2020: THE GUARDIAN (365)


US troops deployed to Middle East after Baghdad embassy siege

Amazon: Tech giant threatened to fire employee for speaking out on climate, workers say

Airstrikes targeting Iraqi militia reported north of Baghdad

Qassem Suleimani: Fears grow of bloody reprisal after assassination

Suleimani killing: Iran ends nuclear deal commitments as fallout spreads

US military presence in Iraq in question amid confusion in Washington

Iran launches missiles on US airbases in Iraq at al-Asad and Erbil

Iran: Trump backs away from further military confrontation

Plane downed by Iranian missile, western officials believe

Impeachment: Trial to be set in motion next week, Pelosi indicates

Admission of guilt over plane crash sparks unrest in Tehran

Esper contradicts Trump claim Tehran planned attacks on four US embassies

Russian hackers reportedly targeted Ukrainian firm at center of impeachment

Democratic debate: rivals square off in final debate before Iowa caucuses

Trump impeachment: Pelosi signs articles ahead of delivery to Senate

Impeachment: Senate opens trial as watchdog says Trump broke law

Dershowitz and Starr join president’s legal team

Trump legal team: Impeachment is ‘brazen’ attempt to overturn 2016 election

President wants Senate trial over before State of the Union debate

Trump impeachment: Mitch McConnell outlines rules for speedy process

Trump impeachment trial: senators vote against subpoena for state department

Trump impeachment: Schiff says Trump tried to ‘cheat’ way to re-election

Impeachment trial: Democrats cry hypocrisy as Republicans say ‘we’ve seen this before’

‘Take her out’: tape appears to catch Trump demanding removal of Ukraine ambassador

Impeachment trial: Trump Team begins their argument that the president broke no laws

Trump impeachment: Democrat says ‘country’s fate is hanging’ on outcome of trial

What to expect from week two of Trump’s trial

McConnell says Republicans do not have votes to block witnesses – reports

Trump impeachment: White House claims John Bolton book contains top secret information

Trump impeachment trial: Democrats in final push for witnesses

Senators vote against calling witnesses, paving way for Trump’s acquittal


Republican Senate ‘coverup’ prompts liberal backlash

Super Bowl: San Francisco 49ers v Kansas City Chiefs – live!

Impeachment trial: House managers and Trump defense present closing arguments

Iowa caucus chaos: Democrats plan to release results ‘as soon as possible’

House still ‘likely’ to subpoena John Bolton after Trump impeachment trial

Trump responds to impeachment acquittal with rambling, vitriolic speech

Trump ‘not happy’ with impeachment witness, Vindman and hints at ‘decisions’ on his position

Thailand: Police storm mall after soldier kills at least 20 in mass shooting

‘I was shot’: Survivors of Thai mall shooting speak of their ordeal

Buttigieg v Sanders: Democrats gaining frontrunner status as ‘polar opposites’

Joe Biden leaves New Hampshire early as Democrats vote in primary

Elizabeth Warren calls for Bill Barr’s resignation over Roger Stone Sentencing scandal

Trump’s comments on Roger Stone show ‘abuse of power’, Pelosi says

Prosecutors drop criminal charges against ex-FBI deputy Andrew McCabe

Michael Bloomberg – Candidate rocked by the emergence of sexist remarks

President is victim of politicized justice system, Kellyanne Conway claims

Coronavirus: 99 more cases confirmed on cruise ship

Trump seems to call for new Roger Stone trial

Jullian Assange: Donald Trump offered WikiLeaks founder ‘a pardon if he denied Russia link to hack’

Trump ally Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months for obstructing Russia investigation

Quarter of all tweets about climate crisis produced by bots

Crucial ‘first in the west’ Democratic contest kicks off

Nevada: Bernie Sanders sets sights on Super Tuesday after crushing win

Harvey Weinstein found guilty at rape trial

Coronavirus: Switzerland, Austria and Croatia report cases as Tenerife quarantines hotel

Coronavirus outbreak: Donald Trump praises US response while playing down impact

UK schools could shut for two months in event of pandemic

Coronavirus could reach most ‘if not all countries’, WHO warns

‘Absolutely dangerous’: Biden slams Trump’s claim coronavirus is a hoax


Coronavirus updates: Second death in US as New York state records first case

South Korea cases approach 5,000 as WHO says world in ‘uncharted territory’

Joe Biden wins Texas primary, topping off remarkable Super Tuesday surge

‘Joementum’ Biden surges- but Sanders shows he isn’t done yet

Elizabeth Warren: Candidate drops out after lackluster finishes in contests

Coronavirus: Thousands stranded on Grand Princess cruise ship after 21 cases confirmed

Coronavirus: Deaths rise to 19 as New York declares state of emergency

Panic over coronavirus and oil prices raises fears of new financial crisis

Coronavirus live update: Italy under lockdown as WHO says threat of pandemic ‘very real’

Joe Biden wins string of key primaries in major blow to Bernie Sanders

Coronavirus address: Trump halts travel from Europe in Oval Office speech

Coronavirus: Justin Trudeau’s wife tests positive, Australia bans gatherings, sporting world in crisis

Coronavirus outbreak: Donald Trump declares national emergency as virus spreads to 44 states

Trump tests negative as international travel restrictions multiply

Coronavirus updates: shutdown grows in Europe and US as markets fall again despite Fed cut

Ohio primary polls ordered to close as French told to stay inside

Global infections near 200,000 as WHO urges aggressive action in south-east Asia

Coronavirus: Australia bans foreign arrivals as Hubei reports no new cases for first time

California governor issues statewide ‘stay at home’ order as Italy deaths pass China

A shadow of itself: 40m Californians wake up to life under lockdown

Millions of Americans under strict stay-home orders

President tries to blunt criticism of Covid-19 response as US cases pass 33,000

Coronavirus: UK wakes up to lockdown as Trump insists US will ‘reopen’ in weeks

White House calls on New Yorkers who have left city to self-quarantine

Trump praises Senate stimulus deal and attacks US media

US surpasses China for highest number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the world

Trump signs $2.2tn stimulus bill after invoking Defense Production Act

Cuomo: Trump’s New York quarantine would be ‘federal declaration of war’

US coronavirus updates: Trump extends distancing guidelines and attacks media at briefing

Donald Trump predicts ‘a very, very painful two weeks’


Global updates: Cases near million mark as US federal stockpiles of medical gear dwindle

Trump blames states for lack of supplies

Trump undermines CDC masks guidance at combative briefing

President tells Americans to take unproven malaria drug to prevent Covid-19

US surgeon general warns of ‘Pearl Harbor moment’ as Americans face ‘hardest week’

Boris Johnson in intensive care as Trump sends prayers

Trump says US will stop funding World Health Organization, then backtracks

Bernie Sanders: Senator who reshaped US politics ends 2020 presidential run

Trump holds daily briefing as New York sees record daily death toll

Confirmed worldwide Covid-19 death toll passes 100,000

US overtakes Italy as country with most deaths

Fauci confirms New York Times report Trump rebuffed physical distancing advice

Coronaviurs cases worldwide near 2 million as Trump repeats WHO funding threat

Trump halts funding to World Health Organization

Trump threatens to close Congress over ‘obstruction’

Coronavirus US live: White House publishes guidelines on reopening US

President appears to stoke protests against stay-at-home orders

Growing stay-at-home protests hit Maryland and Texas

US governors: Trump making ‘delusional’ comments on testing and restrictions

Trump to host Cuomo at White House after conflict over supplies

Trump says he will suspend immigration for 60 days

Trump says he’s signed order restricting immigration

Trump says federal distancing guidelines could extend into summer

Leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus ‘cure’ wrote to Trump this week

Coronavirus: Trump steps back as deaths worldwide pass 200,000

Birx declines to criticise Trump and warns distancing will last months

Trump says China could have stopped virus as global case pass 3 million

Brazil deaths exceed known China toll as US infections pass 1 million

Coronavirus US: Trump says distancing guidelines will ‘fade out’ as US deaths pass 60,000

Intelligence report concludes Covid-19 was not ‘manmade or genetically modified’


FDA approves experimental drug remdesivir for emergency use

Coronavirus US: Trump hails return and says Pelosi ‘crazy’ for not reopening House

‘Swastikas and nooses’: Governor slams ‘racism’ of Michigan lockdown protest

WHO and Five Eyes reject Chinese lab theory as global deaths pass 250,000

Trump says it’s time to reopen businesses: ‘Will Some people be affected badly? Yes’

Press secretary defends Trump over blocking Fauci’s testimony

‘Covid’s not the only health issue’: Inside the rural counties defying California’s lockdown

US economy: Four causes for alarm in the US jobs figures – and one possible reason for hope

‘You can’t ask the virus for a truce’: Reopening America is Trump’s biggest gamble

Fauci in quarantine as Trump projects confidence and urges states to reopen

Coronavirus US: Trump abruptly leaves press conference after clash with reporters

Fauci testifies pandemic is not ‘under control’ in America

US: Fed warns more cash is needed as figures reveal widening inequality

US: Ousted whistleblower warns America is facing ‘darkest winter in modern history’

‘Warp speed’: Trump unveils effort to create vaccine by year’s end

Barack Obama: Former president attacks Trump administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic

Record daily cases in South Africa as India extends lockdown

US coronavirus: Trump says he’s taking hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19 despite FDA warnings

President calls negative hydroxychloroquine study ‘a Trump enemy statement’

Black Americans dying of Covid-19 at three times the rate of white people

Trump appears with mask at Ford plant despite policy

Trump demands churches, synagogues and mosques reopen ‘right now’

Covid-19 ‘taking different path in Africa’, says WHO

White House: Trump aide claims China guilty of cover-up akin to Chernobyl

Republican convention: Trump threatens to move event if North Carolina won’t allow packed arena

Trump pushes conspiracy theory and mask politics as death toll approaches 100,000

Coronavirus US live: More than 100,000 Americans have now died from coronavirus

Trump signs executive order aimed at regulating social media as US death toll passes 101,000

Police officer charged with murder as Minneapolis sets curfew

George Floyd protests: Cities across US announce curfews as tension rise

More than a dozen major cities under curfew as protests gather


Trump threatens to deploy military against protesters as teargas fired outside White House

Curfews set in with US soldiers reportedly poised outside Washington

George Floyd Killing: ex-defense secretary condemns Trump’s handling of protests

George Floyd protests: Civil rights groups sue Trump and Barr for use of teargas outside White House

Trump’s comment ‘this is a great day’ for George Floyd draws immediate outrage

Minneapolis city council pledges to dismantle police department in wake of George Floyd’s killing

Judge sets $1m bail for ex-officer Derek Chauvin

George Floyd memorial: Al Sharpton condemns Trump’s ‘wickedness in high places’

Trump to hold first rally in months in Tulsa, a city with history of deadly racial violence

‘An American fiasco’: US hits a grim milestone of 2m Covid-19 cases

Trump says ‘concept of chokeholds sounds innocent’ as states move to ban the practice

Atlanta police chief resigns after officer shoot dead African American Man

Rayshard Brooks: Abrams and Clyburn lead calls for police reform after latest killing

Rayshard Brooks: Family call for murder charges after police killing

Los Angeles and Tacoma announce new steps toward police reform

John Bolton; Trump was willing to halt criminal investigations as ‘favor’ to dictators, book says

Supreme court blocks Trump from cancelling DACA immigration program

Juneteenth rallies and celebrations across America commemorate end of slavery

Trump lands in Tulsa for first campaign rally since March

Brad Parscale: Campaign chief faces Trump ‘fury’ after Tulsa comeback rally flops

US immigration: Trump executive order extends a ban on unemployment-based visas through 2020

America’s water crisis: Millions in US can’t afford water as bills rise 80% in a decade

Covid-19: US records highest one-day total in cases since April

Covid-19: More than 20m Americans could have contracted virus, experts say

European Union reportedly set to ban US travelers over Covid-19 concerns

Coronavirus: Pence postpones Florida tour as push to reopen US stalls

Alex Azar: ‘Window in closing’ to stop coronavirus as US cases pass 2.5m, says health secretary

Covid-19: Arizona orders bars and gyms to close, joining other states in reversing opening

Governor signs historic bill to remove confederate emblem from Mississippi flag


Covid-19: Trump says disease will ‘disappear’ after US reports record one-day increase

Coronavirus US: Texas governor orders all residents to wear masks

Coronavirus: US reports world’s biggest daily increase in cases with 55,000

Trump claims ‘victory’ as US sees Covid-19 case records in multiple states

Fourth of July: Trump stokes division over pandemic and race

White House claims US is ‘a leader’ in fight against Covid-19

World Health Organization: US officially notifies body of its withdrawal

US reaches 3m confirmed Covid-19 cases as Pence pushes for schools to reopen

Supreme Court: Trump’s taxes may be released to grand jury, justices rule

Trump commutes prison sentence of longtime adviser Roger Stone

Will Republicans ditch president to save the Senate as support nosedives?

Florida: State reports 15,000 new Covid-19 cases, a record single-day total in the US

California: Governor orders closure of bars and indoor operations of restaurants and theaters

Trump says white people also killed by police, when asked about George Floyd

Fauci says White House attacks on him damage Trump

‘I think you can trust me’: Fauci stands firm as Trump works to undermine him

US records world record 77,300 new infections in one day

John Lewis; Civil rights hero and Democratic congressman dies at 80

Trump’s 2020 strategy: paint Joe Biden as a puppet for the ‘radical left’

Election: Trump refuses to commit to accepting results as Biden enjoys poll lead

Donald Trump: Vow to send federal officers to US cities is election play, critics say

Trump admits pandemic will ‘get worse’ at first briefing in months

Trump announces ‘surge’ of federal officers into Democratic-run cities

Republican convention: Trump cancels events in Jacksonville

Portland: America ‘staring down the barrel of martial law’, Oregon senator warns

Elections 2020: Biden holds daunting lead over Trump into the final stretch

Coronavirus: US tops 1,000 deaths a day as Republicans say relief package is imminent

‘Totally inadequate’: Democrats pan Republican plan to slash jobless benefits to $200

‘Shame on you’: Democrats attack Barr for carrying out Trump’s agenda

Coronavirus: US Passes 150,000 deaths amid fresh surge in cases

Barack Obama: Former president hails John Lewis as founding father of ‘fuller, better’ US


Fauci ‘Cautiously optimistic’ US could have vaccine by end of year

Trump claims Fauci ‘wrong about surge in infections

Pelosi says she has no confidence in Deborah Birx over handling of pandemic

Philippines reimposes lockdown as UN warns over school closures

Beirut disaster: Lebanon in mourning after deadly blast

Beirut explosion: Anger at Lebanese officials grows after missed warnings over volatile chemicals

NRA: New York attorney general sues to shut down organization, alleging ‘brazen illegality’

Covid-19 relief: Trump pledges executive orders to extend relief, but offers few details

Coronavirus aid: Trump signs order for economic relief, with lower level of extra aid for jobless

US passes 5m coronavirus cases as Biden says pandemic ‘breaks heart’

Lost on the front lines: US healthcare workers who died fighting Covid-19

Kamala Harris: Biden picks senator as running mate in historic first for a woman of color

Harris and Biden: Pair excoriate ‘failure’ Trump at first event as running mates

Trump: President admits he is undermining USPS to make it harder to vote by mail

US elections: Obama denounces Trump bid to deter voters with attack on post office

Coronavirus live news: New Zealand active cases rise to 69, Australia ‘close to deal’ on vaccine

Pelosi recalls House early to fight election ‘sabotage’ of postal cuts

DNC 2020: Democrats show unity on first night of virtual convention

DNC 2020: Democrats formally nominate Joe Biden for president

DNC: Obama delivers searing attack on Trump and warns of grave threat to democracy

DNC: Biden vows to end ‘season of darkness’ as he accepts presidential nomination

Postal Service: Chief concedes changes causing delays but won’t restore sorting machines

Trump v American democracy: The real battle on the ballot this November

‘Defending the indefensible’: Republicans seek to sell Trump to nation again

RNC: Republicans argue only Trump can save America

RNC: Republicans shatter norms by using government roles during political convention

Republican Convention: Mike Pence claims Americans would be unsafe under Biden in dark RNC speech

RNC: Trump paints Biden as a ‘radical’ candidate and a danger to America

Washington DC march: Tens of thousands join Get Your Knee Off Our Necks march

‘Not going to stop’: Jacob Blake’s family lead Kenosha march as Trump announces visit

Portland: Trump accused of encouraging violence after shooting


US elections 2020: Trump makes baseless claim that ‘dark shadows’ are controlling Biden

Biden will visit Kenosha, to ‘Bring Americans together to heal’ amid protests

Joe Biden in Kenosha after talking to Jacob Blake and meeting his family

Trump criticized for reported military comments: ‘He doesn’t understand bravery’

Covid-19: Kamala Harris says she wouldn’t trust Trump on safety of vaccine before election

‘They capitulated to Trump’: Michael Steele on the fight for his party’s soul

US military: US veterans and soldiers divided over Trump calling war dead ‘suckers’ and ‘losers’

Trump weighs spending own money on campaign as funds dwindle

Trump ‘wanted to play down’ Covid despite knowing deadliness, Bob Woodward book says

US west: At least eight dead and thousands displaced as fires scorch California, Oregon and Washington

US west: Oregon fires force hundreds of thousands to flee as deaths rise

US wildfires: more that 20 believed to have died as fires rage on west coast – latest updates

Wildfires: Death Toll rises as fires choke west coast and Trump response is lambasted

US west: Nearly all missing people accounted for as at least 35 killed in fires

West coast: Firefighters make progress in west coast blazes as smoke spreads across US

CDC director suggests masks are ‘more guaranteed to protect against Covid’ than vaccine

‘Steady drumbeat of misinformation’: FBI chief warns of Russian interference in US elections

CDC reverses widely criticized coronavirus testing guidelines

Supreme Court: Death of liberal justice gives Trump chance to reshape the US for generations

Supreme court fight: Biden accuses Trump and Republicans of abuse of power

Trump says he wants supreme court seat filled ‘before the election’

A tragic landmark: After 200,000 virus deaths, the US faces another rude awakening

Breonna Taylor: anger as no officers directly charged for EMT’s death

Breonna Taylor: family attorney says charge ‘doesn’t make sense’ 

US surpasses 7m Covid case as state official warns Trump rally poses ‘severe’ public health threat

Trump set to name Amy Coney Barrett as third nominee

Trump taxes: New York Times publishes returns in huge election bombshell

Trump: President reels from taxes bombshell as he gets set for debate

Trump and Biden head to Ohio for first presidential debate

Biden tells white supremacist groups to ‘cease and desist’ after Trump’s debate ’embarrassment’


Trump signals he won’t agree to rules changes for debates

Donald Trump to be hospitalized following Covid diagnosis, White House says

Confusion mounts over Trump’s true condition after doctor’s Covid briefing

Trump drive criticised as ‘irresponsible’ by Walter Reed physician; global cases pass 35 m

Trump announces he will leave hospital on Monday evening

Trump tells negotiators to halt talks on Covid economic relief measures

White House doctor says Trump has been Covid symptom-free for 24 hours

Trump campaign pushes debate delay as Pelosi teases discussion on his fitness for office

Trump unlikely to travel for rally while Pelosi says medication has him ‘in an altered state’

What if Trump’s would-be successors get COVID-19?

‘To me it’s a cure’: Trump claims he’s ‘immune’ to Covid as he prepares for rallies in swing states

Trump to hold first rally since Covid diagnosis as Senate opens bitter hearings on court pick

Amy Coney Barrett faces question on legal record as nomination hearings continue

Amy Coney Barrett hearing: top Republican praises judge for being ‘unashamedly pro-life’

Town halls live: Trump and Biden’s dueling events with voters get under way

Town halls: Trump condemned for QAnon dodge as Biden wins TV ratings battle

Biden accuses Trump of trying to wish away Covid ahead of Wisconsin rally

Dr. Fauci ‘absolutely not’ surprised Trump got Covid; President at Nevada rally

Presidential debate commission adopts mute button to limit interruptions

Coronavirus economic relief deal beckons as Pelosi, Mnuchin resume talks

Obama stumps for Biden in Philadelphia as polls show Trump trailing in state

Trump says he wants Supreme Court to ‘end’ Obamacare as final debate looms

US election: early voting could reportedly fuel highest turnout since 1908 – as it happened

As election day nears, what final dirty tricks could Trump turn to?

Coronavirus: Trump chief of staff admits ‘we’re not going to control pandemic’

Biden criticizes Trump’s planned Amy Coney Barrett celebration amid pandemic

Trump lashes out after Obama mocks him for being ‘jealous of Covid’s media coverage’ – live

Biden and Obama to campaign in battleground state Michigan as election day nears

Trump and Biden hold dueling rallies in Florida

Trump tells Michigan rally: ‘Our doctors get more money if someone dies of Covid’

Obama hails Biden’s ‘decency and kindness’ and takes swipe at Trump


Trump plans to declare victory before election is called, report says

Biden and Trump in pivotal Pennsylvania amid tight polls

US election live: California ‘undeniably’ on track for record number of votes 

Biden wins Michigan in vital step towards presidency as Trump tries to challenge results

Biden holds lead over Trump in tense wait for results

Biden edges toward victory with leads over Trump in Nevada and Pennsylvania

Joe Biden wins and says ‘It’s time for America to unite’

Joe Biden begins transition as Donald Trump plays golf and refuses to concede

Barr tells prosecutors to pursue ‘clear’ fraud claims, without evidence

Supreme court justices signal they are unlikely to strike down Obamacare

Trump under growing pressure to accept election defeat

Growing number of Republicans oppose Trump’s obstruction of Biden transition efforts

Trump lawyers withdraw Arizona lawsuit as US election officials dismiss fraud claims

Trump supporters gather in Washington as president refuses to concede

Transition: Trump faces growing pressure to start process with Biden as Covid surges across US

Covid-19: Joe Biden warns ‘more people may die’ unless Donald Trump starts cooperating

Pennsylvania court deals Trump campaign another defeat in bid to block Biden win

New York schools to close again as US approaches 250,000 Covid deaths

Trump: President mounts all-out assault on election result in Michigan

Coronavirus: US records highest number of daily deaths since May

Donald Trump: President’s last-ditch efforts to overturn results fail to make dent in Biden victory

Trump: President faces pressure from Republicans to drop ‘corrosive’ fight to overturn election

Trump agrees to begin transition to Biden administration

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris announce first cabinet picks of their administration

Diego Maradona: One of the greatest footballers of all time dies aged 60

Supreme Court: Amy Coney Barrett helps bar Covid attendance limits at New York houses of worship

Iran: Tehran vows retaliation after top nuclear scientist shot dead

Pennsylvania: Federal appeals court throws out Trump election lawsuit

Election: Trump rails at judges as another court rejects his lawyers’ claims of voter fraud

Scott Atlas: Doctor resigns as Trump pandemic adviser after controversial tenure.


Barr says no evidence of fraud that would change US election outcome

Covid deaths at highest level since April as Biden pledge to ‘fight like hell’ for US investment

California plans sweeping stay-at-home orders as coronavirus strains hospitals

US faces grim winter as Covid cases and deaths set new records again

Trump: President repeats false claims at Georgia rally amid fears he may damage Senate Republicans

Coronavirus: Rudy Giuliani has tested positive, Donald Trump says

Trump reportedly limited US purchases of Pfizer vaccine when offered

Joe Biden: President-elect pledges ‘100m shots in 100 days’ as he introduces health team

Facebook: ‘Monopoly’ must be split up, US and states say in major lawsuits

Pfizer: FDA advisory panel recommends approval of Covid vaccine for emergency use

Coronavirus: FDA approves Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for emergency use in US

The long burn: Trump’s coup is failing but US democracy is on the critical list

Electoral college: Vote could be knockout blow to Trump’s ploy to subvert election

US deaths from coronavirus pass grim milestone of 300,000 as first Americans receive Pfizer vaccine

White House refuses to follow McConnell in acknowledging Trump’s election defeat

Biden says deal close on new coronavirus relief bill as he hails latest pick for diverse cabinet

Hacking: Attack targeted US energy, treasury and commerce agencies

FDA authorizes Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use

US government hack: Trump downplays breach after Pompeo blames it on Russia

‘Nutty and loopy’: Trump attempts to overturn election is ‘really sad’, Romney says

Congress: Lawmakers to vote on $900bn Covid aid bill

US politics: Senior Republican says Trump’s final election challenge will ‘go down like a shot dog’

Donald Trump: President’s latest wave of pardons includes Paul Manafort and Charles Kushner

Brexit deal: Boris Johnson vows to pit UK against EU in race for success

Tennessee: Large ‘bomb’ blast wrecks buildings in downtown Nashville

Pandemic package: Trump continues to block Covid relief bill as shutdown looms

Pandemic package: Millions lose benefits as Trump refuses to sign relief bill

Brexit: EU states unanimously back trade and security deal

Covid: US reports its first known case on new UK variant

US Senate: Mitch McConnell says ‘no realistic path’ for $2,000 coronavirus relief checks bill

Coronavirus: Fauci calls for extra resources as US misses Covid vaccination target

News Source: The Guardian

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