2018: BUZZFEED NEWS (142)


I Helped Popularize The Term “Fake News” And Now I Cringe Every Time I Hear It

Peter Thiel Is Exploring The Creation Of A Conservative Cable News Network

A Major Democratic Donor Is Reconsidering Support For Senators Who Pushed For Al Franken’s Resignation

J.D. Vance Is Now Seriously Considering Running For Senate In Ohio

Secret Money: How Trump Made Millions Selling Condos To Unknown Buyers

Facebook Couldn’t Handle News, Maybe It Never Wanted To.

Investigators Are Scrutinizing Newly Uncovered Payments By The Russian Embassy

Inside A Trump Backers’ Bash At Mar-A-Lago, Where The President Is A ‘Damn Genius’

Chief Justice John Roberts Has Changed A Little Bit. And That Could Be A Big Deal.

An Inside Look At The Accounts Twitter Has Censored In Countries Around The World

Maxine Waters Is Giving A National Address On BET After Trump’ State Of The Union

Hillary Clinton Let Him Stay. Women Say His Harassment Continued.

Trump Administration Admits It Cribbed Forbes Magazine To Create “Oligarch List”


Democrat Accuses Republicans Of Secretly Changing Memo, Demands They Withdraw It

A Father Of Three Girls Abused By Larry Nassar Attacked the Ex-Gymnastics Doctor In Court

Russian Trolls Ran Wild On Tumbler And The Company Refuses To Say Anything About It

YouTube Just Cut Off Ads On All Of Logan Paul’s Videos

He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He’s Worried About An Information Apocalypse.

The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Has Landed The Big Comey Interview

Manafort Under Scrutiny For $40 Million In “Suspicious” Transactions

This Man Helped Peter Thiel Demolish Gawker

The Inside Story Of How An Ivy League Food Scientist Turned Shoddy Data Into Viral Studies


Secret NYPD Files: Officers Can Lie And Brutally Beat People — And Still Keep Their Jobs

YouTube Will Link To Wikipedia Below Conspiracy Theory Videos

Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Says More Women Are Exploring Legal Cases Against President Trump

Jeff Sessions Has Fired The Former No. 2 At The FBI Two Days Before His Scheduled Retirement

An “Ashamed” Fox News Commentator Just Quit The “Propaganda Machine”

This Public Relations Firm Has Been Secretly Placing Articles In Conservative Publications

It’s A Former NFL Player VS. A Donald Trump Acolyte In A Battle For The Soul Of The Republican Party In Ohio

The US and EU Are Expelling Dozens of Russian Diplomats in Response To The Poisoning Of A Former Russian Spy In The UK

Christopher Steele’s Other Report: A Murder In Washington

Robert Mueller’s Office Wants A Judge To Consider Jail Time For A Lawyer Who Pleaded Guilty To Lying

Growth At Any Cost: Top Facebook Executive Defended Data Collection In 2016 Memo — And Warned That Facebook Could Get People Killed

A Judge Just Ruled That The Trump Administration Cannot Block Undocumented Pregnant Teens From Getting Abortions


Fox News: Look, We’re Not Sinclair

This Is What We Know About YouTube Shooter Nasim Aghdam

The Preeminent Fundraising Group For Democratic Women Is Stuck In The Middle Of The Party’s Wars

Backpage Has Been Taken Down By The US Government And Sex Workers Aren’t Happy

This Is What It Was Like Learning To Report Before Fake News Was The Biggest Problem In The World

Sessions Has Asked A Federal Prosecutor To Oversee Document Production From The Clinton Email Investigation After Trump Criticism

Facebook Has Been Accused Of Helping The Vietnamese Government Crack Down On Dissent

Lawyers For Michael Cohen, Joined By Trump, Fight To Halt Government Review Of Searched Evidence

The US And Allies Have Launched Military Strikes On Syria After A Chemical Weapons Attack

A Famous LGBT Rights Lawyer Set Himself On Fire In New York As A “Protest Suicide”

How To Spot A Deepfake Like The Barack Obama-Jordan Peele Video

Landlords Are Offering Young Men Free Rooms In Return For Sex And Facebook Is Letting It Happen

Inside The Divisive Fight Over How A Top Progressive Think Tank Handled Sexual Harassment

A Republican Running For Governor In Michigan Is Using Unfounded Conspiracy Theories Against A Muslim American Rival

The Center For American Progress Staff Was Shocked After Neera Tanden Named The Anonymous Harassment Victim In An All-Staff Meeting

Trump Jr. And Emin Agalarov Stayed In Touch Throughout The Transition


Facebook Has Begun To Rank News Organizations By Trust, Zuckerberg Says

Welcome To The Giuliani Phase Of The Trump Presidency

This American Is A General For A Foreign Army Accused Of War Crimes In Yemen

New Documents Show That EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Did Not Face Serious Security Threats

This Special Counsel’s Office Has Been Looking Into Payments To Michael Cohen’s Company Since Last Year

Trump Was Told of Schneiderman Women Years Ago, Lawyer Says

It’s A Good Time To Be A Reporter Covering Trump If You Like Money And Going On TV

The Newest Star Of The Trump Movement Ran A Trump-Bashing Publication — Less Than Two Years Ago

The Life Of One Of America’s Bloodiest Hitmen

Here’s What We Know About Aaron Schlossberg, The Racist New York Lawyer Who Berated People For Speaking In Spanish

These Are The Victims Of The Texas High School Shooting

Trump Just Canceled His Meeting With North Korea’s Kim Jong Un

A New Study Says Nearly 6,000 Died In Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria. The Government Still Says 64 People Died.

How Roseanne’s Bigotry Finally Became A Liability

Joy Reid Promoted An Infamous 9/11 Conspiracy Documentary On Her Old Blog


Trump’s Power Isn’t Fear. It’s Fatigue.

Jared Kushner’s Dad Says Ethics Groups “Assure That Poor, Not Successful People” Get Government Jobs

Republican Megadonor David Koch Is Stepping Down From His Corporate And Political Roles

The Judge In The Brock Turner Sexual Assault Case Has Been Recalled

The Critic Whose Olive Garden Review Went Viral Remembers How Anthony Bourdain Spoke Up for Her

A Restaurant Owner Featured On “No Reservations” Said Anthony Bourdain Changed Their Lives

The Supreme Court Just Upheld Ohio’s Aggressive Process For Purging Voters From The Rolls

Trump Told World Leaders Crimea Is Russian Because Everyone There Speaks Russian

The Parkland School Guard Who Didn’t Stop The Shooter Was Accused of Sexually Harassing One Of The Victims

This Doctor Treated Kids Separated From Their Parents And What She Saw Is Heart wrenching

Where Is This Little Girl? The Government Won’t Say.

Trump Supporters Boo A CNN Reporter, Then Ask Him For Selfies

A Young Progressive Woman Beat One Of The Most Powerful Democrats In Congress

They Played Dominoes Outside Their Apartment For Decades. Then The White People Moved In And Police Started Showing UP.


Here Are The Documents Recovered From Michael Cohen’s Shredder

Two Years Ago, Revolution Messaging Helped Bernie Raise Millions. Now They’re In Crisis

Police Pointed A Gun At Four Black Boys After A 911 Caller Falsely Claimed They Were Armed

The MAGA Trolls Meet Their Match In Sacha Baron Cohen And “Who Is America?”

A Stabbing On Samish Island: The Radicalization Of Lane Davis

Maria Butina Spent Years Wooing US Conservatives. Here’s How She Did It.

Centrist Democrats Want A Presidential Candidate To Take On Bernie. They Just Don’t Know Who It Is.

A Top Bernie Sanders Adviser Is Named In The Evidence List For Paul Manafort’s Trial

These Emails Show What Happens When The White House Keeps The Pentagon Out Of The Loop


Russian “Agent” And A GOP Operator Left A Trail Of Cash, Documents Reveal

A Member Of Trump’s Voter Commission Just Said The White House’s Voter Fraud Claims Were “False”

It’s Looking Extremely Likely That QAnon Is A Leftist Prank On Trump Supporters

Twitter Suspends Proud Boys And Founder Gavin McInnes Accounts Ahead Of Unite The Right Rally

An 11-Year-Old Changed The Results Of Florida’s Presidential Vote At A Hacker Convention. Discuss.

Senate Intel Wants To Follow The Money In The Russia Probe. But Treasury Isn’t Making That Easy. 

She Is The World’s Most Renowned Empathy Researcher — And Is Alleged To Have Been Harassing Employees For Years

Beto O’Rourke Could Be The Democrat Texas Has Been Waiting For

Tech Companies Are Gathering For A Secret Meeting To Prepare A 2018 Election Strategy

Nuns Killed Children, Say Former Residents Of St. Joseph’s Catholic Orphanage

Lanny Davis Says He Was A Source For CNN’s Trump Tower Story

The Diver Elon Musk Called A “Pedo” Is Preparing A Libel Claim


The Justice Department Was Behind The Decision To Keep 100,000 Pages of Kavanaugh’s Record Secret

This Group Posed As Russian Trolls And Bought Political Ads On Google. It Was Easy.

I Am Part Of The Resistance Inside The New York Times Opinion Desk

For A Lot Of Muslim Republicans, Their Party’s Over

A Series Of Suspicious Money Transfers Followed The Trump Tower Meeting

A Leaked Video Shows Google Leadership Reacting To Trump’s 2016 Election Win

Former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort Is Expected To Plead Guilty And Avoid A Second Trial

Donald Trump Jr. Instagram Post Mocks Woman Who Says She Was Sexually Assaulted By Brett Kavanaugh

Trump Tower Meeting Planners Moved Millions, Mueller Now Investigating

Two Men Told Senate Staffers They Had “The Encounter” With Christine Blasey Ford, Not Brett Kavanaugh

Here’s Exactly What Happened As Jeff Flake Chose To Delay The Kavanaugh Vote


A Journalist Has Been Deported From Nicaragua After Being Doxxed By An Online Mob

This Ohio Woman’s Run-In With The FBI Gives Us A Window Into Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia Probe

Millennial Men and Women Are Divided On Race And Gender Issues, New Poll Finds

Merrick Garland Has Recused Himself From The Ethics Complaints Against Brett Kavanaugh

Taylor Swift’s Instagram Post Has Caused A Massive Spike In Voter Registration

A Man Charged In Connection With Mueller’s Russian Troll Farm Case Was Sentenced To Six Months In Prison

John Kelly Called Elizabeth Warren An “Impolite Arrogant Woman” In An Email

A Far-Right Men’s Group Violently Beat Up Protesters And Weren’t Arrested. New York Police Won’t Say Why.

American Mercenaries Were Hired To Assassinate Politicians In The Middle East

Kamala Harris Has Cult Status In Iowa After The Kavanaugh Hearings

The Conspiratorial Hate We See Online Is Increasingly Appearing In Real Life

Oprah Is Going To Georgia To Campaign With Stacey Abrams


The Little Girl Obsessed With Michelle Obama’s Portrait Dressed As Her For Halloween

Welcome To The Dystopia: People Are Arguing About Whether This Trump Press Conference Video Is Doctored Or Not

The Justice Department Says That Trump’s Acting Attorney General Appointment Is Legal

Here Are The Most Outrageous Incentives Cities Offered Amazon In Their HQ2 Bids

Sherrod Brown Wants Democrats To Have A Pro-Worker Message in 2020. He’s Not Sure Anyone Can Deliver It Better Than He Can.

The Trump Administration Just Asked The Supreme Court To Let It Enforce Its Transgender Military Ban

The Mother In This Iconic Photo Of Sunday’s Border Tear gassing Was Thinking Only Of Getting Her Children To Safety

The Trump Organization Planned to Give Vladimir Putin The $50 Million Penthouse In Trump Tower Moscow


Mike Pence Tweeted, Then Deleted, A Picture With A Florida Deputy Wearing A QAnon Conspiracy Patch

A High School Newspaper Was Suspended For Publishing An Investigation Into Football Players’ Transfers

Tumblr’s Porn Ban Is The Middle Of The End Of The Old Internet

Inside The North Carolina Republican Vote Machine: Cash, Pills — And Ballots

This Is How The Accusations Against Neil deGrasse Tyson Finally Came To Light

The Justice Department Still Hasn’t Told The Government Accountability Office That Jeff Sessions Quit

Beto O’Rourke Spoke With Al Sharpton As He Considers A Presidential Campaign

One Of The Democratic Stars of 2018 Sharply Rebuked Her Party In A Private Meeting

Trump’s New Judges Are Everything Conservatives Hoped For and Liberals Feared

These Are 50 Of The Biggest Fake News Hits On Facebook In 2018

News Source: BuzzFeed News

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