2018: CNN (314)


Kim Jong Un offers rare olive branch to South Korea

Hoda Kotb named permanent co-host of NBC’s ‘Today’

Bannon: 2016 Trump Tower meeting was ‘treasonous’

Despite blast by Trump, Bannon reiterates support for President

Brian Ross is returning to ABC News, but with a different job

Trump: I’m a ‘very stable genius’

Source: Bannon was going to defend Trump until Trump attacked him

Sources: Oprah Winfrey ‘actively thinking’ about running for president

‘It’s a mess’: DACA negotiations hit a snag ahead of White House meeting

Judge blocks Trump administration plan to roll back DACA

Rand Paul threatens to filibuster over FISA surveillance program

Judge to review Comey memos before deciding whether to release to media outlets

MLK nephew: Trump ‘racially ignorant and racially uninformed’

Condoleezza Rice on #MeToo: ‘Let’s not turn women into snowflakes’

Clock ticking toward shutdown as Congress returns to one big spending mess

WH directs Bannon to avoid answering Hill queries in Russia probe

Trump averages a ‘fake’ insult every day. Really. We counted.

Former FBI Director James Comey to teach ethical leadership class

Poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats

Poll: Democratic advantage narrows in 2018

2 IEDs explode at Florida mall, police say

Mueller’s office questioned Sessions in Russia investigation

Sessions: Justice Dept. will get to the bottom of missing employee text messages

Trump says he wants to talk to Mueller, would do so under oath

8 times since June the White House denied Trump was considering firing Mueller

Frustrated by Russia investigation, Trump turns ire toward Rosenstein

Jay-Z slams Trump’s ‘shithole’ comment as ‘hurtful’

Reality sets in that DACA deal might not get done

Trump admin declines to impose new Russia sanctions

Trump’s lawyers argue Mueller has not met threshold for presidential interview


Trump see Nunes memo as a way to discredit the Russia investigation

Emails show Carson family fingerprints at HUD despite warnings

Judge responds to Justice Department over Nunes memo

White House rejects bipartisan immigration plan pushed by McCain, Coons

Driver who hit Colts linebacker was an undocumented immigrant, police say

Trump wants a military parade. Here’s how other countries do it.

White House officials knew about Porter’s abuse allegations and scrambled to protect him

Trump frustrated with Hicks’ role in Porter scandal

Dozens of Trump officials still lack full security clearance

Kim Jong Un’s sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics

Obama’s official portraits unveiled

People are leaving the Trump White House in record numbers

House oversight investigating WH handling of Rob Porter

At Stoneman Douglas High School, cell phone videos take us inside a massacre

A top Trump campaign adviser close to plea deal with Mueller

McMaster: Evidence of Russian meddling is ‘now really incontrovertible’

Florida student Emma Gonzalez to lawmakers and gun advocates: ‘We call BS’

Trump open to improving background checks, spokesman says

Mueller charges lawyer with lying about interaction with Rick Gates

NRA to participate in town hall

6 things Marco Rubio said at the town hall that made news in the US gun debate

Sources: Mueller probe stymies Kushner security clearance

Sources: Coral Springs police upset at some Broward deputies for not entering school

Poll: Trump approval slides, matches lowest point in presidency

Supreme Court won’t hear Trump bid to end DACA program

Ivanka Trump’s South Korea trip fuels White House tension

Mueller team asks about Trump’s Russia business dealings as he weighed a run for president


White House furious at embarrassing stories about HUD, Secretary Ben Carson

The great unraveling: Trump’s allies are really worried about him

Trump on China’s Xi consolidating power: ‘Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day’

Lewandowski on Porter abuse allegations: ‘Somebody knew’ 

Sam Nunberg goes dark on Tuesday after his spectacular media meltdown

Donald Trump is producing the greatest reality show ever

Amid renewed scrutiny, Erik Prince to host fundraiser for Russia-friendly congressman

Talks bombshell sets up stunning Kim-Trump summit

Gunman and victims identified in deadly standoff at California veterans home

Trump touts GOP candidate — and talks drug dealers, 2020 and Oprah in whirlwind rally

DeVos struggles to answer basic questions about schools in her home state

FBI tried to contact ‘sex coaches’ in Thai jail

Pennsylvania’s special election isn’t an isolated incident. The GOP is in trouble.

Another Trump attorney involved in Stormy Daniels case

Sources: Trump ready to replace H.R. McMaster as national security adviser

READ: Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s statements on his firing

Mueller has McCabe memos documenting conversations with Trump

Austin bombs were ‘meant to send a message,’ authorities believe

Whistleblower: We Tested Trump slogans in 2014 – Video

Austin bomber kills himself with explosive device

Frank Avruch, who played Bozo the Clown, dies at 89

Karen McDougal tells us Trump tried to pay her after sex

Melania Trump rides solo to Air Force One, Again

Sandy Hook survivor joins Parkland students to say ‘Enough’

Anderson Cooper’s Stormy Daniels interview draws highest ratings for ’60 Minutes’ in 10 years

Mark Zuckerberg has decided to testify before Congress

Former Disney star joins White House press team

House Democrats call for FBI to probe into Kushner’s ties to Saudi crown prince

Senator: Pruitt security included Disneyland, Rose Bowl trips

Megachurch pastor charged with defrauding elderly investors


New York tightens gun restrictions for domestic abusers

Sinclair tells stations to air media-bashing promos – and the criticism goes viral

Mueller authorized by DOJ to investigate alleged Manafort collusion with Russian government

YouTube shooter’s brother said he warned police in advance

Mueller’s team questioning Russian oligarchs

Trump meets with Pruitt amid mounting controversy

Fire at Trump Tower leaves man dead and 6 firefighters injured

Mattis says US hasn’t ruled out military action against Assad

Preet Bharara: Cohen raid approved by people ‘handpicked by Donald Trump’

House Speaker Paul Ryan won’t seek re-election

Inside the GOP plan to discredit Comey

Comey paints unsparing portrait of Trump in devastating tell-all book

FBI seized recordings between Trump’s lawyer and Stormy Daniels’ former lawyer

ABC News: Comey says his belief Clinton would win election ‘a factor’ in email probe

Another white collar lawyer turns down Trump

Sean Hannity has few rules, and now Fox News has a problem

Melania Trump will attend Barbara Bush’s funeral

Trump declared he’s running again. Many Republicans aren’t ready to back him.

Comey memos renew questions over Trump’s behavior

Missouri Gov. Greitens indicted on felony computer-tampering charge

Mitt Romney fails to secure Utah GOP nomination, will face primary

Watch President Trump repeat Fox News talking points

Scramble for answers as Ronny Jackson allegations threaten to upend nomination

Why the win for Republicans in Arizona 8 is still good for Democrats

Pruitt fears White House undermining him ahead of hearings

Several White House medical unit staffers describe pressure to hand out meds

Russians followed up on Trump Tower meeting after election, Democrats say

Why Trump’s snubbing of White House correspondents’ dinner matters

Tree planted by Trump and Macron removed and placed in quarantine


Pence’s doctor alerted WH aides about Ronny Jackson concerns last fall

Bornestein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter

Giuliani says Trump reimbursed Cohen for Stormy Daniels payment

Unemployment is below 4% or the first time since 2000

Giuliani: I’m ‘focused on the law more than the facts right now’

Majority say US should not withdraw from Iran nuclear agreement

Mueller’s team questions Russian oligarch about payments to Cohen

Inside Michael Cohen’s aggressive pitch promising access to Trump

Kelly says Trump ‘somewhat embarrassed’ by Russia probe

US stealth fighters intercept Russian bombers off the coast of Alaska

Top GOP donors close wallets over tax law

In leaky West Wing, not even a phone ban can stop embarrassing disclosures

Trump Tower meeting transcripts released

Giuliani: Mueller’s team told Trump’s lawyers they can’t indict a president

8 killed in shooting at Texas’ Santa Fe High School, affiliates report

Trump unleashes new political earthquake with FBI spy charge

Beating Republicans in November will be harder than Democrats thought

A GOP congressman’s lonely quest defending Julian Assange

North Korea warns of nuclear showdown, calls Pence ‘political dummy’

Trump says North Korea summit talks continue: ‘Could even be the 12th’

US lost track of 1,500 immigrant children, but says it’s not ‘legally responsible’

Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections

Roseanne Barr blames Ambien: ‘I’m not a racist, just an idiot’


Samantha Bee’s message was right even if her word wasn’t

Bannon predicts government shutdown over border wall

Trump lawyers say he ‘dictated’ statement on Trump Tower meeting, contradicting past denials

Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupts, killing at least 25

Giuliani on shifting Trump Tower story: ‘It was a mistake. I swear to God.’

Error leaves 118.000 voters in California off rosters in Los Angeles County

Read Samantha Bee’s on-air apology

Trump will ask athletes who kneel during anthem to recommend people for pardoning

Anthony Bourdain’s ‘Kitchen Confidential’ becomes Amazon top seller

Obama meeting with 2020 hopefuls to discuss party future, running in the age of Trump

Trump jokes he may say he was wrong about Kim but doesn’t think he’ll “ever admit that”

Rosenstein plans to call on House to investigate its own staff

Trump admin expected to suspend August US-S. Korea drill as Pentagon scrambles

The FBI got swamped by a 500-year flood

DHS: 2,000 kids separated from parents at border over 6 week period

Protesters shout ‘shame’ at Kirstjen Nielsen as she dines at Mexican restaurant

Jacinda Ardern: New Zealand Prime Minister gives birth to a baby girl

There’s nearly a Nixon ’74 level of public support for impeaching Trump

An utterly disastrous week for Donald Trump

DHS employees warned about safety amid backlash over family separations

Harley-Davidson will move some production out of US after retaliatory tariffs

Supreme Court upholds travel ban

Sarah Sanders to receive Secret Service protection

The plan to overturn Roe v. Wade at the Supreme Court is already in motion

GM warns tariff could force job cuts, raise cost of cars


Nine stabbed at Idaho apartment complex where refugee families live

Madeleine Albright calls Trump ‘most undemocratic president in modern American history’

Whistleblower: EPA’s Pruitt kept secret calendar to hide meetings

Dubious Fox News article appears to have sparked Trump attack on Obama

Manafort bank fraud trial does have Trump campaign connection, Mueller’s team says

Thai cave rescue underway

Giuliani seems to say Trump asked Comey to give Michael Flynn ‘a break’

Another former OSU wrestler says Jim Jordan knew about alleged abuse

NATO summit: Trump accuses Germany of being a ‘captive of Russia’

Trump’s barrage of attacks ‘beyond belief,’ reeling NATO diplomats say

Trump denies he criticized British prime minister after criticizing her

Roger Stone’s messages suggest he is unnamed person in new Russia indictment

Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki

Trump surprised at fierce criticism of Putin news conference

US offers no details as Russia claims Trump and Putin reached military agreements

Democratic push to investigate Russia stymied by partisan acrimony

Fox News’ Kimberly Guilfoyle leaving the network to hit campaign trail with Donald Trump Jr.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents

Trump tweets explosive threat to Iran

Trump moves to silence critics

We obtain secret Trump-Cohen tape

White House bans network pool reporter from Rose Garden event

Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting

NYPD looking into reports of 3 suspicious packages at Trump Tower

Times publisher warned Trump about labeling journalists as enemies

Ginsburg suggests she has at least five more years on the Supreme Court

Trump says Koch brothers are a ‘total joke’


Mueller refers foreign agent inquiries to New York prosecutors

Two recession warning signs are here

The unemployment rate fell to 3.9% in July

Judge calls Trump administration family reunification efforts ‘unacceptable’

Trump voicing concerns about son being entangled in Mueller probe

Rand Paul, in Moscow, invites Russian lawmakers to Washington

Mike Pence’s moral case for removing a president from office

Corey Stewart praised southern secession in 2017 campaign appearance

Dozens dead in Yemen as bus carrying children hit by airstrike

Vote count discrepancies found in Kansas GOP primary

Chris Collins suspends re-election campaign following insider trading charges

More than 100 newspapers will publish editorials decrying Trump’s anti-press rhetoric

The utter collapse of Donald Trump’s ‘best people’ boast

Trump calls Omarosa a ‘dog’ in latest attack on ex-aide

Joe Biden cancels Illinois event due to ‘doctor’s orders’

Pentagon postpones Trump’s military parade

Bomb that killed 40 children in Yemen was supplied by the US

The soft power impact of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s decorative collars

Google’s data collection is hard to escape, study claims

Rep. Duncan Hunter and his wife indicted in use of campaign funds for personal expenses

Trump says long standing legal practice of flipping should almost ‘be outlawed’

Indicted Rep. Duncan Hunter: My wife handled my finances

Ex-Trump World Tower doorman releases ‘catch-and-kill’ contract about alleged Trump affair

John McCain, senator and former presidential candidate, dies at 81

GOP senator praises McCain but says he’s ‘partially to blame’ for White House flag controversy

Trump warns evangelicals of ‘violence’ if GOP loses in the midterms

Lobbyist reaches plea deal connected to Russia and Ukraine work


Papadopoulos says Session supported Putin campaign meeting, asks for most lenient sentence

Government transparency site revealed Social Security numbers, other personal info

Trump irritated he wasn’t interviewed by Woodward for upcoming book

Nielsen calls out Putin for election interference

The story behind the New York Times’ anonymous op-ed blasting Trump

Accusations by ex-mistress of GOP mega donor Elliott Broidy go public

Rep. Mia Love’s campaign admits to improperly raising primary election funds

It’s not just our poll. All polling shows Trump’s approval rating dropping.

Poll: More approve of Mueller than of Trump

Hurricane Florence is slashing the Carolinas in the opening act of a 3-day, coastal disaster

Anita Hill responds to sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh is willing to answer questions on allegations, has hired an attorney

Former classmate of Kavanaugh’s denies being at party in sexual assault allegation

President Trump holds Las Vegas rally

GOP Senate nominee: Kavanaugh accusation ‘absurd’ because they were drunk and assault attempt ‘never went anywhere’

Senate Judiciary Committee contacts Ford’s friend about party

Ted Cruz forced from restaurant amid Kavanaugh drama

US F-35 fighter jet poised for combat debut

Collins privately raises concerns about new allegations, lack of subpoena for Kavanaugh friend

Women confront Jeff Flake in elevator over Kavanaugh vote

Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily – video


The Washington Times settles lawsuit with Seth Rich’s brother, issues retraction and apology for its coverage

FBI expands inquiry into Ford allegations

My husband, Rand Paul, and our family have suffered intimidation and threats

The effort to unseat Susan Collins in 2020 is already underway

Democrats say Avenatti undercut their case against Kavanaugh

Who needs brand names? Now Amazon makes the stuff it sells

Nikki Haley may have timed her exit perfectly

Democrats poised to take the House, GOP likely retains control in Senate

Most media sponsors pull out of Saudi conference after journalist disappears

Poll: More see Trump win likely as Biden leads crowded Democratic field

Elizabeth Warren releases DNA test with ‘strong evidence’ of Native American ancestry

John Bolton’s chief of staff out at National Security Council

Pompeo warns Saudi prince his future as king is in peril over Khashoggi, source says

Nikki Haley: ‘Our opponents are not evil, they’re just our opponents’

What Donald Trump did Thursday night in Montana is really dangerous

Surveillance footage shows Saudi operative in Khashoggi’s clothes after he was killed, Turkish source says

Justice O’Connor announces she has been diagnosed with dementia, ‘probably Alzheimer’s’

Secret Service intercepts 2 ‘suspicious packages’ addressed to Obama, Clinton

Megyn Kelly is off her 9 a.m. show, and may not be back

Here’s what the suspicious package sent to James Clapper and CNN looks like

What’s Gab, the social platform used by the Pittsburgh shooting suspect?

Fox condemns rhetoric used by Lou Dobbs guest as channel’s star host faces growing criticism

Trump claims he can defy Constitution and end birthright citizenship

The radicalization of an alleged domestic terrorist


Trump shocks with racist new ad days before midterms

The US economy added 250,000 jobs in October

Pentagon rejected request for troops to act as emergency law enforcement at the border

George Soros rep says he wants to go on Fox News. But they won’t book him

Sean Hannity said he wouldn’t campaign on stage at Trump’s rally. Hours later, he did exactly that

Stacey Abrams refuses to concede Georgia governor’s race

Trump reviewing his answers to Mueller as he changes who oversees the Russia investigation

Whitaker backlash prompts concern at the White House

Sessions realized too late that Whitaker was auditioning for his job

‘It’s impossible’ to finish recount by deadline, Palm Beach county election supervisor says

CNN sues President Trump and top White House aides for barring Jim Acosta

Melania Trump leads new round of White House firing and fury

Bill Nelson needs a miracle in Florida. It likely won’t come.

Judge orders White House to return Jim Acosta’s press pass

Democrats, think twice before you reject Nancy Pelosi

CNN asks for emergency hearing after Trump threatens to revoke Acosta’s press pass again

They’re prepping for a race war. And they see Trump as their ‘ray of hope’

Top Trump officials saved the President from himself

US agency opens case file on potential Whitaker Hatch Act violations

Young, rich and loyal: Nick Ayers could be Trump’s next chief of staff

Climate change will shrink US economy and kill thousands, government report warns

Internal documents Facebook has fought to keep private obtained by UK Parliament

Roger Stone associate says he won’t agree to plea deal

US ‘slams the brakes’ on UN Yemen ceasefire resolution

The Clintons launch paid speaking tour with plenty of ire for Trump

More Americans and most Republicans now believe in climate change


Cohen believed Trump would pardon him, but then things changed

Top US naval commander in Middle East found dead

Mueller is about to have his say — in a big way

Fate of the Weekly Standard is uncertain, editor tells staff

Kevin Hart says he won’t host Oscars after furor over homophobic tweets

Mueller is putting the puzzle pieces together on Trump

House Republicans release Comey interview transcript

Accused Russian spy Maria Butina Appears to reach plea deal

Trump concerned about being impeached, sees it as a ‘real possibility,’ source says

Meet the reporters who started exposing Michael Cohen’s payments two years ago

The Weekly Standard, a conservative magazine critical of Trump, to shutter after 23 years

Mueller continues to be interested in interviewing Trump

Melania Trump’s spokeswoman speaks out

Mueller releases memo summarizing FBI’s Interview with Michael Flynn

Trump signed letter of intent for Trump Tower Moscow project despite Giuliani insisting he didn’t 

Whitaker told he does not need to recuse himself from overseeing Mueller investigation

How the Trump-Mattis alliance crumbled

Government partially shuts down for third time in a year after Congress adjourns for the night

Mulvaney: ‘Very possible’ shutdown goes into 2019

Dow’s wild ride continues after Steven Mnuchin fails to calm markets

Dutch church clock up 1,400 hours to prevent family being deported

Trump’s frustration with Mnuchin rising after failed attempt to calm markets, source says

How Trump’s secret trip to Iraq became not-so-secret

House Democrats scooping up staff, lawyers to power Trump investigations

Departing senators warn: There’s a problem with the current state of politics

News Source: CNN

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