2018: NEW YORK POST (109)


The post-Weinstein Golden Globes was an exercise in hypocrisy

The Trump dossier’s credibility is collapsing

The #MeToo movement has officially jumped the shark

Police union slashes number of ‘get out of jail free’ cards issued

Evidence suggests a massive scandal is brewing at the FBI

To battle Amazon, Kroger eyes Alibaba alliance

Donald Trump is still the man to these blue-collar voters


Forget Tinder: New Yorkers are falling in love with their neighbors

Russian indictments prove Trump won fair and square

Yet another way Obama’s spies apparently exploited the Trump ‘dossier’

Warriors have their plans in place for skipping White House visit

Jennifer Lawrence flounders in atrocious ‘Red Sparrow’


Trump’s trade war could erase all the tax-cut gains

California Dem’s hard-left turn could be the whole party’s future

Footage of mysterious object above ocean stuns military personnel

Inside the shady private equity firm run by Kerry and Biden’s kids

Women’s March members bail over ties to Farrakhan

Congressman suggest Second Amendment as means of opposing Trump

Cabbie blamed Uber, Lyft for financial woes before hanging himself

How Cynthia Nixon could give Cuomo the fight of his life

Roseanne revival is a wake-up call for Hollywood


‘Palm Sunday Massacre’ killer quietly freed from prison

Assemblywoman makes bizarre rant against Jews at meeting

‘Chappaquiddick’ is a long-overdue dismantling of the Kennedy myth

1 dead, 4 firefighters hurt in Trump Tower blaze

Comey: Trump asked me to investigate ‘pee tape’ to reassure Melania

Activist lawyer burned himself to death to protest global warming

How Cohen’s day in court turned into the Stormy Daniels show

Hero who landed Southwest flight was an ace Navy pilot

Feds seized more than a dozen of Michael Cohen’s phones


Ex: Schneiderman called me his ‘brown slave,’ would slap me until I called him “Master’

Wife hung fake Picasso after taking real thing amid contentious divorce

Tom Wolfe captured and caricatured New York City better than anyone

Protesters spite racist lawyer with live Mariachi band outside home

It’s time for Bill Clinton to take a walk in the Chappaqua woods

Parents win suit to kick 30-year-old deadbeat son out of their house

Campaign contributor helped Obamas score Netflix deal


Dating columnist reveals how ‘Sex and the City’ ruined her life

Dennis Rodman will be in Singapore for Trump-Kim summit

New York Times reporter broke the biggest rule in journalism

Airline says ‘vortex’ sent plane into terrifying nosedive

‘Gotti’ flick is the worst mob movie of all-time

These Harvard kids got the lesson of their life in the Heartland

Stop breaking up families at the border

Protester yells ‘fascist’ at Stephen Miller dining in Mexican restaurant


The Left needs to face reality: Trump is winning

Scott Pruitt becomes latest Trump official to be harassed at a restaurant

Is Hillary Clinton secretly planning to run in 2020?

San Francisco’s crisis looks like New York’s future

Charter schools CEO’s get massive paychecks thanks to private donors

Husband-and-wife duo busted in high-end Russian hooker ring

It’s no crime to be happy in the age of Trump

Massive job cuts expected at the Daily News

Layoffs at the Daily News mark a grim day for New York City

James Gunn should be the last victim of the outrage mob

Wall Street finally taught Zuckerberg the lesson he deserved

When will Democrats condemn the left’s growing turn to violence?


Why it’s time for Trump to play his ace in the hole

De Blasio lets security haul away Post reporter for asking question

The media’s blatant hypocrisy — even about media-bashing

My trust fund made me miserable

CBS News pollster reveals why ‘blue wave’ is unlikely

Cohen willing to tell Mueller about ‘conspiracy to collude’: lawyer

Why Trump’s supporters won’t care about Cohen and Manafort’s convictions

National Enquirer reportedly kept Trump hush money info in safe

Feminist-themed beer hall will be neighbors with new Playboy Club

The Catholic abuse scandal now leads all the way to the Vatican


AMI employees donated thousands of dollars to Cuomo campaigns

Over a dozen men who were near Ground Zero have Breast cancer

Bookies place odds on anonymous White House official

It’s shameful what US Open did to Naomi Osaka

Email from Cuomo aide casts doubts on claims over anti-Semitic mailer

Mailer linking Nixon to anti-Semitism was approved by top Cuomo aides

Apple’s bigger-screen iPhones are slammed for being ‘sexist’

The drive to sink Kavanaugh is liberal totalitarianism

Woman on vacation reportedly finds dead tortoise in her vagina

How Feinstein is conspiring to destroy Kavanaugh

Activists shouting ‘we believe survivors’ chase Ted Cruz from restaurant

Eight big problems for Christine Blasey Ford’s story

Two men tell Senate that they, not Kavanaugh, assaulted Ford

Kavanaugh’s hearings are a national disaster — and the worst is yet to come


Democrats’ Kavanaugh assassination is re-uniting the right

End the farce and confirm Kavanaugh

Feds freeze Russian oligarch’s assets, Upper East Side mansion

Democrats’ latest excuse: Blame the Constitution

Teacher who smiled for mugshot pleads guilty to sex with student

NYPD to arrest 9 members of far-right Proud Boys involved in brawl

Michael Avenatti made his liberal fans look like fools

Saudi who arrived in Turkey day of Khashoggi disappearance dies in ‘traffic accident’

Why the Saudis despised Jamal Khashoggi

Count on Hillary Clinton running again in 2020

The Mooch interprets what the White House was like through dance

Suspected mail bomber was a stripper with a ‘steroid problem’

Neither of this week’s attacks will affect the midterms


Political event canceled after vandals scrawl ‘Kill all Jews’ inside Brooklyn synagogue

Netanyahu: Saudi Arabia deserves a pass for Khashoggi murder

Don’t join this year’s Women’s March unless you’re good with anti-Semitism

Jim Acosta violated one of the oldest rules of journalism

James Comey discussed sensitive FBI business on his private email

The Obamas are ‘Becoming’ a billion-dollar brand

Ocasio-Cortez pushes for a leftist revolt in the Democratic Party

Trump’s critics were dead wrong about the caravan after all

Trump slams special counsel after retweeting image of Rosenstein behind bars


Al Sharpton sells his life story rights for $531,000 — to his own charity

Why Michelle Obama didn’t run for president

In France, les deplorables strike back

How Theresa May blew Brexit

Soaring suicides are another sign of our toxic social disconnect

Why Western elites now can’t resist conspiracy theories

News Source: New York Post

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