would get stimulus checks under new $3T coronavirus relief bill in House

Slew of top Obama-era officials sought to ‘unmask’ Flynn: Chief of staff, Biden, Comey and more

As Pelosi offers to deal on $3T spending bill, Trump WH gives this response

As coronavirus death toll rises, so do voices claiming body count is exaggerated

Heralded model that predicted 2.2 million deaths in US, justified UK lockdown ‘totally unreliable’: experts

Dem imposed coronavirus orders face lawsuits across the nation

As Trump says he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, many experts urge seeking medical advice first

Declassified Rice email shows Comey suggested keeping Russia info from Flynn

‘Mass Casualty Incident’: Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued shutdown, in letter to Trump

Who Gets Our Trust? Poll: Here’s who Americans prefer to handle coronavirus, economy

‘Wise guy’ Biden expresses regret for ‘you ain’t black’ remark, says he ‘shouldn’t have been so cavalier’

Under fire, Gov. Cuomo tries to deflect New York’s deadly nursing home debacle on to Trump

WH announces new ban on non-citizens entering from this country, citing coronavirus spike

Cuomo admits ‘we all failed’ at coronavirus projections, numbers all wrong

Trump sets his terms in feud with Dem governor over who gets to host GOP convention

House Dems forge ahead on surveillance vote as GOP cries foul, Trump threatens veto

As Minnesota faces protests, riots over George Floyd killing, feds keep quiet on charges against officers

Officer seen kneeling on Floyd’s neck in video facing murder, manslaughter charge, officials announced

US braces for another night of unrest as protesters, police clash in major cities

Big-city Dems who had imposed strict lockdowns now let George Floyd rioters flout rules


Cities see growing unrest again amid stronger National Guard Response, curfews

NYC Braces: City takes major steps to try halting riots as massive crowds hit the streets

Carefully Planned Mayhem? Feds probe possible ‘command and control’ over riots as bricks thrown at cops

De Blasio drowned out by boos, faces calls to resign, at George Floyd memorial

Who Killed ‘Cap’? St. Louis police release video of 7 ‘persons of interest’ in slaying of beloved retired cop David Dorn

Crowds gather for largest demo yet, White House fencing extended, nationwide protests gather steam

Calling off the Cops: Minneapolis’ left-wing City Council announces new push to dismantle police

Blue Outrage: Police unions under fire as left-wing groups push reform – or more drastic measures

DOJ investigating ‘familiar names’ in Durham probe, Barr tells US

Powerful law-enforcement union vows to sue rioters, looters who attack police

As anti-cop faction extends standoff, police chief says leaving precinct not her call

Tennessee Gov. Lee sends warning to those looking to set up Nashville autonomous zone

Atlanta’s top cop resigns after fatal shooting of black man; mayor calls for officer’s ‘immediate termination’

Atlanta On Edge: City scrambles to prevent new violence after police shooting, seeks Wendy’s arson suspect

‘Very Disturbing’ Trump reacts to police shooting death of Rayshard Brooks as anger builds in Atlanta

Policing Problem? Graham makes stark claim as Senate looks into cops’ use of force

DA files several charges including murder agianst fired Atlanta officer as new allegations emerge

Trump calls for ‘new justices’ on Supreme Court, as conservatives rage at Roberts

Oklahoma Supreme Court allows Trump rally to proceed, president says Tulsa curfew being lifted

‘CHOP’ Shooting: One killed, one left critical in Seattle’s ‘no-cop’ zone; police union chief laments lack of leadership

‘MAGA’ Finger-Pointing: Trump camp rejects claims of rally-ticket sabotage online, says this is what’s to blame

Chopping Block: Seattle to end ‘CHOP,’ return police to cop-free zone after shootings, mayor announces

Armed protesters ‘take over’ Wendy’s parking lot where Rayshard Brooks killed

Meaningless Actions?: BET founder mocks ‘borderline anarchists’ tearing down statues, in Fox News interview

Trump Responds: President takes on former top adviser’s harsh criticism in exclusive ‘Hannity’ town hall

Executive Order: Trump moves to safeguard American monuments, memorials and statues

Dems in Orange County, Calif., pass resolution calling for John Wayne Airport to be renamed

California joins thes big states implementing new coronavirus restrictions amid troubling spikes

Sheriff Says No: Backlash against Los Angeles’ plan to slash $145 million from police, cut Special Victims Bureau

Confusion Abounds: More states claw back reopenings amid surge in coronavirus cases, sparking questions


‘Lawless and Brutal’ Media Narrative of peaceful Seattle CHOP zone turned upside down

Father said no one contacted him after his son was gunned down in ‘CHOP’ zone, President Trump called

‘As Evil As Epstein’: Jane Doe claims Ghislaine Maxwell raped her ’20-30 times’, is willing to testify

Defending History – Trump, in July 4th speech, blasts ‘radical left,’ calls out ‘angry mob’ trying to ‘trample’ freedoms

Fourth of July weekend marred by killings in major US cities; at least 14 dead, including children

Governor says peaceful protests ‘hijacked,’ declares state of emergency as innocent child is killed

Left Sounds Alarm: Writers, activists and other implore liberals to end ‘cancel culture’

‘Thought-Policing’ City of Seattle instructed white employees to forgo jobs, promotions, safety in interest of racial justice

Dueling Populists? Biden’s ‘Made in America’ plan sets stage for showdown with Trump’s ‘America First’ agenda

Trump commutes Roger Stone’s sentence, days before prison term set to begin

Conservatives rally around Goya amid calls for boycott over CEO’s pro-Trump remarks

Reason For Violence? AOC suggest NYC crime surge due to residents needing to ‘shoplift some bread’ amid unemployment

California governor orders widespread closures of businesses as coronavirus cases surge

2020 Fight: President Trump responds to major Biden policy speech with epic Rose Garden response

Silent Majority To Roar? New poll signals swing-state voters suspect ‘secret Trump’ backers could tilt November result

Fed Up With Portland: DHS accuses mayor, officials of enabling ‘mob,’ posts timeline of damage by ‘violent anarchists’

Trump blames surging violence across country on ‘stupidly run’ cities, in ‘Fox News Sunday’ interview

‘Civil Rights Here’ President Trump pays tribute to the late Rep. John Lewis, congressman who lost cancer battle at 80

Trump challenges Biden to mental exam, spars with Wallace in Fox News interview

‘Bizarro, Upside-Down World’ Man charged for flashing gun at protesters tells ‘Tucker’ prosecutor is trying to ‘keep criminals safe’

Joe’s New woe: READ THE TWEETS: Top Biden communications aide has history of sexist Twitter posts

Trump sends more federal law enforcement to Chicago, Other cities struggling from violent crime

‘Not The Right Time’ Trump announces Jacksonville, FL part of GOP convention is canceled over coronavirus concerns

Crackdown In Portland? 18 people face federal charges for their roles in weeks of violence, DOJ announces

TV Legend Dies: Regis Philbin, host of ‘Live!’ and ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,’ dead at 88, family says

Unusual Danger? DHS boss reveals why Portland rioting different from ‘normal criminal activity’

Medicare-For-All or Bust: Hundreds of Bernie Sanders delegates vow to rebel in struggle to unite Democratic Party

AG Barr goes toe-to-toe with Democrats firing off litany of serious claims, questioning his integrity

Big Tech Hearing Heats Up: Committee room erupts as Democrat accuses Republican of ‘fringe conspiracy theories’

‘A Tribute to America’ Gov Mike Huckabee remembers John Lewis as ‘living personification of the American Dream’

Defunding The Police: ‘Only certain to get worse’: Police group sounds alarm, survey shows widespread police budget cuts


Bass Grilled: Rising star in Biden Veepstakes scrambles to explain past remarks on Castro, Scientology

Big Apple’s Rise In Violence: New York City Shootings hit grim milestone, and it’s only expected to get worse

Mob Rule: Seattle police chief implores council to do the right thing after visit from ‘aggressive’ protesters 

Beirut Blast: Massive explosion tears through Lebanon’s capital, killing at least 60, injures thousands

Tall Tales: Former US attorney says he doesn’t buy Yates’ testimony Comey went ‘rogue’ in Flynn probe

NRA Fires Back: Gun Lobby files countersuit; Trump slams lawsuit by NY AG

Executive Intervention: White House officials to recommend Trump take action after new coronavirus stimulus talks stall

Sign Of Help: Trump orders $400 weekly unemployment payments amid COVID crisis, accuses Dems of stonewalling

‘Beyond The Pale’ Sen Johnson blasts Blumenthal for ‘twisting’ classified briefings, denies receiving dirt on Biden

Press Pause: Trump abruptly escorted out of WH press briefing, returns to tell reporters there was a ‘shooting’ outside

No Signs Of A Deal ‘An absurd number’: White House blasts Democrats’ demands as COVID relief talks hit another roadblock

‘The Right Person’ Biden Says Harris will be ready to be VP from day one as they make first appearance as running mates

Mask Mandate: Biden calls for requiring all Americans to wear mask outdoors for ‘at least’ next three months

Cost of Carnage: Cash-strapped cities pay heavy price for protests

New York City’s famous 9/11 tribute to be reinstated with support from former mayor, state

Once Berned, Twice Shy: Dem conventions goal: Unify the party, keep ‘restive’ Bernie’s supporters from blowing it

‘Extreme’ Differences: AOC, Kasich clash ahead of former GOP governor’s speech at the Democratic National Convention

Manhunt Underway: Portland police identify suspect in brutal assault caught on camera

Operation Legend: AG Barr announces more than 200 charged with federal crimes, 1,000 arrested

Reverse Gear: After Trump boycott call, company says this about MAGA, pro-police gear

Surrendered: Suspect in brutal Portland beating caught on camera turns himself in after days long manhunt

‘It’s Scary’ Pelosi rips Trump for intimidating voters, warns them ‘don’t pay any attention’

Kim Jong-Ill? Kim Jong Un in coma, sister to take control, South Korean ex-diplomat alleges

Trump’s Great Americans: RNC Night 1 features rescued hostages, COVID heroes, Don Jr., the president

Dangerous Opening: Biden could sink his election with these comments: NYTimes columnist

Dueling Messages: Biden condemns ‘needless violence’ in Kenosha, Trump send in feds to restore ‘law and order’

‘Impossible Only Motivates’ Ivanka Trump, in glowing tribute, says her father ‘not deterred’ by defeatists

Trump supporters in New Hampshire believe RNC is a turning point in the election, will ‘sway’ voters

Kenosha police union gives account of Jacob Blake shooting, says depictions are ‘wholly inaccurate’

Unraveling The Russia Probe: Ratcliffe coordinating with Durham on investigation of FBI, declassification of documents

‘Would Have Been Killed’ Trump defends teen charged in shootings; decries Biden, ‘political violence’ before Kenosha visit


‘A Slam In The Face’ Owner of COVID-shuttered salon in lather after Pelosi gets shampoo and style

Shampoo ‘Set-Up’: Pelosi ‘apologizes’ after being caught on video getting styled at COVID-shuttered salon

Preparing For War: Trump campaign braces for possible contested election forms lawyer coalition

‘It’s A Hoax’ Trump denies Atlantic report he belittled military in cancelled trip amid conflicting accounts

GOP candidate says ‘crazy’ urban liberals driving people to Trump in this key state, could flip it this fall

Labor’s Election Strategy: Key Unions for teachers, truckers and office workers vow pre-election job actions over police, racism

Bad Medicine? Biden, Harris suggest Trump can’t be trusted on COVID vaccine. President accuses Dems of ‘rhetoric’

Characters Assassination? Rochester chief, members of command staff retire amid criticism of handling of Daniel Prude’s death

Can’t Show ‘Sense Of Panic’ Trump addresses Woodward book COVID claims, insists he had to show sense of leadership calm

‘I Didn’t Lie’ Trump spars with reporters, defends downplaying COVID threat amid Woodward book uproar

Trump awards Medal of Honor to Army Sgt. Major Thomas Payne for rescue of 75 hostages in Iraq

‘Untraceable System’ Half of ’19 donations totaling $346M to ActBlue came from ‘unemployed’ donors, data shows

‘I Hope They F—— Die’ Protesters show up at LA hospital threatening ambushed cops, shout chilling threats

Next Shoe to Drop? Top Republican hints Durham bombshell imminent as Mueller team questioned

Consequences Of Chaos: Judge throws book at alleged Lancaster rioters, orders them held on $1M bail each

Twitter Double Standard? Trump campaign asks Tech giant to mark Biden as manipulated. This happened.

Supporting Lawlessness?: Bail fund backed by Biden, Harris staffers helped get accused child abuser released

‘Fact Check The Fact Checkers’ Controversy over anti-Biden ad blocked by Facebook has two news groups at odds

‘Burn It All’ SCOTUS battle sparks calls for arson, violence to block GOP from replacing Ginsburg before election

Radical Strategy: Democrats threaten to revive FDR move if Trump gets Supreme Court nominee

Early Trump Favorite? POTUS met with potential SCOTUS nominee Barrett: sources

Behind The SCOTUS Protests: These are groups that targeted GOP leaders’ homes and their backers

Charges Announced: Fired Ky. police officer indicated on criminal charges linked to Breonna Taylor shooting, but not her death

Foundation In Crosshairs: Prior investigation into Clinton family’s organization is part of the Durham’s Russia origins probe

Judging Amy: Where Supreme Court contender Barrett stands on several important issues and cases

Trump’s Nominee: President announces Amy Coney Barrett as pick for Supreme Court seat

‘Everything Was Wrong’ President calls New York report that he avoids paying taxes ‘made up’

Combustible Mix: Expert SCOTUS battle to be one of the most central topics in Trump-Biden debate

Over And Out: Biden campaign rejects Trump’s call for inspector to check candidates for listening devices at Debate

‘Stand Down’ Trump addresses ‘stand by’ controversy, says he’s unfamiliar with Proud Boys’ 


‘No Light’ Speaker has strong warning for Trump if election decided in House

White House Quarantine: Trump, first lady in ‘good spirits’ as president’s doctor releases details of COVID treatment

Mixed Signals? Doctors say Trump ‘doing very well’ and no difficulty breathing, source says next 48 hours ‘critical’

‘Little Surprise Visit’ Trump briefly leaves Walter Reed to thank supporters, says he’s in ‘real’ COVID school

‘Back To His Old Self’ Doctors insist it is safe for Trump to return to WH as POTUS says he’ll be discharged from hospital tonight

Eddie Van Halen Dead: Legendary guitarist dies of cancer at age 65

Socialism In Spotlight? Pence expected to target Harris ‘radical’ proposals in high stakes showdown at VP debate

25th Amendment? Pelosi announces intention to push constitutional measure to remove President Trump from office

White House Hits Back: Trump and others question Pelosi’s mental fitness after she suggests pres. may not be fit for office

GOP Voters Unworthy? Biden, on video, says voters don’t deserve to know stance on Supreme Court packing, swipes at Trump

He Backed The Police: Denver shooting victim as pro-cop veteran, shot in front of son: family

‘Not Infectious To Others’ Trump tests negative for coronavirus, WH doctor, before his scheduled rally in Florida

‘No Agenda’ Barrett rejects claim that she has written ‘fighting words’ on ObamaCare

‘Big Tech Information Coup’ Facebook, Twitter reduce redistribution of report on purported Hunter Biden emails

Suspended Indefinitely: C-Span’s Scully on leave admitting lying about Trump tweet, Twitter account being hacked

Reject The Vote: More than 370K Pa. mail-in ballots not accepted because most were duplicates

Hearing Footsteps? Team Biden warned in internal memo that ‘Donald Trump can still win this’ despite polls

Friends With Benefits? Social media erupts over Biden’s Big Tech ties after Facebook, Twitter censor NY Post’s story on Hunter

Rush’s Heartbreak: Talk radio legend grimly admits on air that his battle with lung cancer is now a ‘death sentence’ 

False Advertising? Struggling bar owner in new Biden ad is actually a wealthy Democrat donor

Back To The Future: Biden to undo Trump immigration measures, return to Obama policies: report

Read The Text Messages: Hunter Biden business associate’s texts suggest meeting with his dad, despite ex-VP denials

Trump heads to Florida as Biden stumps in Delaware following final presidential debate

Unholy Clash: Family describes horror as violent maskless rioters throw rocks, attack ‘Jews for Trump’ rally

Supreme Confirmation: Senate set to vote on ACB nomination to nation’s highest court, will be sworn in by Clarence Thomas

Unnecessary Deadly Force? Walter Wallace’s kin has questions while cops defend shooting; Philly braces for 2nd night of violence

Big Tech On Trial: Twitter defends censorship of Hunter Biden scandal report in heated, virtual hearing

McConnell’s Warning: Days before election, Majority leader says GOP has ’50-50′ chance of losing control of Senate

Trump vows ‘comeback’ in campaign’s closing message, claims Biden will ‘lock down your state’ 

Mocking Joe: Trump in Pennsylvania: Biden flip-flopped on fracking, media never questioned it


The Final Stretch: Trump fires up massive crowd at Iowa rally, as Biden hits POTUS at small Philadelphia event

Declaration Of Chaos: Trump, Biden clash over possibility of a winner being declared Election Night

Polls Closing In Hours: Control of the White House and Congress hanging in the balance, as millions of Americans cast ballots

Path To Victory: Presidency hinges on 4 battlegrounds as Biden, Trump race to 270 electoral votes: see results, map

‘Patient Democracy’ Biden urges calm as White House race remains undecided, see Electoral College map for updates

Watching The Count: Trump vows to fight, Biden expects to speak, with all eyes on 4 battlegrounds: latest results here

America’s 46th President: Americans take to streets in celebration after Biden projected to win White House, will address nation

Pushing Forward: Trump team speaks on conceding as lawsuits mount and Melania breaks silence

Undoing Trump: Here are the executive orders Biden would enact on day one to roll back Trump’s policies

Pence Train Derailed? Prominent Democrats call for political revenge threatens to drown out Biden’s plea for national unity

Not So Mask… Biden wants face covering mandate – but these governors won’t commit

Trump Team Win – Judge: Pa. sec. of state overstepped authority by changing election deadline

Trump to give update on COVID vaccine as president is projected to win this additional state

MAGA Enthusiasim: Huge pro-Trump crowds descend on DC for marches in support of president

Dem Civil War Brewing? Liberal Senate candidate in high-profile Georgia runoff slams Schumer over controlling the narrative

Recount Revelation: More than 2,600 uncounted ballots unearthed in Georgia county: report

Big Tech Collusion? Whistleblower claims Facebook, Twitter, Google units team up on content to ban, Hawley reveals

Another Lockdown – Nation’s largest public school system closing due to COVID spike

Making Their Case: Giuliani lays out Trump campaign’s election challenges in fiery news conference with legal team

‘Taking It Day By Day’ White House’s McEnany says official transition to Biden administration will come at ‘the right moment’

Atlanta Face Off: Hundreds of pro-Trump protesters, counterprotesters gather at Georgia Capitol

Pennsylvania Pushback: Trump campaign fires back with appeal after judge nixes lawsuit to block state’s vote certification

Greenlighting The Transition: GSA informs Biden agency will proceed with presidential transition, but Trump hasn’t conceded yet

Early Christmas Present: CDC director tells Fox News a COVID vaccine could begin to become available in the US around this date

Mai-In-Vote Fight: Judge orders Pennsylvania’s election results certification to be halted pending hearing

Thanks For Nothing: WaPo ripped for story on world’s ‘dread’ about US Thanksgiving celebrations, despite COVID spikes

‘On To Scotus’ Trump’s legal team signals Pa. Challenge will go to Supreme Court after appeals bench dismisses suit

Another GOP Triumph: Fmr. House Republican ousts Dem incumbent, conservatives continue to shatter expectations in Ca.

‘Missing In Action’ Trump accuses FBI, DOJ of ‘maybe helping rig the vote’… and doesn’t stop there in Fox News exclusive

Georgia Cheat: Senate runoff elections spark investigations into alleged attempts to register illegal votes


Keep Digging: Barr appoints Durham to continue Russia origins probe under new administration

Troubling ‘Evidence’ Raffensperger probing Abrams’ group for seeking out-of-state, dead voters ahead of Ga. Senate races

Ratcliffe urges Biden to let Durham probe run its course, says more docs ‘should be’ declassified

‘Stakes Are Raised’ Obama to headline virtual rally ahead of Trump event in Georgia as critical Senate runoffs loom

Georgia On Their Mind: Trump hosts victory rally in Georgia as GOP tension, anticipation builds

Control Of Senate At Stake: Loeffler hits opponent for using Bible to justify aboriton, Warnock claims ‘respect for choice’

America First: Trump to sign COVID vaccine executive order prioritizing Americans over foreign nations

Request Denied: Supreme Court rejects Trump allies’ bid to toss Pennsylvania mail ballots

‘Tax Affairs’ Probe: Hunter Biden subject of grand jury investigation, links to China funds emerge, sources tell Fox News

Growing Support: These six states ask to join Texas’ Supreme Court election case

FDA-Approved: Pfizer’s COVID vaccine granted emergency use authorization, paving way for widespread distribution

Battling In DC: Trump supporters push to keep fighting at rally after Supreme Court delivers Texas defeat

Disturbing Discovery: Cops reveal what gunman who opened fire on NYC cathedral Christmas concert was also packing

An Unprecedented Challenge: Top ‘Operation Warp Speed’ official details ‘fair and equitable distribution’ of COVID vaccine across U.S.

Joe And The Giant Peach: Biden heads to Ga. ahead of critical Senate runoffs, risking political capital even before inauguration

‘Best Wishes’ From the Bidens: Hunter Biden sent note to China firm chairman on behalf of family, urged $10M wire transfer: email

Crying GOP ‘Foul Play’: Joe Biden addresses Hunter controversy in new interview

Media Darling Firewall: After hack, press quiet on ex-cybersecurity chief praised for contradicting Trump fraud claims

A New Hold-Up: GOP senator lashes out with new grievances on COVID relief bill, says Dems ‘trying to politicize’ Fed

‘Appropriate Remedies’ President Trump’s campaign takes fight over Penn. election, ballot laws to Supreme Court

Giving (Some) Credit: Biden indirectly praises Trump after getting COVID vaccination

‘An Embarrassment’ Pakistan gender programs, other foreign aid, spark uproar over spending bill in COVID package

‘Ongoing Discussions’: Some DOJ officials believe Hunter Biden special counsel ‘warranted’: sources

‘Sign This Bill’ Trump told Congress to give Americans more COVID money. Pelosi has sent him the bill with less

‘Intentional Act’ Listen: Recording captured chilling bomb warning moments before Nashville explosion

Hunt For Answers: Officials search home linked to person of interest in Nashville explosion; get hundreds of tips: report

Who Was It? Nashville bombing suspect identified acted as ‘lone wolf’ say police sources

‘Never Going To Forget Me’ The now-chilling comment Nashville bomber reportedly made to neighbor days before blast

Pay On The Way – Mnuchin says second stimulus checks about to be sent: How Americans can track status of payment

‘No Realistic Path’ McConnell dashes hopes of $2,000 checks, accuses Pelosi and Schumer of trying to ‘pull a fast one’

State Of Play: What initial Georgia turnout data reveals about high-stakes Senate races as early in-person voting ends

News Source: Fox News

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