2020: VOX (346)


Republicans call for overturning Roe v. Wade in Supreme Court filing

Trump’s Iran War has begun

“A nasty, brutal fight”: What a US-Iran war would look like

9 big questions about Qassem Soleimani’s killing, answered by an expert

Trump’s threat to commit war crimes by bombing Iran’s cultural sites, explained

Iran attacks two military sites in Iraq: What we know so far

“Probably the worst briefing I’ve seen”: Inside the disastrous congressional Iran meeting

Evidence is mounting that Iran accidentally shot down the Ukraine flight

Trump’s team insists Soleimani was an “imminent” threat.  Just don’t ask for details.

The administration’s deceptions about the Soleimani strike are a big deal

The Trump administration is still struggling to get its story straight on why it killed Soleimani

The escalating conflict between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, explained

The state of the 2020 Democratic race before the final pre-Iowa debate, explained

How much does sexism matter for female candidates

How thousands of Iranians went from mourning a general to protesting the regime, in a week

The Virginia gun rights rally raising fears of violence, explained

New evidence shows a Nunes aide in close conversation with Parnas

House managers: Trump poses an “immediate threat to the nation and rule of law”

“King-Lee Day” and other ways states bend MLK’s legacy

Trump’s lawyers began the impeachment trial with a blizzard of lies

Trump’s call to dramatically expand the travel ban, explained

Democrat’s opening arguments demonstrate the overwhelming case for impeachment

Bernies Sanders’s Joe Rogan Experience

Trump’s defense counsel attempt to cast doubt on facts of impeachment case

A SARS-like virus is spreading quickly.  Here’s what you need to know.

The controversy over a Washington Post reporter’s Kobe Bryant tweets, explained

Trump’s Israel-Palestine Peace plan, explained

“Erase all doubt”: Democrats explain why John Bolton’s testimony is so necessary

Democrats are fed up with Facebook

8 questions about the coronavirus outbreak, answered


Trump’s Super Bowl interview was 8 minutes of pettiness and empty braggadocio

There are a lot of ways to “win” Iowa. Here’s what each candidate needs to do.

The Iowa caucus smartphone app disaster, explained

It’s official: the Senate just acquitted President Trump of both articles of impeachment

Threats, misogyny, hypocrisy – Trump’s post-impeachment speech had a little of everything

The Democratic establishment is doing a really bad job of stopping Bernie Sanders

Acronym, the dark money group behind the Iowa caucuses app meltdown, explained

Why the Oscars won’t have a host this year

Who needs to win the New Hampshire primary

Prosecutors resign from Roger Stone’s case after DOJ interference in sentencing

“This is not the bat’s fault”: A disease expert explains where the coronavirus likely comes from

Jeff Bezos’s first employee: Amazon “scares me”

“This is a president declaring himself above the law”: A former ethics chief on Trump’s dangerous new era

Why the coronavirus outbreak might be much bigger than we know

Over 1,100 former DOJ officials say Attorney General Bill Barr must resign

Jeff Bezos just made of of the largest charitable gifts ever

The Rod Blagojevich scandal and Trump’s commutation of his sentence, explained

What to expect at the Nevada Democratic debate

Coronavirus is starting to hit Big Tech’s bottom line

The reports about Russia in the 2020, and Trump’s response, explained

Bernie Sanders just won the Nevada caucuses

“We are at a turning point”: The coronavirus outbreak is looking more like a pandemic

Havey Weinstein is the first major figure taken down by #MeToo to be convicted.

4 coronavirus outbreaks outside China suggest the virus may be unstoppable

How to travel during the international coronavirus outbreak

America’s crisis of trust and the one candidate who gets it

It’s not overreacting to prepare for coronavirus.  Here’s how.

4 winners and 3 losers in the South Carolina Democratic primary


Pete Buttigieg drops out of the presidential race

Why Turkey launched a major offensive against the Syrian government

4 winners and 3 losers on Super Tuesday

How we know the coronavirus came from nature

Silicon Valley’s top investing firm has a stark message on coronavirus: Prepare for the worst

Turkey and Russia reached a ceasefire in Syria.  Will it hold?

Only 2,000 Americans have been tested for coronavirus.  What happened?

Why scientists worry the coronavirus might be here to stay

Why we should stop comparing the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak to the 1918 Spanish flu

2 winners and 3 losers from Tuesday’s Democratic primaries

What Trump actually proposed in his coronavirus speech

Why Covid-19 is so dangerous for older adults

Trump tells a nation terrified of coronavirus that none of this is his fault

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response, explained

4 winners and 2 losers from the March Democratic debate

11 things everyone should know about getting the novel coronavirus

3 winners and 3 losers from Tuesday’s Democratic primaries

Congress just passed a bill that will guarantee free Coronavirus testing for all Americans

Sending Americans checks is an old idea that’s finally going mainstream

I live in the first US city ordered to “shelter in place.” Here’s what it’s like.

The coronavirus recession is already here

The most important lesson of the 1918 influenza pandemic: Tell the damn truth

Trump’s excuses for not using the Defense Production Act are wrong – and dangerous

Trump commits to helping blue states fight the coronavirus – if their governors are nice to him

The US now has more confirmed coronavirus cases than anywhere else in the world

A sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden has ignited a firestorm of controversy

The coronavirus may hit rural America later – and harder

4 lessons the US should learn from Italy’s coronavirus mistakes 

Democrats are ready to start work on a fourth coronavirus bill.  Republicans want to wait.

The evidence for everyone wearing masks, explained


The stark differences in countries’ coronavirus death rates, explained

11 questions about the coronavirus economic crisis you were too embarrassed to ask

The CDC now recommends everyone use cloth masks in public

America’s emergency medical stockpile is almost empty.  Nobody knows what happens next.

Health care workers aren’t just “heroes.” We’re also scared and exposed.

The Supreme Court’s disturbing order to effectively disenfranchise thousands of Wisconsin voters

How Wisconsin’s election disenfranchised voters

Americans are being told to stay home.  But now paying the rent is harder than ever.

Why are fewer women dying from the coronavirus?

Apple and Google want to turn your phone into a Covid-tracking machine

Two studies have some good news and bad news for potential coronavirus treatments

The debate over a post office bailout, explained

Why the US should be testing millions of people a day for coronavirus

How President Emmanuel Macron bungled France’s coronavirus response

Hungary’s  “coronavirus coup,” explained

Trump’s denial of his coronavirus failings will be “one of the biggest propaganda battles in American history”

A new Senate plan would guarantee paychecks for workers who are furloughed or laid off

What we can learn from the “second wave” of coronavirus cases in Asia

How to fix the WHO, according to an expert

America doesn’t want another Tea Party

Why some states became coronavirus hot spots – and other haven’t 

Are “silent spreaders” fueling the coronavirus pandemic?

The House just passed another $480 billion in coronavirus relief aimed at small businesses

Why America’s coronavirus testing problem is still so difficult to solve

This Georgia hairstylist has to go back to work.  She thinks that hair can wait.

Trump dismisses daily coronavirus press briefings as “not worth the time & effort”

Bill Gates’s vision for life beyond the coronavirus

Jair Bosonaro undermined Brazil’s coronavirus response. Now there’s a political crisis

Russia’s coronavirus outbreak is getting bad.  Putin says the worst is yet to come

The “women’s work” of the pandemic


Kim Jong Un is alive.  And he’s … at a fertilizer factory.

Coronavirus’s new mystery: It’s causing strokes in healthy people

The White House signals a pause on coronavirus aid, even as the economic situation become more urgent

From “it will disappear” to 100,000 deaths: Trump’s coronavirus projections have shifted dramatically

Why the Covid-19 economy is devastating to millenials, in 14 charts

The coronavirus killed American exceptionalism

The agonizing story of Tara Reade

The state of employment in pandemic America, in 6 charts

Why these scientists don’t want states to reopen yet

States are opening up.  Scientists fear this isn’t going to end well.

Covid-19 could reverse decades of global progress

Fauci’s Senate testimony debunked a number of Trump’s favorite coronavirus lies

Experts’ 7 best ideas on how to beat Covid-19 and save the economy

How the coronavirus is changing science

This Covid-19 mystery will help determine when the pandemic ends

California locked down early and took the coronavirus seriously. Why are its cases still rising?

The president’s job is to manage risk.  But Trump is the risk.

Is it safe for day care centers to be open right now?

The haunting of Girlstown

Doctor’s new coronavirus threat: Patients who refuse to wear masks

Trump claims he will “override the governors” who closed churches in the pandemic

The future of the pandemic is clouded in chaos

8 ways to go out and stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic

Twitter has finally started fact-checking Trump

The US has reached a grim milestone: 100,000 coronavirus deaths

Trump’s Twitter tantrum is a distraction for everyone – including himself

George Floyd’s death set off uprisings across the country

Violent protests are not the story.  Police violence is.

George Floyd’s killing has opened the wounds of centuries of American racism


New autopsy finds George Floyd died of asphyxiation, conflicting with official report

How to be a good white ally, according to activists

The dangers of police weapons used against protesters, explained

Rep. Elissa Slotkin says time is running out to protect the military from Trump

Why Ta-Nehisi Coates is hopeful

What public health experts want conservative critics to know about why they support the protests

How racist policing took over American cities, explained by a historian

Joe Biden has a really big lead in the polls

Some voters are waiting hours to cast their ballots in Georgia. Here’s what we know.

8 states that experts worry are the new Covid-19 hot spots

Inside Jack Dorsey’s radical experiment for billionaires to give away their money

“Totally predictable”: State reopenings have backfired

The CDC – finally – has new guidelines for reducing Covid-19 risk post-lockdowns

Some states reopened too early. We were warned. Now, look at their Covid-19 cases

The Supreme Court has given trans people reason to hope again

Seattle’s newly police-free neighborhood, explained

What Mike Pence got wrong about the new coronavirus spikes

The End of Policing left me convinced we still need policing

Juneteenth should remind America what it owes black citizens

Trump fires the US attorney investigating his allies

Trump saw his Tulsa rally as a chance to reset his reelection campaign. It did not go well.

How superspreading is fueling the pandemic – and how we can stop it

Why it’s so damn hot in the Arctic right now

Progressive Black candidates swept key races on Tuesday

Coronavirus is changing bars as we know them

Working for Mark Zuckerberg’s philanthropy isn’t always easy since it means working for Mark Zuckerberg

The US’s new surge in coronavirus cases, explained

The real cost of Amazon

The Russian bounties on US troops in Afghanistan scandal, explained


What President Joe Biden would do to stop Covid-19

Hong Kong’s future under China’s security law, explained

How to go out and not spread coronavirus this summer

The radicalism of the the American Revolution – and its lessons for today

Covid-19 cases are rising, but deaths are falling. What’s going on?

The scariest thing about global warming (and Covid-19)

Trump is trying to kick out foreign students amid the pandemic

When Black Lives Matter protests come to “Copland”

Trump just commuted Roger Stone’s sentence

How to go out and not spread coronavirus this summer

Want to catch Covid-19 and get it over with? My patient caught it twice.

Why “airborne” is such a contentious way to describe how Covid-19 spreads

Hong Kong’s future under China’s new security law, explained

The growing scientific evidence for masks to fight Covid-19, explained

Police reform, defunding, and abolition, explained

Florida now has more Covid-19 cases than any other state. Here’s what went wrong.

Rep. John Lewis, civil rights leader and moral center of Congress, has died at 80

Many schools aren’t reopening in the fall. Now what?

We are sleepwalking toward an economic catastrophe

Trump once flirted with white nationalism. Now it’s a centerpiece of his White House.

The failed dream of the American small business

Representation is deeper than putting Black icons on magazine covers

Corporate America was here for you on coronavirus until about June

Economists say congress should think big on the next economic rescue

Corporate America was here for you on coronavirus until about June

The global risk of “vaccine nationalism”

A small federal agency on preventing industrial disasters is on life support. Trump wants it gone. 

The odd, growing list of Covid-19 symptoms, explained

No, Trump can’t delay the election

States are scrambling to stop a slow-motion 2020 election disaster


The Supreme Court just handed Trump a big victory regarding his border wall

Should we be testing fewer people to stop the spread of Covid-19?

“The end of arms control as we know it”

Kamala Harris leads Elizabeth Warren and Susan Rise in new VP poll

“It’s like we’re flying blind:” The US has a Covid-19 data problem

How inequality is changing the Republican Party – and breaking American politics

How cities can tackle violent crime without relying on police

Cori Bush’s victory signals the return of the protester-politician

How an Iowa summer resort region became a Covid-19 hot spot

Want to fix policing? Start with a better 911 system

America’s uniquely bad Covid-19 epidemic, explained in 18 maps and charts

Air pollution is much worse than we thought

Drug overdoses were increasing before Covid-19. The pandemic made things worse.

A record number of women could be elected to the House this fall

What the heck is happening with the Postal Service

Birtherism 2.0, explained 

This is the future Joe Biden wants

The 19th Amendment didn’t give women the right to vote

5 winners and 2 losers from night 2 of the Democratic convention

Steve Bannon has just been arrested on fraud charges

Ordinary Americans stole the show at this year’s Democratic Convention

What makes California’s current major wildfires so unusual

The Republican National Convention: Who’s speaking and how to watch

How Trump let Covid-19 win

A loyalty test for the GOP, a reality test for the country

The Trump administration is giving a hand to predatory lenders as Americans fall through the safety net

Hurricane Laura’s flooding and other impacts on the ground: what we know

3 winners and 4 losers from the final night of the Republican National Convention

The RNC weaponized exhaustion

What we know about a deadly shooting in Portland, Oregon

Donald Trump is the president


Biden accused Trump of fomenting violence. Trump spent the rest of the day proving him right.

Can anything change Americans’ minds about Donald Trump?

The pandemic is forcing Democrats to ask: Does knocking on doors work?

Kenosa’s looting is a symptom of a decrepit democracy

How to build trust in a potential Covid-19 vaccine before it’s too late

Why researchers are worried about chronic stress and Covid-19

A third of Americans might refuse a Covid-19 vaccine. How screwed are we?

The pushback against a Covid-19 vaccine by Election Day explained

New audio proves it: Trump deliberately deceived America about the coronavirus

Give everybody the internet

What to make of the DHS whistleblower’s shocking complaint

“Unprecedented”: What’s behind the California, Oregon, and Washington wildfires.

Give everybody the internet

11 ways to fix America’s fundamentally broken democracy

How to make Zoom calls feel a little more like real life

A group of centrist lawmakers has a new compromise proposed for more stimulus

America needs a democratic revolution

“They didn’t see me as innocent”

What Justice Ginsburg’s death means for the future of abortion rights

Trump and Biden want you to believe they’re more anti-war than they are

200,000 Americans are now confirmed dead from Covid-19

RBC, the 2020 election, and the rolling crisis of American democracy

“It isn’t a question of politics”: Fauci on calling out Sen. Rand Paul’s misinformation

Trump is expected to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

The legal theories of Amy Coney Barrett explained

What happens to the law in a world without Ruth Bader Ginsberg?

Donald Trump’s tax scheme and the system that let him get away with it for so long

What Biden can do to fix Trump’s Covid-19 mess

Trump promised 200,000 Covid-19 vaccinations a day. That’s 5 to 9 years to vaccinate the US


Democratic Party leaders are “banging their head against the wall” after private meetings with Facebook on election misinformation

How the White House became a coronavirus breeding ground

Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis may have come earlier than we thought

Is Trump sicker than his doctors are saying? His treatment regimen raises questions

Trump is being discharged from Walter Reed medical center

How the Trump campaign is trying to dig its way out of Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis

Trump’s confusing back-and-forth on fiscal stimulus, sort of explained

5 winners and 3 losers from the vice presidential debate

5 years of hate

Trump used his first speech post-hospitalization to make a pitch to Black voters

The battle over a Texas order limiting ballot drop-off Locations, explained

The surreal – yet normal – start to Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing

6 key moments from Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court hearing 

How the 2020 census to overcome Trump to get an accurate count

The quest to build the most diverse Cabinet in US history, explained

Presidents hate to look sick. Trump has never needed to appear strong more

A definitive case against the Electoral College

Nancy Pelosi sets a 48-hour deadline for getting a stimulus deal before the election

How America gave up on fighting the pandemic and saving the economy

The US government is suing Google over anti-competitive practices

Why a Senate vote on stimulus has failed, again

The fight is for democracy

The US just brokered another peace deal for Israel, this time with Sudan

In SNL’s cold open, the final presidential debate becomes an absurd slugfest over the coronavirus

Amy Coney Barrett is now one step away from becoming a Supreme Court Justice

Europe’s new coronavirus wave may be worse than the first

Still haven’t voted? Don’t send your ballot by mail.

Why Covid-19 patients’ fate often hinges on how full their hospital is

FBI warns that hackers are targeting hospitals while coronavirus admissions surge

Black voter turnout was down in 2016. This time looks to be different.

How the polls look on the last weekend of the election


The latest batch of swing state polls shows a healthy Biden lead

They hate Trump for a living. They might miss him, too.

8 lessons from the voters who could decide the 2020 election

Vox live results: Joe Biden’s path to victory widens

Joe Biden has won. Here’s what comes next

How Joe Biden, the ultimate insider defeated Donald Trump, the ultimate outsider

Joe Biden has won. Here’s what comes next

How to make sense of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine results

The Supreme Court appears likely to reject the latest attack on Obamacare

Trump’s final two months in office might be the worst Covid-19 months yet

Activist groups say it’s not time to march against a Trump coup – yet

The crisis isn’t Trump. It’s the Republican Party

Why Republican women candidates had such a strong year

Trump finally admitted that Biden won the election – then immediately walked it back

Here are 6 things to consider about holiday travel

Trump’s just-announced troop drawdown from Afghanistan and Iraq, explained

Covid-19 curfews are too little, too late to contain the outbreak

New shenanigans are afoot in Michigan as Trump tries to block certification of Biden’s win

Pfizer and BoNTech have applied for emergency approval for their Covid-19 vaccine

Why Biden is crowdfunding his White House transition

Trump’s legal team cried vote fraud, but courts found none

Where Trump’s attempt to overturn Biden’s win stands

The presidential transition begins as the GSA formally recognizes Biden’s victory

In China, nearly 1 million people have reportedly already got a coronavirus vaccine

Americans are gathering with friends and family. Are they wearing masks?

We know how to prevent up to 40 million people from being evicted . It’s up to Congress to do it.

Black Lives Matter helped shape the 2020 election. The movement now has its eyes on Georgia

Trump’s first interview since losing reelection was smorgasboard of disinformation

The death of the department store and the American middle class


Is the pandemic making people more generous – or more selfish?

Congress seems ready to pass a bipartisan $908 billion stimulus – if Mitch McConnell says yes

Why the CDC changed its Covid-19 quarantine guidelines

Mysterious monoliths are appearing across the world. Here’s what we know

A federal court just reinstated DACA, and the implications go far beyond immigration

Why the AstraZeneca-Oxford Covid-19 vaccine is different

Can Joe Biden muster a bipartisan coalition to rein in drug costs?

What it would really take to save the economy

The two competing stimulus proposals, explained

FDA advisers recommend the first Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use in the US

9 things that could go wrong with the new vaccines

A doctor on 9 things that could go wrong with the new vaccines

The debate over Joe Biden canceling student debt, explained

The Covid-19 vaccine’s 2 big challenges

How America’s middle class got hollowed out

The Lost Year

10 ways Biden should fix the EPA

A second Covid-19 vaccine has received FDA emergency use authorization

The many strange long-term symptoms of Covid-19, explained

Here’s where things stand in Congress’s $900 billion relief package negotiations

Joe Biden got the Covid-19 vaccine on live TV

Who should get the vaccine first? The debate over a CDC panel’s guidelines, explained.

Trump vetoes military spending bill, potentially setting up first veto override of his presidency

How we can encourage people to wear masks – for other’s sake

Why the UK Covid-19 mutation is cause for concern, but not alarm

He was arrested for marijuana 17 years ago. Now it’s legal. So why is he still guilty of a crime?

The 4 major unknowns of how vaccines will affect the Covid-19 pandemic

How Bernie Sanders plans to force a vote on $2,000 Covid-19 relief checks

The worst idea of 2020

Flattening the curve worked – until it didn’t

News Source: Vox

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