2019: THE ATLANTIC (226)


Jay Inslee Is Betting He Can Win the Presidency on Climate Change

Why Mike Pence Couldn’t End the Shutdown

Trump Has Defeated Himself

Trump’s Wall Could Cost Him in 2020

What Someone Needs to Explain to Trump About ‘National Emergencies’

The Unmanning of Conservatism

Impeach Donald Trump

Waiting for a Shutdown to End in Disaster

The Mayor of Covington, Kentucky, Explains What His City Stands For

Pete Buttigieg Thinks All the 2020 Democrats Are Too Old

The Media Botched the Covington Catholic Story

Ex-Starbucks CEO Could Get Trump Re-elected

Democrats Are Newly Emboldened on Gun Control

An Obscure White House Staffer’s Jaw-Dropping Trump Tell-All

Michael Bloomberg’s Secret Plans to Take Down Trump


Cory Booker Launched His Presidential Campaign in the Most Cory Booker Way Possible

Russia Is Attacking the U.S. System From Within

Ralph Northam’s Mistake

Stacey Abram’s New Strategy for Democrats

Matthew Whitaker Plays to an Audience of One

Every Day Is a New Low in Trump’s White House

The Senate’s Russia Probe Is Facing a Reckoning

Andrew McCabe Couldn’t Believe the Things Trump Said About Putin

What the Jussie Smollett Story Reveals

These Are the Americans Who Live in a Bubble

Naming and Shaming the Pro-Trump Elite

The Loud Silence of Mueller’s Manafort Memo

Conservative Christians Just Retook the United Methodist Church

Republicans Committed the Classic Cross-Examination Blunder


Michael Cohen’s Made-for-TV Mea Culpa

The Democrat Who Wants to Stop the Rage

Andrew Cuomo’s Case for 2020 — No, Really

John Bolton May Save Us All

I’ve Faced the Charge of Dual Loyalty

The ‘Otherwise Blameless Life’ of Paul Manafort

6 Reasons Paul Manafort Got Off So Lightly

How Not to Lose to Donald Trump

If Liberals Won’t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

The Supreme Court Resuscitates the Eight Amendment

White Nationalism’s Deep American Roots

Schwarzenegger Steps In to Defend John McCain’s Legacy

Mueller Cannot Seek an Indictment. And He Must Remain Silent.

Barr’s Startling and Unseemly Haste

The Critical Part of Mueller’s Report That Barr Didn’t Mention

Expectations for the Mueller Report Were Set Too High

Even Congress Might Not Get the Full Mueller Report

Joe Biden’s Campaign-in-Waiting Isn’t Ready for #MeToo Accusations


Donald Trump’s Never-Ending Campaign Keeps Getting Angrier

‘Dozens’ of Whistle-Blowers Are Secretly Cooperating With House Democrats

Socialism, but in Iowa — DES MOINES — Caroline Schoonover has two immediate goals.

The Death of an Adjunct

Why Trump Is Serious About Herman Cain

Inside Ivanka’s Dreamworld

Ilhan Omar Falls Victim to the Outrage Exhibitionists

Democrats Are Falling Into the Ilhan Omar Trap

Who’s Afraid of the Mueller Report?

Joe Biden Is Running for President

Impeachment Is Not the Answer, At Least Not Yet.

The Mueller Report Was My Tipping Point

Twitter Is Not America

A Republic Too Fractured to Be Funny

The Gray Race for the White House

Five Things I Learned From the Mueller Report


One Big Difference Between Biden and Every Other Recent Democratic Nominee

The Catastrophic Performance of Bill Barr

The Russia Investigation Will Continue

Don’t Scrap the Test, Help Black Kids Ace it

How to Really Honor the Troops

The Damage That Harvard Has Done

Ignoring Trump’s Orders, Hoping He’ll Forget

We Led Successful Negotiations With Iran. Trump’s Approach Isn’t Working

It’s Time to Hold American Elites Accountable for Their Abuses

I Wrote to John Walker Lindh. He Wrote Back.

A Stain on the Honor of the Navy


Don’t Expect Trump’s Europe Trip to Go Smoothly

Trump’s Defiance of the Rule of Law

A White Man’s Republic., If They Can Keep It

Decades of Being Wrong About China Should Teach Us Something

I Helped Obama Win in 2012. Now Trump Is Using the Same Playbook.

Trump’s Russia Ambassador Wants to Come Home

What Nancy Pelosi Wants to Do Before Impeachment

As Bernie Sanders Leans Into Socialism, His Rivals Laugh

Buttigieg Backs a Future Criminal Investigation Into Trump

Sarah Sanders Broke the News

Tyranny of the 70-Somethings

What Really Happened to Malaysia’s Missing Airplane

Bolton Keeps Trying to Goad Iran Into War

Why a Government Lawyer Argued Against Giving Immigrant Kids Toothbrushes

The Boomers Ruined Everything

Joe Biden Won’t Say If He Backs the Trade Deal He Helped Sell

Bill de Blasio Tries to Rock the Democratic Boat

Pete Buttigieg Takes Aim at Religious Hypocrisy


A Crime by Any Name

The Fourth of July Has Always Been Political

Is Joe Biden ‘Too Old’?

Where John Roberts Is Taking the Court 

Tom Steyer Is Telling Allies He’s Running for President

The Overhyped Feud Between Nancy Pelosi and AOC

An Epidemic of Disbelief

Trump Tells America What Kind of Nationalist He Is

The Three Myths of the Iran Deal

Trump’s Base Isn’t Enough

Elizabeth Warren Has Momentum, Can She Build a Movement?

Adam Schiff Is Back From the Wilderness

The Most Revealing Exchange of the Mueller Hearing

Why We’re Moving Forward With Impeachment

Elizabeth Warren’s Big Night


But What About China?

‘We’re All Tired of Being Called Racists’

White-Nationalist Terrorism Must Be Stopped

Conservatives Have a White-Nationalism Problem

The Media Erased Latinos From the Story

Dismantling Tucker Carlson’s White-Supremacy Argument

The Shame and Disgrace Will Linger

The Great Land Robbery

Trump’s Hate Makes the ‘Squad’ Stronger

Why Some Christians ‘Love the Meanest Parts’ of Trump

Did Bill Clinton See This Coming?

The Hopefulness and Hopelessness of 1619

Trump’s Phone Calls With Wayne LaPierre Reveal NRA’s Influence

Abolishing the Filibuster Is Unavoidable for Democrats

Boris Johnson’s G7 Balancing Act

Elizabeth Warren Manages to Woo the Democratic Establishment

Cheering the Constitutions’s Demise

The Man Who Couldn’t Take It Anymore


People Actually Quit SoulCycle

Trump Is Not Well

When the Culture War Comes for the Kids

American Migration Patterns Should Terrify the GOP

We Spent 10 Months Investigating Kavanaugh. Here’s What We Found.

The Question Posed by Trump’s Phone Call

If This Isn’t Impeachable, Nothing Is

Ex-Cast Members Were the Bright Spot on SNL – and That’s a Problem

Can the World’s Oldest Party Survive Brexit?


How to Survive Impeachment

Harvard Won This Round, but Affirmative Action Is Weak

Unfit for Office

When a Vice President Becomes a Threat

Marijuana Reforms Should Focus On Inequality

The Best Economic News No One Wants to Talk About

Top Military Officers Unload on Trump

The Danger of Abandoning Our Partners

Trump’s Obstruction Letter

The Absurdity of the Meat Wars

The Mystery of Rudy Giuliani’s Vienna Trip

Jeff Bezos’s Master Plan

The End of Hong Kong’s Postcard Era

Why Season 2 of Succession Was So Extraordinary

Trump Betrayed the Kurds. He Couldn’t Help Himself.

The Risk of Elizabeth Warren’s Dodging

Trump’s a Paper Tiger, and Everyone Knows It

The Unraveling of Donald Trump

The Closed-Door Impeachment

The Liberation of Mitt Romney

Trump’s Journey From Double Down to Flip-Flop

Democrats Are Already Arguing Over Trump’s Impeachment Articles

Mitt Romney, It’s Time

How Trump Lost the Impeachment Narrative

The Deadly End of American Policy in Syria

I Found Myself in The Matrix

Baghdadi’s Death Punctuates the End of an Era

Abu Bakr-al Baghdadi’s Ugly Legacy

Why Rhode Island’s Governor Is Taking Over Providence’s Public Schools

Two Tales of Booing. Two Very Different Views.

Donald Trump’s Woman Problem Is Only Getting Worse


Pete Buttigieg Isn’t Going Anywhere

India’s Diverging Paths in Kashmir

Stop Trying to Raise Successful Kids

America After Trump

Too Much Democracy Is Bad for Democracy

The Kentucky Governor’s Race Is a Warning to Republicans

My Friend Mister Rogers

The Role of the Artist in the Age of Trump

Melina Matsoukas’s Unflinching Eye

Joe Biden is Shrodinger’s Candidate

The Show-Trial Rhetoric That Took Down a Charter-School Founder

How America Ends

Conservatives Should Want to Impeach Trump

How Trump’s ‘Green Light’ Moment in Syria Shook the World

Trump’s Impeachable Tweet

Why Trump Attacked Marie Yovanovitch

Saturday Night Live Imagines the Impeachment Hearings as a soap Opera

It’s Not the Greed — It’s the Inequality

The Republicans’ Discredited Defense

What Gordon Sondland Does (And Doesn’t) Remember

What Joe Biden Can’t Bring Himself to Say

Trump’s Crime Against America

Foreign Policy Isn’t Just Up To Trump

Saturday Night Live Needs to Fix Its First 15 Minutes

What Impeachment Is Revealing About the Republican Party

The Return of Jerry Nadler

Why Trump (Probably) Won’t Ditch Rudy

The Callous Horror Of Servant

Trump Needs Conspiracy Theories

Melina Matsoukas’s Unflinching Eye


What Frank Sinatra Taught Me About America

The Guns Case Is About Much More Than Guns

The Betrayal of Volodymyr Zelensky

Trump Violates Diplomacy’s Golden Rule

The Legal Debate About Impeachment Is Over

The Disappearing Y Chromosome

What Is The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Afraid Of?

Hong Kong’s Protesters Are the Wrong Kind of Patriots (For Beijing)

Donald Trump’s Lawyer Is Benjamin Franklin’s Night Sweats

The Millennials-Verses-Boomers Fight Divides the Democratic Party

What Pete Buttigieg Says He Did at McKinsey

The False Romance of Russia

Why Bernie Sanders Is No Jeremy Corbyn

History’s Greatest Sea Is Dying

What Does Tucker Carlson Believe?

The Miseducation of the American Boy

What It Takes to Force a President From Office

History’s Largest Mining Operation Is About to Begin

Donald Trump Made His Own Impeachment Inevitable

Amy Klobuchar Is Still Here

Historians Should Stay Out of Politics

America’s Love-Hate Relationship With Adam Schiff

The Left-Right Divide Isn’t The One That Matters

The 15 Best Books of 2019

The Railroads That Created Christmas

Stop Believing in Free Shipping

Why Trump’s Second Term Will Be Worse

How the Military Lost Its Proper Place in the Constitutional Order

Jews Are Going Underground

Jews Under Attack Deserve Better Than Selective Outrage

The Decade in Which Everything Was Great But Felt Terrible

News Source: The Atlantic

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