2018: THE ATLANTIC (143)


Donald Trump Goes Full Fredo

The Voters Abandoning Donald Trump

Pandemonium and Rage in Hawaii

Organized Labor’s Growing Class Divide

The Plot Against America

There’s No Way Mueller Will Indict Trump


Boycott the Republican Party

The Trumping of the FBI

What Trump-Era Democrats Can Learn From LBJ

American Carnage

Why Romney Is Running for Senate

Bari Weiss and the Left-Wing Infatuation With Taking Offense

The Tragedy of Erik Killmonger

Why I’m Writing Captain America


Sam Nunberg’s Spectacular Stunt

Why Was George Nader Allowed Into the White House?

The Farrakhan Conundrum

Trump Says a Democrat Won in Pennsylvania Because He’s ‘Like Trump’

McCabe’s Firing Chips Away at the Justice Department’s Independence

One Morning in Baghdad

A Domestic Budget to Make Barack Obama Proud


Scott Pruitt Bypassed the White House to Give Big Raises to Favorite Aides

Michael Cohen Has A Big Problem

Paul Ryan Makes His Exit

Two Decades of War Have Eroded the Morale of America’s Troops

American Sports Needs More Fair-Weather Fans

Why Stormy Daniels Poses a Problem for Democrats

I. A Broken Office

A Century of Feuding Between Presidents and the Press


There’s Nothing to Stop the 2018 Elections From Being Hacked

Mark Zuckerberg Doesn’t Understand Journalism

A Pruitt Aide’s Attack on Zinke Angers the White House

I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye

Trump’s Two Biggest Scandals Converge in a Single Tweet

Mueller’s Probe Is Even More Expansive Than It Seems

The Ivy League School That Won’t Talk About Its Most Famous Graduate

The 9.9 Percent Is the New American Aristocracy

The Real Risk of Trump’s Dehumanization of Immigrants

Who Does the Democratic Party Stand For?

Donald Trump Has All the Power

Fifteen Unanswered Criminal-Law Questions About Trump

The Chilling Effect of Trump’s War on the FBI

Trump’s Right-Hand Troll

The Man Who Would Be Speaker

The Real Reason Why Republicans Could Win in California


A Radical Pick for the National Security Council

Inside the White House During the Syrian ‘Red Line’ Crisis

Paul Manafort Loses His Cool

Trump Goes to War Against the Democracies

Trump Could Transform the U.S.-North Korea Relationship

Has Trump Irreversibly Altered the GOP’s Foreign Policy?

Extinguishing the Beacon of America

The Outrage over Family Separation Is Exactly What Stephen Miller Wants

Of Course Trump Backed Down on Family Separations


The Great Russian Disinformation Campaign

Inside Scott Pruitt’s Tumultuous Final Months as EPA Administrator

Trump’s Message to NATO

One Country, Two Radically Different Narratives

Can Trump’s Republican Critics Find Strength in Numbers?

A New Talking Point From the Pro-Trump Fringe

The Case for a Trump-Russia Conspiracy Just Got a Little Stronger

How Russia Persecutes Its Dissidents Using U.S. Courts

Hope and Change in an Alabama Coal Mine


This Is So Much Bigger Than Paul Manafort

A Hell of a Performance by Paul Manafort

The Progressives’ Plan to Win in 2018

How Trump Radicalized ICE

Laura Ingraham Doesn’t Love Her Country Anymore

The White Nationalists Are Winning

Dinesh D’Souza and the Decline of Conservatism

Democrats Don’t Need a National Message

The Sunday Shows Have a Renewed Sense of Purpose, Thanks to Trump

Paul Manafort and Trump’s Pardon Pattern

John McCain and the Lost Art of Decency

It Would Take Only a Single Senator

Devin Nunes’s Curious Trip to London

Trump Has Changed How Teens View the News

How the Democratic Party Can Turn the Sun Belt Blue


This Race in Houston Is the Future of Texas Politics

It’s Time for the Press to Stop Complaining — And to Start Fighting Back

A Daily Caller Editor Wrote for an ‘Alt-Right’ Website Using a Pseudonym

We’re Watching an Antidemocratic Coup Unfold

Serena Williams’s U.S. Open Loss Was Humiliating — But Not for Her

The Democrat Who Could Lead Trump’s Impeachment Isn’t Sure It’s Warranted

Hurricane Florence Could Be the Worst Storm to Ever Hit North of Florida

A Warning From Europe: The Worst Is Yet to Come

Americans Aren’t Practicing Democracy Anymore

American Democracy Is in Crisis

I Believe Her

The Abandoned World of 1982

A Supreme Court Case Could Liberate Trump to Pardon His Associates

The Fear Driving Conservative Support for Kavanaugh

America Is Finally Listening to Women. It’s Sparking a National Crisis.


The Republican Party Needs to Embrace Liberalism

Mitch McConnell’s Legacy Is Riding on Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

Read Susan Collins’s Historic Floor Speech on Brett Kavanaugh

The Trump Campaign Says Exploiting Hacked Emails Is Free Speech

Politics as the New Religion for Progressive Democrats

The U.S.-Saudi Relationship Is Out of Control

A Fatal Abandonment of American Leadership

Donald Trump’s Absentee Presidency

The Man Who Broke Politics

Heidi Cruz Didn’t Plan for This

The Experts Were Wrong About the Middle East

What’s Missing From the Saudis’ Khashoggi Story

I Respected Scott Walker. Then I Worked For Him.

Trump’s Incoherent Rally in Charlotte

The Pittsburgh Suspect’s Internet of Hate

The Biggest Story of the Midterms Is One the Democrats Aren’t Telling


The Saruman Trap

Almost Half the Top Jobs in Trump’s State Department are Still Empty

How Far Have the Democrats Moved to the Left?

The Harsh Truth Exposed by the Midterm Elections

Nancy Pelosi: Mueller Doesn’t Have to Indict Trump for Congress to Impeach Him

Can Marine One Fly in the Rain?

Science Is Getting Less Bang for Its Buck

Smoke Days Are Now California’s Snow Days

Trump’s Lies Are a Virus, and News Organizations Are the Host

Trump’s Yearning to Prosecute His Political Enemies

Is a Recession Coming?

How Creed Forever Changed the Rocky Series

Is Manafort Angling for a Pardon?

Donald Trump Gave Russia Leverage Over His Presidency


A Kinder, Gentler Republican President Is Dead

House Democrats Shift Their Focus From Collusion to Leverage

Mueller Is Laying Siege to the Trump Presidency

America’s Two Political Parties Are Asymmetrical

The White House Has No Plan for Confronting the Mueller Report

Manafort, Cohen, and Individual 1 Are in Grave Danger

The Real Roots of American Rage

Trump Can’t Stop Confessing

An Upheaval at the Ends of the World

The Liberal Arts May Not Survive the 21st Century

The Corruption of the Republican Party

Bruce Springsteen Explains It All

Cory Booker’s Theory of Love

Rising Instagram Stars Are Posting Fake Sponsored Content

Note to Michael Flynn: Federal Court Is Not Twitter

The Special Counsel Is Bearing Down on Roger Stone

You Can’t Serve Both Trump and America

The Virtue Signalers Won’t Change the World

No Peace for Them and No Honor for Us

The Media’s Post-Advertising Future Is Also Its Past

News Source: The Atlantic

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