Shameless: Bibi Pushes For Immunity

200+ Pols Goad SCOTUS: ‘Reconsider’ Roe

Trump Fairytale: Assassination ‘To Stop A War’

‘Legally Tenuous’: Experts Skeptical Of Trump Rationale

More Fallout: Iran Deal Dead

Report: Trump Admin Bars Top Iran Diplomat From U.N.

Iran Strikes Back: Bases Attacked

GOP Sen. Trashes Admin’s ‘Insulting’ Iran Briefing!

House Votes To Limit Trump War Powers

Trump Team Spreads New Assassination Lies

Iranians World Leaders Furious Over Plane Disaster

Progressive Peace Pact Breaks

Knives Out: Progressive ‘Truce’ On The Rocks

Senate On Board: Limit Trump War Powers!

Trial For Trump: Impeachment Sent To Senate

GOP Blows Past Ukraine Bombshells

Extreme Valuation Cases Wanted For A Red-Hot Rally In Equities

Dems: Trump Is Founders’ ‘Worst Nightmare’

Wealth Gap Crisis: 162 People Own The World

Mitch Lays Down Rules: 24 Hours To Make A Case

Senate Blocks New Docs – Party Line Vote

Trump Trial Day 2: Dems Come Out Swinging

Dems Dismantle Trump Defenses – With His Defenders’ Own Words

Watch Live : ‘He Is A Dictator – This Must Not Stand’

New Video: Trump Called For Ukraine Amb Ouster

Trump Threatens NPR After Pompeo Disaster Interview

Bolton Feared: Trump In Cahoots With Xi & Erdogan

Senate Drama: GOP Can’t Block Bolton – Yet

Senate GOP Lurches Toward Cover-Up!

GOP On Foreign Meddling: A-OK With Us!

Cover-Up Complete? Senate Nixes Witnesses


Iowa’s Race For Third

Iowa Meltdown: Results M.I.A. – No End In Sight

Pelosi Rips Up Speech – Earlier: Dems Walk Out

Constitutional Order Cracked Wide Open

Treasury Hands Over Hunter Info – After Protecting Trump!

Manchester Pile-On: Pete Feels The Heat

The Crowning Glory Of Black Hair

Oscar Shock: Parasite’s Night

Tues: New Hampshire – 5 Things To Watch

Granite State Goes Bernie – Pete Strong 2nd – Amy Surge

Coronavirus Surge: 14K New Cases

2020 Dems Turn Up Heat On Billionaire Mike

Judge Blasts W.H. For DOJ Meddling: Like A ‘Banana Republic’

Quarantine Awaits American Cruise Ship Evacuees

2020 Dems Target Money Mike: Trying To ‘Buy’ Election

Ex-Barr Colleague Warns: He’s Creating ‘Banana Republic’

Bloomberg’s Billions Bought Silence

Bloomberg Terminal

Threat: Russia Redux-Raging Trump Sidelines Spy Chief

Bernie To ‘Thug’ Putin: ‘Stay Out’ Of Our Elections

Jackpot! Bernie Blowout In NV

Moderates Scramble Amid Sanders Surge

Blades Out For Bernie

The Field Comes Swinging At Bernie

Worldwide Virus Fears

Investors Fear: U.S. Response Too Little Too Late

U.S. Cases Grow: CA, OR, TX


Biden Beatdown In SC – Turns Fire On Bernie

Dem Establishment Boosts Biden: Pete, Amy, Reid Endorse

Biden Opens Big: Instant Winner In NC + VA

Suburban Surge: The Voters That Saved Joe

What Warren Won: A Better Democratic Party

Bernie Goes All Out On Biden

Madness: Prez Treats Pandemic As PR Problem

Cruz Contact With Virus – Self-Quarantines

Empty Italy: Entire Country Locked Down!

Results Tonight: Biden Has Bernie On The Ropes

‘Fake News’ – Prez Shrugs Off Virus Response Criticism

March Madness, Canceled

Pandemic Prez: ‘I Don’t Take Responsibility At All’

W.H.: Trump Tests Negative

CDC Urges: No Large Gatherings For 8 Weeks

Trump Gives Himself ’10 Out Of 10′ Amid Nat’l Crisis

Crisis: U.S. Faces Dire Ventilator Shortage

U.S. Mess: How S. Korea Trounced America Corona Testing

Report: GOP Senator Dumped Stock While Downplaying Threat

Goldman Forecast: -24% Crash

Trump Cagey On Direly Needed Masks

GOP Tries $500B – ‘Slush Fund’! – Dems Block

Nightmare: Trump Talks Defying Health Experts

Senate Strikes Deal – $2 Trillion Rescue

U.S. Deaths Top 1,000 – Makeshift Morgue In NYC

‘I Don’t Believe You Need’ So Many: Trump Nixes NY On Ventilators

Docs Plead For More Gear; U.S. Cases Hit 100K

‘Off The Charts’: Virus Hot Spots In Middle America

Biden Issues 48-Hour Challenge To ‘Reckless’ Trump

Study: Red State Delays Threaten ‘Significant Ongoing Harm’


Trump Still Won’t Give Nationwide Order! FL Nears Crisis

NY Deaths Double In 72 Hrs – Fed Stockpile Nearly Depleted

‘Clown Prince’ Crashes Corona Presser

‘Dead Of Night’: Trump Fires Ukraine Intel Watchdog

Trump Blathers While Fauci Pleads: Distancing Works!

Trump Hawks Unproven ‘Cure’ – Blocks Fauci From Answering

RBG Sounds The Siren: ‘Massive Disenfranchisement’ In Wisc.

Don Defends Dithering: I’m A ‘Cheerleader’!

Trump Admin Drops Ball: Doled Out Less Than 1% Of Its Own Need Estimate!

New York State Passes All Countries In Cases

2,000 U.S. Dead In A Day

Corona Catastrophe: Trump’s Fog Of Broken Promises

Slow, Incompetent And Dishonest: Inside Trump’s Botched Response

Trump Declares ‘Total Authority’ – Govs Vow To Decide Themselves

Trump Delays Stimulus $$ – To Put His Name On Checks!

Biz Leaders Tell Trump: No ‘Normal’ Till There’s Testing!’

New Record High U.S. Corona Dead – China In Worst Slump Since 70s

Trump’s Blame Game Takes Another Spin

Report: CDC Contamination Slowed Early C’Virus Testing

Trump Defends C-Virus Protests: ‘These Are Great People’

Trump Set To Suspend All Immigration To U.S. 

Study: No Benefit And More Deaths From Trump Miracle Drug

Fauci: ‘We Will Have Coronavirus In The Fall’

Prez Ponders ‘Light Disinfectant’ As Corona Cures!

Briefing Backlash: White House Talk Of Reigning In Trump

Trump Health Sec In The Hot Seat

New White House Plan: Pivot Away From Health Talk!

White House Wishful Thinking On Testing

More U.S. Dead From C’Virus Than From Vietnam War

Education Catastrophe’ Looms – Up To 275,000 Teacher Layoffs


Pelosi: $1 Tril Relief Needed For Cities And States

America’s N95 Nightmare

Birx On Protesters Flouting Guidelines: ‘Devastatingly Worrisome’

Today: Tele-SCOTUS Makes History

Emerging Ultimatum: Risk Your Life Or Lose Your Job

Don Deflects Blame For PPE Shortage: ‘I Have A Lot’ Going On

Fears Of ‘Backslide’ As Lockdowns Loosen

Intrigue: Judge Could Block DOJ’s Flynn Flim Flam

Obama Warns On Flynn Flimflam: ‘Rule Of Law At Risk’

Fauci & Co In Isolation – Potential Exposure

White House Adviser: ‘Scary To Go To Work’ Amid Outbreak

Fauci Warns Against Quick Reopen: ‘Needless Suffering and Death’

Fauci Cold Water: ‘Serious’ Risk From Rushed Reopen

‘Not An Acceptable Answer’: Trump Undercuts Fauci

Gov Releases Watered Down Reopening Guidance

Trump Axes IG At State Dept-Watchdog, Wipeout Continues

Obama Jabs Trump Pandemic Response

Scandal At State: Pompeo Had A Dog Walker?

Cavutto Shocked: Trump’s Drug ‘Will Kill You’

‘What In God’s Name Is He Doing?’ Biden Blasts Trump’s Hydroxy

Guards And Inmates: Unprotected And Overwhelmed

Trump Ditches Mask At Ford Plant

Hertz Bankrupt

New Coronavirus Epicenter: South America

GOP Rep. Fed Up With Trump Tweets: ‘Just Stop’

WHO Warning: ‘Second Peak’ If Not Careful

Twitter Fact-Checks Trump Lie — Prez Erupts

Scandal In PA: GOP Hid Corona Case?

Mpls. Police Station Breached – Protests Nationwide

Unrest Across America

Situation Spirals Across The Country


Night 6: In The Streets Across The Country

Religious Leaders Tear-Gassed For Prez’s Pretend Piety

King Off The Hill: White Supremacist Steve Stunned

No Badges, No Accountability: Bill Barr’s Secret Police

‘It Was A Trap’: NYPD Roughs Up New Yorkers

NFL Admits: ‘We Were Wrong’

In The Streets Around The World: Black Lives Matter

Mpls. City Council: Police Dept. Must Go!

Racist Statues Face A Reckoning

Public Danger: Many Cops Maskless

2020: Jefferson Davis Falls

Rally At Your Own Risk: Can’t Sue If You Catch Covid!

18 Day Strong: People Take The Streets

Outrage In Atlanta

Atlanta Horror Story: Brooks’ Final Moments

Reports: Veep Sells Sketchy Story About Outbreaks

Trump Says ‘It Goes Away’ — Even As Cases Surge

Emergency Order: DOJ All Out To Block Bolton

Celebrating Juneteenth, Come Hell Or High Water

Crisis At Justice: Barr Tries Ousting Key Attorney – Who Refuses!

985,000 No-Shows: Trump Rally Tanks

Trump Already Crying ‘Rigged’ – Months Before The Election

Brexit Leader Skirts Travel Ban — To Attend Trump Rally

Appeals Court Orders Judge: Drop The Flynn Case

Alarm: Infections Set To Surge Past Early Peak

Wake-Up Call: More States Hit Pause

Skyrocketing States Relying On Faulty Data

Pence Spikes Campaign Events – One Day After ‘Flattening Curve’ Boast

Battleground Dems Lining Up Against The Filibuster

Report: White House Knew About ‘Bounty’ Bombshell A Year Ago!


Desantis Doubles Down: Fla. Won’t Reinstate Restrictions

50,000: Biggest One-Day Spike Yet

Nations Crisis: Only 14 States In Covid Decline

Prez Pathetic At Rushmore As Covid Cases Climb

Trump Team Waffles On RNC As Florida Flounders

Foul: Trump Smears Nascar’s Only Black Driver

Bolsonaro Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Supremes Kneecap Birth Control Mandate

Supremes: Prez Not Above The Law — But Records Under Wraps For Now!

Trump School Push An Admission Of Failure

Corona Deaths Creeping Back Up

Florida Smashes Grim Record: 15,000 New Cases In Single Day!

White House Turns Fire On Fauci

Teachers Forced To Choose: Quit Or Risk My Life?

W.H. Official Cranks Up Anti-Fauci Smear Campaign

Sunbelt Spirals: U.S. Cases Keep Climbing

Drastic Measures As Death Tolls Set Records

Legend Lost: John Lewis Dead At 80

ERs Swamped With Covid Surge

Shock: Assassination Attempted On Federal Judge?

‘Constitutional Crisis’ Brewing In Portland

Trump Gets A Grip: ‘Grab A Mask’

Morgue Trucks In Texas – 10,000+ Hospitalized

How His Convention Collapsed

Major Storms Brewing Down On Corona Hotspots

Trump’s Covid Catchup: Too Little, 4 Million Cases Too Late

Tom Cotton Stuns: Slavery A ‘Necessary Evil’

UN: 10,000 Extra Child Hunger Deaths A Month

Biden’s VP Pic

One Death A Minute

Watershed: Obama Puts Filibuster On Notice


Here’s Why Your $600 Unemployment Benefits Expired

‘Wrong!’ Trump Lashes Out At Fauci Again

White House Digs In Against $600 Lifeline

Devious: Census Counting Cut Short

Progressive Upset In Missouri! 10-Term Incumbent Stunned

In An Instant: All Hell Erupted

Mode: 300,000 Dead By December

Trump Stooge Launches Postal Purge

Trump ‘Relief’ Defunds Social Security And Medicare!

The Conservative Crack-Up On Globalization

Veep Final Stretch: Reveal Tues Or Wed?

Veep Impact: How She’s Making History

TN Tries To Criminalize Protest

Trump’s All-Out Assault On Mail-In Voting

Postal Union Endorses Biden While Trump Attacks USPS

Trump Pushes Voter Fraud Conspiracy Theory

DNC Week: What To Expect

Michelle Gloves Off: Condemns ‘Chaos’ Of Trump Presidency

Powerhouse: Dying Activist Stops DNC In Its Tracks

Urgent Obama: Trump Failures ‘Severe’ — Democracy At Stake

Biden Brings The Fire: ‘The End Of This Chapter Of American Darkness’

Dems Look To Civil Rights Era For Direction

‘You Can’t Trust Him’ – Secret Audio Of Trump’s Sister

RNC Week: What To Expect

GOP Convention Embraces The Darkness

Corruption Eruption: RNC Night Of The Crooks

GOP Convention Ignores Police Crisis — Pushes ‘Law & Order’

Millions Jobless… 180,000 People Dead… Trump: ‘Promises Kept’

Devastating: Chadwick Boseman Dead

Don’t tell Them To ‘Shut Up And Play’

Where Is My Mother? A Daughter’s Search For Answers


Trump Defends Deadly Shooting Of Kenosha Protesters

There Goes The Last Great American Dynasty

House Subpoenas USPS Chief Over Mail Delays

Gold Star Ghoul: Trump Reportedly Smeared Fallen Troops

Trump Ends Anti-Racism Training: “Anti-American Propaganda’

Anita Hill Says She Will Vote For Joe

The Fallout: States Brace For Cuts Amid Covid Crisis

California Burning: Record 2 Million Acres Scorched

Barr Rolls Over: DOJ Twists To Defend Trump In Lawsuit

Trump Again Defends Downplaying Covid Threat

Nightmare: 10% Of Oregon Population Forced To Evacuate

Breathing Fire: West Coast Air Worst In The World

Then And Now: COVID’s Visual Mark On The World

NV Gov. Trashes Trump’s ‘Reckless’ Rally

Trump’s Bizarre Climate Claim: It’ll Get Cooler

Black, Hispanic Kids Hit Hard By COVID-19

Barr To Feds: Charge Protesters With Sedition!

16 Hours In Trump’s Alternate Reality

Crisis: Ginsburg Dead – Mitch Full Steam: Trump Pick ‘Will Receive Vote’

Everything She Fought For Is At Stake

Schitt’s Sweep!

Graham: GOP Will Fill SCOTUS Seat Before Election

Louisville Locks Down Ahead Of Breonna Taylor Decision

Protests Rage After Breonna Taylor Decision

Power Check: Dems Push SCOTUS Term Limits

Roe At Risk If Barrett Makes It On The Court

What Dems Can Do To Delay And Derail

The Dirty Details: $750 Tax Bill, Mountains Of Debt, Clear Conflicts

Con In A Corner: Win At Any Cost – Or Face The Music

Raging Bull: Lying, Cheating, Barking, Bullying – Debacle


Mic Cuts Mulled For Next Debates

Oval Office Outbreak – Prez Tests Positive – Melania Too

Supreme Superspread? *6* Positive Tests After Rose Garden Romp

Trump A Superspreader! Fundraiser After Covid Risk Was Clear

Experts Suspicious: Prez Case Severe?

Maskless! – ‘Unconscionable’ – West Wing Outbreak

Miller Sick – Pence Protests Plexiglass – Mil. Brass Quarantines

Covid Clash: Pence Says Heckuva Job – Harris: ‘Greatest Failure’

Covid Commander ‘Ready’ For Rallies! Heath Details Hidden

Huckster ‘Health Assessment’ In Primetime!

Fishy Physician: Trump Doc’s Strange Statement

Trump’s Troops: Four Years Of MAGA Terror

GOP’s Sketchy Drop Boxes In Cali – AG: Cease And Desist

SCOTUS-Stalled Census Screws The Poor For A *Decade*

She Won’t Even Talk About Climate Change

Trump Town Hall Stunner: *Praise* For QAnon!

Absentee Alarm: Trump-Backing Co. Slow To Send Ballots!

Trump Taunts Whitmer Days After Terror Threat

Fauci Sounds Off: ‘I Got Ticked Off!’

‘I’m Running Angry!’ Ticked-Off Trump All Over The Map

Border Horror: 500+ Kids’ Parents Missing Under Trump Policy

Ire At Opioid Accord: Sacklers Skip Jail, Keep Their Billions’

Five-Alarm Liar: Trump Closes In The Gutter

Biden Blasts Prez On Pandemic: ‘They’ve Given Up’

Tonight: The Point Of No Return

All They Ever Wanted: Trump Makes Right’s Judicial Dreams Come True

One Week Out, Biden imagines a post-Trump nation, president steps up attacks

Dire Dissents: 3 Justices Itching To Toss Ballots!

MN Mayhem: Court Bottles Up Ballots!

Swing State Slowdown: City Postal Delays Worry Dems


How the polls look on the last weekend of the election

Report: Trump Plan To Declare Victory Early – Biden: No ‘Stealing’

Prez’s Last-Ditch Pitch: I’ll Cheat

Nail-Biter *Five* Close States – Trump Hints He’ll Steal It 

Biden Closing In On PA – GA *This Close* – Trump On The Ropes 

Trump Freakout Over Looming Knockout – GA PA *Close*

Biden: “We’re Going To Win’ – Claims Broad Mandate

‘Contested Election’: GOPers Dig In On Trump Fraud Fantasy!

One Final Fright: Just How Much Damage Can The Lame Duck Do?

DOJ In The Dirt – Barr Backs Trump – Lawyer Quits In Protest!

‘Epidemic Of Delusion’: GOP All In On Election Rejection 

White House Turmoil – Trump Mood Swing – Asleep At Wheel

Disgrace: Trump Quiet On Covid As Outbreak Out Of Control

Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser: Trump Court Disaster

GOP Battleground Leaders Quash Coup Scheme

To Get Covid Under Control: It’s On Us

States Push Strict New Covid-19 Limits Nationwide

MI GOP Tries Elex Theft – Nixes Under Pressure

Suit: Meat Bosses Placed Bets On Worker Covid Count

‘Our People Are Afraid’: Natives Fear Covid Spike

Unrelenting: Highest Covid Death Rates Since May

Trump Crushed In Court – PA Results Stand – Judge Rips Rudy Ruse

This Week: Cabinet Takes Shape – SecState & UN Ambassador Named

Desperate States Plead With Public: Stop The Spread!

Reports: Pardon Spree Coming – Flynn Up First?

Jackpot: Billionaires Bank Another Trillion During Covid Crisis

Turkey Day Tirade: Trump Won’t Concede, May Skip Inauguration

Don Denied Again – Obliterated In PA – ‘No Merit’

Record Covid Counts In 16 States – No Signs Of Slowing

Monday: The Economic Team


GA GOP Drama: Trump Has ‘Taken Hostage’ Senate Races

NYT: Trump Talked Pardons For Kids, Jared And Rudy!

Nat’l Emergency: 100K Hospitalized – 200K Cases – Record Deaths

Probed: Trump Pals Bribery For Pardon Scheme?

Biden Warns: ‘Bleak Future’ Without Aid

Tomorrow: U.K. Delivers First Vaccines To 800K

Supreme Slap Down GOP Bid To Overturn PA

U.S. Leaves Behind Women – And Common Sense – With No Paid Leave

Trump Admin Executes Brandon Bernard

At Last : FDA Approves Coronavirus Vaccine

Trump Loud On Election, Mum On Covid Deaths

Reports: Cleveland Team To Change Name

American Tragedy: 300,000 Covid Deaths

Pete’s Prize: Transportation Secretary

Stimulus Stirrings: Congress Closing In On Deal

Pfizer: Millions Of Vaccines Unshipped – Stuck Waiting For Trump Admin

FDA Approves Second Vaccine

PPE Cost States Billions With Little Federal Support

Congress Rushes to Finish Stimulus – Midnight Deadline

Pro-Trump Media Pulls Back After Legal Threat

DOJ Drops Hammer: Walmart Helped Fuel Opioid Crisis

Sleazy At 1600: Trump Pardons Manafort, Stone & Kushner’s Dad!

Stalled Again: GOP Blocks Bigger Checks – Jobless Aid Expires Saturday

RV Blast Rocks Nashville – Spooky Warning – Human Remains Found

Music City Mystery – Person Of Interest

Deadly December: More U.S. COVID Deaths Than Ever

‘Irresponsibility’: Biden Blasts Trump Admin NatSec Obstruction

Covid Kills Incoming Congressman

Census Whiffs Deadline – Trump Scheme In Peril

World To 2020: Good Riddance!

News Source: Huffington Post

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