It sure looks as if Kirsten Gillibrand is running for president

President Trump has made 1,950 false or misleading claims over 347 days

The NSA’s top talent  is leaving because of low pay and flagging morale

Steve Bannon, calling Trump a ‘great man,’ says he still supports him in first comments after eruption

Mercer issues rare public rebuke of former ally Bannon

Trump boasts that he’s ‘like, really smart’ and a ‘very stable genius’ amid questions over his mental fitness

Official who improperly helped Redskins owner cut down trees picked as National Park Service deputy director

200,000 Salvadorans will be forced to leave the U.S. or face deportation as Trump administration ends immigration protection

It’s on Republicans to stop a shutdown

55 minutes at the table: Trump tries to negotiate and prove stability

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens admits extramarital affair but denies reports he blackmailed woman with nude photo

Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries in Oval Office meeting

Trump’s vulgarity: Overt racism or a president who says what many think?

Meet the 24-year-old Trump campaign worker appointed to help lead the government’s drug policy office

Hawaii missile alert: How one employee ‘pushed the wrong button’ and caused a wave of panic

Inside the tense, profane White House meeting on immigration

The truth about the FBI’s Russia probe

Trump tweets create confusion for Republicans trying to avert government shutdown

Comey to teach course on ethical leadership for College of William & Mary

Congress returns to work as lawmakers press to keep shutdown short-lived

Stormy Daniels, star of the latest Trump sideshow, took her act to a strip club. It was a scene.

Women and independents drive advantage for Democrats ahead of midterm elections: Poll

The Trump evangelicals have lost their gag reflex

Trump asked the acting FBI director whom he voted for during Oval Office meeting

Trump says he would speak to Mueller under oath in Russia investigation

Trump moved to fire special counsel Mueller in June, bringing the White House’s top lawyer to the brink of quitting

Some Americans are afraid to explore their own country, concerns that evoke the Jim Crow-era Green Book

Trump sought release of classified Russia memo, putting him at odds with Justice Department

‘He’s not God’: In the wake of porn-star allegations, most evangelicals stand by Trump

How a classified four-page Russia memo triggered a political firestorm

Justice Dept. officials appealed to White House to halt release of memo alleging FBI abuses related to author of Trump dossier


The Nunes fiasco grows more preposterous by the hour

Devin Nunes is acting like a partisan hack. That’s just how I remember him.

Justice Dept. told court of source’s political influence in request to wiretap ex-Trump campaign aide, officials say

Once the party of law and order, Republicans are now challenging it

Think California politics is on the far-left fringe? Just wait for the next elections.

Reality is catching up with Trump — everywhere

Trump’s ‘marching orders’ to the Pentagon: Plan a grand military parade

Improving poll numbers give Republicans hope that the midterms might not be so bad

Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

As Jared Kushner’s security clearance is delayed, White House hesitates to act on others with possible problems

The ‘Ivanka Trump of North Korea’ captivates people in the South at the Olympics

In big reversal, new Trump budget will give up on longtime Republican goal of eliminating deficit

Rob Porter is my ex-husband. Here’s what you should know about abuse.

Christopher Steele is a hero – and Americans owe him their thanks

‘He died a hero’: Assistant football coach among 17 dead in Florida school shooting

No, there haven’t been 18 school shootings in 2018. That number is flat wrong.

What Trump still doesn’t get about Russian interference in the election

‘They are laughing their asses off in Moscow’: Trump takes on the FBI, Russia probe and 2016 election

Why Facebook is afraid of Robert Mueller

Don’t blame ‘Washington.’ Blame the GOP.

Florida House refuses to debate guns, declares porn dangerous

Disney workers accuse company of withholding their Trump tax-cut bonuses

Armed sheriff’s deputy stayed outside Florida school while mass killing took place

‘Scripted’ controversy: CNN releases emails of correspondence with Florida student

Russian spies hacked the Olympics and tried to make it look like North Korea did it, U.S. officials say

Supreme Court declines Trump request to take up DACA controversy now

State Department point man on North Korea, Joe Yun, to retire Friday

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf tipped off immigrants about ICE raid and isn’t sorry she did


Mueller investigation examining Trump’s apparent efforts to oust Sessions in July

‘Jared has faded’: Inside the 28 days of tumult that left Kushner badly diminished

Shortly before Trump announced tariffs, his former adviser dumped millions in steel-related stocks

‘Pure madness’: Dark days inside the White House as Trump shocks and rages

10 years after financial crisis, Senate prepares to roll back banking rules

The ‘anti-Trump’ Oscars were a ratings disaster. Conservatives are delighted.

How the Washington establishment is losing out to little-known Trump advisers on trade

Mueller gathers evidence that 2017 Seychelles meeting was effort to establish back channel to Kremlin

Trump’s North Korea gambit blindsides U.S. diplomats

In Trump’s decision on North Korea, the world glimpses a president who is his own diplomat, negotiator and strategist

At Pennsylvania rally, Trump again calls for the death penalty for drug dealers

Hillary Clinton says ‘follow the money’ in the Trump-Putin relationship

Trump ousts Tillerson, will replace him as secretary of state with CIA chief Pompeo

Former Equifax executive charged with insider trading before data breach made public

In fundraising speech, Trump says he made up trade claim in meeting with Justin Trudeau

In a first, an undocumented immigrant is appointed to a statewide post in California

FBI’s Andrew McCabe is fired just before retiring. Former deputy director became lightning rod for Clinton email and Russia probes.

Trump rails against Mueller investigation, dismisses McCabe’s notes as ‘Fake Memos’

Two injured in explosion in Austin, police say

Stormy Daniels — not Robert Mueller — might spell Trump’s doom

Austin bombing suspect dies after detonating explosive as Swat team closed in, police say

Trump attorney John Dowd said to resign amid shake-up on legal team for Russia probe

The 2020 Census received much more funding in the House spending bill than advocates had anticipated

The second-most dangerous American

Trump friend says president told him to expect one or two more major personnel changes

Trump administration expels 60 Russian officers, shuts Seattle consulate in response to attack on former spy in Britain

California sues Trump administration over addition of citizenship question to census

Manafort associate had Russian intelligence ties during 2016 campaign, prosecutors say

We may know why Paul Manafort has kept quiet. But his bet is still risky

Coffee must carry cancer warning, California judge rules

Trump accuses Amazon of ‘Post Office scam,’ falsely says The Post is its lobbyist


Sacramento sheriff’s cruiser hits woman during Stephon Clark protest and speeds away, video shows

Trump proposed Putin visit Washington in March 20 phone call, Kremlin says

EPA explored private jet lease for Pruitt’s travels last year

Mueller told Trump’s attorney the president remains under investigation but is not currently a criminal target

Top EPA ethics official says he lacked key facts about Pruitt’s condo rental

Koch network growing frustrated with the GOP’s 2018 agenda

ICE raids meatpacking plant in rural Tennessee; 97 immigrants arrested

Dozens killed in apparent chemical weapons attack on civilians in eastern Ghouta — rescue workers

We’re in a battle to defend democracy — and Trump is on the wrong side

Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations

House Speaker Paul Ryan will not seek reelection, he tells friends and colleagues

GOP campaign seeks to brand Comey a liar as he touts book critical of Trump

James Comey’s memoir: Trump fixates on proving lewd dossier allegations false

Damascus defiant as U.S. strikes prove more limited than feared

Trump assails Comey in tweetstorm, suggests ex-FBI director deserves ‘jail’

The morning after Comey’s interview airs, Trump throws another punch at the fired FBI director

Pruitt upgraded to a larger, customized SUV with bullet-resistant seat covers

‘Nerves of steel’: She calmly landed the Southwest flight, just as you’d expect of former fighter pilot

After calling Barbara Bush an ‘amazing racist,’ a professor taunts critics: ‘I will never be fired’

Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign

North Korea says it will suspend nuclear and missile tests, shut down test site

Barbara Bush visited our facility for children with HIV/AIDS. It was unforgettable.

‘No credible sightings’ of Waffle House shooting suspect as manhunt continues, police say

‘Tase me, and you’ll see what happens,’ an American Airlines passenger said. Police did — 10 times.

Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s rumored next chief of staff, admits he sold access to lobbyists while in Congress

Ronny Jackson withdraws as nominee to lead Veterans Affairs after wave of misconduct allegations

Trump is running America just like his businesses — right into the ground

The new House GOP report on Russia is revealing, But not in a good way for Trump.

At the White House correspondent’s dinner, the buzz was reduced to a snore — until Michelle Wolf showed up

‘Ready, shoot, aim’ : President Trump’s loyalty tests cause hiring headaches


President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far

White supremacist is guilty in Charlottesville parking garage beating of black man

Giuliani: Trump repaid attorney Cohen for Stormy Daniels settlement

Then they came for Peppa Pig

Trump thinks his North Korea strategy will work on Iran. He’s wrong on both.

SNL brings in Ben Stiller, Scarlett Johansson, Stormy Daniels and more for star-studded cold open

Rudy Giuliani is repeating seven mistakes that brought down previous Trump advisers

The West Virginia primary shows Trump’s election was no aberration

North Korea releases 3 American prisoners in apparent goodwill gesture ahead of a planned summit between Trump and Kim

Israel launches massive military strike against Iranian targets in Syria

AT&T CEO: Hiring Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was ‘a big mistake’

John McCain is the single greatest political leader of our time

In wide-open 2020 presidential field, Democrats are road -testing messages — and trying to redefine their party

Israelis kill dozens of Palestinians in Gaza protesting U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem

Nothing says ‘peace’ like 58 dead Palestinians

Thousands of pages of Congressional testimony shed light on 2016 Trump Tower meeting

New York Times acknowledges it buried the lead in pre-election Russia-Trump story

At least 8 killed in shooting at Texas high school, sheriff says

Secret FBI source for Russia investigation met with three Trump advisers during campaign

Oliver North, incoming NRA chief, blames school shootings on ‘culture of violence’

Is Rod Rosenstein being too soft on Trump?

Who is Stefan A. Halper, the FBI source who assisted the Russia investigation?

State Department warns U.S. citizens in China after employee suffers possible sonic attack

Trump cancels Singapore nuclear summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

After summit pullout, South Korea and China have little appetite for Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’

Trump’s actions on North Korea have consequences. Here’s a list of them.

DHS to issue 15,000 more guest worker visas amid clamor over labor shortage

Trump is blaming Democrats for separating migrant families at the border. Here’s why this isn’t a surprise.

Harvard study estimates thousands died in Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria

On Fox News of all places , Trump’s ‘spy’ claim is debunked by Trey Gowdy and even Judge Napolitano

Trump imposes steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union, Canada and Mexico


Trump’s trade policy is stuck in the ’80’s — the 1680’s

A society ripped apart by full-frontal incivility

Trump thinks he’s saving trade. The rest of the world thinks he’s blowing it up.

A historic exodus is leaving Venezuela without teachers, doctors and electricians

Trump disinvites Philadelphia Eagles from White House visit, citing national anthem dispute

Republican investigation finds that Obama administration misled Congress on possible Iranian access to U.S. financial system

Mick Mulvaney fires all 25 members of consumer watchdog’s advisory board

Anthony Bourdain has died at 61

Trump at G-7 floats end to all tariffs, threatens major penalties for countries that don’t agree

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un arrives in Singapore for historic summit with Trump

With smiles and a handshake, Trump and Kim could mask gulf on nuclear arms

Finally, a president with the guts to stand up to Canada

U.S., Mexico and Canada win joint bid for 2026 World Cup, topping Morocco in FIFA vote

Republicans embrace the ‘cult’ of Trump, ignoring warning signs

Trump allies seize on DOJ report as they seek to undercut Mueller probe

Trump cites as a negotiating tool his policy of separating immigrant children from their parents

Trump associate Roger Stone reveals new contact with Russian national during 2016 campaign

Separating children from their parents at the border ‘breaks my heart’

A reporter at the White House decided to play the audio of children sobbing. Somebody had to.

Kirstjen Nielsen heckled by protesters at Mexican restaurant. Other diners applauded them.

Trump says trade wars are ‘easy.’ Here come the first American casualties.

The crying Honduran girl on the cover of Time was not separated from her mother, father says

Vote against the GOP this November

Why a small-town restaurant owner asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave — and would do it again

The latest sign of political divide: Shaming and shunning public officials

A poll commissioned by Bush and Biden shows Americans losing confidence in democracy

Crowley’s loss leaves gaping void for next generation of Democratic leaders

Don’t want a right-wing Supreme Court? Do everything you can to stop it.

Behold the priest-kings of the future Supreme Court

Top Supreme Court prospect has argued presidents should not be distracted by investigations and lawsuits


North Korea working to conceal key aspects of its nuclear program, U.S. officials say

Keep the focus on Trump’s cruelty and incompetence

New York Times reassigns reporter who dated Senate intelligence staffer at center of FBI probe

Trump claims Obama gave citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal talks

Liberal Democrats mount campaign against Trump’s Supreme Court nominee by targeting two Republican senators

Most Americans oppose key parts of Trump immigration plans, including wall, limits on citizens bringing family to U.S., poll says

Secretary of State Pompeo leaves North Korea with promise of more talks but no tangible breakthrough

Pompeo pushes back against North Korea’s ‘gangster-like’ criticism

‘Viciousness’: Trump aides endure public fury toward President’s policies

Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Supreme Court pick, has sided with broad views of presidential powers

Trump says Germany ‘is captive to Russia’ in fiery opening salvo against NATO

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh piled up credit card debt by purchasing Nationals tickets, White House says

Giuliani says Mueller probe results should be dismissed after Strzok testimony

After being told of Russia indictments, Trump still aspired to be friends with Putin

‘I hadn’t thought’ of asking Putin to extradite indicted Russian agents, Trump says

Trump is now repaying Putin for helping him win the presidency

‘Very much counter to the plan’: Trump defies advisers in embrace of Putin

In his prepared remarks, Trump removed a line about bringing election hackers to justice

As Russians describe ‘verbal agreements’ at summit, U.S. officials scramble for clarity

God bless the ‘deep state’

Trump’s Putin fallout: Inside the White House’s tumultuous week of walk backs

With the release of new documents, Devin Nunes’s memo on Carter Page has gotten even less credible

Anton’s creed is not just racist; it is patently un-American

White House readies plan to extend about $12 billion in emergency aid to farmers caught in Trump’s escalating trade war

No, the White House didn’t intentionally edit a question to Putin out of a video

U.S. allies have killed thousands of Yemeni civilians from the air. After 22 died at a wedding one village asks, ‘Why us?’

The economy’s great. That doesn’t mean Trumponomics is.

Maria Butina is just the tip of the Russia iceberg

Trump says he called media ‘enemy of the people’ in meeting with N.Y. Times publisher

Rudy Giuliani just obliterated the goal posts on Trump-Russia collusion

U.S. spy agencies: North Korea is working on new missiles


Trump is leading a ‘hate movement’ against the media

Why Trump is so freaked out by the Manafort trial

Sarah Huckabee Sanders indicts the media — on bogus, Trumped-up charges

‘The most bizzare thing I’ve ever been a part of’: Trump panel found no voter fraud, ex-member says

Trump at a precarious moment in his presidency: Privately brooding and publicly roaring

Saudia Arabia expels Canadian ambassador after Ottowa criticizes arrests of Saudi activists

Giuliani preparing letter to Mueller expressing ‘real reluctance’ over obstruction questions

Democratic Party’s liberal insurgency hits a wall in Midwest primaries

‘Nothing bodes well’: Lackluster election results spark debate over Trump’s midterm role

Witness in Mueller probe refuses to appear before grand jury

Are you sure there’s not need to worry?

Trump condemns ‘all types of racism’ after a week of racially tinged remarks

FBI agent Peter Strzok fired over anti-Trump texts

Antifa protesters couldn’t find any fascists at Unite the Right — and harassed the press instead

I read six sycophantic pro-Trump books — and then I read Omarosa

Aretha Franklin, music’s ‘Queen of Soul,’ dies at 76

Revoke my security clearance, too, Mr. President

How Trump’s security-clearance gambit could actually get him in deeper trouble with Mueller

ICE arrested a man driving his pregnant wife to give birth. She drove herself to the hospital

Giuliani tries to explain what he meant by ‘truth isn’t truth’

Microsoft says it has found a Russian operation targeting U.S. political institutions

In Trump’s right-wing media universe, it was a day like any other

DNC says suspected hack attempt turned out to be a security test

Thousands of Amazon workers receive food stamps. Now Bernie Sanders wants Amazon to pay up.

The three illegal acts that may have helped Trump win the presidency

John McCain spent his life serving the dignity of his fellow man

Trump rejected plans for a White House statement praising McCain

President non grata: Trump often unwelcome and unwilling to perform basic rituals of the office

Trump says White House Counsel Donald McGahn will leave his job in the fall

Trump’s team just took out one of the most dangerous terrorists since Bin Laden

This is the new GOP: Angry and afraid


Poll by sinking poll, Trump inches toward impeachment

McCain’s funerals was a melancholy last hurrah for what’s been lost in Trump era

Trump blasted ‘Lyin’ Ted’ Cruz again and again. Activists want to remind Texans with a billboard.

Hours before Kavanaugh nomination hearings, Bush lawyer releases 42,000 pages of documents to Judiciary Committee

Southern Republican senators reject Trump’s criticism of Sessions

‘The sleeper cells have awoken’: Trump and aides shaken by ‘resistance’ op-ed

‘A never-ending cycle’: Some aides work to slow-walk or ignore Trump’s directives

Leahy says Kavanaugh was ‘not truthful’ about Democratic documents

At U.S. Open, Power of Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka is overshadowed by an umpire’s power play

GOP candidate for Fla. governor spoke at racially charged events

Donald Trump Jr. says his father can’t trust everyone around him after anonymous op-ed

Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit.

President Trump has made more than 5,000 false or misleading claims

Brett Kavanaugh misled the Senate under oath. I cannot support his nomination.

Trump can start panicking now: Manafort will cooperate with the special counsel

Alarm grows inside FEMA as administrator Brock Long fights for his job

Kavanaugh accuser willing to testify, her attorney says: judge offers fresh denial

A former sex-crimes prosecutor analyzed Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh. Here’s her take.

‘The Apprentice’ book excerpt: At CIA’s ‘Russia House,’ growing alarm about 2016 election interference

Republicans, be forewarned: Kavanaugh’s accuser has options

Conservatives divided over Kavanaugh allegations, mostly along gender lines

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford moved 3,000 miles to reinvent her life. It wasn’t far enough.

‘Incredibly frustrated’: Inside the GOP effort to save Kavanaugh amid assault allegation

Rod Rosenstein who has been overseeing Russia probe, has offered to resign

Trump says he has ‘no plans’ to meet with Iranian leader at the U.N. 

Kavanaugh’s ‘choir boy’ image on Fox interview rankles former Yale classmates

D.C. principal was taped mocking student’s sex assault claim, lawsuit says

The most telling moment: Kavanaugh goes after Sen. Klobuchar

Details in Kavanaugh’s 1982 calendar entry could be scrutinized in FBI investigation

‘It breeds resistance’: Even among conservatives, Trump’s use of presidential power causes alarm


Canada agrees to join trade accord with U.S. and Mexico, sending new NAFTA deal to Congress

‘The trauma for a man’: Male fury and fear rises in GOP in defense of Kavanaugh

Republicans on Senate panel release explicit statement about Kavanaugh accuser’s sex life

As FBI background check of Kavanaugh nears its end, probe appears to have been highly curtailed

We were Brett Kavanaugh’s drinking buddies. We don’t think he should be confirmed.

‘Willing to go to the mat’: How Trump and Republicans carried Kavanaugh to the cusp of confirmation

Turkey concludes Saudi journalist Kashoggi killed by ‘murder’ team, sources say

The world has barely 10 years to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say

Hillary Clinton says Trump turned Kavanaugh ceremony into a ‘political rally’

Saudis are said to have lain in wait for Jamal Kashoggi

Crown prince sought to lure Khashoggi back to Saudi Arabia and detain him, U.S. intercepts show

Turks tell U.S. officials they have audio and video recordings that support conclusion Khashoggi was killed

Will you work for a murderer? That’s the question a host of ex-generals, diplomats and spies may soon face.

After journalist vanishes, focus shifts to young prince’s ‘dark’ and bullying side

Warren releases DNA test suggesting distant Native American ancestor

Judge throws out Stormy Daniels’s defamation lawsuit against Trump

MBS’s rampaging anger will not silence questions about Jamal Khashoggi

What the Arab world needs most is free expression

Conservatives mount a whisper campaign smearing Khashoggi in defense of Trump

The Saudi explanation for Jamal Khashoggi’s death is a fable. Still Trump plays along.

White House privately doubts Saudi account of journalist’s killing

Germany halts arms deals with Saudi Arabia, encourages allies to do the same

CIA director flies to Turkey amid growing controversy over Jamal Khashoggi killing

‘Potential explosive devices’ sent to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton intercepted by Secret Service

Trump doubles down on blaming media as suspicious packages continue to surface

Man in Florida arrested in connection with mail bombs sent to public figures, official says

The mail-bomb suspect’s van, annotated

What is happening to our country?

‘He is not welcome here’: Thousands support Pittsburgh Jewish leaders calling on Trump to ‘denounce white nationalism’

Don’t fall for Trump’s desperate, race-baiting birthright citizenship stunt

Trump’s proposal to end birthright citizenship is unconstitutional


Trump revives ‘Willie Horton’ tactic with ad linking illegal immigrant killer to Democrats

White House concerned Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke violated federal rules

Amazon is in advanced talks about putting second headquarters in Northern Virginia, those close to process say

Could losing the House actually help Trump in 2020?

Defensive, caravan-fixated and Trump-obsessed, the media blow it again. Just not as badly.

Buckle up. The Mueller investigation may once again take center stage.

Some Democrats are complaining about the ‘Senate popular vote.’ It’s still not a thing.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigns at Trump’s request

In revealing new memoir, Michelle Obama candidly shares her story

Trump administration to end refueling for Saudi coalition aircraft in Yemen

The day the guns fell silent

Trump calls for halting recounts in Florida races for governor and Senate

Trump is preparing to remove Kirstjen Nielsen as Homeland Security secretary, aides say

Scientists acknowledge key errors in study of how fast the oceans are warming

Federal judge gives Florida voters until Saturday to correct signature problems roiling close races

Jullian Assange has been charged, prosecutors reveal in inadvertent court filing

CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination

‘Nothing on this page is real’: How lies become truth in online America

Anti-vaccination stronghold in N.C. hit with state’s worst chickenpox outbreak in 2 decades

Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year

Former Bush attorney general Alberto Gonzales rebukes Trump for reportedly seeking to prosecute Clinton, Comey

Trump contradicts CIA on killing of Khashoggi, says agency ‘had feelings’ but did not firmly place blame on Saudi crown prince

Democrats must hold Trump accountable on Saudi Arabia. Adam Schiff explains how.

Major Trump administration climate report says damages are ‘intensifying across the country’

Ex-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos must report to prison Monday, judge orders

GM to lay off 15 percent of salaried workers, halt production at five plants in U.S. and Canada

Could Robert Mueller be about to tell us something big?

Giuliani’s bizarre bragging about the Manafort-Trump alliance raises new obstruction questions

The stunning implications of the Manafort-Trump pipeline

Trump’s inner circle has always been a cesspool


George H.W. Bush’s Oval Office note to me revealed the heart of who he was

Israeli police recommend charging Netanyahu in third corruption case

The democratic world could feel the heat from Paris

Did Trump obstruct justice in public on Monday?

Mueller seeks no prison time for national security adviser Michael Flynn, citing his ‘substantial assistance’

Bush funeral: Trump sits with fellow presidents but still stands alone

Rex Tillerson on Trump: ‘Undisciplined,’ ‘doesn’t like to read’ and tries to do illegal things

The latest filings show that nobody can save Trump now

‘Siege warfare’: Republican anxiety spikes as Trump faces growing legal and political perils

Alleged Russian agent Maria Butina poised to plead guilty in case involving suspected Kremlin attempts to influence NRA

Kellyanne Conway says Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ‘doesn’t seem to know much about anything’

Pompeo challenges accuracy of reports that CIA is confident of Saudi prince’s involvement in Khashoggi death

Trump and Democrats can reach a deal on the wall — if they have the spine to take it

Trump’s claim that he didn’t violate campaign finance law is weak — and dangerous

Schiff says House Intelligence panel will examine possible foreign funding of Trump’s inaugural committee

As Trump prepares for his holiday respite in Florida, he is more isolated than ever

New report on Russian disinformation, prepared for the Senate, shows the operation’s scale and sweep

White House signals it will back down on President Trump’s demand for border wall funding and avert a partial government shutdown

Trump administration plans to pull U.S. troops from Syria immediately, defense official says

Putin backs Trump’s move to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, says Islamic State dealt ‘serious blows’

‘A tailspin’: Under siege, Trump propels the government and markets into crisis

A tumultuous week began with a phone call between Trump and the Trukish president

Indonesia tsunami kills at least 222 after striking without warning

Treasury secretary startles Wall Street with unusual pre-Christmas calls to top bank CEOs

‘I am all alone’: An isolated Trump unleashed a storm of Yuletide gloom

Economic growth is slowing all around the world

Trump claims without evidence that ‘most of the people not getting paid’ in partial government shutdown are Democrats

Trump did what he always does and changed his mind. Why was Congress surprised?

The Trump team just gave weird, insulting advice to furloughed federal workers who can’t make rent

Trump’s tweets on children dying in U.S. custody are a new low

Sen. Elizabeth Warren says she will seek the presidency in 2020

News Source: Washington Post

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