2019: CNN (324)


Chief Pentagon spokeswoman announces departure

Harry Reid: Trump is ‘amoral’ and ‘the worst president we’ve ever had’

Welcome to the new Congress. We’ve never seen anything like it

New House Democrat Rashida Tlaib: ‘We’re gonna impeach the motherf***er’

Hundreds of TSA screeners, working without pay, calling out sick at major airports

Trump inclined to declare national emergency if talks continue to stall

Frum: Trump coverage should be even tougher

Trump’s border address sparks extraordinary debate inside and outside TV networks

Cracks emerging among Senate Republicans as Murkowski calls for end to shutdown

Facing gridlock, GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown

Due to TSA absences, Miami airport will temporarily close one terminal early for 3 days

Tulsi Gabbard Says she will run for president in 2020

Poll: Trump bears most blame for shutdown

Transcripts detail how FBI debated whether Trump was ‘following directions’ of Russia

Barr sent or discussed controversial memo with Trump lawyers

Michelle Obama’s ‘Becoming’ has the longest run atop Amazon since ‘Fifty Shades’

Rudy Giuliani says Trump didn’t collude with Russia but can’t say if campaign aides did

BuzzFeed: Sources say Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about proposed Moscow project

Impeachment inquiry is the right idea right now

Statement of Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic High School junior, regarding incident at the Lincoln Memorial

Twitter suspends account that helped ignite controversy over viral encounter

BuzzFeed to cut 15% of staff in new round of layoffs

Roger Stone indicated on charges brought by special counsel

Axelrod: Trump has boxed himself into a corner

State of the Union will not take place Tuesday, Pelosi aide says

Former Obama aide joins Howard Schultz’s team. Democrats aren’t happy.

Kamala Harris is open to compromise on private insurers’ role during ‘Medicare for all’ push

Howard Schultz deletes tweet about column that contained smears on Warren, Harris


Cory Booker announces he is running for president

Sherrod Brown calls Howard Schultz ‘a total idiot’ over possible independent campaign for president

Poll: 4 in 10 call this the worst governing of their lifetimes

Embattled Northam tells Cabinet he won’t resign and be known as ‘a racist for life’

Speech audience was most partisan since 2001

Poll: Almost everyone wants a public report on Mueller’s findings

National Enquirer publisher says it will investigate Bezos’ allegations

The battle is on between Trump and his Democratic foes

Klobuchar expected to announce 2020 presidential bid

Harris takes on questions about her ‘blackness’

Key Hill negotiators say they have reached an agreement in principle to avert shutdown

Trump intends to sign border deal to avoid another shutdown

Judge voids Paul Manafort plea deal, says he ‘intentionally’ lied to the FBI, special counsel and grand jury

Trump once called executive action on immigration dangerous, unconstitutional and impeachable

Special counsel prosecutors say they have communications of Stone with WikiLeaks

Police sources: New evidence suggests Jussie Smollett orchestrated attack

Former acting FBI director: Trump’s ‘own words’ prompted counterintelligence investigation

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein expected to leave Justice Department in mid-March

CNN’s hiring of ex-Sessions spokeswoman stirs controversy

Actor Jussie Smollett now a suspect in criminal investigation

Mueller could tell all in last major court filing in Paul Manafort’s case

Elizabeth Warren’s new promise: No fundraisers, phone calls with wealthy donors

Federal court again rejects challenge to Mueller’s legitimacy

Pakistan shot down two Indian jets inside its airspace, government claims, as border crisis escalates

Lawmakers clash in Cohen hearing after Republican accused of using black woman as a ‘prop’


Joe Biden responds to criticism after Pence a ‘decent guy’

Manafort hears from one judge, appeals to another as he awaits sentencing

House Democrats announce broad probe into allegations of obstruction of justice

President pressured staff to grant security clearance to Ivanka Trump

Biden in 1993 speech pushing crime bill warned of ‘predators on our streets’ who were ‘beyond the pale’

Elizabeth Warren’s new plan: Break up Amazon, Google and Facebook

A look back at Clinton’s impeachment reveals the GOP’s searing hypocrisy

Democratic congressman says DNC is wrong to not hold primary debates on Fox News

Buttigieg feels momentum after CNN town hall, with $600K raised in 24 hours

Judge Amy Berman Jackson returns to spotlight with Manafort, Stone hearings

Beto O’Rourke apologizes for jokes about wife, says he benefited from ‘white privilege’

Beto O’Rourke raised massive $6.1 million his first day in the 2020 race, campaign says

Mueller was allowed to review years of Cohen emails from time he worked under Trump

Kellyanne Conway: How she became the ultimate Trump White House survivor

Former Trump confidante Hope Hicks to cooperate with House Democratic probe into Trump

The inside story of how John Roberts negotiated to save Obamacare

Kushner provides documents to House Judiciary in obstruction probe

Pete Buttigieg is having a moment

Special counsel and DOJ deliberated seeking subpoena for Trump

Trump administration now says entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down

Prominent Democratic lawyer Greg Craig close to being charged in case stemming from Mueller probe

Paul Manafort will get to keep his famous haute couture

WH budget office, not DeVos, pushed for proposed Special Olympics cuts, official says

Elizabeth Warren says Joe Biden needs to give an answer for allegation of inappropriate touching


Democrats to authorize subpoena for full Mueller report

US auto plants would shut down within a week if border closes, economist says

Key House Democrat requests Trump’s tax returns from IRS

Trump suddenly pulls ICE nominee to go with someone ‘tougher’

New York man charged with threatening to assault and kill Rep. Illhan Omar

Stephen Miller wants Trump to oust more senior leaders at Homeland Security

Trump pushed to close El Paso border, told admin officials to resume family separations and agents not to admit migrants

McConnell privately advises Republicans to tell Trump about Cain concerns

Ex-DNI: ‘Stunning and scary’ that Barr would raise spying allegation

Trump pressured Nielsen to release detained immigrants into so-called sanctuary cities

Roger Stone connected to matters still under investigation, Justice Dept. says

Kamala Harris releases 15 years of her tax returns

Pelosi says socialism ‘is not the view’ of the Democratic Party

Barr makes major reversal in ruling some asylum seekers could be held indefinitely

Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to the White House press. Does she have any credibility left?

From ‘total exoneration’ to ‘total bullsh**’: Trump lingers on damning report

Sri Lanka blasts: At least 140 dead and more than 560 injured in multiple church and hotel explosions

It’s not 1988 anymore, Democrats shouldn’t be afraid of impeachment

White House tells official not comply with Democratic subpoena over security clearances

Pipe bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc describes Trump rallies as ‘new found drug’

Feds search locations tied to Baltimore’s mayor in connection with book scandal

Connolly threatens to jail Trump officials who won’t comply with subpoenas

Trump defends his Charlottesville comments after Biden slams them

Barr’s appearance at House hearing still up in the air because of dispute with Democrats

Poll: Biden solidifies front-runner status with post-announcement bump


William Barr is in deep trouble

Kushner’s immigration plan has skeptics lining up on both sides

Nadler threatens to hold Barr in contempt if DOJ doesn’t comply

Trump urges caution as Bolton and Pompeo tease a military intervention in Venezuela

House panel sets Wednesday vote to hold Barr in contempt after DOJ doesn’t turn over Mueller report

FBI Director Wray distances himself from Barr’s use of ‘spying’ on Trump campaign

Mueller fought release of Comey memos to prevent Trump and others from changing stories

Judge fast-tracks fight over congressional subpoena of Trump financial records

Former top FBI lawyer James Baker defends origins of the Russia investigation

Many Democrats fear Trump is laying an impeachment trap

CIA, FBI, Director of National intelligence working with Attorney General Barr to review Russia probe origins

Alabama state Democrat says near-total abortion bill passage ‘raped women last night’

Elizabeth Warren is rejecting Fox News, but most of her rivals aren’t

Buttigieg wields his military credentials: ‘It’s not like I killed Bin Laden,’ but it was dangerous

Flynn contacted GOP Mueller critic while cooperating with special counsel

GOP Rep. Amash becomes first Republican to call for Trump’s impeachment

Harris unveils plan to fine companies that don’t achieve pay equality

Mnuchin: ‘I am not violating the law’ by refusing to hand over Trump’s tax returns with White House

Tillerson told lawmakers Putin was more prepared than Trump in Germany meeting

Rick Perry’s greatest success in Trump’s Washington: invisibility

Ex-GOP congressman calls for impeachment, says Trump an ‘illegitimate president’

How an internet mob falsely painted a Chipotle employee as racist

Flynn’s case could prompt release of some redacted parts of Mueller report

Supreme Court leaves intact block on Indiana abortion restriction, but allows fetal burial to go into effect

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Americans have turned against Trump on trade

Patrick Shanahan asserts military’s independence from politics after USS John MCain incident


At least 11 dead after disgruntled employee opens fire at Virginia Beach municipal center

John Hickenlooper booed for saying ‘socialism is not the answer’

Philippine President Duterte says he ‘used to be gay’ before he ‘cured’ himself

‘Executed’ North Korean diplomat is alive, sources say

Beto O’Rourke calls for term and donation limits in new voting rights plan

Inside Jerry Nadler’s private push to open up impeachment inquiry

Mystery company off the hook from Mueller subpoena and contempt of court charge

Iowa Poll: Biden lead a tighter top tier in first caucus state

Can newspapers be saved from Big Tech? This proposal aims to try

Justin Amash leaves the conservative Freedom Caucus

Bernie Sanders makes the case for democratic socialism as Trump attacks and moderate Democrats worry

Rick Gates and Michael Flynn subpoenaed by House intel panel

Trump issues vague threat to begin deporting ‘millions’ of undocumented immigrants next week

Fact-check: Trump’s Orlando rally featured more than 15 false claims over 76 minutes

Marianne Williamson apologizes, says she misspoke in calling vaccines ‘draconian’

Trump downplays Iran tensions after drone shot down

Inside Trump’s Iran decision: ‘I really watched him agonize over this’

Nancy Pelosi called Trump Friday night asking him to call off ICE raids

Murdoch lieutenant ordered removal of New York Post story on Trump sexual assault allegation, sources say

Mueller to testify publicly on July 17 following a subpoena

Supreme Court blocks 2020 census citizenship question

Kamala Harris says she misinterpreted question on abolishing private insurance

Jimmy Carter suggests Trump is an illegitimate president

Kamala Harris raises $2 million in 24 hours after breakout debate


Joe Biden explained opposition to desegregation busing in 1981 CNN interview

Poll: Harris and Warren rise and Biden slides after first Democratic debates

Military chiefs have concerns about politicization of Trump’s July 4th event

Pediatricians share migrant children’s disturbing drawings of their time in US custody

Joe Biden says he wasn’t prepared for Kamala Harris to confront him the way she did

Fact-checking Trump’s South Lawn remarks on Obama and China tariffs

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein arrested and accused of sex trafficking minors, sources say

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein accused of paying girls as young as 14 for sex

CNN debuts new polling standards as 2020 race heats up

Tucker Carlson blasts Rep. Ilhan Omar, and she calls him a ‘racist fool’

Trump invites right-wing extremists to White House ‘social media summit’

Acosta resigns amid furor over Epstein plea deal

Prosecutors unlikely to charge Trump Org executives, sources say

Fallout over offensive Buttigieg article: Magazine’s owner apologizes but a sponsor cuts ties

How news outlets are dealing with the ‘moral dimension’ of covering Trump and his racist tweets

Most moderate GOP voices on immigration were wiped out in the 2018 Democratic wave

Bernie Sanders to 2020 Democrats: Reject private insurance and pharma donations

‘Squad’ drama frustrating some House Democrats

Democrats plot new plan to press Mueller on Trump’s alleged crimes

Fact check: Trump falsely accuses Ocasio-Cortez of calling Americans ‘garbage’

AOC calls for ‘9/11-style’ commission on Trump administration’s child separation policy

Warplanes from four countries face off in Asian confrontation

Former Justice John Paul Stevens traveled to Portugal at age 99, Ginsburg reveals at his funeral

Trump’s lies are getting bolder and the press is stuck in the middle

Treasury pick Monica Crowley spread Obama smears: ‘Can he be both loyal to Islam and loyal to the United States?’

Nadler says Trump should be impeached because ‘he’s violated the laws six ways from Sunday’

Booker reaches donor threshold for future debate

Meadows’ lackluster defense of Cummings speaks volumes

Ratcliffe questioned intelligence community’s role in Russia investigation


Fact check: CNN’s Democratic debate, night 2

A key police official recommends NYPD terminate the officer accused of fatally choking Eric Garner, a source says

Elizabeth Warren is running a brilliant campaign

The Dayton shooter wore a mask, bulletproof vest and hearing protection as he opened fire, police chief says

Texas to loosen firearms laws, allowing guns in churches and on school grounds

El Paso suspect’s mother called police concerned about gun

Nadler presses ahead with impeachment probe as Pelosi keeps door open

Top intel official interrupted meeting to urge his deputy to resign

Elizabeth Warren outlines sweeping new gun control plans

Trump admin announces rule that could limit legal immigration

Cuccinelli rewrites Statue of Liberty poem to make case for limiting immigration

New York Times demotes editor who sparked fury

Marianne Williamson promoted anti-vaxxer theories on her radio show in 2012 episode

Rep. Rashida Tlaib says she won’t visit Israel after being allowed to enter on humanitarian grounds

Aides got Trump to delay tariffs by telling President it could ‘ruin Christmas’

The water is so hot in Alaska it’s killing large numbers of salmon

Scaramucci says he’s putting together coalition to stop Trump in 2020

Poll: Joe Biden regains double-digit lead over 2020 Democratic field

Bernie Sanders jabs Trump over comments about Jewish loyalty

Seth Moulton to end 2020 presidential campaign

Trump has questioned why he must attend G7

Under Trump, the deficit has ballooned, exploding a GOP myth

After confusion on trade and Iran, Trump puts positive spin on final day of G7

Fact check: Trump falsely claims Melania Trump has ‘gotten to know Kim Jong Un’

DOJ watchdog says James Comey broke FBI policy by keeping, leaking Trump meeting memos

A top federal prosecutor in Ohio just sent a harsh message to white supremacists

Bernie Sanders teases plan to eliminate billions in medical debt


Texas loosens firearm laws hours after the state’s latest mass shooting left five dead

US government watchdog details trauma experienced by separated migrant children

Lawmakers furious after learning how military will pay for Trump’s wall

Democrats widen impeachment probe as they confront roadblocks

House panel to take formal steps on impeachment probe next week

Taxpayers are funding the Trump White House’s misinformation campaign

US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017

Trump skeptical of using foreign spies to collect intel on hostile countries, sources say

House panel approves impeachment inquiry parameters as Democrats try to clarify their strategy

DOJ argues House lawmakers should not gain access to Mueller grand jury materials

Minnesota police charge man with arson in connection with fire that destroyed a 119-year-old synagogue

Buttigieg releases plan to improve US’ response to natural disasters

A Georgia man shot and killed 3 masked teens as they tried to rob him at his home, police say

Zarif threatens ‘all-out war’ in case of military strike on Iran

Rudy Giuliani denies asking Ukraine to investigate Biden — before admitting it

Trump’s interest in Ukraine ramped up as Giuliani pressed on Biden claims

Elizabeth Warren surges and Joe Biden fades in close Iowa race, new poll shows

Trump incredulous after his moves on transparency failed to stop Pelosi

Whistleblower tentatively agree to testify, attorneys say, as long as they get appropriate clearances to attend meeting

October Democratic debate to take place on one night

White House restricted access to Trump’s calls with Putin and Saudi crown prince

Volker plans to appear before congressional committees next week

Washington at war: Dems aim for speedy impeachment push as Trump threatens whistleblower


Why Trump’s impeachment inquiry will be more divisive than Nixon/Clinton

Pompeo: ‘I was on the phone call’ with Trump and Ukrainian President

Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general’s office

Trump promised Xi US silence on Hong Kong democracy protests as trade talks stalled

Trump’s approval rating shows there’s no sign yet of impeachment backlash against Democrats

Lawyer for Ukraine whistleblower says he represents second whistleblower on Trump’s actions

Graham rips into Trump over Syria

The Trump administration sure is acting guilty on Ukraine

Facebook denies Biden campaign’s request to remove false Ukraine ad by Trump campaign

Trump warns McConnell about disloyal Republicans

Trump falsely claims ‘we have no soldiers in Syria’

Military leader of Syrian Kurds tells US ‘you are leaving us to be slaughtered’

Trump threatens to sue top Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi amid impeachment inquiry

Retired Marine Gen. John Allen: ‘There is blood on Trump’s hands for abandoning our Kurdish allies’

Buttigieg puts money behind digital ad knocking ‘Medicare for All’ Democrats by name

Mounting frustration inside White House over Hill depositions as refusals to comply with subpoenas increase

Ambassador says Trump directed diplomats to work with Giuliani on Ukraine

Trump unhappy with Mulvaney’s press briefing in which he acknowledged quid pro quo, source says

Giuliani pushed Trump administration to grant a visa to a Ukrainian official promising dirt on Democrats

Mulvaney faced White House ouster threat before impeachment crisis took over

41 out-there lines from Trump’s Cabinet meeting

Poll: 50% support impeaching Trump and removing him from office

How much more of Donald Trump can Republicans possibly take?

Rudy Giuliani is looking for a defense attorney, sources say

White House official expected to back up diplomat’s testimony over Trump push for Ukraine probe into Bidens

What’s the plan? Warren’s ‘Medicare for All’ proposal will test her brand

White House: John Kelly ‘was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great President’

Dem senator shuns ‘lock him up’ chants aimed at Trump during World Series

House committees have asked Mulvaney aide Rob Blair for testimony

Shouting match erupts in Vindman deposition as Democrats accuse Republicans of trying to out whistleblower

National Security Council staffers uneasy, fear Trump backlash


Elizabeth Warren releases plan to fund Medicare for All, pledges no middle class tax hike

Iowa is anyone’s game in a historically messy field

Castro fights to stay in race as staff looks for other jobs

All four White House officials scheduled for House inquiry depositions Monday won’t testify

Ex-Pompeo adviser contradicts former boss in impeachment inquiry testimony

State Department loses confidence in Pompeo

Trump’s White House braces for public hearings

Pence aide said Trump’s July 25 call with Ukraine was political and not a normal diplomatic call

We read all 2,667 pages of impeachment inquiry testimony released to date. Here’s what’s clear.

John Bolton lands a book deal. It will publish before the 2020 presidential election

Longtime GOP Rep. Peter King announces retirement

Inauguration galas, an intimate dinner, and a White House party: Trump’s 10 interactions with indicted Giuliani associates

Trump impeachment hearings today will echo through the ages

Fox’s prime time stars are telling Trump that the impeachment hearings are a ‘disaster’ for Democrats

White House releases rough transcript of Trump’s first Ukraine call with Zelensky

Witness overheard US ambassador tell Trump that Ukraine would investigate Biden

Pete Buttigieg surges to first place in Iowa, new poll shows

Republican congressman calls new details about Trump revealed in impeachment testimony ‘alarming’

Source says Republican lawmakers ‘shaken’ by US official in Kiev’s testimony

How Republicans’ star impeachment witness turned on them

Former top Russia adviser sharply disputes GOP claims on Ukraine

Former FBI lawyer under investigation for allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe

Giuliani associate willing to tell Congress Nunes met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on Biden

Official says Defense chief and Joint Chiefs Chairman raised concerns with White House on Gallagher case

Esper: Trump ‘gave me an order’ on Navy SEAL

Poll: No change in views on impeachment after public hearings

Poll: Biden leads nationally as Buttigieg rises

Worry rises in military over Trump’s decision-making

Inside Trump’s sneak Thanksgiving trip to Afghanistan

House GOP members are ‘absolutely disgusted and exhausted’ by Trump’s behavior, former GOP congressman says


The climate bomb experts say is fueled by the West

Steve Bullock ends presidential campaign, will not run for Senate

GOP-led committee probed possible Ukraine interference in 2016 election and found nothing worth pursuing, sources say

Fact check: Trump makes at least 21 false claims at NATO meetings

Democrats have urgent new impeachment argument

The next 24 to 48 hours are crucial to avoid a potential government shutdown

Iran releases American student in prisoner swap, foreign minister says

Tweet purportedly from gunman in Pensacola Navy base shooting suggests al Qaeda inspiration

Washington Post: Barr told Trump he was not being well served by Giuliani

Former top FBI lawyer: I want Trump ‘to apologize to me’

Graham: Russia hacked Democrats in 2016

2 GOP senators say McConnell will move to acquit Trump, not merely dismiss charges

Tulsi Gabbard makes fans of Trump supporters in New Hampshire

Former Breitbart Editor: Stephen Miller is a white supremacist. I know, I was one too.

Elizabeth Warren is now the lone female candidate at the top of the 2020 field, and she wants you to know it

Carly Fiorina says it is ‘vital’ Trump be impeached, but doesn’t rule out voting for him in 2020

Disparate group of Republican senators worry White House and GOP leaders ahead of impeachment trial

Fact check: Trump’s wild letter to Pelosi is filled with false and misleading claims

McConnell blasts impeachment effort as ‘most unfair’ in history

Poll: US economy receives its best ranking in nearly 20 years

Newly released emails offer more details in timeline of pause to Ukraine aid

Warren on fundraising: ‘I wanted to do better’

Boeing CEO is out after 737 Max crisis

The invisible man: Text messages reveal former golfer’s role in Ukraine scandal

GOP senator ‘disturbed’ by McConnell’s move

Ex-Christian publication editor who quit says he had ‘no other choice’ after pro-Trump editorial

NYPD is investigating 5 possible anti-Semitic hate crimes this week

Linda Ronstadt on the rare brain condition that ended her singing career

US prepared to take action if North Korea delivers ‘Christmas gift,’ official says

Washington Post: Giuliani held back channel phone call with Venezuelan President

Anti-Semitic attacks show a society at risk of falling apart

News Source: CNN

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