Arkansas judge in Hunter Biden paternity case mysteriously recuses himself

Schumer: New unredacted emails show need for impeachment witnesses

World’s most feared drone: CIA’s MQ-9 Reaper killed Soleimani

‘The US had to respond’: Trump pulled trigger on Soleimani, months after cancelling planned strike

US-led forces halt operations against ISIS amid threat of retaliation from Iran

US scolds Russia and China for blocking condemnation of Baghdad embassy attack

McConnell to announce rules for impeachment trial without Democrats

Trump de-escalates Iran crisis after Tehran strikes cause ‘minimal damage’

Trump: US took out Soleimani because ‘they were looking to blow up our embassy’

Pelosi will send impeachment articles to Senate as soon as next week

Virginia gun proposal puts concealed carry agreements with other states in jeopardy

‘He believed it probably could have been’: Espers says Trump had no intelligence on threat to four embassies

Trump: ‘It doesn’t really matter’ if Soleimani was imminent threat

Democrats lament spending deal that paved way for Trump to transfer $7.2B to fund wall

China and US sign ‘phase one’ trade deal

Senate impeachment proceedings open as House Democrats present charges

‘Everybody who’s hit me is out’: Biden touts durability against 2020 Democratic rival attacks

Democrats go to Mexico and blast Trump over border tent cities

Strategy of new Trump lawyers: Accuse Democrats of using impeachment to overturn 2016 election

Doris Miller’s other legacy: How a hero of Pearl Harbor paved the way for black sailors

Trump’s Senate impeachment trial begins

Democrats mull Cruz proposal to trade John Bolton impeachment testimony for Hunter Biden

Schumer: There are no bipartisan talks on trial witnesses

Trump rallies demonstrators at March for Life: ‘They are coming after me because I am fighting for you’

Who’s afraid of John Bolton? Associates say his testimony would not ‘torpedo’ Trump

Analysis: Relieved Republicans welcome Trump defense

House Democrats to vote to override state ‘right-to-work’ laws, boosting labor movement

CBO projects $1T federal deficits indefinitely

‘We must decide what needs to be done’: World Health Organization plans Thursday decision on coronavirus emergency declaration

‘Probably no’: Schumer concedes Democrats unlikely to get witnesses they want

‘Bernie definitely concerns me’: Trump supporters take Sanders challenge seriously


2020 Democrats slam party rule change that could let Michael Bloomberg debate

GOP senator warns Republicans would ‘immediately’ push to impeach Biden if he won presidency

Closing arguments begin in Trump impeachment trial

‘Not a hack’: Iowa Democratic Party Defends delay in release of caucus results

Trump uses State of the Union as part of strategy to break Democratic lock on black vote

Nail-biter: Sanders and Buttigieg neck-and-neck in Iowa with 97% of precincts reporting

What to watch for at the New Hampshire Democratic debate

New Hampshire voters: Let somebody else be first in the nation

House will attempt to revive Equal Rights Amendment this week

Pete Buttigieg edges out Bernie Sanders for delegates in Iowa caucuses

Six things to watch in the New Hampshire primary results

Sanders wins and Klobuchar surprises in New Hampshire

Can Biden bounce back?

Hope Hicks return part of Trump embrace of loyalists as he rebuilds post-impeachment

Trump campaign works to slow down Buttigieg and maintain Democratic disarray

Prosecutor John Durham examining interagency turf war over Obama emails hacked by Russia: report

US released 375,000 illegal immigrants who entered with family members

Nevada caucuses win would make Bernie Sanders a weak front-runner

Five things to watch in the Nevada Democratic presidential debate

Bloomberg’s 2020 Democratic rivals slam billionaire

Republicans fear they must raise extra $1B to face Bloomberg

What to watch for in the Nevada Democratic caucuses

Bernie Sanders wins decisively in Nevada caucuses

John Ratcliffe: Adam Schiff is Russia’s best asset in sowing election discord

Bernie Bro in chief: Trump pumps up Sanders, hoping to run against him

2020 Democrats at debate try to halt Bernie Sanders momentum

‘Trump-Russia dossier was valid’: Christopher Steele defends controversial 2016 report

‘You can’t get a straight answer’: Businesses struggle to plan through coronavirus damage to Chinese supply chains

Super Tuesday all about Bernie, Biden, and Bloomberg


Joe Biden wins South Carolina primary, boosting campaign after early losses

What Buttigieg’s pre-Super Tuesday exit means for the Democratic primary field

Coronavirus saves the White House briefing room

Uncertain future for Sanders campaign after underwhelming Super Tuesday performance

‘Wartime President’: Allies say battling coronavirus will benefit Trump in November

Con-TROLLING the campaign: Trump soaks up spotlight and drives ‘his opponents to distraction’

Bernie Sanders trade pitch: Trump will clobber Biden for NAFTA in Rust Belt states

Coronavirus starts wreaking havoc on plans across US

Pompeo, Haley, and Abott to appear at Republican Jewish Coalition confab, signaling 2024 ambitions

‘A week ago, everyone was pretty sanguine’: Coronavirus political peril begins to dawn on Trumpworld

Michigan Biden win makes clear Sanders 2016 appeal was part anti-Clinton: Latest primary updates

Trump’s strategy to contain the coronavirus is extreme but necessary

Coronavirus disrupts renewable energy’s global supply chain

Congress under pressure to rush money out the door to households to prevent deep coronavirus recession

Five things to watch in Biden-Sanders debate clash

Biden dominates one-on-one debate against Sanders

‘The Church is not canceled’: Priests scramble to reach faithful during pandemic

Biden takes more big states, and Sanders refuses to quit

Trump backers prepare to attack Biden for playing the ‘Catholic card’

Pandemic will necessitate a deficit of $2T to $5T, economists say

Over 75 million under lockdown in US as weekend begins

Coronavirus shutdowns place financial strain on churches

Coronavirus forces Trump to rely on the elite Washington establishment he was elected by vilifying

‘Hung out to dry’: Border Patrol agents say agency doing too little to protect them against coronavirus

House GOP leader: Republicans may agree to skip roll-call vote on relief bill if there is a debate first

‘Best dream in the world’: Trump says Iran and China would love if Biden defeated him

Trump signs $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill

Trump considering enforced quarantine of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut

‘The better you do, the faster this whole nightmare will end’: Trump extends coronavirus guidelines to April 30

Trump mulls more restrictions to stem coronavirus after previously resisting advice to clamp down

‘A matter of life and death’: Trump calls for social distancing for next month


Pence says administration will seek legislation to have insurers to cover all coronavirus costs

‘Less time on your ridiculous impeachment hoax’: Trump rebukes Schumer over coronavirus response

‘Literally on the tarmac’: Russia prevents Americans in Moscow from flying home

Illegal Mexican border crossing at a standstill as coronavirus pandemic rages in US

‘We see the light at the end of the tunnel’: Trump says US near ‘peak’ of coronavirus pandemic

Trump and Cuomo agree to use Navy hospital ship to treat coronavirus patients

‘Conversations I never imagined’: New York county to store bodies in farm refrigerator as deaths increase

Biden praises Kamala Harris as veepstakes speculation ramps up

Pentagon denies existence of November coronavirus intelligence

‘Ironic’: Declassified footnotes show Steele dossier likely compromised by Russian intelligence

Declassified notes in FISA report may have GOP investigators asking about Comey and Mueller

Demand from virus patients creates shortages of asthma drugs and sedatives for ventilator patients

Whitmer woes reflect fickle nature of veepstakes

Trump halts World Health Organization funding

Trump to unveil coronavirus guidelines for reopening economy on Thursday

Trump says states with ‘beautifully low’ cases of coronavirus should begin reopening May 1

‘Full steam ahead’: RNC chairwoman says GOP plans to stage August convention despite coronavirus

Trump instructs agencies to redirect WHO funds to other groups

Devin Nunes: GOP investigators ‘laser-focused’ on information CIA gave to FBI in 2016

Trump says governors given list of virus testing locations after some didn’t ‘understand’ capacity

Senate passes $484B coronavirus rescue package

HHS doctor says he was demoted for pushing back on hydroxychloroquine treatment touted by Trump

House clears $484 billion small-business and healthcare package, sending it to Trump

Stephen Miller says temporary immigration loan part of long-term vision: Report

Biden red herring: Candidate stokes scare over Trump postponing elections

Fox’s Maria Bartiromo: Sources say Michael Flynn will be ‘completely exonerated’ this week

‘Made-up propaganda’: Trump says he won’t try to postpone general election

Fauci: Everyone who ‘needs’ virus test will be able to get one by June

‘Operation Warp Speed’ aims to produce coronavirus vaccine by end of 2020: Report

Trump says he would consider bringing Michael Flynn back into the administration


Biden asks secretary of Senate to search for Tara Reade sexual harassment complaint

‘Increasingly concerned’: Spy chief orders review of unmasking policies for intelligence agencies

Trump ‘confident’ there will be coronavirus vaccine by end of year

White House bars members of coronavirus task force from testifying before Congress in May

Lobbyists and Republican lawmakers press White House for liability protections as states reopen

Congressional Democrats push for federal government to backstop mortgages and rent

Schiff on Flynn: ‘This dismissal does not exonerate him.  But it does incriminate Bill Barr’

Sally Yates learned of Flynn targeting from Obama kept her in the dark, documents show

GOP cries foul after LA County official opens voting site in Democratis-heavy area for special election

Pence spokesman denies vice president ‘in quarantine’ after aide tests positive for coronavirus

Masks and twin lecterns: White House unveils new-look coronavirus briefing

‘Full throttle’: John Durham’s Russian team is stacked with veteran investigators

‘Even worse than this’: Devin Nunes says ‘a whole lot’ of Trump associates unmasked

Interview: Trump says ‘Joe has absolutely no idea what’s happening’

Democrats usher in ‘virtual Congress’

Devin Nunes: Obama ambassadors went ‘wild’ with unmasking

Fired State Department watchdog was investigating whether Pompeo made staffer run errands

Senator asks Justice Department to declassify Susan Rice email on Oval Office confab about Russia

Joe Biden vows to reverse Trump administration’s policies in Israel if elected president

Barr met with Durham days after Mueller investigation ended

Man who filmed Ahmaud Arbery shooting arrested and charged with murder

Biden ‘you ain’t black’ quip gives Trump campaign new opportunity to try for black support

Trey Gowdy: FBI told Congress they didn’t capture every Flynn-Kislyak call

‘Bad for China’: US threatens to impose sanctions on country over Hong Kong crackdown

Devin Nunes: Republicans expanding investigation into Mueller Team

Trump promises to act on China over Hong Kong this week

US coronavirus death toll tops 100,000

‘Tantamount to monopoly’: Trump signs executive order to curb ‘unchecked power’ of social media giants

Declassified transcripts of Michael Flynn call with Russian ambassador released

Jail records appear to contradict Minnesota leaders’ claims that most protesters were from other states

Ron Johnson: 62 leaks threatened national security in early days of Trump administration


Trump disperses protests outside White House to visit St. John’s church burned in DC riots

Barr personally gave order to clear area near White House of protesters: Report

Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis slams Trump’s leadership and views him as a constitutional threat

Trump ’emergency’ order to waive environmental reviews for infrastructure tests legal bounds

Hillary Clinton asks appeals court to help her dodge Judicial Watch deposition on emails and Benghazi

George Floyd protests culminate in massive DC assembly on Trump’s doorstep

Majority of Minneapolis City Council signs pledge to disband police department

Black Lives Matter radicalism: Rhetoric versus reality of ‘defund the police’

OANN in turmoil after Trump cites report to claim Buffalo protester could be ‘antifa provocateur’

‘Takeover’: Michael Flynn team and DOJ clash with federal judge, asking appeals court to dismiss case

Trump allies see Biden plotting to challenge defeat in November election

Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Susan Rice on veepstakes short list for Biden as search narrows

Trey Gowdy: Peter Strzok likely in John Durham’s sights

District Attorney weighing murder charge against Atlanta police officer who shot Rayshard Brooks

Supreme Court decision ignites religious liberty battle

‘Without police, there is chaos’: Trump reforms embraced by his allies and law enforcement

Ivanka Trump to Salena Zito: ‘I think healing needs to happen in the country’

Some Republicans join Democrat calls to pass legislation letting ‘Dreamers’ stay

Robert Mueller: Trump may have lied

Barr says Trump fired US attorney for Southern District of New York following standoff

John Bolton denies he will vote for Biden over Trump

Education Department uncovers $1B in anonymous foreign funding at higher education institutions

‘More targeted’: Republicans mull next economic aid package, and it won’t be soon

Judge delays all proceedings in Flynn case after appeals court sides with DOJ

Governors pause reopening amid coronavirus surge

Appeals court rules against Trump’s ‘unlawful’ border wall funding

Grenell decries ‘leaks of partial information’ over report on Russia offering bounties to kill US troops

Worldwide coronavirus death toll surpasses 500,000 as cases top 10 million

Adam Schiff shocks MSNBC host declaring Republicans are ‘boycotting’ House Intelligence Committee Briefings

Here’s what we know so far about China’s new ‘national security’ law for Hong Kong


Several States record deadliest days in weeks as coronavirus cases surge

Joe Biden’s campaign’s latest target: Mike Pence

Sixty arrested in Seattle as protesters feud with police after demise of CHOP

Kavanaugh declines request from Illinois Republicans to permit political rallies amid coronavirus

Michael Flynn recites oath of office using slogan associated with QAnon

Democrats are worried about mail-in voting, too

Number of GOP senators opting to skip Republican National Convention grows

Trump administration investigating classified Russia-Taliban bounty leaks

Daily coronavirus deaths in hot spot states hit triple digits 

Trump commutes sentence of Roger Stone days before prison term set to begin

Robert Mueller speaks; Rogers Stone ‘rightfully’ still a convicted felon

Republicans hang on and hope to surprise in House races

‘Threats will not deter us’: State Department dismisses Chinese sanctions against Cruz, Rubio, and others

Skyrocketing hospitalizations in hot-spot states threaten to overwhelm ICU’s

Trump to keep fighting New York subpoena for tax returns after Supreme Court ruling

Private religious schools more likely than public schools to reopen in fall

Biden liberal climate policies feared by unions in Pennsylvania

Pompeo begins 2024 presidential bid with ‘presence’ in Iowa

GOP gallery of nightmares: 10 policies Biden and Democrats would ram through after axing filibuster

Oh yeah, there’s an election: Presidential campaign overshadowed as world explodes

‘Not an unprecedented thing’: DHS says it is in Portland to protect Federal property

What’s on the table in pandemic relief talks

‘Predictable’: Supreme Court trnasgender decision leads to religious liberty legal battle

Risk for Trump running as the ‘law-and-order’ candidate: He is in charge

Partisan battle over virus aid centers on unemployment benefits

Democrats see climate change as ‘political weapon’ for picking off key Trump 2016 voters

Coronavirus lawsuits still a concern even if Congress passes liability protections

Trump touts conservative goal of school choice amid reopening

Trump making 16th Texas trip as fear grows that the state is turning blue

Big Tech CEOs deny having direct experience of China theft

Trump’s ICE chief Matt Albence leaving post


Trump to ban Chinese-owned app TikTok from US

Three weeks out, plan is to keep Republican National Convention closed to press

Congress looks to retroactively extend pandemic unemployment benefit boost

DOJ: Review ‘should instill confidence’ in FBI use of FISA

Kris Kobach loses GOP senate primary bid

John Durham set to interview John Brennan

Trump signs order banning transactions with TikTok in 45 days 

Brennan escapes prosecution in Durham Investigation: Report

Trump signs executive actions after Congress stalls on coronavirus relief

AG Barr: Media helped create ‘doomsday scenario’ for abuse for government power

Seattle City Council votes to scale back police funding

Trump warns China and Russia will be ‘grabbing plenty’ of mail-in ballots

Rice: Russians have ‘blessing’ of Trump to interfere in election

Barr: Durham ‘development’ coming Friday

Graham referring ex-FBI official Bill Priestap to Durham over Steele Dossier briefing

President Trump’s brother, Robert, dies at 71

‘Spygate’ figure Stefan Halper wanted to be Trump’s secretary of state, recording suggests

Trump hits back at Michelle Obama over scathing Democratic convention speech 

Jill Biden makes personal appeal for her husband

Kamala Harris leans into heritage as she accepts history – making nomination

Biden, in acceptance speech, pledges new era of ‘light’ over Trump failures

After eight-hour interview Brennan says he isn’t under investigation by Durham

Inside the COVID-careful Republican meeting in Charlotte 

Republicans urge Trump to make the convention all about Biden

Trump ignores tradition and puts himself center stage on convention Day One

Melania Trump: ‘I believe that we need my husband’s leadership now more than ever’

Pence appeals to history as he attacks Biden for ignoring American heroes

Trump uses White House stage to attack Biden as ‘destroyer of American greatness’

Democrats beat out Republicans Convention in prime-time ratings

Trump asked John Kelly to be FBI director on condition of loyalty pledge: Book 

Riots rivaling virus as top 2020 concern


Trump ignores warnings and tours Kenosha destruction

Republican attorneys general accuse local Democrats of abetting rioters

‘A publicity stunt’: Kenosha locals give lukewarm reception to Biden

Fox News backs part of Atlantic report that Trump disparaged fallen soldiers

AK governor: Keep politics away from controversial gold mine opposed by Don Trump Jr. 

Jeffrey Goldberg expects more reports about Trump disparaging the military ‘in the coming days’

‘Biden is a stupid person’: Trump jabs nominee over economic weakness on China

Trump supporter takes on Silicon Valley tech giants after doctored video said she was voting for Biden

Trump announces list of potential Supreme Court nominees 

Trump accuses Biden of campaigning against a coronavirus vaccine

Biden is consoler in chief to Trump’s commander in chief

Biden sees opportunity to spend freely thanks to low interest rates

All signs point to an interim report from John Durham before Election Day

Trump says world will ‘start getting cooler’ as Biden criticizes him as ‘climate arsonist’

Senate GOP eyes House bipartisan group’s coronavirus spending plan

Trump tweets from ‘much higher’ virus spending but GOP uninterested

Christopher Wray, says Russia is ‘very active’ in trying to influence 2020 election

House Democrats call on DOJ watchdog to open ’emergency investigation’ into Durham investigation

Schumer: ‘Nothing is off the table next year’ if GOP pushes through SCOTUS nominee

‘There’s so much at stake’: Biden reframes general election as Supreme Court fight

Romney undecided on holding Supreme Court confirmation vote this year

Republicans hope to confirm SCOTUS nominee before Nov. 3

California to eliminate sales of new gas-powered cars by 2035

Judge allows Andrew McCabe’s wrongful firing lawsuit against DOJ to move forward

Anti-religious bias was expected in Supreme Court nomination

Amy Coney Barrett nomination by Trump for Supreme Court

‘Fake news’: Trump denies New York Times report on his tax returns 

Trump coronavirus adviser infighting breaks into open

Mueller defends Russia investigation against criticism by Weissman

Trump says he doesn’t know who Proud Boys are, tells them ‘let law enforcement do their work’


‘Permanent swamp monsters’: Trump campaign accuses debate commission of being in tank for Biden

President Trump being transferred to Walter Reed hospital

‘Still not on a clear path to a full recovery’: Trump’s health in question after conflicting reports

Masked Trump salutes fans outside Walter Reed hospital in motorcade drive-by

‘He’s Back’: White House doctor says Trump not ‘out of the woods yet’ but approves of departure from Walter Reed

Trump pulls plug on stalled virus aid talks with Pelosi

Trump returns to Oval Office as he recuperates from COVID-19

Trump virtual debate rejection is a gamble likely to help Biden ride poll lead to Election Day

Trump fumes at report on Barr saying no Durham developments before election

Biden falsely accuses Senate GOP of flouting Constitution with Barrett Supreme Court push

Kamala Harris to participate remotely in Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings

Republicans go on offensive on religion as Democrats pivot to Obamacare

Senate Democrats: Amy Coney Barrett nominated to deliver election to Trump

Twitter blocks New York Post Hunter Biden story, citing it as ‘potentially harmful’

‘Bad for democracy’: NBC town hall with Trump causes headache for the network

RNC firles FEC complaint against Twitter following censorship of Hunter Biden emails

Ron Johnson says FBI needs to provide answers on Hunter Biden laptop saga

Trump campaign disturbed by Gretchen Whitmer displaying ‘8645’ in background for interview

Trump compares Hunter Biden story to Anthony Weiner ‘October surprise’ of 2016

Trump urged to let Biden do the talking in final debate

Biden now trusted over Trump on economic issues, polling shows

Biden campaign claims ‘Russian misinformation’ in response to expected Trump debate attacks on Hunter’s laptop

Trump and Biden play within the rules but still savage each other

Conservatives rip liberals for misunderstanding Trump’s coyote reference during debate

The big Trump rallies you don’t see

Ohio Democrats and Republicans skeptical of Biden’s unity closing argument

Ratcliffe’s office says it will brief Florida lawmakers on meddling effort by Russia and Iran

Name of ‘Anonymous’ author, who declared himself part of the ‘resistance’, revealed

Trump demands ‘major criminal liability’ over ‘Anonymous’ op-ed and author Miles Taylor

Protesters ready to lash out no matter the presidential result

Susan Collins grapples with Trump presidency in bid to win fifth Senate term


Biden’s closing pitch to back Pennsylvanians: Trump ‘doesn’t stand a chance’ if you vote

Trump, McSally surge in Arizona

‘Robust’ Election Day turnout in PA bodes well for Trump as Keystone State could decide winner

Biden poised to reach 270 as election experts see Trump losing Pennsylvania 

‘Read the tweets’: Pennsylvania’s top elections official bashed Trump on Twitter 

Trump vows to continue ballot battle in courts as Biden takes lead in key states

AP, FOX, Networks declare Biden next President

Trump campaign staff claims to have statistical evidence of fraud in Wisconsin

Barr authorizes DOJ to look into only, ‘substantial allegations’ of voting ‘irregularities’ in 2020 election

Pompeo: ‘There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration’

On the side of ‘Nazis’: Arizona Democratic secretary of state issued anti-Trump tweets

Trump ready to plot way out of White House as he ponders defeat

Pentagon shake-up to help cement Trump’s legacy, bringing troops home and taking out enemies, White House source says

Wins by Democratic Sheriffs in Georgia mean less cooperation with ICE

Obama: It’s time for Trump to concede

Biden moves ahead with top White House appointments despite Trump’s refusal to concede

GOP to move forward on Hunter biden inquiries no matter who is president

Insults, threats, intimidation: Why Detroit GOPers changed certification votes

Biden declares there will be ‘no national shutdown’

Trump picks fight with drugmakers with last-min pricing rules

Liz Cheney and others in GOP ask Trump to provide ‘genuine evidence’ of election fraud

Trump legal team shuns Sidney Powell as insiders see no evidence supporting her voting machine claims

General Services administration allows Biden to begin transition

Biden introduces foreign policy, national security team

Pennsylvania judge halts election certification

China threatens economic pain for United Kingdom over Huawei crackdown

Prominent Iranian nuclear scientist killed in attack

Asian American turnout helped Biden win Ga. Will it help flip the Senate?

Georgia recount in Fulton County delayed by Dominion server crash: Report

Biden budget director pic scrubs 1,000 tweets ahead of confirmation process


Barr secretly appointed Durham special counsel days before election

Congress to defy Trump veto threat over key defense bill

GOP 2024 hopefuls weigh backing Trump against their own political futures

Biden warns of more pain in economy he’ll ‘inherit’ after ‘grim’ jobs report

‘We won Georgia’: Trump kicks off runoff rally with defiant message

Ratcliffe: Release interim Durham report to deter Biden from shutting down inquiry

Democrats flee from ‘defund the police’ movement

SCOTUS rejects attempt to throw out Biden win in PA

Hunter Biden reveals federal investigation into his taxes

Pfizer panel endorses Pfizer vaccine for public use

Pfizer vaccine approved: Massive rollout to begin imminently

Michigan attorney moves to release findings from Dominion voting machines audit in Antrim County

White House staff to be among those vaccinated first: Report

MI House speaker rejects ‘destruction’ of overturning election for Trump

Hunter Biden investigations could touch on range of foreign dealings

Rand Paul: Voter fraud ‘happened,’ election was in ‘many ways stolen’

Biden: Hunter tax investigation being ‘used to get to me’

Barr: No ‘sign of improper CIA activity’ surrounding Russia investigation

Giuliani touts new election challenge strategy as Trump mulls Sidney Powell wild card

Trump campaign independently filing with Supreme Court over election results

Meadows: ‘Stay tuned’ as Trump meets lawmakers to discuss fraud ‘evidence’

COVID relief bill stuffed with pork, including $10M for Pakistan ‘gender program’

Trump pardons Stone, Manafort, and father of Jared Kushner

Roger Stone announces $25M lawsuit against DOJ

Nashville RV explosion: Possible human remains found in vicinity and mayor issues state of civil emergency

Nashville’s Christmas explosion: What we know

On-scene law enforcement describe responding to Nashville explosion

Trump bids to send $2,000 checks, cut pork

Girlfriend warned Nashville police Warner was ‘Building bombs’ a year ago

RETAIL POLITICS: Hawley, Walmart clash after senator vows to object to electors

Pence asks judge to toss Gohmert election suit

News Source: Washington Examiner

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