2020: RUSSIA TODAY (358)


‘No lives lost’: Trump holds fire on ‘big missiles,’ talks peace after Iran’s strikes on US bases in Iraq

Trump confirms more sanctions against Iran, says Tehran plane crash may have been ‘mistake’

Pompeo claims Iran ‘likely’ shot down Urainian Boeing as US rolls out new sanctions 

Rouhani apologizes to Zelensky on behalf of Iran for downing Ukrainian jet

Trump’s defense secretary admits he ‘didn’t see’ evidence about Soleimani planning attacks against US embassies

Libya ceasefire talks in Moscow: Good progress made although not all sides signed the deal, Lavrov says

Iran warns against ‘destructive measures,’ promises firm response as EU trio starts nuclear deal ‘non-compliance’ investigation

Russian government resigns after President Putin’s state-of-the-nation address proposes changes to the constitution

Iran is now enriching MORE uranium than before the 2015 nuclear deal – President Rouhani

Greek offer to send peacekeeping troops to Libya could spark ‘indirect’ conflict between Ankara and Athens

Pentagon insists US troops are ‘FORCE FOR GOOD’ in Iraq after its parliament votes to expel them

‘Where’s Putin?’ World leaders can’t start Berlin conference photo-op without Russian president (VIDEO)

Iran will leave pact barring it from getting nukes if complaint over 2015 deal filed with UN – Zarif

Paging pot, this is kettle: ‘Nobody likes him,’ Hillary Clinton says of ‘divisive’ Bernie Sanders

Trade war ignited? UK risks wrath of US after vowing to go ahead with digital tax on tech giants like Google and Facebook

Israel gathers world leaders for Holocaust remembrance ceremony, Polish president bails after Putin invited to speak

‘Million-Man March’ Kicks off in Baghdad to demand US troop pullout (Video, Photos)

‘Grave Situation’: Xi says China can ‘win the battle’ against coronavirus, but spread is ‘accelerating’

Chinese health chiefs warn coronavirus is growing ‘stronger’, MUTATION closely monitored by scientists

West v. Steele: Trump-Russia dossier was ‘FABRICATION,’ colleague & spy expert revealed … YEARS ago

Trump proposes a two-state solution for Israel-Palestine in ‘win-win opportunity’ for both sides

Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ is about ignoring Palestinian rights & legitimizing Israel’s occupation – Turkish President Erdogan

Pompeo names ‘the central threat of our times’ and guess what it is… It’s the Chinese Communist Party

Turkey ‘will not hesitate to use military force’ if attacks by Syrian govt forces don’t stop in Idlib – Erdogan


Arab League rejects Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ at Cairo summit with Abbas

Jailed, released, attacked: What we know about ‘ISIS-supporting’ south London suspect behind Streatham Stabbing

Turkey failed to notify of convoy movements in Syria’s Idlib before getting shelled by Damascus troops – Russian military

Downfall in Iowa: How default Democratic darling Biden squandered his head start

Impeachment over: Senate votes to acquit Trump

US neutralizes top al-Qaeda leader in Yemen… 5 years after ‘promoting’ him with previous drone strike

‘Friday night massacre’: Sondland follows Vindmans as Trump cleans house of ‘traitors/heroes’ following failed impeachment

Thai security forces kill shopping mall gunman & rescue hostages after 17-hour rampage

Coronavirus death toll tops 900 as China’s envoy to US dismisses ‘absolutely crazy’ bioweapon rumors

109 US service members suffered brain injuries in Iran missile strike – Pentagon

‘Like Swiss cheese’: Abbas rubbishes Trump’s map for Palestine, urges UNSC to reject ‘deal of the century’ peace plan

What about stopping endless wars? Trump urges GOP to vote down Iran war resolution because it’s a partisan ploy by Democrats

Pompeo  rejects UNHRC list of companies operating in occupied Palestine, accuses UN of ‘unrelenting’ anti-Israel bias

Existential angst over ‘Westlessness’ at Munich conference leaves out the West’s responsibility for its own decline

‘Change course before it’s too late’: Lavrov calls on Europe to reject notion of ‘Russian threat’ in Munich speech

Queen Elizabeth won’t get involved in Julian Assange case because it’s a POLITICAL matter – Buckingham Palace

China says US is an ‘EMPIRE OF HACKERS,’ mocks cyber-accusations in wake of Crypto AG scandal

Russia temporarily bans ALL Chinese visitors amid coronavirus epidemic

Shooting spree at TWO hookah bars in German city of Hanau leaves at least 8 dead, suspect at large

Shadow of war: What are the odds Turkey will start a full-scale offensive against Syria in Idlib?

Putin & Erdogan to ‘intensify contacts’ over Syria, but no sign of peace in Idlib yet

Bernie Sanders takes early lead in Nevada Caucus based on first preference polling

Beyond Modi-Trump hugs and promises: Why India must play hardball over US president’s Delhi visit

Day 1 of Assange’s US extradition hearing: What you need to know

UK inexplicably bans WikiLeaks editor from extradition hearing day after Assange handcuffed 11 times & stripped twice

Assange blasts court for preventing communication with lawyers, alleges legal team is being SPIED on

33 Turkish soldiers confirmed killed in Idlib airstrike as Erdogan chairs emergency meeting on Syria

Even NATO is unwilling to touch Turkey’s Idlib mess with a ten-foot pole

Biden wins South Carolina primary, gets much needed boost after previous poor-showing – projections


Pyongyang launches TWO projectiles toward Sea of Japan, South Korean military says

Balancing act: How India is modernizing its military by buying latest tech from BOTH Russia & the West

Terrorist fortifications in Idlib have ‘merged’ with Turkish outposts – Russian Defense Ministry

Putin – Erdogan summit: Prelude to Russo – Turkish clash or last best hope for Syrian peace?

Stress test passed: Russia and Turkey continue to work in Syria

Nothing to do with facts: China dismisses US accusation it targeted American surveillance plane with LASER

Italy ‘QUARANTINES’ 16 Million people in Lombardy & 14 other provinces in attempt to stop coronavirus outbreak

Asia plunges, European & US futures collapse as panicked investors seek safe haven from perfect storm ravaging markets

Assange trial rehearsal? Hung jury results in mistrial for former CIA tech accused of handing ‘Vault 7’ docs to WikiLeaks

Are the gloves coming off? Sanders campaign ratchets up the rhetoric (and snark) as Biden surges in primaries

Turkish FM hits back at Greek counterpart as Ankara & Athens clash over Erdogan’s ‘Nazi’ comments

‘Where was your patient zero?’ Chinese official speculates AMERICANS may have infected Wuhan at army games & calls to ‘come clean’

Every plague has a silver lining! Trump cashes in on oil price drop with order to ‘FILL UP’ US reserves with cheap crude

Saved by the virus: Netanyahu gets 2-month delay on corruption trial amid coronavirus emergency

‘I’ll do what I want’: AOC Covid-19 spat shows Americans face same key problem in a virus crisis – OBSESSION with binary positions

US halts deployment & recalls troops from Nato’s biggest drill ‘Defender Europe 2020’ due to coronavirus threat

US military ‘did not give it to ANYBODY’, coronavirus came from CHINA: Trump gets involved in bioweapon conspiracy spat

Global markets continue to free fall as US Fed rolls out THIRD emergency program in 2 days & ECB announces 750bn ‘pandemic QE’

China reports record number of imported Covid-19 cases from US & Europe as global death toll exceeds 10,000

‘US wasted precious time China has bought!’ Beijing shreds Washington over ‘racist’ coronavirus rhetoric

‘Worst crisis since WWII’: Italy shuts down ALL non-essential businesses in desperate bid to contain coronavirus spread

Russian military planes with medics & supplies land in coronavirus hit Italy

People who left New York City urged to ‘self isolate’ for 14 days over coronavirus

Failed liberalism left us without masks: Covid-19 crisis exposed Western leberal democracy brought back ideals of ‘sovereignty’

US overtakes China as country with highest number of confirmed Covid-19 cases – Johns Hopkins University

US passes 100,000 CASES of Covid-19 after becoming world epicenter for virus – Johns Hopkins University

US coronavirus death toll leaps to over 2,000 as numbers of fatalities DOUBLES in 2 days

Trump says peak in Covid-19 deaths in US to ‘hit in 2 weeks,’ extend social distancing guidelines till April 30th

US coronavirus death toll exceeds 3,000 , Doubling in just 3 days, as Trump mulls ‘tougher’ quarantines

‘Matter of life & death’: Trump’s Covid-19 task force projects up to 240,000 Americans will die even under strict social isolation


US bought France-bound face masks for CASH from China – French official to RT

Solidarity (in)action: EU Commission head apologizes to Italy, pledges 100bn Covid-19 relief fund… that may not happen 

US snatches masked from Germany in act of ‘modern piracy’ – Berlin Senator

‘We need the masks, we don’t want others getting them’: Trump denies US medical supplies ‘piracy’

Boris Johnson admitted to hospital for Covid-19 tests after coronavirus symptoms ‘persist’

‘We contacted all his doctors’: Trump says US drug firms in UK scrambling for Covid-19 cure after British PM Johnson sent to ICU

Trump vows to but ‘very powerful hold’ on US funding to WHO over response to Covid-19

Pompeo says ‘no sanctions’ prevent Covid-19 aid to Iran, as US blocks $5bn IMF loans & ignores calls to lift penalties

OPEC+ reach deal to cut production by 10mn barrels per day, ending price war that devastated oil market – reports

Apple and Google debut Bluetooth-based contact-tracing platform to combat Covid-19… and end privacy?

Grim record: US overtakes Italy in Covid-19 death toll as fatalities go past 20,000

OPEC+ strikes last-minute deal to cut almost 10mn barrels a day of oil production

Sanders joins Biden livestream to give full-throated ENDORSEMENT

‘Presumed Covid-19′: NYC coronavirus-deaths suddenly soar past 10,000 after over 3,700 victims added to list on PROBABLE grounds

Resistance loses it as Trump offers extra US ventilators to RUSSIA to help with Covid-19

Trump unveils 3-phase plan for reopening US from Covid-19 lockdowns

China revised it’s coronavirus tally to ‘leave no case undocumented’, other countries likely to follow – WHO

Wary of U.S.? Peru keeps Covid-19 medical shipment rout SECRET over CONFISCATION fears

Nova Scotia massacre: Gunman dead after killing 13 people in ‘random’ mass shooting – Canadian police

US oil market crashes to NEGATIVE in historic plummet

Trump announces 60-day immigration ban to shield American workers from competition

Trump signs order halting immigration to the US to ensure Americans will be ‘first in line for jobs’

US woos Greenland with financial aid package & first consulate in 50 years – because Russia

Trump says his ‘injecting disinfectant’ comments about Covid-19 were ‘sarcastic question to reporters’

Global coronavirus death toll tops 200,000 fatalities

How do you prosecute Assange and not prosecute journalists everywhere? – Greenwald on threat to journalists worldwide

‘Unnecessary & frivolous’ or blatant coronation? New York cancels Dems presidential primary to outcry by Sanders supporters

‘I’m with her’: Biden fuels VP rumors as Hillary Clinton endorses him at women’s event

‘Get him to lie so we can prosecute him’: New docs reveal FBI plan to set up General Flynn in perjury trap

Trump says he has ‘high confidence’ Covid-19 originated in Wuhan lab


North Korea’s Kim makes public appearance at FERTILIZER PLANT amid death rumors fueled by Trumps ‘no comments’ (PHOTOS)

France extends health emergency until July 24 as Europe mulls lifting lockdown restrictions

ANOTHER leaked intel report accuses China of ‘intentionally’ concealing coronavirus danger to hoard medical supplies

Coronavirus death toll tops QUARTER MILLION worldwide as cases exceed 3.5million – Reuters tally

No mission accomplished: Covid-19 task force to scale down, Fauci & Birx to keep advisory roles – Trump

Internet down: TikTok, Spotify, Pinterest & other apps ALL crash as frustrated users swarm Twitter to complain

End of Russiagate? DOJ drops case against Flynn that started ‘witch hunt’

Resistance rejoices as wife of Trump immigration aide tests positive for Covid-19

Global coronavirus cases soar past 4mn as US accounts for THIRD of confirmed infections -JHU

‘Plans to be at WH tomorrow’: Pence’s office DENIES he’s self-isolating over covid-19 fears

‘Humans are not herds’: WHO thrashes ‘brutal arithmetic’ of herd immunity to beat Covid-19 pandemic

Six big lies you have been told about ‘Russiagate’

Pity they don’t work against Covid-19: US drives RECORD global spending on atomic weapons, report shows

Western media concerned coronavirus ‘hasn’t killed more Russians’

FBI no longer trusted?  ODNI says spies will take over US election security briefings

US threatens ICC with ‘consequences’ if it acts on war crimes complaint against Israel filed by ‘fake’ Palestinian state

Coronavirus to burn out ‘naturally’ BEFORE vaccine? Former top WHO oncologist Karol Sikora says there’s ‘REAL CHANCE’ of that

‘THIS WILL KILL YOU’: Media goes into anti-HCQ panic mode after Trump says he’s taking the drug to fend off Covid-19

Keep away: US Navy issues strange warning for mariners to stay 100 yards away or be seen as threat

Venezuela military to ESCORT Iranian fuel tankers to Caracas against de facto naval blockade by US

Dangerous narcissism: REAL reason Trump ditched Open Skies is dislike for any treaties that don’t bear HIS signature

Trump designates houses of worship as essential, orders US governors to reopen them NOW

US ‘will be IN TROUBLE’ if it makes ‘MISTAKE’ of interfering with Venezuela-bound tankers, Rouhani warns

US imposes Covid-19 travel ban on Brazil visitors, excluding Americans

US veterans survive foreign battlefields only to die back at home from invisible enemies like Covid-19 & sucide

Twitter bows to outrage mob, ‘fact-checkers’ Trump tweets about mail-in ballots

Hong Kong ‘no longer autonomous’ says Pompeo admitting changing system in China failed

Two can play Section 230 game: Trump’s EO uses key statute against social media censorship

EXPLOSIVE transcripts show Flynn wanted to work with Russia against ISIS, Kislyak warned Trump ‘Russiagate’ was targeting HIM

Los Angeles declares CURFEW as George Floyd protest descends into CHAOS (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Hundreds scatter in panic as speeding tanker truck nearly PLOWS into crowd of protesters in Minneapolis


Trump WALKS to vandalized St. John’s Church as riot police face off with protesters in US capital (Photos & Video)

More than half of Americans SUPPORT SENDING MILITARY to aid police in dealing with George Floyd protests – poll

UN says US must HEAR Geroge Floyd protesters’ voices and get rid of its ‘STRUCTURAL RACISM’

‘Thank you, Iran!’: Trump says ‘deal is possible’ after Tehran releases US Navy vet

ENTIRE emergency response team of Buffalo Police Department resigns over suspension of cops who pushed elderly protester

Genuine protest, or latest woke trend? Do people around the world ‘taking a knee’ care about BLM, or is it just virtue-signaling?

Bikers, cowboys & dances: Protesters hit US streets for George Floyd in peaceful marches

Abolish police? History shows it’s a terrible idea, but obvious solution doesn’t fit the narrative

Trump orders polar ICEBREAKER FLEET build-up for ‘strong Arctic security presence’

Call Russia ‘sponsor of TERROR’! Imperial-minded House Republicans urge return to Cold War footing & drastic sanctions policy

‘Unconstitutional & illegal!’ Seattle mayor shocked by Trump’s ‘threat to invade’ & clear out anarchist zone

Minneapolis City Council votes to replace current policing system with ‘transformative new model’ in wake of George Floyd protests

America to end ‘era of endless wars’ & stop being policeman, Trump gives same old election promises he broke

Cop who shot Rayshard Brooks is without a job & declared guilty by media before the law can utter a word

U.S. Supreme Court hands conservatives devastating losses on LGBT, guns & immigration

20 Indian soldiers killed in clash with Chinese troops in border area, army says

Who needs ‘Russian hackers’? Report reveals CIA incompetence to blame for Vault 7 breach

ALL levels of Australian govt., critical infrastructure hit in ‘sophisticated cyber attack’ by ‘state actor’ – PM

EU Parliament meddles into US affairs as it condemns Trump’s response to protests and declares ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’

Reading attack: Police say ‘no indication’ BLM rally linked to stabbing amid reports of several dead at protest sight

Why were there empty seats at Trump’s Tulsa rally? Parscale blames BLM protesters, but TikTok teens claim they did it.

Black House Autonomous Zone? WATCH protesters erect barricades, try to pull down Andrew Jackson statue in Washington, DC

MASSIVE explosions after ‘Israeili jets’ strike army bases in central Syria

Now US indictment of Assange accuses WikiLeaks co-founder of ‘conspiring with Anonymous’ hackers… in FBI sting op?

MASSIVE EXPLOSION rocks gas storage facility near military & research site outside Tehran (VIDEOS)

Trump signs ‘very strong’ executive order protecting US monuments, stays in DC to ‘make sure LAW & ORDER is enforced’

Yuge difference! WaPo corrects Trump on most ‘dangerous’ cities, says not all, but 17 OUT OF 20 are run by Democrats

‘So, mass gatherings are good again?’ Packed Pride & BLM rally in Chicago draws criticism of hypocrisy

WH spokeswoman says ‘no intelligence consensus’  on Russia bounty story, tells NYT & WaPo to ‘return Pulitzers’ for misreporting

‘Russian bounty’ story shifts: New York Times now claims Afghan CRIMINALS & not Taliban were paid, cites anonymous sources again


Over 78 percent of Russians back constitutional amendments, 21 opposed – preliminary results

UK court recognizes Juan Guaido as ‘unequivocally’ Venezuela’s president in legal fight for tons of gold

Scuffles break out as National Guard moves in to disperse protesters blocking entrance to Trump’s Mt. Rushmore event (VIDEOS)

Leader of ultra-right militia The Three Percenters General BloodAgent Predicts end of America by 2021 and warns of new civil war

‘Nightmare for enemies’: Iran says it built underground ‘MISSILE CITIES’ along Persian Gulf coast

Georgia governor declares emergency & deploys National Guard as Atlanta violence skyrockets amid Black Lives Matter protests

Masks are Covid-19 ‘new normal’ and those refusing them should be SHAMED like drunk drivers, says Royal Society chief

UN Syria commission never went to Idlib, obsessed with blaming Damascus – Lavrov

Manhattan next? US Supreme Court opens Pandora’s Box with ruling that half of Oklahoma is ‘Indian Country’

Trump commutes sentence of ally Roger Stone, sentenced to 6 years in ‘Russiagate’ probe

North Korea warns UK will ‘pay price’ for brazen sanctions, and calls it ‘US puppet’ 

21 injured as massive blaze & EXPLOSION cripple US military ship in San Diego (VIDEO)

Coronavirus remains ‘public enemy number one’ & pandemic may get ‘worse and worse and worse’ – WHO

Trump signs executive order and bill targeting China over Hong Kong, strips city of preferential treatment

‘Unfair competition’: Moscow blasts US move to enable sanctioning of Nord Stream 2 and Turk Stream pipelines

‘China’s goal is to replace you’: AG Barr warns Hollywood, Big Tech & US academia not to ‘kowtow’ to Beijing

‘You’ve the biggest nose I’ve ever seen’: Black Portland cop details abuse dished out by white BLM protesters

Leader of the radical black-only militia NFAC ‘believes in violence’ & wants a real-life Wakanda for every black person in America

Trump says he’d get ’50 YEARS FOR TREASON’ for what Obama & Biden did as he launches full-on attack on his rival

Trump says he’ll send federal forces to more leftist-run cities as Dems decry fed’s role in Portland riots

Trump orders that illegal aliens NOT BE COUNTED in allocating House Seats under 2020 census, provoking Democrat Outrage

Trump vows ‘NEVER’ to defund police, says HUNDREDS of federal law enforcement will be sent to Chicago as part of Operation Legend

Federal forces ‘on standby’ to enter Seattle, if protests turn violent & local cops need support – report

Tehran vows international probe into US ‘terrorist’ interception of Mehan Air plane over Syria

Democrats have gone ‘stone cold left,’ want to turn America into ‘Venezuela on steroids’ – Trump

Riots are driving Portland’s small businesses under, but mainstream media wants to sell you a different story

‘Do not repeat this mistake’: Israel’s Netanyahu threatens Hezbollah after group denies ‘infiltration’ at Lebanon border

Dems, media allies cry foul after GOP leader ‘hijacks’ Barr hearing with video showing violent side of protests

Zuckerberg admits Facebook suppresses ‘hate speech’ BEFORE it’s seen by anyone

Trump mulls delaying 2020 election over mail-in poll concerns ‘until people can properly, securely & safely vote’ 

Death sentence for Boston marathon bomber DZhokhar Tsarnaev overturned by US Appeals Court


‘We’re here for the long run’: TikTok’s US general manager dismisses Trump’s ban plan

Microsoft says talks over TikTok’s potential purchase to wrap up by September 15 in ‘any event’ after CEO speaks with Trump

Israel strikes Syrian military targets near Damascus, IDF calls it ‘response’ to failed border attack 

‘Catastrophe’: Lebanese PM pleads for help as over 50 people confirmed dead & thousands injured in Beirut blasts

Lebanon ARRESTS ALL port officials as images are thought to reveal the poorly stored ammonium nitrate which blew up Beirut

Twitter labels RT & Sputnik but NOT BBC, NPR & VOA as it launches blitz on state media staff & govt officials

17 dead, 173 hospitalized after Air India Express flight skids off runway in Kerala with 191 people on board, splits in two

Trump signs executive orders on Covid-19 relief after talks break down between White House and Democrats

Violent clashes with riot police in Belarus as protesters rally over projected Lubashenko landslide victory (VIDEO)

On KILLED in massive protest in Minsk as demonstrators clash with Belarus police

Russia receives orders from 20 countries for One Billion doses of world’s first Covid-19 vaccine

Russia ready for ‘international cooperation’ on Covid-19 vaccine for everyone – UN envoy

‘No change’ of West Bank Annexation plans after Israel-UAE deal, Netanyahu says

DOJ confirms ‘largest-ever seizure of Iranian fuel’ on 4 ships bound for Venezuela

Belarus’ Lukashenko to move air assault brigade to country’s western border amid protests & NATO activity in Poland, Lithuania

Belarus to conduct military drills on its western borders amid mass post-election protests

Former CIA officer arrested & charged with spying for China, told FBI sting op he wanted ‘the motherland’ to succeed

As EU talks sanctions, Putin warns Merkel & Macron foreign interference in Belarus’ affairs is ‘unacceptable’ & could backfire

EU to sanction all those ‘responsible for violence, repression & falsification of election results’ in Belarus

US formally requests ‘snapback’ of UN sanctions against Iran, even though it exited nuclear deal

‘Cold War mentality’: China will respond with ‘necessary countermeasures’ to deployment of US missiles in Asia Pacific

‘DANGEROUS statement’: Pelosi slams Trump for tweet claiming ‘DEEP STATE’ FDA delaying Covid-19 vaccine

Americans criticizing Biden may be ‘unwittingly’ spreading ‘Kremlin disinformation’, top Russiagate peddler warns

Trump makes surprise appearance at Republican convention as party nominates him for second term

Poisoning protest leader Navalny ‘would not benefit’ Moscow, says Russian Foreign Ministry, labels western allegations ‘offensive’

17-year-old arrested and charged after 2 killed during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Kenosha shooter charged with first-degree murder & attempted homicide, faces life in prison

Kenosha man shot 7 times by cops no longer handcuffed to hospital bed – but will still appear in court over domestic violence

Anti-Islam protest in Oslo ends with Koran-tearing and scuffles between anti-protesters & police 

‘Rest in Peace Jay!’ Trump pays tribute to slain supporter shot dead amid Portland clashes, police still to release his identity

Russiagate without end: US appeals court REVERSES earlier decision to end Flynn criminal case


Tear gas & armored vehicles deployed on streets of Beirut amid protests

Germany’s Merkel claims someone wanted to ‘silence’ Navalny, but spokesman says ‘poisoning’ revelation won’t affect Nord Stream 2

‘They’ll shoot me!’: Joe Biden slammed for ‘sick’ joke in Kenosha after police shooting

Russia scrambles EIGHT jets to intercept US B-52 bombers testing Crimea borders over Ukraine & Black Sea

Threat of using NUKES grows bigger under Trump & renewing milestone START treaty may be ‘too late’ – Noam Chomsky tells RT

Mandate or no mandate? Harris seems to contradict Biden on MASKS RULE – their central campaign promise on Covid-19

It’s a lift-off: Russia’s ‘Sputnik V’ Covid-19 vaccine LAUNCHED into public circulation

Tens of thousands in Pakistan protest Charlie Hebdo’s reprint of Prophet Mohammed cartoon

Democrats & Republicans agree: Politicians & corporations should be spared from prosecution over killer Covid-19 care homes

Trump says US to reduce troops to 4,000 in Afghanistan and 2,000 in Iraq as peace talks progress

Bahrain to follow UAE in normalizing relations with Israel, Trump announces

Sputnik V launched: Russia dispatches first batches of pioneering Covid-19 vaccine to all of its 85 regions

Trump wants ‘DEATH PENALTY’ for attacker who shot LA cops, as protesters change ‘WE HOPE THEY DIE’

Biden brands Trump a ‘CLIMATE ARSONIST,’ claims he’ll have America ‘ablaze’ and ‘underwater’

Trump says he wanted to ASSASSINATE Assad, he blames ex-defense chief Mattis for staying his hand

Feds worried drones might AIRLIFT prisoners over walls, says new DOJ report seeking permission to SHOOT THEM DOWN

Trump announces creation of national ‘1776 commission’ to promote ‘patriotic education’

Trump expects Covid-19 vaccines will be available for ‘every American’ by April 2021

Package containing deadly RICIN poison sent to President Trump, intercepted by law enforcement – report

Authorities detained suspect who allegedly sent package containing deadly RICIN poison to President Trump

‘Become a CO-RESISTOR’: Federal agencies DEFY Trump’s ban on ‘racial justice’ training, leaked documents show

Putin offers UN staff FREE DOSE of Russia’s Sputnik V, as he calls for global meeting on Covid-19 vaccine

BLM protesters prepare riot shields & ‘ABOLISH POLICE’ signs following Breonna Taylor charges announcement

Shocking VIDEO shows Seattle cop pushing his bike over man’s HEAD amid fresh wave of violent protests

Military aircraft crashes in north-eastern Ukraine, killing at least 22

Rouhani calls Pompeo ‘minister of crimes’, dubs renewed US sanctions ‘savagery’ against Iranians amid Covid-19 pandemic

‘Totally fake news’: Trump denies NYT report saying he paid almost no federal taxes, says returns to be released when audit ends

Armenia claims Azerbaijani artillery attacks are intensifying as Nagorno-Karabakh officials allege they’ve downed Azeri warplane

Turkish F-16 warplane shoots down Armenian SU-25 fighter jet, Defense Ministry in Yerevan claims

US contacts of embassy security firm mulled KIDNAPPING or POISONING Assange in London, witnesses tell UK court


Take the jab or lose your job: Medical journal calls for MANDATORY Covid vaccine, say ‘noncompliance should incur a penalty’

Trump ‘fatigued but in a good spirits’ after Covid diagnosis, treated with experimental antibody cocktail – doctor

Trump’s physician saying he’s ‘doing very well,’ but cautious as Covid-19 can reveal itself during upcoming ‘inflammatory phase’

‘How dare he!’ Critics aghast as Trump makes surprise visit to ‘great patriots’ outside hospital

‘I feel better than I did 20 years ago’: Trump announces he’s ready to leave the hospital Monday evening

Trump calls off Covid-19 stimulus talks, blaming Democrats – he says he’ll pass relief package AFTER election

The real ‘useful idiots’? Putin says Trump opponents using ‘Russia card’ to damage US president are playing into Moscow’s hands

Pelosi sets stage for NEW way to oust Trump – using 25th Amendment to rule him incapacitated amid his bout with Covid

It’s to ‘replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris’: Trump reacts to Pelosi’s 25th amendment commission with claim of a hidden plot

Explosions reported in Nagorno-Karabakh, Baku accuses Armenia of shelling Azerbaijani town just hours into ceasefire

Portland police crack down on BLM protest, arresting dozens over fear they could attack precinct

Biden’s speech in Ohio drowned out by Trump trolls chanting ‘four more years’

Beijing urges Asian nations to unite against Washington’s ‘old-fashioned cold war mentality’

‘Don’t give him a platform!: Liberals call to ‘Boycott NBC’ after network announces Trump town hall clashing with Biden event

‘Something went wrong’: Twitter suffers global outage amid ‘censorship’ scandal ahead of Trump & Biden town halls

Macron calls killing of ‘beheaded’ French teacher an ‘Islamist terrorist attack’

Armenia & Azerbaijan declare ‘humanitarian ceasefire’ in Nagorno-Karabakh starting Sunday

Man Threatens To Jump From Trump Tower Chicago ‘Unless He Is Allowed To Speak With President Trump’ – Reports

7.5 magnitude earthquake hits off Alaska coast, triggering tsunami warning

‘Just crazy’: Trump compares claims Hunter Biden emails are Russian plot to Clinton’s branding of Tulsi Gabbard as ‘Russian asset’

Brazilian volunteer in Oxford – AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trial DIES, authorities say

No matter who wins the US election, expect more sabre-rattling. The only question is when and where the next conflict will begin

‘He could end world hunger if he wanted!’ Bezos blasted after Amazon praises ManUnited forward’s efforts to feed kids in tweet

‘Greatest champion in UFC history’: Cormier leads praise as MMA world reacts to Khabib retirement after victory at UFC 254

Reddit censors alleged Hunter Biden ‘sex tape’ shared on video hosting subsidiary of Chinese firm co-founded by Steve Bannon

Bolivian court drops ‘terrorism’ charges against ex-President Evo Morales, withdraws arrest warrant – judge

French interior minister warns of terrorist threat amid nation’s battle agains an Islamist ideology

‘Psychos’ fueled by ‘blood lust,’ Australian special forces tortured and executed prisoners in Afghanistan – report

Attack in Nice carried out by ‘Islamist terrorist’, Macron says, ordering troops to patrol churches & schools in France

Trump brags about ‘BEST IN USA HISTORY’ GDP as economy barely pulls out of Covid-19 Slump

Police ‘arrest’ Lyon church shooting suspect as mayor says motive ‘still unknown’ 


‘Lockdowns KILL’: Trump Covid adviser Atlas forced to APOLOGIZE for RT interview as media uproar deflects to ‘Russian propaganda’

‘Heavily armed and dangerous’ terrorist on the loose after Vienna attack – Austrian interior minister

Vienna attack investigation: Terrorist likely acted alone after he ‘tricked’ Austria’s deradicalization program, minister says

Trump sues to ensure Election Day deadline for absentee votes is followed as 200K votes from ‘left-leaning’ counties outstanding

Trump gets ‘big legal win in Pennsylvania,’ setback in Michigan as winner of presidential race remains unclear

‘Happy day’: Pelosi hails ‘President-Elect Joe Biden’ with ‘tremendous mandate,’ votes still being counted in several states

Joe Biden declares election victory, promises to be a president for all Americans

Fallout from COVID pandemic risks sparking World War III, warns UK defence chief

Putin: Russia peace keepers headed for Nagorno-Karbakh as Azerbaijan & Armenia sign armistice

‘Safer world?’ Stoltenberg calls on international community to get rid of nukes, says NATO members should keep theirs for now

Georgia’s secretary of state announces recount ‘by hand’ amid highly contested US presidential election

‘Unusual and extraordinary threat’: Trump bans ANY Chinese ‘military companies’ from US securities markets

Reports Of HOSTAGE situation at Montreal office of video game company Ubisoft

Scuffles in Washington as thousands of Trump supporters face off against counter protesters (VIDEOS)

Silencing discussion? UK Labour Party demands online crackdown on ‘anti-vax disinformation’ ahead of Covid-19 vaccine rollout

California governor considers imposing curfew after surge in Covid-19 case leads to tightened restrictions in 40 of 58 counties

Pentagon announces partial withdrawal from Afghanistan – 2,500 troops to remain 

By failing to withdraw ALL forces from Afghanistan, Trump has killed the Afghan peace plan

Trump lawyers allege ‘MASSIVE’ election fraud, point to sworn statements & efforts to threaten and silence them

‘I don’t call on activists’: Sparks fly at first White House press conference in over a month

Trump supporters and BLM protesters face off at ‘stop the steal’ rally in Atlanta

Open Skies no more: US breaks with its NATO allies to pull out of Cold War-era deal that aided global security, blaming Russia

Trump ‘recommends’ to move ahead on ‘initial transition protocols’ while vowing to STRONGLY challenge 2020 election results

Over 1 BILLION doses of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine against covid expected in 2021 as producer promises low prices

After years of  relying on Roscomos to deliver its astronauts to space, Washington now plans sanctions on Russian space agency

Oxford and AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine to be trialed AGAIN amid mounting questions over dosage issues

Prominent Iranian scientist who allegedly ran state nuclear program ASSASSINATED in Tehran

150+ arrested as anti-lockdown protesters march in London, defying police warning to obey Covid-19 restrictions

Killing of top Iranian nuclear scientist: Reported versions change from 12-person commando squad to REMOTE-CONTROLLED machine gun.

Senior Iranian commander killed in drone strike on his car near Iraqi-Syrian border – reports


DOJ hasn’t seen evidence of ‘systemic’ election fraud AG Barr – because it hasn’t been looking, Trump lawyers reply

In his ‘most important speech ever’, Trump vows to protect US election system from ‘coordinated assault & Siege’

Facebook BANS false claims about Covid vaccines ‘debunked by public health experts’ – all such posts to be REMOVED

US State Department sanctions Chinese govt officials over ‘coercive influence activities’

Tear gas & burning cars: 22 arrested following clashes between protesters & police in Paris

Venezuela vote a ‘fraud’ & ‘sham,’ Maduro government ‘illegitimate,’ blasts Pompeo as Trump continues to contest US election

Biden election success ‘not statistically impossible, but statistically IMPLAUSIBLE,’ pollster says

Arkansas, Alabama & Louisiana support Texas before US Supreme Court, alleging ‘unconstitutional’ election in four states

17 states file SCOTUS brief backing Texas challenge to Biden ‘victory’ in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin

President is FIRST to be vaxxed: Argentina signs deal for 10 million doses of Russia’s pioneering ‘Sputnik V’ anti-Covid vaccine

US Senate passes National Defense Authorization Act that includes sanctions on Russia & Turkey

Trump rips ‘big disappointment’ AG William Barr over Hunter Biden probe, says the fight has ‘JUST BEGUN’

‘It’s not over,’ Trump declares 1 day before Electoral College votes, claims US looks like ‘3rd world country’

Rouhani accuses Israel of assassinating Iranian nuclear scientist to drag region into war

Top Republican Senator Mitch McConnell recognizes Joe Biden as president-elect

Candace Owens brands Fauci and Bill Gates ‘evil’, claims big pharma is ‘wrought with corruption’ in Twitter attack

‘False information’? Instagram censors claim that Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill led to ‘mass incarceration’ of black Americans

Russia HACKED OUR MINDS, proclaims WaPo-CNN pundit in projection-laden rant

‘Can’t have Christmas as planned’: BoJo tells London, Southeast & Peterborough to STAY HOME over rapid spread of new Covid strain

Germany to restrict entry from UK over new, fast-spreading coronavirus variant

‘Homage to hate’: Democrats cheer as statue to Confederate General Robert E. Lee is removed from US Capitol

Billions in foreign aid & racehorse tax breaks: Trump urged to veto Covid-19 relief bill over under-the-radar provisions

Trump ‘killed justice’ with pardon of ‘war criminals’: Twitter erupts with disgust as Blackwater contractors walk free

‘We have taken back control of laws and our destiny’: Prime Minister Boris Johnson delights in Brexit deal

Nashville explosion was ‘an intentional act’ – police

Governor pleads with Trump to declare EMERGENCY to aid recovery after Nashville bomb cripples At&T networks and other systems

Cops investigating BOMB THREAT at Empire State Building in New York – reports

Colorado reports 1st confirmed US case of Britains’ fast-spreading Covid-19 strain that sparked travel bans & lockdown

‘Terrorist attack’ on bus in Syria between Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra kills at least 25 – state media

Trump plotting false flag to ‘fabricate retext’ for attack on Iran, Foreign Minister Zarif says

Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine first in the world to receive emergency use authorization from WHO

News Source: RT (Russia Today)

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