2019: BLOOMBERG (237)


Foreign Money Threat High Priority for Incoming FEC Chairwoman

U.S. to Protect Kurds From Turks in Syria Exit, Bolton Says

When Mueller Issues a Report, Trump May Try to Suppress Some of It

For Trump, Storming Out of a Meeting Is a Signature Ploy

Russia’s Lavrov Mocks Suggestion That Trump Worked for the Kremlin

Trump-Kim February Summit Expected to Take Place in Vietnam

U.S. Airport Screener Absences Triple as Shutdown Continues

Supreme Court Lets Trump’s Transgender Military Ban Take Effect

Fed to Probe Deutsche Bank Over Suspicious Danske Cash

Republican Senator Joni Ernst Says She Was Raped in College

LaGuardia Flights Halted as Shutdown Hits Air-Traffic Staffing

Telegraph to Pay Melania Trump ‘Substantial’ Damages for Article

Harley-Davidson Profit Is Wiped Out by President Trump’s Tariffs

GOP Lawmaker Tells Ocasio-Cortez Congress Isn’t Just ‘Eating Bonbons’

Bernie Sanders Proposes Estate Tax Up to 77% for Billionaires


Trump Says U.S. Will Leave Soviet-Era Nuclear Treaty With Russia

Graham Warns GOP to Back Trump on Wall Emergency

U.S. Banks Win $21 Billion Trump Tax Windfall Then Cut Staff, Loaned Less

Who Wants to Be a Billionaire?

Jeff Bezos Takes on the National Enquirer and Trump

EU Blacklists Saudi Arabia in Fight Against Money-Laundering and Terror Financing

Ocasio-Cortez, Joaquin Castro Plan Bill to Block Trump’s Emergency Declaration

In Trump’s World, He Never Loses

Trump, McCabe and the Justice Department Go to War

New York Has Prepared Paul Manafort Charges If Trump Pardons Him

Trump’s Trade Chief Lectures His Boss and Gets an Earful in Return


Roger Stone Judge Wants to Know Why She Wasn’t Told About Book

Ex-Trump White House Lawyer Says Mueller Probe Is No Witch Hunt

U.S. Trade Gap Surged to $621 Billion in 2018, Highest in Decade

That Time Trump Got $18.3 Million in Palm Beach

Trump Seeks Huge Premium From Allies Hosting U.S. Troops

Russian Trolls Shift Strategy to Disrupt U.S. Election in 2020

Ocasio-Cortez Blasts Capitalism as an ‘Irredeemable’ System

Trump’s Doomed Budget Helps Democrats by Hurting Republicans

Pilot Who Hitched a Ride Saved Lion Air 737 Day Before Deadly Crash

Petition to Cancel Brexit Get 1,000,000 Signatures, Crashes Government Web Site

How Much of Mueller’s Report Will See Daylight?

Swift Pushback on Stephen Moore, Trump’s Latest Pick for the Fed

The Reckoning Finally Arrives for the Trump Resistance

Swedbank Laundering Case Explodes With Alleged Manafort Link

Donald Trump Jr., After Mueller, Talks of His Political Future

U.S. Readying Russia Sanctions for U.K. Poison Attack, Sources Say


Wall Street Embraces Weather Risk in New Era of Storms

YouTube Executives Ignored Warnings, Letting Toxic Videos Run Rampant

Mueller Testimony Before Congress ‘Inevitable,’ Schiff Says

I’ve Seen Trump’s Tax Returns and You Still Haven’t

In Iowa, O’Rourke Says Some Trump Rhetoric Echoes Nazi Germany

Trump’s Cabinet Is Increasingly Bare

Donald Trump Plays a Brutal Game of Musical Chairs

Barr Forms Team to Review FBI’s Actions in Trump Probe

Amazon Workers Are Listening to What You Tell Alexa

China to Consider U.S. Request to Shift Tariffs on Farm Goods

Does Anyone Really Support Stephen Moore at the Fed?

Mnuchin Plans to Hire Fox’s Monica Crowley as Spokeswoman, Sources Say

Mueller Says He Lacks Confidence to Clear Trump on Obstruction

A Lucid Portrait of an Untrustworthy Presidency

Democrats Weigh Fines for Trump Officials Who Spurn Subpoenas

Venezuela’s Guaido Claims Military Support to Take Power


Trump Fires Off 60, Mostly Anti-Biden, Retweets in an Hour

Trump Fed Pick Stephen Moore Says ‘I’m All In’ Despite Senate Pushback

Why Mnuchin Doesn’t Want You to See Trump’s Tax Returns

John Kelly Says Trump Family Must Be ‘Dealt With’ in White House

Mystery Delays Push Divisive Supreme Court Issues Into Election Year

Pompeo to Meet Putin as Trump Seeks Better Russia Ties Again

China Announces Tariff Retaliation to Take Effect on June 1

Trump Tower Is Now One of NYC’s Least-Desirable Luxury Buildings

De Blasio, Etc.: Why Are So Many Implausible Democrats Running?

Wouldn’t You Like to Know If Trump Can Be Bribed?

Ex-Australian PM Abbot Loses Seat in ‘Unprecedented’ Defeat

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Bid to Let Businesses Donate to Candidates

McGahn Defies House Subpoena After White House Claims Immunity

Michael Cohen Filings Show 950 Messages With Russian Oligarch’s Cousin

Modi Strengthens Grip on Power, Pulling India Further to Right

The New Assange Indictment Endangers Journalism

U.S. Warns Europe That Its Iran Workaround Could Face Sanctions

North Korea Executed Envoy Over Trump-Kim Summit, Chosun Reports


Trump Lawyer Sought ‘Heads Up’ From Flynn, Transcript Shows

Kushner Questions Whether Palestinians Can Govern Themselves

Trump Hints at Details; Mexico Still Baffled by Farm Claim

Trump Can’t Make Senate Republicans Do Anything

Democrats Are Blowing Their Chance to Investigate Trump

Trump’s Net Worth Rises to $3 Billion Despite Business Setbacks

Trump’s Awful Comments Need a Real Response

BuzzFeed Staff Plan to Walk Out in Push to Get Union Recognized

Don’t Blame Trump for Iran’s Aggression

Bident Tells Elite Donors He Doesn’t Want to ‘Demonize’ the Rich

Trump Believes He Has the Authority to Replace Powell at Fed

The U.S. Has Lots of Options With Iran

Pence to Delay China Human-Rights Speech Ahead of Trump-Xi Talks

Republicans Block Ex-Cons From Voting in Biggest Swing State

Trump Suffers a Triple Fail on Iran, Mexico and Immigration

Iran Says Diplomatic Path Closed After U.S. Sanctions Khamenei

Trump’s Protocol Chief Is Quitting Just Before the G-20 Summit

Trump Revives China Talks With Tariffs Truce, Break for Huawei


Journalist Job Cuts Haven’t Been This Bad Since the Recession

Epstein Arrest Is a Worry for Donald Trump

Barr Won’t Recuse Himself From New Case Against Jeffrey Epstein

Trump to Take Executive Action on Census Citizenship Question

U.K. Leader Says Trump’s Tweets on Democrats Are ‘Completely Unacceptable’

Peter Thiel Says Elizabeth Warren Is Most ‘Dangerous’ Candidate

China’s Campaign Against the Uighurs Demands a Response

Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million People

How Bill Barr Ran Circles Around Bob Mueller

Worst Part of the Mueller Hearings? Republican Conspiracy Theories.

Trump’s 3% Growth Feat in 2018 Undone by Annual Data Revisions

Juul Targeted Children at Schools and Online, U.S. House Panel Says

Trump’s Racism Infests the Republican Party

The Democratic Party’s Health-Care Battle

How Long Can Real Conservatives Make Excuses for Trump?


U.S. Employers Added 164,000 Jobs in July, Wages Picked Up

Trump Must Fix Himself Before He Fixes El Paso and Dayton

Republicans Fear ‘Extinction in the Suburbs’ Over Gun Control

Biden in Iowa Says ‘Poor Kids’ Are Just As Smart as ‘White Kids’

Jeffrey Epstein Sent Girl to Governor and Senator for Sex, She Testified

Hong Kong Cancels All Remaining Monday Flights as Protesters Swarm Airport

The World Turns, America Sleeps

Stocks Slide, Bonds Flash Warning After Weak Data: Markets Wrap

Warren Chips Away at Biden’s Strength as The One Who Beats Trump

U.S. to Ease Huawei Sanctions for Another 90 Days, Wilbur Ross Says

U.S. Budget Gap Set to Top $1 Trillion in 2020, Two Years Sooner Than Expected

Donald Trump Is Not the Messiah, He’s a Very Naughty Boy

China Hits Back at Trump With Higher Tariffs on Soy, Autos

Macron Invites Iran’s Zarif to G-7 Sidelines, Risks U.S. Outrage

Trump Thinks Auto Tariffs on EU Can Be Averted: G-7 Update

The Fed Shouldn’t Enable Donald Trump

Elizabeth Warren Once Wrote a Book on How to Get Rich


Here’s How Parliament Is Plotting to Stop a No-Deal Brexit

Trump Labor Aide Quits After Anti-Semitic Facebook Posts Surface

Johnson to Try Again Monday to Call an Election: Brexit Update

U.S. Payrolls Rise 130,000, Boosted by 25,000 for Census Count

The Biggest Unknown About 2020

Trump Says He Canceled Secret Camp David Talks With the Taliban

On Trump, Sharpiegate, Turnberry, the Taliban and Chaos

Why Are Democrats in Disarray Over Impeachment?

Trump Finances Closer to Scrutiny as U.S. Court Revives Suit

Pompeo Blames Iran for Drone Attacks on Saudi Oil Industry

Trump Is Cornered by the Saudi Drone Attacks

Health Insurance That Doesn’t Cover the Bills Has Flooded the Market Under Trump

How Long Will Republicans Tolerate Trump’s Lawlessness?

Want to Impeach Trump? Call Congress.

We’re Likely Headed for Impeachment

Republicans Say Impeachment Will Backfire. History Says It Won’t

Trump’s Defenders Have Plenty of Lame Excuses

Why Vladimir Putin Suddenly Believes in Global Warming

Trump Hints at Civil War But He Launched a War on Facts


Warren, Ocasio-Cortez Probe Private Equity Firms With Prison Ties

Giuliani’s Ukraine Work Tied to Firm Whose Website Has Vanished

Ukraine’s Ex-President Says Biden Never Asked to Close Cases

Trump’s Allies Are Running Out of Excuses

Trump Orders Cut to National Security Staff After Whistle-Blower

Johnson to Challenge the Queen to Fire Him, Sunday Times Reports

Trump Loses Court Fight to Keep Tax Records Secret From N.Y.

U.K. Reveals No-Deal Plan as EU Talks Go Sour: Brexit Update

Turkey Begins Offensive in Syria After U.S. Stands Aside

Trump Urged Top Aide to Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges

Rudy Giuliani Draws Prosecutors’ Scrutiny With Ukraine Allies’ Arrest

Trump’s Fixation on Buttressing $1.5 Trillion in Company Profits

Hunter Biden Steps Down from Chinese Board as Trump Attacks

China Wants More Talks Before Signing Trump’s ‘Phase One’ Deal

EU, U.K. Negotiators Closing In on a Draft Deal: Brexit Update

Trump Says Russian Syria Expansion After U.S. Departs Is ‘Fine’

Trump to Host G7 at His Miami Resort, Fueling Conflict Claims

Emolumental: Mulvaney and Trump Like Doral for a G-7 Quid Pro Quo

To Win Giuliani’s Help, Oligarch’s Allies Pursued Biden Dirt

Trump Allies Craft List of Potential Mulvaney Replacements

Mark Zuckerberg Has Quietly Advised Pete Buttigieg on Campaign Hires

Johnson Threatens to Pull Deal and Seek Election: Brexit Update

Trump Says U.S. Lifting Turkey Sanctions As Cease-fire Holds

In WeWork’s Wake, Stock Investors Demand Profits Over Growth

Facebook  Launches News Section to Compensate Publishers

Giuliani Butt-Dials NBC Reporter, Heard Saying He Needs Money

Trump Says Islamic State’s Al-Baghdadi Killed in U.S. Raid

U.S. Stocks Hit Record on Trade Hopes

Biggest Private Coal Miner Goes Bust After Trump Rescue Fails

Fed Ready to Pause After Third Rate Cut: Decision Day Guide

China Doubts Long-Term Trade Deal Possible With Trump


Trump Isn’t Ready for the Impeachment Hearings

Nancy Pelosi Is Worried 2020 Candidates Are on Wrong Track

U.K. Conservatives Have Eight-Point Lead in Telegraph/ORB Poll

Democrats Release First Transcripts From Private Impeachment Hearings

Worst May Be Over for Global Economy Amid Signs of Stabilization

Adam Schiff Says Public Hearings Open Next Week

China, U.S. Agree to Tariff Rollback If Trade Deal Reached

Vindman Says Burisma Left Off Call Record

Trump to Appeal Ruling on Vance Subpoena to Supreme Court

State Department Freed Ukraine Money Before Trump Says He Did

The Other Quid Pro Quo Scandal in Ukraine

Trump Puts Economic Growth at Center of His 2020 Campaign

GOP Outlines Trump’s Suspicions of Ukraine

Trump’s Best Defense on Impeachment Undermines His Case for Re-Elections

Giuliani Faces U.S. Probe on Campaign Finance, Lobbying Breaches

The Pot Stock Bubble Has Burst. Here’s Why

Trump Tells North Korea’s Kim That Biden Isn’t a ‘Rabid Dog’

Trump Says He Will Mull Testify in Probe: Impeachment Update

Two Officials Say Trump Ukraine Call Was Unusual, Inappropriate

Sondland Places Trump at Center of Giuliani’s ‘Quid Pro Quo’

Benjamin Netanyahu to Face Trial on Charges of Bribery and Fraud

Trump’s Impeachment Defense Hangs by a Thread

IRS Says Millionaires Can Keep Estate Tax Benefits After 2025

Nunes Defiant as Giuliani Associate Connects Him With Biden Dirt

Rudy Giuliani Sought Role in Ukraine Bank Case While He Dug for Dirt

House Judiciary Plans Dec. 4 Public Impeachment Hearing

Trump Denies Sending Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine for Biden Probe

The Big Question on Hong Kong: How Will China Hit Back at Trump?

Luxury Shoppers Hit the Manhattan Boutiques: Black Friday Updates

Record $2.4 Trillion Bond Binge Is Threatening Returns


The Way Out for a Global Economy Hooked on Debt? Even More Debt

Trump Revives Brazil, Argentina Steel Tariffs, Swipes at Fed

Trump Downplays Urgency for China Deal as Trade Risks Roar Back

Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 700,000

Russian ‘Evil Corp’ Was Behind a Decade of Hacks, U.S. Says

U.S. Jobs Trounce Forecasts With 266,000 Gains; Wages Heat Up

Trump Orders Toilet Review Over  Low-Flow Flushing

Repo Blowup Was Fueled by Big Banks and Hedge Funds

Don’t Look Now, But Things Are Getting Brighter for Trump

House Judiciary Panel Releases Resolution: Impeachment Update

The FBI Inspector General’s Report Has Bad News for Democrats, Too

Giuliani Ally Parnas Got $1 Million From Russia, U.S. Says

What’s Next for Trump’s Phase-One Trade Deal With China

World Economy Haunted by Risk Just Got a Double Shot in the Arm

Lighthizer Scores Trifecta of Wins for Trump’s Trade Agenda

New Defenses of Trump Are as Bad as the Old Ones

Mitch McConnell Plots Path to Deliver Swift Trump Acquittal by Senate

Trump Did Nothing Wrong, Republican Says

Pelosi Digs In Against McConnell Over Impeachment Trial Standoff

Trump Isn’t Impeached Until the House Tells the Senate

Trump Quest to Expose Whistle-Blower Hard to Pull Off in Senate

Credit Suisse to Borrow from Prior Playbook in Latest Spy Scandal

Boeing Ousts CEO Dennis Muilenburg Over 737 Max Crisis

Uber’s Travis Kalanick to Leave Board to Focus on New Business

Notre Dame Rector: Fragile Cathedral Might Not Be Saved

Amazon Leads S&P 500 After Reporting ‘Record’ Holiday Sales

Banks Set for Biggest Job Cull Since 2015 as Morgan Stanley Cuts

That Recession Everyone Was Scared of Got Priced Out By a Record Stock Rally

Here’s What Putting $10,000 in These Assets Would Have Returned in 2019

Trump Impeachment Trial Tests Incumbents Key to Senate Control

Joe Biden Confronts a Demagogue and a Dilemma

News Source: Bloomberg

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