John Dickerson Of CBS’s ‘Face The Nation’ Is Set To Replace Charlie Rose

Mira Sorvino’s Open Letter To Dylan Farrow

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Is Offended People Think Donald Trump Is Racist

With A Possible Shutdown Hours Away, Republicans Are Negotiating With Themselves

House GOPers Say A Secret Memo Could End The Trump-Russia Probe. Their Staff Wrote It.

The Case For The Democratic ‘Cave’

5 Women Sue Monster Energy Over Abusive, Discriminatory Culture

Tronc Is Building A Shadow Newsroom Full Of Scabs, L.A. Times Staffers Fear

The Hidden Extremism Of Trump’s State Of the Union


Trump Evangelical Adviser Says You Don’t Need Flu Shots When You Have Jesus

Democrats Win Special Election In Missouri District That Went Big For Trump

NY Times ‘Very Concerned’ Over Tweets By It’s Nazi-Befriending Editorial Board Hire

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Issues New Congressional Map To Replace Gerrymandered One

Education Department Sees A Major Uptick In Complaints Of Racial Harassment In Schools


Instead of Thoughts And Prayers, Oregon Passes New Gun Safety Law

Ben Carson Removes Anti-Discrimination Language From HUD Mission Statement

GOP Blames ‘Lackluster’ Candidate And His ‘Porn Stache’ For Pennsylvania Setback

Read Andrew McCabe’s Response To Being Fired Two Days Before His Retirement

The March For Our Lives Is Proof That Generation Z Can’t Be Stopped

Trump’s Latest EPA Nominee Let Cancer-Causing Chemical Pollute Groundwater

Minnesota Woman Blamed for Al Franken’s Fall Had Nothing To Do With It


Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong

There Is No Reasonable Way To Say ‘Abortion Is Murder’

U.S. Attorney Behind the Michael Cohen Raid Is A Trump Appointee

Laura Ingraham’s Sponsors Still Bolting Over Comments About Parkland Survivor

Trump Court Pick Thinks Planned Parenthood ‘Kills Over 150,000 Females a Year’

Scott Pruitt Uses Multiple ‘Secret’ Email Accounts, Senators Say

Stormy Daniels’ Attorney Predicts Michael Cohen Will Turn On Trump

Brothers Linked To Assad Gave Thousands To Dennis Kucinich’s Ohio Political Machine

Kirsten Gillibrand Unveils A Public Option For Banking

Here’s The White House Questionnaire For GOP Candidates Who Want Trump’s Backing


School Principal Jokes About Telling Police Black Special Needs Student Has A Gun

We Probed Sexual Misconduct Claims Against Journalist Al Giordano. Here’s What We Found.

This Is The Toughest Gun Law In America

The Uninsured Rate Is Worsening After Years Of Obamacare’s Gains

There’s No Good Excuse For The Racist Impact Of Michigan’s Medicaid Proposal

Giuliani Says Cohen Never Spoke With Trump About His Big-Dollar Clients

Trump Orders Help For Chinese Phone-Maker After China Approves Money For Trump Project

Rudy Giuliani Offers A Head-Spinning New Defense Of Trump

Bill Gates Says Trump Didn’t Know The Difference Between HPV and HIV

Giuliani’s New Stance on Russian Collusion: So What? It’s Not Illegal.

Sarah Sanders: It ‘Bothers Me’ Being Called A Liar

Rudy Giuliani Admits White House Is Trying To Discredit Russia Investigation

The Bachelorette’s’ Garrett Yrigoyen ‘Liked’ Posts Mocking Immigrants, Parkland Students


Congressional Candidate In Virginia Admits He’s A Pedophile

Giuliani: Trump Could Have Shot Comey And Still Couldn’t Be Indicted For It

It Looks Like America Is Finally Going To Have A Native American Congresswoman

A minimum-wage worker can’t afford a 2-bedroom apartment anywhere in the U.S.

Rep. Steve King Won’t Answer Questions About His Neo-Nazi Retweets

DHS Secretary Says There’s No Family Separation Policy ‘Period’

Federal Judge Strikes Down Kansas Proof Of Citizenship Law

Protestors Outside Kirstjen Nielsen’s House Play Audio Of Detained Migrant Children

White Woman Threatened To Call Cops On 8-Year-Old Girl Selling Water

Mitch McConnell Reaps The Benefits Of His Stolen Supreme Court Seat

What Do The Teens Know About This Tweet That We Don’t?

Democrats Tie Trump Supreme Court Pick To Russia Investigation


Maxine Waters Responds to Death Threats: ‘You’d Better Shoot Straight’

Trump Isn’t Remaking The Supreme Court. Leonard Leo Is.

Former Obama Officials Are Riding Out The Trump Years By Cashing In

New EPA Chief Is Already Facing 2 Ethical Problems In His First Week, Echoing Scott Pruitt

Senator Calls For Hearing With U.S. Interpreter In Trump-Putin Meeting

Steve King Is A White Supremacist, And The GOP Doesn’t Care

New York Daily News Layoffs Ax Half The Newsroom Staff

A Single Trump Appointee Was Responsible For Keeping Hundreds Of Kids Locked Up Longer

Kimberly Guilfoyle Left Fox News After Investigation Into Misconduct Allegations, Sources Say


Detainee Attempts Suicide After Trump Administration Jams Migrants Into Troubled Prison

Democrats May Have Finally Found the Candidate To Take Down Scott Walker

Women Break New Records In 2018 Primaries

The Story Behind The Story That Created A Political Nightmare For Facebook

Democrats’ Drama On Fossil Fuel Money Shows A Radical Green Jobs Plan Could Be A Win-Win

Omarosa Releases New Tape Of Trump Appearing Unaware She Was Fired

Omarosa Said Former TV Contestant Played Tape Of Racist Slur For Her In White House, Sources Say

Trump Is Wreaking Havoc On Republican Governor Primaries

565 Migrant Children Remain Separated From Families 3 Weeks Past Judge’s Deadline

Blake Farenthold Blames ‘F-tards,’ Me Too Campaign For His Downfall

Trump Says He Has ‘Obliterated’ ISIS. The Terror Group Seems Not To Have Noticed.

GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Jokes, ‘The Russians Are Going To Help Me’

Georgia County Can’t Support Claim It Must Close Polling Places Over Access Issues

Rep. Duncan Hunter Blames Wife For Campaign Spending Under Inquiry

Take Salena Zito Neither Seriously Nor Literally On Trump Voters


They Found Beto O’Rourke’s First Album, And It’s … Actually Pretty Good

Brett Kavanaugh Refers To Birth Control As ‘Abortion-Inducing Drugs’ At Confirmation Hearing

Ex-Mistress Accuses Longtime RNC Leader Elliott Broidy Of Physical, Sexual Abuse, Complaint Shows

I Am The Anonymous Iranian The NYT Published In 2009. The Trump Op-Ed Writer Is No Hero.

Woman Alleges Brett Kavanaugh Attempted To Rape Her In High School

GOP Donor Les Wexner Announces Departure From Republican Party After Obama Visit

Alumnae Of Christine Blasey Ford’s High School Circulate Letter of Support

Brett Kavanaugh Defenders Are Sending A Message: Women Aren’t People

Kavanaugh Accuser Faces Death Threats Ahead Of Senate Hearing

Brett Kavanaugh Liked Female Clerks Who Looked A ‘Certain Way,’ Yale Student Was Told

Brett Kavanaugh Controversy Rocks Yale Law School

Tucker Carlson Criticizes Rape Victims Who Don’t Report: ‘You’re Part Of The Problem’

Brett Kavanaugh Once Said Polygraphs Are A Good Tool, Now He Says They’re Unreliable.

Harvard Law School Dean Won’t Say If Brett Kavanaugh Still Has A Job

Fewer Believe Brett Kavanaugh Than His Accuser, Poll Finds


Harvard Says Kavanaugh Won’t Be Teaching His Supreme Court Class In January

2 of Brett Kavanaugh’s Former Classmates Withdraw Support For Him

Donors Are Organizing A Multimillion-Dollar Effort To Defeat Susan Collins In 2020

Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

Watchdog Group Calls For Probe Of Nikki Haley Flights Funded By Businessmen

Trump Calls Media The ‘Enemy Of The People.’ Maybe The Saudis Took Him Literally.

Minnesota GOP Senate Contender Compared Michelle Obama To A ‘Chimp’ On Facebook

Over 1,000 Remain Missing A Week After Hurricane Michael

The Proud Boys, The GOP And ‘The Fascist Creep’

Rep. Steve King Goes Full White Nationalist In Interview With Austrian Site

GOP State Lawmakers Pal Around With White Supremacists. Party Group Backs Them Anyway.

Jeff Flake Tells ‘The View’ He Doubted Brett Kavanaugh But Voted For Him Anyway

Senate’s Out? Nobody’s Around? Perfect Time To Advance Trump’s Court Picks, Says GOP.

Texas Congressman Won’t Say Why He Labeled Opponent ‘Indo-American Carpetbagger’

Georgia Domestic Workers Mobilize For Stacey Abrams In The Birthplace Of Their Movement


Andrew Gillum Is At Home With His Blackness

The GOP Is Flooding The Airwaves With Ads About Crime

An Embattled GOP Senate Candidate Is Lying About Her Health Care Record — Again

Justice Department OLC Opinion Claims Matt Whitaker’s Attorney General Appointment Is Legit

GOP Senator Says Voter Suppression Is A ‘Great Idea’

D.C.’s Neo-Nazi Brothers Were Hiding In Plain Sight

Rep. Seth Moulton Faces Friendly Fire Back Home For Opposing Pelosi

Judge Rejects Trump’s Request To Dismiss Lawsuit Against Trump Foundation


Democrats Have Their Package Of Reform Bills In Hand. Here’s How It All Came Together.

Running For Office Is Really Hard If You’re Not A Millionaire

Deval Patrick, Foreclosure Mogul

GOP Confirms Another Trump Judge Who Was Rated ‘Not Qualified’ To Serve

The Russians Meddled In Our Democracy, But They Had All-American Help

Trump Considering Son-In-Law Jared Kushner For Next Chief Of Staff

Federal Judge In Texas Rules Against Obamacare

White House Nightmare: Trump Golfs While His Secret Service Agents Work Without Pay

And What Can You Say About Paul Ryan?

Kevin Spacey Releases Bizarre Video Monologue Amid Sexual Assault Charge

Here’s What Americans Make Of The Partial Government Shutdown

Trump’s Dilemma: Go To Mar-a-Lago And Get Criticized? Or Disappoint Dues-Paying Members?

The Real Reason Why Some Bernie Sanders Fans Have It In For Beto O’Rourke

I Was A Cable Guy. I Saw The Worst Of America.

News Source: Huffington Post

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